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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 4

Burlington, Vermont
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THE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS AND TIDIES, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, IS95. inars throuph manual labor may be some- BURLINGTON A WORTHY CHARITY. THE BURLINGTON FREE what increased because compelled to labor by the State Instead of remaining- to PRESS SAVINGS BANK. HOWARD EATIORSAL BA Burlington. Vt.

a certain degree non-producing as free people, the fact remains that the chief THE FREE PRESS FUND FOR AIDING OF IllItLINtiTON. T. Iucorporated 1853. change in their competition with other la CHARTERED IX 1S4" DESTITUTE CHILDREN. nposits Uec.

31, IS91, $4,468,734.76 borers is in direction and character rather than in amount. The man who was a cashier or a merchant or a laborer at rontrilmtor Liberal Gift of Surplus 245,831.09 Total Assets. $4,714,565.85 Surplus, the trench may be taught to make TRCSTEES. Officers and Km ployeg of the Vermont I-Ife Insurance Company Yonr Aid is -Requested. shoes in prison, and his labors miy not displace the work of fellow man any more C.

F. WAP.rt, Or ivs CflAPT.F.S P. PWtTH, Hexrt Orkess, Capital, $300,000 Surplus and Profits, 80,000 than when he enjoyed liberty, although a different class may lie affected by the UAiifTow i A. ITEjntY Wells. Receives and pa 3's deposits daily, De PUBLISHED DAILY AND WEEKLY.

TERMS Or THE FREE PRESS. The daily Free Pi.t-s is delivered to subscribers in Iiurlinct' ad in all towns where we have agents nu t.vard;d by postage free iu the Cnittd States, as ir liows: Daily one year Daily Fix months 3.tV Daily three months Daily one month ro Daily one week 15 Payable Strictly in Advance When not paid in advance the price is 60 cents per month for any length of time. Advertising rates furnished on application. Weekly one year $1.00 Weekly six months 50 THE FREE TREP3 ASSOCIATION. Publishers.

Lurlington, Vt. changed condition. Vermont does not boast of a large prison posits made on either of tho flr-t four business days of any month dra interest from the 1st. If mad afterward interest will color population, but the State treasury has realized a handsome sum from the disposal of prison labor for the past few We are pleased to chronicle the liberal contribution which the employes and others connected with the office of the Vermont Life Insurance company have made to the Home fund. We trust that this work so generously begun by several of our Burlington corporations and business firms may be continued, not only in DIKKCTOKS: JOEL IT.


BURGESS. EIJAS l.VMAV mence the first of th following month. VNITI-I STATES A general banking business traasaetiL Our large resources and unsurpassed faai- liteseuable ts to receive on favorable terms accounts of ia tirms aui corporations. Ladies' and family account ars esoasisd ly invited. fel-CmiTY ltr.PARTM!'T.

In this department we Lve special for ranking onser and safe inve-tineuts for women, trustees, and those per(as are unable or disinclined to iaar.a taeir Cnancial affairs. Whea desired we will act a their agents fer the investment noi.f ys anl for the coUeetioa rent-i, iLvidenas and ia-terest. Interest will be credited to depositors Jan. years. During the year for example, 1st and July 1st, compounding twice a year.

There are no stockholder in this bank. All the State was credited with nearly days' labor by W. D. Ilraekett. a Massa the earnings less expenses, to deposi- lington, but throughout the State; for the chusetts shoo manufacturer, under a five A general business banking Home by no means confines its charity to tors.

Tho rate of interest depenos on tno earn'Ds, and for the seven years busb'son years, contract; and inasmuch as the price per dsy under the contract is fifty the destitute and homeless' of this city, transacted i xiiiv jsj a. Asians Gravn ca any country Draft's drawn A cents the sum realized was about The FItKK TRUSS desires its readers to give this matter of the needs of the Homo Is the one wliich will the most thoroughly' and quickly Ait are pai by thi, bank cn depots of in r.urcp-3, payable ia the curren- their careful thought and atention. a a Sl-VOor less. Deposits ar received in sams CV of the COUntrv Interview with any one 1, nnl-r drive out of the blood the ci 1 1 -(i I onanvsnniin excess or th's amount, exepi accumulations that are in- BURLINGTON. APRIL im of credit is-parts of the Travellers letters sued, payable in all world.

This is an endeavor to preserve the innocence of childhood and to lay the foundations of good characterthe supreme need in every life in the lives of these children, who are deprived of a home on by wido orphans adiiiinistra- tnrs, executor-, guardians, charitable or religious institutions oroa trust funds deposited evitable in the winter mouths, and wliich threaten health The Atchison Globe is to irsue an edition shortly prepared entirely by men surances that with us wilibj heid in trict e-t con.lJetico and matter, committed to our charg will have careful alio nri'ARTMExr. Special fer Savins i--5if Ion interst will ceapiiUStl f-rice a lin-'ii'i'd XMritE-T avi PAYAIlLr. 0- DEMAND WILL haisHL'tU Xj slTCH A PKEFEHTHM FOItM I'K IiEPOMT. Business of out-of-town custom- by order of court.

with all its tender influences. We appeal woman's edition yet issued has, like when the habits of life change This bank prefers Vermont securities for the ers as prompt and Careful atten- to voti who have homes to aid in this work the moon, had a man in it eoui-wlit re. lnveKtmeni ot its tunas, ana senus no money for the homeless. under the warming sun of out of the State until the homo demand is met. tion.

U. tne iiawiiiiin Ptuii'iing army is not a S. bonds bought and sold. No money loaned to any officer or trustee of spring. The employes and others connected with the office of the Vermont Life Insurance company contribute to the fund for the Home for Destitute Children the sum of the bank.

very formidable affair, and there is talk of doubling its strt-ntrth. We wonder A spring cleaning" is as 15 IrelanI aal Rills drawn oa theCont'neiit. CHARLES SMITH, President. C. WARD, 'treasurer.

necessary lor our uoaies as fable Tr.mfers malp tei Inciters of e're lit aa Xote where the six men will be found. New York scientists are now excited Joel H. Gates, President, Daniel W. Robinson, Vice-President, F. E.

Burgess, Cashier. 1 in our houses. You will never lor the use of 0.oi As will be seen by our news columns this mcrning, the contract for prison la-nor at Windsor for the five years beginning May 1, lv3, was awarded on Thursday by the prison directors to K. A. ilann another shoe firm of Massachusetts.

It is worthy of note that the price per day to be received from the new contractors is seventy-two cents instead of fifty cents under the contract now in force. On the basis of the number of days paid for during the past year by Mr. lirackett the State will receive nearly more in five years under the new contract than under the oil; and it is no reflection on the rison directors to say that this handsome increase is largely due to the able business management of Gov. Woodbury. The contrac would in all probability have been awarded at the former figures but for the jcowmor's investigation of the subject and we think all taxpayer will agree that he has earned enough in this one instance to at I ast pay his own salary as governor already abundantly justified the predictions made in relation to his management of the State's material interests, but his ability and services in this direction are newly illustrated in the award of the contract for Vermont's prison labor.

the birth in the metropolis of a pair of have spring fever if you au- of the world, of c-tii or situ-facte-ry fiecuritv. Informati sivea. 11 i'n'iler. twins who r.r: susepuraoie or a ticipate it by thoroughly li anient connet. tins? hem.

They are not 8io Warrants- We make a specialty of State, I'reviously acknowledged H. J. Brooks W. II. Spear G.

D. Van Steinberg C. It. Turrill J. H.

Kobinson 1 elia V. I.anou II. J. Gntehell T. J.

Robinson cleaning the system. pi. ipi T3 t-xaetly the Siain- se twins inasmuch as the i-onneeting bond is attached to thtir if is said the ligament 1 his is the best time to ML Ad.JO. hlLt County, City and School District put your bodilv house 111 is eapaldo so that h-n they Warrants, the best short time Krow tip they wul u-jie to look, eacn .01 Total. thorough order.

You can do it easily, comfortably and other in the eve. paper. Careful selected issues, purchased by our own Western office, delivered to your own bank DESSEKI5 FOR THE NURSERY. If Jaoan ii. con-iiti-uis of peaco satisfactorily with in amounts to suit rite for Grape sauce or jelly, made with pelatin, on by per she will not with China atrr- -1 tatives, as is rumor-hivite the intervene- is especially refreshing to a child wto Las i oi European jhv.v- been ill.

Plain gelatin, made according to direc risk of pro ers, btit she will als. run th lontiinsr the yellow war Washington improvement Co. Equitable Ituildtas, lJoston. f.nitelv. A tions and -whipped ith cream before it EDWAKD WELLS, B.


IIEJfllY POWELL, A. E. EICII VKDSON'. A general banking business transictej. Current accounts, subject to check, solicited.

Collections on all points promptly mil. Foreign exchange drawn. Trusts of all forms accepted aui executed. Estates managed and all marketable securities bought aal sold. Interest allowed on time deposits at favorable rates.

nunil er ef the in the in is quite set, is a delicate and appetizing lar t'T of the Flowery Kingdom ore sail dessert. to be in favor of the struarsl "Reautiful Tli is? is the title of an exceedingly attractive publication devoted to the inter Irish moss dissolved and mado into luuehr.itely, and it is not impossible that blancmange with cornstarch is nutritious. with the European leadt rs Adel chocolate to tho ordinary recipo for ests of the Oueen Citv. which will be BANK SAVING the Chiri' se army iniiiht in the i over Idancmano and Lcrve with sweet cream placed before the public to-day. It is of nn re ana.

for another. I'ns paid its depositors handsomely illustrated, containing numerous half-tone cuts of views in and about whelm th numbers. She Japan should stop ri JJusiness of out of Town Customers Ws tided to ff'i Cave. PER CENT 44 2 hipped cream Havered with prune jnice or hot meltiei chocolate is another dainty dessert. The cream shouhl not heavy, or it will bo too rich, but should 1 lurlington.

as well as portraits of prominent residents, and it can not fail to H. L. RD, Treas. interest, command wide attention. The first article in the work is that contributed to the have some milli mixed with it.

for 12 compounded prmi-annunil v. Deposits made during th first liv January number of the Cew Kngland A Roiling Stone- of any mouth will draw interest first day of that month. Depose. Magazine by Hon. G.

tJ. Uenedict. which recently caused the deathof two young men next occupied lourteen pages of that publica fter the fifth day of any month ilent There is no discomfort, no disturbance of Lusi- tion and -contained thirty illustrations. intereet froia tas first day or t-e IN THE who earnings represented an estate of $25,000. Hadn't you better insure in Conn.

General Life Insurance Co. month. liurlinijl oil's I Alncat ional I'mress. The l-Tini: has hal frequent occasion to to the publio si-hoels of Unrhngton and to cumm. uj-oa the excellent work that is being dene by our school department.

Ail we have said during the past twelve months lias been more than however, by the results of the school census taken, as it has been during the past six years, under the efficient supervision of Mr. Charles E. Allen; and we are pleased to lay before our readt rs this morning the substantial token of FJurlington's educational progress, in the form of Mr. Allan's report to and which has directed the attention of the reading public, anew to the manifold Deposits are received and paid daily. blit ness or pleasure, no loss of Bleep, after taking WGIlCiin Hood's Pills.

They assist, digestion, so that natural, healthy habit is x-auties and attractions of Vermont's All Taxes are Paid by the Rank trenTAifeat. metropolis. i 155 College on deposits not exceeding flfteaa hualrel dollars. brousrht about. Interest is creditel depositor the first day Hood'a Pills are silent but of January and July.

The Bank has not met with a loss of either With Luxuries, Pleasures, Sights and Scenes. $210.00. Read Cook's Special Vacation Excursions on nevertheless certain in their ef principal or interest on any loan male the school board. The report contains many valuable suggestions, as well as important facts, and it is to be hoped that during the last eighteen years, nor has it a loan among its assets that considerel poor cr doubtful. fect.

Prepared by C. I. Hood Lowell, Duo Depositors including interest all who are interested in the cause of tducation and public intclliS'-nce will give liF Received to January 1. lsU eins.fism Mass. 25c.

Sold Surplus lT.iO'U'.' by all druggists. It careful consideration. The census, which is the seventh taken Fit teen minutes by Electric Cars troin Burlington Svo cents fare. ROUTE Liverpool, London, Antwerp, Brussels, P.irii fince the passage of the school law of The latter part of the publication is devoted to "Practical liurlington," by Nathaniel C. Fowler, of New York city a summary of the city's industries, institutions, resources and advantages, stated in a manner as attractive as it is epigrammatic.

Then follow articles devoted to IHirlington's inducements for new industries, iis transportation facilities and its attractions as a summer resort, together with a presentation of the city's home, educational, business, religious, charitable and other interests. The publication was arranged under the auspices of the Uurlington Board of "Trade, through the efforts of Mayor Van I'atten, and was published by the FREE PRESS association. It is intended for distribution among capitalists and tourists in all part of the country, and in the larger cities especially, with the hope of attracting their attention to Burlington as a elesirable city in which to locate new industries and establish homes. lSS, shows that the. number of pupils en (SYDNEY H.

WESTON. President ORMOND COLE, Treasurer. Dieppe, INew Haven, Leamington, Warwick OYEE T5S jft. (for Stratford-On-Avon) Chester, Liverpool. rolled in the public schools of this city has increased during the past year nearly ten per cent.

Of the school children enu vjsiiiinffl. merated between the ages of Don't go to Germany, Italy, England or France but to, New Designs of Granite and IS, only 73, or a fraction less than COOK'S TOlIt AGENCY. Woodbury fc Walker Block, Durliugton, Vt 2 pier cent are not found in any school. another large inYoice of Fine IMillinery. Comprising all the latest novelties from the handsome and inexpensive goods to the finest imported IMillinery, the reduction for the seven years havin Dolan Bros.

MOMHTS. been from COT to 73, or per cent, a most remarkable as well as gratifying showing, The reduction of three per cent in the per Marble and Granite Stones all centage of illiteracy in the city during thei The publication will be a valuable aid to ready to letter and set. year is also encouraging. those public-spirited residents who are de tit 'ii ii ti i wmoen mem very uneup. make a lar-e display of voting so much of their energy to the ele- The Vermont Life Insurance Go.

(Incorporated 1S0S.) Assets January 1895, Liabilities, Surplus 4 per ceit Actuaries Table, 11,044.00. New Insurances Issued ia 1894, 1113 Policies FOK Limburger Cheeso. Hwiss Gorgonzolo Iloquefort Sapsago Neuchatel Knglish Dairy Edam Pine Applo velopment of "Beautiful Burlington," for I fl 4nrTYI7T.T. Tri mined Hats which are dai- its completeness and attractiveness can I VWlJUAJMI 1-11 1 11 not fail to commend to the public the iy cuauiiieia uy iiuuuicua ui book itself, as well as the city it repre ladies. Our stock of Untrim- 257 Pine Street.


TUUUILL, Sec'y med Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, I)H. W. IL PIli.uF Medical Counsel. Nor cr the Northpole for go to Alaska OUR KALEIDOSCOPE. Peatners ana urnaments is Office in Company's Building 17Gknl ITS Main Burlington, Vt.

for a piece of that nice fresh smoked Salmon but to the largest in the city. DOLAtiS Fancy Grocers. The report suggests the fact that Burlington has reason to be proud of its school department. The continued success and constantly increasing prosperity of our public schools is a gratifying Indication that the school children of this city are in excellent hands and that the school board are making a wise and judicious expenditure of the money entrusted to them for the purposes of education. But this is not all.

That Burlington is becoming more and more an educational centre is indicated by the fact shown by the repiort that the attendance at the-pri-vate schools, like the Episcopal Institute, the Hopkins Hall, St. Mary's academy and the Commercial college, has largely increase-d, without any sign of a falling off, but rather with an increase in the attendance upon the public schools. All in all the residents of Burlington are to be congratulated upon the indications contained in the report of tho educational progress of our city. poBge If They Only Would. This world would be a happy world And men would all be brothers If people did themselves one-half That expect of others.

Boston Courier. iSl "wn'nos! mUfflu wateisli Mrs. H. McMahon. Enlarged Views.

She Do you remember when we used 47 Church Street. to make mud pies together? D. S. T. He Yes, but mud pics are no longer an Best quality, lowest price? at FERGUS! AB5S5T- JOxaaSV Vc (netrfflilvPll Li riJl attraction.

hat we want new is the a jftj btoc'k of the bert awn- earth. Boston Transcript. i to be had in market. Mr. A Incr (rands will be around with sample book and if there is anv awnin that can jut as well rnuda now as later, Mr.

Wakefield will make them 207 and 209 College SL, llurlinton, Dead Sure Thing and hold them un ll wanted. Striking. Her cheek is like the red. red rose, With carmine tints imbued. The only difference Is this The rose can't be renewed.

New York World. We Arc Paper Hangings. From nil the leadinff manufacturers, and Variety. LOO room mouldings to match every elesnn. K.

"Three times this week to see tho samo We have our workmen, anel guarantee Vermont's Contract Prison Lalxir. There has been no little question in regard to the best means of disposing of the time of inmates of reformatory institutions, but it is fairly well established at tho present time that prisoners are benefitted by useful employment, not only as regards their physical health but also their moral welfare. Exercise is one of the first rules of health, even for persons confined within doors only a portion of the fpcra. Didn't you feel rather bored?" all work first-class. Oh, dear, nol We said disagreeable THE DIFFERENCE things about different people each r.otween paper hnnRing done experts Lios Angeles Times.

and that done by ptrsons unacquainted LOOK, i Wisdom In It. tr shew voi: the newest and with the art, is too apparent to escape notice. The effect of neat do.isns ia more or less marred by awkwardness, while time, but where a person is compelled to spend Ions dreary months behind prison first-class work brinss out the artistic most desirable things in Spring Suits. Overcoats and trousers. This is a good motto, Xot learned in a school: "Take time by the forelock And also tho mule!" Atlanta Constitution.

walls and much of that time in a cell, LOOK. points of any pattern. hy put up with bad pnttinsr useful employment is a positive relief for These goods we have selected with the greatest care from enforced idleness, if not an actual neces It only spoils the appearance of the walls. Not Unusual. sity from the standpoint of health.

and saves nothing in the end. Our vico- some of the best makers in the country and have some par Friend You must make allowances for The point regarding an occupation for rious display of new design? in wall pa your husband's shortcomings. Prisoners having been settled. Vermont in pers presents a threefold surprise of va-rietv, elegance and cheapness. Wall pa "Ceresota" always ticularly choice things for your Madame the Countess, nee Gotrox But common with other States was faced by per desienimr is now a fine art.

and artists the more I allow him the shorter he cornea. of the highest ability are creased in pro- inspection. Our stock is entirely new. Our Prices the the problem reirardinu the disposition to be made of the labor of inmates of the the masterpieces of beauty and makes the very best bread. taste as wen in our collection.

We know 2sew York World. An Affidavit. Hi: to certify that on May 11th, lowest for honest gooas. see our roods and prices before Bijr sale the last ot thi3 rsreek rrreat bargains in everv department. We will make it an object for you to come and see us.

State's prison. It was deel led some years rso to be more satisfactory to sell the labor of the convicts to the highest bid what has been produced; we select the cream to make up our stock. This fact accounts for our success in treating you buy. walkiJ "xito Mcliek's drug store on a pair of our patrons to a chain of unexpected first der than to manufacture various products for market: anl accordingly the former crutciios, and bought a tattle of Chamber- choice. of consolidated Capacity course has been followed.

Iain Pain Talm, for inflammatory rheuma mills 13,000 barrels daily tism which had crippled me up. Afer using We know that there is more or less prejudice against prison contract labor in Pease Manson. Removed to CLureh Street- also lh Main three battles I am completely cured. I ca many directions, and some go so far as to hold that the State, should not enter the cheerfully recommend it Chakles IL Street. Albans.

MF.W YORK STATE STORE, 10S ClU'RCH ST. SOUTHERN SUPPLY Yt'ETZEi, Sunbury, Pa. markets against the Individual laborer. No. 1 Broadway, aratosa prln rs.

Sworn and Ptilscribed to before me on GEO. H. KINSL It is often forgotten, however, that these men would be compelled to earn a living nCRMJCGTON, MILLERS AGEXTS. N. B.

Remember us on Hats August 10, 1894, Yv'altkr Sinrr as, J. P. Minna; fdWts ol liiUUV and men's in some manner, even if they were free Gloves and Neckwear. We are line uoes. For Kile at 50 cents perbottle Ly Beaupre ALLEN SHOE CO.

Church St. titUens, and while their aggregate earn 4s aur grocer for CERES0TA." headquarters. Lowry, droggiats. I.

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