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Cumberland Sunday Times from Cumberland, Maryland • Page 11

Cumberland, Maryland
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a a a I SOCIETY Sunday Times By ANN DORSEY (11) Sunday, April 30, 1950 -Rubl Studios Miss Alma Dick Alma Dick's Marriage To Lester S. Hinkle To Be May 20 Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F. Dick, McMullen Highway, announce the coming marriage of their daughter, Alma, to Merle L.

Hinkle, son of Lester S. Hinkle, 615 Frederick Sweet, Cumberland. The double ring ceremony will bel solemnized at 3:30 Saturday 3002. May 20, at St. Ambrose Catholic Church.

Cresaptown, with the Rev. Father Cletus, O.FM., officiating. Miss Dick has selected Miss Mary Octiero, Hanover Street, city, as her honor and James Donahue. Ridgelez, will serve as Mr. Hinkle's bes: man.

Carl Hebner and Earl F. Dick, brother of the bride, will serve as ushers. Miss Nancy Lee Stallings, cousin of the pride, and Penny Ware will be flower girls. Linda Ware and Christopher Dick, nephew of the bride, will be ring bearers. A reception will be held at the Clary Club immediately following the ceremony, Miss Dick is a graduate of Ursuline Academy and at present is ployed at tviversal Credit Corporation, city, as a stenographer.

Mr. graduate of Flintstone High School and is employed by the Kelly Springfleld Tire Company. Marjorie Ann Reinhard Bride Of Robert S. Olcott, Jr. The marriage of Miss Marjorie Ann Reinhard, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Marcus 1 R. Reinhard, Washingtoo -Lee Apartments, to Robert S. Oicott, 500 of Dr. and Mrs.

Robert S. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. was solemnized at 11 o'clock yesterday morning in SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church.

Rev. Father Zinest, O. F. C. officiated.

The bride had her sister, Mrs. Ralph Barrick, this city, RS her matron of honor and John Arthur Mass was best man. Bouquets of white flowers were used in one decorations and standards of the same flowers marked the sisies. Prof. Peter Schumacher played a program, of nuptial selections pre- ceding the ceremony and accom-' ceding the ceremony and accom-' panied Thomas Cumiskey, who sang Mallard's "Ave Maria." Prof.

Schumacher also played the tradizonal wedding processional and recessional. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of Ivory satin and lace, fashioned with fitted bodice, net yoke, outlined with lace bertha, long pointed sleeves. and court train. Her fingertip veil of French illusion Was held with a band of illusion with clusters of orange blossoms on each side. She carried a bride's prayer book with white orchid marker and abower of white satin ribbons and stephanotis.

Mrs. Barrick was attired in a gown of pale yellow lace made with Listed bodice, short sleeves, deep neckline and full skirt. Her headdress was an arrangement of spring Cowers matching the bouquet she carried. For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Reinhard wore a gray chiffon gown, a black straw hat, black accessories 630 a corsage of orchids.

Mrs, Olcott, mother of the bridegroom, was attired in a teal blue costume with which she wore black accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses and gardenias. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Reinhard entertained at a wedding breakfast at the Ali Ghan Shrine Country Club for the bridal paw, immediate families and guests. The table was centered with an arrangement of white rers and white tapers in silver candelabra.

The wedding cake was topped with a miniature bride and bridegroom. The bride was graduated from Costline Academy and Hood College, Frederick. In her senior year at Ursuline she was May Queen, and at Hood. where she majored in chemistry. she was a member of the May Queen's Court her senior sear and an honor student throughout her college course.

She is employed by the Research Labora-1 tones of Armstong Cork Company, in Lancaster. Pa. The bridegroom, a graduate of Rochester University, Rochester, N. is a veteran of two years Naval service in World War II and is an ester in the Naval Reserve. He is employed in the Research Labora- Miss Shirley Mae Thorpe Shirley May Thorpe Engaged To Wed Jack H.

Weaver Mrs. Peggy Thorpe, 439 Grand extra saleswoman at the Gladys Avenue, announces the engagement Shop. Beulah Weimer's Engagement To Joseph Stakem Announced Mr. and Mrs. George C.

Weimer, Frostburg, announce the engagement of their daughter, Beulah, a to Joseph Stakem, son of Mrs. Thelma Evans, of Midland. Miss Weimer is a graduate of Beall High School, class of 1949. Mr. Stakem is a graduate of Beall High School, class of 1947, and has served in the F.

M. F. with the Marine Corps in the Pacific Theatre of Operations during World War II, Martin Perdew Nuptials Take Place At Melvin Church In a ceremony at Melvin Church last night, Miss Louella Perdew, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.

Perdew, 507 Central Avenue, became the bride of Robert C. Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Martin, Red House.

Rev. B. F. Hartman officiated at the candelight double ring ceremony performed at 7:30. Miss Catherine Zais, cousin of the bridegroom, was maid of honor and Charles Perrin served as best man.

Gary Lehman and William Hardinger were ushers. A program of nuptial selections was given by Miss Dorothy Streett preceding the ceremony, accompanted by Miss Helen Alderton, cousin of the bride, who also played the traditional wedding marches. The bride who was given in marringe by her father, wore gown of white slipper satin styled off-the-shoulder neckline with bertha, fitted bodice and long, pointed sleeves. The five gore bouffant skirt ended with a short train. Her fingertip veil to sweeping, 8 bonnet of nylon bridal illusion with small ruffles of the same material on the inside and trimmed with flowers and seed pearls.

She 8 white Bible with a white orchid marker and satin streamers, and wore a single strand pearls, a gift from her mother. Her maid of honor wore a pale blue taffeta. gown made on similar lines to the bride's gown. She wore pink mitts and a shoulder length! veil of imported illusion net, held with pink carnations, and carried a nosegay of assorted spring flowers. Mrs.

Warran King Marriage Of Nadine Sensabaugh To New York Artist Announced Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Nadine Sensabaugh to Warren King, New York City. The ceremony was performed March 11 at New Canaan, Conn. The bride, daughter of G. C. Sensabaugh, 708 Brookfield Avenue, and the late Mrs.

Edna P. Sensabaugh, Mr. Weaver was her daughter, Shirley Mae, to Fort Hill in 1945, and is 'Jack H. Weaver, son of Mr. and Mrs.

the Baltimore and' Ohio Jess Weaver, 721 Glenmore Street, Company. He served with Cumberland. World War II. Thorpe attended Fort Hill The wedding will be High School and is employed as the summer season. Northwestern Deanery, To Hold Conference Today St.

Anthony's Parish Council off St. Anthony's Church, Ridgeley, will be host to The Northwestern Deanery of The National Council of Catholic Women this afternoon at: 2 o'clock, The main business of the day will be the election of Deanery officers. The nominating committee will meet at 1:45. The Rev. Robert Kilgannon will give the address of welcome, the Rev.

John Lyness, St. Patrick's Church, will be guest speaker. Rev. Kenneth Rizer, pastor of the Church of the Assumption, Keyser, W. and Spiritual Moderator of the Deanery will preside.

Applications to the School of Social Action to be held in Washington at the Catholic University from June 11 to will be accepted. Delegates from Winchester and Front Royal, Martinsburg, Harpers Ferry, Keyser, and Paw Paw are expected to attend. Presidents of their parishes, will give reports on Social Action, Family Life and Parent Education and Vocations. A luncheon will be served followling the meeting by the hosts and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament will follow. Sister Aquinette S.

S. N. D. from St. Patricks', this city, will preside at the organ, Council Of Church Women Set May 12 For Luncheon The Cumberland Council Church Women will hold their annual May Fellowship Luncheon, Friday, May 12, one o'clock at the All Ghan Shrine Country Club.

Mrs. Alpharetta King Parker, soprano, will be the soloist. She will be accompanied by Mrs. Samuel T. Weatherholt.

The speaker for the day will be Mrs. Harold' S. Metcafe, Mrs. Metcalfe, a native of Albany, New York, graduated from the New York State College for Teachers and for ten years she was the National Bureau Secretary under the former Woman's Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Church. When the Woman's Society of Christian Service was organized in the Pittsburgh Conference, Mrs.

Metcalfei became the first president. She was president of the North Eastern Jurisdiction, Woman's Society of Christian Service from 1945 to 1949, and led the Pittsburgh Conference delegation to the 1948 General Cenference. At the last annual meeting of the Board of Missions she was elected a Trustee of Paine College, Augusta, Georgian ligan, Homemaking chairman. At the present time, Mrs. Metcalte Miss Mary Lou Gaumer Miss.

Gaumer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey M. Gaumer, of near Hyndman, is to become the bride of Robert L. Horner, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Albert C. Horner, of Hyndman, this afternoon. Rev. L.

J. Moore will officiate at the ceremony, which will be followed by a reception at the home of the bride's parents. graduated from employed by Railroad the Navy an event of NCCW is the president of the Pittsburgh Council of Church Women. Committees for the Luncheon are as follows: Reservations, Mrs. E.

F.I Phillips; Transportation, Mrs. J. S. Cook; Program Committee; Mrs. M.

H. Burgess, chairman, Mrs. Harold Bell, Mrs. H. C.

Morin, Mrs. Harold Bishop, Mrs. W. P. Long; Decorations, Mrs.

A. M. Hutcheson, chairman, Mrs. Albert Paye, Mrs. Arthur Apsey, Mrs.

S. Hodge Smith, Mrs. L. E. Randall, and Mrs.

H. L. Nesbitt. Mrs. Ralph C.

Isiminger will preside, and introduce the speaker. The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Cumberland Council will be held at Central Methodist Church, George Street, Thursday, at 10:30 a. m. All church women are welcome to attend. -Ruhl Studios Mrs.

Robert T. Hamilton Mrs. Hamilton, whose marriage took place April 7, in the Evangelical United Brethren Chruch, is the former Miss Mina Jean Bucy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl B.

Bucy, 136 Arch Street. Mr. Hamilton is the son of Mrs. Clinton Bowman, Bedford, and the late Wesley Hamilton. He is attending West Virginia University, Morgantown.

Ellen Nora Coyle Honored At Pre-Nuptial Shower Mrs. mother of the bride, was attired in a Navy blue gabardine suit with Navy and white accessories and wore a corsage of orchids. Mrs. Martin, mother of the bridegroom, wore Navy blue also with red accessories and a corsage of red rosebuds. The bride is a gradaute of Fort Hill High School where she was class secretary her senior year.

She is employed in the office of the L. Bernsteln Furniture Company, Inc. Mr. Martin is a graduate of Thomas, W. High School and is employed by the Schmidt Baking Company.

Mr. and Mrs. Perdew will entertain with a reception at their home, following the ceremony. A three tiered wedding cake adorned with a miniature bride and bridegroom will center the table. Mrs.

Robert McClellan will serve the cake and Mrs. Donald Walters 1s to preside at the punch bowl. Assisting them will be Mrs. Walter Perdew, Mrs. Prentis Parsons, Miss Louise Perdew and Miss Helen Alderton.

The couple will reside at 522 Maryland Avenue after a trip to Niagara Falls and eastern cities. For traveling the bride will wear navy blue suit with red accessories and her orchid corsage. Women Of Moose To Attend A of Cumberland Chapter 914, Women of The Moose met Thursday night and made plans for attending the Academy of Friendship to Be held in Baltimore May 7. Mrs. Marie Dorsey, senior regent presided.

Mrs. June Johnson reported on Moosehaven Home for Children, the project of which she is chairman. Five candidates were initiated. Refreshments were served under the direction of Mrs. Marjorie Mul- Miss Ellen Nora Coyle was honored by Miss Gloria Straub.

and her sister, Miss Joann Coyle, a recent night, with a pre-nuptial cellaneous shower at the Star Dance Studio. Miss Coyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James 700 Louisiana Avenue, 13 the flancee of Robert Joseph Kesecker, son of Mr. and Mrs.

A. E. Kesecker, 712 Louisiana A pink, blue and white decorative theme was carried out in tion with the bridal motif. A wedding cake was used the table centerpiece topped with a miniature bridal couple, flanked with pink tapers in silver candelabra. Guests were Mrs.

James T. Coyle, Mrs. 'A. E. Kesecker, Mrs.

J. Straub, Mrs. Guy Ziler, Miss Patricia Gobeli, Mrs. Dorothy Squires, Mrs. Thomas Minke, Miss Patricia Carney, Miss Patricia O'Donnell, Miss Helene Smith, Miss Anne Buzzerd, Miss Anna K.

Davis, Miss Regina Britt. Mrs. Betty Jane Young. Miss Eleanor Whetzel, Miss Joann June, Miss Joann Stangel, Miss Charlene Payne, Mrs. Joseph Ansel, Mrs.

Ray Carder, Mrs. Eugene Dickens, Mrs. James Sills, Mrs. John E. Bowles, Mrs.

Carl Huff, Mrs. Robert Krampf, Mrs. Thomas Kenny, Mrs. Edward Burkett and Mrs. James Crissey, tories of Armstrong Corks, at Lancaster, Mr.

and Mrs. Olcott left for a motor tour of the South. For ing the bride wore a beige suit with luggage short coat, luggage accessorles, 8 toast straw hat trimmed with yellow daisies, and her orchid corsage. Upon their return 'from their wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs.

Olcott will be at home at 910 Louise Avenue, Lancaster, Among the out-of-town guests here for the wedding were Mr. Mrs. George A. Reinhard, and. and Mrs.

Ralph Clark, Lancaster; Dr, and Mrs. Robert S. Olcott, Mr. and Mrs. John Moss, Saratoga Springs, N.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mount, Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. William Kemper, Reading, and Miss Jean Spiro, Coatesville, Pa, Moonlight Sonata Theme To Feature Allegany High Prom "Moonlight Sonata" has been selected as the theme of the annual Junior -Senior Prom of Allegany High School, which will be held in the school gymnasium, May 13.

Toptuners' Orchestra will play. Jane Douty and Frank Phares, decoration chairmen, and their committees have announced that the setting will consist of blue and silver notes, stars and moons around glittering figures, simulating couples -Addison Photo Mrs. Rene Frank Jans Frances McKenzie Wed To Rene Frank Jans, USAEC Mr. and Mrs. R.

M. McKenzle, Flintstone, announce the marriage of their daughter Frances Lucille, to Rene Frank Jans, of Great Falls, Montana, now stationed with the U. S. Army Engineering Corps. The wedding took place April at 3:30 p.

m. at the First Methodist Church, this city, with Rev. William James Elliott, pastor, officlating. The bride, given in marriage' by her father, was attired in a Navy blue tailored suit with which she wore pink accessories and a corsage of pink roses. Mrs.

Dale Shahan, who was matron of honor, wore a Navy blue dancing through streamers of crepe paper, The orchestra will be closed in large staff of music of the same color. Raymond Weatherholt, instructor in printing, has directed the makeup of the programs. The cover will show a silver couple dancing on royal blue background and will contain pages for comments. Paul A. Hilaire, junior class advisor, will direct the Grand March, Two special dance numbers will be interspersed in the program, Underclassmen will serve punch prepared by Raymond Goetz, Robert Athey and Robert Emerick at intermission.

Mrs. McElfish Hostess To PGH Club The April meeting of the Pleasant Grove Homemakers Club was held a recent night at the home of Mrs. P. P. McElfish, with Mrs.

Mabel Schwab co-hostess. A representative from the local Social Security office talked on the benefits and probably extension of Social Security. Miss Venia M. Kellar, State tension Director, was a guest of the club. She told of her work in Frederick and through Washington County prior to coming to Allegany County.

She also told of plans being made for the Rural Women's Short Course to be held in June at College Park, Miss Maude A. Bean, local home demonstration agent, reminded members of the Pageant to be presented at Allegany High School auditorium tomorrow night by the Allegany County Homemakers Chorus. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Carl Rice, Baltiniore Pike. East Side PTA To Hear Music Pupils dress with gray accessories and a corsage of red roses.

David P. Keichner served as best man. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shahan, 211 North Mechanic Street.

Mrs. Jans is' a graduate of the National Photo Coloring School of Chicago. Mr. Jans is a veteran of World War IT, and is now stationed at Fort Belvolr, Va. Following their wedding trip to Eastern cities, the bride will reside at the home of her parents until Mr.

Jans is discharged from the Army next June. The East Side Parent-Teacher Association will feature a musical program at the meeting to be held Tuesday night at 8 o'clock, by pupils of the school studying plano, violin and woodwind instruments during the year. Mrs. Rosalie Shobe and Miss Martha Meek will be in charge of the piano program; violin students will be directed by Miss Betty Swartz, and the wood wind will be under the direction of Harry Malcolm, Following the program a business session will be held when officers will be elected for the coming year. Refreshments will be served by the second grade teachers and parlents.

is associated with Seaboard Publishers, New York. The bridegroom is an artist and assistant to Rube Goldberg, famous cartoonist. Mr. and Mrs. King have returned from a trip to Key West, and are residing at 12 West 69th Street, New York City,.

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