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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 9

Burlington, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS AND TIMES: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1910. 9 i WINOOSKI. WILL OFFER $7,500. 9V OBiiJ.vl nriMII roi Mill This will: Stop your Cough in a Hurry Save $2 by Making This Cough 40Years PETTICOATS "We have a very fine assortment of Petticoats in all styles and materials at prices that are bound to sell them as the partial list quoted below will indicate. Jersey Knit Tops, in black with heatherbloom ruffles.

Prices were from $2.50 to $3.25. To $1.49 Council Fixes Price on Land De sired for a Public Wharf. Syrup at Home. Mis Flora LeBoeuf the Bride of Edward Myers. MI33 Flora LeBoeuf, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Simeon LeBoeuf, and Edward Myers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Myers of South Burlington, were married yesterday morning at St. Francis Xavier Church.

The Rev. J. F. Au-det performed the ceremony in the presence of the bride's father and the groom's brother, Charles Myers. After the services at the church a wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents on Hickok street, where also a largely attended reception was held last evening.

They were the recipients of many beautiful A very fine sateen 14-inch flounce, permanent lustre; i Chefs.iooKs HouseKeepersr delicately flavoring Dressings Insist onBELUS the original. BELIS CROQUETTES. 1 cup chopped coJi lamb or boiled mutton. Cook 1 cup potatoes, par edwac in inch cubes, in toiling salted water till soft, rown i tablespoon finely chopped onion with 2 tablespoons DO tier, stirring constantly. Add 4 tablespoons flJ- Zt.

Z.tA minutes. Then pour on, stirring constantly, I Nothing; Bel Heard from Central Vermont Railway Company, Se-qnestrattom Proe-edlnsra Were AnthortMd. lip p( This recipe makes a pint of better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for A few doses usually conquer the most obstinate cough. stops even whooping cough quickly. Simple as it Is, no better remedy can be had at any price.

Mix one pint of granulated sugar -with pint of warm water, and stir for 2 minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pinex (fifty cents worth) in a pint bottle; then add the Sugar Syrup. It has a pleasant taste and lasts a family a long time. Take a teaspoonful jusi uis iniuy lur real service, you "Hydegrade" Skirt, 14-inch raffle, comes in three different styles, very full. Special at 79c Sjilk Skirts, a very heavy taffeta in black, navy, gray, wine or changeable blue and green, 12-inch ruffle, well made, a very special number at $2.98 Heavy Black Taffetas and Persians, values up to $6.98.

Our price $4.98 Just received a case of Men's Outing Kiight Shirts, pa- The city of Burlington will award the Central Vermont Railway company $7,500 for the land situated on the lake front tomato. Season with teaspoon Add lamb and potatoes, teaspoon tinegar, i teaspoon sLpe, dip in erumbin egg, Salt to taste. Spread mature on plate to cooj. and crumb, again. Fry Znmm Fcr Delicious Sausages, Flayorwith Bells Sausage every one, two or three hours.

You can feel this take hold of a cough In a "way that means business. Has a good tonic effect, braces up the and usef ul gifts. After a honeymoon trip to Boston, New Bedford and Central Falls they will make their home on Hickok street. Lyman Cross, Maynard Paige and Earl Lavalley were yesterday brought before Judge Conlin in municipal court and bound over to county court in the sum of $200 each on the charge of breaking and entering the hardware store of George Allen Saturday night. Napoleon La Charity was fined $5.00 and costs in municipal court yesterday for intoxication, which he paid.

appetite and is slightly laxative, too, which is helpful. A handy remedy for hoarseness, bronchitis, asthma and all jama style, a regular $1.25 number. Speeial at 98c Men's Fleece Lined Mittens, Mule Skin faced. Special, per pair 21c Men's genuine Pontiac Mittens 25c Canvas Gloves, per pair 5c Men's Cape Gloves, lined and unlined 49c Boys' Mule Skin Mittens 21c Many other bargains well worth your personal inspection. The Combination Cash Store Company Burlington, 56 58 Church St.

Cash and One Price to All. 1 OlJi south of the line of College street, which the city desires for a public wharf Bite. This sum was agreed upon last evening at the meeting of the city council. The council met directly after the meeting of the board of aldermen and the decision to, a ward the company $7,600 was reached within a very few minutes after the meeting was called to order. The meeting was an adjourned one, the delay being made for the purpose of giving the railway company an opportunity of setting a price upon the land.

No word was received from tho company and the members of the council decided that further delay was unnecessary. The members of the city council each wrote upon a slip of paper the highest figure, which. In his opinion, should be paid for the land. The amounts ranged from J6.000 to An average was then struck, which amounted to $7,500, and this sum was decided upon. The resolution authorizing the proceedings of sequestration was then passed, followed by the resolution awarding the $7,500 to the railway company.

The city clerk will file in his office all reports con throat and lung troubles. The effect of pine on the memhrane3 is "well known. Pinex i3 the most valuable concentrated compound of Norwegian white pine extract, and is rich in gniaicol and all the natural healing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this formula. This Pinex and Sugar Syrup recipe has attained great popularity throughout the United States and Canada.

It has often been imitated, though never successfully. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your druggist has Pinex or will get it for you. If not, send to The Pines Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Mrs. Phillip Gadue was yesterday operated upon for appendicitis at Mary Fletcher hospital. The funeral of the late Mrs. Alma Walker was held from the residence of Frank Smith in Colchester yesterday with interment in the Essex Junction cemetery. Arthur Barron has returned trom Chazy, N.


E. C. Baker, who died in Bethel Saturday, was held at the home of the late N. Clark on Congress street yesterday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, the Rev. Ralph F.

Lowe of this city, assisted by the Rev. Dr. C. S. Nutter of Enosburg Falls, officiating.

The bearers were E. W. Badger, James Chynoveth, A. D. Collins and W.

G. Brown. A quartette Rainbow Arrives at Esquliualt First on the Pacific Coast. Victoria, B. Nov.

7. His Majesty's ship Rainbow, the first vessel of the new Canadian navy to be stationed on the Pacific coast, reached Esquimau 1 3-day from Portsmouth, England, after a run of 79 days of which 57 were spent at sea. The vessel was greeted with a royal salute of 21 guns, Dancing to good music every night at the Woodmen's fair. 2G6tf It is possible that we do not handle your favorite candy, but we believe we can please you with any of the following: Huyler's, Belle Mead, Samoset, Liggett's, Apollo, Quality, Oxford and Lowney's. Half pound and pound packages.

Shanley Estey. 264. 3t AMUSEMENTS. cerning the sequestration proceedings and in six days the tender of tne award will be made by the city to the company. Is often the cause of ill health.

Cure the habit by using The American Liver Tablets The Best Laxative, 19 and 25 Cents. Keep the Mouth Antiseptic BY USING The American Throat Tablets, The best tablet for Sore Throat- Cough or Catarrh. after which Admiral Klngswlll went City Attorney Vilas asked what action he should take in case the Central Vermont Railway company should offer the desired land at a certain price. He was directed to report any such offer to the city council. SHOW TTS, IK YOP CAN, a roofing that will lay as easily these cold days as Paroid.

Moreover we can show you Paroid Roofs laid nine years ago in fine condition to-day. Hagar Hardware Paint Co. composed of Mrs. H. E.

Scott, Miss Marion L. Collins, Arthur C. S. Bee-man and W. G.

Brown sang "Rock of Ages" and "Abide with Me." The burial was in the South Main Street cemetery. A meeting of the Ministers' club will be held at the Baptist Church parlors this afternoon at two o'clock, ministers being expected from Swan-ton, St. Albans, Georgia, HIghgate, Fairfax and Milton. An interesting program including reports of several large conventions and a paper will be on board and was received by the officers. The Rainbow Is a second class, steel, protected cruiser of 3,600 tons.

It was purchased by Canada from Great Britain to be used in the training of of-cers and crews for the Canadian which are to be built soon. Another vessel, the Nlobe, Is stationed at Halifax for the same purpose. Inn-Eating Alligators and Other Attractions Fill The Strong. At nine o'clock last evening people were climbing over each other In the lobby at The Strong theatre to see the alligator and other things that are included in the vaudeville bill for the first three days of the week. There were over EOO people who could not get into the first performance.

Bert Swan, the man-fish, as he calls himself, went through some wonderful stunts with his trained alligators and performed really remarkable feats under water. First he wrestled with and threw an alligator on a mat and then in a tank full of water, having a glass front, Mr. Swan went through some endurance tests that won the unstinted applause of the audience. Dick Thompson and company in an Irish comedy playlet called "Terry's Return" made decidedly good. The little piece consists largely of singing and the trRGE SENATOR HILL'S RE-ELECTION.

The Buffalo Express of last Saturday published a manifesto issued by vot ers of the 4Sth Senate district urging I given at the meeting to-day, The first meeting this season of the SOUTH BURLINGTON. The King's Daughters will meet Wednesday at Mrs. George Kinney's to tie quilts. F. C.

Isham shot a deer last week In Mount Holly, where he Is staying at W. B. Pratt's. Word is received that the party with whom Grant Comstock went hunting in Middlesex had captured a deer, and it is also reported that the three Nay brothers have each shot one. John Drull has moved to the J.

J. Van Sicklen farm, which he is to carry on the cominf year, and Mr. Harris has moved to the Kittell farm, which he bought Mr. Cassidy has moved from the Kittell farm to Mrs. Soule's tenement on the Williston road.

St. Albans Clinical club was held with Dr. E. J. Melville last evening.

Mrs. R. Ci. Gilbride has returned from a visit in Toronto, Ont. Edward Conners and Edward Stack have returned from Montreal.

William J. Samson is spending a few days in Waterbury. William T. Merritt, who has been ill for several months and went to Montreal yesterday to consult a specialist, was better last night. AMERICAN CHEMICAL CO, SI.

Johnsbury, Vt. members of the company have excellent the re-election of the Hon. Henry Hill, a trustee of the University of Vermont, to the State Senate. It says, in part: "His legislative career has been one of signal ability and devotion to the people of the city and State, ana his integrity and honesty of purpose are unassailable upon any fair statement of facts." The Express also prints in the same issue resolutions adopted at the 25th anniversary dinner of the Buffalo Republican League. complimenting Senator Hill upon the committee advancements and promising him the support of the leagrue members.

voices. Willis and Lewis, comedians. went through 15 or 20 minutes of rough-house into which they introduced some clever novelties. Iave Caston, the human scare-crow, well deserved his name. liiiraaf iiirsaiflriiiTft" 265.6t He was really funny from beginning to end of his turn.

IIORRISVUXE. terday to Sheldon, where Mr. and Mrs. Perry will reside. 'Mrs.

A. L. Cheney returned from New York yesterday. ESSEX JUNCTION. and Mrs.

Galen M. Cady have 'returned from a several days' visit at her wisely directed, will cause her to give to her little one9 only the most wholesome and beneficial remedies and only when actually needed, and the well-informed mother uses only the pleasant and gentle laxative remedy Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna when a laxative is required, as it is wholly free from all objectionable substances. To get its beneficial effects always buy the genuine, manufactured by the California Fig Syrap Co. INTEREST IN MOUNTAIN CLUBS. (From the Windsor Journal.) After looking upon its beautiful chain of mountains in an indifferent mannei for over a century, Vermont is now waking up to the fact that they are worth appreciation, and none appreciate thii natural possession that Vermont enjoys better than natives of the State who have migrated to sections of the country where there are no mountains.

Hundreds of children and adults have Additional successful deer hunters are: L. E. Bliss, Harold Patch, Jesse Brlggs, Fred Goodrich, W. J. ITtton, Elwin Churchill.

Antone Mayer of Lynn, Allen Small, Arthur Stancliff and Sherman Stickney. The Randolph neighborhood has been wonderfully successful this year in the deer hunt. One each was secured by VT. R. Beard, Lee S.

Allen, Hugh Campbell, Guy Campbell, Henry Small, Allen Small, R. H. May-nard, Sherman Stickney, Eclward Dwen-ger, Kiwln Church, Antone Mayer, Gardner Greenough and L. K. Bliss.

Mrs. Charles Bates is in Albany, N. with worms, tut aretreated forotberdlseaaes At the Autonoe club Wednesday afternoon a paper on "Jean Ingelow" by Mrs. Edward Curtis Smith will be read by Miss Alice B. Chandler.

Philip Shutler, who has been spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Hyde, has returned to Fulton, N. Y.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cassidy of Enosburg Falls spent Sunday in this city. Mr. and Mrs.

Fred P. Wiley have gone to New York city to reside, where Mr. Wiley has secured a position In the office of the American Hay company. J. Chadwick has returned from a visit In Bethel.

Misses Elizabeth and Bertha James have gone to New York to spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Crabbe and Misses Marjorie and Phyllis Crabbe have returned from Boston.

Deaconess Louisa Brainerd and Miss Annie M. Holcomb will go to-day to Bennington to attend the diocesan convention of the Woman's Auxiliary. DOTH SPEEDY AND EFFECTIVE. This indicates the action of Foley Kidney Pills as S. Parsons, Battle Creek, Mich.

Illustrates; "I have been afflicted with a severe case of kidney and bladder trouble for which I found ho relief until I used Foley Kidney Pills. These cured me entirely of all my ailments. I was troubled with backaches and severe shooting pains with annoying urinary irregularities. The steady use of Foley Kidney Pills rid me entirely of all my former troubles. They have my highest recommendation." J.

W. O'Sullivan, 24 Church street; Shanley Estey, The symptoms are: ludigestlon. with a varlahleaptietite foultongue; offensive breath hard and full belly with occasional grlpingsand pains about the navel; eye heavy and dull tu-hitigof tbenoae; short, dry cough grinding of the teeth starting "during fever; and often in children, convulsions. former home in Ottawa. Mrs.

M. Finnessey and grandson, Norman "Boudhard, will to N. to gpend some time. W. P.

Wilier spent Sunday at Mr. Prior's in South Burlington Mr- and Mrs. A. O. Marble have returned from a week's stay In Northfiekl.

The Farther Lights society of the Baptist Church met at the parsonage last evening. 1 The Ladles' Aid society of the Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. O. S. Nichols Thursday afternoon.

Mrs. Anna MUler of Somerville, came last night to visit Mr. and Mrs. S. 9 ay TRUE'S RLICiTS The store advertisement that is positively profitable to those who read it will be as surely so for your store through the law of mutuality which governs such things.

ELIXIR her daughter, Miss Fay Bates. George Cole, who for five years has been in the of II. P. Munson, finishes work Ihere thi3 week and will enter the em- of K. E.

Harris Co. Mr. and Mrs. C. F.

Smith went to Saturday to visit the local Grange. Yesterday they were in Brattleboro to attend tho is best worm remedy made. It has been ia use since 1 5 1 Is purely vegetable, and effectual. Where no worms are present it acts asaTonic, and corrects the condition of the mucous membrane ot the stomach and boK'clE. A positive cure for Constipation and Biliousness, and a valuable remedy in all the common complaint of children.

Price 35 cts. Ask your JERICHO. Miss Minnie Haskins has returned from BRISTOL. Franklin I. Ward died at his home on West street Saturday afternoon after an illness of several weeks.

He was a veteran of the Civil War, serving In Co. 9th Vermont regiment. He was a member of the Congregational Church and W. C. Dunton Post, G.

A. R. He is survived by a sister, Mrs. C. J.

Brooks of Hartford, and a niece, who have It Maans Original and Genuir.a EXALTED; Tha Food-drink for Ail Ages. More healthful than Tea or Coffee. Agrees with the weakest digestion, Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute.

Take bo substitute. AskforHORLICK'S. Others are imitations. p-ra orugt for ir. i lr.

J. F. TRI A a lew weeKs visit in Boston ana vicinity, Mrs. Harriet Cleveland and son, Orlo, i Srela.l tretitnieut forTape Worgaa. Kr t' II.

Holley. Miss Belle Parsons, who has been ill. Is able to be out. Mrs. J.

11. Glddings returned to Hard-wick yesterday after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. 15.

Nichols. Mrs. G. L. Lampher and children of Jliddlebury, formerly of this place, went to Johnson last night after: visiting Mrs.

Levanway and daughter, Mrs. Stowe. From there they will go to Woodsville, N. where G. L.

Lampher has bought a store. The Drury Brick Tile company have Hnished striking brick and after burning of Essex were at G. W. Foster's over Purest, best and most economical for you. Polishes the teeth and keeps been caring for him, a sister in Iowa and a brother, Henry "Ward, in New Haven.

A 1 Word has been received here of the death of Charles Purinton in Seat State Horticultural meeting. Thursday hey will attend the New England corn show at Worcester, Mass. They will then go to Washington, D. C. to attend the Farmers Congress, and to Atlantic City, N.

to attend the meeting of the National Grange. Mrs. Austin Wilkins is in St. Johnsbury. E.

A. Smalley has re-Lurned from Iowa. The Rev. W. E.

Baker of CowansviUe, P. preached at Ihe Congregational Church Sunday. Miss Juliette Brooks was in North Hyde Park yesterday to attend the nlar-ruige of Miss Belle McGinnis to Wilson Leach. W. G.

McClintock returned to Brandon yesterday after passing a few days here. Mrs. L. P. Vaille of Portland, was a guest over Sunday of her sister, Mrs.

E. E. Bamforth, at the Randall. Mrs. Arthur Perry went yes tle, Wash.

He was a former resident of this town, and a cousin of A. Pur them white. a kiln of 1,200,000 brick, will close for the season. Tones up the 17 A Matchless inton of this town. Mr.

and Mrs. O. H. Fisher were Burlington visitors last Sat 4-BSW-Jai Mrs. Henry D.

Snyder, who has spent the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George U. Drury, will leave Thurs urday. Miss Estella Hamner is visiting In North Ferrisburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferguson of Starksboro were mm Sunday. Misses Florence Buxton and! Phyllis Brown returned Monday to their n-spective schools in Essex Junction after a few days at home. Misses Iva and 11a Brigham were visitors in Burlington Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Splain have moved into the house of Mrs. Splain's grandmother, Mrs. Bridget Mc-Gee.

Alton P. Safford returned Saturday from a 10 days business trip to East Berkshire. The Rev. Mr, Burdick of Korea, for 20 years a missionary in that country, and who soon returns to his labors, will speak at the Methodist Church Friday afternoon at two o'clock. A large window is being placed in the front of the Baptist Church to light the social room.

Miss Price, field secretary of the Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vermont, gave a most interesting address at the Congregational Church Sunday. E. Bailey Brown is in charge of ih-music at the Congregational Church day morning for St. Louis, where Major Snyder has been stationed for the nast Kg them healthy. Ks'j Buy a tube today.

Jig2s3 1 25c everywhere MirjtSyW Complexion For 15 Cent. Tht imall im is the price of Pear Soap, with it power to repair the harm done by common soaps and to give healthful, Iresh and lovely skin. There's beauty in guests of Mr. and Mrs. O.

H. Fisher over ear. Premature Grayncss Sunday. Mrs. G.

W. Farr and Mrs. Ada Kingsley returned from Nebraska last Saturday. James King died at his home in the east part of the town yesterday ALLEN'S FODT-EASE USE NORTH TROY. C.

Aiken, G. A. Place, II. M. Hunt B.

B. Gilbert were in camp on the A. and morning. He was a veteran of the Civil War and a member of Libahus Lodge, F. A.

M. The funeral will be held at Lin mcfuntain the latter part of the week for deer. Mr. and Mrs. E.

G. Gardyne are Is unnatural disfigurement and a handicap in social and business life. Those who care for their personal appearance, use HAY'S HAIR HEALTH. It removes all traces ol (Jrayness by restoring the hair to hi natural color used successfully when all others fail. coln Center to-morrow afternoon.

He is survived by a widow. D. E. Farr of New Boston. Mr.

and Mrs. L. Lewis and JUL soap Mr. and Mrs. C.

O. Fowler were In Mont- York was the guest of his relatives here over Sunday and Monday. Work was re 15c a Cakt for the Vntrtntti The antiseptic powder to be shaken into the shoes. If you have tired, aching feet, try Allen's 1 01-Ease. It rests the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy.

Cures aching, swollen, sweating feet. Relieves corns and bunions ol all pain and srives rest and comfort. Try it to-day. Sold by all druggists. 25c- Jlon't accept aujjmb-stitate.

For FREE trial package, also free sample of the FOOT-EASE Sanl-'ary CORN-PAD, a new invention, address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. In? November.

J. H. Safford. is pelier last week. The People's Tele 22 phone central is being moved to the resi from rheumatism.

IS NOT Aj DYE. fering sumed on the library building yesterday. dence of G. A. Coburn on Railroad street.

W. R. Elkins expects to leave Novem Send 2c. for books "The Care of the Hair and i Skin." Philo Hay Spec. Newark, N.

TnMfOTTTT T71 REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES UXMHito VILLX. $1 and 50c. bottles, nt drucglsts Ul.K AND CO EN DE in and Mrs. F. B.

Jones are i of a son, born Saturday. Potatoes are SW ANTON. ber 14 for California, where his son, Phil-Hp, is for the winter. His daughter, Wini Mrs. C.

M. Hardy of Chicago is the fred to Boston to learn the linotype machine. Mr. and Mrs. Frank guest of Mrs.

Charles Reynolds. Mrs. FOUNTAIN PENS AT FREE PRESS. J. W.

SULLIVAN. Plenty, and there are no buyers. Lnngs Declared Sound Life insurance Granted. Hardy was called East by the death of her brother, Merritt Sowles of Pittsburgh. Bert Stearns of the place has Hardy of Orleans were in town Saturday.

The Congregational Church society not having at present a pastor, the Rev. Mr. Crewe preached two sermons there employment for the winter with Nichols If you knew a remedy that really had cured Tuberculosis; "that had saved from v. a number of oeoole, would A LIVING FROM POULTRY Parker, who are building the new town Sunday as a candidate. Your Catarrhal vou try to get Consumptives interested in it and induce them to take it; or, w-ould you say nothing about it, for rear hall at Hyde Park.

The Woman's Auxil iarr -vill hold their regular monthly meet ing at the parish house Wednesday after Headache NEW HAVER, President Thomas of Middlebury know the medicine. Ve know the Instantly Relieved them. have noon. A barrel, of clothing will be packed for a southern mission. F.

D. Lapelle has dry-docked his raised deck boat at By FREE Sample will preach in the Congregational Church Sunday. The next meeting of ihn cinrioa purs nf manv and affida vits from some. We advertise Eckman's Alterative to tell those who have lung Beaver Glen Grange will be held ust a little london puresi aiarniai 1-Maquam for the winter. Frank Savage li-llv.

muffed into the nostrils relieves, of St. Albans is the new local superin Knrtthpc an ft heals the affected membrane, disease what has been none oy its uoc Investigate the 1C1S TYninhin Xa. tendent of the Plllsbury flour supply sta. $1,500,00 from 0 hens in ten months on a city lot forty feet square. To the araraca poultrjrman that woald seem Impossible, mad when teU yon that hare actually done a $1,500 poultry baalneas with 60 ntttta on a corner la the cfty garden.

40 feet witia by 40 feet lon, we are. simply stating facta. It wvnld not ba possible to get an oh return by any pne of the yatama of aooltry kaoptng recom-m ended and praetiaed by tho Axrwrtcsas Maple tin cam aososrapiiahed by The Philo System .1. 1, t- an-? rJiW St? A r- r.pntlpmpn- the rveninsr of May which, raw or inflamed, brings on catarrhal headache tion recently established at this place In the building formerly occupied by the Do not mistake thh aromatic antiarptlc. coollne and 13, 1907, I had five hemorrhages from the right lung.

Mv hemorrhages kept up for one week I had twenty-olght in all. Septic pneumonia developed. My doctor told Northern Supply company. O. A.

Bach clrasant. Barest nd nteM remedy for riolent douches. sprays or inarTt, which irritate but do not heaL jgl Friday evening, November 11. A son has been born to Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Barrows. J. E. Davis was In Burlington Saturday. Mr.

and Mrs. L. W. Taft and son, Fletcher, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.

G. C. Crates Sunday. Mr. Taft, who recently sold his farm in Lincoln, has entered the employ of A.

C. Hler to work on a farm In Monk-ton. Charles Dana and family are moving into the academy house. and, who has had charge of the station since it was established a few months me 1 had better go to anotner cmiuij. as my left lung had also become affected.

About that timo met Howard KlotZ, Ask Your Druggist ago, remains in the employ of the con cern. Sample Free xuni Jl. ft v' i "VLU 1619 Susquehanna this city, who had hemorrhages several years ago and who was cured by Eckman's Alterative. I started to take Eckman's about the latter part of August, 1907. My appetite BETHEL.

Write today lor free music or a 25c or 50c sanitary tube Contains no harmful druf. and is sold under our positive guarantee. Kondoa Mfg. Company Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs.

Harriet M. Baker of St. Albans Photograph bhowtag a Jortia of law facts Natiaaal Poultry Inaeltaia Poultry Haot Where Tfcera, jfcra Plow Onr BUM PocBgroo WhUo Orpingtoaa oa Loaa Thaa a Half Aara of Land. I BJCBCDID III lbJf.Ha I llQllWBU)laDjTJBlCjJ ENOSBURG FALLS died Saturday morning at the home of V.trti iiiiiiIt avrrr aea an4 how to rata nearly Mrs. C.

S. Nutter was called to Bethel Daniel L. Child, aged 72 years, after an SPECIAL OFFER Send $1.00 for one year' a snbscription to the Poultry Re view, a monthly magazine devoted, to progressive methods of poultry keeping, and we will include, without charge, a copy of the latest revised edition of the Philo System Book. B. R.

Pbilo. PnbHsW, 2565 Lake Eknira, N. Y. Domt Let tha Chicks Dto la tha Shall One of the secrets of success is to sa-c sH tha chickens that sre folly developed st hstohing tlmej whether they ran crack the shsll or cot It If i stmple trick and hsttored to be tha ssoret et tha illness of nearly six months. Prayer last week by the death of a relative, whose burial was In St.

Albans yesterday. fl the chicks hatched. Tl Mms eomphws plans In (MaO how to make errthin pessary te ran tbt pot'ecra aal at toss than the cost wowied te fasts dls the pen? httsfeasa la any othor aaasnar. Two-Peasid raOar la Bght Woaha miiniiiiiiiD was offered at the house Sunday afternoon Rev. W.

S. Smithers of Mont pelier and the remains were taken yester andait Egyptians 4 CUasse wftlrS ssabiod tlx The Woman's Home Missionary society meets with Mrs. A. J. Croft this evening and the foreign society with Mrs.

Sarah Stetson Wednesday afternoon. The work nf laaa than a MON foot to ChMroa rood at 15 Casta a Bhet the indths broBm PtS of the eery baa miS twnnesa are ox ins Fountain Pens ty. briaalng. bsrs, easts a pooad soo tas snal! market prtoa. olgbast of Installing a water plant by the Federal improved at once and In about two weesa I started to gain weight.

I Improved steadily. Later, a very bad lameness developed in my right leg and I commenced to get a lump on my right hip. My doctor told me I was getting a tubercular abscess and that It was affecting the sciatic nerve. The lameness and lump gradually disappeared. Have not had any trouble of that nature frince.

Since my recovery about a year ago, I was accepted for life insurance, after two examinations by a company that had previously rejected me. I have advised several people to take Eckman's and those who took it "faithfully had the same results as myself." (Signed Affidavit) CHAS. MORGAN. Eckman's Alterative cures Bronchitis, Asthma, Hay Fever; Throat and Lung Affections. Ask for booklet of cured cases and write to the Eckman Laboratory, Philadelphia, for additional evidence.

For Sale by all leading druggists and T. W. O'Sullivan in Burlington. Oar hook tells how to the twtt ureea lboa wfth but ilttis trouble and ti a (sod supply soy day ia tbs yaaa, winter or sesusrr. It is fact a.a imponibls Ih get lotge agg yield witbow f-eiii food ss is to hasp a cow without hay or toodar Oar Now Pindoy Saeoa Taw Coats oat EasiJ A Philo System Is UnKka Al Othor Way.

of Reaping Pastor Os Blc-cnoahsvld PaHele Are Lartag a tha ata of 34 Bgg Each par Momth Packing company 13 at a standstill for a while, owing to the storms of the past week. Town Clerk Hutchinson has Issued 227 hunters' licenses, all to residents day to St. Albans, where the funeral service was held that afternoon. In the funeral party were MJss Abbie Clark of Bethel, Mrs. C.

S. Nutter of Enosburg Falls and Miss Sarah Townsend of Keene, N. H. Eugenje A. Fisher will give a ball in his new tannery building on the evening of November 18, the proceeds to be used to buy children's books for the public library.

Free Press Stationery Store n4 la' taany nayula fact the tutus, aooomnHihiasi in wrmam ed two wroars bet fot saeh vsacaaa chlnaa this pexstry wora ins nava always Men coo. tU4 bnpoeslbia, and gettttag tasutts faoT'aMd UaMSTsasfrs as Kol bsattni at tmrnln us the eMcl that are hard to bsnar wsUssnt ssetog. of the State. j-j firs. They aad othsss ars astsg.

Water Color Palnto htauw or soy ktod of or to. nieaMn kern aQ Uk lies off the chickens automatically or) I a awrrHas te wfrnderhd CBacorenes, snrp tsmpje. nrdtac 1e w4ern4 dlacor4ea. "Business Opportunity" ads usually The Now Srateai Opvara All Branches of tha Work Neaeeaarr for Saecaaa Jsam selecting the bvsadars te marketing the prsd- tin sny rsn may se on ujsto piaeea la thaj brooder. Our book drsa fall plana and the rlfhtt i i ri.h, aajw-TO-HT'f r- bum ui.

live up to their name and that makes all '25c Per Box. Free Press Stationery Store. a woaa.uaw ikiwuis vch fcaas slat to Outsit. to make and ase them. One can easOs as aaaCaV isji hjSa.A; J9I4 St jjja -aTffi FOUNTAIN PENS AT FREE PRESS.

them worth, careful watching. a. Jaiailaiiasi la.

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