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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 3

Burlington, Vermont
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THE DAILY FREE PRESS AND TIMES: TUESDAY, DECEMBER 51, 1872. tion in the Grand List eqnlization, whereby Chittenden county is compelled to bear more BY TELEGRAPH TO THE FREE PRESS TIMES. Milton, Franklin and Englesby of St. Albans, and Warner of Cambridge. The hall, which is located in the upper story of the new Town Hall, is a neat and spacious AGENTT WANTED.

Act at once. Thore is a Pile of money in it. The people everwhere are and afterward voted to increase to the original amount, and to assess the stockholders 33J per cent. A LUCKY CITY. The total losses by fire in this city in 1872 have been only $11,200.

An efficient paid fare department and the watchful oversight of careful underwriters may be in part credited for this small loss. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. Several prominent citizens of this city, including Gov. Jewell. Mayor Robinson, Hon.R.l).

Hubbard, Hon. W. XV. Eaton, Judge Waldo and General Hawley, have signed a paper concurring with citizens in other towns in an expressed desire for a constitutional convention. RAILROAD ACCIDENT.

Concord, N. Dec. 30. The 3.30 train down, on the Montreal road, ran into an up train which was awaiting its arrival. The upright rod of a switch broke, being full of frost, when the engine struck the rail and threw the train on the track where the otner train was standing.

The baggage car struck the engine, which demolished it badly. The baggage car and the two cars following were somewhat smashed, but the Miller platforms saved the other train. No one was seriously hurt, though the escapa from a general smash-up was 'wonderful. THE ART OF WELL! EV DR. J.

P. BBTA.HT, MAGNETIC I'HVSICIAX. The great point is not merely keeping ciff the sick list and outof the hospital. Hundreds of people a about their business every day and eat their three meals, and call themselves well, who yet ire a remove of forty decrees from that elasticity, energy and vigor which perfect health carries and implies. They are three-quarters ill without knowing it.

They are continually depressed and burdened with that negative illness, which takes nil the Id om out of their cheeks, and all the spring out of and all the buoyancy out of their hcart-s, and all the ring out of their voices. They seldom or ver their highest working point of power. Life with them is a stream at low water three-quarters of the time, and never up to high tide-mark, never accomplishing more than two-thirds as much as it might were it full. It would surpriso many, if not most men to feel in themselves the actual difference between not sick and perfectly well. The first step in the economy of life is to bring the whole system up to the highest working point of vigor.

The thing of chief interest to every business man, in particular, is so to manage himself that he can accomplish the most work of the best kind in the shortest time, and with the greatest possible ease. Really, in nine cases out of ten, the question poverty and wealth, success and failure, depei; upon a man's ability to do and endure. Add tv nty per cent to the working force of a merchant and you put thousands of dollars in his pocket every year. Increase of strength, a better circulation, a higher tone of the entire physical system.are so much added to Unreal capital on which business is done. err MORNING EDITION.

1H KLISWTOS Tl ESDAY MORNING, DEC. 31, 172 The Subscription price of tho Daily Fate 1'bess in Eight Dollars per year Two Dollars quar ter. Single Copies, Three Cents. Rates Will be furnUhed on application at office. Bustneis Notleei 15 cents per lino.

Obituary n-tic-j 5 cent per line; also Scorts Base Bull Mutches, Meeting of Soceties ami lifts of Officers looted, resolution relating ptr.ual matters Ac, 4c. Marriage notice cent- notices 2' Deaths gratis. ffif Advert: -seinenti for tho Mornini tJ.tion of tha Daily Fkek Press should be left in the Counting Room before i p. m. the evening before and tiMtnunU t-Jt the Evening before 2 p.

m. the Fuee Press are request ed not to make payment to the carrier none of whom are ever authorized to collect for us, but tu renew their subscript iou when duo, at the Fuee Pkks4 Office, or to regular collector. Tar ItresJ Lake i raze a. UllUtl Ki.iRD. TIIK I tREKZINO OI TIIK I.VKL IN" L-ECElllskR IOR 58 YEAR- The extraordinary period of cold through vvhieh we are pacing has id" had its effect upon Lake- Cliamplain.

The ice was making rapidly in the lake, yesterday, and before sundown, the broad lake was entirely frozen over. This is the earliest date of which the lake eer beoll know to freeze over. From a table of the dates of the freezing over of the lake for Jifty-seern years past, before o-, we find that but four times in that period has the whole hike lo-ed earlier than January 15th. In 1H35, it frozen over January 10th in IS59 January llth; in lsM January 7th andinlHTJ January h. The earliest date of the closing oer of th.t iv i- January 7tli, in lfi7.

The late-i of of the broad l.nke on record, is Mareli 1th. Three or tour Viators in the last fifty-eight years, the lake has not Wen vlosed by iee at all. It has venlosedin December before, within the memory of the oldest inhabitant. Tha average time of closing is the last week in January, and the average duration of the iee i i two months. School kept" in the Windsor county eoitrt, Christmas.

A railroad froia Fort Ann lo the iron works near that village is among the possibilities. The Odd Fellow- of Uatland will dedicate their new hall, one in the State. January Mih. The theriiiotu-'ter at ek, on Wednesdav morning indicated 414 degrees below A poor man named Octave t'ote hn I his arm badly smashed forenoon by being caught in the belting of a planer in the mill of Shepard, Mavis A to. Uoxer Kngine 'onipany have an old-fashioned firemen-; ball at I'nion Hall to-night.

Kvery arrangement has been made to promote the convenience of alt attending, in having ivJ ttm- 'the Rutland ImUptnJent says: The building of a railroad to Woodstock is again heing agitated. Several prominent gentlemen have been in town in consultation relative to the project. To da is the la-t day of leap year, and wise, eligible young men will stay at home, it being nowise plea-ant to a high-spirited gentleman to have to decline matrimony with ten or a dozen lady acquaintance-, all in one afternoon The Chief Engineer of the Delaware Jt Hudson Canal Company has been at (lien's Falls for s. me days past, making arrangement- to immediately commence surveys for the extension of the ilea's Falls railroad to l.ikc i'rge. A young lellovv unci eatn, who has been employed by Albert Dow of Kye, was arretted.

Chri-tmas; morning, for robbiug theol.J gentleman. Hetook a bank b.Kk, in which was a balance due of and a about the 1-t of October, and, drawing the he look another young rascal and went to Boston, where lie sold the bond, and for several weeks had a high old time, and married one of Cope-land's water girls besides. But he w5s so foolish as to take his wife to his home in a town adjoining Kye, and was there arrested. The money was all gone, an officer was sent to Boston ith Yea ton to re 'over the bond oi run Cnv W.ti:k. The very serious lni-l'ni une of a shutting olf of the water from the entire city, is upon us.

Yesterday forenoon, the large main leading from the pump broke, close to the ptimp-ing-house. and it was subsequently found necessary to shut oti the water, at the reservoir, which has but four feet of water in it. Superintendent Sweet is making every effort to repair the break, but it has been found difficult to get at it. and it may be a day or two before pumping can be resumed. As large irtions of the it rely wholly on the water works for tin ir supply, the stoppage occasions er great inconvenience.

The greatest danger, however, in tho city, is from tire, and if behooves every citizen to use the utmost cacli ni. to guard against ihe occurrence of a fire on his premises, which, at this old time and with no water in thy hydrant-, might ca-ily become a sweeping conflagration. Chaulotik. A special meeting was held in Charlotte on Saturday l.i-t decide in reference to the course to be pursued in regard to the payment of taxes uuder the present equalization. James Squier was chosen chairman, and W.

W. Higbee, Secretary. The following resolutions introduced by W. W. HigWe, were adopted, after full discussi-jn XVhtrttts, We, the tax payers of Charlotte, feel agrimed at the unjust discrimina- Jxcc sr.

nr man nerjusi prooiion ui w. Resolved red, That we are in iavoroi resisting the.payment of taxe under the present equalization. Resolved, That we are ready to join the other towns of Chittenden county to test the legality of the present tax also to carry this tiuesiion, if necessary, to the Supreme Court of the State. The students at Dartmouth College are giv ing the citizens of Hanover dramatie entertainments. A New York Herald reporter is responsible for the opinion that the country is hav- it in? an epizootic oi nre All i- ouiet an the Potomac, as that river is frozen over from Washington to Acijuia Creek The ILailroad Superintendents are all re hearsing the "pome" of i he Snow, Ihc Beautiful Snow." Several team-cro-sed the ice from ('rand Isle to St.

Albans aturday. Ihe ice is now safe for travel from St. to Plattsburgh eta the Island-. The 1'o-tmaster tieneral decide- that -sev eral printed circulars, although they refer to the same thing, cannot be sent through the mail prepaid by a one-cent stamp, but mu-t bear a one cent stamp each. The -mi has fairly turned northward in his course.

The days arc now lengthening a little every day, and the old saw says: When the days begin to lengthen, then the i cob! oeirins lO siren" men. The cold term still holds on, with remark able steadiness. Itisuow the seventh day ince the mercury has risen more than half a dozen degrees above zero. This, we think, is almost unprecedented at this point. The Boston Tntedhr of Thursday says the rumors in regard to the Boston.

Lowell Nashua and Fitchburg Railroads have a foundation. It is proposed to consolidate the two roads and place them under one management, and the terms of consolidation are substantially agreed upon. The thermometer at Montpelier at sunrise Monday morning indicated 33 degrees below-zero, and at 0, 2 below. Here it was 3 below zero 7 a. and at 0 p.

m. 10 above. Fisost ami FiKtiWATEK. James Campbell of Fairfield. had his arms and hands frozen on the night of the 27th, nearthe vil- age.

Cause, Rum. lie would have peri-died ut for his wife, who hunted him up. A French Canadian, was found frozen to leath near West Farnham, IV Wednes day morning. He had befii working in Massachusetts, was returning home to be narried, and had htvn drinking. A serious accident occurred recently at the Memphremagog House, Newport.

An escape of nas was noticed, and while the proprietor, Mr. Bowman, and his engineer, were looking for its cause, the gas ignited from the match which they carried and both were badly burned. The engineer was injured internally, it is thought, and Mr. Bowman was so badly disfigured that his features were hardly recognizable. The vessels arriving report terrible weather on the Atlantic.

Old sailors say the gales have been among the most terrific they ever encountered. The terrible storm on Thursday caused an awful loss of life and property at sea. The ship Peruvian, cargo and vessel owned by Weld of Boston, was lost, with all on board, oft" Cape Cod, causing a loss of thirty lives and The barque Kodosh, Captain J. A. Matthews, cargo and vessel owned by W.

K. Perkins A and valued at 250.000, al-o went ashore at Point Alderton and was a total loss. The captain and eight sailors were drowned by the swamping of a boat. Many other disasters, of minor importance, unattended with loss of life, are reported on the coasts of Massachusetts and Maine. Mrs.

Ben K. Chase and Miss Terrill accompanied two little wails to the Water-bury Reform School, Monday. They were taken there for no crime, but that they might be well cared Rut hind liulf-pt mi How Is the Reform School a "Home for destitute children?" Is it wise to send children guilty of no crime to associate with young criminals, though the latter be in proeessof reformation. Deduction of the New Mali of MrDonuub LoAsie F. and A.

M. at Ke I nitre. The dedication of the new hall of McDonough Lodge F. and A. M.

took place at Essex Centre, on Friday afternoon last. The exercises took place under the direction of the Crand Lodge ef Vermont, which was officered for the occasion as follows: M.W.Park Davis, St. Albans, tirand Master. R. W.

James Hallowav, St. Albans, as Dep. (i. R. W.

Homer M. Phelps. Burlington, as i. S. W.

R. W. David A. Murray. J.

W. R. W. Henry Clark, Rutland, Secretary. Ira W.

Joyner. Essex, as i. S. D. R.

W. Andrew Metiaffev, Burlington, as (. J. D. Rev.

Edwin Wheeloek. Cambridge. irand Chaplain. R. W.

Theodore S. Peck, Burlington, as (irand Marshal. R. W. Daniel C.

Barber. Burlington, R. W. Cyrus P. Currier, Burlington, (irand Stewards.

R. W. Francis S. McFarland. St.

Albans, as (irand Tyler. (rand Master Davis proceeded to perform, at 1 p. the impressive dedicatory exercises in due and ancient form, a select orchestra furnishing excellent music, while appropriate odes were sung by the brothers present, after which the (irand Master delivered an eloquent and interesting address upon the "Tenets of Free Masonry," a topic which he handled with sigual ability. A line collation was then served up in the Town Hall proper, by the wives and daugh tersof the members of McDonough Lodge. Aliout three hundred persons were present at the dedication, over one-third of whom were niemWrs of the Masonic Fraternity.

Delegates were in attendance from Washington and Burlington Lodges of this city, Webster of Winooski, Patriot of Hines-burgh. North Star of Richmond, Seneca of Up lo Three o'clock this Morning. EV YOIUC -VEWS. MR. BOITWELL'S RESIGNATION'.

New York, Dec. 30. Washington despatches nf tn-dnr- yan-l i tfoutwell has prepared his resignation to take effect Feb. 15th. The Mail says there ls-n0nsequently mucn discussion as to who will be his successor, the most prominent names for the position being Henry Clews anil At llnv Mnrm.

jjimur gentleman would be acceptable to the financial public. TlW CENTRH STREET HORROR. A large crowd gathered at the Centre street ruins to-day, where a hundred men were at work removing the ruins. The intention of employing workhouse prisoners owuuuuru, miu poor laoonng men engaged. The belief seems to prevail that the remaining oouies are Duried beneath the ruins of the stairway.

Alderman Uilsey contributed $500 toward the expense of removing the ruins. Judge Dowling and Morgan Jones promised to increase their donations, and Coroner Herrman offered $500. No other human remains have jet been discovered, but pieces of shawls, stockings, have been found. Comptroller Oreen has written Coroner Herrmann that he cannot put the expense of the work in the tax levy, as that is already made up, but he will see that it is paid. A WEAR BANK.

On the recommendation of Comptroller (ireen, Chamberlain Palmer has made arrangements for the removal of thirty deposits, to the amount of from the lenth National Bank to the Broadway ground that the bahk is weak in deposits, me ueposiis, a total oi only $309,030, of which it appears were loans or indebtedness of the directors of the bank. TRINITY BURGLARIZED. Burglars entered Trinity church last nisrht. and robhml thf vaavs fj about $00. They were in search of the communion service, which was locked up in me sine.

STOPPING STAGES. Bergh's officers to-day stopped all stages bound down, with less than four horses attached. MISSING OEEICEK. J. Adams fnlliftv ilm v.

I II 1 yji Pensecola, has disappeared from Taylor's Hotel, in Jersey City. As he had a large amount of money with him, foul play is itrarvu. INSECURE HOTELS. Brooklyn Fire Marshal Ready has examined the hotels of t.lmf nit' on, I three of the leading hotels insecure iu the matter of fire escapes. i "'ivi liVwil lilt, Wl IV- men found, among the ruins, a human skull.

huh nair several incnes long attached to it. A pair of woman's gloves and fragments of female annarel. which lpnv nn dubf- tlmt woman was burned to death nearthe spot 1 1 .1 1 1 1 'I I i nciu muilil. lilt- search will be resumed iu the morning. WANIIIXUTOrV 'EWN.

STATE DINNER. Waiiiivotov IV (' "ill Tin. uent win give Ins list state dinner on the 8th of January, the guests being the members of the Cabinet and their wives, Vice-President and Mrs. Colfax, General and Mrs. Sherman and Admiral and Mrs.

Porter. State dinners will be given at the White House every alternate 'lhursday during the season. NATIONAL BANKS. The Comptroller of the Currency has called for the reports of the condition of the national banks at the close of business on Friday last, the 37th inst. A UEN1AL.

The truth of the statements telegraphed hence that Secretary Boutwell has written a letter of resignation as secretary of the treasury, to take effect February 15th, is denied at the treasury department, and no one in the executive mansion has heard anything of the kind. PARDONED. The President has pardoned Richard Collins, of North Carolina, now serving a term in the Albany penitentiary for Ku-Kluxism. APPOINTMENT. Joel D.

Harvey has been apjoiuted receiver of the Scandanavian National Bank at Chicago, vice T. P. Tallman, declined. VVESTEHS SKWS. THE COTTONVVOOIJ SLIDE Salt Lake City, Dec.

30. It has been ascertained that 11 men were buried in the Cottonwood slide, some of them being strangers from the east. Three bodies have been recovered, is reported that three more slides occurred on Sunday last. One man was carried down by one of them but was rescued without having sustained severe injuries. A LARGER01iBERV.

Chicago, Dec. 30. Edward A. Eventt, an apparently respectable mau living in this city, was brought before a police justice on' Saturday, charged by a Miss Short-well with having robbed her of $100,000 in bonds of the Selma and (Julf railroad.valued at $25,000, which she had come entrusted with to deliver to Roddey of Alabama. According to her statement she was introduced to Everett at the Grand Central Hotel, New York, by one of the clerks of that house, that she came to Chicago in Everett's care and that he secured possession of her trunk long enough to rob it.

The accused was held in $75,000 bail for trial at the criminal court' PORK packing. The number of hogs packed at this port during the present season to date, was BY ATLASTIC CABLE. Prussia. THE ALLOCVTION IN GERNANY. Berlin, Dec.

30 The journals'of Kamigs-bcrg have been threatened with immediate confiscation if they publish the insulting reference to Gemany In the recent papal allocution. The charge d'aflairs of the Ger-mau legislation to Vatican will probably bo instructed not to attend the reception of the diplomatic body by the pope on the 1st of January, on account of the allocution. Italy. AT LOGGERHEADS. Rome, Dec.

30. The German charge d'affairs informed Cardinal Atonelli, last week, that he had leen instructed to take an unlimited leave of absence. He has since closed tho legation and left Rome lor Berlin. 3iEV l'ULAII IVEU S. SPEAKER BLAINE.

Augusta, Dec. 30. Hou. James G. Blaine arrived here to-night.

THE -tTNA. Hartford, Dec. 30. The stockholders of the Fire Insurance Company to-day unanimously voted to reduce the capital stock from $3,000,000 to $2,000,000, easier to ouj ino autnenne History ot mv iau-STORE'S WO.VDKOIN IlSl VEKIKS and THRILLING ADVENTURES during 2S years iu wim ncfouni otanlet EXPEDITION. Over 600 pages, only $2.30.

't sells beyond parallel. CAUTION. Beware of infer.or work9. This is tho only complete and reliable work. Send for circulars, and seo proof and the great success agents are having.

HUBBARD Fublishers.TJoston, Mass. Dec 12 tlsw.w 17 REE TO BOOK AGENTS. An elegantly bound Canvassing Book for the best and cheapest Family Bible ever published, will be sent free of charge to uny biok agent. It contains nearly 500 fine Scripture illustrations, and agents are meeting with un precedented success. Address, stating experience.

cic we win snow you wnai our agents are aomaf, NATIONAL PUBLISHING Phila. Pa. Nov yo fdiw4w DOS'T BE DECEIVED, But for coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchial difficulties use only WELL'S TABLETS. Worthless imitations nr nn tho market, but tho only scientific preparation of mi iuir liiseases is wnen cnemicany combined with other well known remedies, as in these Tablets, and all parties are cautioned against using any other. In all cases of irritation of the mucous membrane these Tablets should be freely used, their cleansing and healing properties are astonishing.

Bo warned, never neglect a eold, it is easfly cured in its incipient state; when ibecomos chronic the 'ure i3 exceedingly diflieult ifso Wrclls' Carbolic Ti- ets as a specific. JOHN vELLOGG, Is Piatt New York, Price 23 cts. per box. Solo Agt. for U.

S. Nov fdAwlw Send for circular. A GREAT OFFER. Horace W'ators, 4SI Broad-way, N. will dispose of UW Pianos, Melodeons and Organs, of six first-class makers, including Waters', at very low prices for cash, or part cash, and balance in small monthly installments.

New-7-octavo, first-class Pianos, modern improvements, for $275 cash. Now ready, a Concerto Parlor Organ, the most beautiful stylo and perfect tono ever made. Illustrated mailed. Sheet Music and Music Merchandise. Nov 30 l7l7'7 AliEXTS WASTED for most impor-114 tant Book ever published, "Every Horse Owner's Cvi lopedia." Now Horse Disease and all others of which the Horse is subject fully explained with successful treatment.

Every horse owner should buy it. Also New Maps of U. S. and World, N. E.

Township, and Charts, Threads and Pictures, largest assortment for Agents in New England. Apply at once for terms to I). L. GUERNSEY, Pub-Usher, Concord, N. H.

Nov 30 fdiw4w JET Largest Stock, Best Assortment, Latest Styles, Lowest Prices, in Boston. Wholesale and Retail. A Large Lino of millinery and Hair Ornaments, AT XV ATE KM AX 15 WINTER STREET, i.Cor. Music Hall entrance.) Solid for Price List. Our Store was Not Injured by tho Great 3 Nov 30 fdiwlw DO AVEXTN want absolutely the best selling books? Send for circulars of Vest's Unabbridg-ei

Family Bible. Over 1 100 pages 10 by 12in. 200 pages Bililo Aids, Arabesquo $6 25 Gilt Edge, I clasp 25; Full Gilt, 2 clasps, $11 00. the White for vvintercvenings. 3Hth lnoo ready.

Tho American Farmer's Horso Book The Standard. 1000 ready, Epizootic Treatments, C. F. Vent, N. Y.

and Cincinnati. Vent Jt Goodrich, Chicago. Nov. 30tdw4w AGENTS WANTED. Address, for the most liberal terms ever offered.

TIIK DISCOVERER IIS DR. I I STON i A RI A His Adventures THE STAN LEY LIVINGSTONE EXPEDITION to Africa. Largo octavo volumo, just issued. Contains incidents of the wonderful career orthq great traveler, tho country, animals, natives, hunting, Ac. Full account of this most interesting part of tho globe.

Outfit sent for $1. Address UNION PUBLISHING Chicago, Philadelphia, or Springfield, Mass. Nov 30 fdJewlw CiHEAP FA It MS FIIEE HOMES On tho line of the UNION PACIFIC RAIL-ROAO. 13,000,000 acres of tho best Farming and Mineral Lands in America. 11,000,000 Acres in Nebraska, in tho Platte Valley, now for sale.

MILK CLIMATE, FEICTILE SOIL, for Grain growing and Stock raising unsurpassed by any in the United States. Cheaper in price, more favorable terms given, and moro convenient to market than can be found elsawhere. FREE IIOMESTKAIW FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. Tho best location for Colonics-Soldiers entitled to a Homestead of ICO acres. Send for tlio new descriptive pamphlets, with new maps published in English, Gorman, Swedish and Danish, mailed free ye re A re O.

F. DAVIS, Laml Com' U. P. It. R.

Omaha, Neb. Dec idiw4v WANTED AGENTS, per month to sell the Improved American Family Knittinu Machine. Tho simplest and best in tho world. Address American Knittino Machine 3151 Washington Boston, Mass. Nov 30 IOOK KIIEE TO ALL! $50 per week i to Agents, Male or Female.

To all who will writo for an Agency wo will send a copy of that "Wonder of Wonders," the ILLUSTRATED HORN OF PLENTY. It contains over 5t beautiful illustrations, and will bo sent freo to all who may write. Address I. Gakside, Paterson, N. J.

Nov 30 fdiwlw is unequalled by any known remedy. It will eradicate, extirpate, and thoroughly destroy all poisonous substances in tho Blood and will effectually dispel all predisposition to bilious derangement. Is there want of action in your Liver and Spleen Unless relieved, the blood becomes impure by deleterious secretions, producing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches, I tloiis, Pustules, Caukor, Pimples, Ac. Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach Unless digestion is promptly aided tho system is debilitated with poverty of tho Blood, Dropsical tendency, General Weakness and inertia. Have you Weakness of the Intestines You aro in danger of Chronic Dirrhou-a or Inflammation of tho Tiowols.

Have you Weakness of the Uterine or Urinary Organs? You aro exposed to in its most aggravated form. Are you dejected, drowsy, dull, sluggish or depressed in spirits, with head ache, coated tongue and bad tasting mouth For a certain remedy for all these diseases, weaknesses and troubles for cleansing and purifying tho vitiated blood anil imparting vigor to all the vital forces; for building up and restoring the weakened constitution use JrKl'KEBA, which is pronounced by the leading medical authorities of London and Paris, the Most Powerful Tonic and Alterative, known to tho medical world." This is no new and untried discovery but has boon long used by tho leading physicians of other countries with wonderful remedial results. Don't weaken and impair the digestive organs by cathartics and physics, they give only temporary relief Indigestion, llatulancy and dyspepsia with piles and kindred diseases are sure to follow their use. Keep tho blood pure and health is assured. JOHN Q.

KELLOGG, 18 Piatt New New, Solo Agent for the United States. Price $1.00 per bottle Send for Circular. Nov 30 fdJfcvvMw AJETS, IT SELLS ICIi AMONG all classes. Old people, lie middle aged, those who are just entering life, and youth of both sexes buy and read witli the greatest profit. MY JOLLY FRIEND'S SECRET, Dio Lewis' last and best book.

It is meeting with tho greatest success, and there's MONEY IN IT. Send for our circulars, Ac, which are sent free. GEO. MACLEAN, Boston. Dec 14 fdAw4w Agents Wanted.

TO PElt MOA'TII ever vwhere, male and female, to introduce tha GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. This machine will stich, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, corcLjbind. braid and embroider in a most superior mtTiner. Price only $15. Fully licensed and warranted for five years.

We will pay $1,000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes tho F'lastie Lock Stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still tho cloth cannot bo pulled apart without tearing it. We pay agents from $75 to $250 per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can bo made. Address SJECOMB CO. Boston.

Pittsburgh, Chicago, 111., or St. Louis, Mo. Dec. 14 fdAw4w I JAIN, PAIN, PAIN, lAMPIIOlHXE! The great discovery for the relief of pain and a sure and immediate cure for Rheumatism Chronic and acute, sprains, sore throat, bruises, chilblains, pain in chest, back or limbs, croup, stiff joints, strains, inflammation, neuralgia, burns and scalds' bunious, frosted feet, cataipfa, Ac. It has a pleasant and refreshing odor amTwill not grease or stain the most delicate fabric, which makes it a luxury ia every family.

Price 23 cts. per bottle. For sale by all druggists. REUBEN HOYT, Proprietor, 203 N. 12 fdAw4w room, extremely well furnished, and will make quite a comfortable abiding place for the craft of Essex and vicinity.

We find this anecdote in the Bennington Ran tier: While sittinji in the office of the late Gov. Fairbanks, at St. Johnsburv, during the organization ot the 4th in 1801, Capt. L. came in and sat with his hat on while talking over military matters with the 'Commander-in-Chief." As the Captain rose to retire, the (iovernor remarked 'Captain you will find it necessary, after you get into camp, to take our hat off while in the presence of a superior officer." "Oh I alw ays do that, sir," replied the Captaiu, "always, sir, when 1 am talking to a superior officer." The Governor quietly looked over his spectacles at Col.

Merrifl ami the others of us who were enjoying the joke, while the Captaiu retired. Dr. S. W. Smyth, who has had a successful career in this city during the past two years in the treatment of special diseases, has opened a branch office at the Bard well House, Rutland where he is announced to remain until February 1st.

The Doctor's professional ability and skill have been amply testified to in our columns from time to time by many of our trustworthy citizens. In all diseases of the eye, car, throat and lungs, his method of treatment has been especially successful. We are glad to learn that he is having a thriving practice in Rutland. Th Washington correspondent of the Woodstock Standard thus notices Senator Edmunds ijr. Edmunds sits in front, with hi fityt tires submerged in his whiskers most of the time.

Now and tken he jumps up and makes his point ton some unsuspecting Senator. He finds so many point, in fact, that he is considered one of the keenest and quickest of the honorable body, however, and, it is rumored, has a place in the next Cabinet at his command." Joel L. English, son of Henry W. English, of Woodstock, is Secretary of the Life Insurance Company, llartford, Conn. J.

E. Fisher, of Woodstock, is Treasurer of the Galveston Houston railroad, in Texas. Patrick T. Downs, passenger conductor on the New Orleans Mobile railroad, is at home on a vacation. Patrick is an exemplary young man and a popular officer.

Jabcz P. Colby, formerly of Montpelier, is now running as passenger conductor on the New London Northern railroad. Geonre W. Harmon, a well-known law yer, is dangerously ill from the effects of the escaping coal gas in the new County Court Room at Bennington. The District Attorney' of Brooklyn, says that he will push a new trial of Dr.

Irish, charged with murdering Assessor Anderson, and in whose case the jury failed to agree. Rev. T. J. Holmes, formerly of Richmond, and since then of East Hartford, has been installed as pastor of the Lee Avenue, Congregation church in Brooklyn, N.

Y. Dr. Budington and Dr. Storrs officiated on the occasion. The Vermont Farmer has made the discovery that the Harpers, publishers, arc descendants of an (unfortunately) unhung tory of the Revolution," also that they are soldiers of fortune." The veteran editor, Rev.

Dr. A. Converse, of the Christian Observer Louisville, a brother of Rev. J. K.

Converse of this city, died on the 9th at Louisville, Ky. He was a graduate of Dartmouth College, and of Princeton Theological Seminary, and died in his 77th year greatly respected and beloved. He worked to the very last. As late as Thursday previous he wrote and mailed letters. On his return he wasseized with a congestive chill, pneumonia set in, and after an illness of less than four days he entered into rest." Tin: Epizootic in the Nikskrv.

Dear Sue: The horses is all got the cpigramic very badly. boys had so much fun the other day Littfe Frank's hobby-horse had glue runnin' out of his nose, so we knew he had it, and we took him into the bath-room and got some of ma's fine towels and wrapped his legs up in hot water, and burned sulphur matches under his throat, and swinged his mane off, and the paint came off his legs, and the glue all come unstuck, and Frank can't ride him any more. Wasn't it jolly Then the matches put us in mind of bavin' a Boston fire, so we coaxed sister Sadie to give us her box of Swiss houses you brought her from I 'rip; and we set 'em up and touched 'em off, and let her rip The town went like blazes, and we th rowed some of sis's dolls in for dead bodies, and then saved the arms and legs for trofys. But you bet we got scared when the Humes went so high, so we turned on the hose, and that fool Jim Blain let the water run all over the floor and down the kitchen on "the cook's head, and she thought the pipes had busted, and run for a man to fix 'cm, so ma caught ns in there, and the boys run home, but I got a trashing. Our Frank is in pants.

He went in last Sunday. I've got a new girl, I don't like Jennie Bird any more, or I guess she don't like me any more, cause when I gave her a handful of peanuts she throwed 'em in my face, and I expect Jim Blain told lies about me. I'd lick him, only his father keeps a candy store, and I get all the candy 1 want for nothin'. Your affectionate brother, Ciiarlks. P.

S. Please bring me a goat. A Danbury gentleman ate two mince pies before retiring Sunday night, and about two o'clock the next morning was picked up by eleven bald headed angels and pushed through ten yards of lead pipe. J3.VKM m's Pi.vt'K. The pluck of that Barnum is astonishing.

He comes out of the fire right side up with care, as he has from all previous disasters, and iu response to his agent's telegram informing him of the fire, he sends the following dispatch from New Orleans Tell editors I have cabled European agents to expond half a million dollars for extra attractions; will have a new and more attractive traveling show than ever in April. P. T. Barm There is something admirable in such audacious rebellion against "slings and arrows but his loss is by no means trivial. He had four giraffes which no money could have purchased, but the fire took them, and with them went the Bengal tigers, two sea lions, two polar bears, an arctic seal, nine camels, an elephant, an eland, a lion and lioness, besides a large number ot more common and less expensive animals the hole forming the best collection of the sort in the country.

All people would undoubtedly prefer a line head of luiir irrown upon their own heads, to being bald, or wearing false hair, and it has been the study of many of our learned men to find a remedy to restore the hair when it has fallen out, and renew Its color after it has become grav. Such a remedy has been found and is now offered the world under the name of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian HairRenewer; and, to verify this statement, read the following: This is to certify that I was very bald in fact, my head was perfectly smooth and it is common in my family to grow bald early in life. 1 have now used four bottles of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Re-newer and the hair has grown out all over my head, and is now a natural brown. BART LEY CONLON. Scii-io.

Jesniscs Isik, May as, 1668. Personally Appeared before mo Bartley Conlon, and upon oath, savs the above statement is true. to. U. BUTLER, Notary Public.

Dec 19 SOI THEUA A'EW. ON THE MISSISSIPPI. Memphis, Dec, 30. A steady rain fell last night which has softened the ice. causing large quantities to slough off and lessening the danger to boats.

The river is rising steadily aud the floating ice diminishing rapidly. The officers of the Belle Lee, vhieh arrived from below this morning, report that they met a large num ber ot coa I lioats eomoarativelv unimured. and rescued a man named Harvey with hi. wife aud child from a dredge boat at the mouth of the St. Thomas river.

I'KltRY BOAT GONE. The ferry boat Excelsior has suruuir a leak and is sinking rapidly. She is valued at sU.jOO, and will probably be a total loss. MORE DISASTER. Parties who left Randolph yesterday morning state that the ice gorge is 20 feet high, aud that a flat boat containing seven persons' was drawn under it, and all on board perished.

This news caused jrreat excitement here amoug steamboat men. The river is rising rapidly. Daily Wcatlici- ltril. Waii Dkpabtmknt, Ol'l'll OF TIIK ClIIKF NlliNAI. OKI'll Klt, Washington.

I). C. December p. in. Probabilities.

For Now Enirland. easterly and southerly winds with increasing cloudiness. For tin middle states, southwesterly winds and cloudy weather, with rain in the southern portion, hut snow over he north ern portion, turning partly into rain on Tuesday. Ai'inc items. P.vTi;:toN, X.

Dec. 30. The uraud jury has adjourned without finding an in dictment against Wm. ollen, who was ar rested for setting his rolling null on tire, or against the two silk weavers in jail for an alleged conspiracy. The accused were dis missed.

Fulton, N. Dec; 30. The knitting factery of H. S. Conde Son was burned this afternoon.

The fire originated iu the picker. Loss on building, insurance, $7,000. Loss on stock and machinery, insurance, $40,000. Alu.vny, Dee. 23.

Gov. Hoffman has ac cepted a tender of escort by the Jackson corps, on the occasion of his departure from this city on Wednesday next for New York The corps acted as his escort on the occasion of his first inauguration, to which the (iovernor alludes in his letter of ac ceptance. He otherwise relers to the kind attention he has received from the citizens of Albany. PoTisvn.i.K, Dec. 20.

Henry Williams, employed at hoinaston's colliery, slipped, while cutting ice, and fell six bun dred feet in the slope, lie was instantly killed. His body was terribly mangled. (Dy Telegraph. Sew York ait.l Sttivk Market New VoP.k, Dec. MONEY stringent, loaned as high as per day, and closed at 1-10.

STERLINti EXCHANGE lower and steady at I OUt for long, and llolfr'lloi for short sissht. GOLD opened Ills, fell to llli, advanced to ll'-'i, and closed at 1 1 1 12. Loans at 0 per cent, tu 1-3-2 per diem for carrying. Clearings $.17 ,000,000. Treasury disbursements GOVERNMENTS more active and very firm.

STATE BONDS dull and steady Tennessee and Virginia consols heavy. STOCKS still dull, opened a triflo better, subsequently lost more than tho advance, but closed hissher than the lowest figures, anil very Urm. N. Central was very strong at I ler cent, advance. Pacific Mail was irregular, opened at 75J, tell to idvanced tell to ainlcIoseilal.

il. r.rii: no oooiiisl nt advanced to ti-'i. fell to 01 W. V. sold from si down to no, dosing at sol.

In tho rest of tho list the lluctuations did not exceed i to 'i per cent. U. S. 6s 'SI coup. "i-20 conp.

of Oi. couji. of 04. 5-20 coujj. 'CI, old.

Do. 'Oo uew Del. 1 l'Ji I i ics Do. '07 rog July 117 Do 'OS Julv U7i C. S.

new r.s Ill 10-40 couj) WH Currency 0's 113; Chic. N. 82 Do pref S3 Canton. ...10. Consolidated Coal Co.17 Cleveland C.

i 'J2 Cumberland N. J. Central llJ Chicago 4 R. 1 1 104 Mil. fc St.

Paul r.3 Do. Prer 77 Wabash 74 Do prof. Fort Way no ex 9-1 A. T. il 14 Io.

pref 40 Chicago fc Alton Ill) Do pref. 114 Ohio 48i Del Lack 2t Hartford Erie W. Union Tel snj Quicksilver 40 Do. Prof 50 Pacific Mail 74 Boston Water Power 44 Adams Express, Wells, Fargo Kj Am.Alh Express C7? United States Exp. 70 Cent II Erie Do preferred Harlem Ox div Do pref.

Michigan Central Panama Un Pacific Stock Michigan Southern. CI 77 .1111 .120 Indiana Central Chic, B. St Joseph. 47 Central Pacific. Union Incomes North C.

6s do South C. Os do new ..102 9oJ 7ff ..81 33 1 iy 50 '22 Illinois Central. Clevo. Pittsburgh, sy Tenn. f.s ex coup 7S Tenn.

Cs new 7s Va Gs ex coup 4." Va Os new Mo 6s By Telegraph.) New Yoi-k Market. New York, Dec. 30. COTTON active and Je higher; Fales middling uplands 20lc. FLOUR Sfffiloc better sales barrels; State fa) 7 'Ml; round hoop Ohio 7 Western 7 75(S 70 Southern 6 35L2 80.

ORA1N Spring wheat better; sales bushels; No. 1 spring 1 CVa 1 70; No. 2 do. I 53 1 03; winter red Western 1 75 IS) I S5; white Michigan 1 75fS2 20. Corn quiet and firm sales 36,000 Cushels; new mixed western Go-i 'SDt'pft old do.

66. Oats quiet and steady sales 23,000 but hels olil Western BEEF moro active. PROVISIONS Pork dull new mi ss 13 Lard quiet 7ji. Butter quiet; Statu WHISKEY shade firmer; RICE quiet; SS-U. SUGAR dull; Muscovado ritluing vmi.

COFFEE steady Rio ICiSJiy. MOLASSES quiet N. O. TURPENTINE quiet ROSIN ncak; 3 62. mSSOLI'TIOX iVOTIOE.

rpiIE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing under the firm namo of Lord Brothers, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All matters of business with the late firm will be adjusted and tho business continued by Loren B. Lord, at Payn's Block, Church St. LOREN B. LORD.

GEORGE M. LORD. Burlington, Dec.Q3, 172. Dec 2G -UGt APPLES, APPLES, APPLES. A NICE EOT OF WINTER APPLES, sound aud good, AT BART'S, Dea20 fdlw 4 Bank Block.

And this is just what Dr. Bryant's trcatuien. really means. It is of immense value as a restorative agent. In some diseases it is tho only effectual remedy and in most diseases it is an all-important aid to recovery.

It is never medicine that curcj. Tho battle is always betweon disease and tho in stitution, and the strongest carries tho day. Every little reinforcement of native strength, every parti-clo of vitality added to the blood, every additional inch of pure air inhaled by the lungs, every increase of nutrition.every development of the latent energies of tho organization, in any way, gives the advantage. to life in tho struglo with its constant enemy. Consumption may bo incurablo, but irresolutely resist ed in time by a quick reinforcement of tho system.

through this mode of treatment, together with the habit of deep breathing and wise self care, it may be held in check for years, and kept so far away on tho frontiers as never seriously to threaten the citadol of life itself. Roally ten times more disease comes from tho liver than from tho lungs and when disease lays its paralyzing fingers on that organ and deranges its complicated fuctions, no medicines on earth will so'quickly unloosen their grip'and set this great organ free asi igoroun and proper matjnetir. treatmtnt, in which Dr. Bryant acknowledges no suporior. Half the medicines taken relievo one point of danger by weakening another they pay one debt by borrowing elsewhere at ruinous per they make ono part better by making another part worse or reducing tho vital force of tho whole system.

Dr. Bryant's mode of treatment cures the special derangement by invigorating the whole sys tem, so that every organ is strengthened and movement is accelerated it pays a particular debt by developing now resources, and so increasing the capital stock of strength from which to draw; it makes ono point better by adding to tho health and vigor of the whole body. So as a remedial agont this method of treatment must take precedence over medicino, and within a dozen years has been resorted to by patient, and more carefully studied and largely applied as a method of euro than ever before. Tho best restorative is also tho best preventive. To koep well is the great desideratum.

Better pay tho doctor twice ovor for keoping you well, than to have his services for nothing when sick. But even the avoidance of sickness is a small thing iu comparison with that vigorous, abounding, exuberant vitality perfect health brings. Tho highest working point how to reach tlmt.and keep one's self up to that pitch, is the greatest practical problem, which once fairly and wisoly settled, will resolve a score minor questions and dispense with doctors and drugs altogether. Ono hall'of our bail drinking comes from a weakness which my mode of treatment will remove. Men resort to tho bottle, when thev should invigorate tho blood they drink rum and tako drugs to meet nature'? demand for rest.

Dr. Bryant's method oT treatment is Koculiar to himself. It calls every joint, sinew and ber into play. It gathers up and redistributes tho blood through the voinous system until its quickened circulation is felt to the linger tips. Jt loaves tho system in a refreshed and heightened condition, it tends to accumulate strength and steadily builds up tho body in new vigor and elasticity.

It increases working capital, and tho ability to endure the strains incident to tho exposures and vicissitudes of business and professonal life. It is tho most convenient, concentrated, complete and perfectly satisfactory method of cure yet discovered or devised, and we are happy to commend it to business and professional men, women, and children, as admirably adapted and calculated to prevent those lapses and derangements of the system to which we are so liable and from which wo sutler so much. Those who desire to live the most, while they live, and do their utmost in the easiest way, and for tha longest time, will consult Dr. Bryant at once. Very respectfully, J.

P. Bryan r. "Van Ness House" Burlington, Dec. ai, Is72. AURKAT COMBINATION and the very best business opportunity ever offered, is 'to bo found in an agency for taking subscriptions to HKNRY WARI BKRCHER'S Gueat LITERARY, FAMILY NEWSPAPER, with which is given away the largest and best premium picture ever offered, the new and exquisite $12.00 Kkench Oi.eo-craph, called, "Pet's Paradise." Oleographs are tho choicest class of French Art-naintinis in oils tho perfection of oil-chromo) We also give then super iu pair ot uenuine rroneii Uil I hromos, VV'ido Awake and Fast Asleep," subjects life-sizk charming fac similes of original oil paintings.

This paper has tho largest circulation in the world. It will next year be made better than ever. Serial tales by world-famous authors, L. M. Alcutt, Edward Eggleston, Harriet Beeeher Stowe, etc.

New and contributors. Illustrated Holiday Number and back nos. of Miss Alcott's Story free. Tho most taking "Combination," tho largest commissions paid. Ono agent made $300 iu months another in 35 days another in one week; one in one day, and many others from and $10 to $10 ler day.

This year our ofTors are even more profitable. No waiting for premiums. The Subscriber gets them when he pars his subscription. UOOD AGENTS WANTED. Intelligent men and women wanted everywhere.

To get good territory, exclusively assigned, send for cireiilar and terms. J. B. FORD New York Boston, Mass. Chicago, 111.

San Francisco, Cal. Dec 1-2 fdfcwlw AGENTS, now is your chance. II LOST A.XU KOIIVI. The only book on the subject that tells the whole story. Don't be huinbugod with any other.

This has nearly 800 pages. 70 full-pago Engravings and Maps, l'rico jO. Tho prospectus will sell it at sight. For first cooico of territory, address at once. 111' TUAL PUBLISHING Hartford, Conn.

Dec. 11 OUTFITS FREE Agents wanted everywhere, for TIIK MOTI1KUS Vl lUE. This is tho best opportunity now offered to agents to canvass for a live book. Every mother needs and wants it. It sells rapidly.

Experienced canvassers pronounce it tho best selling book in tho market. Send for circulars and see our extra liberal terms. Address, Continental Pcbi.ishinu 4 Bond N.Y. City. Dec12 2nn made Dec.

3d, by one Agent selling If UK-UyU ACE iKI3KLl'Y AXlt FAMILY. A lino engraving, 2x28 inches, sent by mail for $1. We also mail Button-Hole and Sewing Machine Thread Cutters, and Needle Threading Thimble, pride i2," cents each. Circulars of various other novelties mailed frequently to all old and new agents. Address AMERICAN NOVELTY 302 Broadway, N.

Y. Dec 12 fdfcw4w rilO THE WORKING CLASS, male or female, $oo J. a week guaranteed. Respectable employment at home, day or evening; no capital required full instructions and valuable package of goods to start with sent free bv mail. Addross with 6 cent return stamp, M.

YOUNG 16 Courtland New York. Dec 25 tdw4w lO Ff( retailed by one. Wanted, picture 1 9jjJ agents everywhere. Send stamp. Whitney Norwich.Conn.

Doc 23 tdiw4w AGENTS WANTED FOR PROF. FOWLER'S GREAT WORK on Manhood, Wonanhood and their mutual inter-relations love, its laws, power, etc. Send for specimen pages and circulars, with terms. Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING Dec 25 tdiwlw AGENTS WANTED for BOSTOTJ and its IE-NTUIX'TIOX. A history of this renowned city, from its earliest settlement to tho prescn3 time.

Sample copies by mail 50 cts. WM. FLINT 4 Springftela, Mass. Dec 12 fdiw4w CKUJIBS OF COItlFOltT The Ladies' Friend. Ask your grocer for it.

llAHTLETT'S BLACHIXIi always gives satisfaction. Try it. PEARL BLUE for the laundry has no equal. Sold by Grocers. II.

A. BARTLETT 113, 117, N. Front 143 Chambers N. 43 Broad Boston. Dec 25 fd4w4w.

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