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The Vicksburg Post from Vicksburg, Mississippi • Page 2

Vicksburg, Mississippi
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

XZ2 grzrzrj satuhsat, ml me uwtiers Do You Open Tour Mouth 1 V) Purposes of the detail TJVn ft vnnnrr Mrrt find ffiiln dmvh whit. II XiAs A of Bad Breath- Merchants Association I ii i nn'ri Foul Odor cf Indigestion. Smokinf, -II ever food or medlclno may bo offered you Or, doyou want to know soniotlilng of the composition and character of that which you take Into your stomach whether as food or medicine? Most intelligent and sensible people now-a-days Insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or as medicine. Dr. Plerco believes they have a perfect right to Insist upon such knowledge.

So ho publishes, broadcast and on each bottle-wrapper, what his medicines arc madw of Eating or Drinking Stopped at Once With Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. I Easter Bargain Facts Editor Evening Post: We are it was not vnur tion, 'which some members of thfi Vicksburg Association construe as au Striking Values in Women 'a StvliRii Ya intention to injure the Retail Mcrcii. ants Association in ari he Fight on Black Lists whfrh an- peared in your eolums of'Mawh 26th. Special Bargains that yon will not find eksewhere! 2 Sl notable offers: Pony Coat Suits, Lingerie Shirt Waist rhes9 Shirt Waist Suits, Prince Chap Linen Suits, Lnen 2 sacrificed at $7.50. WEen to be The above values range from $14.00 to $25 60 Tn v.

at $7.50. sacrificed "attempt to discredit its purposes." The article in "question should have had a Jackson date line. We believe, however, that the writer, of the article did not intend to- bring discredit upon the" 'Association. but wns iu- i stilj we teel sauj article is likely to prejudice he can well afford to do because the more tho of which his medicines are made arc studied and understood the more will their, superior curative virtues be apprecia ted. For tho filirn nf wnman's nfwiUnrwAnlf.

therefore we would aiuireeiiit.e vnur I kindness in publishing this communi give the news, status of Trial Package To Prove Jx Sent Free. Bilious breathers, onion cater, gesticm victims, cabbage consumers, smokers, thinkers and those with gas on the stomach are io a class all by themselves, distinguished by a powerful bad breath, They all breathe, and as they breathe, they whiff oat odor which wakes those standing near, tarn their heads away in disgust. The pitiable fart of it is that these victims do not jealizj what a ickenutg thing a bad, ffensive breath is to others. cation as an explanatorv renlv We will not suffer ourselves to drawn into auy controversy, but wish 1 me Association and those who. are bringing suits against it.

"As faras The Post is concerned, it the Retail' Merchants have noted wisely, and within the law, in organizing' for their own It is their province 'to aive ro asK taat you publish tins to cor rect what appeare to' us as an at nesses, Irregularities and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, backache, drngging-down pain or distress in lower abdominal or pelvic region, accompanied, ofttimes, a debilitating pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symptoms of weakness, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a most efficient remedy. It Is equally effective In curing painful periods, in giving strength to nursing mothers and In preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby's coming, Hins rniirlfrln(r pliiMhirfh enfd on1 onm- tempt to discredit the purpose of our Easter Clothes for thewT -At prices that will delight their parents! Boys' Light Weight Wdolen Suits, ojf worsted ard Caiu, in an extensive range of new patterns "'-u aesmiere, Boya' Light Weight Woolen Suits, 'of Worsted CrVcV 52'50 imere, finely taUored and Cass- Boys Washable Blouse Suits, of soiid "and ancv' Uwn teals, bloomer pants; ages 3 to 9 years $1.00, Sl 50. up' Boys' Washable Eussian Blouse Suits, of fine'qua'litv fc Linen, bloomer pants, carefully tailored $1.50, $2.0 and uf association and to some extent lire juuice public opinion against u's iu Charcoal is a wonderful absorber credit, or refuse credit, to "'whom they please; 'there is no law to compel a merchant to' aive credit! in me cc 01 oame soon to be wauei of gase and odor. It absorbs 100 the courts.

And we protest araim times its own volume of gas. paratively painless. The "Favorite Pre- Rcrintinn fu mncf. Tlntnnf vttmti linnlnn such expressions as "it is and we believe there is no law to pre- Stuart's Charcoal Lozenpes will pnt a stop to your bad, efeuave breath, tonic to the general system and to tho ent a merehant.or anv other wrmm. we will have to disband "-let tha Court say whether or not we shail from informing other merchants or and to jour belching, whatever the i cause or source, because the charcoal other persons, that certain people had either a trond rppmvl n.

i disband and not till then will we surrender one inch of the position we quickly absorb all noxious, minatural nave taken what we considers with them as the care toisht he. odors and gases. perfectly just and legitimate cause There is' no 'probabilitv, that sanctioned we may sav bv the Staifl tained. There is no probabilitv -that If you suffer from indigestion and belch gas as a result. Stuart's Cnar-coal Lozenges will absorb all the gae of Mississippi; for we are organized organs aisuncuy icmmine in particular.

It is also a soothing and invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion, nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vitus's dance, and other distressing nervous symptoms attendant upon functional and organic diseases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all tho several schools of practice, recommend; each of the several ingredients of which "Favorite Prescription" Is made for tho cure of the diseases for which it is claimed to be a cure. You may read what they say or yourself by sending a postal card request for a ree booklet of extracts from the leading authorities, to Doctor R. V.

Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo. N. and it will como to you by return post the Association will disband, any more-than there" is that Du 11 atiri and working under a charter scruti nized by onr Attorney General, and Bradstreet will go out of business. granted by our esteemed Governor. vesta Commercial Exchang Saloon and Kestaurant With Furnished Kooms are not banded together to in jure any one and claim risrht'to ROGERS' LIVERWORT Tar and Canchalagua For the complete cure of Couahs.

and make you stop belehnif. If on getting; up id the morning you an almost smell it yourself, Stua-art'g Charcoal Lozenges will get rid cf it for you quickly. If you have been smoking or chewing, or have been eating onions or other odorous things Stuart' Charcoal Lozenges will make your breath pure and sweet. .1 seir-protection whether organized or unorganized. colds, Astbma, and Bronchitis and all In protecting ourselves in this man Lung complaints tending to Con ner we are protecting our creditors.

I DI AL5R IMPOETED AUD DOMESTIC LIQUORS CIGAR, I SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE JUO TRADE Ji 117 S. WASHINGTON VICKSBURG, MISS, tion. Liverwort, Tar and Wild Cher our honor and our families. You and ry, have for ages maintained an es- Charcoal is also the beat laxative ablished reputation as a standard known. You can take a whole boxful and no harm will result.

It is a won Cough Remedy. It contains no opium or harmful drug can be given with derfully easy 'iue jiisc winning public know very well why so many of our very, best business men have failed, as" Retail Merchants. According to U. S. statistics nearly 75 per cent, can be traced to bad collections and that means they needed safety to children.

Price Sold And then, too, it filters yonr blood, by druggists. every particle of poison and impuri Wililams' M'f'g. Clove- JKA1M GUSCIO ty in your blood is destroyed, and you begin to notice the difference in your some protection against those Deonle land, 0. For sale by Haralson-Raiford Drug mcli25 jace ftrst thing, yonr clear complexion. tv.ea.1 Lstato Rroker.

Just Received who buy aiid do not pay; who dress in the height of style the merchant to whom he is iildebted has to wear last winter's clothes; who hires Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges are made from pure willow ehareoal, and nice horse and buggy to drive out WTjlfWESSfdlLEGEt just a little honey is jrat in to make them palatable, bnt a-jt too swept Stock of New on Sundays; while his merchant whom he owes has to stay at home successfully nZJT tl0 I Buslness -toea Properties; rarm. They wfli'wojk wonders in your Itomacn, and make yoa feel fine and iresh. your blood and breath will and economize in every way to make ends meet so as to keen the iobbc- i Rm "Merchants National Bank Buildi; pL ioo, Feather Dusters purified. You will feri clean inside. or manufacturer from, having the SPORT FOR SPORT'S1 SAKE.

An important task; 'remains for those who would foster aollege sport, We want to prove all this to you, so just send for a free sample toaay. Then after you get it and use it, you Sheriff close his We claim that we have the right in some manner toprotect ourselves. 1. to induce thnSs fml- nn ni- nsnii-. We protest also to the term 1 1 MttMMMMMMIUU will like them so well that you will go to your druggist and get a 25c box nig- to one or another of the teams Black List" which von armlv to For the Office and Homes of these Stuart's Chaiocal Lozenges.

Send us yonr name address to vi mfcaiuiduun ior we-eiaim tnat ui to take to outdoor sports for their own sake if not to provide a larger no sense of the word do we issue a black list, but do comnile in number from which the teams can be day and we will at trace send you by mail a sample package free. Address selected. In the major sports at leas nn, topper, and bheet iron Works. I formation as is benejeial to our members, and in its use strictly T. A.

Stuart Co, S3 Stuart All Sizes and All college students are roughly divided IS Marshall, fflich, to members of our association. Also Slating, Plumbing Gas Fitting. 1 into those who play for the eolleg Thanking you kindlv and recrettino- and those who "root" from th -All the necessity of asking so much of Prices bleachers. Sport is always popular, i iy "or 's guaranteed, and Prices i your valuable space. I remain.

Eave You Dut still remains to be popularized A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION the broadest The practical Cor. Depot and' Pear Streets. universality of active particination in some strenuous outdoor snort is THE RETAIL MERCHANTS AS an ideal the 'American 'colleges a Baby Clarke Co. failed to attain, and in this resDeet SOCIATION. Ill our issue of March 2G.

was mib- at least a desirable model mav be found in the English universities. lisbed an article in regard to the" Mississippi Retail Merchants Associa- Cleveland Plain Dealer. Booksellers J. CURTIS BYENE. W.

H. RODGERS. BYRNE RODGERS Practical Tin and Sheet Iron Workers. Phunhing and Gas-Pittinj. SMOKE STACKS, BREECHING AND TANKS A SPECIALTY.

Property Transfers Sue Denman to Mary Ann Garner; AH Work Guaranteed JAMESTOWN consideration $50. ITflW XrtA a The following property transfers haveVeeently been placed on record Part of lot 5 Parker tract, from J. Hyland to Philip Feld; consideration $5.25. EXPOSITION. TELEPHONE 1251.

98 acres in section 9, township 17, Norfolk' Ta' AprU 26tn- to Nov 30th, range 4 east, trom Warren 0 and Geo, Smith Katie Young; consideration $500. 1907. Season tickets on sale Am-il Iftfh Part of lot 8, Fletcher survey from 3. L. Hyland, tax collector, to P.

H. Feld consideration $.5.25. 1 30th rate $41.45. Tract Of land in t-nnrl Tin First National Gaol Sixty day tickets on snlo AtI Km. from Hatti'e' H.

and J. M. Hasie; consideration $15. to 30th rate $35.60. 1 Fifteen dav tiekufa "nn oi VICKSBURG MISS.

80 acres in W2 of N. Wy4 5, townishin 16. ransre 5 c.i;l. GO-CARTS AND ROSY CHEEKED BABY. inn "ore AUi'Jj 19th to 30th rate $287 loach Excursion tieW from J.

L. Hyland, tax collector, to P. H. Feld; consideration $38.50. 100" acres in section 32, township 17, range 5 east, from J.

L. Hyland, tax collector, to P. H. Feld; consideration $10.15. United States Decositofv ten aays rate $21.40.

oth and on Tuesrlnv oax, Let toe crisp- afp them, let the glad sunshine on tfcoa, let them feel the exhilaratian of On outdoor Surplus Profits S150.000.00 Property alontr Warrenton mad thereafter. B. W. Griffith from James B. Lausrhlin to P.

L. and Fr fourth or life. last season's fe-cart tale Prompt Aattent on to all A. Hennessey consideralion ,5.. u.uuuu uu or address, Three acres in townshb 16, ran') 5 east, from H.H.

Austin to Madi-sou Bank's; consideration aatonished our ntancfactarerfi. and Aiawers jsntrustoa to us. foreign Exchance Broueht t. ru I 500. we have this seasoir proenwd the very I All E.

A. STEDMAK, Ticket Affent. M. DONOIIOE, District Passenwr A o-nv. I lv rans oi the World.

latest attachment, best carts made at the lowest prices tftey cut he made Lot 198, Speeds from Sue Robinson, Will Thompson. Clabe for. Call and see them. lnonipspn, Nellie Malin.V All Styles from $IJg tip ta J35.00. Lot in Speed street from Fannie Guy to Grayson W.

CaU-hings; consideration $10. Lot5, square Wharf Land Henry, Minerva Thompson, llimiison, Mathew and Anna Thompson Moore to (V- fl. SZCOND CLASS COLONIST 's resurvey, hm Mrs. Mary. Ella Hughes to A.

Terry; Maas; AZ.NT AND PAPEE STORE AT 208 CLAY STREET. AND consideration $7u0. Onr Whitney and- Blotfe Carts tre the Terjr best that are Eie, "AGENTS TOE KOOSIEE KET-CSSN CABINErS. Dice a co. NEXT TO P03TCFPKS.

EATES TO CALIFORNIA AND THE NORTHWEST From March first tn Anvil 3fHU sJ, Lot at CheriT and Belmont street from Nellie M. and A. Ralnh uot .5, 1. Wharf 1 elusive the Yazoo and Mississippi Vol. )av IMU "Trust Company; I iompany's resurvey from A.

Terry to trustees of Snntl, consideration A Methodist Episcopal church vu. win sen second class colonist tickets to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacremsnto, and interme-diate points at rate of $31.65. To Portland. Seattle Tn Part of-S WV. of'Wk nf ErV jSm A HNE ST0CK 0r HIGH CLASS PAINTERS AND DECORATORS' MATERIALS I WllltlvvVl JEARS CTICAL EXPERIENCE, THEY CONTRACT WITH ME TO DO THEIR WORK.

ES 11 0ILS. WALL PAPER, OLASS, BRUSH- MSSSSS USED tHE MCORATOR'S ART. HESLDENCEPH0NE 665. STORE PXkONS 471 eranon $o0. 4 floal Section iS.JowiishTu 1 ran ire i ua can srrLLTArs ess cr all Qizczzr tzzli cits cr: tss rc imcn Intermediate points $43.85..

JO acren, from jTifiHylaiid, tax f'olloctoi', to A. HrtTook(cond-eraticn f4. 'LfltB 19, 20 21, James M. Searleg- survey of th'e Vpglesotf prop, erty from D. R.

and Ressie Mi.lrlln. further- information nlpn BO noil Wll on or address Part of the Henrv Tlnv tiIao on ton to Jacoh Dornbuach estate; consideration extinguishment of a certain debt. J. E. ROBERTS, C.

P. T. A. feb23 Carwll Hotel Building. r- i Jackson road from Mary Jane and.

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