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The Brownsville Herald from Brownsville, Texas • Page 3

Brownsville, Texas
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THE BROWNSVILLE HERALD, BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1. 19U PAGE THREB Society Clubs Fa'shions Women's Activities Methodists Hold Regular Gathering Regular monthly business session of the Women's Society for Christian Service was held Monday at the First Methodist church. Mrs, N. P.

Barclay gave the devotional, and good reports were heard from all five circles. Mrs. C. W. Colgln, superintendent of supplies, reported ten dollars in groceries had been sent to the Pharr Institute for Christmas.

Mrs. C. 1. Hunter, chairman or Christian social relations reported cooperation with the home demonstration club In making twenty-seven mattresses for the needy. Mrs.

Hunter asked for cooperation with the WCTU in ma kins the YMCA rooms more attractive, Mrs. George F. Walker, chairman for church activities, reported that a Bundles for Britain unit is being organized with members of various churches forming the membership. Mrs. G.

R. Hamilton was elected recording secretary or the Brownsville Federation of Church societies. Royalty Of Citrus Fiesta Here There with Brownsville Residents Mrs Hobbs Arrives For Valley Stay' LOS FRESNOS Mrs. W. A.

Hobbs of East Liverpool, Ohio, arrived last week for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs, E. C. Williams and family. Frank Williams who is a student of Marquette Medical University of Milwaukee, left Monday after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

F. C. Williams and family, Paulie Pederson left Tuesday afternoon for Abilene to resume his work in Abilene Christian College, after spending the holidays home folks. Govie Waller returns to Kings- vine Wednesday. He is a student at A.

and I. College. J. T. Casey, son of Mr.

and Mrs. G. C. Casey, arrived this week for a short visit with his parents. He is a student of the school of aviation in Pensacola, Fla, Mrs, M.

B. Kingsbury, and Mrs. D. J. Branon.

of Burlington. Vermont, who have been spending the Christmas holidays with their granddaughter and daughter, Mrs. F. Farrcll, and Mr. Farrcll in Dayton.

Ohio, will arrive Wednesday to spend the winter at the home of Mrs. Kmgsburys brother sister, Walter Roussct and Mrs. A. R. Valdcz.

Music and Games Highlight Party For Blue Triangles MISSION--Music and games were highlights of the holiday party which members of the Blue Triangle girls organization held at the home of Jean Beth Foster. Miss Ruby Nel Walclen. sponsor, and Dorothy Ann Daniel, president, directed the games. Holidav decorations added interest to the hospitality. When refreshments were served the 45 guests, the young hostess was assisted by her mother, Mrs.

W. H. Foster, Mrs. A Noe, Mrs. Weaks Martin, and Mrs.

W. G. Trlplett. The latter two are eo- uponsors with Miss Walden. Mrs.

G. W. Johnson Honors Visiting Pair At Luncheon Mrs. G. W.

Johnson entertained informally at luncheon Monday at Landrum's. honoring Mrs. A. L. Rogers of Wa.xahachle and Mrs.

Mary B. Hickman of San Antonio. Mrs. Rogers Is the guest of her a Mrs. KcHls G.

Buckley, and Mrs. Hickman has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Stone. Seated for luncheon were Mrs. Rogers, Mrs.

Hickman, and Mesdames Buckley, Stone. Frank Comey and Royal D. Sundell. Stephen Williams Returns to School After Holidays LOS FRESNOS Stephen Williams will return to A. and M.

Col- leget College Station, Wednesday, utter spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Williams, Mr Mrs.

A. W. Schaffer have entertained as their guests during the Christmas holidays. Mr. and 'Mrs.

Fred Schaffer and children, Phlllis Howard and Donald of Denver. Colorado, and Misses Alma and Florence Schaffer of Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. King Hosts At Supper To Small Group WESLACO Mr.

and Mrs. O. B. K'ng had as supper guests Sunday night Mr. and Mrs.

Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Rodcney Magec of Cortez. Colorado. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Edwards. Mr. W. S.

Edwards, Leroy Edwards of Rio Grande City, Miss Marjory Matteson of Donna, Miss Yuval King of Oakville, Tex. Red roses and marigolds formed the decorations for the hospitality. BREAKFAST GUESTS WESLACO--Dr. C. H.

and Mrs. Truthitt and daughter Mary Ann cf San Antonio were breakfast guests of Mr. Mrs. O. B.

Kins, Miss Jean Wiencrt of Donna will open her relpn over the Eighth Annual Texas Citrus Fiesta when she is crowned Queen Citriana HI n.s the coronation pageant is presented Thursday night, Jan. IB, in the hucc Tcx-Sun juice planl at Mission. Tile coronation pascant, which is the first event on the official program for the three-day celebration, will be followed by the Queen's ball. Miss Weincrt will share her court including duchesses from 20 Valley cities, in a number of social event's planned by Mission hostesses just preceding and during the celebration. Miss Jean Stone, Brownsville Colleen Buesher Shary- Col1waT Mi5Slln Mrs.

Albert Terrazas, Hofmokel Hosts For Party Before Dance Hosts at one of the enjoyable parties of New Year's Eve were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Terrazas, and Mr. and Mrs, F. W.

Hofmokel when they entertained Tuesday evening with a cocktail party between the hours of 8 and 10 o'clock. The event was held at the Terrazas home which was pretty with arrangements of roses and white gladioli. Centering the refreshment table in the dining room were the gladioli. Mrs. Terrazas was pretty in a jacket frock, made with a pale pink chiffon skirt, and an evening sweater in white angora.

Mrs. Hofmokel wore a becoming gown of white tulle with silver tracery. Assisting in host duties were Mr. and Ms. J.

Gilbert Philen, Mr. ar.A Mrs, Walter M. Galloway, Mr. and Mrs. James W.

English, Dr. and Mrs. Thurman A. Kinder, Mr. and Mrs.

McKinley Davies. Mr and Mrs. M. P. McNair, Mr.

and Mrs. W. Travis Jennings, and Mr. and Mrs. James A.

Maxwell. Jr. About eighty guests were entertained. GUEST FROM HOUSTON SAN BENITO Mr. and Mrs.

E. E. Ogdon and family had as their guest last week their son, George F. Griffin, former San Benitan who now resides in Houston. HOME FROM HOUSTON SAN BENITO--Louis H.

Thacker, has returned from a visit at Houston with his sister, Miss Lorraine Thacker, who is in nurses' training at Memorial Hospital there. Group Goes Back Home After Visit MISSION--Mr, and Mrs. Fox and son, George David, Tuesday morning to return to' their home in Wichita Falls after a visit of several days with Mr. and Mrs. E.

L. Beals. Mrs. Beals and Mrs. Fy; are sisters.

Their mother, Mrs. Mac McDowell of Manitou, who accompanied the Fox family to the Valley, will remain to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Beals. Mr.

and Mrs. E. C. Dooley of San Antonio arrived Monday night to spend the New Years holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. M. Dooley, and other members of the family. Mrs. Wynoma- Mulholland and children.

Betty and Johnny, left at the week-end to return to Okla- homa City after a ten-day visit with Mrs. Mulholland's mother, Mrs, John Brannon, and Mr. Erannon. Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Boger and son. Eugene Dashiel, left Sunday to return to their home in after a week's visit with Mrs. Better's parents, Mr. and Mrs. GUI Hunter.

I emon Juice Recipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If vou miller from rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this simple Inexpensive home recipe that thousands are usinc. Get package of Ru- Ex Compound, two-week mpplTi todsy. Mix It, wish quart of water, ndd the mice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at nil pleasant.

You need only 2 tablespoonslu! two a day. Often within times ovcrnlRht--splendid rosulu obtained. If the pains do not quickly leave and If you do not feel renirn the empty packnge mid Ru-Ex will cost you ncthliiK to try as it sold ay druggist under tin nb- Isolutt cuarninee. Compound Is tor sale and recommended by Snmano's Drue and New Year's Eve Celebrations Highlighted By Two Major Dances As 1941 Welcomed We Specialize in APPROPRIATE CENTERPIECES For All Occasions MclNNIS FLOWER SHOP 1235 Elizabeth Phone 901 BROWNSVILLE DR. OLMSTED Optometrist Room 415--First Nat'l Bank Bldg.

BROWNSVILLE H. and M. SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Day and Nieht Classes Located above Western Union Mrs. Essie Marchman Mrs. Helen Rentfro Phono 1147 Year's Eve proved a gay tlme for mo Brownsville residents with two major dances, many parties before dances and smaller gatherings.

The Junor Service League sponsored a breakfast dance at El Jardln 1'Otel attended by about 150 couples, am! the officers and ladies of Fort Brown were hosts at the officers Uub on the post at a masquerade dance. Roy P. Conways, Daughter Depart On Dallas Trip MISSION--Mr. and Mrs. Roy P.

Conway and daughter, Miss Mary Alice, left Monday for a trip to Dallas. They will return Friday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Wood and family this week are Mr.

and Mrs. A. J. Truesdell of Ft. Worth.

They are former rejklents of Mission. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Walker of Floydada and Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Cave of Roby left Tuesday to return home after a 10-day visit with the A. S. Broylcs family and other relatives.

Society Calendar THURSDAY Magruder-Ford chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy at 9:30 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Fanny Putegnat, High school and junior high school PTA at 3:30 p.m. at the school. Olmito Modern Priscilla club with Mrs.

Hazel i Baron Dakln and his orchestral played for the Junior Service League dance. Red candles, set in nests of fern, decorated the tables, which held favors and nolsemakevs too. At midnight balloons, suspen- ded from the ceiling, were relased. Greeting guests at the door alternately during the evening were members of the committee in charge, Mrs. J.

Gilbert Philen, chairman, Mrs. James L. Rentfro, Mrs. E. M.

Brcmer, Mrs. W. Travis Jennings, and Mrs. Henry C. Kristofferson.

Among those making reservations for large parties were the Gilbert Phllens, the- C. Kristoffersons, the D. W. Pippingers, the Jac's Myers, the Dean porters, the Albert Terrazas, and the W. T.

Jennings. The costumes, some clever and some very beautiful, made the traditional New Year's Eve hop at the Officers club a colorful affair. Prizes were awarded to Lieutenant Starcke for the men, and to Mrs. R. C.

Adkisson for the ladies for the-'best costumes. Leading the grand march were Miss Ann Wilbourn and Lieutenant Vockcl. A supper was served at midnight, and favors were noise-makers, serpentine and confetti. The committee in charge was composed of Lieutenant and Mrs. Protnero and Captain and Mrs.

Charles J. Hoy. VISIT MALLORYS SAN BENITO--Mr. and Mrs. P.

Mallory have as their guests M. Mallory of Corpus Christi and Mr. and Mrs. O. T.

Mallory and family of Houston, all former San Benltans. o-6-o-oo-o-ooo 10 Cents Why This Newspaper Offers Yon an Almanac The explanation aimple--to help you get something that will be handy and useful to you every day in the year. The publisher of this newspaper pays Frederic J. Haskin a salary to answer any question of fact a reader wants to ask: There it no charge for this service except return postage. The idea of issuing a good almanac for a dime, for cost and handling, is a practical broadening I A Any three (3) of these ten- cent booklets for 25 cents; any six (6), SO cents; any thirteen (13), $1.00, postpaid.

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