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The Floridian from Tallahassee, Florida • Page 1

The Floridiani
Tallahassee, Florida
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TT 7T tYv.iTTfV TT TTrV tt a TCVT 1 I I'll WlatnpwT Dollar. Z-Z tacripUoiM Iron noraon reaidiug Uvl.vTrjabl PW in KflM. aadlaaa wUJ he aadw aa tha B7 tbt tfe I OcPwwwaar ti III i ajfr "Laissiz tfotr Fair. I'. CoUsga, ash, assRaeaw I I lull Tbe Ckatlahoochw Fswm CcJssfu, waK toawS dtMlmj by the Re.

8a ream Tayhsr. iaa PrnsseaeJ and prayvietorof the Spawtt faaai Madel BOOKS. Course, of etady law th toy, aod) LIST of Letters twa Poat Ooke at TallahasM an day ea Jaawary, rnawln and PiiiiMllaH Rm4; CM.) 9 CoaaoaBT. I Hoular te that of other koww aadj fTHE oart aaaalan of Ikt. buhntkM will TWioui dMcriptioea, fra 50 eta.

la S.0Q; muum mr a quar wf wv ha 7 mW -ftr eaoh ooaliouasc line nd under twenly-fonr, will be state, with vocal moatc and drawing. If not taken fat wilhib torso naanlba, Utmj arni to tha General Poet OOca an dead Oarsw er stedy la) lb Lasses Cosfefw. aaaaam- J. MMoiinilrMaij atJuairr, aatdand Uatlaldnyof June. Tl fdaa af tnatrai(M taknna B-efiil aeiuvw Workt, Al-Sfl.

esnf eaerj thing law) fwfil asay esse tanv of aw- and (boreerfc Eofliah.elaaMeal. and iKtbearaiMai tuitkw. AM EfiTKtO of Che ttntfchtdera or the Brans-wakana1 Florida Jbut Sold Canaaaw? wl aliaMadrintai IbTbi etaaeea, BQ pas i rfsadvertivar TL-i will to Jneertod, comn be baid at Tboaaaaville, Thomas eooatr, Moat- nay lam ot January 1040. inn-il aiail. Acadeauc daaaea, fO, with vecai aad MUal HWsie.

Coflegiaie elajawa, 100. Twitwa always atnwst, aataa i A. L. KING, Secretary. Broawwiek, Dee.

17, 18J9, The no airer at Cotambua. Jnomal Rnorder a responsible reference in th 'Tffl regular emtio net, or forwarded by candidates for oScm wil rublieUoe of f)w Aaeetiora Treet Soeielj, el JheJf rtes, etu i Pilerini'e fVorte, (7 P'C'" Rw nd Profreea, 37 1-t. Bexier'e tami Ret, 37 1-t. hivea uT Baxter, Bniacrd, Uertyn, Peslnioj iului- end. oiLv cniseittiy mmu mn.

ilTe CIU AIMne'c Alerei, Keith on PrvpSocy. Yoomg Cbrieti MotUer Hone, Child at lloeae, Calrciirmne Jrc. Burder'e Village Scrmone, Jowphne Work. Fitmhi J. S.

GRAVES. Monbeello. Nor 14, 35raw nd Federal Union al i lied gevi lie. Mirror at Flo-reoca. Herald at Irwintno, Ala Sentinel at Qoia-tf.

Fa. and the Tallabaaaa Ploridiaa, are requested to insert tha aboso till 1.. r.A ik. AH-T ujUrt fr insertion during the ahta in mmanicauona whit ar ad. AraMUd.

Mrs Loctnaa '4 Alhrn. BeRti Aiatoai. Mi-a Flora Bailey, Brown, Boyd, Brown, Helton, Visa Brawn, 8 Curtis, Tboe I 9 Crowley, daig.WmP Deering, Sam' I 3 Downs, Solomon SDay.Wm bilk lo ihcSecreUry. We, inv-aUons, r- Co-PBrtmerahlB. AW, Almay Atkins, Daniel And, Walker Andersen, George Austin.

Blake, Ishant Bsliaall.Thoa awn, Joseph Botl, A Palis Bellamy, Mrs. A. Bawcn, John Cr.irte, Joseph Croom, Garnocbaa, John Doughty, James Desha, John biseavwey, Who, Joseph Dewey, Joel Ellie, Meaea Edson, Joaiah Erans, Cbarle lyrnHE eabKribera have thii iby entered into Co-Parlnarahip tinder the firm nf Beaar dt Dowune. R. II.


Tha dapartnwmt of Ancient Laonem ia To IhiatWpartmaalara asaiaed) the Latin and Greak Lamruafca, and Roman and Greek Geography, and HMarj. 1( ia tha object of tha PHacipal not eo nuch i harry the pupil through an exieneiee eoorae, aa to make him thoroughly acquainted with the atraetureol the language he iaatudying. With tbU view, minute attention ia paid to th Grammar, and the pa pit ia regularly exercised in eonaartang Latin or Giruk miu Engliah, and rife eeraa. In reading the poeU, great attention, ia beatnwed in imparting a knowledge of Proaodf, a aubject too generally nagkecled in our aaminarma. The deparlmeni of Malbematica ia under the oha rga of Mr.

A. J. Corley. In tbia department innir action ia given in Arithmelie, Algebra, Geometry, Sarveying, Natural Pbiloaophy, Aetronomy, Ac. Tint branche Uugbt in the' English department are divided between B.

Towle, Mr. Corley and lite Principal. In thia deparimant, inetroetion ia given in Orthography, reeding, writing, Engliah Gtammar, Geography, Arithmetic, llielory. Elocution, Rhel. e.

Composition, oaeof maps and globes, ele. Mr. Edmonds takes this opportunity of informing made in eOnc. Co-Partaerahlp Notice. 0 HE Babacribrr has tliia dar Ukrn into Co.

will be pnea warn mnj adnrliMtr. Perlnerehip Mr CHARLES P. MAY. The .1 utoplf REMARKS. These are the last Literary lawtitathsBa tke ri-lav eer eapeels te engage la a4a4ishmy.

He will endeavor te improve by terms npinaeaa, at more than twenty five year, of praciicai sewowi tabor, lo make theaa bin beat achaois. If the Lord voQcbsaft hie bhsBMBg the work, the c-iasaai. ty will feel the Hnporlaace ef the ssaerpraae. Te aay young lady, or man, whoae eircoaasuocea are ao limrle as to prevent advance pay men ta, thy can unnh thoir sdoeslron here, and take 1tae te refund the Mtalitultos by leaehiajf or any ether useful labor. Th school are deeigVed fee the ed-ocmiioa of the poor ae well ma rich, act fur aoe, bwl for every claas, net in pert, bat ail pbyesceJ, aMmuL, and aaoral powem.

The boys and yooof mew will be required lo. labor two hour daily, whew It proprietor htaiaa leebt, at gardaaing, ar aeana eaefel aaeeJiaaueal trade, witkwwl ruaaaaaaa tiow, othor than bodtly ksajth, and the aegBasitw uf rnacbanieaj kaww lodge. That the writer has beew able to aeem the ser-vicea of hia veosraWe fnsad aad) ehristian brother the Res. Johai Biaws, D. for lho bawd aaT no yo-rag aam's college, he derma a lokew ef lacciaa to tliat department.

All lU buildings for Iheyeatng "en's eollega at Fort Gamos, wiD be taw, east af liefi l. Ji.cor. tinned, until kit i Uouglaao, -iJ n.lMllODI oollOB. onie ei our boiineae will from this time be conducted under the firm of WARD and MAY, and the Subwiiwt wuuld Uke Uiia method lo return hti tin cere thanke to hie friends and former enitotnere, for 1h pairon-fe that haa been no lioerally heeiowed on him, end he would Biwt reepectroll eolieit ahara far the ere paid up, Edwards, John Elliot, Juwpb C. WARD.

tirmwr mm P. OP1AXJI, ARTIST, At the Old Academy Bnlldlaw. MR. COPHANiN, would ramuid fai Iriends and patrons, that hia slay in Ta'ahaaaee will not be prolonged toamucb pcH and would adriaa those who may wish their Portrait taken te give hint an early cell. Mi.C.

at the aame time, woold take (Kcuion to exprcsa his acknowledgements for the liberal euprr eiiea bim by tha cruxens of Taliahaiaaa and iu vie in ty; and wculd be pleased to have them call and examine hia 'Gallery of BTHis office is open Irom oVIock A until sundown. Ha can be found at hia office from 9 A M.nnlil 3 o'clock M. Tallahassee, Oct. 12, 1839. if tt Brarn twkk mad Florida Liae.

KrunhUo, Joseph Farmer, Mies Elles C. razier, Capl. TbwaM Fitipalriek, Col 11 Dec7l8 ia asHaau irianda and the publir that by tha recti qp of a new building, and the recent putclitae of tha adjoining house and lot, ha ia now enabled to receive 25 boys as boarders. Tha Mala and Female boarder eat at the same able with the Principal, his lady, and assistant teachers but al no other period era pc led te baa aay intercourse. Gadea, Daniel 3 Giltoer.

Jacob I Granniaao, John Gatlin, A Garland, Major Gadsden, Cut Jamas Gaasaway, Mrs A nHIS near and ao peri or fine ia enr oveiunf; (W the Great Florida Hail, form the pJaiaest order, far some few yean. Bwt esseBlia arl, moral, well qualified and iwdawtri Valaable lands lor Sale. erly arnt by the AMifator Route. lescbers, a large and useful apparatus, aad FktHE subscriber has in a arrealer ouaDtilv ol I Hunter, Dr Pupils are charged from the lima of entrance to the end of the sesaiuu. Dec 14 19 ihecoa.

necessary bosks, will all he bad froas JL land than ia desirable furhwown culUaiion., 31 1 Schedule comwtenciag the 26A of Nov. Leaves Mobile, Taeodara, Thuwdey and Satur- mMKBBt. Thw cadleee ia deaigwed to aneet lho offer? for three valuable pnlaliuns one. sit- Ilawley, wants of the resideal inhabitants Fort Gi and as many a will patronise it.

Hook, EdwarJ Hard grove, Mrs Hall. Miss Ann Hsfthng, Francis II 3 Hunter, Miae Ksbecca HU-kher, 30 Hall, William daviatd P. conoectinc in Mobile Bay with uated on Bijck Creek, a'fout thirteen mii a rasl! Howard, l)r John To George Mitchell, Tallahassee, containiiir thirteen hundred Hol'rook, Aaron llionewurieBnsblMmerwlientneyarainscaon. r- mw? tne Ladies cotlsrs at rrt UaueawTtl ei Arrive at Apalachicola and T.tllalwssee, Wednes- ,3 i acies, 600 of whicli are in a bicli rate of cnltiva- Dorset, England, or to his next of kin. tion, lite residue moat is rich hamnck land, with lloy.

Oaeaf days, Fridays and Sundays, and al Charleston Fridays, Sundays and Toeidava al nighl. Time, in OTICE is hereby fiven, that if the as id all he necessary farm houses and oulbuildino Hill, Wat George Mitchell, son ct" Thomas and Ann favorable weather, 3 1-2 days from Mobile, and 4 the crops raised upon this plantation have not been aurpaiscd by any in ibe counlry. Another, about the aarne diflsnce. nnrlhcial from Jackron, Johnsiou. Mitchell, of Motcombe, aforesaid, is now iiving.ot been dead, should have lell any personal represents ires in America, he or they may hear of some lo Feicaieachool, academy, or Ug in the Stales, and belter famished with hooka, auaps, globes, philosophical and cbemica) apparaloa, pa-aoos, harps, and guitars, thaw any feniaJo iawtita tion in America.

Board can be obtained in good families at $19 50 per month. Former patrons, ot Colombo, Alabama, and Florida, will find all Ihe advantages of my school al Sparta, ia a Taw month at Fort Gaines. The building now in progrees to be completed in June, will be 100 feet by 40, with belfry 70 feel hijjh, and) wine 30 bfcdO, two stone hi eh. about 700 acres, of rich oak and hieko-1 Jarrell, John thing to his or thoir advanlaee, by applying either ry land witri CO or 70 acres in cu Hi vat wn and Jonos, Joseph personally ni by letter, post paid, lo Uiu under, i anotlier in Hamilton county, about ten milei- from .1 il. i I Sun three igned, within munlhs from tbe dale hereof, i Le an nee Springs, containing al-out 2000 Ppnlwo.d bliould any pcron be ab'e lo send a certificate ol i acres, a small psrt in cultiration, with farm house 1 Knit hi 8 he said George Milclit-li'a death, a remu- 1 dc 'I hia land ia of superior qnah'y fur the cul-' Kril iv kubt January, Juriah, Mr.

Jirho on, John Lowcry, James 9 Lovdl.Charlfs Lovid, Mr La molt, Oapt Lang, Wm Lax ton, James 3 Miller, Albert PETEKS PILLS. THETRCE RICHES OF LIFE IS HEALTH. Tt knew that l.eallh and ability to labor ia -F nc ration will be paid. The said Geo. Mitchell if The school will open in another building lor lha firat term.

It the wealth of the treat mass of the people lureoi sea Mane con m. i Luke Also a tracl of 400 acres, al the natural bridge euh Janiea 3 on the St. Mark, about I miles sooth essl of Tal-j Ler Solomon lahaaeee; half of this tract ia a rich alluvial Btaa. aain most other countries. To prreerve.

The wriler esteem ibe society and location of Fort Gainea for literary anrwosaa, ao Tar SB edor tasrelorc.that health by nalorai means, is a grand cation of youths ie bob ear equal te leafnK im" mi seal, wnn greater water power than anv in Middle Florida. These lands will be s-ld at moderate prices, and Mann, Wm Sparta. SERENO TAYLOR. Fort Gaines, Doc 18, HQ dnysfrom rew Orleana to Char lesion, and to the Wilmington Steam Boats. Passage and Fare.

MoUle to Pen sic ol ft 10 Mobile lo Apalit-hifola, SO Mobile to Tallahasroc, 36 50 Mobile lo Charleston, 65 Tallahassee to Brunawick, 26 SO Tallahassee tn Charleston, 38 50 Tallahassee lo St Augustine, 37 Forward deck peoengers half price in the Steam Boats, through, to lake out vide Mete on toe stages and meals at the second labia when required. Passenger takinf lickein through, and proreed-ng regularly with the lina.ara subject lo no charge i whatever for Meals, Porleiage, or any nrccaaary acrwin modation. Th Hotels an Brunswick and Tallahassee are of nerior order. Ob tlie Stage Rood, (to paas-whieh reiJires but 36 bourn,) be Proprietors have provided Ealing Houses, under tbe charge of well qualified Stewards, at which tbey can pCeraiee comfortable and neatly served Meals. This is desirable route for ladies, and will be still more when an intended accommodation ttagr, avoiding niijht travelling, ia established.

Two rontmudiou Coaches can be ecnl at a lime. Tiie ilaircsand Horscscaonol be surpassed Michaels, Miss Mary MoGriff, Miss Sarah living, ia about 44 years of age. He emigrated from England about IS years since, and the last letter ecijred from htm was dated al New York, on ihc-J5ihof Juna 1036, in which letter be expressed an intention of going to the Wail Floridas or to the Western Slates to settle. listed this the County of Doieei. England.

HANSLK dt IIUTTEK, Solicitors. Any further infnm alioii can be oblamed of Jas. B. Gainbl- A Cc. Tallahassee.

J2 jia 4 New Stage ArraaBeoteat. reasonable crrdits, and if desirable, th-; purchaser Thomas i noma McCuoliill, Alexander ncuaain, Aiezanoer ExeeHtors Sale. can have Union II. a. l.

Slock upon of Ik. UlcLnnm Mes, A EMclver, porehaee, Dec 28 91 Mill. Wm Maker, Mrs Lucy A want and pahticai acbama, to furUier winch, ra-aaine oar nimoat at lent ion. Tea aaprecedeated aueress which has resulted from the adoption of Peters' Vegetable Pills, dories a period af upward ol five yeirs, the numeroaia aad atvaerdiaarr cares which they have perform-as apaa aendmdr. af individual wlmm tbey have rcsLaod ttMa almost ineritaldc death, after they had sees pronounced inrurable by the mot eminent af the faculty justifies, fully justifies Dr.

Peters, ia warmly and eonscieutty rccooa mending lac is te tae special notice of the afflicted. Pelari' Vegetable Fill arc the moat (Jailed Atates nail be sold oa the SStn day of Jannary next, between th hoar of 10 aad at the residence of lho hue Owe Jshwsoa, doc, op the Oicilht, the following perishable aroparty of kia Eaate, viz, 4 Mules, I Horse, 1 road Wagon and Gear. Meal Hogs. Steak Hogs, Eew. Household and Kitdbcn FuraKute and other ajtiadoa, Tana made known on the day of aal.

At Ibe aame time and place will alas W. hired) out for ihe year en dine IS) a Dee- 1840, nnsa-Ne- From Columbus to Chattahoorhie in four Horse Post Coach's, by way of Lumpkin, Cuthbert, Fi. Game, Blak ly. Porter Ferry, and Brown's Fer- groes. Men, Women and Ghildnm.

Tern '7 Moore. Sninael McCallekler, James McCarly, Semi I Porter, Povera, Wm Rankin, Reynolds, Tliomaa Keid, Gov 3 Redd, David Shaw, Elijah Swasey, laiac If Spatkman, llcury 3 Swain, Smith, Andrew known al lha lima of htring- LLOYD 8HANNAL, EAVES Chaltaiioochie every Tuesday and Miller, Mr Martha Macon, Martha Mashn, Jamas Milla, Madisoa Pearson, Prentia, Riehird Pulman, Reid, Mrs Ana Raw la, Kev La ban Hingile, Edinoo Hag -Hume, James Smith, Salsbirry, Shixe, Alfred Setter iliwaile, Mrs Ann Eicott, Mwaaa LErA, FROM I0LA TO CHATTAHOOCHEE. THE underaigneil respertfully informs the public, lhal he will convneneu running a Four atae coach, regularly tvice a week, on Friday 5Li Nov. belwcea lula and CJultahootliie, to ineel the stage line now in nwralroti fmin Colum-bua, Ga. REUBEN S( OTT, riday after the arrival of Ihe United States Executor of G.

W. Joe bom Dee. 25th xt dl atS'inier Commerce from A palacliicota, and arrives every Thursday and rTunday at 8 o'clock A. tBil, sad rr.m-mical re-nedy fur diaeasss of the anauin eenatiiation that his ever been discovered. Dr.

Pclers, the inventor of the valuable medicine, freia ait knowledge of lit human system, derived from loagand eilensiia practice, haa arrived to tie ceacleiion, that the great and primary cause of nan diant ia a dcranretnent in the functimaof the liver; ei ia "iher rrd, an inercased or diminished sacrstisB of the Bile. wa wnaVmood, that it is common for permeate say when lhy feel unwell, that thi-yare that lhy have loo much bile on thealamach. On the oihr hand, when the flow of NOTICE. or. any line in the Union.

The Steamers, viz. the Chesapeake'' aud "Southerner'' nn tlie Atlantic and the "Champion and "Kingston" on the Gull are selected as safe boa is but whenever the weathc loo stormy off the eoaat, all the trip on lha Atlantic and part on the Gulf, will be made by perfect I aafa inland passages. The Proprietors, ownii.g the Line throughout will be able to uterenre the connections with un- Persons taking this line to Columbus will mid it A xLL aetoana iastwhtod by quicker by ten 1 tours, than tha rout by way of Ir win Inn and Floinns nd for esmroil end Proprietor. No Iff IOwJ Tha Apalarlncola Courier and Gazette, Talla-InMee Star and Floridian, Columbus Enquirer and Ni'euthes will give lho above three insertions. murt be admitted by all that iTfe roid is much bet wonted certainty.

Thia Line canned on the trite leavine; Mchile quested lo aaltlo ihn aoane dun of this aaoulh. BT neceaaiiie will fbree him to phse aH wapehl oo-cooou aad watae a the basda af an attotwey for collection. R. U. BERRY.

Tallahassee. Jan, JAME5B.GAMBLE and his brother RATTAN GAMBLE have thia day associated in ter than any other leading to Challahoochie. A GEN TO. Oglethorpe llnusu, Botidrll-Lumpkin, Pi.oenii Hulel, Bear bam, Cullibcrl, John Roe, ua Tuesday, and Tallahaasce on Wednesday, wuli Information VAVT ANTED ol a man by the name of P. triek Brown, that stands about 6 feet, red hair, about Ibe age of -J6 yeae.

who left New York in a steamer Trowi Brunswick to ol. AUgtisiinc. i nere Mwm atrsAver two. and enerallv three h-aU a a eek Tabor, Wasliingtea Fort Gaines, A Sudrllth, from Brunswick le St. Marys.

Disc irevK. cc bisriaeea. at the old stand af Ganata A Rebx i Cbatuhoochie, II WilHer. September 1837 for Tampa Bay. East Florida, thus lorrainx an eipedibou and pleasant commu- THE PROPRIETOR.

aimiMi between East and Wst Florida. Drr 21 20 Then, Saml Turner, Thoraaa VasMbn C'erlolte Vooddy, IU James Willis, Jo 11 Wjljon, Witrsias, Dan when lal lieard from it was in November 1838 in Calhoun county. Weal Florids. Should this meel lake a wiUitlie cliarre. and Walker.

Winer Woodward, Jo Uh Valah, Juhu Walker, Welkins, the eaine and style of Janaa R. Gswaxa A Co. They ask the same liberal share of public patron- age bovlowed un the Ule firm. JAMES B. GAMBLE.

J. GH ATT AA GAMBLE-Jan 4, 1840 22 Land for Sale. moderate char: made for ealra baggage. II snb-e tn-r offers fur sale ht trart of lanJ, 1819 novii T' bik-iadiatiaished, the prone of digea ioa is im-Bariattly prrforoird, the patient becomes weak and eaaaciatea, becaun contained in (he feed taken into the stomach not properly estract. od, and the feid is ejecieJ ia a crude stale.

Dr. Peters it confident that the famous Hygean Theory, as called, that "imparity nf the blood is the caaaaef all disease," it a great absurdity. Every aae whs reflects upon the lubjcet a moment, will ertetrr that impurity of the is a secondary, net a primary complaint the effect and not the caaat af disease. Mba the fanelions of the liver ars eertiiged, and the flaw of bile increased, it is aftaa taken up by tbe absorbent veasala and carried ials the arculalion, and 'ecmea mingled with the aleed as ia jaundice, when the patient shows it in hw ceo a ten trice. Now, this impurity of the blood ia caused by an increased flow of bite, and lo reme-dr it yea matt correct the accretion of the liver, and rasters it to a brallhy state.

Dr. Peters hia spent much lime in einerimenl. the rye of any one acquainted with him, lliej will confer an evrilailing faror on his wife, Julia Brown, and family, by addressing her with a few liar-, in care of James Caughhu, No. 107. Cherry street, New Ycrk, staling particular.

lyin; in the fork ol Micosukie l.akc. in the Wsucu, Hon John nt-ighburliuod of Alston ai Gailtard. and ioiuinp lands Canlain UtacLl urn. a Henrv Pervous colling f-f any of the above letter wiiJ Duggetl, containing 1100 acres, principally pine' please ay they arc advertised. IGSERCY.PM Dec 7 I "5 Steamboat Hotel.

Iml, wall Isre hiclory, tlie soil is or jiih 4 a daik mulatto, 140 acres cleared, now in a fine; Lost A Card. 7 HE Subscriber having, on ihe lot of Nov. las. closed hi bBaines ia Boon and Srsrvooaaf, cldesirooa of a settlement with hie ewstoaaera Thuee wl.o may not find it convenient lo pay cash, jri lequcslrd local) and five their note. Those ii-hn crglect this notice will, efhtv lho 15lh ef Fob, find their accounts ia lit ha ad of Keeca W.

Whitb, who ie my authorised attecoey in thia r. eepu 22 4l WM. WILSON. fBlllE above clabliument having undergone JL thorough repair, the subscriber bega lo if form hia friends arid the public generally, that late for cultivation, two settlements on the tract. Termi will be made eay in flic purchaser DANIEL T.

LINGO. TALLAHASSEE EXCHANtsE. ENTLEMHN ofibe City and Country aor informed tlial this F.alsbl ahment ia now 0ened far the Winter, and prepared to acenmm -date cualomera in good slyla, and a I the sheilest not ice. sinner, for regular boarders ill be served a haif peat on- o'clock daily Uiom wiahinr lo dine heiwn Ihe lioun of two and five. alao be ac- cu: i mod sled, Oystrrs, Beef eY Venison Steaks, "Jlnicoia Chops.

Ham Ktrit. Boiled Ewe Turkey, IMicks dk Chickens, and Fresh snlinon, pat up In ha intends continuing business, arid hopes through Mnrshul's Sale. hisunremillcd caeruona, to receive a liberal share virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out nr. with different vcfvI able med'cines, fr dieci nf patronage. Good stables and ostler.

of lho Superior Court of tlie Middle Dis of tke liter; and ntw offers hia Vegeiable Pills, as a (Mat, most eoavenioBt, and cheapest madtciue trict of Florida for Lcm ccunly, in whim Pome-roy Bull are and Thomas Tillinghaai ON the 4lh day ol uec. imv, in ineeiiy oi in-lalnuee, or over the road leading to Thnmis-ville. Too Nolea, running to Z. G. Wheeler, E-q.

of Jefferson County, from Frederick Li-achworth, of said county, one for $00, 1' other for ai.d were endorsed on ilia back by Z. G.Wheeler. Said Notes were giveu on tho-fiisl d4yof January, 1839, and mad payable on Ihe hVt day of January, 1B40. "re written on one aheel of paper, but may have been torn apart. Tliia is to forbid all persons from trading in any manner for the said Notes, as new ones have taken their rlecea, wfcich renders the kwi ones good for nuthinV ISAAC N-COOK.

BOOKS AND STATIONARY. Wm. Wilson dk Geo. O. McMaMia, ON the 1st of November.

1930, having formed a Co-partnership under the style of GEO. Mi MULL IN tea for th Brpoeef tradwg ia taat can he pr red for general use. Dr. Pcler flutters himself that Uia longezperi He has also a good convenient hick and first rate horses and driver, which will be kept at all times ready fur tlie accoi medation of Have tier. The receiving and forwarding business prompt-y attended lo.

tjooda stored with care. ia dniennsr.i, I have levied upon rtnd shall tell at public aale on Taeaday the Jauuarv aeal in la ihe Enslish in a net, ricaieo ter, CtC. abort whatever conciliates a -od table, and serve to please and satisfy Hie epicure. ga hour on said day, in Iron I of ihe court house Books sud Statioat, offer to the peWic a great wl.l be osnslantiy knpt in our Larder, ana serrci: dour in Tahaharoee, the loilowing property, viz. The above eMabiiehment is situated immediately variety in their line, cheap for cash, or asprovwa at a nocaeou warning, al any jur oi tna oay credit.

Jan oa the bank ef the Aplacliieola river. aaiff-t- WOOTEN. Challaheechir, Dec 14 196 Dec 18, 1K xw The BAR wall atocked nun i'e cnoicm WINES. LIQUORS A SEG RS. We have only in aay to our friend, call and give ua a trial.

Ocuifi if WILLIAMS A LLOYD. mealing uiih sectahle oie lciaes hssanabied him ledwcoverihe true and only ounslltute answering aB the aurpaaes of warcuriahi without any of their attendant evils. One great quslity of lus vsgeU-bh) pills is that they have the alternative principle coabuMd with their eathartieot operative qualities, Uat they not only cleanse tbe stomach and bow. "7 M'f iag, but they ragulate the liver, change tbtarkd secratoe atranfthon lho digestive or-PW, parafy las bUod, Uia crculaliew. ad give tunc and energy to tha nervous ayatana.

Tbey are mild and pteaeant ia their operation, ad ceavey awaaat imaaadiato conviction of their bhly fraaa lew kat They can he taken with ealrty by patseaM of any age; and the JeeWa, the Watches, Jewelry Silver Ware dte. All the interest said dsieodanl haa in the Si earn Mill owned by himself and Hogh Archer. Also, hia land and improvement near, ihe ei of Tails. hasee, whereon he now resides. Levied on as the property of Tliomas Tillinghaai to salufy aid writ according to law.

Term cash. 8 DBVAL, By WALKER, Dee 4. 1839 IS The above sale is postponed for 10 days. NOTICE. TaT OTICE is nerehy given that I ahall apply at iTj the west tcrsa of Jefferson Coonly Court, have tha Undo owned jointly by myself.

Henry Gee and Heary Poo pis, partitiooed Dee, 7, DJNIFLBTRD. Female Academy. Qniac) THfc eacrcnses of tnw maiuoiiow wm -ru-saed eo the first day of January, 1840. Seho- AUSTIN. A CO.

a have removed lo the store formerly occupied bv Wm Wyatt. A Co where Ihey ar now open ing a beao-tiful aseortmeul of articles in their line, such as Gold, Lever, Anchor. Cy lew NOTICE. rriHE poblicare hereby cautioned against trad-M- ing far a note given by mc io the Commercial Bank and endorsed by Hiram Noarse, for two hundied and hfty dollars, dated April llh 1838, at eiaty day alter date said nolo was to have been paid in Commercial money, and such money wa tendered at the counter ol" ssid bank, on tbe day the note fell due. I hereby give notice that I will not pay it in any other kind of money, A II BULb Dec 7 IS I AWS OF FLORIDA.

UVAL'3 COMPILAIION of ihe Lawso maraa, lbs aarvoua, sad delicate, are atrcnginen- Boot Hamn factory. THE swhscriber is wow prepared maoefartere any work in hi lino, at fair prices, and having employed a Bomber of the beat worhaaew from tbe city of New York, giving them tn highest wages, and Oelermiocd I supply a good artido ef Ualf Skiaawd Morocco. Ho trwala to feeawvoihn patronage of iboee who eonsidor the eocooragw-nienl of the snuibern saaaafaetnrw. Rapahuin; Florida, ar now completed and for me al hy ihair operaUoa, bwcause they clear the aya-lasj of bad hussora. nuiet Bsrvows irnUbiltty, and Mr.

Wilson's Bookstoie, Tallahassee, and Jos ft i lasite year d.etded into two acaaiofui or ore anoBtha each. rrM atsstoe. Orthography and reading, The ah with writing and arithmetic, 14 0 The above with Kagiich Grammar, Oeogra-pby, with tlie ustoT Mapa, Ancient and Modern History, 90 0 The al-ova. with tWaae of Globea, Aalroo- anr. Comnoaitiosi.

thotoriC. Loeia. ttCC- der and Vir5e Watches; Rings, a Dwmowd, Onyx, Ruby. Garnets. Broaches, aa Diamond, Mosaic, Cameo Enamelled paintings, Ac, 'Gold ir.hL.M Work.

Fx i Riand Pios; Silver War. rsrtlMiasaa fro water aoflree, and invariably atedaoet aoe ad steep. Tha VsahU rtlle aae a euro reaaedy fcr jaun Port Leon. dwa oirk ud avouabsdache.dTspm. eosli ve- sueh as Tea Sat.

Tsble and Desert Fnrke; Spoon. Plated Candle Slick. Cak Baskets, don aeally and promptly FREDERICK FILER. Kt.owlea', Qaiacy. Also at the Office of the FLORIDIAN.

Dec 7 18 LOST IN the alreeta or Tallahassee, on tha 1t instant, a deed for ihe Lot formerly occupied by Clark. Also a bill of salo for a nro giil. Any person fin dog tlie said paper aud la ring them at Leyd'a Exchange, vhall be suitably rewarded. NOTICE U.hereby given, that th Road from Purl Leon, intersecting a few hundred yard aasi, swkiieea of Ibe stomach, bssrtbsm. all billioua BBielBinta.

fsvara of all kinds, and if taken al the Cailors, Tea Cofc Uioa, srd Spoon, i Cut- Dee 31 SOmfi Wi.Geometr. 5 00 Draw ins and Paintinr. 1 east of Ihe Magnolia bridge, ttie road leading from lery. Gun and tanes, jiauai Pancv Gooda. Itc Disooli coaimencemeal will invariably check Inter progress aadeav the patient fton (arotraclod ad dangor-asa rrrfcneii.

They are wvaiuabla in nervous and Meaie, Piano aad Guitar, each (ihro lessons per week) ah wi.irh ihov invite their fiieud and tbe heretetoro exasUng ranHB Jefferson and ai.uanu, is rea dy for use. Tli is road i of auperior coniroclin, and aff ird CuPatnevshtp I twoe Edmund Brook Vas and tfc Mbseri 30 00 4 00 20 00 15 00 public to eall and examine. Nice wateh repairing personally attended to. Dec 21 SO TJss ef instramonla, French arid Spanish, each, Latin and Greek, Dee 7 greater facilities tn those districts of country lying north and eat of Port Leon, in reaching a shipping awrt, tha have herclofor existed. Wharves and commediou warehouses hae been conatructad at 4 00 Naodio Work, NoUee.

was drwelved oa the fBtn ol aepieaawr laa, hy tha dsath of Mr. Vaan. Th sMnaeai wi 1 Jttledby CFDbEB. anrvmng Partner. SoweuBO Springa, East Florida, Deo.

7 th tf Strayed 1 00 75 00 MIE Subscriber having sold his Store House ineindins' bos ana iirnw. Port Leon, and are prepared for business. and Stock of Gooda to Messrs, ford ft. lcfc- I. U.

HlFFLllf. Portrait mrnd MiniaUtre Pointer, Pram Aawasta.Sa.) rm FSPECTFULLY oUcr hia sesesaiowal ar- lo addition lotho enbaerihor ami I lad, Ihro Dee 14 le eraaan, wiiu ibo iawntiBn min experienece: loaener mww ns dHirM all those indebted lo him on note or open IROMlhouberibral Theeaaas, ahont NEW GOODS. I a lho nlixraa of Ta Ira basse and sta Ia amaba navntrnt before Ihe 1st day of FfTlHE undersigned hnve received by recent 1 ypMondrical affeetioua, loss of appetite, aoa en Bsapiaints to which remains alone are aobject. Th oparate a a aaiW and aaoedy pdrgo and are eafa and otrusni remedy far worm a eWdren. fmm 1 have saarsd.iosd ay Vegetable Pilla Ike peWic, I wave rooaired Mswrasi eortificate of kew aapenae affiaaey in curing diseeawe, aUo, way hHlers from leeewetaMe pbyaieiam, Ohw ae mt 'im in thsirpraetie wiC the beat euetaee.

I awewt eobawhoaSBaJI acinose ef oertifieates at ewaaaeor it nn the aaodiein will rtnoainl itaalf I ail mm wM aaak trial of it, Prsaarsd Joe. rest ley Peters, D. N. 1 LvserlT "treet. New York.

FUeh box eontnfasa 40 PUa. Pria6e)en4a. ForasJaby TaHihamii adiilph A Looia, Edward Bar-said. Ts i wa fl, tiasaon Saaith, Saixaa MeniirwlU A Wibek vwrniiv. He will Boon be prepared to exnitail ape-; January next.

E. IjOCKERMAN. with whn and Waned faen, tW aM with ban. I rival, aad opened at their stores No. I 2 ct mens of hw art Fortran ano saiwiainrw.

Tallahassee, no, iskv a b.adi wen on the left WI Berry's Row. a general and well assorted stock of will give inloraation when they or either IMS A prsoeoi can ho sewn at Mr, Boil' txotel. TallaSaaae. Ds. S3, 1830.

Frswch, and HoohmI sMpanmenis. Thia Denartaaent ia foraianod with Mane, Globes, well tuned Ptaooe and Gsitam A Philoeopbical Anparatnaasn Orrery will he added. The discipline nf th eeneol i aiM and paren-tal. but raapliek ohewienee ie rerteired from all, io neb redee as the best wtereeU of the Pnptla nuke tw adoot. Fail and Wtator Goods, eomsstiog in part of Bagging and Bale nope.

may no toono, or rorwrw iron war rvrw awaj of ThamaaiiHe, Measss Goraon A MaJJ. oa Tai- NOTICE. THE Sabocriber be joat reccivad and offer for aala low for cash, Gentlcmene fin black and Russia Far Hal. Gentlemen' and AM. REID takes Una oeeasion to tvnnorioni l.k.w.

mbmk aw liaawall tawardfd. Blao- rriend and the who have aoOwatxM am. -y Cape, Travelling Trunk, do. Bag; Travel BVTAJI r. De 14 lsw thanks for their fcidno.

aai aeg a rriend and former partner, a oeouooancn of their The young kdiea residing with the t-JJM uiM' ine STOLEN. oea. He will devote hi entire awcuwww taw ling Vaweeee, ano gowai viiniai biotna, ui-oi ere, and ready mad Clothing. L. CARLTON.

TeJtahaa, No. tCd, 183. Liasey' and Kersey Fronch, Wbilner, Duffil and twilled keu, Lowell Nee. 1 A Oxnabarg, Heavy Ruaoet Brogana, Rich Br nasals and Scotch Carpets, Brnasahs Wilto and TaTied Rags, Fashionabl bra Fender, and Curved And-lrons, Mahogaay A GilMramad Mantel GI a aaUBBddieaBOBw awoakia ftoraw A Tasta maasMkio anrney 1 Steraraand Commwon- Buonaor. at rora ue Admb OrwCsrt.

1 paJr MBlieaaaya, i near of Dnwwa aattwl advac mounted FSelan.1 yiaoy Dv PivlJaia, Panih) ariU ha received at nary saunas, IL iiu mt MieasMo: bJt no h. i.a hiiMan aa ibobw wow mw i Co. ik Sbais hauanswa. all caaoa, hi beat ar FaTIHE auhaeriber wiahea to sell aeveral valaable win eaaoe wy taoir ps 1 Rinogon, iCansadya aaka n. ws, Sereaesion, an Aeeeont Book assdjhanf nSTn sesinst MiB WAa k.

fhjr todnV' iudcaaoot 1 prsmot taoir mw. wmv the end ef tbe gorr ltMnlt. addraswad 10 Si, ano KDnfOIffDS, A lMnoipaL n.u Earr a Kirkaay. or omoaae M. TRACTS OF LAND near hia raaideBce.

Ptanlar deairoo to retain their capital ia labor can ha accommodated wilh mo satisfactory credit. ROBRRT GAAfBLE; wr The ahov artiopao The ahov artiobm. rv ta Feathers, Halrasaea ana Boieaa, With a general assortment of choice Groceries, M.iw.,r and Catlorv. StaMs and Fancy Dry i Oawaey w'iU be forwarded iaowdiaioly tohhnal Port Loao. on Waahinrton Baoar.

aavriCE jaa4 tt Wehturae, JeffWaou, rkk, Snth Nov, 163ft. her, A liberal reward oil! peid Arftw ry nf mid Ooodu, ood thirty diniwAr aw Good, fins Boot and 8 boa. Hate and wp. WTTWGl of thai nlsaU Tree may ho hod SrTPf sarly at tha Sebacrthor" reni-; tb Srhhlosi.aaghy.wi Haaartteo Coooty, road fjawa Maaaiaalln ft thw nsmnw naarwoai.sawotlaw of the nviuauaieBia an Hstllet AOEiri the of IM twv NOTICE. alub rlariOa Winn nawsaw nara MnlMt.

fine aad is rood AaplyvaUamr. C. Howaa Is the eity of TaJlahaaaee.a R. Chart. C.

Ball and Mr. The. J. Pevhio Chart Ton saw ho hod (rwea sVAaS bkl. aaaaner aHt roa.

reeelv4 end AfR. 1TX are my the Crockery and Glass Wars, ricauo, uaaanps, em liaa, JanasPyrupaAe. Att of whstb lhy anVeoaaaiasidatha; term ni tiaaar auaol jVEMt BROOMR A Co. TalllhsSWI, WT. tat- aathahaatl ngowu daring my ehaene i tha asoaapprwved had, anal a WILIAAM fsTml by JOB DOWLUtG.

Das tl SDoi Tern tor r. WM. UCJaVaAai. laslhna. lft)0 Root aay be alee had.

idwepea" Taiiitii iwPwi-sw. itmi Oaajtl fa, mumrmm tvnUaO. ft ti-F.

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