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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 6

Burlington, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE rBURLINGTON FREE PRESS AND TIMES THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1901. 0 ST. ALBANS. POMFdDlISTAIJBILlE1 Better, more pretentions than the olden kind.


AT THE BEST GROCERS. CITY NEWS. N. K. Brown has sold his residence at tho corner of Pearl and North Union streets to Dr.

W. G. Church. Kach of the employes of the American Kxpress company in this city, as well as elsewhere, received a Christmas present of JIG frcm the company. Seat sale opens this evening- for the original production of "The Girl frcm Paris," which is now playing at the Grand Opera, BrooKlyn, and will toe seen here next Saturday, matinee and evening.

Christmas Services at St. Luke's Church Festival Saturday Evening-. The Christmas service at St. Luke's church at 10:30 o'clock yesterday morning twas well attended. It included morning prayer and holy communion.

The music was especially good, the Te Deum. which was rendered, being written by Mrs. V. C. Eglinton wife of Burns Eglii-ton, organist and choir master of the church.

Holy ccrrmunion will beeelebratea this morning, Friday, and Saturday morning at 9:30 o'ejeck beirg St. Stephen, St. John, the Bvargelist, and- holy innooert days Mrs. O. M.

Roby will give a sociable at Belated Gift Seekers fleecy. Covered with handsome figured silkoline, except the last named, which are covered with figured sateen. $1. Kind Reduced To 79c. $1.39 Kind Reduced To $1.

$2.39 Kind Reduced To $1.89. These chances will continually occur between now and inventory time. B. B. BEEPIAN CO.

Paige's hall this evening. CRIMINAL ACT. That Is what our competitors call it for selling- pf.tent medicine at the following low prices: Perun.i, 6-jc; Bydia Pinkham, 66c: Wampole's Cod liver Oil, He; Swamp-Root, S3c and 4c. Other goods in proportion. OSULBIVAN YOUNG.

Prescription Druggists, Burlington, Vt. Will find money savingr opportunities at THE ROYAL. Great price concessions will be made on all holiday merchandise. We'd rather you'd enjoy a than handle the goods over later. You can tell when we "cut" Our prices are all in plain Egurcs.

You can see your advantage. Read the price mark take THE BEST MADE BETTER. The New Edition of Webster's Interna Imported a frefaredN 1 3 Off. After Christmas BERRY-HALL CO. And you have our present "clearing" price.

These are some of the good things, from which you can make a choice selection. BURLINGTON. VT. We Again Call Attention To tional Just published, brings Webster again abreast of the growth of the language and again confirms it in its position as the One Great Standard Authority. A decade has passed since the International was first published ar.d the jears have been full of changes and growth in life and knowledge and achievement; changes that have been reflected in the language and that must now be regis-, tered in the dictionary.

A Supplement of Additional Words has! therefore been added to the International tt include the thousands of new words that have eriiie into literary use, the old words that have chunged their meanings, the obsoleto ids that have been revived. The annual Christmas festival fcr the children of St. Luke's church win be held at Paige's hall Saturday evening cf this week. A supper will be senved and after which there will be a Christmas tree in the large hall. Friday evening the fhil-dren of the l'niversalist church Sunday-school will have a Christmas tree iuj Cie cuhrch parlors-Ralph L.

Scott, who was injured in! the ice boat accident Sunday afternoon, is very much bt-tter. The Christmas tree and supper at St. Albans Point was held at the home of W. Bascom Christmas eve. John C.

Pease spent Christmas In Rutland. Mrs. George Jelly is visiting relatives in Plattsbursh. N. Y.

The next Cindrella assembly will be held at Paige's hall Tuesday evening, New-Year's eve. Fred Beach, who has been in the city for several weeks visiting his father, will return this evening to Andover, Mass. Quite a large crowd from this city went to the Bay yesterday afternoon skating, but the rink was not swept off, and there was no skating. Aldis O. Brainerd spent Christmas with his daughter, Mis.

Holcom'o in Milton, i Mirs. John G. Holland visited in North-field over Christmas. Miss Mary Paterson of Boston is spending a few days visiting in the city. Miss Floy Sturtevant left yesterday for Ogdcnsburg, N.

where she will spend ten days. Thomas Magiff of Boston is the of Mr. and Mrs. M. MagifT of Bank street.

1 he marriage engagement cf Miss Annie Smith Childs. youngest daughter of Col. and Mrs. George T. Childs of this city, end John B.

Taylor of Burlington is VERGENNES. MORRiSVILLE. House Coat Si Mirs Glee Morse, who is attending Butter Stolen From CreRinery Com school at the seminary in Montpelier, is pany's Building Tuesday Ni jht home for the holiday vacation. Manicure Sets. Smokers Sets.

Comb and Brush Sets. Handkerchief Boxes. Glove Boxes. Work Boxes. Mirrors.

Medallions. Gilt Frames. Ink Wells. Pin Cushions. Silver Novelties.

Miss Cora W'oodard is home from her The Vergennes Creamery Clo's. bc.itdin was broken into Tuesday niiht and two work in Byndonville for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Foss spent Christmas with Mrs.

Foss' people in Lowell. A magnificent showing of Bion Brand BATH ROBES and PAJAMAS at $2, $1 upwards. NKCKW'EAR ia endless variety at 50 cents. 50 pound tubs of butter take n.l M. Bar ton, who has care of the Yerigennes elec Word was received this week from trie light plait, noticed a mah near there Topeka, Kansas, that Mr.

and Mrs. acting suspicicuMy and started towards loS Church St. MILES PERRY, Charles Gleed were the parents of a him. The thief awby and The Same Ideals and Piinciples, so thoroughly approved by experience, which ere followed in the body cf the book, governed the work 'cf the Supplement. There has been the sfiirie vurvey and fcc-rtitiny of a great mass of words, the same careful selection of such as merit a place of permanence, and the same studious and thorough explication of meanings in the forms mist easily understood! daughter.

Mr. Gleed is a nephew of the Barton discovered or.e of the tubs of but VANTINE'S DECORATED CHINA. late P. K. Gleed of this place.

tor which had been drepped. jlle then began an investigation and disioverel that Fred Rogers and son of Hard wick spent Christmas day with his l. Rogers. Mr. and Mrs H.

Robinson of Phila. The Consumer's Needs for a reliable and I usable guide to the pi per use cf English words have been deliberately preferred to the ability tii boast cf a huge, unwieldy delphia are the parents of a boy, born last Sunday. Mr. Robinson is a brother of the Robinson boys of this place and was for voea uia ry. many years a resident here.

and expert knowl- Arthur Forbush of Boston is spending If, edge Best So in the cuntry have been emr.Ioyed his Christmas vacation with his grand toe-creamery building had been entered through a window en the side next to the river and the lock on the cold storage room broken. There was about in change in tr-e building which evidently escaped the attention of the burglars. It is thougiit that the burglary if? the v-ork of some ono In town, and that it is almost certain that they will be detected. Mr. and Mrs.

Solomon Ruscoe have goncs Holyoke, to visit his brother, Al ram Ruscoe. Sliss M. T. Goddard. a teacher in the graded school, is visiting her parents in Seinorville, during the holiday vacation.

W. f. A'srer of Burlincrton is visitinir on the Supple n.cnt to make it equal in every respect! to the main vocabulary. SHELBURNE. The usual Christmas tree and supper for Selling Song Odds and Ends, Broken Lots and Sizes In Men's Furnishings.

If you didn't get what you wanted. If you didn't get something for somebody, and are sorry, come up here and get it for much less than bp-tore Xmas. It's an old story, but it's orth sacrificing profits to clean up odds and ends, and, I'm doing it. I'll publish prices ia a day or two the chances are here to-day. WINOOSKI.

the servants of Shoiburne Farms was held at Shelljurne Housn Tuesdav evening. iennifigfoii Hits At the Methodist church Tuesdav even George Polynger of Collinsville, is in town, the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Polynger. ing the Sunday school gave a cantata entitled the "Gypsy's Christmas." There was singing closing with a Christmas tree parents.

and Mrs. J. W. Uuniels. An effort is being made to organize a band here.

James Simmons has charge of the matter, and with the gool mate.ial here there ought to be a first-class band. Arthur Titus of Hardwicli spent Christmas day at the home of Mrs. A. S. Irish.

George Bragg, who is at work at the Forest Park farm in Branaon, Is home for a few days' vacation. Veterinary Stevenson is spending the holidays with relatives in Montreal. Carroll Miehals, a grandson of Mrs. Phelps of this place, has left position in 'White River Junction and gone to Providence, R. where he has secured a Miss Mary A.

Crandall left last evening friends in this vicinity. There will be a SLi.iiay-school concert ind presents for all. After the presents for men and women. km the tree had been given out Rev. 1.

W. Dayton presented Miss Fannv Smith. the organist, with a beautiful mahogany rockir and Mrs. Henry Vv Tracy, Id. tine Bible.

Mr. Tracy is the superintend Clothier tc Men's Furnisher, SO Church Cor. Bank. McCarthy, ent of the Sunday school. The Mammoth Dry Goods LOUIS PINE CO.

ior rnew lork c.ty alter spending Chrtst-m is in town with her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. E. R. Crandall.

Alvin M. Taylor returned to Edgewater-on-the-Hudson last evening after spending Christmas in town. Thomas Buckley of Collinsville, is in town, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Buckley.

Urvis A. Smith of Rutland Is in town for a brief stay. ('. H. Robinson has returned from Ma-loee, N.

1., where he has been on business. Fred Bigwood has returned from Terra place in the Butler hospital. ednosday evi nlng very appropriate followed by distribution of presents from a Christmas tree at the Methodist church at Ferrisburgh Centre this evening. Stiles A. Tuttle, a fotmir resident of ibis city, now of Newark, N.

is visiting sister, Mrs. S. A. Broth. Miss Mary Tapper, of Burlington spent Christmas with her parents, 41i and Mrs.

I'aidel Tappan. The Monday-school of Ihe Taptist church gave a conceit enjoyed the fruits of a Christmas tree Tuesday evening. Rev. B. Crow el! gave an interesting and in-' Etructiv address on the Christmas eus- Elmer Hall wife and child of Hardw'clt exercises and a Christmas tree wer hel 90 Church St, Store of the People spent Christmas with Arthur Arnold and at Trinity church whore all of the Sunday family.

si hixd children received useful and valua- C. K. Palmer left yesterday for a few ble presents, days' visit with friends in Newport and Midnight mass was Id at St. Catlier-Mystie, P. Q.

ine's church Tin sday night. James Tydale, who is teaching in O'd Miss Ka.thryne Weston of New York is Mystic. is home for the holiday isiting In mother and sister this week, vacation with his parents. Lee P. Tracy and family of Addison Miss Evan Barrows leaves to-day for and James Traty and family of Burling- OSTEOPATHY.

Monday, Tuesday, 0 a 4 Consultation hOUrS Thursday. Friday, a. m. 4 p. m.

Wednesday, Saturday, 9 a. in. and Examination Hr fillV I Oildon Graduate American Ur. KJUy UJauuil, School of Osteopathy. 157 So.

Union Burlington, Vt. ij iis oi r-oum ijeinary Haute, I where he has been on bust Iiess. Strictly Fresh St. Johnsbury and she will take a social with their pa- Son spent Christmas da Johnsbury bents. Mr.

and Mrs. J. C. Tracy. course of study in the St.

George inlerlKd torn is on the sick list. Miss Ruth I. Morton went to Bristol Q'ucwlay to sperd Christmas week. GooJ Mr. Palmer, head electrician on Dr.

W. CHELSEA. RICHMOND. There's just one point about these eggs. Every one of them is fresh, and I KNOW IT.

You can have them for 30c per dozen. K. Webb's new coach barns, went to New ork city Tuesday to spend a few days Dv.ring the mntr. of November Orange! Owing to an accident to the boiler at Eat," school of music. Miss Capi tola Chamhcrliii spent Christmas with her people, in St.

Albans. Miss Lizzie King spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. T. O'Brien, in Vergennes. Miss Cora Bracken of Rumford Falls.

is home for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Brackett.

AValter Gilbert of Burlington is here for a few days with his mother, Mrs. Kate Gilbert. Nvuh Ins family. county creamery ceived of the und rwear factory last week Tuesday, cream and 3 nnJs of milk from the factory remained closed until last which were made ll.T-Vi pounds of butter! Monday, when work was resumed. 't Miss Emma Fox went to Pittt-ford to visit her pawns 1 ticsday evening.

The school in the Sutton district taught Miss Jennie Thompson closed Tuesday for which rs received Current: expenses. Including amount reserved lor, interest on stcck, tuts, repairs, J'-richo Dramatic club presented tiitf drama "I'ncle Josh." at the hall here last wec! Tuesday evening and gave a verv BARRE. jifternoon. for one week vacation, witu whicb if it were carried out as it should iie. would cost at least we could not be as ell conveniences! or as well lighted as by tenty 32-candle power electrij lights at a cost of

Patrons paid 24 cents per; creditable performance. The lecture appropriate exorcises and a hnstmas tree iv bieh was thoroughly enjojed by the I on id for butter fat. Rev. A. J.

East ma a' vas summoned to Mflroe. l.i.-t veek on account of the trugie death of his the vestry of the l'niversalist church last Wednesday evening by the Rev. Mr. Atkins of Burlington wa.s very well attend- JERICHO. George Nay is spending his holidav vacation with his pirents, Mr.

and Mrs. Y. G. Nay. A.

Lowry of Burlington, a former resident of this place, died at hU Ivime Sunday of tuberculosis. The funeral was held Tuesday at Burlington with burial here. Miss Jessie Gibson is confined to the house by sickness John Camo of Barre was the guest of his bro. iter. Peter, last week.

Mr Mrs. F. L. Giddings are spending Christmas in liub-bnrdton, Allen Willbirns is spending Christmas at home. Oliver Brown moved to the place which he retlntTv purchased here.

Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Donaldson and children spent Christmas in Swanton.

Mrs. H. A. 1'ercival has returned from a visit in Burlington. Mrs.

L. F. Terrill died at her home here Saturday morning. The funeral was held Monday afternoon with burial at I nderhUl. 1.

L. Rood spent Christmas in Burlington with her granddaughter. Mrs. I o. Fred Mills moved to the 'Warner farm in Fssex Tuesday.

Mrs. Mary Mead and daughter. Grace, of Burlington Christmas at C. S. Field'sMiss Is.btl Cochran is at home from Johnson for the and Mrs.

S. B. Curtis spent Christmas at W. Curtis'. Dr.

G. B. Hulburd was in Monday. Word was received here Wednesday of the death of Mrs. C.

S. Palmer in Minneapolis, on Tuesday, Icc. 'Mih. hildren. Mrs.

Cary Marshall and son Hay ward rom Vertennes returned home Saturday WATERBURY. F. II. Romerville of I.a wrenoeville, N. is spending a two weeks' vacation at homt Henry Elliot, who has been attend irg "Yale college, is spending a few days at home.

Harold SomervUle is spending a few-days at home. About $4i was raised at the Methodist church Sunday for distributing among the poor in town. About worth of clothing and toys was collected at the Methodist church Sunday, which was sent Monday morning to New York and Boston to tie distributed among children who are under tho care of the Methodist society. Merrill Evans is home from Cornell university for a few days. Robert Palmer is home from the V.

M. for a few days. The stone shells have closed for the holidays. William Cooky, is spending a few days' vacation at home from Montpelier seminary. George Bease, who has been con-lined to the house by illness for a few days, is improving.

Miss Florence Torrey is spending a few days in Albany. N. Y. The Congregation.ilist parsonage is being wired for electric lights. Aldermen Award Contiact For Print-I ingr tho City Report Gossip.

The regular meeting of the board of aldermen was in session only ten minutes Tuesday evening. The contract for printing 9 copies of the annual city report was awarded to E. W. Cummings at 11.12 per page. It was reported that a settlement had been reached with Mrs.

Charles Frat- after spending a few days in town the Vrothf Horace fc'-nith, wh feil ed and pronounced by all present very from a ladder on vhieh he was s'anding tine There were some 25 couples attended to put on a double window en the sect.iv.i the dance at Odd Ft Hows' hail last week, ftory cf the house he oe.j,ipe ir Melrose. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dlmiok returned from guest of Mrs. Mark Thompson.

CORNWALL Rev. and Mrs. Guy C. Lamscn entertained at tea at the parsonage Thursday-evening. December IS.

the resident members of the Baptist church of West Corn- RANDOLPH. At 'me o'clock yestoiuiiy afternoon Kl- BRiSTOL. Roy Stearns is at home from Boston for 1hc holiday vacation. The Christmas festivities at ihe Congregational, Baptist, and Methodist churches were of the usual character, there being trees loaded with presents for old and young, with recita-, tions and singing by the children and choirs. The merchants report the largest! Christmas trade in several years.

Miss1 Frances Sumner was at home from her school in Whiting for Christmas. Dr. Kd-gar Farr of New York is spending the holidays with his relatives here. A. N.

Brown of this town has charge of tho building of the Lincoln LuihIkt company's new mill in Lincoln. The school directors are mating some changes in th" system of heating the graded school building. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Denio are at homo from Sherhrooke, I'.

Q. hier Montgomery, son or una vir-s. their wedding trip last Monday and ar.s the guests of Station Agent Nearly ali the out of town students are spending the holidays at home. The graded schools has a two weeks' vacation. Miss Anna Barber, clerk and reporter in one of the largest business houses in Albany, N.

came home last Suturdav to A gust or win. I ie the down flung him to the pavement, crushic his skull. He had recently s. Id his farm in' Bakota and come East with bis wife for Iosj)ital tre anient in Host: n. At Con- jsrfgatioral church on Sunday forenoon i J'rmc'pal J.

M. Comstrek lead a.i lntren-! ing sermon by Rev. George Adam Smith' uiul there re also the usual children's Julius lotoine: rnd Lena Ethel, laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles II.

Jn- ails, were in marriage by He v. i. Howe. The oeremt ny took place in the oou.s in winch, they will at once liegin nd a week's vacation with her par nts. louseki ping, in tht ui per part of Dr.

m. vumj funaMioisi'm ir. ami virs. j. there was a B.

Whitney, who is manazt of the' Christmas tree at school No. S. Miss Hat-New England phone general oft'ee. is tie Curtis, teacher. All the scholars pending; a few days' ve.

cation with her! remembered, also the teacher. Mrs. B. W. V.

Scott's house. Orly the immediate of the happy pair wl-nessed the tint at Jl.a for her land damage on River wall. A most enjoyable time was had. street. A btiifding pe-rmit was granted Misses Anna Bingham, Gertrude Peet, George A.

Drew for a house on Allen Beulah San ford and Eugene Bingham, Street. teat hers in I'tica, N. Orleans. The marriage of Frank Densmore and Littleton. and St- Johnsbury re-Miss Jennie York was celebrated at the spectively, and Walter Barnnm of Ver-Presbyterian parsonage Christmas eve.

niont academy, Ernest Sunderland. Al-Rov. T. H. Mitt hell ottieiating.

Carl Dens- bort Witherell. Charles Barnum. Edw ard more, brother of the groom was best man Peet and S. H. Lane of Middlebury coi-and Miss Devia York, sister of the bride lege are enjoying the holiday vacation was bridesmaid.

After a wedding trip at their homes here. William Ells of ths they will go to housekeeping. Miss York's Burlington Business college is at bis former home was in Williamstown. father's. I.

I- Ells-. Mr. Mary H. Dana Mrs. E.

il. Ar buckle is spending the holi- I of New Haven is a guest of her niec. days with relatives in Burlington. 'Mrs. C.

U. Lane. Mrs. M. B.

Williamson Several of the local pastors were well entertained the young men of her Sunday-remembered at the church Christmas school cfass. with their young lady trots. Rev. E. M.

Fuller and Rev. friends, at her plea-vant home Monday K. M. Jones received purses of money and jevening. December 23.

Rev. and Mrs. S. Rev. A.

U. Atwater was prc-bented with a Barnum invited the three youngest leather easy chair. classes of the Sunday-school of the Con- nitn-riage. Iiieiii3, ami ai' s. n.

Huzzcl of Ktowe was recentlv the euest Mrs. E. E. Ladd ami dnushter. who out to Rufr.ney, N.

sevtral week-s ago of Mrs. Caroline Sherman and H. ALBURGH SFRINGS. The present mail service for Albureh oin the dot tor. came yesterday l' loud the holidays with Mrs.

Ladd pa- -nts. Mr. and Mrs. Eiv.crd Tinncy and (lighter went to Btllovvs Falls yesterday no remain a few days with frionls. I-r.

and Mrs. L. II. Burnrill nod Ciift in Kumrill "nave gone to Koyalton to spend Mr. and Mrs.

A. Murray are spending Igregational church to meet at the parson- tllie Holidays. SALISBURY. 1 Lewis Taird had a stroke of appoplexy last week and is under the doctor's care. He is somewhat improved, and his frit tids look! for his recovery.

Mrs. F. L. Mamil-ton returned Saturday from a visit at her father's In Brockton, Mass. Allen Nelson came home Saturday from Johns Hopkins 1 nlversity to spend the holiday reress.

Harry arid Nina Pierce were guests "at Mrs. her Wainv. right's Saturday and Sunday. Mabel Strong Is home from Randolph Normal school for the holiday vacation. The village schools are not in pest-sion this week.

The teat hers are at their homes. Mr. and Mrs. llollingsworth went to Massachusetts Saturday to spend tho winter. a tew days in Bellows Falls.

COLCHESTER. Carl Bay cf Bfrre is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. J.

F. Day. -Charles Roslnw died Tuesday at p. m. Mr.

and Mrs. George Somerville Waitsrield are spending Christinas at A. M. Wheel r's Mrs. A.

K. Nay visited her daughter. Mrs. Graselle. in Vergtnnes last week.

Mrs. Buxton of Jericho is in town. Miss Minnie Phipket cf Burlington is at home. Clara Mayo of Xrockton, is at home for the Arthur Baker las returned to her homo. Misses Jennie and May are at home for their vacation.

C. W. Wright has returned from New Voik. 'Wilbur Newton and family are spending Christ Wednesday evening, DrombtT 25. A Mrs. mother of Mrs. D. C. Alvah Carpenter recently sold a yoke of i-year-old oxen to James A.

St iry of Ver-fhire fr 10. Harold Comstock, a junior in Dartmouth college, is pending the holiday vacation with his parents. Principal and Mrs. John M. Comstock.

Misses Mary-Scales and Chr rene Barnes are at home fo- the holidays from their school, Kimball Union academy, at Mtriden, N. H. Frank Knight of Grir nell. Iowa, has recently been vlsdUr.s his .1. K. He Is the son of Joshua N. Knight, who for many years lived in the town of Corinth. 1-tejiry A. has moved his laint shop from the lecond story of V.

11. Hill's fclieksrr.ith shop to the ground foor of Towrseid Whitney's carriage luilding. Edwin I. 9a-1 born has a 13-rr 'tilths' old bull which weU'hs V'K pounds, lie is half dstein and half B.irh.ira.-! Christmas was celebrated with public ex-j ctcises of the children at the tor. hall Springs is about as unsatisfactory as none at all would be.

The only mail bag leaving the Springs is closed at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and is not put upon the until JO o'clock the morning of the following diy, although a mail train leaves three hours after the bag is closed. Half the people of the place are now sending their mail to KaFt Alhurgh rather than submit to the delay. There will lo a Christmas entertainment for the children of the Congregational Sunday-school at the parsonage Thursday of his week. Mr. and Mrs.

R. Hathaway oif Burlington are expected Tuesday to sprind Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. jj. P. Ladd.

Wood a rd. suffered a paralvtie shock sev- N. Field is home from New Y'ork for a short stay. About :0 of her friends and neighbors Christmas iroe and other festivities wem enjoyed. Mr.

and Mrs. C. L. WithereU have returned from New Y'ork city. Buzzel.

F. H. Shepardson is building a. barn on his premises. The Louisa M.

Circle of King's Daughters were entertained at the vestry of the l'niversalist church last Wednesday by Mrs. C. V. Howe an I Belle Goodrich. Freeman Fay of Montpelier is spending a few days in town Miss Sadia Conatit.

who has been spending a few days with her father, has returned to Keene, N. H. There was midnight mass at Catholic church Tuesday night Tht was a ramiiy gathering at Mr. an 1 Mrs. rt.

A. Andrews' Christmas day. Br. B. J.

Andrews and family from Burlington, anil Mr. and Mrs. J. Baker, Arthur Baker, George Cross and daughter of Northtield, and Ir. Clayton Andrews.

of Waterbury and other friends from town. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sherman of P.urling-t jn were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Salmon Ort-on, Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hall of Burlington were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.

K. L. Freeman Wednesday. Mrs. John Margin is not as well.

1 days aco has I ecu in an un- on-uis condition i il'o lime siii'. gathered at the home of Mrs. Emma Mon Ill or recovery ilv expected. Mrs. Ann" R.

Crandal! yesterdly roe on South Main street Christmas eve and presented her with several pieces of om Wtrfidslock In re rdie id been iOr larlcs art I and other articles. shveral menti with hir vvfth jjj. row iioiucn ana vv itt iioitien t-ao-ii IS remain for the pros --it Food For Infants en-l Invalids. In the preparation of fe-d for infants and invalids our Palatable Distilled excellent. It never distresses.

It is ab-toluttly pure. 5 gallons for Sue. The Palatable Distilled Water i-J College Bireet, Burlington, Vt. niiht.r, Mrs. T.

Salisbury. I dMii. toiinerly 'if this ice was married his in Concern. Tues.ay mid came here with hts gave eacn oi tnoir ia employes a iai iui-key for a Christmas present. ADVERTISEMENT.

A. C. Sptre, practical furrier, manu-factuier of Seal Jackets, Riding Fur and Fancy Furs. Remodeling, repairing mas In West ford. Micbael rowly of South Burlington was ir town ist vvek.

Kxoroise srd a Christmas tree were held in the Congregational church Monday evening, and in the Baptist church Tuesday evening. Both progtammes were we'd executed. -iav ing foi a few at 1 ride. They re of u. H.

lioyt. Miss Georgia of the Bellows Falls ticth uniting. There were songs and recitations rr.d a cantata was render, rd by th-9 children. Br. c-iis M.

RIcs has to Haverhill, N. for short stay. Harry J. Ccrwin cf Lowell and his sister. Miss Floa M.

Corwin. wno is a school teacher in New EVdford, are at home for th- holiday, v'siting their par and redyeing a specialty, 31 St-ite itrett. NORTHFIELD. iorce r-a-l-te ins 'iwi inc nou.i.iy Vt HINESBURGH. The jneral of Herman Post was held from his late residence Monday afternoon.

Rev. W. Safford officiating. Mx. Post was ore of the most respected residents ill.

eel r. l-ic i.ev. ri-iiiet lot-. I Christmas was observed by all of the to Ei st Tern-' F. H.

Cris.vo-il go-re religious societies of the town with the' CABOT. ett.n. to end a with bis ents, Jir. and Mrs. J.

A R. Ccrwin. Mii customary exercises and custnmarv ex- iti. Cbarlei, and lie will also go JuSia Cummins, who la in the freshman ercises and trees. Midnight mass was cel-lass at Mount Holyoke college, is visiting ebrated in the Catholic church by Rev.

J. Providence, on onsiness retore return. i fcer grandfather. Alonzo II. Powers.

P. O'Neil A very pretty wedding occurred at the of this town and leaves, beside a widow, home of Mr. and Mrs. Wiillard Brickett three children. Elbert Post of Essex Junc-of Walden December Is trtien their daugh- tion.

Mrs. Menry Russell of this torn ar.d ter, Grace Emily, was united in wedlock Frank M. Post, who is at present locato-d to Joseph Labrec of Cabot. 1 he bridal in Schenectady. N.

Y. Miss Lucy Barter party stood under arch of evergreens of West Chazy. X. is stopping witi adorned with pink and white roses. At her aunt.

Mrs. H. M. Hull. Christmas about 2.30 p.

m. the soft strains from was celebrated in all the churches on WATERBURY CENTRE. Henry O. Murray of Wilder visiting his little son at Frank Demeritt's. Mr.

The annual banquet of the Village Improvement society is to be held during the first part of next month. P. R. Hoefler left yesterday for Ilion, N. where he expects to remain for a few weeks; from there he will go to Denver, where he expects to locate.

Town Clerk il. L. Kenyon spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.

II. Allen in St Albans. ADDISON. Those who are home to spend the holidays are Fred Hayward of Rochester, Myrtle Powell from Saxton's River, Mr. nd Mrs.

Bert Mitchell of St. Albans, Rena O-Bryan of Newark. Mitre ia Winslow of Bridal chorus played by Tuesday evening. Mrs. Lewis Dwire bai Arbell.

who was married at Northlield last Lohengrins week to Miss Mary Greeley of this place. Miss Abba Hovey were heard, when the bought the bouse in tho village occupied has bought the Christie farm on ushers, Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Merrill, by Mrs. W.

G. Tucker and will com aterbury, Clara Smith of Middlebury Gregg hill. Mr. Simons has moved to the marched in with the groomsman. Lewis there to reside.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ma-Barber place on Little river. Mrs. Brickett and the -bridesmaid.

Miss Ida gee are the parents of a new baby. Tha Hayes was in Montpelier Monday. Mr. Brickett. brother and sister of the bride, high school closed last Friday for tha and Mrs.

E. A. Nowcomb were guests of The ushers then returned when tho con- Christinas vacation. Bnd Emma Smith of Saratoga. The dance Miss Ann Persons Is confined to her Friday evening wa a success.

Cage room orchestra furnished music A club was! Tho their son, Leo A. Newcomb and wife at trading parties were escorted to thfir re- orearized with 30 members. 1 i vi.ii.rin ui Ihe next i to them Is of frequent occurrence and In Impairing of bearing robs one of many Miss Lucv Bradshaw in Montnelier spective places. 1 he Pride was attirea v. vv i i dance will be in two weeks.

Mrs. Huldah three cases out of four might have been Christmas dav. The house of J. It. Pike a very pretty dove colored henrietta evening.

Miss Fannie Talbot has closed her work of the joys of life, exposes to danger, interferes with capacity for usefulness, limits ability to transact business and earn a livintr. Manv annuallv abandon Clark is stopping with her daughter, Mrs. Futnam. Jane Smith is quite poorly. The An Excellent Combination.

as teacher in the grammar school. Her place is filled by Miss Cora Eaton, t. nristmas tree at tne church was a suc prevented by the use of Stuart's Catarrh was burned to the grounu Monday after- gown, neatly trimmed with yellow silk. Tablets. These tablets cure all kinds of noon about 1 o'clock.

The bucket brigade white satin taws and white lace. Rev. O. catarrh. They can be bought at any drug jid efficient work and with their aid and F.

Aiken of the church of store for 50 cents a box. the men who worked so hard and tore to Cabot performed tha ceremony, using the That Stuart's Catarrh Tablets do effect- the ground the ell and thed attached to net-vice of that church with the ring. At ually cure catarrh of the eustachian the house, the barn and contents were its conclusion the 75 assembled guests ex-tubes and the head noises and deafness saved. The entire absenoe of wind made tended their hearty congratulations, after resulting therefrom is attested by the fol- this possible. The probable cause of the which a tine repast was served of oys- cess.

The fall of snow brought out a full house. The little ones did themselves credit In both speaking and singing. The pleasant method and beneficial their plans, ambitions and hopes on ac-effecta of the well known remedy, count of loss of bearing. Btbtjp or FlOB, manufactured by the In nearly every case of partial or com-Califorkia Fia Stbuf illustrate Ple deafness thsre is another feature MILTON BORO. Thanks are due Mrs.

Mary Smith and Mrs. Powell for their training. mat to many is more irouoiesomo ma.ii the value of obtaining-the liquid laxa the difficulty of hearing the distractlngl lowing: tire was a defective Hue. Mr. and Mrs.

ttrs, cpke and coffee. Numerous tokens head noises. These make such an lmprts-l Mrs. Jane Barlow, the famous modiste, Clinton Smith have gone to Hinesburgh, of friendship and esteem were left by the sion on some as to almost drive them in- says: "I finally had to give up personal w-here Mr. Smith has employment in a guests.

Mr. and Mrs. Labrec took the sane. The everlasting buzzing, ringing, attention to my customers, and in conse- barber shop. Mrs.

Robert Suitor was in evening train for Concord, N. IL, for a Perch are being caught through the Ice. Mrs. Eugene Blake is spending the holidays with her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. N. C. Blake and Mr. and Mrs.

Berry ontertained friends Christmas. Among those who attended the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. H. I.

Wood were Mr. and Mrs. Fay, Mr. and Mrs. W.

W. Wright and G. C. Ryce. Fred Wood is home for the holidays.

snapping, rumble or roar, distracts them quence many of them went elsewhere. I Montpelier Tuesday and with his family wedding trip of a week or ten days. Fp-was in despair for specialists seemed in Rurlintrton Wednesday. Mr. Brainerd on their return they will occupy rooms tive principles of plants known to be medicinally laxative and presenting them in the form most refreshiiig-to the taste and acceptable to the system.

It is the one perfect strengthening- laxa tive, cleansing the system effectually, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers gently yet promptly and enabling one to overcome habitual constipation permanently. Its perfect freedom from evpi-vr nbieetinnanl! onialitv and aiib- by day and prevents rest at night. Nine cases out of ten of head noises and progressive hardness of hearing are. due to catarrh of the middle ear or of the tube leading from it to the throat. It should be understood and constantly bonfe In mind that to restore the hearing powerless to help me.

Stuart's Catarrh cf Montpelier was in this place Tuesday with Mrs. Jane Weeks of Cabot for the Tablets cured me in just a little while so for the Vermont Mutual Fire Insurance winter. Both parties are well known and completely that now 1 hear as well as company to adjust the loss by lire of J. popular. The Endeavor society netted ever." R.

Pike's house. The adjuster was on the over $50 as the result of its fair. JThis will Army Surgeon C. S. Beverly became so ground within 24 hours after the prg oc- be applied as the first payment on a piano deaf from catarrh that he was forced to curred James Millham of Shelheme with 'pwehased for the church at a cost of resign his position and abandon his pro- njs wife are guests at S.

A. MsniieW pot: Mr. and Mrs. S. C.

Smith and daugh- stanoe, and its acting on tne Kidneys, "1 i 1- ment is required that will allay inflam- ter from California and W. B. Smith of fession. He says: "Of course my inher- for Christmaa WEYBRIDGE. Mrs.

Bert Gage of Waterbury, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Flske.

Miss Harriett Norton closed the village school on Tuesday and will spend the remainder of the week at her home in Panton. Sampson Post, G. A. beld their annual meeting Saturday evening and surrendered their char ent professional prejudice was bard to iMinriesota are at home for the holidays Iwith their parents, Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. .1 overcome, but knowing of the great bene the congestion and swelling and stop the Cured 32 Yocrs of PANTON. fit you had received, my dear General, ti utiu tcvoivcu, my ucai ucnvn secretion of muous so that the tubes will irevreiioii ox muuus to iuta-i nic iuuvb wni The body of Mrs. Mina Hamilton be and keep open for the free passage of through the use of Stuart's Catarrh Tab-) j.

to was ourita last Saturday. ine annum dward Rogers of Ferrisbursiti le No Opium In Chamberlain's Cough Remedy This remedy is a favorite with the mothers of small children, as it contains no opium or other harmful substance and may be given to a baby as confidently as to an adult. 1 1 is pleasant to take too, which is of much importance when medicine is to be given to small children. As a cure for bad colds, croup tnd whooping cough it is unequalled and may be depended upon with the utmost confidence. Price large size 50c.

i FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. election of oftioj-rs of the Eastern Star oc- lets, 1 used them. The great and almost work tne farm of his falheri the air Into the middle ear. No locailly applied medicine will effectually do ihls, only ter. Owing to the death and removal of so eurs next Friday evening.

A full attcnJ-STJ am is desired. The Good Templars will immediate relief I experienced was truiy Amog Rogers. the Coming vear Re, astonishing. I am now entirely cured and N. Taylor preached "an interesCtac many members.

It was not thought advisable to continue the organization long hold a promenade and supper New ear nave no tear or tne aisease muuniie. mon to tne young men Sunday December 31. F. A. Messer nas Awful Pile Agony.

Sioux Falls. S. Feb. IS. liteL "For 32 years I suffered constaatly from protruding piles and finally had to abandon my trade of stone-mason.

Four months ago I began using Pyramid Pile Cure, and lefore I had used up one 50c. box the disease had entirely disappeared and there is no sign of its ever return- I go back to my old post next month. Mr. and Mrs John Snratrue are MOB to ve, er. or irritating them, make it the ideal laxative.

In the process of manufacturing figs are used, as they are pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the remedy are obtained from senna and other aromatio plants, by a method known to the Oaui-obxia Fie Stxitp Co. only. In order to get its beneficial effects and to avoid imitations, please remember the full name of tha Compacy printed oa the front of every package. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. MX 7 RAJf CISCO.

OAIj. uommrttxM. it. raw tobx, v. X- Stuart Catarrh Tablets have done it, ao bpgjj, their work at the Stevens lion ssoved into the new house by the cream-do it, will do it.

Try them and be con- Vergennes. Misses 31 at tie and Cor ry A. ii. Collins has accepted a position vinced. They are for sale at any drug Brydia are at home from the JehnsoB on the road for an agricultural implement store at 50 cents a box will put you formal school for the holitlay vacation.

concern. The village meeting. Monday to very little trouble or expense to prove Rbv Trii of Tinmnnik wu te- vesing. passed off much as usual with a searching constitutional alterative and resolvent will cure catarrb In the deep recesses of the head. i Two acquaintances of the writer were run down and killed by the cars in one year.

Both had catarrh of the head, which had extended up the eustachian tubes, leading from the throat to the middle ear, and were quite hard of hearing. In both cases the coroner's jury decided that they came to their death because of inability to hear and heed signals that were intended for them. What happened what they will do for you. Send to F. A.

itown the liast week to officiate at the fu- the xception of the electric lighting arU-jnig 1 em completely curd. F. Capps. As an Eliminator Of poison from the system, through tha kin and kidneys, Distilled Water is accepted by physicians as far superior to all others, natural or artificial. It is absolutely pure.

No other is. 5 gallons for 50c. The Palatable Distilled Water 19i College street, Burlington, VL i Sold by all drug- otu-c mursnaii. ir rteral of Amos Rogers. Jessie iMCwm wiuu -v "II if so Causes and rd free book about catarrh.

A ilK down, although an extra called meeting gists, at-, a 1ox. Book. jmm s-. I I illiam Hatch are at home VI llimni nauil rtr n-w 1 1 xjm mm 1 Chester high scho d8 few days' va-jto Reconsider this matter is certain. In-1 Cure.

mailed free. Pyramid Irrug Ce will bring it. Write to-day. Wr sale baU BngfUtt. Price io.

cation. urane present system ui ic--i usiiuiij.jwainiiaH,.

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