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The Indiana Progress from Indiana, Pennsylvania • Page 12

Indiana, Pennsylvania
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THE INDIANA PROQMSB, tjntDMMlDAY MOBWtNQ, ROV, 16, 1911, THE INDIANA PKOOBESS Largeat nfld Oldtit Paper In the County. At T. MOOBIIKAI), A. 8. MOORHEAD, A.

ttALril MOORHGAD, Editors nnd Proprietors. All Resolutions, Obituary Not ICON and try charged (it the rntp of KIVB A MNK. Cash imiKt accompany In nil canes. Address nil comunlcations find mnke Indl- Pn. to the Indiana Progress, 250X Hell 20.1 Rntercd an Second Class Matter nt Indiana I'ostofflce, October 25, 1903.

Kverj- Wcdnemlny Morning. A YEAlt PAID IN ADVANCE. WedneMlay, November 15, 1011. RECENT DEATHS. ArcltJbiUd Barclay.

Archibald Barclay, aged about 08 years, died at his home in Marion Center with dropsy on Monday morn- tag after an illness of several months The deceased was a veteran of the Civil war and resided near Richmond for, a number of years. He is survived by his wife and one daughter Laura, at and three SOUK, James, of East Mahoning; Adam, of Barnesboro, and Harry, of Savan. Funeral services will be held today and interment will be made in the Marion Center cemetery. Mrs. Nancy Alnbon.

Mrs. Nancy Mabon, widow. of the late William Mabon, died at the home of her son, A. A. Mabon, of South Mahoning township IVovember 6.

aged 90 years, seven months and 18 days. The deceased was a sister of the late Dr. William Anderson, of town. Interment was made at the Gilgal church cemetery in East Mahoning township, on Wednesday. Charles Stiles.

Charles Stiles died at his home in Brushvalley on Wednesday at the age of 62 years. Ills death was due to heart trouble from which he had been suffering for several years. His wife and several children survive. The funeral services were conducted on Friday by Rev. J.

T. Davis and interment followed in the Fry cemetery in Brushvalley township. Jjiiura Markle. Laura, young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Hudson Markle, of White township, died early Sunday morning typhoid fever. She was aged five years and is survived by her parents, two sisters and a brother. Obituary. Joseph Hudson, formerly of Am- Tjrose, died at his home on Church street, November 2, 1911, in. his 86th year.

Left an orphan at an early age he, with his older brother, as' the responsibilities of paying for the borne as well as providing for the support of the younger brothers and sisters, in lie marled Araminta Richardson, who with the following children, survive: Edward of Ambrose; Clarence, of Cleveland; Mrs. C. W. Teasdale, of Lancaster; Charles, of Willett; Mrs. Fred Dilts, of town, and Mrs.

George Mabon, of White township. The deceased was an indulgent father, a devoted husband, a kind neighbor and an humble Christian. The funeral services were conducted at his late home by Rev. H. F.

King, pastor of the Baptist church of which deceased was a member. PUKOHASH UNK Mrs. E. C. Johnston, of Curry Run, is visiting relatives and friends at this place.

Mrs. Roy L. Houk, of Portage, visited at the home of O. F. Houk last Quite a number of hunters from this vicinity have gone to the tains to hunt large game.

The men of the Eifst Mahoning Baptist church and vicinity are having a masquerade pie social at the parsonage Saturday evening. All the men are requested to mask and bring pica, and the ladies to he prepared lo buy the pies. Fred ilollins, of I'ittsburg, visited friends and relatives last week. Mr. and II.

II. Houk visited their daughter, Mrs. McKee, last week. County Superintendent James F. Chapman and family, of South Seventh street, are spending the weiik with Mr, Chapman's parents at Georgevillo.

Charles who spent tho 'VUnvmer at his home here, returned last week to Portland, where toe is employed as a construction engineer. Mrs. Edmund Kunts, of Wilkins, who had been visiting her par- eats, J. M. Cunningham and wife, of Church street, returned to her home title weak.

A Thank Offering. AH it is nearing one of our widest, most observed holidays, it is a proper time to offer the Bayne township teacher of tbe Hock Bottom school, a vote of thanks for the hospitable and generous way in she treated her guests, those Wbo aimed in every way to make her iMtltute a success. The polite and Commodious way in which she took Mre of them was certainly -most gen- OTOus. As an old friend of Kay no township and schools, 1 am exceedingly grateful. Will be held by the St.

Agues Guild ill the Episcopal Sunday school room OH Friday and Saturday, November 26, afternoon nad evening, Gem Studio for a short time is offering some bargains in cabinet pictures. Call nnd investigate. fi78 Philadelphia St. Sheriff's Sales My virtue of certain writs of I'l. Vend.

Kx. find Issued out of tho Court of ('(million Plena of Indiana county. to me directed I hen- will be ex- I used lei public, vendue or outcry lit (ho 'inirl House. Indlmin. Pennsylvania, mi Friday, December 8,1911, Mnry S.

Of-orgfi northwnrd 12B feet to pout; I thcncf liy the residue of lot, of which thin I In part, westward hy line parallel with 11NIIId foot ullny fret to pout: thcnct! I liy Hinne Hoiithward by lino fmrallol with Spring Direct 120 feet; thence; aloiiK snld 10 foot alley eiiHtwnril foot to tho plnco of AT 1:15 the followm" (lescrlli. I renl estate, towlt: All the rltthl. title, interest rtnd clnlm of Ilic' ilefcriilinil, M. I). It HATTY, of, In mid In nil tlini.

eorlnln lot of ground nil tnili' In I he bftroiiKh of uidlana, county of Indliinii and stale of I'otinsylviinla, known and niiinbered In Wilson Sntlon and 'lurk (ilnii of lots or addition to the bor- iniifli of West Indiana as) No. fronting on street, and adjoin I nir lot No. "ii I he efist. lot mi I lie went and alley on the sinilh; fHild lot feel I'ront and hack 2m fei't MI said (iri'i'ii alley. AIM-.

that certain lot of irronnd sit- i ale iii ihe Third ward of the borough of Indiiina. ronmy of Indliina and state of Pennsylvania, bounded Mini described us follows Iti'k'liininK at a point corner of Mvenne. fcinnerly day street, and Twelfth street, formerly Fourth street: thence alonf! said Maple- avenue eastward dislMice of feet anil 7 inches to a point coiner of lot No. 71i; Ilience b.v line of sniil lot 7'-' norl hwMnll.v a ilislanre of ill Ml feel In 'ireen alley; thence liy line of sniil Civin a distance of 1 f' 1 iinil 7 inches lo a point cornel' of (irccn alley and said Twelfth street; and Ilion aloiiK salil Twelfth street a. distance feul lo jiolnl, Die of Iipfe'llinin belnK lot No.

In Ihe plot or plan of lob known a.s Ihe Wilson, SuKon and Clark ad dltlon lo Indiana, Iliereor creeled a two-story frame, bouse. Also, all that certain ploeo, parcel or lo of ground silnalc In Hie. borough of Blairs ville, county of IndlMiia and state; of I'o-in sylvnnla. bonndeil and dnserlbod as fol lows: No. In the plan of lots lak out by (he Blairsvlllo Land Iiiiprovcnien 'ompaiiy, beliiK 50 foot front on tlio wos side of Liberty street, and extending bacl feet to nn alley; bounded on tbe ens by said Liberty uleect, on the Hontli bj Fourtli nvoniic, on thn west by said nllcj and on the north by lot No.

122. Also, all that eertaln piece, parcel or lo of land situate in the borotiKb of lilalrs ville. in the county of Indiana and state of rennsylvanla, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at post on tho nortl side of Chestnut, street and corner of lo of Mrs. S. c.

Campbell; thence with lin ot said lot north 2 1-4 degrees west 142 1-2 feet to an alley; thence with south line mild alloy north 80 1-2 degrees east foe to a post; thenoo with line of lot. of Mrs Isle Hratton south 2 degrees east feel to Chestnut street; thence with norti line of said street south SOVi degrees wcs 45 foot a post, the plaee of beginning having thereon creeled a two-story frain house. Taken in execution at suit, of The Citl National Hank of Uock, 1'a I''I. KM. No'.

41. December term, Kill. ICarhart All Ihe right, title, interest an claim of the defendant. S. A.

of, in and to all that certain piece ground situate in the township of Cone niaugh. county of Indiana and orate Pennsylvania, bounded and described a follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point UK; corner of 9th xtreet and Leech ave nue; thence easterly along south line Oth street a distance of 125 feet to a 20 foot alley; thence southerly along lino said alley a distance of 00 feet to line lot No. thence westerly along line wild tot a distance of 125 feet to Leech avenue; thence northerly along east aid of said avenue a distance of 00 feet to plac of beginning, the said above describe! piece or parcel of ground being lots Nos and ft in the plan of lots laid- out by Ihe Saltsbnrg Extension Campany and re corded in tho otllce of the recorder deeds in said county of Indiana and of Pennsylvania; being the sump lots eon veyed by the Saltsburg Intension Company Will in in Stilt by deed of July 2-i 1S04, recorded on the day of August A D. isfll. in the recorder's olllce of sail county in Heed Book, vol.

II. page 020. Taken in execution at suit of Hoggs i Kl. No. December tern Alack ALSO All the right, title, interest am claim of the defendan II.

K. ST nI', in and lo all that certain piece, parce or lot nt ground situate In the lownshli or Coneinaugh. in and the Clarksburg, and having thereon erectei two dwelling houses, and consisting three pieces of land, bounded and descrlb ed as follows: Klrm. All that certain piece or parce of land near the village of Clarksburg county of Indiana, and slate of Pennsyl bounded nnd described as follows to-wit: On tho north by land of Thomas Anderson, deceased, now Daniel Lee; 01 lho south by laiidn of U'illlam Marshall deceased, now Craig Marshall's heirs; 01 the east by land of Samuel Kier, deceased t(iid on the west by Blacklegs creek, con tMining llire.e acres, more or less. Second.

All that certain piece, parcel lol. nl' land in ('oni'mangli lownshli aforesaid, bounded and described MS fol IONS: Beginning nt a post corner of eithe lot of- Axiirlah Stoffy, deceased, and lands of Joseph Itosborougb thence by land said Joseph Uosboroiigh o.iHlward a dis lance of iil'ly feet ko a stone; liy oilier lands of T. S. of which ih i parl northward a distance of liil fee to a hloiie; thence by the same west wan a distance of 111 feel lo a post; thenci along oilier lot of Slell'y sonll ward a distance of L'lTi feet a post. III ice of lieuiiinlng.

Third. All that certain piece, pjin-el lot of ground silualo in Conenmngh town ship aliiresaid, hounded and described follows: Beginning ai neur run; Ihcnci rtli degrees east 12 perches lo a white oak; thence north lit) degrees wcs I'll perches posl; thence south degrees west 10 porches lo a posl neat run; thence south 2(1 degrees east 14 porches lo post; thence Koutli -17 degrees east perches to place of containing I acre measure. The nhovii described truels of land living tho same whereof Axariah Hteffy died seized and which became tested In the said II. Taken In execution ui imlt of Jessie M. Bnnn.

Irii.stee, for use of 1). I). Allowolt, K). Kit. No.

00. December Term, 1(111. i Stewart. NMTICH Any person purchasing at tho al.ove sale will please take- notice that nt 100.00 (If the did lie RO much; will IT required us soon us the property Is I.Ducked down unless tho purchaser Is the i.i iy Judgment creditor, In which caso an siifllelonl to cover all eoslH will bo i- quired and UK- balance of tho purchase oiiey. must be paid In full or receipt irlv- i by the Judgment creditor on or before Monday of the second week of December i niirl.

No deed will be offered for acknow- dgement unless purchase money bo fully paid. The sheriff reserves tho right to re- Inrn his writ "property not sold for nonpayment of purchase money." II. W. TUONAN. Hhcrlff.

Sheriff's oilier. Indiana. Nov. 15, 1011. and 110 1-2 perches, Hlriet Slcfl'y, under the Intestate laws of Pennsylvania, subject to the dower interest of Stefl'y, widow of Steffy.

also snhjoet lo a mortgage In faror of It. M. li'rilss, dated April 12, 11)11, and recorded in the recorder's olllce in uiid for Indiana county In Mortgage Hook at), pago 69. Taken In execution nt anil of S. J.

Itranlhoover, use of H. M. KrIU, I'M. Fa. No.

Wi. December Term. 1(111. J'color A Felt. ALSO All the right, title, Interest an4 claim of the defendants.

LILLIAN L. MAKNIIALL and TIIOMAB D. MARSHALL. at 5:00 o'clock. 46-2tp Clucfcen and Waffles.

f. P. C. E. Society of the church hold a chicken wMBe supper in Library Hall on Supper an early evening.

:00 o'clock, 't aoytblug totter plwsuro tojbov 700 of. and lo all UIOHR two lots of ground nit- me In tin- borough of Uliilrsvfile, count; of Indiana, and state of J'ennsylvnnlu, hounded and described us ttt-wlt: First. HeKliuilng lit 11 post and private alley on ihe lino of tin- lot of Charles Kufg; thezict) eastward with Market street In BiiTd litiroiiKh 00 feot, morn or less, to the north- went corner of lot of O. Nontliwitnl upon a line nt right unities wltl mtid Market street 1UO feet to a public alley thence, westward 00 feet, more or less to (tit! line of inn lot of Churles Rugg! thence with last named lot northward feet to Market street, the place of be tin n- hi-iuu lot No. 4 in the original plan of lots of (hi' lioroiiKli of Hlalrsville Second.

at post on North in said the southwest corner of lot now in tenure of Urr Lawsou and (icorjic W. Henn (formerly owned by Siiniuel Hludorf) thence westward with suid alley 1(15 feet to the west line of lot No. (old burying tfrouud) Iheuce northward with the Hue of said out lot 332 feet to a post; theuce. eastward ill Hue parallel with the said North alley 103 feet to a post on the Hue of division between tbe lot of Mrs. Minnie II.

Ewlug; hence soutb- iwird by tbe Hue of the lota ot Mrs. Mlu- nie U. Kwiutf and of Orr I.uwsoo and Georfie W. Bean 332 feet to alley place ot bevioninir. Biceptlng ana reserrlng portion of aald second described lot; Be- rinoloa at a post on foot tllejr tl liivi itrtM; tlMf Itl NOTICB.

The accoiinlN have filed will bo preMcnlcd lo Ihe Court on Monay. December 11)11. at 10 o'clock, a. in. continuation.

Tnird and final account of (ho Havings Trust company of Indiana. Com- illcc of John A. l.ced, now dcccriMOd. i irst ami final account of C. Cross- of VVIIIiiim Morris, for the i.etit of his JNU.

C. WKI.LS. I'rothonotary. Lltti, FOI-. ft ULt? CHRISTY'S When You Think of Rubbers Think of "Ball Band" "Ball Band" Rubbers in combination with "Ball Band" knit boots, felt boots and lumbermen's stockings make an ideal warm foot outfit.

The knit boots will wear two or three winters, so the only expense after the first winter is a new pair of shoes. We keep a full line of all styles. SSI Philadelphia St. 9 North Sixth St. Notices in this column are charged 1'or nt the rate of ONE CENT a word for tho first insertion and ONE- HALF CENT A WORD for each succeeding insertion of tho same notice.

WANTKI) Mini of wit)) fiiniily wiiiilK work on farm. Henry Mcy- IIT, iJillUiwn, -Ki-Utj) KOU 10 stock of I lit- National Hank of Iirdluua, Call on or address Jim. W. Mack, Marshall I in I Id I UK, Indiana, 1'a. FOR SAl.K I'ropei'ty on Wayne avenue, second house lielow Maple street; good six room liousi 1 good location.

1'rice reasonable. of Lewis, Indiana, I'll. KOIl of 00 acre farm in Clicrryhill township, near good mining town; 40-foot bank bnrn, house anil youiiK orcbard, 75 acres in cultiviition; terms to salt purchaser. Address .1. Nichol, J'ji.

KOI! Ti years, work horse and 1 horse waKo'i and harness, good a.s new. C. II. IIolTniai), It. I).

N.o. Indiana, 1'a. 45-atp good inun with small or no fiimily for farms as caretaker; who also 1ms had experience In feeding and caring for stock. .1. I-Ieshbon) 1'.

O. Address, r.lackllck, Indiana county, It. V. No. 1.

45-tf FUK Ilornes, most any kind. Draft, driving or saddle. J. G. McCrorey, near Ileshbon.

45-tf WANTRn- Hose comb Huff Leghorn cockerels. Address Hox 41i, Venn Hun, Pa. 45-2tp to do chores around house and burn and able to milk one cow. $15 per mouth and board. Apply at Dixon ville Hospital, Dixonville, 1'n.

44-tf to bring their hair combings to Helena U. Vogel's store and Have them made up in any style. All work guaranteed. 44-4tp KOU roomed house on West Philadelphia street; stable, outbuildings and young fruit. Also six-roomed house on Maple street, near Normal school, and car line; good lot and plenty of fruit.

Call on or address U. C. Stuchell, 8-18 Maple street, Indiana, Pn. 44-Stp KOH SALE Oil of ground first class frame building, containing two largo store rooms and In good mining town In Indiana Co. Owner doing good business, but wishes to engage In another business In another town.

AV111 be sold or rented away under value, If quickly taken. Address S. K. Hank, Bank building, Glen Campbell, Pa. 43-3t girl for general housework in a family of four.

Must be good cook nnd able to wash and Iron. Written recommendations required. Wages, $20 per month. Address Lock Box No. 122, Indi- iina, I'a.

38-tf FAHM KOIl In Young township, containing 210 acres, good Irani, well watered, tine fruit, convenient to churches, school and railroad. Suitable for funning or grazing purposes. Price For Inquire at the Klrst of Indiana, or I). C. Hrown.

ItliiT Washington street, Indiana, Pa. 7-tf Koll -Planing mill doing good luishif'ss will be sold cheap to a quick buyer, on or address 10. Somerville, Cherry Tree. Pa. A i If you toll your him to cryi; foiling down cheek fail to know where th, ynn you liver is.

9 North Sixth Street 581 Philadelphia Street Wallace Dry Goods Co. Have Furs at reasonable prices. Our Funs at $13.00 per set, in black, imitation' of lynx, ure the best mitation you have ever seen. They look like the genuine. Separate Muffs at reasonable prices.

Other Furs at less than you will pay elsewhere. Thanksgiving will soon be here. The place to get good Table Linen at reasonable prices is from us. No fancy profits, but the best value you will get anyAvhere. Lots of Napkins to match our linens.

Ladies' Coats Special low prices on Ladies' Coats. Nothing better in Black Coats -than we are selling and our prices are cheap. Have a few Misses' Coats that we will ddsc one-half the former prce. Black Silk Waists Special at $3.25 and $5.00 that would be considered cheap enough at $4.00 and $6.00. J.

C. WALLACE SON, Proprietors. Iliir JobOeparfment the day of the Sale nivoncs INDIAKA COWNf gd. The t'ommoimMtlth ot Morrlll Campbell TH. Meryl M.

Campbell To Meryl M. Campbell, Greeting we rotnmnnd yon, Meryl M. Campbell, hat nil matter of business and excuses be- ng Hot aside, you be and appear In your iropor person before otir tinges nt Indl- i tin. at otir Court -of Common Pleas there to bo hold on the first Monday of January, l. to show cause, any you hare, why rferrlll L.

Campbell should not be divorced from bonds of matrimony which he intli oontracted with you, the said Meryl kf. I'nmpbell, iigreonbly to the Petition and Libel exhibited against you before mr said Court, and this yon shall In no wise omit ot your peril. Witness the Honorable S. Tclford, 'resident Judge of our said Court, this (7ny of November, A. 1911.

JNO. C. WwI.LS, Prothonotary. Allowed by Honorable H. J.

Telford, Judge ii. WALLACE THOMAS, Hneriff. HhrrrTTH Offlco, Indiana, Nov. 15, 11)11. Notion Is tvtttebf given thnt will be made by toe Havings tinny of Jndlnna, ffttar MoCrady Tllmwcrosge nna Oor dy, nonresident minors, to th Court of Indiana County, on MI oembrr 4, 1011, ut 10 o'clock, n.

order to sell at private sale to. crawglmw for the sum of WOO, the ing lot of ground slutntcd in Olen Cif I boll borough, bounded by Olenvrood B. tine, lot of Madle Hiss, an alley, and lot of i John ttornnlpy, They Are Oomls. You can't see anything better elsewhere. A pleasure to show yon.


Peclor Felt, A'ttorneyg. KXKCtJTOB'S NOTIOB. Letters testamentary on the estate Of Joseph FJuuson, late of Indiana borough, deceased, having been granted the signed, those navlng claims against said estate am requested to present them dnly atithcntlcatod for and thoM knowing themselves to be Indebted are quested to make prompt payment. CLARBNCB f. HUDSON, PBBD NoviMnbcr 10, 1011.

Bxecntort. Progress trespass notices printed on muslin prevent trespassing oft fur property. 6c each, or 6 for 26c, MACK'S 7 n'. LA ST COLD WEATHER SPECIALS FOR COLD DAYS AND NIGHTS WOOL BLANKETS Large Wool Blaftkets, all colors, guaranteed strictly all wool, special per pair $3.98 Big Square Horse Blankets, each $1.75 to $3.48 Large Cotton Bed Blankets, per pair MILLINERY. We can save you money on Winter Millinery.

New Hats and Velvets are arriving this week. Fancy Feathers, New Ribbons, all the new shapes and colors, prices the lowest. SWEATER COATS Ladies' Sweater Coats 98c to $1.98 Children's Sweater Coats to 98c Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats 48c to $2.75 UNDERWEAR Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, suit Men's Wool Underwear, per garment Ladies' Wool Underwear, per garment 996 Ladies' and Children's Underwear lOc to 45c WARM SHOES AND BOOTS Arctic Overshoes $1.10 to $1.98 Felt Boots to $2.98 Leather Boots $2.48 to $3.50 Warm lined Ladies' Shoes $1.48. BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS: INDIANA, PA. Magazine Subscriptions We are prepared to take care or your magazine scriptlons for you and have the most attractive club rates ever ottered.

All tbe leading and pe- riodlcale, individually or at greatly reduced prices when clubbed with others. Drop ua a card and we will mail you a catalog of all the elub rate Make out your Hat and bring it to ua. Subecrlp- Bcriptions given tbe raofit careful and prompt attention. Our circulating library is better now than ever. New boohs are being added almost latest fiction just UB it to printed.

No ebarge to join and you only pay irnlla using the HUEY 6 MOORHEAD, Opp. It. Oar Itatioa, Indiana, Copyright Hurt Sobaffner Marx YOU like the 'button-through style in an It's one of the most popular ideas in overcoats; used in many different models, Its popularity might be why you don't care for it. show you lots of Overcoats that are not button-through; we would like particularly to have you see the new Hart, Sqhaffner Marx Ulsterette; a long coat for winter, with an adjustable three-way collar. This store is overcoat headquarters for this, community because its the home of Hart, Scharfner Marx clothes; the best styles are here, the best qualities, the best tailoring; and enough good things to satisfy everybody.

Moorhead Brothers This Is Overcoat Weatber and Is the Overcoat Store.

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