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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 2

Burlington, Vermont
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Tbe TrMpaiii Case GM to tit Jary Tk Xew Entry Docket. Business was resumed in the County Court yesterday afternoon at 2 otelock, when Judge Rowell charged the jury in the trespass case of Palmer and Lamson against tthauley and others. The charge was com- prehensive and at its conclusion the jury retired, shortly before 5 o'clock. After the retirement of the jury in the case preceding the jury calendar was considered and the case of E. II.

Piatt vs. James C. Piatt was continued. It is probable that the trial of the case of Lewis Tarshis, adinr. vs.

K. B. Walker, to recover damages for tbe drowning of a child in a cesspool near the horse car barn, will be begun to-day. HURRY UP." lap The words came harshly from the stage manager; an Impatient audience are awaiting the next act, and she who has fainted, takes the leading part. This is a peep behind the scenes," and a sight familiar to the greenroom" of every theatre.

"Has she worked too hard, or been careless of her health?" Actresses, singers, and others in the 'profession, do not always think; they rush into the tide of popularity, regardless of all save fame and fortune How often we read of some favorite actress 111 in London, nervous prostration, etc." We have the cure of hundreds of such cases on record. Send stamp for "Guide to a beautiful illustrated book, LYDIA E. Pi AM 'S veceta ble Is the only Pooitivo Cure ami Remedy COMPOUND for the peculiar weaknesses and ailments of women. 1 It cures the worst forms of Female Complaints, that Bearing-down Feeling, Weak Back, tailing and Displacement of the Womb, Inflammation, Ovarian Troubles, ant', all Organic Diseases of the Uterus or Womb, and is invaluable to the Change of Life. Dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus at an early stage, and checks any tendency to Cancerous Humor.

Subdues Faintness, Excitability, Nervous Prostration, Exhaustion, and strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole system. For the cure of Kidney Complaints of either sex, the Compound liaa no rival. All Druggists sell it as a otandard article, or sent by mail, In form of Pills or Lozenges, on receipt $1.00. LYOIA E.

PINKHAM MED. LYNN, MASS. It Do to come in and see the immense line of new and attractive styles we are offering this season. It will do you more good to know how wonderfully cheap these nice things can be sold. We are asking for business with the attractive promise of the best goods and the lowest prices, quality considered.

We are doing business by faithfully carrying out this promise with our customers, one and all. This concerns you as well as all other buyers of goods in ovir line, simply because it is a fact, Young men particularly will be interested in the large assortment of double breasted suits that we are showing. The double breasted coat is THE stylish coat this season and we are showing them in some very handsome cheviots, both plain and fancy, and that the prices are right, we are sure you wi 1 admit if you will only look at them. Correct styles in Fall Hats, Gloves and Neckwear, and a full assortment of Furnishing Goods leiE-A-Sis zivrisrsoiisr, THE ONE-PRICE CASH CLOTHIERS. 1G0 College Street.

THE CONDITION OF THE MONEY AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Testerday 'a N. T. Stock and Money Market. New York, Oct.

6. Money on call has been easy ranging trom 4 to last loan at I and closing offered at 7. Prime mercantile paper at Bar silver at gl.l IJ. Sterling ex change is quite and steady with actual business at 4.83 for (UWliitr hllln And fnr i. maud Posted rates are 4.82J44.88.

Govern ment oonus nave been dull and steady. Kail road bonds have been quiet and heavy. The stock market becama morn an tive in the afternoon and all the leading stocks wuicu nan neen beid comparatively steady were forced off materially, Toward 2 p. however, the Bt.rnnir Anne anrnad to thfnilrn list and in most stocks prices were brought ukmu up io me level oi tne opening ngures. 1'lie close was quiet and fairly steady at close tun ueuing ngures in most uttsea.

Yesterday's transactions aggregated 353,830 shares. cLosnte quotations. New4irsr new 4 coup. Now KH New 4H coup )04 Am. Cotton 20W New Senisr Northern Pacific Do preferred Oregon Navigation.

Oregon Improvement. Chic St North Do preferred N. Y.O. H. K.

B. New York ft New Eng. North American 115 2H 1H wo 41 vwi 140 vuiuoiiaaiea uu, Hi't lei aware tc 14H9a Pullman Palace. 2o 2I sa Readinflr. in) preferred Hocking Valley Rock island.

8 1. Paul Do preferred St. Paul A loH LouUville Nashville', auk I Do 18 Sl8 Miohigan Union Pacific MiMoun Paoiflo 6S Western Union Teleg. COMMERCIAL. New York Produce Market.

Skw York. Oct. 6. FTOT7R Low 93.3598.85; City milU 4 90 95.10? City mill patent, S5.J5S95.S5; Winter wheat, low grades at 93.35(4 S3.85; fair to fancy, 93.90 $5.35 do patents, 9.5stS5.5; Minnesota, clear, do straight. 94.65(95.50 do patents, S5.I5$9g 00: do rye mixture 94.3394.9U! superfine, 92.83i.85: fine, 9.40fi$!V5.

WHEAT No. i red. 05 elevator: i.0fi4S1.0t afloat; f.o.b.; No. red, 88cs No. 1 Northern l.iisi; No.

1 hard 1.15. CORN No. 2 5T57ic. elevator. 'SlimiM afloat: steamer mixed at No.

white at No. 8 at Stc. OATS No. at itn white at Kn. M4ft do white at No.

1 at 46c; do White at mixed wattarn at 41 A4tfc: do white at white Btate at 45yiio)c: No. i Chicago at V4, COFFEE Fair cargoes at 20Mc SUa A Off A. at 15-1 standard A. 6 ll-16c: confectioners' 694c; granulated. 6 9o, white sxtra c.

MIS 15-16ic: vellow. PETROLEUM. United at 7-? PORK Mess old at 9H.50f4li.25; do new at 914.00 3914.50: extra prim at 910.5lKjill.iW. LARD Western steam. S6.50: cltv steam.

6.05: continent at S. A. at 7.23. BUTTER State dalrv. 14.a21e Wmitarn creamery, lic CHKESE State new at 79scj fancy white and colored at 9j4iassc western at aH94fio.

Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, Oct 6. FT.OtTR Patent fancv, 4.R584.95 bakers' S.25 93.75; strsidlit, winter wheat, 94. Kt 1.9V WHEAT No. 2 spring 99lS99i; No.

2 red at CORN No. 2 at 50c. OATS No. 2 at Ktc RYE No. 9 at BARLEY-No.

'i 78. Vermont Prodnce Markets. Oct. 6. Butter market is quoted quiet, fair to good, 15 to 1S; choice 2 19 to 20 cents: selections, 30 to 21 cpnis: chwse, factory, 9 to cents Jer pound dairy, to 9 cents eggs, 2l cents per dozen; poultry, 10 to 13 cents live weight.

to 10; hogs, dressed, 5 to 5Mj live weight, 34 to 4. HIGHGATE. Died September 22 at the residence of Jonas Sunderland. Mrs. Polly Durkee, asred 90 years, and in the same house 11 hours later.

Henry Durkee, her son, aged 55 years. iarah Jud-kins is at home very 11L John Mielters, supposed to be over 100 years old, is not expected to live long. Fred Van Alien and bride have returned from their bridal trip. Potatoes are rotting badly, corn and oats are Rood. Frank Patneau has moved into the Hawk's Lane has returned home improved in health.

Carrie Sunderland of Waterbnry. is in town. Clark Reynolds and wife have moved to New Hampshire. Probably jrour grand-mother when a child, knew and used Johnson's Anoydne Liniment. SCROFULA Is that Impurity of the blood which produces unsightly lumps or swellings In the neckf which causes running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which develops ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death.

It Is the most ancient of all diseases, and very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can It Be CURED By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. If you suffer from scrofula, try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every spring my wife and children have been troubled with scrofula, my little boy, three years old, being a terrible sufferer. Last spring he was one mass of sores from head to feet.

We all took Hood's Sarsaparilla, and all have been cured of the scrofula. My little boy is entirely free from sores, and all four of my children look bright and healthy." W. B. Athehtow, Passaic City, N. J.

Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. six for 05. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.

IOO Doses One Dollar OCT. 4th EXHIBITION DAYS CLOAK DEPARTMFNT CLOSING DAYS. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 9 An exhibit of elegant Pattern Garments hitherto unequalled in YOU ARE, INVITED. ErigllAi Stock Horses at Addison. Carey Marshall of Addison has just returned from England with some fine samples of English Cleveland bays.

He has one stallion three years old, weighing between 1300 and 1400 pound; also two very fine yearling stallions and two mares two-year-old These were purchased of accredited stock breeders and for the improvement of our own stock. They may be seen at Mr. Marshall's stables in Addison. At the race meeting at Ogdensburg.N.Y., September 30, October 1 and 2, Nellie owned by G. Richardson of Burlington was given second money in 2:32 class.

She won all five of the heats, trotted better than 2:30 and made a record of 2:25 J. The judges set her back, first money be in won by Louis a Canton, N. horse. Frank owned by L. B.

Piatt of Winooski won first money In both the 2:43 and 2:37 classes, making a record in the 2:37 class race of 2:291. There will be a match race between the local horses at Barre next Saturday owned by G. W. A. E.

Batchelder and Joe Ward, owners to drive; this will prove an exciting contest to decide conclusions. MONTPELIER. Over 50 applications have been made for stock in the proposed Capital Savings Bank and Trust company. The Johnson Colton works were closed during Saturday and Monday for invoicing. Rev.

Alfred J. Hough and Miss T. Lillian Howe, the latter teacher of elocution' at the V. M. 8., are to read papers at the State Christian Endeavor convention November 11 and 12 at St.

Johnsbury. The senior public rhetoricals at the V. M. Saturday night, were well attended and highly appreciated. Mrs.

Ray of Burlington is visiting Mrs. Orrin Daley, her daughter, A band of gipsys were in town Monday, "swappin' hosses" and begging. About 25 students from the V. M. S.

enjoyed an excursion Monday to Camel's Hump, going by rail to Duxbury. Wilbur Lowe took a header from his bicycle Sunday afternoon, injuring bis head, chin and chest and leaving him in a nearly unconscious condition for an hour or more. Luckily no bones were broken and he will soon be out again. It has come to light in this village that during Saturday night, September 27, some pretty brisk petty thieving transpired on the Worcester branch road. It appears that one or more unknown parties visited the George O.

Boyce Fairvale stock farm and stole a bag of meal from E. W. Bug- bee, neck yokes and whinletrees, from James Finn, carriage boot and whiffletrees, from Mark Ainsworth, neck yokes and whiffle trees, from Frank Andrews, a new silver plated harness, and from the brick house beyond Wrightsville, more neck yokes and whiffletrees, and it is not known what was taken beyond there. Edward Baker and bride Alice C. Gould) have begun house keeping on Barre street.

The non-partisan W. C. T. U. are to meet at 3 p.

Wednesday, in Trinity church parlors, for election of officers. The other W. C. T. U.

will meet at 2 p. to-dav. (Tuesday) in Bethany parlors. The Chau tauqua class will assembled at 2:15 p. Friday, at the home of Mrs.

A. D. FarweU. ord was received In this village Mon day that Bartholomew Hennessey, while in toxicated ana driving on Thursday night to his home in Moretown, went over a steep bank in a piece of woods, a log following onto and pinning himself and horse to the ground, where they remained until morn ing, when he was discovered with three broken ribs and other severe injuries. Hennessey's wife left bim eight months ago and sued for divorce, beside getting out an injunction to prevent bis disposing of any property, but has now returned and is caring for him.

NORTHERN NEW YORK. Chateaugay. Last Saturday night burglars entered Frank A. Cantwell's store at Franklin Centre, P. through a window which they pried open with a "jimmy." They bored a bole through the top of the safe and filling the hole with powder blew it open and se cured 25 watches, $300 and other goods from the store.

clew has as yet been ascertained as to the miscreants. WESTFORD. A robbery was committed at H. N. Ma comber's hotel Sunday night.

From $00 to $100 were taken. ALBURGH. rree Fight Over the Possession of a Drowned Man's Body. An a canal boat was nearlng the draw of the Isle La Motte bridge the 3d one of the bauds, a young man about 20 years old, who was working the boat along with a pole, slipped and fell into the lake. He sank at once and is supposed to have gone under the boat and was drowned.

A large party was out in search for him the following day, the captain having offered a reward for the recovery of his body. John Mott and another man procured some dynamite which they fired into water near where he fell off from the boat and eucceded in partially raising the body, when several boats rushed to the spot, each endeavoring to secure the body to claim the reward. In the meanwhile the body ank again stud the parties engaged in a free tight. Mr. Mott being badly pounded up and another man having his head split open with an oar.

The body has not yet been recovered. MONTGOMERY CENTRE. Shot In tbe Hip. A shooting accident occurred in this place Saturday evening about Albert Lum bra was showing a 22-calibre rifle to Moses Ken-nett with the intention of selling it to him when it accidentally discharged, the bullet en-teringthe hip of Kennett. Dr.

Smith probed for the ball but did not find it. JOHNSON. Reeves Smith. One of the pleasent events of the week was the wedding at the Congregational church, Thursday morning. The contracting parties were Mr.

Edward Reeves of Laconia, N. and Miss Ella Smith, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. A. A.

tSmith. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father. The ushers were Lyman Jones and Joseph Odell. The house was beautifully decorated with flowers and autumn leaves. The happv couple took the 12:36 express for Burlington and other places.

Mr. Reeves is assistant cashier in the bank at Laconia where they will make their future home. May they have a long and happy life is the wish of their many friends. Skinner, of tbe firm of tiklnner Maxfleld is very sick at his home in lowell. If neonle would take the advice of Rcmiii Lowrey, Burlington, and W.

B. Nichols, Essex Junction, the druggists, they would never start on a journey without a bottle of Colic, Cholera and PWrrhoea llemtdv. It can alnnvi rinwnilnH upon and is pleasant to take. BAKING POWDER. Take Your Choice County Clerk Kay distributed copies of the new entry docket yesterday afternoon.

The docket contains 34 civil cases, 13 divorce cases, 10 State causes and 13 chancery cases, the principal causes being as follows: Civil cases D. W. Aiken vs. J. II.

Brooks; N. B. Aldriob vs. I S. Iladley, Henry Ballard vs.

M. Delaney, Rosa Breen F. C. Williams, J. B.

Bartlett vs. Q. J. Walker and others, C. II.

Barbour vs. W. H. II. Murray, George Beecher vs.

H. J. Steady and others, William Cleveland vs. G. W.

Flanagan, M. D. Cook vs. Delaney Harrington, W. O.

Clark vs. Jioore Shafer Mfg. company, George Deno vs. Harry Thomas, John Dumas vs. Charles Sone, Day Noyes vs.

Austin Howard, C. I Eaton vs. Matilda La-Bounty, J. J. Enright vs.

George Alger, G. L. Fitzsimmons vs. F. J.

Goodrich, Henry Greene, admr. vs. 'Hiram Phelps, E. R. Hard, vs.

Central Vermont Railroad company, town of Hinesburgh vs. town of Lincoln, P. J. Keen an vs. Charles Spaulding, Oscar La-Fountain vs.

D. Forant, P. R. Martin vs. R.

B. Grow, Nancy Plunkett vs. Eugene Marsh, B. B. Smalley vs.

city of Burlington, E. S. Spear Co. vs. William Blake, A.

V. Spalding vs. George Alger, Albert Streeter vs. H. E.

Tomlinson, Spaulding, Kimball Co. vs. E. L. Shinville, Spalding Beach vs.

E. C. Brqwn and Albert Schaubert vs. Adam Kaiser, L. F.

Wilbur vs. George Alger, H. E. Wright vs. W.

R. King, A. Wortheim vs. W. A.

Cleveland, James Whalen vs. Matthew Bingham, B. A. Austin vs. Henry Bailey and others, Adaline Goodrich vs.

Louis Germain, Milo Durfey vs. town of Worcester, H. M. Richardson vs. Henry Lee, Solomon Melot vs.

H. Bourbonnais, L. F. Linsenmeyer vs. Edward McGreavey.

Chancery cases D. W. Aiken vs. J. H.

Brooks, Burlington Savings Bank vs. W. N. Phelps and others, Elizabeth Brown vs. A.

W. Johnson, J. B. Bartlett, vs. O.

J. Walker and others, Francis Cahill vs. Victor Plant et al, H. C. Gleason vs.

Samuel Deavitt, H. S. Peck vs. James Fallon, H. E.

Powell vs. John Conley, C. C. Post vs. O.

W. Johnson, C. A Sumner, vs. J. C.

Piatt, H. S. White vs. J. R.

Roberts, Winooski Savings Bank vs. Emma A. Piatt, Winooski Savings Bank vs. J. C.

Piatt. State cases John Coleman for intoxication, Joseph Lashaway for selling liquor, Edward McGreavey furnishing liquor, two cases. In Saturday's trot, three minute class, there were three entries. Rival, bay stallion, by Smuggler, E. W.

Train; Jim H. C. A. Hefferson, Piattsburgh; Maud J. E.

McGregn Piattsburgh. Rival won the race. In the two-year-olds Actress, by Wedgmontby Wedgwood, E. W. Train, and Maud Actress won in two straight heats.

Mrs. E. G. Norton and her sister, Miss May Ferris, drove to Rochester, Monday, on a week's vacation. The old gray mare belonging to Capt.

Lewis Daniels was stolen Thursday night from the intervale lot below the falls. "tt W. Booth has gone to New York. The lawless hoodlums are beginning to make Sunday odious to the residents in the neighborhood of the docks. They should be in the State school.

In the base ball test between Charlotte and Vergennes nines the score stood, 20, Charlotte 19. Rumor has it that another steamer will take part next season in the passage and freight trade of Vergennes. C. L. Kimball of Mattewan, N.

has returned home. Bertha, the seven-year-old daughter of Frank Dartt, died suddenly at the residence of its grandparents, at A. B. Rose's, Waltham, Saturday. Funeral Monday, Rev.

Mr. Pillsbury, officiating. The ladies of the Missionary society hold a session In the parlors of the Congregational ednesday at 2 p. m. Gardner B.

Whitford of Addison, has had a severe snocic ana is very low. An officer from Brookfleld added one to the list of girls in the State school Monday, making the class 15. Deputy Sheriff Middlebrook took a young man from Rochester to the State Reform School, Saturday. The M. E.

church of Weybridge, is being painted, the first experience of the kind in 25 years. non. E. J. Phelps and bis brother Satterly of Washington, were guests of the Stevens bouse, Monday.

George Tborne will spend the winter West. W. J. Newton of Weybridge, has been draw as petit juror, for the United States Court, Rutland. After two weeks spent In the Adirondack wilderness J.

T. Preston, Henry Daiyou and Lewis Lawrence returned home Saturday. They were at Long Lake and also on the Upper Slim and travelled over a wide region. Deer abundant; old hunters say the most so for 20 years. The woods are full of hunters.

They brought home one deer. HINESBURGH. A number of new street lamps have been put up In the village which is now very comfortably lighted by private enterprise. Miss Nina M. Hull has returned to Washington, D.

C. Some of tbe hoodlums in No, 6 have had to pay $12.00 for breaking windows out of the creamery last spring. Ann E. JlcEwen with Lucia and Alma Andrews and Master Fred Andrews have taken up their residence in Burlington, to attend school etc. SHELBURNE.

Albert Hathaway has bought all the land of the Curry estate. Mrs. Vanderbilt is visiting her daughter, Mrs. TT. S.

Webb. The ladies of the Shel burns Improvement society will give an old-fashioned supper and entertainment at the town hall Wednesday evening; proceeds to be used to build sidewalks. Rev. C. F.

Wilcox and family have gone to Racevflle, N. Y. Mary Read la at Round Lake N. Dr. 8.

Webb has built a sliding chute for his children 25 feet long with nine feet elevation. It is of bard wood and waxed. -v I-r ot Belmont. West Tu" considers his cure of Scrofula by 2f th mo condemn on record, iie bad tbe disease ot the worst tvne all hi life, until he was xs yeaw of Vireand 2 whole youth embittered by itf Of course hZ kAU OPts of treatment, but nothing ben? which cleansed the poison from bin system and enred him sonnif and well. Mr.

Smith has been well for over four years, and has had Be return of the disease. Between Eight Different Styles of HeatinS ice great success ana large sales Int our Cloak Department during our opening Vlast week has encouraged us to give another three days' opening. i i i i .1 IVIUIIUdV, lUUbUdV, VVUUIIUbUd October 7 and 8. This week we will show a great many foreign and domestic garments entirely different from those shown during our opening last week. Tbe sample line of garments on sale this week are from the largest manufactures in New York and no two styles alike.

Cordially inviting you to examine the novelties on sale this week, and thanking you for the past favors, we remain yours with respect, HUNTRESS CLARKS0N. FUR DEPARTMENT. No season have we ever shown a mora complete line of Alaska Seal Sacquea and Jackets. We have also added to our Pur Department a line of Capes in Alaska Seal, Beaver, Astrachan, Monkey, Cony and Flush, with Mulls to match. We have made special efforts and study to meet tbe demand of tbe trade, and are confident that we can merit all in styles and prices.

Those who have not visited our Cloak and Fur Department will find it greatly to their advantage to do so. Remember we show tbe largest and best assorted stock of Garments and Furs in the State, and nothing but what is choice and desirable. It shall be our ambition to please all, and maintain the reputation we now enjoy, by offering only such goods that we know will HUNTRESS CL.ARKSON 87 Church Burlington, Vt. Life is Short i Donl TaTce Any Chances INSURE AT ONCE. In the YERfllONT LIFE INSURANCE C03IPANV OF BURLINOTON.

VT. isend for rates of Premium upon YEARLY.INDEMNITYPLAN Debt joUcy ever issued. Alio amount of insurance i or the email ait sum in cash. WILLIAM H. HA til' President C.H.

1'UKRIUL Good agents wanted. None other neei rly. G. 0. D.

I Orders for WINES I and LIQUORS executed with promptness and to tbe satisfac tion of purchasers in any suction of the country. EVERYTHING SUPPLIED. GUARANTEED CHEMICALLY PURE AND RELIABLE. Send for complete price-list to H. W.

HUGULEY-4 169 Blackstone Street, BOSTON, MASS. OCT. 4th EXHIBITION DAYS CLOAK DEPARTMENT CLOSING DAYS. MONDAY, TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY An exhibit of ele Grant Pattern Garments hitherto unequalled in Burlington.

YOU ARE INVITED. You Gooc Garments. We 'recommend it A THE GRAND OIL STOVE, OPEN FIRE GRATE, Burlington Surface Burner FLORIDA STEAM HEATER; "Perfect" Hot Water Heater, "Perfect" Hot Air Furnace, "Perfect" Hot Air and Hot Water Com bination, "Perfect" Hot Air and Steam Combination Perfectly applied in all cases by G. S. BLODGETT CO.

Saturday, Oct. 4th TO-DAY AND MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. OLOSIUG- Of our Annual Opening of Fine Garments. An exhibition that has never been equalled in Bur lino-, ton. Garments of all descriptions, for all ages and all pztrses.

Hundreds of Ladies have visited our Cloak Room. Hun dreds will do so during the remaining exhibition days. Whether desiring; to purchase or otherwise, we cordially invite every Lady in Burlington and vicinitv to insfiect th gant assortment Sample vjjjsur nnnjr nui ww, not THE OLD occur again uuring tne year. BEE HIVE. Nsaiiz Nice, THE OLD BEE HIVE.


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