Clarion-Ledger from Jackson, Mississippi • Page 2
- Publication:
- Clarion-Ledgeri
- Location:
- Jackson, Mississippi
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 2
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
I -PAGE TWO DAILY OLARION-LEDGEB, JACKSON, MISS. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 10, 1936 JACKSON GIRLS WIN NEW LAURELS highlight of Saturday's municipal court docket which included several BOOTLEGGER GIVEN EVANGELIST TO Y.M.CA CLOSES BOYS' SWIM TEST INCLUDE PASTURE IN SOIL PROGRAM 'drunks, prowlers and minor traf-; fic violations. VISIT JACKSON $100 AND 15 DAYS CHOCTAW LETTERS AWARDED PLAYERS List of Wearers Announced at Student 1 Mrs. J. W.
Jackson, who makes her home here, visited during the past week with her son, D. R. Israel of Tinman. She also spent fome time with her sister. Mrs.
B. F. Trim, who lives near Rodney. Summer Feature Planned 1 I Vffr hh Special Activities Z- A VVi Rate of $2 Per Acre Paid Farmers Who Cooperate in Seeding Lands r. 1 I a Open to Jackson Boys Body Gathering Arraigned on a charge of violating the prohibition laws foUowing capture by city police of four gallons of "moonshine" whiskey in an automobile j-esierday, John Buckhalter entered a plea of guilty in city court and was fined $100 and 15 days in Jail.
Buckhalter, local negro, was arrested by police when they stopped a liquor -laden car and held W. C. Nichols, local negro preacher, for speeding. The prohibition case was the A. J.
von Bloombergh Resumes the Practice of Law at E. Capitol St. Jackson, Miss. if if I' 4 k'lA' rumnnnrn 'J ljc TONIGHT MIDNIGHT SHOW THEATRE STATE MONDAY. TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Teamed Together for the First Time BETTE DAVIS FRANCHOT TONE "DANGEROUS" A dynamic drama taken from the life of a beautiful and brilliant Broadway This week brought to a close the "learn to swim" campaign at the Y.
M. C. A. where 85 boys participated. Of these 75 were taught to swim, and were able to pass the beginners test which was, "jumping into the water over their heads and swimming 50 feet without stopping" As a summer feature the Y.
M. C. A. is planning special activities open to boys between the ages of nine and, fourteen as well as for boys fourteen and above. These boys will have opportunity to come to the every morning and will be under the supervision of trained men in the field of boy's work.
The will offer this year gym classes, hikes, swimming, life-saving, horseshoe, tennis, baseball, softball, and many other activities. While the boy enjoys the summer at the he learns self-reliance, and self control and how to get along with other fine boys as well as to learn to swim better. "The purpose of such a program for the Y.M.CA. is to offer your son the opportunity to learn the Thurs. Fri.
-SHIPMATES FOREVER" "Dangerous" won for Miss Davis the Motion Pictaer Academy Award. The planting of permanent pastures, a primary need of Mississippi agriculture, is included in the list of farm practices for which fanners will receive payments under the new national soil conservation program, advises E. H. White, assistant state manager, AAA. The rat payment is $2.00 per acre if the pasture is established on cropland between January 1, .1936 f.nd October 31, 1936.
Pastures may be planted to perennial grasses or grass and legume mixtures. The state extension service recommends a mixture of grasses and legumes as legumes increase the amount and improves the quality of grazing. Legumes ere rich in both minerals and proteins. In addition they add nitrogen to the The total soil building payment for a farm may not exceed the soil building allowance. This allowance may be calculated by multiplying the number of acres used exclusively for soil conserving crops in 1936, plus the number of acres planted to legumes following truck crops, by $1.00." For example, a farm with 30 acres in soil conserving crops in 1936 may qualify for a aiaximum of $30 of oil building payments.
For a farm with 30 acres of conserving crops and 10 acres in legumes following truck crops, the maximum soil building payment would be $40. County agents are urging farmers to establish a sufficient acreage in permanent pastures as they provide the cheapest food that can be grown and at the same time are most effective in controlling erosion and improving soil fertility. CLINTON, May 9 an announcement made at a student body meeting at Mississippi cci'ege the Athletic council revealed the names of those who are to receive the varsity awards for participation in the sports since football season. For the season of 1935-36 of basketball nine men will receive the varsity for participation in this sport. Those who are to receive the are: (players) Joe Lane, Noble Day Anderson, Alfred Odom, Fred Green, Herman Newsom, James Hitt.
Eldon McPhearson, and Troy Mohon, and Horace Ept-ing, manager. Walter Anderson was chosen manager of the varsity for next year and P. T. Nichols was selected assistant manager. Four men are to receive the varsity for their work in track this season.
These are: Joe Ed Taylor, Troy Mohon, James Hitt, and Raymond Green, manager. Raymond Greene was selected to act as manager again next year and will have Ted McCullough as his assistant. The council also announced that thirteen men will receive the award for participation in baseball this season. They are Hubert Sheffield, Joe Lane, Truman Marler, Dick Edmondson, R. P.
(Tip) Bailey, Bill Kyzar. Jodie Lyle, Fred Green, Terry Hollowell, James Hitt.JVI. A. Dunaway, 'and James McCollum, and Earl Fortenberry, manager. Victor Louis Montgomery was chosen for manager for 1937 with Lamar Waggoner as his assistant.
In tennis three men met with the qualifications and will be awarded their on the night of the clob meeting. These are Sam Lawrence, Howard Morris and Hamilton Rogers. The regular club meeting will be held within the next few daj-s and these men will be formally initiated into the club and given their awards at this time. 3E MR. VAN DYKE Joe Cooke Van Dyke, evangelist of Memphis, arrived in Jackson yesterday to begin a series of gospel meetings at the West Capitol Street Church of Christ.
The meeting will begin this morning and continue for two weeks, with services daily at 7:45 p. m. and Sundays at 11 a. m. and 7:45 p.
m. Congregational singing will be directed by B. Baggett. Van Dyke is one of the most suc-cessfcl young preachers of the Church of Christ. After making a brilliant record in David Lipscomb college at Nashville, he began work with the Normal Church of Christ in Memphis, where he is still located.
During the few years he has been there, the church has enjoyed a phenomenal growth, and interest demands the erection of a new building, which is now being built. Van Dyke also has taken time off CLE AM RUGS Last Longer Look Better Mare Sanitary. Our process restores colors, nap. ABC HUG CLEAHEES Free Storage Phone 6032 Talented daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Duke H. Thornton of Jackson, Mary Nell, left and Lorene, right, won new laurels as pianists Saturday when in contests held in New Orleans, Lorene received the special award in the national contests and Mary Nell in the district competition conducted by the National Federation of Music clubs. These distinctions top a growing list of honors which have been bestowed upon these accomplished young musicians. Both are students of the Davis school here and piano pupils of Mrs. Fred Cook of If You Like GOOD BEER and Strong Ale Insist On EAGLE At All Places Where Drinks Are Sold DELTA CHINAMAN ARRAIGNED HERE GENERAL FOODS SALESMEN MEET SALADIN TEMPLE PLANS FOR MEET COOPER'S WELL HOTEL NOW OPEN SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER EVERY SUNDAY DRINK COOPER'S WELLS WATER The Wonderful Malaria Preventative LOANS ON JACKSON REAL ESTATE 5 to 5w Both Residence and Commercial Troperty Take advantage of these low interest rates and refinance your, present loan, buy or build.
15 or 20 years to pay. Quick Service; No Appraisal Fee H. C. BAILEY Clarksdale Merchants Accused of Violating Chinese1 Exclusion Act Saladin Temple No. 142, Dramatic Distribution of Sure-Jell Discussed at Conference Here Saturday Order Knights of Khorassan, ac cording to Secretary J.
M. Price held a rousing meeting when fina! RAILROAD IV BIRD SANTA ROSA, Calif, May 9. (JP) Residents hereabouts say they have noticed a white pigeon racing a fast freight train into town every afternoon for two weeks, flying beside the engine's cab. plans were completed for the Dokey ceremonial to be staged all day REALTOR 806 New Merchants Bank Bldg. at intervals to lead in evangelistic meetings in Tennessee, Alabama, Texas, and Mississippi.
For his opening message at 11 o'clock this morning, the speaker will take as his subject, "Mountains," and at 7:45 he will discuss, "An Evangelistic Meeting." The meeting-house of the Church of Christ, which is located at the corner of West Capitol and Wacas-ter, has been recently repaired and repainted, and the congregation plans to make this one of the best meetings in its entire history. Visitors always receive a warm welcome, and the public is cordially invited to attend all services. FACULTY IS CHOSEN TYLERTOWN, May 9 At a recent meeting of the trustees of the Dexter school, the following teachers were elected for the coming session: Mr. Langham, superintendent; Mr. Gordon, mathematics; Ed JJuncan, coach; Mrs.
Seth Reagan seventh and eighth grades; Mrs. Ed Duncan, fifth and sixth grades; Euia Bracey, third and fourth grades; Mrs. Langham, first and second grades, and Sadie Davis, primary. The English teacher was not selected at this meeting. Phone 2500-1 Thursday May 14.
Ciak School "BUSINESS TRAINING PAYS" Standard life Bnildln DAY SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL and HOME STUDY COURSES Phone 6764 J. P. Clark. Prin. It is stated here by officers and members that this third ceremonia of the temple, since its transfer from Columbus, will be bigger and better than the two previous cere monials held in March and Augus 1935, having a wider scope among 1 i ft rl the increased membership.
It is ex pected that approximately thirty Tyros will be initiated on the 14th The program as outlined is as follows: The Edwards hotel will be headquarters for registration YOUR CAR FOR SUMMER A Special No-Net-Profit Sale of Votaries, local and visiting, ladie attending and the Tyros for initia tion. The entire mezzanine floor Battery Tested Charged with unlawful entry Into the United States, Sun Yen Lunn, Clarksdale is being held In the Hinds county jail for federal officers pending a preliminary hearing here Friday before the United States commissioner. Arraigned yesterday Lunn entered a plea of not guilty and asked for a hearing. He is specifically accused of violating United States Section 282, Title 8, the Chinese seclusion act. Lunn is the second Mississippi Chinese merchant arraigned here during the past two weeks on government charges of unlawfully entering and remaining in the United States.
The other wras a well known Greenville merchant who made bond pending his trial in federal court. Accompanying the Clarksdale alleged unlawful citizen to Jackson yesterday was his Ameircan wife, a pretty and attractive brunette, who is assisting counsel in defending her husband against possible deportation. has been set aside for the ceremon ies of the day and night. At 4 the parade will start from the hirley. Temple" Old Capitol, marching west on Cap itol to the Edwards hotel.
At 5:30 value of fair play and tolerance," officials stated. "Phone the today for full particulars of the summer program. A nominal fee of $2.50 will be charged for the entire summer program." lunch will be served in the dining room oh the mezzanine floor. At South State St. at Pearl 6:30 the ritualistic work of the Or Regular $1.95 Values Salesmen from ever the entire state gathered at the Edwards yesterday morning to take part in the General Foods sales meeting which convened in a one-day session.
Plans for distribution of the new "Sure-Jell," a powder fruit pectin for jams and jellies, which is sweeping the country by storm, was discussed. This new preparation, which simplifies the housewife's- task of canning preserves and jellies, was introduced only two weeks ago but is already receiving the full endorsement of housewives in Jackson and throughout the entire state. Grocerymen state that it is the greatest bargain, in 'this line, which they have yet had to offer and feel confident its use by the housewife will save them a great deal of labor and Insure perfect results. C. A.
Stewart, Mississippi sales manager, was in charge of the day's program. Those attending were: M. Jones, Roy Waldrop, P. E. Turcotte and Jack Webb.
In speaking to his salesmen Stewart said, "We are unusually pleased with the reception grocers and in Jackson as well as throughout the state, have given to Sure-Jell. At least two thirds more jam can be made from the same amount of juice with Sure-Jell's short boil This is why the housewife gets so many more glasses of Jelly and jam which contains all the delicious flavor of the fresh fruit itself. LOCAL FIRM GETS AGENCY FOR BEER der will be celebrated in the convention hall. At 8 o'clock" votaries and Tyros will gather for the ui.iwn'Jl"yiM.'f Eighth order work and at 10 p. members and invited guests will SUPPER attend the dance.
Of special interest to the mem LUNCH Roast Beef, Creamed Potatoes bership is the announcement tha Baked Ham, Raisin Sauce 12c the crack Meridian Drum and Bugle corps of El Hama temple No. 257 SPECIALS ADD will arrive here about noon on the day of the ceremonial ready to take GRILLED SIRLOIN STEAK FRENCH FRIED POTATOES part in the parade and the ritualis HITTING POWER tic work. Officers state that mem X7 bers will be from Hattiesburg. Greenwood, Vicksburg, Greenville McComb, Columbus, Laurel and One Half Milk-Fed Fried Spring Chicken Gulfport. H.
C. Ayers, captain of the drill team, states it is impera tive that regular members of the team and all others who wish to Local Semi-Pro Club nounces Lineup for Sunday Tilt in League Park Steamed Rice No-Net-Profit Clearance Price! serve meet with him at the Pythian Castle Monday night at 7:30 for final drill practice. The Divan of the temple will also be present for rehearsal under the leadership Royal Vizier H. A. Richards.
with additional strength in batting power Dyer Specials lo- 3 i STRONG PIRATES Here's a real Value sensation for Monday. A large group of beautiful little "Shirley Temple" dresses to go in a special clearance at only $1.49 each. They sell regularly everywhere at $1.95. VIE WITH TIGERS cai semi-pro ciud, reuirns 10 League Park Sunday afternoon for a game at 3:15 with the Madison Independents. Manager Cecil Dyer announced his starting lineup last night to include Outfielder Moreland, last year with the N.
W. team. City league champions, and one of the outstanding hitters in the circuit. The hurling choice of the local club will be between Luther Cope-land, Robert Hill and Abe Assaf. Hill hurled a tight game last Sunday at Canton and lost by TV GREENWOOD, May 9.
Roused in a hot contest Saturday afternoon in Broad street park, the Greenwood Srna)l95 Here's a Complete Workshop for Only Pirates and the mighty. Tigers of Claybrook, will furnish a fast urn negro match here this afternoon. Appointment of V. E. Burkhead and Park Phillips, of the B.
P. Brokerage and Produce company of this city, as distributors in the Jackson territory for Eagle beer and Double Eagle ale is announced Both Mr. Burkhead, and' Mr. Phillips are widely known in Jackson and this section where they have been engaged in business for a number of years. Burkhead is proprietor of Burks Ice company and together with Mr.
Phillips also operates the B. P. Brokerage and Produce company. Mr. Phillips in announcing their appointment as distributors for Eagle said that this product was selected by them after careful consideration of other beer and ale on the market, for it's quality and fine flavor and that brewing from 'Saarer Bohemian hops gives it a true beer flavor." "No-Net-Profit" Special-CHILDREN'S SLIP-OVER Yesterday's duel saw both diamond squads cut loose with sizzling hot baseball for nine innings, and a 5 to 4 score alter noiaing tne strong Canton club to scattered hits.
they are expected to step up play tnis afternoon in an effort to cop Prom all indications Manager Dyer will shoot Abe Assaf at the the important game. Victory this afternoon will lift Madison Independents as it was the Pirates to a strong contending Assaf who three weeks ago the Madison, club to no hits" and position in their circuit, since they mm eked out a 5-4 win over Claritsdaie no runs. last Sunday. Pirate batting strength The Dyer lineup as announced Saturday will have Bunyard be is considerably up following the addition of five new players to the hind the bat, Foster on first, Emory on second, Dyer on short, squad. Values Up To $1.95 v-v tj- Giddens on third and Hitt, More-land.
Boteler and Britt in the Quality Ice Cream 25c Qt. Cash and Carry (o)(o) outfield. AIR MAIL SCHEDULE special group of children's all-wool slip-over sweaters: in beautiful pastel shades special at for Monday, at only LET US DEVELOP YOUR FILMS Electric Studio Upstairs Opposite Istrione Phone 2586 For Appointment Phone 2626 West Capitol at Moss Avenue Mail Received Northbound Westbound ajn. pjn. 11:30 4:25 1:00 p.m.
"2:15 ajn. 5:35 pjn. 11:00 pan. Eastbound Any Make Southbound Mail Dispatched Northbound Wanted to Buy GOOD DRY BONES And Other Waste Materials HIDE FUR CO. East Pearl Street at G.
M. N. Railroad Phone 3411 Jackson, Miss. Westbound "10:00 a 5:50 pjn. 10:00 a.m.
3:25 a.m. 12:20 pjtn. 1:30 ajn. 2:45 pjn. 10:20 pjn.
Eastbound Weekly Payments FoFdVEadios $10.95 to $49.95 HUE 3. Famish Phone 422 Ford Electric Radio Co. SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS CALL AND SEE US cOleland, Addkison Bauer Southbound NOTE: All hours given above are CORNER CAPITOL and LAMAR STS. timed for delivery" and receipt at the local postoffice. Mail received after hours listed will not be included in that dispatch, 0.
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