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Williamsport Sun-Gazette from Williamsport, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Williamsport, Pennsylvania
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GAZETTE AOT? FJEBRtJAKY 5, EDITION. 1 IN A COUBT the other day a ira- jmry promptly awarded, Wi formally introduced to the in breach dT promjse nit 83,000 of three Bfr I tin grnnnd that tho defendant this dis- uoriptiye account of Chicago boarding promptly removed and three house wound np with "think of your were just as promptly substi- love to-day, for I am over the hills and far away." Thia letter the writer de- have been no the, examiners Tesigned from i and Dr. Rich waa appointed Tho remaining two, with jveland' certificates, snngly )k, ore still there and to for their 3, since Dr. Yonngman, a gen- tfell qualified for the wort and a publican, is an. applicant.

for examiner. the precedent of swift removal the Ilepublican appointing why should Dr. Yonngman be plain question. scribed as having been penned under a biff cedar" tretrwhile the-wind was whiskers. THE COUNTS court in session atJPpttaville, Judge Pershiris on the bench, refused seventy liquor "K- ceufiea yesterday and The battle of the Pottsville Miners' Journal against the indiscriminate granting of licenses in: that, county' has been by no means fruitless.

What Is EISEL'S CIGAR BILL. gjhe expense ng to an evening contemporary,) a the accounts for January we Weisol, ISO -Tionrs in xcs, smokinp cigars, at 25 hour 50 cents an hour forsmoking the Commissioners called upon, to pay, because men can be found willing to 3 martyrs in. the cause of nieo- such ratea. It is possible that ng is the only county in the States that pays men for amok- re matter of 180 hours getting ih'two-iors should not disturb liar The nerves, hc-weverr claim at- and for thiP-Tfeus'oiJ and that hours are acoom- i to the drsya in month with sption'of, Sunday when-smoke ceases along with all other pnr- Much depends" 1 -also on the cigars and as a change pipe awhile comes in handy. of the Beynblds- ville Volunteer speaks, of hr.ving met a gentleman of "evident It would bo mighty hard to meet mankind in any other way.

A Haunted lioom. In tho dim cbambs-. whence but yesterday my. 1 eloseu I A a i i i i every baud "W'liBi. her.praiseB is far away.

i A thousand ilciicate iancicB dancn and play Qn nvpry nbjopt which her rohcs havofanned, And 'tondcroat th' ughtB and hopes bloom -anti expand In tho rnemory of her beauty Ah! could that glass hold but the faintest trace Of all mirrored there, 'ITiO lirstoring-giory-ci' the sha.dtwy-lnnr That framed BO well the dear joung angel face But no. il hho-vM my own face, of care, And my heart ia her boantv'H dwelhng-place. --JoTm Say, in Scrtttner's Sweet S'loivtrs, the fariest buds are often the first to wither, and the ravages of disease make havoc with the beauty, as well as the utrength and happiness of tho fair sex. disorders Am'eri- c3an women ara those of a most distress- for February. YLOR'S PROPOSITION.

nteresting to note Mr. C. H. J. ex-Minieter to Liberia and a lead- jgate to the negro convention session at Washington, coming' with a key to the race- problem.

a novel solution "pi the question. eara-oLstudy Mr. as they are suggestively insidious the and the patient- becomes pale and emaciated, the appo-f tite grows fickle and fepble; a a strength as the attacks increase in severity, and is in despair. There "is relief for all such sufferers in Dr. Force's world-famed Favorite Prescription, which cures all "female complaints." Itsnpeis followed by cessation of the "dragging-dpwn" pains, return of appetite, and in due course, BncUlon'H Arnica The best.snlve in the worl'd for cuts, brujsest.

sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feyer sores, totter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions aud poai- tively cu'es piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteeiJto give perfect satisfaction, j)r money refunded, cents por' pped'in some measure to deal 0 situation iutelligentlyrbnt-iHs to find in him an advocate of eal of the fifteenth amendment. ian that he pleads for a radical Nation of-tae4oarteoDtb with-other tal Caylor's motives may be the best the best but the country cannot ight into any belief that they are. cost untold sacrifice in humaji and- sablo sears of a great war in ttejhe amendmenxs named in the 1 Constitution. emancipa- the negro race, written in the elds of the North an.d the South, accomplishment in the cause of a and liberty without parallel in to'ry of the world, and these can- Invented.

If you have bad constipation. pain tho small of. the back, discolored skin, Lervouaness or dizziness, your only wise course is to takeDr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy, of Eondout, N. Y.

It will cleanse thelbiood of all impuritiLS. nnd lightly seT aside. -in order, however, to agree with ifltcr Taylor that any aid calcu- guide the-ncgro-into- reliance rcsaourcGH, where ho must md work for himself, will make factor'in the government, and kity ijsiiols and-compels him to ibreast with the times then may rmctamorphosie, and not before, training gives able, intelligent cit- p. raylor's plan ia.to_hayj\_the_..go.v- it reserve certain western terri- 'or the exclusive benefit, of the the President io Ecors from the negro, population He would have Congress enact for the to remove to the reserved lands penalty for Taylor wonld Lave the right age withdrawn from all who de) go. Protection would bo af- in every other respect.

On the all white men moving to the territories would have property md protection but not the privi- votihg. confess an inability to see what lor cxpecta-to gam by institut- robationary ice. The scheme to establish promised lands is not at all prac- thus Testore a healthy glow to your cheeks again. All druggists-, one dollar a bottle. That tkt and that nature is endear orine to njf tiic natttre as Swift's It is a simple vegetable compound, harmless to the most delicate diild, yet it forces th: poi-in to the and tlimiriahs irfr S.S.S.

I Eft" -ase of bloo? peSOB- that unfitted me for (or four -A few bottles' 6f Swift's Specific (S.T. cured me. i. C. JONES, City Marshii, Fflton, Arkansas, Treatise on Blood anc trailed toe.

SWIPT SPKCLFIC GEORGE NEAL, THE Pine Street MlUner. Has jaat'returned from NOT? York with a fine anKortmont of Millinery pcxds. This atoru is one of the oldest established in tho city, and a-11 goods guaranteed na represented. 337 PINE STREET. CflRISMS PRESENTS, select tho.

flnewt toned and most durable Pia'ios in the world. -A ilmi stock of and. i ntrii)R. Schomacker Tianos. prices at their wiireroom', VtW Street, niipositc the WcrRlituian block, Even if such a plan could be ont the cost would be enormous.

egroea yearn for opportunities re deprived of now and very ly desire to better their condi- it the justice denied them in the rn states may shortly be awarded hrongh the party that made the nth and fifteenth amendments Taylor test of citizenship is a gr at nder in tho present Washington ion, his talk would seem to izn down as ''a. blind leader of I WM. H. MANBY, on ThnrKday Friday, October ITt atul at MRS, F. SAMSON'S, 346 and Pino Street The- Sun has jness just nroved -in head Goes v-eb per-4 i (to ite equip trimmi'it fiowr-rfl and fcatborB, undergarments auci i assort-' of Jewelcry and faner in-thn city.

A a nouvenir will bo oii those days. This liuliia-are cordially invited to attend. Mrs, Samson. i. rauiugr-rjiA' 3d wor 1 Alto flrl-clf Castoria is Dr.

Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither nor other Narcotic snhstance. It is harmless substitute for DropT, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil, It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years', use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria, destroys Worms Siid allays feverishness.

Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething' troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Cuildren's Panacea-the Mother's Friend. Castoria la an excellent medlchv) or call-, '-Mothers gtxxi eflect upon their DB, u.

C. OSOOOD, Mao. Castoria lithe best remedy for dUldran of which I am acquainted. I hope the day ifl not far distant when mothers will condderthe Interest of thelr-children, and usa Castoria Instead of the various quack nostrums -which ore destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby.Eending tliem to prprriatiire Is so veil adapted to children that recommend Tho Contan Comprmy Cohway, ArK known to me." H. A.

ABCHIR, 5L Ill Bo. Orfo-d Brooklyn, N. Y. Our phyBldana in the jnent have spoken highly of their experience In their outalde practice with Castoria, niii although we only harp nroonR our medical Buppliea what is known aa regular products, yet we arc free to confess that tho merits of Castoria has vrou us to look -1 favor upon It." USITKD irosPrTjll. AND DlBPfVB Botftonr C.

BHTTH. Prta.s Street, New TTortr City. --T Merchant Tailor, 740 -Went FouriU in r.ow dinplny Sirctt, near Park Hc- inK tin New Stock Fall Winter Piece Goods. i tho citr. i firiit- clftBi.

workmen employed pstin- faction cnaraiitcmJr A i 'Gents' In Stock. A trial will convinoa yon that it pay yon to deal with us. E. OLD VELVET ANOTHER: WEEK Thd Groaf'TWve in Prices Announced LasT Wceir HaveTCaughlrtho People and Will Go On. Tho great bangains in all the papers tho past week have pleased our patrons all to pieces, and th" j-rsli'at the Golden Eusle Dry Goods and Carpet House has) boen Borno- thing-remarkablejor UBtaaljy dull ME HAVE WE A TEN STRIKE AND WILL KEPEAT iT.

Nothing, yon know, cesa, andlas car-liberal policy ban been such a grand BUCCOBBJ we have eqnelud- ed to keep np the rash of cnstomtra-by continuinfr tbo low prices and great facfi we ari) our price lists or write a lengthy advertinc- ment. Bo come audrseenB. You will surely be convinced that yonr money will KO further and that yon will be better pleased by purchasing Roeda and eecuring bargainB of na than anywhere eltto in WiUianisport. --KEMEMBEB THE GREAT CRAYON PORTRAIT Also vj-ContiniiBS- to Huld Good, "Be sure yonl'get one before this feature is withdrawn. UEE BOIBdiy SPIONEES 8ALEU-THE UNDERSIGNED Assignee of A.

M. Horn will expose to public nalo in front of the Court Hmino at Willlamsport on Saturday, February 8th, 18'JO, dt II o'clock- in the forenoon, the following. real Hi tun hi the Wivrd of the city of Williamsport, antl bounded on the North, by Market utrect, on tin East by.road leading from Newberry -on tho t-'outh by street, and being 110 feet, more or It'Sa in Ipnarth andC15 feet morp'ork'SH in width tin which in erected a Rtbry frame dwelling house and ombnildirurn. Tho above it; one of the beat locations in that part of tho city for business stand. All that certain piece, parcel and lot of Inrr! Bitun in the Fonrth Ward of the city of on tha A 1 by 'Lo TllCiniilBUU.

by Hepburn street, on -tho -Bouth by lot of Oeor7o isidelbpacher, a tho West by Mountain Alley, and bping sixty-feet in width and 17Q feet in depth, irpoti which is erected a two story frame Int: si -25 A mcnded for Medicinal KALE ONLY BY FOB 13 Willov BARGAINS 1 IG REDUCTIONS Fur Gaps, Muffs, -----Eur-Glaves, Boas, Windsor Caps, Fur Capes, Heavy Underwear, H. S. H. GftmyBin-e, -Golden'Eagle Dry Goods and. Carpet House In fact on all Winter Goodn.

If yon want a bargain call at at the rear of JB jocationi'oradweHinB. the lot" hi'jiiK-Iiirgcs-with wide frontage and Btnnding hJKb, unu being but five minutes walli from centre of the city. '3. All lind inpreBt. of A-rafc-j ship, Lycoming of Hunry Achenbaob.

Ancnst II, 1888, for the sum of 81,000, upon which S3DO was at rlateof pur- bonndcd on tho North.brithtrland of. Andrew M. Horn, on thu Huat, by land of on Henry Achenbach and On the Wont by land of forty acrea more or IORS. TermR of ealo Thn intrjcBt. in the forty ncre trjkct-t' i and -thft-rtsiilue of tb-e- property on the' fbnbw- inK terms, Ten per cent when properly i.H Btrnck down, llfteon per cent, is the of the? April 1, 13'JO, when deed will bo and ppsnc'iflion Ki-cn nud tho half'in one year with interest from April 1, 1890 to bo Beer red by bond and mortgage or judgment.

So'd by vi-tro of an order of the Court of Coniraon Pleai, of" -A. 'W. The" largest and fluent nxdcfrlmont of GUNS REVOLVpHS, Ammunition, Knives, Sheare, Hazora, ICE SKATES, and Sporting can be fonnti at Fitting, Lock, Umbrella, Patasol, ClothcB Wringer, and Qencral Repairing a Specifilty R( 333 "West Fotn-th OYSTER PARLOR. Confectioned, No, 137 West Fonrth fi-trent, hai flr't claRp OyKtcr-Parlor ladies and contlo- in every style. Families crap piled.

"Tolcph no No. SS53. uovaidly 'VS A SONS ARE OJ-TfRTKO blechcd mnslins Tt 01- 4n A I A i I TUN. 1 -i aU inai tn (01 7 a Reductioir in Prices in all departments luring tho montK In order to reclnv-e stir large stock of KondKprc'vion- to onr annual inventory, and to make room for onr elegant lino of new Bprinc Fabrics. Special induce- meutK in all (dnde of Dress i'H' nncl Children's Coatfi, Blanketa iiTici all heavv -wooleuii Bargains in Table I inetiB, NipkinB, Towels, all do not fdil to" avail yonrselvea'oi the inuucemtnts wo aro SHOPBELL, BfWieLE CO, J.14;- West Fourth Street, WI 1- JSIEW WAI I PAPER.

Beautiful new Colorincn in Plain Ingrains, Wjth and Thirty inch Frinucfi to match, together with a ru- line of EmbcBuetl, 'PrcKHCd and Flitter PapiTK, have been received and we Invite Your Innpcction. Picture To Jlatch Almost any Kind of Papor. T. Lnncly No. 24 East HK TELEPHONE COMPANY AKE PRE- t-.

install electric bell work of all at prices to correspond wi the class of coodu Rcleotcd hy the customer. Workman nip to oicol. J. B. DAYTON, chmakqr Tthr I Persons wishing Shirts, Un- derwear or will do well to at No.

13 :) we have hand, tile largest-and-ljesLassoit-rnent i.n._ the city to select from, and at exceedingly low prices. JENKS, RHOADS CO. W. Mlarlrot Squat-e. ALWAYS AT Eicert daring the flood--ahont as near bot- tom.nn T6 care to bo--why? wo had W.TOO pain of bootH nnd utioes wet, all of which WET have eloped out excepting a few at a larpo dircount to i the viaiblc mpmory of Jnnc 1st.

Our stock ol dry shoes is ab-jut complete--Rotting them iu every day--think have no. trouble to Ruit or flt you. Our prices art, as usual, lowest, grades still tower, why? UiJcauso we wunt your trade, and if tell you anything, wo got it. Try We have ft lotof odd hqots and Bhoe.B--two make a pair-at vonr own price. OO- OppoRit-o the Court House.

widows and thei 14 minor children who are poor. and needy, having become widows while this city was and is their place of residence, I wl)1 meet at -the -QBfco-of-tho- Anditor.tSS we' Fourth street, 'of rooru'aayJtfl, "Wednesday; February th, 18BO, between the hours ol!) a. ard 12 189ii, and a Pm.'h for the purpose of M- pliKtition iron and minor" i as abore mejitioned. JAMES COKYELL, 8t Auditor.

BOILE11P, i to off for Oiih eiic'li thrri'-, 'live, -ix i i ower Upright Knuini-'n; i.n\r i i tV i i i i ((Secondhand); MIG tw.enty-flvn, thrrt-y-tlvo and tifty-liorsc: power Horizontal Tubular Fire Box Steel Boilers. j- have on hand a large of ond Hand Machinery of numerous iiml at all tirrxea have a large amount of i and repair work puBKirig fhroiyih onr and Brass arc a upeciaity i UH, enabling-us to mu ke bottom prices. IRON WOliKB, 233 West WilliamKport- Howard Taylor Janney. 317 Pine Street, WlUiamflport, Pa. Ckims collected, leans abstraited and carefnl attention pivon Orphans' Oonrt praotioe.

aplTdAwly A OREAT EIPROVEJIFNT IN ns or CPQ; (o 'sncj THE TIGKETTHftl fill -v--- -There IB a in an a nd afene brewing iu morrow evening, Presbyterian congregation fira nd Promenade concert. mQ noaB ronoert -and all H. Keller IVninud for Uouael for Treasure HlncUloy for Control M. Gable, John tt. irad H.

PLAIN WORDS THAT MISTAKEl A Platform 1hat SoU! note ol Victory, and Nominee lor Mai position Hcc Support ol The work of tne Bepul vention last was pt degree of -unpnimity hicWy frrntifying to all the proceudinTS. There hanK a rtlB OIUY JUBU 'T in making the Porter House a rS ISaSffi' will open large boardinghouse'. snoiv May Vet Come. Many people are of the opinion that 1 ha winter yet, with plenty of th ow and ice? Tnd tueir Knta they point to blizzard ite 0 th east about the middle of mony in the fullest sons prevailed. There was one sont was that a winning ti -April was here.

thS.i-liat.6no Boon take place of ram. the found tbo Mad. whoiftd on as his coat 'was be- a goodly portion of--Mao- i A i Bace After Two tramps dropped off of. freight train and started up Mul. street toward the centre of the An officer spied th, a and gave chase The tramps ran down an alloy and out toward the railroad, a i mndflf and boarded freight.

leave -brt-if t-hoy did it would iJ th be- frightened away so easily." 1 An Excellent APPOlnloient. pricker, Supprvifiorofthe vention "ww manifested hall, oonfiisting'of Demo BepoblicanB, and the peared be common an the nominations had be( were i phasizinp; the satisfactio and emphatically expref OFKNINC) TBE CO! City Chairman W. the convention to order the necessity for mak: 'for the Stan He urged that "care lect men who could: be do the work, and said zation to been the duties devolving up great importar men who were to he not, be tnut For permanent pree Lewars, of the Second. nftt-e' 1 elected "by wus escorted to the cl Jiitchell and Jo.ieph In accepting- the he confessed" his surprise thanke. He approved expressed by Mr.

Moy selection of good men mittee, as it was- a re rested upon the conyi ing the nominations tc lieved the i wonld fesFupon tho ci pext three years wool ac 1 of Assembly impo biiities, and there ar and grave questions was L'W appointed --Cirpente-, of Jersey Tiricker could not hay madei a bettor "lection than he in making Miss hrpenter his clerk, as she is a lady of lino education and rare natural ability. The appointment will meet with the hearty endorsement of alt persons acquainted with the lady. Tho -ItfeKcr --Tlie-J-- H. Bicker patent sectional hciuV variiitor tube boil isl 6 Tiovel it excels anything in the rorrket, both for economy is no occasion fr any disastrous explosions by adopting the J. H.

-Bicker vanator tube boiler. with Max. Stewart as asaietants. The delegates tials, the roll wa all presenT Firflt Sfttnu'eT BWaTtZ. ward--James Third ward-- Dr.

fccl. Mitchell. B. ward--Charles D. S.

M. Smith. Irum any uUdBrr uvery pands-independent o.f one "another con Recently boilei perfectly safe: There are a number of very good about -amount of room it it generates steam very fast nf fnpl ia wonnermi. ronatnicted that -all area inter chansable. Having comb'nation per forated steam flue attacbca to it all the soot that collects on tube boilers 'is being yeadily remoyecj by the-open iniiof a steam valve attached urn purpdse.

J. H. Kicker Sons, of IJOG Haven, navo one 80-horso power yanato in Iheir fou'ndpy anu ma chine worksthaLis in daily nso; it IB a model of completeness. A TJDITOR'S Nominations for -in order, and Max L. presented the namo Keller, Fifth leading citizen and "The'TBityof crucial periqdjn hei -tuo-Ji trials and calamities shake her to the fon duty then.

PS repi voters of Wilhamspc the responsible 1 for the executiv in whose" hands--s her interests, and ui she can pely." He the name JDJ had had experience lion. execntive before' satiBfaotoril; and importunt du F. CtumBEBS. of-Washington street, is visiting friends at Osceolo Mills. JOHN popular--Fourth street grocer, haa just recovered from an attack of.

grip. A. MARTIN, of Park avenue, who has been laid np with grip for the past week, is able to be MRS. H. -T.

JABBEOT -and Mrs. Frank Smith, of Lock Haven, are guests ot Conductor Willis Taylor, and wile, street. MESSRS. "07K. MINOR.

(Joruihg; D. 3. Pancoast and Q. D. B.

Kelley, Philadelphia; Free and D. C. Qearhart, Beech Tree, N. Teardslee, En9t Canton; A. E.

Jennings, Elmira; James Casey, Rochester; Frank Lock and Cieorsre P. New -Bnchner, Baltimore; E. DuBois, Boston; W. M. W.

B. Amermari, Dayton; Wflliam Dent an.l MIHS Dent, Brookland; C. Thnrson, York; D. Copeland and wife, 'e-, H. H.

Birdsall, Dayton, 1 IsairoF. March, Birdsboro; O. V. i and E. DeLong, v.

D. Bowser, Hal.a, J. H. Fitz- L. P.

Lockert, Qciwter, J. P. Chicago P-ma'O. Koefer, PottwillP- and W. (4 ortrioh, registered at "knowiiname, he ha publican bannera to the confidence anci zens, and woula -Mr.

Mitchell close applause. Mr. Smythn arc one of the delega ward, instructed to would at that gent oml the nominatioi Mr. Smith, of for Mr. Kraccf i i i full consent or said wonld be fo and rolled ticket The nominator madca by acclanift siastic outburst of TREASTJRT3H The convention nomination of called MI dplaCL ia i George ousol.

Io said at he li sr 1 iTJI TIG.

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