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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 2

Burlington, Vermont
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t3 THE DAILY KUKK PRKSS. SEPT. oueaiderinj; tbat tbwe Awpaw Ll aet a UtUlioa fur the fir Uutc on lLi muster. II KR IS A6AIX! FOURE8TGR8 Grand Constellation, wira quite noticeable, and ikd explainable Ihc wss. HI RMCTOS 8ATUBDAT ETEKISO.

SEPT. 28. lS only by the KKiK-e of im many oil toldier Cciu Melga tae rr ter aud rr rirbeMa Gta. Meigs, of the guartt-r-oiat-Ur Uepartiuent of the S. Army, ha published a letter remove the iupria niaoV by otlser that lAume attached Seerc-ttry Sewrd in the matter or the detachment of the ship Powhatan frww the ej.i.Jiti' iatcndod to provision Fort Sumter, lie says in the rank.

A ouaoert by tie Band of the th, and a R.K.TRAIX". military li were iiuoog the Vw whole earg th ingl package, woold eon into port at last vita about the same ehar-Tter tat wisdom the cpeadthnft of time eome to the death-bed that end life' tojag. It is a total Lws, and no icsurauce. It be a euruius reekouiog to eouut up our wastH moneata is aiogle day. little time i lost by maur in the uornios; in debating whether they will quit their warm bed or not John Wesley, who rose systematically at five o'clock, was oerheard in ucU debate as this, and at length called out.

"Well. John Wesley you may do as you like; bat I mean to get up." Much time is lost during the day in indecisioo, in aimless loitering, in idle reveries, in waiting for slow and unpunctual peple, iu long and lung calls that might both be improved by compression. Added together, the lost moments iu an average life would amount to more hours than Milton required to write theParadiu Lott, or Newton to build his immortal Principia. festif itk of the cei-at-ion. AH l-d offj VIS If SCEJYEBV, Vcavs', TO.

iVaf yLCeuttal a- and lp. i i .1 a la, it tn C44tanl JeasariUy and and the regimen Om1 tmt, MM. Mf tb RiltlUHl H. Ik t.vlxiSp.ll. aud an Coaeaar, will euanwiu- Series of thsir RIVALED OHAMASat tha and rade with plratfgre aJ riiu.

pared the ordeta in reUtioa to her motwueuw ....1:.. .1.:. I Slut TLe Firrt Kfiaiint. V. M-.

Colunel Uuw. ft bif Kgnaiure, aoi City Hall, at 1-15 -5 7 vent iuta up at S. AHn on me mtm upon. Tbe Pickeiui expr The eamp eround wa a field to tU emit of ditkia vu luiDd and ordered with the knoaU i ea. and 4.43 b.

a. Weduekdav September TJUi. 1 I iuiv itw a mitniita ti I V. 1. Krvel.

and DiTlelC de ground, but lutving a outlook hen Lieut Porter waa deuiled to eomniaod orer the town and Uy. The regiment turn- the natal jxioa of the a nl to entinu every ereniux antil forthst astiea ITIIitl' The Wriz Trial. cd out about 4(W musketo On Thursdaj af- to command the troopa. hit tag iMtt at laju a. m.

P- MAIL Par KavTork eloM 8XM Md us o. Ac rir ud 74 P- VorBMtua lo at 7-30 iit at 30 a. m. and ao p. For tba Korth and Horth Eait Kor Mootml elo.

i For tba p. For Plattubwi and gMeU) and Ui Uka Bouth cloM 9.U) p. arrif at Ms p. m. ternoon, it waa reviewed by Brigadier Oea- inmructioci wade known ita destioation.

To VI.MtOT GALLERY OF ART. eral Baratow. Aeeompnying lm were K-a ia. ht In the Wirz trial, Thursday, J. Burns Walker gave testimony to previous accounts, in reg.ird to a dastardly speech made by Howell Cobb at Andcrsonvitle about banging prisoners, tfce.

Cobb also recommended W.irz tn a meritorious and efficient officer. ISO CUCRCII 8TREET. (On the first floor.) tienerald Waalibura and Pitkin. Colonel El- of th of Pensacola. Clmndler loruierljr Thia, the first sucoeesful military ezpeditiou of kill, Lieut.

Col. I'. G. EVERV KINli OF PIOTURB PRODUCED the mol ART, mada in thtnM perfect Particular attention fivea ta inakmi haze colored Dirt urea from old Ambrntrn. the vnr oriirinated witb Mr.

Seward. lUiu Amtmise Spencer, residing nine mile from of the 10th t. ok, Maior J. ew ton, gtoteg Militia rarade. I.

Smith. 1 1. i llirrr.l Andenionvilie. testincu io ine wreicaeu biu or I'aguerreoiypes of deswed persena. Photo I i.

-l tl.m r.f nrimiii. The odor from the The Militia Law ol thia State require that Saptie oi uenerau ana oiueraisiinsuunM ptnoai, ureal variety. Pbotograpb Albums in eraatva. riety, at ona-tbird less than the usual retail ratat. lateof the 5th Vt Vol.

uteoant K.m- t' kade c-ouM dete-cted two off the 111. Vet. Ke. IWi, Csptain Carpenter, officers, and not consult only with men who, if I country was fertile aud densely wooded. The there thall be annually, between the fi! ai Yuai.

dir teenth day of September and the fifth day of and oil ers The review took place at war broke out, could not mount a horse. When including vegetable, were f. the President struck out of the instruction pre- liirge Witness knew of ladies in the neigh- past 2 P. M-, preKiice of a large numntr fcr commmWr of lhe expedition the cathcrinir elothinu and food for the SHIRTS AXU DRAWERS At 4. the Regiment was in- authority to dsclare martial law at Key West i Gen.

Winder said, of spectators OPEN this day at Mo. I3S Church Street a full tod complete assortment of Shirts and Draaan eonsUtin ot October, in each year, a parade -aeh Jieg-iment for drill, discipline, inspection and review, which parade shall continue three dav, and shall not exceed five snected by General Washburn and Major on imuuh r. with an oath, that he believed the whole to restore it. The authorities of Honda had Yankeeized and he Benedict, Brigade Inspector. Vvb arrcsted ai Mi me to bail for de.

WirTsubseouentlv Company Merrill.of and fending the right of the Yankee fishermen of the FletchcT. Ld cE.of Koosburgh and Tortu Heavy iPomexlie Good, Fine day." The paradee an provided for. are taking place, about these day, in the var oua militia district, twelve in number, of um iuiiiiv no- Woo. th mimkvt. Place me nciievoieui women MEIUCM Ul'AlalTt' GOOD, EXTRA the State.

In preparation for them, Quar for the iroo.1 cinditiou of their arms, shot of Fort Taylor. But on the declarat.ou ot ur. d. iieau, i ticeaUle lor the goo.t cinuiuou oi w.eir a. vW arriva, surgcon at Andersonville in July and August, Co.

of Fairfield and Bakereheld, Captain in Jhe jailgeSt gheritf, clerk and mayor fled 1804. testified to the sufferings of the pris- termaater General Pitkin hae aecurcd, from Alto Ladies Merino Under venU of all the rarloai styles and qualities. Ladies Merino Drawers, MiMw the United State Government, lull supplies tnl-on thetiains to tirovide them- from Kev West to the main lana, ana me present oners Irom aisease auu wani oi pioiht Vests, dovs Blurts ana vnwen, ii niea. All of which will be sold at prices to eomiuoat with the times by EDWARD BARLOVr. loyal provixional governor of Florida was elected ueanj his wife sent supplies, aud he in withpantaloon- of uniform color imnvrt.nt l.ih Winder ot amieeable tents, (-waH" tenta for the officer, and tenta for the mefi.) and I Wi.iV! i.vj 1 BCtlUCULC wuuuwuni auuwa i sequence and others.

mucti to itie apjiearance oi me eiiuiiij. returned to its allegiance. ii Some interference with the latter programmr Charles II. P.ussell was recalled and related camp equipage. These, with blankets, straw FARM FOR SALE.

Will CI I in lilt ir jai i i I Awrririim niHtfiA from ihp fiecrecv with two instance of cruelty by James Duncan, 11? a. lid wood, are lurnished to the rcgimenta by I Ilnf im. orKaniMj. But the most im- regiment generally is a Due, inieiiigen. aim wbich were IHE bTJBSCBIBEK offer his farm for sal, taininu 30 acres of good rultivating land, adds a rebel in charge of the distribution of bread.

the State. The men aw uniformed, to cap The tr(M)t inarched nortant norts and fortresses in the Gulf, the hr He kicked man who asked for a crust, so ma. and coaUod rmed with new Springfield rifled good wooden bouse, 4 ay jot imi, a gooa feet long, good well and spring water all I good condition, situated in this oity, about 3 mUeiBortk it.l. nllowanee fur the ncx- nesl uue niiowauee that he died, and treatedTinother man eimi' well, awl Willi .11 wall fortified: and the larly for the same request. perience of its commander and many of the flwtg which would have been necessary for their Appletree I'otDt, nexiiarm io nunen oianiioro.

Kor further information, apply to tbe subterihsr Witness was asked it Duncan was in Court muskets, by the State. They supply their own ration. Kadi one is paid one dollar a day, for each day of actual drill at which on the farm. Terms easy. Kurliugton.

Sept. 2M. dSt the omcer. and men, pcriormao and replied that he wa and pointed him out regiment on review, and it general appear- npgs he preceiing aaminiatration. Even if Duncan, after standing up and showing highly oieditablc.

the victualing of Fort Sumter was thus prevent- gelt was informed by the Court that ic must I I I be i present, or if absent is liablo to a fine of .1 mr a I'll i A a i. i.1 He is a witness for the de four dollar, for non-atU ndaneo But a single accident occurred, lar COOK'S) SIAK The first of these parades, took place on we are aware, during the three days ol the )regg whicll (ouu not thcn have held out long y. t'randall was recalled and testified a a. ii. k-1 1 I 1 the 18th at Brad lord, where the Sc drill.

One man wis accidentally wounded attaint the naileries Dy wnicu me reui uu to i)uncan taking a picture Ironi a man in himself to othe neen aireauy permmeo. io eneiruw ra uu y)e gtoci-s and helping I1V ITtilltrHUt: IIMVUllCtJa IWIHil rvauv.a. a l. A 7n nMirifiiAna Tenth Regiment, V. Colonel Andros went into camp.

The men turned out well ii -ni unK prisoners' money. ana was ttius xepl irom inmuiiiig renuuo or less in oumier, couiu compare gamuel Rikcr testified that .1 a-a- Oak 11 ki.Vwt.a, -tf OMBUCl 1, hurt. Ilo had prompt care and was not i.l I 1,1 li tVL-MVU) J'tJlia mu conveniences, out upon, ut. ih t.llincr ot a St Si 3 at At? If hi in 1 is; tali' Mr it I 1 1 hi it 1 Pi Is I ft! it ft 4 4 1. ba! bant ail.

Mu flf. I 1 'v )V a sentinel, by order of Wirz, fur and abowed hearty interest io their military duties On the Wth, the regiment wa reviewed by Brigadier General Grout, and inspected ly Adjutant nd Inspector General Washburne, who wa surprised and greatly pleased with the good appearance ot the troops nd their proficiency iu drill. Newton hatlulion ot Cavalry, taxes pmce v- Vnrk nnM, the news of reaching beyond the dead line at St. Albans, and from the character of its the destination and of the success of the expedi- Benjamin B. Dike, a rebel railroad agent are tion.

at Andersonville, lesunea mat mere was a officer and men, I I trnnA iloul nf tirnvismnH. ineliidinLr vetretables hvv- 1 nil hniita taking with their military business, it can On th Wth, the Fourth Regiusent, Colo Keport oi me Agricultural Bureau. Ambroge uengLaw testified to seeing a man not fail to lie a very interesting and credit nel C. B. Wilson, mustered at Montpelier.

able affair. On the 20th, tbo Regiment was reviewed by The Commissioner of Agricultureat Wash- shot for reaching over the dead line for a ington, September 21st, report the condi- crumb of bread. a. a- .3 a Thomas alsh tcstihed that no rations tion of the crops to the first of beptember 20 i804 arjj not until OVER EIGHT THOUSAND SOLD, AMD KVKRT 0 The muster of the Si coed Regiment, V. Brigadier General Barstow, in the forenoon.

Colonel Munson, takes place at Burling GIVES PERFECT SATISFACTION. Spectators by thousands were present Wheat iiuality not good, especially at the 3 o'clock on the next day; none April 1, 1V1V VI Ullll uvv ajLVvvaa viiuvvii I ton, October 2d, and of the Third, Colonel AJflVi I It defecates without Chemical Agents, and lithe Irom the country round, and the fine air, 4 West, where it waa affected by blight and rust, and not until next day at clock, ana then irom the country ro Middlcbury, on the same day. "Th bt of mcal and two or thrce ounceg only machine that can boil a ruxhino stbiah. freedom trom oust, anil pieasaiu surroium- three davs. The Sec- of th- nl.l in in the hands of farmers as of imile flesh The prisoners eot rations July IT MAKES BETTER SUGAR.

Ina of the Camp and Parade ground on the f. has been supposed. 4th. but beine full of maggots, threw them 1 I a. a la. v.a.n "i and more rapidly, using leu fuel thi any other Pan i oord of wood to 100 lbs. Sugar. beautiful "Langdon Meadow," were all that uats one ot tue largest crops ever raiseu in away. Wirz said, on one occasion "way on the 3d, and the Ihiid regiment, on the God Almisrhtv damn me forever, il do not i i i eould be desired. 4th of Octolier.

ay greatly injured at the west, oui very 8hoot wittl revoiver the first man who Capacity trom 10 to 40 lbs. Sugar per (ien. Barstow was accompanied cn the uuie ai me laiwi. lue Huiamjr io guw attemt)t8 to leavo the ranks Tin.u..h. Th rfeath Ohio.

Illmoi and Missouri. review by A. 1. Gen. Washburn Q.

ane uaaiu I a Ta I aa- a rt.i hour upwara, according io sue All orders should be sent in immediately. C. POST, (ieneral llineeburgh, Vt 8ept.20tf. vorn escspea maienai injury ai iue rai. i asuisgton, csepi.

1 iL. 1 Gen. Pitkin; Brig. Gen. Aldcn, U.

S. Vols, of Mr. Howard, announeea in our paper ine ereairat crop ever raiaeu in luim r.k. at kn caa. wr.

uopxins, wnowas appoinieuiDouiy, orrortnsiieriame.wiiereneieuonoo. rrL.u 1864. with Sureeon White, to examine the brigades of the storming column, and wa looked Tor ns nigh at hand by her relatveis J1 um Andersonville Prison, produced a letter to afterwards blown up and had a leg broken land acquaintance for some time. None the Potatoes-Vindications of rot in many locali- Gen. Winder, in which he reported that the SUFFERERS From Dyspepsia by the explosion of the Magazine; Col.

F. les has its actual occurrence caused a pain- ties, and some places much injured, itie causes oi ureases anu monaiiiy was verj uoc A vipl.1. however, will he as the amount larffo amowt the nrisoners. There was an Read! Act'. if 1 1 a i aM.

ti linn i iii ininMiin rn un nnv ni'niiuiiirn rit innnr i -i entire absence ol vegetables, want of bar nanuBii, ui i niftIltC(j is ereater than last vear. racks, inadequate supply of food and water, Col. Elkios of Gov. Smith's Stan Chaplain I fied prominently with the people and inter- Hops ripened well in all the States cicept Welter lGthVt. Vols.

Capt. O. N.Carpen- est o. Burlington for most of the present ior; JJ badly cooked food, filthy condition of the prisoners morbid emanations from the rav ines ter, 8th Vt. Vols, acting A.

D. C. and 1 century as the wife of one of most valued I jfew York in 1800, produced nine and three ana mat no recommcnaea ine immediate removal of 1,500 prisoners, as a detail to cul CaptE. A. Smith and Major U.

Benedict citizens, the late John Howard, and the quarter miinors ot the eleven minions in tnc of bis own staff. mother of a family of sons widely known "2. hra show a of about one- tivate vegetables, the immediate erection of Tnrronl 4r Co. Gentlemen, 1 am a resident of Curracoa, and have own been disposed to write to you concerning tue rew value of your Seltter Aperient as a remedy fur inoi-gestion and Dyspepsia. I desire to express to ys my sincere gratitude for the great bene tit the Kn' has done my wife.

For four or five years my wife has been dieted with Dyspepsia, and after being under treatment of several Doctors for two or thrf sho was finally inducet to seek thoadvice of a ed Physician, Doctor Cabial is, of Veneiaela, immediately treated her with your Efferreteent Jptritnt, she began to improve at onoe, wl now PERFECTLY WELL. barrack, and furnish necessary wood and Th fino band of the 8th Vt. Vet. Vol, and for their business ability and integrity, she tenth from last jear, and that the hogs are have wells dug to divide the prisoner into squads, under a sergeant, to be furnished an excellent drum eorps furnished capital ever drew additional respect to herself from smaller and younger than usual. nniiifl.

thn rn.iment marched well, and the tall who knew her for her own excellent I A clock would be worth a fortune to me that with soap, furnish to the prisoners with clothing, and if unable to do this, to notify the Federal Government the duily inspection of bake-houses and tiic cooking to cover with review paseu ou wu.i Uv tMch me wnillma the mlue of a min. The officer above named, together with the a long time the growing infirmities ol old (e. "Take care of the pence, and pounds will I feel it to be my duty tor tbe gooa or nuu" to make this statement, feeling that a medicine field, stuff and line officer of the regiment, age forbade ber to mingle in general society, ke cure of themselves, is the secret ot giow-' i i a at if iiigrich. And In the time-currency, minutes then tat down to a bountiful dinner, net al- yet she kept up her interest the welfare the preoi0U8 pence that, saved or lost, make sand the morasses, and adopt other sanitary measures. He also made sundry recommendations to improve the hospital arrangements, viuuame Simula be widely Known.

Trusting that you will give this publioity, repeating ni earnest gratitude anil thanks, winch were greatly inadequate. together of park and hard tack, at Col Wil- of all around her and employed her time, I the millionaire or the bankrupt. Successful wn'i quarter. a lar as strength would allow, for good. mhave ommonly been miser of their min- lr.

Hopkins testified that ho submitted bis 1 am very respeouuiij 8. Merchant, Curaeos, WE ASK I.anrliiwl In trlve thill! loBpectionby Adjutant and Inspector Gen. During the trying years ot the late rebellion, Jfelaon victories were he said report to surgeon White, who said it was truthful, nnd he would sign it and transmit Washburn followed in the afternoon. Arm, though unable to be present with those ivfio mmseir, by being "always a quarter ot an hour it to lien, mder, but he did not sign it. a la 1.

a- a. a A I I. a. vuvumi equipment and quarter were tnorougniy irom wcea io we. me he studied the mar of the flic witness did not know whether anything edy a trial convinced that by its timely useaW)' may bo relieved, many cured of Dutpepna, Heartburn, Sour Stomach, SM It'lte'' had lieen done to carry out the inspected and the result added to the high health and comfort of the soldier in the battle-field.

Washington was so rigidly puuo praise alrd, accorded to officer, and men field, her finger, were kept busy i the good Uittinem, Indention, rue', ll'llinim Attack; Liver Complaint, Hhtumatic Affr.ctionn, e. i a.lf AaChDOt Judgo Advocate Chipman then submitted lor their appearance on review, special cause at homo ana nwny were me gnnant hitu, "you must get a new watch, sir, or I must commendation wa. awarded tt Co. of fellows whose feet were protected by tbe get a new Mcretary." wmu nurr.ti, ineicarn- nUWl Hl HIIll'lllUv 111 lM.llalvui..w la-la. tie, anil do nt use the medlaina against the of your Physician.

the ticncral Order of Gen. inder to Dr. Hopkins, to show that the Richmond au-thoiiiies know the condition of the Andersonville prison, and that Winder had authority to apply a remedy. Middlesex and Worcester, Capt. Putnam stockings which he had knit.

She goes to of hk knomMot fifty different lanauaKes Co. ol Northfield, Cpt. Boynton Co.F, the grave in a ripe old nge, honored by all, during the intervals of his labors at the anvil. mA I.vford will ho kent in ffrateful remembrance hv P'-Mason Goml composed hi translation of a M.4NUFA0TIIBID OStT BT TARRANT 278 Greenwich St New Vork- tin work in the streets of London, during his vt yv ivn iimwviw w.

i -r-i I Kl Un Dr. Hopkins' cross examination, he said it was Winder's implicit confidence in and Co. of Calais and Woodbury, Capt. all who knew her, walk and rides to visit hi numerous patients. He nut in his Docket two or three leave of the irat, that caused this state ot thing to Wells, for the good condition of their arm, Tub Xftivft Ri.frrriow.

Ki'tiirrta Irom I 11. p.a.1 ih. avap lia mlUI exist. nd to Co. E.

Montpelier and Plainfield, 3jjj Ctif llnj t)wl, (jov t0ny or rode'untii be had engraved it ou hi retentive Dr. Rico was on duty at Andersonville. lie also testified to the terrible condition of Capt. Davis, for full attendance, every man I votes, to 28,071 for Judge Howard, making memory. Then he translated the passage in hn belonging to the company being in hi.

place. Uw'- 22i tl the prisoners, corroborating previous Tho oompanic generally turned out with I fiffr.i the work was completed, he bd not lost a mo- two more soldiers, who had been priso pttttf full nrl til appeared well The 5234, and making it sure that Cony major- mni Pr Richard Baxter, who wrote ners there, repeated tho horrors of the pen, tt tehon Hin rrliimn nrn tn. will lie fiver when ttio commission adjourned. o4 mmi TUaf fnion. mr Ploral visit thn any minister of that BALMORALS: Open this day a splendid assortonntof Fall ami Winter AT HOWARD BARLOW'8.

No. 16 Church Strrt Uept.tlb, 19C. men of the ourth Militia, is evidently that century, taught hi Mtldermmsler weaver, to den religious book, on their looms, that they .1., ti lr tn Ir i. V. i A iktaAaVini.

a 1 HA 4 I .1 1 1 ins reiuuoi siien inicrcet ami care, iney year hivou s-u mm uemn-1 shuttle. The editor of a French paper, in of the dedication of a new cemetery near wcnabletoihowa clean and irood lookins crat. Aroostook county has elected the He that lose his minutes, 1os. his life. Alas! rIITa.i..

lii.V.l iintl.a.ltl aaaaafnl A. I L. I Tl Lyons, says that M. (iascoigne hau the pleasure of being tho first individual who! was buried io this delightful retreat." i I vim'" a now onen nines uia aoui. ror uie pracni mg- regiment, neat, quiet and oniony camp, ircd five of it six representative Ueut i all the time God ever give.

us. The nd a degree of proficiency in drill which, I re Union. se captain who should tit and heave overboard.

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