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The Burlington Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 4

Burlington, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ranAT--iioaaTjio; The eemhfttee, also state uf their vxepoxi dwelling house purposes iust so fast as there ie remeonabie protitility' of receiving smm 24,750 dollars, agreeably to the award, patted with, their ptoperty with- snitut -eom- plaeency. I hope tbe works can be made to pay their running expenses, although they are a little behind just now, owing to the laying of some extra pipe on Main Street, probably. I UIXR.I.I3IGTOX I FttJSNING.JAN. 8, 1867., tnat tne price then askea Dy the Aqueduct Oo.foT thctr works', vizrr 2WJ0O dutlars in the bonds of the City, at par, did not seem to the comrtftfee as eetravagant. One other statement of that committee is worthy of "It is but equitable thai the should be distributed as equally as possible to all parts of the City." The committee submitted a plan, with es timates of the cost ot construction.

The plan is more liberal in the extent of territory and population to be directly benefitted by it, than any plan, since -proposed. It extends from Spruce street on the south to North street on the north, and from the Lake on the west to the bridge over the Winooski on the east. i I believe that the gentlemen who composed tnat committee acted in jjood faith and did not intend to deceive any one, yet from facts disclosed during the investigation I think some of that committee at least would not repeat all the statements I have alluded to Following the action of the City author izing the pledging of its credit as before stated, on the 14th day of April last, a second committee was appointed by the City Council to report a plan of water works. ,1 had the honor to be associated with that committee. Since than I have devoted more or less of inv time to the consideration of questions relat- ing to mis suirjecc oi water worKS.

The second committee reported in favor of what is known as the river was recommended Dy m. Ale Alpine. hue that plan proposes taking the water from the river, it makes no provision like the plan of the first committee for supplying with water any part of the City east of College hill. It has been my from the outset that the construction of water works upon a general plan like any of those yet proposed would (including the cost of the old wafer works) result in an indebtedness of the city of at least 150,000 dollars. -In the view that the whole appropriation would be exhausted (whether the city is to be supplied with' water from the lake or river) upon any plan recommended and that tbe amount or interest upon the puouc debt to be paid semi annually would probably be the same whether the water is taken from tbe lake or river; 1 have considered it of tbe first importance that the annual expense Of operating the works when built, nhvild be reduced as much Ufa Cvuicicm.

vvii.ii a proper regard for obtaining a strpply of good water. And when Ali McAJpine, an Engineer of great experience and celebrity, after a careful survey of our citj, recom mended the river plan as the beet and most economical plan that we jCould adopt, I con- tess that lelt a good deal ot confidence in his opinion, and chat confidence still remains unshaken. The second committee reported in' favor" of his plan, your board accepted this report ana "Ordered 2UU copies ot it printed, since which time 1 think tbe report has laid upon the The subject of water works was then referred to Jlr.rLin- k'V cur Engineer 'of water works On tbe 1st day ot October last- Mr. kins- ley reported in favor of what is called the lake plan. In this report Mr.

Linsley, after having criticised both the. report of the sec ond committee and plan recommended by Mr proposes substantially the plan of the first committee (who in their re port; acknowledge special indebtedness to him tor much valuable assistance) with cer tain modifications as the size of tbe capa cious reservoir of the first committee, and the extension of the pipes to tbe bridge at Winooski. Mr. Ionsley claims to show in his report that the cost ot the works constructed upon his plan, including the 'sum paid for the old water works, would be and that the cost of the river plan recommended by Mr. McAlpine inclnding the cost of the old water works would be UU.

Mr. McAlpine in a written reply to Mr. Linslev's report, which was addressed to one of our board and read at one of vour' meet ings charges Mr. Linsley with unfairness in the. discussion tot tne.

two and' as manifesting evident prejudice in exaggerat mg the cost of the river plan and underesti mating the cost or the lake plan. At same meeting of the board, the proposition of James 5. McDonald, a. man ot large ex nerience as a practical builder, of water works, addressed to the City Council; was also read. That proposition is substantially this: he proposes to water works capable of a' half million of gal Ions of -water for the city daily upon the the plans and specifications submitted by Mr.

McAlpine, and to i.v' Jo all charges for tbe use of water powei nd diversion ot the water from Winooski River and a fair allowance 1 for the value of the old water works, for the sum $150,000, and to ay the pipes in all the streets specified in Mr. Linsley's report, and 'furnish sureties for tbe faithful performance of tbe contract to the satisfaction of the city authorities. I do not propose at this time to discuss the merits of any plan yet reported; still I cannot 1 AT A in lusuce to myseii anu to my associates, Messrs. Barnes, Dodge and Ballou, who re commended the plan proposed by Mr. McAl pine, refrain lrom explaining that when in our report we said that we were satisfied that the quality of the river water is as good if not better than the lake water, we had in mind what our Health Officer speaks ot in his report, page 90 of City Documents for I860, when he alludes to tbe great purity ot the waters of YVinooeai ltiver and Lake Cham what the first committee refer to when they speak of tbe water of the river as unquestionably excellent at a medium stage what Jfrot.

JJenedict speaks ot when he said that be made the analysis many years ago of tbe Lake and River waters and tound no particular difference between them that be remembered, ootn being very good ana particularly what Prof. Seely save of them in his published report. This hasty criticism of Mr. Linaley un doubtedly arose from the fact that he did not understand Mr. M0Alpine' plan; Mr.

McAipine was well aware ot the fact that the water in the river is roiled by heavy rains, and it was a part of, his plan that during such times tbe eity should be supplied from the water stored in the large reservoir upon tne bill, and that the pumps should not oe ueea until the water in the ri ver bad become clear again. But as it is not my purpose to settle or discuss the differences that have' arisen be tween Engineers in relation to the proper plan ot city works, i shall say no more upon that subject. oiuce tbe old water works 1 came into, the possession of the city I have had occasion to examine with some degree oi particularity the extent and operation of these works. At the time: Of the reference in respect to their value it was stated that they bad cost from first to last over 40,000 dollars "still I notieed that tbe Aqueduct Co. on ing the bonds of the city to the amount of 1.

Diseussion. Resolved, That Women should have the same ResponsiblliUes and per form the same Duties as Men, in the Manage ment of our Public Schools." 2. Discussion of the Method of Teaching Reading. be opened by Irof, B. Kellooq.

1. MisoelUneous Business. 2- Essays by the Female Teachers, on Mis cellaneous Exercises for Tounger Children. Will sot the Ladies please respond? 3. Address by Harvet D.

Kitchell, D. D. President of Middlebury College. Eubiect The Advantages of Adapting Education to the Special Gifts and Aptitudes, of each Mind." Address byJ, S. Adams, Secretary Board of The Railroads of the State will carry persons attending the meeting for fare one way.

The citizens of Ludlow offer their hospitalities to such Ladies attending the meeting as shall send their names to Linos E. Shebjian Esq. The 'friends' of throughout the State are invited to attend, and to be prepared to take part in the discussions of the meeting. Per order of Executive Committee. of Burlington.

Veto of the Water Resolution by the Mayor, BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Monday, Jan. 7, 1867. Alderman Ballou introduced an ordinance amending an ordinance establishing a Fire Department," which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Firo Depart The following communication was receiv ed from the Mayor, returning the resolution in relation to the City Water yv or ks, adopt cd Dec- 3d, 1866, which was read and the question the resolution be adopted notwithstanding the objections ot tbe Mayor the vote stood na follows Yeas Aldermen Apnletou. Arthur, Bal lou, Biodgett and Peck 5.

Nays Aldermen Dodge, Talt and Wor cester Asen Alderman The resolution not receiving a two-thirds vote, it was declared lost. Alderman Blodgett offered the following resolution, which was adopted by tbe follow ing vote: 'i ICeoa Aldermen Appletonl 'Arthur, Bal- Inn Dnnk 1 Nays Aldermen Dodge, Taft and Worcester Whereatf The City Council has twice passed resolutions approving the Lake plan" instead of the River for 'supplying the city with water, which resolutions have both failed to mfet the approval of the Mayor; therefore Resolved bv the "Citfl Council, That said question- be referred to the people and as a ma jority of the people decide so we pledge our selves to act iu relation thereto, The petition of Messrs'. W. H. S.

Wblt- comb and Chas. VVamwriebt, asking tbe use of the City Hall for the annual meeting ot the Urand Lodge ot uood xcmpiars ot Vermont on Tuesday-next, was received, and on motion ol Alderman Peck, the use of the City Hall was granted. (i THE VBT0.4 City or Burlington, Mayor's Omci, Jan. 7th, 1867. Gentlemen of the Board of Aldermen it-- I have before me a resolution passed by your bard on the 3d day of December last, relating to tbe city water works, which reads as follows "Resolved by the City Council of the Xity cf Uurimgton as follows i mat in consequence oi satisfactory evidence having been produced that the Burlington City Water Works- be con structed within the estimates as submitted by the City Engineer, D.

C. Linsley," in his report hereon to the -City Council dated 1st October, lobe, therefore resolved that the plan recommended by the aforesaid City Engineer, dated as aforesaid, be and is hereby I am not disposed to be technical or cap tious about the form of this resolution, still I think the preamble might very properly have been omitted. i-: It is now. almost a year since the city authorized the City Council to pledge the credit of the city to an amount not exceeding 1S0-000 dollars for the purpose of supplying the eity with water. This action ot the city was preceded by, and based upon, the report of a committee appointed by tbe City council to consider the subject of supplying the city with water.

The statements made in the report of that cemmittee (which for convenience I shall hereafter call the urst committee) excited considerable interest in this community and the vote of the eity which followed the pub lication of the report, proves that the state ments contained in tbe report were generally believed by the people to be just and true. The statement in that report that tbe amount of water then furnished by the Burlinston Aqueduct Company was probably not more than One tenth of the quantity needed by the city, was intended as I believe to convey the idea that the city was in need ot a supply ot water ten times larger than the quantity furnished by the Aqueduct and we are left to infer that water works should be constructed to relieve this want. It would be a very encouraging prospect in this undertaking if the construction of water works upon any plan yet proposed should result jn increasing the receipts of tne present water works ten told as in tbat event they would amount to 24,000 dollara just about equal to the grand list of the uoie city Again the first committee state, that they were assured by Insurance Agents that in case an abundant supply of water was generally distributed about the city, as contemplated in the plan of that committee, tbe amount of premiums would be decreased from eight to twelve thousand I confess that I was a convert to moat of the statements contained in tbat report, but in regard to this one last mentioned, I have applied in vain to several of pur Insurance Agents to inform me who it was that had so imposed upon tbe committee by making such' fallaninua nnnn ronton The first committee state that the water rents ot the Aqueduct Co. for the then current year amounted to over "3.000. As near as I can determine from the present receipts the water rents amounted to about dollars per annum, iair return ior tbe use or the pipe.

It seems to me that if, instead of adopting some general plan like the one now proposed, and which I but think will prove very ourdensome to our people tor many jean to come, we urst ascertain what our real wants are tbat we shall be able to pro- iue ior mem an, very abundantly, by an extension of our present works, so that the whole; cost including tho'eum paid for the old works shall be less than $75,000. If the present reservoir supplied by an engine of sufficient capacity at the like, shall be insufficiert for fire purposes and all others for which it would be required, then I should recommend the buildin? of the re servoir on College hill as proposed by Mr. uiusiey, ana in tnat case tbe main pipe through College Street shld be of liberal size. Without attempting to set forth in detail any particular plan i fas that is rather the business of an engineer) I have attempted to indicate in a general way what course I think the Council should pursue upon this water question. If I differ with you or any otjher of my fellow citisens in my conclusions upon this subject, I trust this difference will result to the best good of the people.

x. is. WALKS, Mayor. HOLIDAY PRESENTS. TIIAVJB now ready a very choice collection of JL BOOKS aaamea to ail eiasses.

vonnir i and old, LOW PRICK as well as those MORE EXPENSIVE. Family Bibles, ARRANGED FOR FAMILY PHOTOGRAPHS. POCKET BIBLES, or PKAYEB BOOKSr HYMN BOOKS, and DEVOTIONAL BOOKS, 5 'AtSO A. SPLKMDtD LlSX OF Writlnsj Desks, Work Boxes, Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, Port Folios, Port Monnaies, vV Toys, Books, Blocks, Alphabet" pjee artiolesfor CHRISTMAS TREES. II stock for the Holidavs and resrnla trad a haM never been mora choice or completa, and wUl be sold at a small advance from their eost.

a P. 8. New Books constantlv received and sneolal orders made for books and vther articles without additional eost during its Holidays. Mesuecuuiiy, Deo 14, 1866 E. A.

FULLER. MCSIC BOOKS RECENTLY PUB 1 1 a 4. LISHED ,4 TTIGH 8CHuOL CHORALIST. A Selection of XX and Four-Part Bones, from the Works of the Great Masters, for the Use of Colleges, Iligh Schools, Ae. $1.00 Buuoaii CHORUS Containing? Wilhem's Method of Teaching Vocal Maslc, adapted John Rnllabi also, Selections for uevouonai exercises, isxhibitions.

ana Fesuvai Occasions, Ada ted and Arranged in One. Two and Three Parts. By J. li. Teaoher cf Hosie in uia eoEton urammar Bcnoois.

si.uu. THE CHAPEL. Collection of Tunas la' all Metres, Composed for and Especially Adapted to tbe wrnts nil Cbnrrh Choirs and Christian lloma Cirelea and 8oaial Gather. iocs. Price, In paper, 33 eta.

boards, 40 eta. A WINTER EVFNING'8 ENTERTAINMENT. A Social Cantata. Words by Sidney, Dyer. Musis byC.

A. Call. CL $I2S, paper 1.00. 7 J0TJSSES MTJ6ICAL A New Edi- tion, with an Appendix contain inK Modulations from the various Maior and Minor Kevi. and a Treatise on the Syllables and the Construction of Chords by J.

V. J. 20 ets. Tne aoove sent post-paid on receipt or price. OLIVER DITSON A CO.

Publishers, 277 Washlnfiton Street, Boeton, GOODS FOR HO LI ') WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED a large assortment of GOODS, f' -SUCH -AS LADIES' AND CENTS Gold aaid Silver Watches, ot rare paterns and quality. GOLD CHAINS, PENS, EAR ORNAMENTS, 5 BRACELETS." Vs x- SLEEVE BUTTONS, FINGER RINGS of all ifnds, LOCKETS, CHARMS AtSO StlLVJEIt WJiZlE Tea Setts, Walters, Ice Pitchers and Castors Cake Baskets, (Pickle Jars, Goblets, Caps, Batter Dishes, Call Bells, Dinner Tea. and Desert- Napkin Rings, Fruit Knives, and a good assortment of Fancy Goods, including some fine FRENCH GOODS, rarely seen in tbis city, all of which will be sold as low as the Having a diBlike to long advertisement and not wishing to be like some men of old who stood at the corners of Streets and made Ions speeches, we orefer to be known bv our deeds. Therefore buv your goods at' No. 1 Bank Block and save 23 per cent, oi your inono.

miNSMAID A niLDAETH. Deo. 15. ELEGANT GOODS I RICH nw BTVUS or EjVHUCS Dressing Cases, WORK BOXES, Thimble and Card Cases, CORAL GOODS, OASES OP FINE RICH, FANCY SILVER GOODS and to make a long story short, many new and desirable goods for PR opening this week and next for (Christmas acd New Years. MAILS Tar New York close at 7.30 a.

m. and 7 30. p. m. Arrive at 4.00 a.

m. and 4.10 and 5.45 p. m. yr Boston close at 7.30 a. m.

and 7.30 p. m. Ar-rire at 6.16a.m. and 5.20 p.m. Jor the North and North East, close at 5.30 p.

m. arrive at 8.00 a. m. Montreal cloe at 9.00 p. rnre at 9.16 p.m For the East close at .30 a.

arrive at 7.45 p.m Per Platteburg and Keeserille, close at 8.10. Arrive 4 p.m.'. if TRAINS. Luv BwRLiwaroit, Gning North, on the Vt.Cen. tralR.R.,at 4.00 and 9.40 A.

M. and at 4.25 8.00 P. M. Geinff SmA, on the Rutland and Bur- BnKton R. A.

at 6.30 A.M. and 1.50, 4.25 and 9.4 P. 4 1 IT 1 1- Ha r. mrem ime t-asi a ana iu.iu A. 6.3S and 7 JO P.

M. Frern the tat4.15 and 9.35 A.M. 4.10 and 6.45 P. M. The Mayor's Veto.

The veto message of Major Wales, return ing'to the Board of Aldermen the resolution adopting the take plan for the proposed City Water Works, will be found in another column. We have only space to say of it to- day that no one can' doubt that the Mayor in this action has been actuated bv a con- scientious and unselfish regard for what he believes to be the best interests of the city, and that some of the points made, by him are Certainly entitled to great weight. The sub ject is one ot first importance to every cm- anrl tin Mavftr'n VieWS should have calm and candid consideration from I--- 1 1 i 'in Thb Semi-Centbsniai 01 tne uniiariaa Church in this place wiu oe ccieDraieu u- morrow as previously announced, with the r-. following exercises Morning services at 10 o'clock, A repro- UUVUVll Ul fclMJ ViU kl I vi years aijo, as far as may be, Tr. Pierce's Sermon and tho old Tnnea out of the Village Harmo- ay and, also, letters to be read from Dr.

or n. vt jsarioi oi uosion uu others. t. Service at 6 o'clock, at which the j-ilev. Edward Hale Boston will preach.

A Levee of the Society and friends will take -place at the house of Mrs. Horace Loomta after the eve iing serray. Jfrw Mcsic. II. L.

Story of this city has published two new pieces of nice music "Autumn Flowers Polka." by D. J. Heine- 1wmi XTTrKf a cronarf hv Jmi W. II. Meade.

The former is not quite so striking a piece of mnsie as. the one, by 'same composer which we noticed the other "day but will be found a very pleasant one, reminding the hearer of "some of Chopin's works. The other's a very graceful' song, for a tenor voice, well harmonized and sweet. Bank Meetings. The annual meetings for election of Bank officers were held to-day, as follows -r Jf i Mxrchakts National Bask President, H.

P. Hickok Cashier, M. Pope 5- tistant Cashier, CVW. Woodhouse Direo torsU. P.

Hickok, L. B. Piatt, Geo. Mor-ton, Sidney Barlow, Edward Lyman, Geo. F.

Edmunds, M. Pope. -No change. Fisst National Sauk President, O. Al Dodge jv Cashier, C.

A. Sumner Teller, Norman J. Finney i Directors, 0. A. Dodge, J.

Walker, L. M. Hagar, W. IL Hoyt, SpauldingO. S.

Wood, B. Catlin 'Messrs. Wood and Catlin take the pfacee of E. CJ Loom is and II. L.

Dodge. Bahk. President CvNoyes. Cashier-Y; PNoycs; II, JL Whitoomb Direetors Carolus Noyes, vD. P.

Huntington Nf Parker, J. D. Hatch, J. H. Bosfwick, P.

NoyesNo "change. t'i FARMxas' Mxchakics' Bahk. Election does not occur till Jan. Chakflaim Vallkt Agricdxtural Society. At the annual meeting of this Society held on Saturday last the following officers were chosen for the ensuing year -Don.

Geo. W. Orandey, President ''L. Mender, Secretary H. Landon, Treasurer.

r'f J- vt Good Templars. The Grand Lodge of the State rof Vermont, Independent Order of Good Templars is now holding fits annual session at the ball of Champlain Lodge in this city. The meeting was organized this morning and expects to adjourn next thirty delegates are thus far in -Order of Exercises. For the seventeenth annual meeting of the Vermont. Teachers'.

Association, to be held at Ludlow, Jan. 16,17 and 1 8, .1 867 i V-'-'i "i --WXDKBSDAT. KTEKIKG. Social Gatheiing Addresses of Welcome and Reply. --'i IHUaSDAT MORlflKO.

i 1. Organization! tl Address of the President 3. "Discussion of the' Method of TeachiBg Seading to be opened by Prof. B. Kellogg, si ArTKBKOOV Discussion of the Question "What should be added to the present requirements for- ad-Mission to College To be opened by Bev.

A. a. uascomb." Address by. Jambs Akoell, President ef the University of Vermont. The Philosophictudyiof EVEJTISa.

Address by Rev. J. H. I). D.

ubjectA' The late James K. Colby." I have been looking over the portion of our city wnien by the proposed plans it is contemplated to supply with water, for tbe purpose of satisfying myself what amount of revenue will probably be received by the city in the way of water rents should water works be constructed upon the scale recom mended, nnd that every hotel in the city except the Champlain every livery staDie except Mr. Clay the two Kailroad Companies, and all the small engines in the vicinity of the Park take their supply of water from our present water works. At present then I think need not look for any great increase of water rents from large consumers, and in view I find myself sustained by Mr. Linsley, who on page 29 of nis report very trotmuiiy remarks We have no shipping to supply and'at present but few manufactories requiring a supply oi water." And again referring to the use of water for manufacturing purposes, for flushing and cleaning sewers, tor extinguishing fires, sprinkling streets, supplying shipping, Mr.

Linsley says It is apparent that the amount required in Burlington for most of these purposes must be very small for many years to "come." The large consumers beine thus already secured for the most part, we must next look for those who will be likely to take the water for other purposes and in less measure. and of this class those who will use it for domestic purposes far exceed in numbers all others. On the upper side of the ravine or oldl railroad track from Pearl Street southward I understand there 'is an abundance of "well and spring water to be obtained almost any where. Upon the western border of the ra vine including White Street and all south 61 Main Street there is a like abundance of water. There aro many sood wells west of vv mte street, on Cherry Street, liank street.

Church and other I 1m Our dwelling houses in general are eituat ed at such a considerable distance from each other that if all were supplied with water from the city water' works built upon the scale contemplated, I fear we should find the amount of water rents "'derived from 'them much less than We had previously estimated them. 1ri-V UC-tzl Vt i ta'snii 'At It has been frequently' -'said that every dwelling house Situate upon a street. where water, pipes are laid, should be made charge able with a certain water rent whether tbe water is taken into such house or not. It will be early enough to' consider Buch a pro-; position when the City Charter is so amend ed as to authorize its enforcement, the present certainly we must rely upon those who will take the water voluntarily, for our water rents. To show you where the voluntary consumers are most likely to be found let us take inooski Avenue and Church Street.

The present water pipe is laid about the samedisr tance in each. One is a business thoroughfare, and tbe 'other least Where the pipe is laid, is pretty generally built up with dwell ing houses, except on the west side Pearl Street. On Church Street there are now 45 consumers on Winooski Avenue nine. I have no doubt that the present wa ter rates may bo increased to some extent without loss of customers, and the use of ad ditional meters also increase tho water Now taking everything into consideration what amount of water rents can we at pres ent expect to receive annually from water works constructed -upon either ot the pro posed plans 7 '--4-5 The population of the territory embraced by either plan, from six to seven thou sand probably, who may take or refuse to take the water! as they please', and it is my best judgment that without a considerable increase of population the new works will not yield over three -times the amount oi water rents which' are now received from tbe old works. .4 It will be remembered that when the city voted to authorize the City Council to pledge the credit ot the city, as before stated, a re- solutiou was also passed 'at the samo time directing tne city couneil ty aesass an an nual tax ot 10 cents on the dollar of the grand list ot the city to create a sinking fund for the payment iof the debs incurred by pledging the credit of the city for the water works.

Now if the plan which your board has already endorsed, is carried into operation, I think the annual expenses' of the city on account of water "works will for many years be about as follows Annual current expenses of operating the machinery at Mr. Linsley's estimate, $8312 10 Salary of Superintendent. 1000 00 Snnerintendent'a office rent, fuel and lights, 'i 100 UU Other expenses, 650 00 Interest on City Bonds 9000 00 Ten rer cent tax to nrovide sinkintr fund, A Z4UU uu S16.412 10 Deduct my estimate of annual receipts 7,200 00 Leaves a balance against the city of $9,212 10 A tax ot about 38 cents on the dollar of the present grand list of the city would be sufficient to meet this balance. Those vtho use tho water may not find much fault with such a state of things, but those ot our citizens who do nut use it and especially those who are so situated tbat they cannot have any direct beneut from it may lccl sorely aggrieved. In this view ot what will result from tbe adoption of the proposed plan I cannot approve your resolution in respect to it.

it is proper tbat 1 should inform you tbat our City Bonds have been offered for sale for several months at a discount oi five per and we have not yet received quite $4UUU on account of sales. But there is need of a more extended svs- tern of water works than we now have. This need is felt in tbe vicinity of the Park, upon Water Street, and in the vicinity of the ma nufactories and tho lumber yards. bat we at present especially need is a more constant and complete supply of water for tbe reservoirs and pipes already in use. Some of the old pipe must be taken up and relaid or other pipe put in its place, and pipes of sufficient size should be laid, where it is necessary to protect our manufacturing and lumber interests againBt fire.

After the public property of tbe city and tbe manufacturing and lumber and other hazardous business interests of our people proper ly provided with water, 1 would gradually extend the pipes in tbe streets occcupied for $125,000 t.vt f-- I i r3 i t. 6 id City ol THE ERCirANTS NATIONAL i-r DANK it Offer these Bonds for InvestmentJ'at .1 JYinety-Ftve tPer Cent) f.T.C i "-LXyf- 2 1 And Interest from July 1st, IA66. They have 2t years to ran. with Semi-annual Uou1 pons attaenea, payatiia nearer in i ue oi rew xorx. it The Bonds arc Issued In Sums of $50, 8lOO, $500, $1000- I v.

I I 'ft Kit, -i FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT 1-3. iff t5 And the pries at which thee Bonds are fferedf .1. 'if i 'I fit st LOW that it ti believed they will meet with a 4. so that those', who desire to obtain them should! JIPPL Y'JL T.OJfCE. i'i- f.f'.i If Burlinston, Sept 27.

1869 dawtf IYATIOKAIj. if. 4 DOUGIIT AND SOLD. (a- SJ2VE Jm TIM TRKASURT KOTES am isstrss, 4 -o in 1, Compound Interest' IVotetr ANDQ 1 Certificates of Indebtedness CONSTANTLY ON HAND. Orderi fbr tbe narohaja and aal tTiff Kftflrivf.t A tnen ova Stocks and aveviutjwi ifri itdnatAh wwfVVH Si" Regnlars Stock IN NEW YORK.

Silver and Coupons PURCHASED ON FAVORABLE TERT3." March ta-dawtf MERCHANTS. NATIONAL BANK. This Bask ti bow prepared to urn i i DEPOSIT 1tl4fl from 1ma VCOU interest on special agreement. fhaadvaaUawsof this trm at desoslt are in this one tact i the money is 4 i EARNING' i' Wis still Hah 1 dtft V- TBIS IS A hi :4.. i-t RAPID SALE.

B. BUKSUAUX rt. Vl 4. ri.

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