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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 17

Burlington, Vermont
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W. German Is Suspect in Four Armed Bank Robberies By WILLIAM H. BRA UN and MIKE DONOGHUE Frew Press Staff Writers A West German man arrested Sunday in Middlebury is wanted in connection with four armed robberies involving a total of 56 hostages and $150,000 in loot, an assistant U.S. attorney said Monday. Uwe Eugene Hagner, 22, of Manuhe-Schonau, West Germany, was ordered held without bail.

He told U.S. Magistrate James D. Foley he had contacted a Miami lawyer Monday. Foley continued the matter "tentatively" to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday to give Hagner time to discuss the situation with his attorney.

Hagner was arrested on the strength -of a warrant charging him with being a fugitive from West Germany. According to a teletype copy of the arrest warrant, Hagner is a suspect in bank robberies that took place in Mannheim -Gar-tenstadt, Bensheim, Weinheim and Heidelberg between February 1979 and March 1981. P. Scott McGee, assistant U.S. attorney, said he was told by a Justice Department international affairs specialist that there were four hostages held during the first robbery, 11 during the second, 13 during the third and 28 during the fourth.

McGee said following Monday's hearing that none of the hostages was injured "as far as I know." McGee declined to say whether Hagner is believed to be part of a gang. The U.S. warrant was issued Jan. 8, McGee said. He said Hagner has apparent ties to the Miami area and had leased an apartment there but never occupied it.

McGee said it is believed Hagner did not move in because he realized investigators were on his trail. Asked if he wanted to say anything, Hagner who speaks English said, "I think there is nothing I can say today." He is short and slender with close-cropped hair and a beard that appeared to have been growing for no more than a week. He was wearing designer jeans, black cowboy boots and a gray plaid shirt when he appeared in court Monday. Hagner was arrested on a bus in Middlebury about 2:30 p.m. Sunday.

The Border Patrol, U.S. Marshal's Service and Vermont State Police were all involved in the investigation and arrest. Miro J. Kabat, chief deputy marshal, said Sunday the U.S. search for Hagner began in Florida in early January.

It spread to Louisiana and North Carolina. Last week officials learned Hagner had entered Canada, Kabat said. Michael Assad, inspector with the Marshal's Service, said officials learned Hagner planned to re-enter the United States by train Saturday night. He apparently left the train before it entered this country, Assad said. Border Patrol Agent R.

Bruce LaBelle found tracks, believed to be Hagner's, in the snow near the U.S.Canadian border in Franklin Saturday night, according to Gordon L. Dilmore, deputy chief patrol agent. LaBelle and Agent Donald Peck investigated and learned that Hagner probably would be on a bus going from Burlington to Albany. They contacted, state police, who arrested Hagner whenj the bus stopped in Middlebury. State police said Hagner's bus ticket, bought in Burlington, was for San Francisco via Albany and Chicago.

Dilmore said Monday officials were not sure how Hagner got from the border to Burlington but he was reportedly seen walking south about 10 p.m. Saturday. Dilmore said immigration violation charges may be brought against Hagner. However, he could simply be turned over to West German officials and deported if agents of that country arrive soon. Commission Ordered Use Permit for Family to Give Shelter 0 Court Roundup When notified of the decision, a group of shelter supporters at the Family Center erupted into shrieks of excitement "That's absolutely wonderful," center director Linda Johnson said repeatedly.

"I hope (the board) issues it as soon as possible. It's going to make it possible for us to provide the help that's so badly needed by women." Should local officials appeal the decision, Ms. Johnson said, the Family Center will have no choice but to respond in kind. "If they appeal it concerns me we'll all be spending a lot of time that could be better spent elsewhere." $5,000 Worth of Property Stolen Catherine White, 35, West Oepttord, N.J. charged with DWI Jon.

27 In South Burlington; pleoded Innocent; released on S200 boll. Mark A. EHweed, 30, Shelburne charged with speeding, amended from careless and negligent driving; pleaded guilty; fined S40. Peter M. Lincoln, 24, at St.

Paul Street charged with driving while license suspended Jan. 19 In Burlington; pleaded guilty; fined S100. Timothy E. Emerson, 21, of South Williams Steet charged with driving while license suspended Jan. 20 in Burlington; pleaded guilty; fined $100.

FRANKLIN CIRCUIT Judge tores Cost Joiries Bvshwav. 36, St. Albans charged with simple assault Jan. II In St. Albans; pleaded Innocent; case continued.

Phil Miriltn. 17, Essex charged with driving while Intoxicated Oct. 31 In Fairfax; pleaded gulltv; fined 1125. Arnold Gardner, 39, St. Albans charged with daytime breaking and entering Nov.

In Swanton; pleaded Innocent; case continued. Patrick Charran. 22, St. Albans charged with unlawful trespass Nov. 30 In St.

Albans; pleaded gulltv; fined S50, sentenced to up to 30 days, suspended, probation. David Trembler, 21, Hlghgate charged with driving with no license Nov. 13 In Swanton; pleaded gulltv; fined 150. David Klrkev, 22, Swanton charged with driving while license suspended, second offense, Nov. 22 In St.

Albans; pleaded guilty; lined ISO, sentenced to up to 60 days, suspended, probation. Nancy Reagan, 30, Swanton charged with DWI Oct. 23 In Swonton; pleaded guilty; sentenced to up to one year, suspended, probation. Roland Lolselle, 24, Milton charged with driving while license suspended Nov. 13 in St.

Albans; pleaded gulltv; fined S100. Harvey Boudroau, 45, Franklin charged with careless and negligent driving Sept. 20 In Franklin; pleaded gulltv; sentenced to up to three months, suspended, probation, tlned S150. Randy Therrien, 17, Georgia charged with unlawful trespass June 21 In Georgia; pleaded guilty; sentenced to six to 12 months. Linda Gordon, 24, East Fairfield charged with simple ossoult Oct.

19 In St. Albans; pleoded gulltv; fined SIM, sentenced to 10 to 12 days, with all but 10 days suspended. Mono Olson, 50, St. Albans chorged with DWI July 21 in Swanton; pleaded gulltv; tlned S240, sentenced to three to six months, suspended, probation. Timothy Stone.

16, Swanton charged with assault and robbery Jan. 25 in Swanton; pleaded innocent; released on cash ball. Joseph Allen, 22, St. Albans charged with DWI Dec. 24 In Swonton; pleaded no contest; fined $170.

David Cheney, 25, Swonton chorged with DWI Dec. 23 In St. Albans; pleaded Innocent; released on recognlzonce. Asa Wilson 25, Richford charged with leaving the scene of on accident Jan. 1 In Montgomery; pleaded Innocent; continued.

Kevin Oemingue, II, Sheldon charged with MILTON More than $5,000 worth of property, including 12 guns, was stolen during a burglary reported during the weekend, according to Milton police. The Steve Harmon residence in Birchwood Manor was entered between Jan. 18 and Saturday, Chief Erwin Beam said. Items taken included a color and a black-and-white television, Pyramid In Court On Friday MONTPELIER The state Supreme Court will hear arguments Friday at 1:45 p.m. on an appeal by Pyramid according to a schedule for the court.

The New York developer is fighting a legal battle to build an 82-store enclosed shopping mall in Williston. The company wants the Supreme Court to answer' questions about applicability of the state development control law, Act 250, to its proposal. After 15 months of hearings, Pyramid was denied a land use permit in October 1978 for the shopping center, proposed for the Taft Corners intersection of Vermont 2A and U.S. 2. In November 1980, the Chittenden County Superior Court permitted the firm to seek a Supreme Court ruling before further lower court proceedings.

The developer wants the Supreme Court to rule on five questions about Act 250, including whether the mall's impact on downtown Burlington should be considered. Lawyers for the state have asked that the developer's appeal be dismissed and the case tried in the lower court or that Act 250 be upheld. The Superior Court agreed with Pyramid's desire to "obtain a firm answer as to some of the major 'rules of the game' before it embarks on a lengthy and expensive trial." In rejecting Pyramid's request for a summary judgment a month earlier, the lower court had ruled consideration of evidence on economic impact in Burlington "carries out the intent of Act 250 to provide a mechanism for state review" of major developments. Pyramid also wants to know if the law can be read to hold the company responsible for traffic congestion outside of Williston. Projected harm to sections of road as far as five miles from the Taft Corners site figured in the denial by the District 4 Environmental Commission.

The Supreme Court could refuse to decide the questions about the scope and application of Act 250. W. Gary Craig, the Pyramid partner responsible for the Williston proposal, said last summer he is not concerned with the length of time the appeal is taking, "as long as it's moving in the right direction." mm DO-IT-YOURSELF euwoe By SALLY JACOBS Free Press Correspondent HYDE PARK Superior Court Judge F. Ray Keyser issued a ruling Monday ordering the Morrisville Planning Commission to provide a conditional use permit for a shelter for battered women. It is the second time the Lamoille County Superior Court has issued such an order.

Local officials appealed the original ruling last year to the Vermont Supreme Court, which sent the case back to the Superior Court. Paul Nesky, Planning Commission chairman, said that until he has had an opportunity to read the decision he will not know whether it will be appealed. Several of the attorneys representing parties to the case could not be reached for comment. Those who were contacted said they had not had a chance to read the decision. Richard King, Waitsfield attorney, representing the Lamoille Family Center which applied for the permit, said he is "gratified by the court's decision.

I only hope we can now resolve the matter without further delay." CHARGE 11 VISA MASTERCARD Use Our Convenient Lay-A -Way Plan FEB. 2 pm WALL COVERING CLINIC SPECIALS 20 OFF All wall covering in stock and special orders GLIDDEN Ceiling Paint Call 863-6353 for reservations The center applied last summer for the conditional use permit for a shelter to be located on George Street. Differing interpretations of what the Planning Commission's 3-3 vote on the request meant have been disputed throughout the court hearings. The center's claim that the tie vote was one of approval, not a "no action" vote as contended by the board, was upheld by the Superior Court late last year. A rehearing before the Planning Commission on the shelter's application is scheduled Feb.

9, although the Family Center has not requested it. Nesky said he did not know if the hearing will be held. a three-piece stereo system, liquor, a metal box with cash, credit cards and personal papers, Beam said. The guns included three rifles, two Marlin rifles, a 16-gauge pump shotgun, a 12-gauge Remington automatic shotgun, a revolver, a revolver and two revolvers. FEB.

4 pm BASIC PLUMBING CLINIC SPECIALS 20 OFF All plumbers' tools in stock V2" Copper pipe or PVCpipe HALF PRICE FEB. 7 Day in Court DISTRICT COURT CHITTf NDEN CIRCUIT JvtffM Amm W. Ckr OavM A. Jenkins end amm T. rvM Mor E.

OerrM, 37, of Riverside Avenue charged with driving whin license suspended Jon. 7 In Burlington; pleaded Innocent; released on conditions. Jack L. herwln, 32, North Hero charged with driving while license suspended Dec. 5 In Colchester; will enter plea Feb.

released on recognizance. Robert A. ryont, 21, Milton charged with driving while license suspended Jan. 13 In Colchester; pleaded gulltv; sentencing set tor March 4. Timothy P.

Carry, 1, ot Ethan Allen Parkway charged with driving while license suspended Jan. in Colchester; pleaded gulltv; tlned S100. Stephen W. Mellen, 29, Bakersfleld charged with driving while license suspended Dec. 31 In Hlnesburg; pleaded guilty; fined and Alan W.

Cm Feb 1: David N. FoulM, 17, Essex Junction charged with nighttime breaking and entering and possession of a regulated drug Jan. 31 In South Burlington; pleaded Innocent; being held for lack of (10,000 ball. uglas J. Momlln, 20, of Florida Avenue, wi-nooskl charged with grand larceny Oct.

II In Wlnooskl; pleaded gulltv; sentenced to up to 120 days, suspended, fined tlOO. Oary C. FMnerty, 20, Jeffersonvllle charged with grand larceny of skis, bindings and ski poles from the Bolton Ski Lodge Dec. 31 in Bolton; pleaded Innocent; being held for lack of SI ,000. Carol Ryan, 24, Jericho charged with grand larceny Jan.

15 In Colchester; pleaded innocent; released on recognizance. Brian K. Parker, II, of Franklin Street, Wlnooskl charged with disorderly conduct Jan. 30 In Wlnooskl; pleaded guilty; sentenced to up to five days, suspended, fined S25. John A.

itssen, 21, of North Chatnplaln Street charged with simple assault Nov. 1 In Wlnooskl; pleaded no contest; sentenced to live to 10 days, suspended, fined 150. IMney t. RMlnsen, 39, of North Avenue -charged with simple assault; pleaded Innocent; released on personal recognizance. Constance M.

'Fltzpatrich. 36, of West Center Street, Wlnooskl charged with theft ot services Jan. 29 In Burlington; pleaded Innocent; released on recognizance. Wlltalm R. Schmidt, 21, of Williams Street charged with retail theft of a steak from the Grand Union Jan.

II In Burlington; pleaded no contest; fined 125. Carol D. Worths Imer, 36, of Ishom Street charged with retail theft of one pound of coffee from the Grand Union Jan. 19 In Burlington; pleaded guilty; fined 125. Patricia M.

Kvrster, 31, of North Wlnooskl Avenue charged with retail theft ot hot dogs from the Grand Union Dec. II In Burlington; pleaded no contest; fined S20. Prank spinel, 30, address unknown charged with unlawful trespassing Jan. 30 In Burlington; pleaded no contest; sentenced to up to two days, already served. Joseph C.

BeaelHW, 19, Essex Junction charged with unlawful mischief Jan. la In Burlington; pleaded no contest; fined S100. Lee Oltbeou, 25, Westford charged with leaving the scene ot an accident Jan. 17 in Burlington; pleaded no contest; fined 1100. Aberte Plants, 79, of East Allen Street, Wlnooskl charged with leaving the scene of an Occident Nov.

13 In Wlnooskl; case dismissed by state's ottorney. OavM P. Zwker. If, Hlnesburg charged with driving while Intoxicated Dec. 11 In Burlington; pleoded no contest; fined SI 90.

Oary M. Provost, 22, Essex Junction charged with DWI Dec. 23 In Wlnooskl; pleoded no conets; fined 1140. Mildred Trocey, 3, Bristol charged with DWI Jan. In Shelburne; pleaded guilty; fined ties, sentenced to up to days, suspended.

Cralf f. Oypuave, 21, ot Venus Avenue charged with DWI Dec. 3 In South Burlington; pleaded guilty; fined (125. Raymond p. Rodrtgoei, 33, Queens, N.Y.

charged with DWI Nov. 21 In Shelburne; pleaded Innocent; being held tor lack of S200 ball. John C. OlHnn, 23, of Wllks Hall, University of Vermont charged with DWI Dec. 17 In Burlington; pleaded Innocent; released an recognizance.

Michael 7. Omhm. 29, of Catherine Street -charged with DWI Jan. 1 Burlington; pleaded Innocent; released an S200 ball. involved in King's disappearance.

Lt. Robert G. Yandow has said the investigation has been hampered by Mrs. King's refusal to cooperate and allow her other two children to talk with police. Yandow and Detective Cpl.

Robin Hollwedel said Monday Mrs. King still has not agreed to take a He detector test. Mrs. King moved back into the house after her husband disappeared and Joey moved next door to his grandparents' home. Soon after, two of his mother's friends began to damage some of the property, according to testimony by Mrs.

King and her son during a December hearing. Joey King also testified that he was afraid some of his father's property might be sold by his mother. SHOE REPAIR AT (Nen to Solomon's) by th Town Gobbler Now Scrvrrtg 6 LOCATIONS NCtTM AVSKX MILTON ESSEX WIlUnON SO. KWTC Sm Your Yillow Paget or Coll FEB. 3 pm BASIC ELECTRICITY CLINIC SPECIALS 20 OFF All electricians' tools in stock Court Delays King Property Suit leaving the scene ot on acciaent uec.

zu in Georgia; pleoded innocent; released on recognizance. Thomas Conger, 21, St. Albans charged with driving while license suspended Jan. 16 In St. Albans; pleaded gulltv; fined S100.

Noel Oasnavers, 30, Massachusetts charged with driving while license suspended Dec. 27 In Swanton; pleaded guilty; fined $50. Larry Raymond, 19, Swanton charged with driving while license suspended Jan. 7 In Swanton; pleaded gulltv; tlned $100. Michael Ryan, II, St.

Albans charged with petty larceny Dec. 17 In St. Albans; pleaded Innocent; case continued. Brian Coon, 26, St. Albans charged with driving while license suspended Jan.

5 In St. Albans; pleoded Innocent; case continued. Homer Corse, 33, Jeffersonvllle charged with DWI Dec. 30 In St. Albans; pleaded no contest; fined $140.

DonaM Com, 27, St. Albans charged with DWI Dec. 19 In St. Albans; pleoded Innocent; cose continued. Stephen Polkev, 26, Milton charged with DWI Dec.

23 In St. Albans; pleaded Innocent; case continued. Robert Dolon, 17, St. Albans chorged with sale of a regulated drug (LSD) Jan. 6 In St.

Albans; pleaded Innocent; case continued. Darlena Benvea, 23, Hlehoote Springs -chorged with simple assault Aug. 13 In St. Albans; pleaded Innocent; released on recognlzonce. Superior Court Judge Ernest W.

Gibson dismissed the suit, saying there was no evidence Wilfred King Jr. was involved in the removal of the property. At Mrs. King's attorney's request, Joey King was named as the defendant. STEEL BUILDING INVENTORY REDUCTION SALE Star Manufacturing a leading manufacturer of pre-engineered steel buildings, with plants in Penn.

Georgia, needs to reduce their Inventory of complete and partial buildings. Almost any siie and lead available for qukk delivery at significant reductions from 30' wide te 240' wide. CALL OUR SPECIAL OPERATOR FOR MORI INFORMATION 800-654-3921 By MIKE DONOGHUE Free Press Staff Vriter A hearing on a lawsuit filed by an Essex woman who wants to regain property awarded to her 14-year-old son was delayed Monday in Chittenden County Superior Court. Diane King, 35, whose husband, Wilfred King III, disappeared Oct. 24, 1980, wants to recover motorcycles, snowmobiles, paving equipment, a boat and trailer from her son Joey King, according to court records.

The teen-age boy, however, was not served with court papers ordering him to appear in court so the hearing was postponed. Mrs. King filed suit against her father-in-law, Wilfred F. King late last year because the property in question was in his house. Joey King testified Dec.

2 1 that he had put the property In his grandfather's home for safe-keeping. The teen-ager said his mother's friends had damaged and abused the property. Divorce papers were filed by Wilfred F. King III in mid 1980. King and his son were subsequently awarded possession of the house and personal property pending the outcome of the divorce case, court records say.

Essex Police say there Is very distinct possibility foul play was G.E. LIGHT BULBS 2 for all $9888 SPECIALS GOOD THRU SUNDAY, These clinics are intended for and directed toward the do-it-yourselfer, using laymen terms. All clinic will be conducted by Walter Companion, licenied master plumber, on instructor in do-it-yourself clinici for the past 8 years and with 30 years of do-it-yourself experience in plumbing, electrical, wall covering and other home repairs. I atfRj get SUNDAY lo-rpMiv, When you wont to buy, tell, or And, do what your ntighbort do, use a low-cost free Prtu Classified Adl Call 658-332 1. 1.

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