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Statesman Journal from Salem, Oregon • Page 3

Statesman Journali
Salem, Oregon
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fcot Into tlhecave Is the nroblem. DAILYJ statesman. SALEM BUSINESS DIRECTOR. ies': ftOARDtNO IIOUJ 1 fivun: PI M0e XI what sustained them them The point la about 100 feet befow the surface, and 'there lis apparently no opening or means of exit, The bate, when caught and taken out to the appeared to-be wifoout eyes, and able-to fly buU little -ways; in fact their Swings were but aneagerly devefcped.j The thing that attracted their attention -upon their re- TOT.n to Toe tunnel he THvnlinr i ooor, wJuch, notwitihstandinsr -the amount of- gas from the exploded iwwuwr quite percepuoie ami ,1 uisareeauue. x'ne only answer to the theory of the strange occurrence cne jract that the rock of nieta-toarphlc, and aqueous oriein.

and lift ing In the iCascade range, te of receat The roefc is a deded ftfiolp, and that, a the time of the dl8tUEbaac tha IputM Into beir I Tuicm.f tkniatHjvn a jotuwi, vim7 ram whi xiieiT ufitwi sTuo-ercaJKea toe thereantd then (became Incased tdiw. ryatt had well atu-ouiae THE WILSON 18 CENTER STnC3. ROOMS 15 TO SO CZSTTS, BEDS 10 CENTS. TJ MEALS 15 CENTS. rl BEST TUB MARKET AFFOI EU AS DOWNS, LAUXD3T.

i ni ai mm Employs- twenty beads of 1 Our new rates are as ciisap men. Give os a trial, at S20 St Oolooel J. OlmctSsA P0 Tim QDIDEL WINE AND LIQUOR STORE! A. EL Daaaor. Moonetor.

a peneo oonnatgepr and ooasrtastly keeps beat of wines ana Uaaoi-s. mtcsi brandy and whisk for medicinal par poses. He msKes a speeuitj or fornia wmes for festival parties asa family ose, at COe per gallon and vpt special prices made gccordlng to ooaa tHy purchased. Sample room andlaact counter sapplled with the caoieeat dot rages and eatables; pnvate rooai sai ramllles. No dishonorable coodnct allowed.

The owner gniarantees satis faction to all pa trona. Don't fall ft call at 103 Stats Street, Salem, Of. THE RECEPTION, 360 COMMERCIAL ST. El UENE PROPB. Always keeps the beat Honors an4 clcrani oa hand, and makes a specialty of CALIFORNIA WINES for family use; Port and Sherry WINE for $1.23 per gallon, and Claret and Waits Wins per gallon.

Free delivery within the city limits; and also free lnaeb served hot and cold la all kinds tC as sortmenta. PRINTERS EmniMCmii SG. The Caoltal Printing Company has re moved to that location. Call on as. FEED STORES BEST STUFFS? LOWEST PRICES.

AT 91 COURT STREET. Hay, Straw, Oats, Wheat, Bran, Shorts and Flour. Leave orders SO tr promptly filled. BREWSTER WHITE, Ornln men. FEED AHO COMMISSION HOUSEI Floor, mill feed, oil chop feed and hay.

Lime, hair and piaster. WHITE GILM0RE. No. 64. State street Telephone ST.

HOTELS. THE WILLAMETTE. SaLEM, OREGOV. Reduced Rstss. Fir1Class all lit Appointments.

All street ears leave the wmaaaettefer all pobtlo buildings aa4polats of teter. est A-YwAOMiaR The Imperial Hotel Seventh and Waefalnstoa fho-naa Oulaeaa. prwprla-iur, fertlaad, itn aPgfn Pan, ana fnn tf tx KS eiul IB. RENOVATING. ev th Statesman Publishing Ad-Sfcas communications and mtkt re- PUB Salem.

Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION' Delivered by carrier per week. 15c Pelivered by carrier i one year, la advance 98 00 months. 8 00 111 not be sent by mall to any address for any length time unless paid for In advance. WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN.

On year. In 54 four month i ADVERTISING RATES. per Inch, per month, $5 for Dally and a for Weekly; $6 for both. Transient advertisement, 1 an inch for each lnser. Uon.

No deviation from these ratea except on long time contracts. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 2D, 186, Formally entered am second class matter at the Salem, Oregon; postomce. The Statesman will be found on sale very day at the following places: 3. P.

Hadley, newsdealer, First street near Alder, Portland. Morning overland passenger train. Hotel Portland, Portland, -Oregon. -r xni jr- OUR STANDARD BEARERS. For President.

WM. MeKlNLEY. For Vice-President. GARRETT HOBART. For I'lwiclntial Elpctore.

UKKR. of Marion County. 8. YOHAX. of Lane.

E. L. SMITH, of Waco. F. HAPIKS.

of Multnomah Odd 0 regon ffemsv Oregon Mty Press. Father i 'onrardy, the Catholic priest Mho left Oregon more thau vight years ago to work ancng the lepers of the Hawaiian islajid of 'Molokai, was vis iting in Oregon City Thursday, being the guewt of Father Hillebtmml Father 5onirardy siwnt eight years In that leprou -olony, deing affiliated with the -martyr, Damieu. hi fliis unselfish service. Ijast Januarv Kather Conrai dy left Molokal ito an examination into the, (mditlons of leprousy in China aad Japan and to discover, if possible, a fur the terrible diseae. Int hl invesrtig'a'tiou In tthose countries he was unable to nnd aoiy satisfactory remedy.

But die believes the condition of the afflict ed there can le imterlially imiproved and he is likely oon to enter upon uch work in China. He wishes to tcke some younger i'iest wltih him ai-d tried to iar4uade Father Hille- hrand to be hi 'cnnianion in the work. However. Father Hiilebrand could not 1k persuaded to leave Ore gon for China. AX OLD STATE BANK NOTE.

Portland Tribune: One of the old Ixvnk notes issued bv the Ohio wnate biinkt during the relel- lion. found Its wn.y to -Portland into the IkumIs of a Chinese merchant wlio attempted It in payment of a lill the otiher ihty. The note was for $1 and htas Invn IsujimmI by tilie Farmers' branch Iwuk at It 1ore the date of July 27, 1801. Soon after he had received it the Celestial triel to piiss it and was nrirksel when several iersoiis refused t9 accept it at its face value. Tili3iikliigti3bat it was a count erf eif, he t-alled ui Chief of Police IMlmto ami presented It to him for examination.

That otneer inform' ed him that tihe note was a little, out of date, and directed fakm to ask any of the local inkers if it were of any vahie. The not? Is so old and there 'qre few of them extant that it Js possible it may comnmnd a premium. IUTS IX A TUXXEI Cottage iGrove Moderator: A few days ago John D'iuan and Andrew Wilson, miners working upon a claim in Snowsihoe gulch, met with a circumstance that furnished a sub ject for the student of ma ttwaJ phil osophy. They have been working at the development of a clalin by run ning a tunnel to reach the vein. When underground about 150 feet, the rock assumed that condition un derstood Iby miners to indicate a cLange," that Is, it sounded loose or hollow in thttt partkiukur.

way una-er know when they are approaching different "ground," and when they loaded their holes they expected when they returned they would find a vein ver rock of a dtfl'ereut oharaeter (from that through which they bad been running, but when they returned quite different "matter attracted heir attention, and the -circumstance all who have iheard of it, but without satisfsictlory ohrtfon. "Insieadjof fidding ore or any particular 'change In V. a Mwf .1. .1 1. Al ,.,11 of TMs.

fV III aigrn, Everv few mfTwiti t. 'tantlv assents "that ev-r ham itinvt riof oasis: 'I obody erer lias to defend It, for It la abundantly able to take care of Itselfand always will toe. We have simply got iback to the good old times, such as existed when Solomon's temple was fcuilt, when silver was so plentiful tt dldtt'ti count. They had struck it rich somewhere and he it that no man dares defend the sun ahlne! He goes around making his smart speecilie-chool boy fashion tbi Salem i opulss wry naturally gloat over- as. outer ithaav anything they can ever say heutselvee.

ne of their cute phrases Is about an "appreciated dollar," and they don't know wlwt It meains. Another is tho tetl-Sble rate at whk-h gold goes np and they don kjoww what Jfliat mcins, either. Wihen 1 was 'boy my folks used to hir a good farm ihand for $8 a month r-4mt he worked for hia board la winter. Xow. when we have good times.

nrocKrhaiid earns three times that auu 051:1 uuy amost twK-e as much qr um nwBtwy. aa uu grauuiatner coutd. HI is saf aCliOfaiy that he cap Hverilve tfmes well as his gtand-dacMy and Wve more in a wek than the old man could in a month. So I found out what Amos Strong meaais oy nits aippreclatinsr dollar. alienor to any great extent.

MoKlnley ls good a friend of silver that he Is far more reliable flan Bryan. All the extreme gold men went to Ixmis to defeat him and couldn't do 3t. He wTasn't to any greiDt extent the Oregomian's -aiKli-date either tho' Jt Iki got now to think Wat he u-for he hadn't gold In his Some people think Jbhey are running tlie OOUntrv on the srakl lt-isU all sihne i themselve-drtn-v oov Aow, Mclvlntey and you and the republican party In general, are time friends' of silver and determined to have as much of it as imsible for gooil times. It is only a question as to wliich road to take to accomplis-th the desired end. We recognize tihe neetl of agreement among commercial nations to secure this result We almidy have more silver money than any great ami civilized nation has and wro ready to use a whale lot more if we can witih safety.

There i no use trying to carry the world on our shoulders for een "the eternal Yankee nation" do it. If we try to do too much and break dotwn at it the cause of silver is gone up. If we get the commercial nations to all work together to carry all the silver poLble that will be going to work in a sensible way. "Brag is a good dog, but Hold Fat a better. Tlie iRryanized populists are doing a whole lot of ibragging but the 'republican policy is to go to work systematically and not raise tihe house before we build the foundation.

Oommfan sense and prudence are the basils of ail business' success. The una who takes obances gets left I know, because I ihave tried it. As a naition we are brah and fly to extremes. The best opinion to go by is that of business1 men who are successful. Tlie business world has most to uu ike by (having money abundant and if they can't make prosperity on a UVer bais the rest of us cannot.

Lincoln mid it wasn't a good plan ttt hrtrsKMi ivilion ir to swap horses wlien crossing a i er esiKvlally at flood time and Just at present we are fording toleraibly swift stream and must look out for boles. We have ileen "a bigger fool tlain Thonspson's colt" ever dared lx and luafe done exa-tly what he did rirpr trtU a rtrint nt rtwami a mer to take a aiiuk out or IlROTBCTION. CAN LIVe WITHOUT AIR. Tito common snail, although it has lungs, heart and general circulation iiehtg in every respect an alr-breatih-ing animal, can yet live for an indef inite period witihout inhaling en atom of air. On the annroacb of winter the snail retreats into its shell, and hermetically closes the cqiening or the mouth wirtih a secretion of ailky tex- to botb air and water.

uUamanl kept a email bennetkially sealed in a ria ihi from All air fairi been carefully removed, for four years and two months, and! yet It resumed Its normal finwtioiw within less than an thour after being exposed to a temperature of 90 degrees. Cincin nati Enquirer. HEADING NOTICE. William Jenmlngs tBryan, well known as editor of the Omaha (Neb.) World-Herald, has eevered hls connection with that paer and has ac- eepted a position as presidential can didate. The best wWlies of the gentle guild of pencil pushers go with hliu in his retirement.

(tde2tinsilver) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Rids will be received by the undersigned until 2 p. m. September 28, lSSJG, for the erection and completion of a brick bank and store at Mon mouth, according to the plans and specifications prepared by Charles H. Burggraf, architect.

Salem. Will also receive, separately, bids for mason work, and also the rest of the work necessary complete the build ing. The right is reserved to reject any all bids. FOLK COUNTY BANK. Camp I DENTX9M C.

MACK, In office lately occupied by Dr. I. If. Keene. (Old White Corner).

Salem. Oregon: Parties desiring soperlor operations at moderate fees In any branch are In especial request. BROKER. E. BREYMAN, Formerly of Breyman Bros.

OMONEY BROKERi SALEit' ORDGOX. Xioans negotiated without delay, on one to five years, time, at lowest rates of Interest Office, 270 CwaoMrcJsl street; 'with Boise St Baiter, text door to Oregon Statesman. 9-15 dtf. BLACXSM ITU I NO Wo bare a nrst-class blacksmith shop at the southwest corner of State and Front streets, opposite the 8alem Iron Works. We have been for.

several years employed es blacksmiths In the Salem Iron Works, and any work done by as la done a workmasHke manner. Heavy, work a specialty. AO kinds of boat and engine work neatly done. Wood-choppers sledges made to order, and wamuttetd for six months, wedges for thirty day" We are also prepared to give tlguiw on all kinds of wrought Iron work. We also do first-class horseshoeing.

Special attention paid to Interference and lameness In horses. M'CARL, KIXO Si SMITH. 10-20 Salem, Ore. TRY THE SALEM BLACKSMITH and REPAIR SHOP. Do not forget everything Is guaranteed to give satisfaction.

Horseshoeing a specialty, and prices as low as the lowest. Residence opposite the shop. it. J. IIERSCIIBACn.

100 Chemeketa street LIVERY AND FEED' STABLE. R. H. WESTACOTT, Proprietor of RED FRONT Livery. Feed and Boarding Stable.

Good Accommodations. Horses Well Fed. Telephone 85. 164 Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon.

REAL ESTATE General Land Office. We are doing a general real estat business and WMild be pleased to lie your property. We co-operate with agents in ail principal cities. Give as a trial, strangers coraiaiiy invueu to seat ip our olBce, 95H State street. Salem Or.

JOKY A i-zs uana Agents. HARNESS SHOP. You have been waiting for just this chance. I have just bought In the BEH7-T6R STOCK AND SHRF6R STOCK And at prices that permit me to cell Harness, Saddlery, and Whips at the lowest figures ever known on this mar ket. Call on me now.

E. S. LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Street. JEWELERS EMBLEM GOODS, DIAMOND MOUNTINGS ANU JEWELRY. Of every description made to order.

We torn out the finest work In the city and our prices are always tbs lowest. ThA Leading Jeweler. W. W. MARTIN, State Street, Salem.

CITY WATER WORKS. SALEM WATER CO. Office, Willamette Hotel B'ld'f For water service apply at ofi)cs Bills papable monthly la advance make all complaints at the office. There will be no dodoctlon In watet rates on account temporary at sence from the cny nnieas notice is left at the office. Hereafter water fot Irrigation will only be ornlsbed to regular consumers asmg water for do meatlc purposes.

Oonttactors for side walks, brick work and plastering will please read "Under Building Pm poses- page it or scneonis or rams for iiwa A doit at ra rev MEAT MARKETS. Fendrich's Market 331 COMMERCIAL STREET. la the place to buy all kinds and cuts of choice meats, at prices that salt as well asf the meat. Full line of meat applies. Go and wee him.

TlffiS, I'MTT CI larOAHs IIISURAKCE AIID TICKET AGEIITS We make a Specialty of HOP INSURANCE 'ft Railroad Tickets. Sold to all points East and Southeast. 206 Commercial street; Salem, oregos BSrsjSSSa A. i .1. Mck BMdaeheand relieve all fbetfoebtw dent to a bilious state of the S7tm.seeh ae DissiaeM, Kaoaea, Prowln i.

Dtetrae after eating. Pain In the Bide, ae. While their most remarltable snccaai has been show la emtog Beadaehe. yet Carter's tittle Liver Fills are eqnaUy valuable in Constipation, earing sad pre Venting ttaiaaanoyinifeomplalDt, while they alae correct alldisordera of thestomacbtimulate the lirer and regulate the bowels. Even If they only MIA Aebe they wonld be almoet prioelea to thoaa who suffler fromthiadiatresaiBg complaint; bntfortu.

nately their goodneae does noteadbMraaadthoee-who once try them wUl find these UtUe pilla vale able la so many ways that they will not be willing to do without them. Bat after aUstcs hoed. AIH1 Xffhe fcene of so many lives that here Is where we make oar great boeat. Our pilla cure it while Others do not. Carter's UtUe Ltver POla are very maall and very easy to take.

One or two pilla make a dose. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe purge, but by their gentle action please all who use them. In vialast ascents; Ave for fl. SoU ky dxaglsta everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE New Yortb CLASSIFIED COLUMNS.

Look under these headlines every 4ay and plainly in these columns, and youi want will be supplied. If it can be In thi section, for the STATESMAN goes everywhere and ls read everywhere In Oregun, more especially In the Willamette valley Tliese columns are the people's cheap exc lange. ley are useful, they do their work wel and faithfully. NOTICES UNDER THIS HEAD NOT TO EXCEED FIVE LINES, 25c. FOR TH Ft EH INSERTIONS; 60c.

PER WEEK $1. A MONTH: $15 A YEAR. ARCHITECTS. TTENRY HARm.D, ARCHITECT, offlc XX foom No. 8 Murphy block.

Keaidence, No. 8 Murr ClienieketH street next Unitarian chun-h. 4-7 tl PUOH ARCHITlSOT A.NL draughtsman. Rooms and Gray block, south side of State street, up-sthira. Salem.

regoi. STENOGRAPHERS. MC. POGUK. Stensgrapher Uaneral typewriting office.

Over Ladd and Bush's bank. Salem. Oregon. Court wwli a special cy. "JiS.

B. SCOTT Stenographer and' type Mrrl'er. room over Ladd a Rnsh's bank rompt attei-llon to all claaaea work. 4-29 "a PHYSICIANS. DR.

W. 8. MOTT-PhrMelan and "nrgeoa. Office, rooms 4 and 5, Holmaa block res idence 470 Commercial. n-3 EA.

FIERCE Physician and anrseon Rnui9lo1U toStnd 7tA m. iffl 2 and 4 Orav block. Residence "The Oaks." Capital street. 7 SI 6m DR. C.

H. ROBERTSON, hoar 10 to 12 end 2 to 6. Sn'geryand diseases of women a spsclalty. Office Holman block, 122 8tatc street. Residence 40ft Center street.

1-1 DENTISTS. DR. T. C. 8M1TH, DENTIST, State street, upstairs.

Painleat operation a specialty. GRIFFITH. DENTIST, Court and Com mercisl itreeta. Office hours from 8 a. to 5 p.m.

1-1 BUSINESS CARDS. AS. RADER ExpreMman Prompt and liable. Headquarters at Radabaugh Tyler's stables, -lelephone No 70. King me up.

night or day. Charges reasonable. GENERAL. TRANSFER. cll A PHILLIPS.

Pacific Truck and Ex XJ pre C- mpsuy. Telephone 1. leave. orders ith Thomas, Watt A 26fi Coin me r- cM greet Ke8ldeuce ml FrOB niMt, siem, Oregon. -181y.

FOR SALE OR TRADE. T7OR SVLE. Owing to ill health I And it JT iieceatarjr te retire from the b- atnegs and aiiT tine wan tins a tir-t-cl as shop ol that sort, advise me at the old John Knight' stsnd hnny Uardner. 9 27 at wi 1 IpOR TRADE. A IfiO-acre farm in Ness coun 1 tv.

Kansss. between McCracken and Baz ten; between two rai'roada; good water; 6-1 acres la cultivation: no indebtedness, win trade town oi country property In Oregon. Address i. McSorley, Salem Or. 9-76 6.

1 FOR RENT. TT'OR RENT. An eight room house, furnish- 1 ed. The lsdy owner desires Doara witn renter. Parties without small children desired Near East lem school.

Also house of (our Da-n-n" "2stt- MISCELLANEOUS. it OS on court or commercial street, a la- goid watch; tilled ease, short fob. horseshoe charm Finder please leave at bUtesman office and oblige the ewner. 9 28 St 1 LOST. A ladys'blue mackintosh cape, on the street of Salem or on the read between Turner and Salem, on la-t Friday.

Reward for returning the same to this offlce.9-16 tl TsLEXTY OF MONEY To lean a farm land XT security no delay. Bamlltoe A Motr, room o. isuan's nana. e-seoe WANTED. WANTED.

By a competent Germs girl a position to do general housework, fall at Willis Bros, store. 9-27 Wl MUSICAL. rtTSIC Miss Beatrice Bhelton. teacher of JX plane or organ Latest Unproved meth ods. sons given pupils in tneir owa nowes ot at No.

478 Front street. Terms reasonable. 9-13 1M TT A. WBBBF.R Graduate of the Balatka XX academy, Chicago, 111., teachr of doiin, banjo and guitar, will be in Sa'em ooce wees to give instraeuonson tneanovenamea iaatrnments. For Information In reasrd lee sons, etc address Mist Jessie Creigston, A61 rront street.

e-iaizi. Bl a eon-seisnene. ly'iuedr for Onnnrrhm Clwt, SpvrraatorrbcF. wiiius, aassiirsi eis cbararea. or soy inflammation, irritatioa Jcera tloa (if or, a a mnmwm LrHElvmCHCM rnCaL barm- eianaarn a 1 asessl a lssMtasata npnts preatuu, ia Wi.V muni as wcaiar sen ea ialsSs7a.l OWUM4 ass asui n.

Ik-mna snaisrlisi V2 x. o. a. m. ad were found.

It Wcnld seem too, that Use bats must be of that na ture that ttecome donmnt and able to, retain Wfe witfliout iood. JLa effor was made to save some- of 5them alive but snecamfbed to the sunlight and fresh air. OEXTPXAJRIAX. Albany KecentlyJthe oxnera of Marion conn. ty had imk-h to say corceraing the age of Dunbtasvbf Salem tilien.

xuji is unaeea a ve.y ripe oldjug tot any person to afctatn.itasf Lxntk county, in the person of Mrs. i Mercy Simons, can era Mr. Dnrbin one year better' a thii month ihe wifn celebrate her 103d (birthday. Mts. Slropar-waa born --near SSpmigiS, Hr lOTK, Inj-ITIKJ.

She was married "when she was 19 years of sge, but ber husband long sLnce pa.ed away. Soon after marriage she moved to Buffalo arriving there burned by the crossed tt plains Jn 'ISXl and located at "her prejsentliome, one miles'west of Sotlarille. wlheree has since lived. In the fatisruinjr Joumev i aros nne ptams sue waiKed over Hunt She 1s the mother of six children but two of whom are lEviug, -Clara, well, GO years of age. and Daniel Simons, aged 3.

She is the grandmotiher of Mrs. H. Clelan cf this city. A picture was receully taken of five genera tions, all females. consisting the following: Mr.

Meixry Simcn, aged 103; Mt Clai Welt, aged GO; Mrs. J. H. tlelan, aged -Hi; Charles Rawlins, aged 22; Miss Maudelin-j Rawlins, aged 2 years. The lowrevlty of thi fanitly is somstihing finiprising and it Ls doubtful If it Ium an etiual in the state or on the c.isst.

AWAKE AT Al ROllA. Great Interest in Politics and All for McKinley. Aurora, Sept. 2ttth. Never before in the history of political gatherings here has there been shown the Intense rbirst for Information as was evinced by the oOO people who came from far and near to listen to General M.

Idlemani who was advertised to address the people here Saturday night. The general possesses the happy faculty of making himself thoroughly understood and in picturing to tho mind'e eye, so plainly the difference between "pqpracy" as proposed and the enunciations of tihe St. Louisi convention, showing the age earner and the farmer by indisputable fawts the difference in their wages and profits under the past democratic and repu'o-licsu rule, and thoroughly disabusing the minds of misinformed voters, concerning "the great crime of "73. He siKke one hour and not one soul left the -toll. By peeital requeslt Frank blotter of Portland followed General Idleman and in hfa inimitable way Iheld the audience a if all were ghied to their seats for forty minutes.

The WoodburJi catipaign quartet enlivened the occasion with Migs tho Aurora Junior liand played a iiimler of olieering IF OtJIBA WB1U3 V. S. TEllRITORY. If Cwbtt were a part of the United States we are informed1 tlrat there would be an immediate dovelopment of '-nila' Iron oijp mining tltat would give employnient to a hundred American steamships, for a long number of years America would enjoy a monopoly of the Oulwn trade. If Cuba were a part of the United States, as foreign Hhips are excluded from the American coastwise trade.

There can be no manner of doubt but the annexation of Cuba to the United- States would be a large conwnercial and aratime gain to t9ie United States. TO CURB A COL IX OXE DAY, take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if It falls to Cure: 25c. or sate Dy tei-ner Drug Co. In a recent letter to the manufacturers Mr.

W. P. Benjamin, editor of the Spectator. Rushford, N. gays: "It may be a pleasure to you to know the high esteem in which Chamberlain's medicines are held by the people of your own state, where they most be the best krown.

An aunt of mine who resides at Dexter, was about to visit me a few years since, and before leaving home wrote me, asking If they were sold here, stating If they were not she wonld bring a quantity with her. as she did not like to be without them." The medicines referred to are Chamberlain's Cough1 Remedy famous for its cure colds and croup; Chamberlains Pain Balm for rheumatism, lame back, pains in the side and ctest.and Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. These have been In -constant use in Iowa, for almost a quarter of a century. people have leared that they are. articles of great worth'- and merit, and rnequaled by any other.

They are for gale by ti. Baskett. Salem Steam Renovating Co. CARPETS Carpets beat and steamed 5s pes yard, carpets renovated on floor Oe pea yard. Carpets beat and laid as cheap as yon can get a Chinaman give yons work to white Office 140 Court street, opposite W.

ft T. 11 GROCERYMEN. TUr rblllT DAI hiir inc. rnuii rm-ttUL. HEADQUARTERS FOR to a 1-KtOM VttUbTAULbUa STAPLE AND FAN'JT OROOSX3i CROCK KMV GLASS, WOODEN, TIN, WtLLOtt AND GOANITBWARI1 Every department Is fnlL Pitcl deHvery.

M. T. RINEMAN, 132 State stre FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrop baa been used by millions of mothers fog their children while teething.

If turbed at night' and broken of yea rest by a sick child suffering snl cry tag with the pain ot cutting testa send at once and get a bottle fo Mrs Wins, low's Soothing Syrup, will relieve the poor UtUe sufferers Immediately. Depend upon it, mothers, ther. Is as mistake about It, It cores diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures wind colic, softens the gums, reduces the Inflammation and gives tons and energy to the whole system. Mrs. Wlnalow's 8oothlng Syrup Is pleasant to the taste and ls the prescription of one of the oldest snd best female pay sicans and nurses In tbs United States.

Price 25 cents a bottle. Sold ty ad druggists, i' iuc iTjm. -tiicjr luuuu iuwiuuun i uu -i ecnnd that. Indicated; rA change of srnnitiKlv wa a inall cave, and Into tills last bots and i out of which' kmtf "bats. HoW1 the babj.

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