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The Gastonia Gazette from Gastonia, North Carolina • Page 9

Gastonia, North Carolina
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TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 19S4. Zot Ktumid Krockman Editor Dial 6371 THI GASTONIA (N. GAZETTI nvi THE WOMAN'S PAGE Office Houn 8:00 a. m. to 3:00 Altrusa Discusses Plans, Projects At Dinner Meeting Monday Night Wilhclmina Shull birthday anniversary ban Hdec! nvrr a business mc-clmulqiipi in the sprins.

ol Allrusa Club now Monday rvenins around tho dinner table Miss Ellen Black oi the imance committee reported on the rlurA at the Arminuton Hotel. project of selling pecans for the Reports from the several holiday season, rnitiecs were heard at this Miss Underwood of t.hf Miss Margie McCarson, report-! I 1ublir alflllrs inc for Allrusa mlormalion. an- 1 1 I )lms1fn lh dm)r i nnuneed that, nieeunys Rroiip wei'e beins held Iroin time to lime; that members are work- ins on the year book, and that plans are beiliy made tor the an- Old? Get Pep; Vim Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger EN.WOMEN nn 11 in. Tikr ifw, nrecicd llOdy a "old. v.rt-aciii:r.inlcd" iiir a(Jf.

At mil dn: pl i bfciiuir larking Thomaod. enjoy Automatic 1 wafer service yours at low cost with a I WATER HEATER 10-YEAR HOTECTION POUCY BRYANT Electric Repair Co. 609 E. Franklin Dial 5-3466 an a room at student muses home at Ga.ston Memorial Hos pit Copies of Altruist were distributed, tins being a new sheet which AltrusH informa tion committee hopes to get out once a month. A discussion of the grants-maid fund wa.s held, this coming under the work of international relations committee.

Woolen aoods lor Korea were requested by this committee, and announcement was made that no word had been received from the Altrusa Club in Korea in some time. The resignation of Miss Betty I Little was accepted With regret. Mi.s.s Little is presently studying at Tulane University, New Orleans, La. A cake presented to club by one of its members, Mrs. W.

J. Keeter, was auctioned off by Mrs. J. L. Hart and won by Mrs.

Willard Riley. A number of members indicated their intention to attend the district meet mg being held in Charleston. W. 14-16 inclusive. Personal Mention Rufiis Linebcrger and Sloun Robinson, both seniors at Slate College, Raleiph.

spent the weekend with their respective Mr. and Mrs. l.oy l.nie- bcrger and Mr. and Mrs. K'lbct: Hobin.son, at their home on Robimvood road.

James Michael Yeltnn. son ol Mr. and Mrs. James R. Volt on, has returned in 1m home on Linwood road after being confined at Oaston Memorial Hospital for the past 10 cliiy.v, Buddy Carol hers, sophomore Hi Davidson College, sprnt weekend with his parents.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Carol hers, at home on Third avenue.

Gordon Sherman, studnt at State College. Raleigh, was the weekend fiutv-t of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sherman.

at their hme on Belvedere avenue. to Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hue October.

Hie engagement of their dauyhier, Sylvia Ruth, Skipper son of Alice Skipper of Dnlla.s. The weddin is planned for November. iVows Spoken At Concord In a ceremony taking place on Thursday. September 30, at Central Methodist Church in Concord, Miss Eunice Naomi Rednnur became the bride of Leander P. McClellan.

and Mrs. W. nlalork of Hamlet announce the engagt'inent oi their daughter. Mary Kllen. lo Jack Rankin Watts of Mouhrie.

son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. uf Mc- ned.

Social Calendar Pvl. and Mrs. Winded Eailc spent the wpek with tilt! If inner's parents. Mr. and ins announce 1 Mrs.

O. Myers, at thru 1 homo Jumes W.jin Kincs Mountain, and the 'hitter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A.

Dirk-son. on Carolina Aopnvillp A wedding is avenue. Myers, who recent-j ly completed basic training at Camp Gordon, Augusta. to Frederick, where he is presently stationed. Mrs.

Myers will join him there In the near future. Miss Deaton Program Chairman For J. D. Moore, C. Of C.

Meet Miss Miu'y Catherine Don ton WHS program chairman lor the mofMiiiR ot J. D. Mnorr C. of hold on Monday afternoon ni I lie home of Miss Ann Cuoke on Country Club roarl. Dm LI hat! airnnyiMl ihn-o 1 oa lures (or the program.

A paper on the treatment of Hie C'onU'ilera by Miss Jam- Sura Kathryn "ini crest ing program resume of Hie He of Johnny heb." A news clippiiit; on local hi.s- turv was (lisrus.sftl. ihis bruin ihe recent moving of the World War 1 monument, from Ihe courthouse in (he front ol the Memorial Miss nirkMm RHVP an Thanksgiving box to Ihe Confederate Woman's Home in Fay- ettrvillp. Jane. Ratchford was accepted ns a new member. Intro- duccd as prospective members papers are awaiting approval are Misse.s Belly Smith, Connie Hopper.

Barbara Hanna, and Judy Kinley. Miss Peggy Cloniger was elected page to the U. D. C. convention being held in Charlotte this week to replace Miss Sue Frone- who is unable to attend.

Upon arrival guests were served iced drinks, sandwiches, and Halloween candy. Associate uildmK. lessps with Miss Cooke were The program WHS clnsrd with Misses Connie Hopper and Betty the group Mi Miss Rosalind Ratchlord, president, conducted the mooting. Miss Peggy Cloniger offered a prayer, nd led he group in patriotic of the nominating committee, composed ol MKses Lucy Bosserman, Kails, and Ann Cuoke, wan heard and unanimously accepted. New officers are Mis.s Sue Froneberijer,; Miss Rnxanna Proner.

first vice president; Miss Kay Pieirt-. second vice presi- ient; Miss Catherine Den- Ion, secretary, and Miss Ann chaplain. The Rroup voted to send a Smith. that roaches everywhere nciaf ftcmt Tuesday 6 p. m.

Executive board of Pilot I Club is meeting at Arnungton The Rev. George Clemmer of-j Hotel. 6:30 p. m. Pilot Club is having a dinner meeting at Arming ion The bride wore a light blue! Hotel.

faille suit, with navy 7-30 Linwood Park Club and carried a colonial bouquet. meeting at (he club house. Mr. and Mrs. McClellan are making their home at 32 Mar.s-L: ficiated at the double ring ceremony.

home at 310 West Third avenue. Mjss Pat c.rayson is Icavine Friday I Thurscirtv foi- lier home in Mi- 10'a. m. Monthly masterpoint! ami. afler spendmc the bridge game will be played at the I past month with her parents.

Spencer Beverly Mrs. McClellan is the daush-i ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

Red-' nour of this city. Dress up in our ofter-5 fashions, and really have a good time! Their styles and colors put you In party mood and low prices add to their gaiety the home ol the former on Spencer avenue honoring Miss Fair, bride-elect. P- part men m. American Home de- of Junior Woman's is meeting Mrs. Nora Country Club.

7 p. in. Theta Chapter. Beta Sigma Phi. is having a dniner- br at Lne Eagles Club.

8 p. m. Reheorsal for the Wa.shecheck-Fair wedding will be held at Main Street Methodist Church, tollowed by a party given by Mrs Lester Wright and Mrs. Frank Adams at the home of the lornier on Patrick street. 8 to p.

m. Senior Cotillion Club of Durham School of ing is having a dance at Durham after Mr. and Mrs. E. O- at their home in Jenkins Heights.

Miss Jetlie RCM a member nf Hie senior class at Merednh College. Raleigh, spent the past weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Bradshaw.

at their home on Twin avenue. A 1C and Mrs. Blair have i returned lo iheir home in Savon- a of several I Conn at her home on Armstrong: street. Park road. Wednesday 7:30 a.

in, Credit Woman's School of Arts onSouth Broadways with Mrs. Blair's mother. Mrs. R. B.

Neelands. on East Seventh avenue. SATURUAV 11 a. Royce Breakfast Club is meeting at the Arming i on Hotel. 7 p.

m. Mesdames Ralph Dickson and Earle Myers are entertaining at the home of the inr- mer on Carolina avenue at dinner bridge complimenting Miss June McCollmii, bride-elect. 10:30 a. m. Tiny inn Society is meeting at the nurses home of N.

C. Orthopedic Hospital. 3:15 p. m. Bookmark Club is Main Street Methodist Church, meeting with 0 by a reception given by the bride's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. entertaining his wedding tntend- ar.ts at a brunch at the Club. 12:30 m. Mrs. Wright mci Mrs Clyde R.

Wright ba luncheon ho.sie^es at the Masonic Temple, honoring Mis? Jeannine Fair and her wedding irendants 8 p. m. The marriage of Miss Jeanninp Fair and Royce Washe- Mrs. P. H.

Spurrier Is a patient at Gaslnn Memorial Hospital, entering the hospital Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. James Cnmer ieft Ihis morning for Sea IMand. where they will spend a week.

New Arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Fred Capps. Gastonia R-l. announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, October 7.

at Garrison General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Webb, Pinkney Station, announce the birth ol a daughter on Saturday, October 9. at Garrison General Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson, ii Mines si reel, an- nouncfi the- birth ot a on Saturday. October 9. ru Garrison General Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Adams, GaMtmia, announce the birth of a son on Monday, Octo- ber 11. Hospital 11 Garrison General check will be solemnized at Miss Emma Cormvell is a patient at, Gastfln Memorial Hos- her home on West Sixth avenue, Thursday 10:30 m. Gaston County Medical Auxiliary is meeting with Mrs.

Rnfus Davis at her home Cramenon. 7 p. m. B. and PW Club is having a dinner meeting at the Masonic Temple.

7:30 p. m. XI Epsilon Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, will meet Miss Marv Ruth Bairn at A. Fair, at their home West Davidson avenue. Postponed SAVE WATER Dallas PTA Plans All-Day Barbecue Event Beverly Quinn Birthday Party Mrs.

Harry Quinn and MUs Judy Quinn entertained al their home un Davis Park, road nn Saturday afternoon, honoring Mrs. Quinn's daughter. Beverly, who WH.S celebrnfinjf her seventh birthday anniversary. Games were directed by Mi.sse.s Phyllis Hicks and Evelyn Kelly, with Harold Kelly and Jackie Beach winning priws. The dining room table held a cake decorated In pink and green.

Ice cream, cake, and iced drinks were served to 25 guests. Rooms were attractive with Wedding Announced Figuratively speaking Ellen Kaye's long torso Princess dress is a smart investment for the young in heart! Many-mooded rayon faille, sparked with a MB rhincstone pin on trie. pltinginR neckline bodice. Note the. pert hows on the brief the swirling skirt.

Sizes 7 to'15. $29.50 Ask About Our Budift Tailnr Made To Fit Your Budget Wedding Guests Arrive Friday Attention of the public to the postponement ot the community barbecue withitiPh fry scheduled lor tonight herlRankin lake. Spon.sorins; organization is wel- of the Dallas Parent-Teacher nf ioor gardens, apain.are making plans lor an ajl-dayj F()r hpj pnr(y Bpverly WOJ organdv dress, i Saturday. November 6. The committee in charge of rangements hopej to sell 1.000 Guests arriving Friday for the Tuesday.

October 19, from 6 wedding of Miss Jeannine 0 8 clock, and Royce Wasn-echeck. which' will be an event of evening, are Julius John R. Kelly. John D. Askin: Archer D.

Smith. Miss and Ann Hultz. of Co lumbia, S. William E. Rich- far? department of the 'tickets for the big event.

Mi.s. Club, of which Mrs. Lloyd Thornburg. chairman of gu 15 chairman. i'he barbecue program, announces The poMponed due to tickers already arc avnilable the of is and ma bp S(1( urrd irom mwn bt-rs of the arrangr-ments com- Announcement Of mittpp or I I I Askins.

Fr a Friday a. m. to cafeieria. PTA members, will be served from p. m.

at the school Mr. and Mrs. Will Maple? announce the marriage of their daughter, Nora, to Clarence Per- ceremony urday in York, look place Sat- S. Pro- from the barbecue! )a Juri Charlra Nunn Members of Senior Cotillion Club of the Durham School of i Dancing are having a Fri- PS on and William Lee Whitesides, of Atlanta. Ga.

Also, Grayt-e Wolfe of oay niaht from 8 lo 10:30 o'clock Greenwood. S. Miss Jean'at the Durham School of Arts Scosgms and Miss Phyllis Buck-jop South Broad strfou ner of Greensboro, and Mr. and Mrs. Wade T.

Fair. Mr. and Mrs Dan Fair, and Misses Mail ha Ann, Sudie. and Mary Fair, ail in-ill be to benefit the main project on, which the; PTA is working at is provide curtains for the -nf-w school auditorium which ii being erected in Dallas. SAVE WATER I of Asheville.

Council Meets Tonight Ranlo PTA Will Meet Thursday of Pocahontas, is meeting this rveiling at 7:30 o'clock at ihe lodge hall in South Gastonia. A full attendance is requested. Mr. and Mrs. John Reeves announce the marriage of their dauchter, Betty Sue, to prank Johnson, son of Mr.

and i i R. L. Jolmson, all of this ciry.j The ceremony took place Saturday morning in York. S. with" Probate Judse E.

Geltys A program nn safety will presented Thursday nisht at iO'clock when the Ranlo PTA Cheoah Council No. 4o. Depree mff he sdloo a ldltonum Dedriek Samuels will have: charop of the program "Anchors Aweigh." Featured speaker of the evening will be Capt. Roy Short of the Gastonia Police Department. Ray Gordon is president ofi the association and invites all members to attend.

SAVE WATER Alter a trip to the mountains of this state. Mr and Fer- auson will be at home al the Ear-wood Apartments on Emerson street, i Linwood Club Meets Tonight I Regular meeting of Linwood 7 Park Club is beins held this ning at 7:30 o'clock at the club Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth I.e- roy Bolus, 504 Granite avenue, HHnounee the birth of a SUM on Friday, October at Gsi.ston Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mis. Edward Fern Atkinson. IDS North Ransom street, announce the birth of a son nn Fndiiy, October 8. at Gust on Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. Curl Edward Elliott. Lowell, announce the hirih of a son on Friday. October 8. at Gnstou Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Evitt Htidplns, 618 North Highland street, nniiounre the ol a son on Friday. October R. at Gaston Memoruil Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Wnyne Clippurd, Alexis, announce the birth of a on Saturday, Oclobfr 9. fit Gaston Memorial Hospital. Mr.

and Mrs. James Albert Cherry. Mt. Holly, announce Ihe birth of a son on Sunday, October 10. at Gaston Memorial Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. James Pinkney White. 322 North Vance street, announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday. October If), at, Gnston Memorial Hospital.

and Mrs. Arnold Grady Wooten. Dallas, announce the birth of a son on Saturday, October 9. at GaMon Memorial Hospital. BELMONT--Mr.

and Mrs. Dent Gait her. a ha Heights, announce the birth of a son, Anthony Clark, on Sunday. October 3. at Mercy Hospital, Charlotte.

Mrs. Gait her the former Miss Menu Belle Clark of Belmo lit. NEW PATTERNS IN STERLING FLATWARE Sculpture by Reed Barton Skylark by Samuel Kirk Silver Song by Frank M. Whiting haven't chosen your silver patte ill want to see these exquisite ne If you you will want to see these designs. rn ew IT'S TIME TO SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS CARDS.

COME IN AND LET US HELP YOU WITH YOUR SELECTION. Nothing Relieves Headache Quicker! ilreariy di thrw- (penally in liquid form. Thfy d-nll rfady to rkxbly fnst- Follow the Enjoy quirk ISc. 35c. 7dc si loudCAPUDINE Catholic, Woman's Guild meeting Wednesday evening a' Nunn hearing the exchange ol 8 o'clock at St.

Michael's School yow.s. After a trip to Ibe mountains of Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be at home at 503 North Weldon street. BABY Don'i throw, away those nutritious liquids from canned or ome-cooked vegetables! Use them for diluting evaporated when making creamed in Hillcrest.

Study of U. S. history the constitut.ion in schools is Use them, too, for dilut- fiuired in nil states. nig condensed soap. LISTEN TO THE BELMONT ABBEY COLLEGE Rodio Workshop Productions WEDNESDAYS: 12:45 P.

Campus News and Personalities 7:30 P. Gaironia' Campus News, Variety and Drama SATURDAYS: 8:00 A. Gastonia Gaston County Youth Roundtable Fred Morrow, Moderator directly from Ihe umpui atudtm at Brlmnnt. Rclmont Abbey College is liberal college irnntlnr the A.R. and R.S.

degrees. Majors In business administration, ilc.v English, history, philosophy, biology and chemistry. Minors in education, phrsleal education, sociology, as well as seven pre-profesulnna) curricula. Evening clauses are open lo both men and women. FALL BULBS TULIPS HYACINTHS DAFFODILS Imported from Holland CMMfm Feed Stan ft WEEK A Honigman Portrait of GREGORY Handsome six months old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Clanton, Blackwood Drive. Is Sooner Than You Think! Our studio is featuring SPECIAL PRICES FOR CHRISTMAS PHOTOGRAPHS, NOW! REMEMBER your loved one in the ARMED FORCES both in this country and overseas. Have a beautiful, life-like HONIGMAN PORTRAIT made for HIM NOW so he will get it for Christmas! Honigman's Studio -Creaton Finer 144 SOUTH ST. PHONE S-4W1 Member rholographeri' Ammelatlon Amertea All the fashion-world loven this JONATHAN LOGAN churmer with iti deftly bound empire-princeti dress and mug cover-up jacket, the outfit of regal faille.

Sizet 5 to 15. $17.95.

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