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The Indiana Democrat from Indiana, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Indiana, Pennsylvania
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716 Church St, near R.R., Indiana, Pa. of 1.00 a. year strictly in advance. 1.5O per year when not paid in advance. paper is mailed regularly to its subscribers until a definite order to discontinue received and all arrears are paid in I'll.

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Onr Advertising KEW YORK. G. 1'. 10 Spruce street. Dauchy '21 and 23 1'ark Flaee.

Lyman Morse. 3S Park Kow. George Batten, Potter Bdg; 38 Park How. Kemington Bros ,309 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA.

W. it Son, cor 8th and Chestnut. Geo. A. Eegar Advert'g 1009 Arch st, Kerniug'ton Bros.

Perm bids, Pemi ave, CHICAGO. Lord Thouias, 45 to 49 Randolph st. CIKCIXNATI. Proctor Collier 127 Walnut st. ST.

Louis N. Chesman 1127 Pine st. street; David Hall, pastor; services every Sabbath at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7:30 P.M.

UNITED Church street; Jttev. J. Day Brownlee, pastor: services every Sabbath at ll A. and 7 P. M.

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Church street; Kev. M.M. Sweenev. pastor; services every Sunday at 11 A. M.aud P.

M. street; Father Kutter, pastor; services every dav, 8 A. every Sunday at fc and 10 A. and 7:30 P. M.

EVANGELICAL, street; Kev.Lewis Hav.pastor: services everv Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ST.

JOHNS GEKMAS BAPTIST BRETHREN Water street; Sunday services at 11 P. M. and 7'X P. M. AllEnglish.

BAPTIST street; ReT.A.J. Furman, pastor; Services every Lord's day at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M.

Sabbath school at 9:30 A.M. SECOND U.f. Messenger Building temporarily. ClililbT CHUUCH Kev. Clark; Children's church every Sunday at 2:30 P.

M. Societies. ladiana Lodge, No. 313, F. it A.M., meets second Tuesday ol each month.

Palladium Lodge, No. O. O. meets every Monday evening. Lodge, No.

21, A.O.U.W. meets every Friday evening. Clymer Lodge, No. 28, K. ol meets everv second Tuesday.

National Christian Temperance Union meets every Tuesday at 7 o'clock P. M. Wai Peun Council, Koval Arcanum, No. 305, every second Thursday evening. Council 2bO, Jr.

O. U. A. meets every Tuesday evening in Landis building. Indiana Conclave, No isO, Improved Order ol Heptasoplis, meets first and third Friday evenings of each mouth in Cunninghams 7:30 P.

M. tg Officers. Daniel B. liemer. James.

G. Mitchell. W. Morrow, John McGaugbey President While. C.

Mack. Elder Peeler. Register and N. Stewart. esbit.

McElhoes, Clarence Hart, Adam black. K. Tomb, J. C. Davis, J.

R. "Waiker. Jury Commissioners James M. Miller, Joseph Langham. W.

T. Miller. lleglsterca 1'lsj slclfins. Dr. N.

F. Ehreiileld, South Sixth st. Dr. A. F.

Purriugton,, above Ninth. Dr. J. M. Torrtnce, South Jsiuiti St.

Dr. M. M. Davis, North feixUi st. Dr.

H. S. Durreu, ourt Pi. Farmers Bank b'g Dr. J.

Al. Tayiur, Filth si. Dr. J. M.

ton, Ninth street. Veteriuarj- Dr. T. Miller, st, Dr. J.

H. StClair, Soutii Ninth st. OL1L.TEK ATIOUNEY AT LAW. Blah-sulle, Pa. 1, AX Oil AM.

ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ullice in Fanners riank Building, Indiana, Pa. A. i'. Kcrrs ATjUKNEV AT LAW.

Ofiicc ia Lluir bldij, Philadelphia street, Indiana, ej AiTOKNEV AT LAW. Ufllce on Philadelphia street, Indiana, Pa EECJi .4 KLKIN. ATTOJtMiVS AT LAW. Ituoins in liikin Indiana, Pa. FISHER ATTORNEYS AT LAW.

Office on Philadelphia street, Indiana, Pa. Mr. Fisher will visit Blairsviile every Thursday. OHS H. PI.EKCE.

ATTORNEY AT LAAV. Office in Cunuiugham bldg, Philadelphia st. TOH3f S. TAYLOR. tl ATTORNEY AT LAW.

Oflice with J. T. Stuchel. Indiana, Pa. JL ATTORNEY AT LAW.

Unice at his residence on South Sixth st. Indiana, Pa. US II. HIJLL. ATTORNEY AT LAW.

Ullice in iJejw.sit Bunk bldg, Philadelphia st. Indiana, Pa. TEL.FORI>. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oilier in Jack's new building.

All business entrusted to him will be promptly and carefully executed. WAl.KlvK SMITH ATTORNEY AT LAW. Otilce in Rooms 10 and i Farmers Bank lil'g Indiana. M.C. WATSON.

FKAXK KEENEK. KEENER. A1TOKNKY.S AT LAW. Onice formerly occujiied by Oen. Marry WhiCe i'liiladeljilna st, Indiana, Pa.

T. ATTUKNEV AT LAW. Grecnsburg, Pa. OHN' X. BAKKS.

ATTUK.NKV AT LAW. Oliice in Philadelphia st. Indiana, Pa. WOOI) ATTORNEY AT LAW. Roums 12 and IK, Bank Indiana, Pr.

SO. A. SCOTT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms 32 and 13, Farmers Bank blda.

Indiana, Pa. EKT N. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Ollicc on Main si. Blah-sville, I'a.

SEADK 91 A II AW, ATTOUNKV AT LAW. Otlicc in Farmers bldg, Court Place, Indiana. Pa Sb'MMEUS M. JACK. BAVI1) BLAIH TAYLOR.

ACK TAVIxm. /1.TTORNKY AT LAW, INDIANA. PA. Collections made, estates settled, civil and criminal business attei.ded to. H.

TOMB, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. INDIANA, PA. 7Jooms 38 1'.) Farmers Bank Building second floor. All legal business will receive prompt and careful attention. Maude iveaio so many charming hats Straw, ribbon, velvet, toques and flats "Tis hard to toll from out the rest In which device I lovo her best.

I long to kiss her saucy lips When o'er her braids a sailor tips, And when a Gainsborough crowns her hair. Sho calls to jnijid a portrait zarc. At tennis ia her Tarn O'Shantcr She charms mo her witty banter, And 'iicath her party hood of lace A flower fair I think her face. But when she does her curls entrap Within tho Oxford Oip, The power of her mind I feel And at her feet I humbly kaeel. arss sop's PARROT.

ByMAKTHA M'CTJLLOCE WILLIAMS 1S9C. by tho No wonder people hated it. It was a cross bird, forever screaming harshly if you did but look at it, and a regular tattle talc inio the bargain. Miss Bleu kiusop lived alqrie in a high house, just at the corner of the village street. He hated poor folk, especially beggars, did the Major, for that the bird's name.

In full it was Major Augustus Tcrwilliger Blenkiusop, but even his mistress shrank from such a mouthful as that and compromised by giving him his title, nothing more. There was a sort of likeness between her and her p3t. Both had hook noses and sharp, restless eyes, not to mention the high, shrill voices. Iu a way they were foud of each other. That is to say, each cared for the other more than for anything else.

Miss Blenkinsop had lived alone so long, indeed, she had got out cf the way of caring for anything merely human. "We are not to boast of," she said to the bird often as he sat on his perch beside her at breakfast. "Our looks won't make the world in love with us. Major, but we enn depend on each other. You need me, because without me you would not have every mortal thing you want aud a whole house to hop about in just as you choose, and I need you because I want to hear soroethiug beside my own voice in these big rooms, and human voices bring yes, a very great deal of trouble.

Then usually the Major cocked his gray head and lifted his clumsy wings till the crirnsou showed on their shoulders and tips. Sometimes he gave a low chuckle, always he thrust his head forward for a fresh sip of Miss Bleukin- sop's coffee. Rarely he hopped to her shoulder and cuddled himself under her ear. But this she did not encourage. People who knew her best indeed said she had never shown a spark of affection for anything since her sister Agnes, ten years younger than she.

aud pretty as any picture, had stolen away to marry tho man who was pledged to Miss Blenkiusop herself. Mick, the boy who did odd jol-s for Miss Bleukinsop, hated the Major with the deadliest hate. He had reason, too Mick was neither better nor worso STEWART. TT ATTOUNKY AT LAW, Ullicc in building formerly occupied by Stew art CJark, rbiladeJjjJiia strict, All kind ol legal busi less carefully and promptly attended to. "OH, MY! IF ONLY I THOUGHT YOU'D STAY JIKIIK:" other boys.

Ho di.l -whatever he to do or ill accnrfihig io the iiuinor of tho minute-. Komi limes he himself a treasare, at cithers lie was as big a trial as juanien lady ever endured. But uiatttr he did, good or ill, tho Major's story cf it was always the same. Onre ho Mick pilfering from the cake jar. Thr.reufter no day passed that be did ml sing out at the "SUvio Slick stole Mick's thief 1 1 Nor that even tho vorst.

From morning to night je Major shonu ut him, orders, epithets, taunts, until Mick was fairly beside himself. Most of the ill words the Mnjor picked up from hearing them on the street. Though Miss Blonkinsop's tongue was sharp, she was a in grain. One fall morning the Major was like a thing possessed, "(jcr (: this! Get out, say! Call the j.elite, he shouted as an old haired beggar woman paired at the sir Then ho swore i-nding 1115 a German ho had up from the big who ix- day before hauled Miss eoa). Then lie us in vii-i.

aud ended with a fairly demoniac. The looked about iu alrji c-t li ircr fc-r il-n source of the voice, then as -t as she could. Jlir.s JJl. who had just caught sight cf leaned our of the, to call her but- she out of earshot. "Major Angusius Tcnvilliger Bieu- kiusop, thai, was very jiai.ighiy you.

The woman old and Ir-dked hungry," MissBlenkii'--' mid v.ith a sigh. "I shall be old iiiyneif one of davH. You must LH; Lett-, Do you hear? you oKicd old woman and re very her it is 1-eeause of are to be imprisoned, en bread und water, until dinner iimc. Mick, rome here and taku this bad bird to the d.v.-y- cot." Mick came, laughing inly, though his face ouUvuvdly grave. Miss 13h-u- kinK-op had already secured the maleon- tent to his perch with a light brass chain.

Just as she made to fasten it; tho catch snapped in her inind. Sho ran a bit of ribbon through the links, tied it fast and gave- the prisoner over to Mick, Haying, "Be sure you do not hurt him, Mick, aud that you do not take him down, no matter how hard he begs, until tell you it JH time. "No, ma'am," said Mick obediently, then marched away to the dovecot which stood at the of tho planted epace. It had been unused for so crazv and inrtafirt thnfc the door would not stay shut, and there were big in one side. But tho Major could not escape from it unless ho managed to get free of his perch.

Mick set that down carefully quite in the middle of the floor and bucked away from it, pausing us he reached the door, and set foot on the ladder to shake his fist and say: "Oh, my! If only I thought you'd stay here until I'm big enough to quit odd jobs!" He did his morning's work in a peace quite heavenly. Now and then at first he heard harsh, complaining, chatter from the direction of the dovecot, but by and by it ceased. Then when Miss Bleukinsop went out for some hours of business he felt a new and delightful sense of importance. For she gave him the houso keys and said as sho did it, "Really a quiet morning now aud then is very pleasant." Of course he meant to look after things very carefully, very faithfully, while she was away. If the Major had been within doors, the boy would have tended and humored him in every way possible.

But he was outside, a prisoner in disgrace. Mick could not help thinking Miss Blenkiusop was not, after all, so fond of the creature, nor that she would be well rid of it if it were gone forever. Still he would not have raised a baud to rid her had not the Major himself put temptation in his way. It took less than an hour for the bird to cut through his ribbon tether with his sharp bill. Then a little walking about showed him the oppn donr, the hole in the side wall.

He peered through both cautiously until convinced neither was a trap, then hopped outside upon the ladder Mick- had left in place, climbed down it, ran stupidly alous the ground, dragging his light chain after him, scrambled into a low tree, hopped thence to tho boundary wall, and after screaming at his shrillest, "Mick's a thief!" tumbled into tho stn er. Luckily it was deserted just thon. Mick, hearing the cry, hurried out. closing the house doer after himself, ran into the street and tried to pick up tin- Major, but the parrot eluded him. nVw a few steps away and laughed mockingly, turning his head from side to side.

Mick rau after, the Major flew and this was repealed until they cu.Ui- quite to the end of the street. It ran into the poor houses along the waiir side. By the time they were reached Mick was so angry he had made up his mind to wring the Major's neck the minute he laid hands on him. He would have done it, Major bit savagely when he found hin If in that the prettiest Jit tie girl he had ever seen ran out- from one of the poor houses crying: "Oh, don't hurt tho cunning bird! please don't. Remember how much the bigger you "But he's meancr'n any boy could be.

Oh, I don't see how just a bird cr.ii hold so much mean," Mick protested, his hand on the Major's throat. The girl held cut her hand for him, saying: "Give him. to me. I love birds, and they love me. Back in the couutiy whero we lived they would feed from my wild ones, you know.

Come here, sir," to the Major. "Can yon talk? You are like a talking bird I saw once in a fine window." "Oh, yes, he can talk right enough. He tells lies mostly," Mick said, getting red in the face. The girl had by this got the Major iu her arms and was stroking his feathers and petting him in a way he usually resented bitterly. But ho did riot resent her touch.

Instead he nestled up against her, laid his head back and said shrilly: "Good bird! Good bird! Give good bird somo "Oh, the dear thing, that I will. Wait!" the girl said, running indoors, the Major still in her arms. Mick ly waited for the door to shut behind her before ho was off like a shot. "I didn't turn the old plague loose, and I ilid try to catch him," he said to his licensing conscience as he darted homeward. Twas Miss Blenkiusop herself put him there.

I didn't give him away neither, but, oh, I hope I shall not see him ever again!" "Why, where is that boy?" the girl said when she came back. A white haired old woman she had not before seen came out of shadow to say: "Oh, he went home, but don't worry. Come with me. I can show you the house the bird belongs in. It may be worth something to carry him back to it.

"I knew she was a witch woman when the Major drove her away," Mick always said in telling tho story afterward. "If she had not been, she would never have been right there to bring back to Miss Blenkiusop that bothering bird and the uieco named for her that she knew nothing about. A nice girl that Warah Bleukinsop Maxwell, but if it wasn't a fairy that brought her I'd like you to tell rue why nobody has ever that particular old woman from that day to this?" KuHHiauij Once Traded. But whunco tho Jiamo of tho Baltic! Like it is derived from name ol a coffco house close at hand ir street which flourished ir tho sc-vcuteentli century. Being frequcnfc cd originally i.y Russian merchants chieflj engaged in Baltic trade, tho namo Q' this coffee houso was sufficiently appropriate.

The Russian merchants were followed by Greeks, always kocu traders in grain. Tho business aspect of the Baltic CoiToj Houso us a place of resort for merchant assumed in course of time proportioxy which far outweighed its social Importance, and it became necessary for its frequenters to cast about for a meeting place which should afford them the uccessarj facilities lor tho further development ol their rapiiily expanding commercial relations with ono another. Tho historic South Sea House, thcu headquarters of the huge national gamble with which its name is fixed upon, and iiitho year 1857 tho Baltic, as it ia now known, lirsfe saw tho light. South Sea Houso is the property of the Baltic company, limited, who receive rculul of a year from the Baltic committee, a body oi' leading men elected annually by tho members of the room tc manage affairs lor them. The company is in vary nourishing condition, iti £10U being worth about £700, may lie iuvicw of tho annual diviilui.d of jer cent which they yield Journal.

Argument. Mrs. don't sec why you can't be more farl'uu). You might save a good deal out ol' y.n.r income if you'd try. i Mr.

Look at Lighthead. and went to a horse rj.i tii'j wrong horso and lost every con; of H. Now L.j'rf himself. i I with him und lost all I had, too, bui it wasn't enough to bother about.

1 Yorlc Wcoklv THE CLAY E.ATEII8. THEIR HOMES AND HABITS UNTOUCHED BY CIVILIZING INFLUENCES. Where Superstition, INivcrty, K.U-IM iiijj and Longevity alaii.l In llunulll A to Imiirove Thc-ir as a daily iosui is of the pisople of county, live- and thrive on. Tho county of Wijiston is In the northwcstc'rn portion of trio si ito and is sparsely settled. Its population being- poor to bo eking out a ir.ero existence.

It is only within the past years that tiic amount of taxes collected from the entire county amounted to S1, Until 1888 Winston was -H) miles from the nearest railroad juul the county courthouse 20 miles farther. Houses of worship and those for educational purposes arc few and far between. A majority of Vrinston's population live in small oabii's of the rudest kind and eke out a miserable existence by farming, and Their farms, or patches, as they call them, are small clearings around thdr cabins and uro seldom moru a few acres in extent. Their 1 as they invariably say, consists of corn, potatoes, and a few Vi'ho are fortunate enoujrli to horse atempt to raist: a. little cot- tou.

The laud is very poor, and, as the crops receive little work, the yield is always small. A few hoyjs are raised, but the majority depend on the country st'res- tor the fcsv strips of bacon they eat din-ing the year. Here in this county, though, the moonshine stills nourish as the itreen bay tree. In almost every cave and on every little brook among the hills may be found a still whose undertaker's delight is produced by the soft light of the moon anil where 1'ncle Sam fails to get his pull down of 90 cents on the gallon. These people, nre, too far from market to sell their corn for money, but they can convert it into good, straight liquor, carry it in kegs or jusrs to the more thickly settled neighborhoods a few miles away and obtain a few dollars In money, some tobacco, coffee and snuff for the women folks.

Men, women and children arc £11 slaves to the tobacco habit. Tho women chow, smoke and dip snuff, but "dipping" is generally a Runday luxury, as snuff is hard for them to got. The interior of the cabin of tiie clay eater is rude in the estremc. It is usually built cf small pine logs, from which the bark is sometimes removed. There are no windows, and sometimes only one door.

In winter the cracks between the are filled with rags and clay or thin beards nailed over them from the outside. In summer these cracks nre opened in order to allow plenty of fresh air to enter. There aro no pictures on the walls, no ornaments of any kind, and often no furniture worthy of tho name. Of these are bedsteads, and they are of the crudest kind, made by the head of tho family with no other tools than a saw, as and hammer. Usually the cabin is too small for bedsteads if the family is largo, and they sleep on quilts and mattresses spread on tho floor, often tho ground.

Tho entire family, often ten or more persons, cat and sleep in the same room, and tho cooking is done on one fireplace, tho utensils consisting of a frying pan, kettle, oven and a pot. All modern conveniences aro almost unknown. Few families ever seo a newspaper, and there are but few of tho people who can read. Their parents before them could not. and tneir children aro growing iip equally ignorant.

Tho clay eaten by these people is found along the banks of tho small mountain stream in inexhaustible quantities and is of a dirty white color usually, sometimes a pnlo yellow. It has a peculiar oily appearance, and the oil keeps it from sticking to tho hands or mouth. When dry, it does not crumble, and few drops of water will easily soften ib until it ean be rolled into any shape desired. Tho clay is almost without taste, but evidently possesses somo nourishment, as these people declare they can subsist on it for days without any other food whatever. They placo a small piece in tho mouth and hold it there until it dissolves and is swallowed in small quantities at a time.

The quantity eaten £tt one time varies from a lump as large as a pea for a child or beginner to a lump as large as a man's flst for those who have eaten it for years. These people eat tho clay with a ravenous relish, and the only bad effect seems to be the peculiar appearance it gives tho skin of those who become addicted to tho habit. Tho skin turns palo, in fact, as to give tho faco tho pallor of then later on it turns a sickly palo yellow, a color closely resembling somo of the clay eaten. Children who become addicted to clay eating grow old, at least in appearance, prematurely, and their faces lose forever the bright glow cf youth and health. Strange as it may appear, there is little sickness among the clay eaters, and they live as long as tho average mankind, this proving that clay eating is not fatal in its effect.

It may or may not bo tho result of clay eating, but theso people aro as superstitious as tho followers of a vondoo. They have signs for everything and almost worship tho moon. Corn is planted when the moon is full and potatoes on the clark of tho moon. They -will not start on a journey or begin a job unless tho moon is right, and they foretell storm and disaster by tho appearance of the moon. If one end of tho now moon is lower than tho other, it will rain before tho moon changes again, and if tho now moon is level there will bo no rain until another change occurs.

It might bo remarked that the clay caters aro often as successful in their prognostications us tho average manipulator of tho weather bureau. For an owl tho cater has a holy dread. Tho hooting of an owl at any hour after 8 o'clock in tho evening and until nightfall tho following day is an omen of bad luck. If heard in the quiet hours of night and answered by tho howl of a sleepless canine, it is a that one of the family will die before many moons. As soon as Ihe hoot of an owl is heard a chair is overturned.

If tho hooting ceases at once, tho threatened danger lias been warded oil' for a time, but if it continues there aro weeping and wailing in the homo of the eater. The howling of a dog at night Is also an omen of ill luck, but it is not a sign of approaching fatality unless it is in answer the hoot of an Constitution. Lower. She was looking for a flat and had just found one to her taste in tho vicinity of Washington square. But tho price was too high, she told tho janitor, a Frendumin.

''Tho idea! Forty dollars for first nil tlio dust from the Ugh! Have you anything lower?" "Mais, oui, madame; zo New York Tribune. In 1877 St. John, N. suffered from a flro which destroyed 512,500,000 worth of property. Features ixt Of 'ate features have crept into tho county fair which should not bo encouraged.

First arc tho games of chance, which are so attractive to tho young, but in tho end will surely load to mischief. Tho directors of fair associations cannot exorcise too 7inich care in keeping the gamblers, with BLACK GOVERNORS. their many devices, away rom tho fail- grounds. They aro not a legtimato feature of tiny agricultural exhibition, and it is to bo regretted that iir some instances they have been tolerated recently in this state nnd in other states as well. Tho side show should also bo tabooed unless tho fair directors know by personal investigation that it is respectable and Baltimoxo Sun.

A Curious Piece of History KnoTTO to Few People. A book littlo known even to collectors of Americana is a volume entitled "Hartford In tho Olden Time: Its First Thirty Years," by Scaeva, which waa edited by W. M. E. Hartley and published at Hartford in There is a chapter in this book, entitled "Tho Black Governors of Connecticut," tho very title of which will excite tho surprise of most intelligent people, even in Connecticut, who have never heard of any black governors in the Nutmeg the governors of an opposite political faith, who were, of course, politically black.

The title, however, is explained and justified by a lit- tlo explanation. Bcforo tho Revolution and down to a period as lato as 1830 it was tho custom for the negroes living in tho state to hold an election on the Saturday succeeding the regular election day, choosing one of their number as governor. Sometimes, however, no eloc tion was held, the retiring governor assigning his office to another. The man chosen in cither ease was usually "of imposing presence, strength, firmness and volubility, quick to decide, ready to com- ma.nd and quick to flog." He appointed a staff of military and judicial officers, which executed his orders in all matters pertaining to colored people, especially questions pertaining to morals, manners and ceremonies. Tho fact that ho had no legal status in the province or state did not at all tronbla him or his subjects, and he appears to have exercised a very real power, nearly always on the side of morality andjnstice.

The justices of peace appointed by these black governors were, as a rule, extremely severe in punishing peopleof their own color who transgressed the law. So generally was this recognized by the whites in colonial times that when a slave committed pome c.iYecso it was tho custom to turn him over to tho bhick justice for pun- isliment. Such culprit always fared much worse than if ho had been tried by the regular cnims. Among the- uotiiblo colored men who held cf were: Qnaw, to Colonel George Wyllys; v.ln belonged to Col- or.el Boston, belonging to Mr. Nicholas; John Anderson and Cuff, who held the oflicofor ten years.

After the slavery iu Connecticut tho custom began to pass into disuse, and at the preseiit tinio oven many intelligent negroes of the. stato know nothing of York Tribune. TUo Louisiana Mulo. Colonel J. BarrSsa is prominent in tho Laurell Hill eection and the pioneer in the industry of raising mules and hay farming in the state.

From Colonel McGeheu's experience there is a promising field this sort of farming in Louisiana. He has been raising mules for the planters i- long time and Siiys that ho makes more money out of it than he can out of cotton cr cane. Ho more particularly three-quarter bred cr thoroughbred mules and says UmD the long oared product of Louisiana is superior to any that can be imported from other states. "I feed my stock on oats," said ha to The Picayune man. "Corn in this climate is a bad thing to raise stock on.

It gives them flesh and nothing else. Now, the mules that can be raised here nre better than those that aro brought here from other parts of tho United States. They are not of your long eared, hard headed, slow, bucking, kicking, biting, variety, but with a streak of good blood they are more enduring and more faithful than any horse, and if properly bred for that purpose aro superior iu point of speed. A pair of thoroughbred mules will make as good time as any pair cf horses that you can buckle into harness. They work bettor and aro steady and full of Orleans Pieaviuio.

MISPLACED CONFIDENCE. Itow Iilr. Hftluiiiii's Clirouic Objecting Caused Young Tilan Trouble. Judge Holman's chronic objecting has been productive some queer results, and at times reduced to sore straits. It is related by a chronicler more or less veracious that on one ouciision a congressional tenderfoot was nursing a bill with great assiduity, but ho had the fear of Holman ever before his eyes.

A wag suggested to him that he had better submit it to the jud-e and secure his indorse- ment, that lie was really very kind and genetDUS man, but liked to be c.odOled; f-v, with fear and trembling, the gttjenhorn punched the great economist. He was very much elated when tho judge, after frlincin.n over his bill, said with enthusiasm: "ily young fri-Tid, that is a very inoritori- ous measuie. 1 will indorse it. Indeed, if it will be ot any iissistance to you, I will myself nsk unanimous consent for its Tho verdant member thought his fortune made and ivtui-iied to the wag happy as a lark to tell of his unexpected good fortune. passed through the wag's thinker will never be known.

He was so delirious with the prospect for fun that perhaps ho d-iesn't know himself. It is said that he. rav.imed a. handkerchief into his bit i.U and tised other antidotes prevent audible caccluu- natiou. But here's what happened.

Judge Ilolman rose sedately in his place, received recognition from the chair and said gravely, "ilr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent Nobody over know what. Instantly some 300 enthusiastic throats yelled in unison "I object" with such vehemence that it caused the bronze goddess of liberty on tup of the dome to shako like an aspeu Louis Republic. Wliat la tho Self? Who has not in tho mirror at what others call his self until the sense of opposition between tho real self and that at which ho was looking became so intense that ho turned away almost frightened and glad 1o sink again into tho old familiar ficnsc of with his body? The more I reflect tho less docs my body seem important to mo. I am tho inner life of thought.

Most of my thoughts I acknowledge as truly mine, and most of tho deeds that spring out of them I recognize as belonging to me. But occasionally a thought appears toward which a sense of strangeness arises. It scorns none of mine, possibly because it is so much better than my usual thoughts that it seems like a breath from a higher world, possibly because it is so wicked that I am almost tempted to it comes from devil, possibly merely because it is insistent and does not go when I bid it. So of tho impulses and desires that control me. Most of them nro jninc, but now und then I do something toward which I feel, when I look back upon it, a curious sense of irresponsibility, us if it were not of my doing after all.

Such deeds arc always thoso which I eel- ilom do. Sly everyday virtues and my everyday vices I must admit are mine. But there is just ot.e thing which I always acknowledge as mine. It is tho sense of Science Monthly. Uiifmr Competition.

Couau Doylo eays of the literary profession: "It is one of tho very few in which men and moot on absolutely equal terms. Yet I confess that I think thoso aro points in which tho competition is an uu- fair one. A charming heroine makes a charming novel, and when a man wishes to evolve a charming heroine ho has to consult his imagination und his memory. But when one of our guests wishes to do go she has only to consult herself, and that to what I call unfair competition." FARII 351. He Was Quiet Looking iMar-, but He Iviu-iv Hovr to Shoot.

The ticket agent at Big Bend was not the man for the place, and lie realized it as well us many others. Ho was a nice man and knew his business, but he lacked sand. The fare from Big Bend to Black Hill was but when any of the crowd wanted to go down they handed in two or three quarters, as the case might be, poked five or six Inches of a revolver through the window und called out: "Ticket for Black Hill, and don't waste too much time over it!" The agent always handed out a ticket and pretended that things were all right, and tho boys played it on him till he had to throw up his job. Ouo day the old man went, and tho new one took his place, and four or five of the gang went down to the depot to size the latter up. Yfhcii they returned to camp, there war, a majority and a minority report.

Bill Thompson was spokesman for the majority, and ho said: "He's the softest thing in these yero parts. I'm not goin to buy any more tickets, but I'll scare 'em outer him. Tho sight of a gun will make his ha'r curl." Bob Williams was spokesman for the minority and was also the minority as well. He looked very serious as he said: "He's a pale faced, humble lookin critter, but don't make no mistake on him. He carries his oreflnger kinder curled up, as if pullin trigger, and tho flrst man who shoves a gun in on him is goin to get hot lead in return." Tho camp was divided on tho question, and after much talk Bill Thompson offered to make tiio test and settle tho problem.

In a day or two a score of us went down to witness the performance. We were lounging about the waiting room when in walked JBill with a whoop, and advancing to the ticket window ho gruffly inquired tho faro to Black Kill. 'One dollar," was tho reply. 'A dollar fur Thompson?" 'Yes, sir, for you or anybody else." 'And you won't take a half?" 'No, sir." 'You won't take it with this thing behind it?" continued Bill as he shoved the coin along with tho muzzle of his gun. "No, sir, Anil there was a pop, pop, pop, and six bullets were chasing each other into William's anatomy.

He lost a finger, had an ear split, an eyebrow shot off, got a rake across the chin and another across the scalp, and ho didn't have time to fall until all was over. Then tho agent opened the door of his office and looked us over and said: "I didn't shoot to kill, and he isn't hurt much. The faro to Black Hill is SI, exactly 51. Any ono else want to get to Black Hill for a quarter? Without a word in reply we picked Bill up and lugged him off. He was also a very silent man.

We had got him all bandaged up and put to bed before ho was ready to talk, and then ho simply inquired: "Boys, who did all that shootin?" "Why, the felicr you said you could bluff," answered ono of the boys. but I thought I ho growled as he turned his face to the wall and shed Star. Tho First r.Iarriage In Baylon. Aug. 28, 1SOO, is noted as the date of the first wedding in Dayton.

On that day Benjamin Van Clevo was married to Mary Whitten at her father's house on his farm, a short distance from town. Mr. Van Cleve makes this characteristic record of the event in his diary: "This year I raised a crop of corn and determined on settling myself and having a home. I accordingly, on the 28th of August, mivrvied Mary Whitton, daughter of John fc'lmten, near Dayton. She was young, lively and ingenuous.

My property was a horse creature and a few farming utcrsils, and her father gave her a few household or kitchen utensils, so that we could make shift to cook our provisions; a bed, a cow and heifer, a ewe and two lambs, a sow and pigs and a saddle and spinning wheel. I had corn and vegetables growing; so that if were not rich we had sufficient for our immediate wants, and wo were contented and happy." Ohio was a now nnd unknown country at tho beginning of the nineteenth century, and travelers and land prospectors were unable to obtain from books or newspapers the facts they desired ia regard to soil, climate, population and business. It was therefore greatly to the advantage of recently settled town and county to have within their borders one like Mr. Van Cleve, who was not only a good talker, but a perfect mine of information (ho had while surveying traveled over nearly every foot of ground in this neighborhood) and also willing to take tho time and trouble to instruct inquiring visitors, who, if properly approached, might ha induced to become permanent (O.) Herald. A Woman's Mental Attitudes.

Miss Gage was getting a dress for the hop, and it was to be finished that day. I think women really like tho scare of thinking their dresses will not bo done for a given occasion, and so arrange to have them at tho last moment. Mrs. March went with the girl early in the afternoon to have it tried on for tho last time, and they came homo reporting that it was a poem. My wife confided to mo that it was not half begun, in would never bo finished in time in tho world.

She also assured Miss Gago that she neeil not bo in tho least uneasy; that there was not an hour's work on the dress, and that tho dressmaker's reputation was at stake, and sho would not uaro to fail her. I knew she was perfectly sincere in both these declarations, which were, indeed, merely tho expression of two mental attitudes and had 310 relation, to tho facts. Dean llowells in Century. Greek In Greoco. Professor Basil L.

of Johns Hopkins university says of his tour through Greece: "I found that with knowledge of ancient Greek it was no trouble for me to road the newspapers and the signs along tho streets, but tho case was different with regard to the spoken language, which is also tho language poetry. Two influences aro actively at work wilh tho language now, one seeking to aivhaixo get back to the the other desires to substitute thu modem colloquial form for tho older York Tribune. Tho Average Baby's Size. An average child about Inches at birth if a boy and half an inch less if a girl. A child increases more rapidly in length during the iirst week than lit any subsequent period, and shotuV 1 gain aai inch during the first month of its Homo J'ourna).

Bolcslaus II of Poland tho Bold. Ho was ono of tho most daring knights of his time, and once, single handed, charged a whole squadron of his enemies. "A private member has 1:0 chance of getting a hill through parliament than flying to tho moon," said Mr. Lane, Q. to an applicant who was anxious that tho magistrate should nominate sumo honorable gentleman to take charge c.i: a measure tiJ establish a court of criminal appeal in this) country.

Three months ago it was ann'iuncud that as a result last yearV, trip c.f tho whaler Active to the (jroenland fishery a dividend of about; CGO.ocr cent would probably bo paid to tho "farmers" of the vessel. Theso anticipations have, becui more than fulfilled. Highest of all in Leavening Latest U. S. Gov't Report.

Rcdfcl I Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE FRONTIER JUSTICE. How an All Around Squire Took Into His Owu Hands. They were discussing the administration of justice in this and other countries, when the major told this story to illustrate a claim made in the course of his argument: "When out on the frontier trying to disprove the adage that a rclif.gstoue gathers no moss, I became pretty well acquainted With a rusrged old pioneer who came dangerously near to being an absolute monarch in this community. All tho legalized authority he exerted was that of a justice of the peace, but it was astounding how far he could make it go. The whole judicial system does not contemplate a greater power than he exerted through his little office.

"On ono occasion a drunken rustler wantonly shot and killed a hog that happened to be tho squire's property. He sat right down and made affidavit to the facts In the case. After reading this aloud to himself he drew an affidavit for tho arrest of the offender. He then stood up and swore himself in as a special constable, pinned a cheap star on his breast, took his winches- tor, mounted his horse and after the hog killer. The special constable of his own making got the drop on his man and returned with him as a prisoner.

"Then you should have heard the trial. The squire first read the charge to the accused, who entered a plea of not guilty. Then the court stepped to the front of his own bench, which was a rough redwood table, and conducted the prosecution, asking himself questions and answering them, allowing the prisoner to enter an objection or take an exception whenever he desired. "The case for the people being made, the squire said the fellow must have a fair trial aud appeared as lawyer for the defense. So long as ho was enacting this role and the rustler was doing tho swearing it looked as though he might be acquitted.

Bt7t again the squire become the prosecutor for purposes of cross examination, and the way he showed the desperado up looked as though ic might be a life scntenca After arguing both sides, with a rousing close for the prosecution, tho squire resumed the bench, summed up the evidence, quoted such law as he knew, gave the prisoner at the bar a scathing dressing down, fined him SI00 and sentenced him to six mouths in jail, which ho was without the slightest right of doing. This was in the United States, mind Free Press. INSECT SENSE. A "Muil Dauber" Possessed of Both. Reason and Memory.

A wasp of tho variety commonly called "mud dauber" last summer built her nest on the ceiling of my room in one corner. Ths windows of this room remained open night and day during the hot summer months, so her nest was easy of access. Ono day while the wasp was busy about her home I closed all of the windows and awaited developments. At length she flew toward a window, against which she landed with a thump which for a moment 01 two completely dazed her. The wasp soon discovered that she was barred from the outer world by somo transparent, translucent substance.

Sho then proceeded on a voyage of discovery, flying around the room and searching here and there and everywhere for an exit. She finally found a small hole in tho window casing which communicated with the outside. Through this she made her escape from tho room. Upon opening tho window I saw her examining the passage through which she had come, going through ic repeatedly. Sho finally flow away, but; shortly returned with a pellet of mud.

Notwithstanding the fact that all of the windows were then open, the wasp went at once to tho hole in the casing, through which she made hoi way into the room aud thence to her nest in tho ceiling. Sho never again, so far as I was able to ascertain, made an exit or an entrance through tho windows, but always made use of tho hole in the casing. This little creature undoubtedly gave unmistakable evidences of ratiocination. She found that a transparent barrier had been placed in her barrier so translucent and transparent that she could not seo it until sho actually felt it. She therefore concluded that she would never again risk injury by Hying through the windows.

What is most remarkable about this instance is that this insect derived her knowledge from r. single experience and a.t once profited Record. THE MOHAMMEDAN MESSIAH. Ois Coming: Will Foretold by Sixty Forerunners. According to tradition, says Tho Contemporary Review, the true Mahdi will be preceded by 60 Baptists or babs (bab means the door through which enters tho Messiah).

As a rule those holy or descendants of tho prophet, who end by setting up themselves as tho by calling themselves only babs, or floors, and if they meet with success and arc accepted they then pose as the actual Mahdi. As to the of recent times, this is its simple origin: About 00 years ayo a young native of Shiraz named ilirza Ali Mohammed was tho favorite pupil of a celebrated shika, who was looked upon as a sort of bab, or forerunner of thu Mahdi. After ho died his young pupil, Ali Mohammed, announced himself as also a bab. Ho was soon surrounded with disciples. His popularity alarmed tho reigning shah.

Ho was arrested and kept iu prison for somo timu, but as his followers Increased in number tho ulemas thought it prudent to condemn him to death by torture. Tho subsequent massacre of the babs is a matter of recent history. Tho babs that wero left, inspired by a thirst for vengeance, now plotted tho assassination of the shah, and each attempt has been followed by inoro bab massacres. Now you have tho key of the situation. The lato shah succumbed at last to cue of theso assassins, who had unsuccessfully attempted his destruction several times before.

Tho bub, young Mirza, was not a highly educated person, but very proud nnd of irreproachable life. lie was not otherwise remarkable, but possessed of strange faculty of writing with extreme speed (you would call it mediumistic writing, tin accomplishment considered miraculous by our adepts). Still, ho wrote little about his doctrine or his person, but after his death his apostles made a Mahdi of him, and from that to a divine incarnation was a step easily accomplshed, as wo have seen illustrated in your own Christian religion. To Mahdism wore soon joined mysticism and pantheism, which have ways dominated tho philosophic instincts of the Iranian people. If you want to understand present Persian polities, you must bear in mind that Iranhi (Persia) lias always been and is now full of reels like babism, whk-h ai-u called Souil luiker.i, Sheikhi babis, etc.

AMERICAN SOCIETY. Mr. E. Godlcin Says That "We Have Very lattle of It. We have no great landholders, and there la no popular recognition of the fact that a great landowner or great man of any sort needs a great house.

In the second place, We have no capital to draw on for a large company of men and women who will amuse each other in a social way, even from Friday to Monday. The absence of anything we can call society that is, the union of wealth and culture in the same persons in all the large American cities, except possibly Boston, is one of the marked and remarkable features of our time. It Is, therefore, naturally what one might exrect that we rarely hear of Americans figuring in cultivated circles in England. Thoso who go there with social aspirations desire most to get into what is called the Prince of Wales' set, in which their national peculiarities furnish great amusement among a class of people to whom amusement is the main thing. It would be easy enough to fill 40 or 50 rooms from Friday to Monday in a honse near New York or Boston.

But what kind of company would it be? How many of the guests would have anything to say to each orher? Suppose stocks to be ruled out, where would the topics of conversation be found? Would there be much to talk about except the size of the host's fortune anil that of some other persons present? How ir.r.ry of the men would wish to sit with tiie ladies in the evening and participate with then 1 in conversation? Would the host attempt two such gatherings without abandoning his efforts in disgust, selling- out the whole concern and going to Europe? E. L. Godkin in Scribner's. Polo and Needle. According to Professor Patterson of the coast survey the reason why the needle points in a northerly direction is because the earth in itself is a magnet, attracting tho magnetic needle as the ordinary magnets do, tho earth being also a magnet as the result of certain cosruical facts, much affected by tho action of the sun.

These laws periodicities, all of which have not as yet been determined. A condensed explanation accepted in regard to the needle pointing to the northward and southward is that the magnetic poles of the earth do not coincide with the geographical is, the axis of rotation makes an angle of about 23 degrees with a line joining the former, and hence the needle does not everywhere point to the astronomical north, and is constantly variable within certain limits. Thus, at the northern magnetic pole, a balanced needle points with its north end downward in a plumb line, while at San Francisco it dips about 63 degrees, and at the southern magnetic pole the south end points directly The action of the earth upon a magnetic needle at its surface is of about the same force as that of a hard steel magnet 40 Inches long and strongly magnetized at a distance of ane foot. No iiltimato reason can bo given of the fact in nature that tho needle points to the northward and southward. Why Tacy lake Him.

London Madam tells of a recent act of kindness done by the Prince of Wales, "During his recent visit to Cardiff," it lays, ''the prince stopped to look at a linotype machine at the exhibition, and tho operator was not at his post. When found, he was discharged on the spot. The man afterward wrote to the prince, saying that he did not mind being discharged, but was greatly distressed at having caused his royal highness disappointment. On hearing of this the prince at once wrote to the mayor of Cardiff, who is also Lord Windsor, and asked him to see the proprietors of the machine and express his royal highness" hope that the man might be reinstated. Lord Windsor conveyed the royal wishes to the managing director, with the result that the man is now back at work.

And it is just by such little acts of genuine humanity that the prince has endeared himself to us all and made us think of him as a really good fellow as well as our fa- trore When Lord Chesterfield was in aiznlnls- tration, he proposed a person as proper to flll a placo of greaS trust, but which the king himself was determined should bo filled by another. The council, however, resolved not to indulge tho king, for fear of a dangerous precedent, and it was Lord Chesterfield's business to present tho grant of office for the king's signature. Not to incense his majesty by asking him abruptly, lie, with accents of great humility, begged to know with whose name his majesty would be pleased to have tho blanks filled up. "With the devil's," replied the king in a paroxysm of rage. "And shall the instrument," said tho earl coolly, "run as usual, 'Our trusty and well beloved cousin and repartee at which the king laughed heartily, and with great good humor signed tho arrant.

-Lobsters in Norway alone hringn-rev- enues of about $100,000, from which figures a faint idea of what tho entire, harvest of tho sea must bo worth can be obtained. THINK IT OVER; There's a reason for those pains in your back and sides, for those dull, dragging aches, that listless "keep away from-rae" feeling. The kidneys are to blame. They get sick, can't do their work, and the whole system feels the effect, just as a whole town feels the efiect of a blocked sewerage system. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Set matters right quicky and easily.

They never fail even in the most advanced stages of Kidney disease. Mr. Joseph Mack. 1Z4 Peter St. Johnstown, says: "Dunne the most part of Jast winter I suffered keenly with iv weak and bad back.

The pain was across the back just over the kidneys. I heard Doan's Kidney RUs highly spoken of and began taking- them. They fully upheld tho claims for them. They are medicine of high merit. All pain anil -weakness has been removed from, my back.

I recommend them, to all sufferers." Damn's Kidney Pills Cost 50 Cents at any Drugstore. Foster-Wlilbum Co-..

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