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Newport Mercuryi
Newport, Rhode Island
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Newport Mtrewy, Wdoy, April 1o, 1976 7 One-on-one slated at T' One-on-one basketball tournaments in three divisions will be contested this Saturday at the YMCA. The Youth tournament will be at 9:30, junior high at 11 and the Open (Adults) at Top seeded in the Youth Division is Charley Flynn. Also favored are Dave Mitchell, Stacy Taylor, John Parkos and Joe "Skip" Olaynack. The seeded Junior High players are Mike O'Flaherty, John Rockford, David Murphy, John McNally and Jay Butler. Favored in the Adult field of 32 is Joe Hall.

The other seeds in the field of 32 players are Billy Sullivan, Pete Daglis, Ed David and Bob Loughlin. The Youth and Junior High divisions will be played until the winner scores 11 baskets. In case of a 10-10 draw, the winners must win by two hoops. Adults will play 21 points, games to be decided by two points, if tied. RIGA to hold Burke tourney Monday, April 12 A 54-medal hole John P.

Burke Memorial tournament for golfers with nine and under handicaps is an addition to the busy annual program offered by the Rhode island Golf Association. This event will be at the Woonsocket Country Club, Aug. 26-28. Burke, a Newporter, was the state's leading golfer. He died in action in World War II.

The state amateur tournament's qualifying round will be at Louisquisset C.C., North Providence, June 23, and match play July 7-11 at Crestwood C.C., Rehoboth. The state Open will be Aug. 2-3 at lodgement C.C., Seekonk. Other state championship tournaments are: June 2-25 Women's championships, Valley C.C., Warwick; Sept. 21 Women's senior, Wannamoissett C.C., Rumford; July 26-29, Junior, Pawtucket C.C.; Aug.

16 Caddy, Warwick C.C.; Sept. 20-21 Seniors, Agawam Hunt, Rumford. Three weekly RIGA tournaments will be on Aquidneck Island courses. These are May 13-14 Montaup C.C., individual; June 17-18 Wanumetonomy, two-ball; Oct. 7-8 Newport Country Club, two-ball.

Moses Brown mauls Dragons St. George's School squeezed unscathed from a bases-loaded, non-out jam in the first inning against Moses Brown Saturday at Middletown. But the rest of the game was bad news for the Dragons who lost, 27-1. Moses Brown scored 11 runs in the seventh inning. The Quakers' Joe Zeoli drove in seven runs on two doubles and as many singles.

Jim Porocacdanti rapped four singles and George Marderosian smashed three hits. Ed Gauthier, 6-4 fast-balling right hander, let the home side down with one hit an infield single by Danny Walker in the fourth inning. He struck out 16 in the seven-inning game. St. George's run was scored by Arnie Holzer in the second inning.

He reached on an error and eventually scored on a passed ball. Moses Brown 0 2 1 3 4 5 11-27 171 St. George's 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-1 16 Gauthier and Marderosian, J. Zeoli (6); Walker, Sistare (5), Holzer (7), Hearn (7) and Weston, Kennedy (6). Newport Police cuff Middletown Down, 29-28, at halftime, the Newport Police rallied and defeated the Middletown Police, 6M2, in a basketball game which raised $155 for the James L.

Mahcr Center yesterday at Middletown High School. Newport moved into a 45-32 lead at the third stop and outshot the Middletown Officers, 20-19, in the final quarter. Pacing Newport's nicely balanced attack were Bill Sullivan, with 16 points, Dave "Shorty" Kelly, 14, Arnie Bowers, 13, and George Walker, 12. Individual scoring leader was Middletown's Paul Preuit, with 21 points. Paul Breen caged 16 and John Daniels 12.

Middletown matched Newport's field goal production of 26 floor goals, hut it was outscored from the free throw line, nine to six. Tony Hegler and George Walker of the Newport Department and Gzzie Grenier of Middletown put on an exhibition of martial arts at halftime. Newport 4 Y' beaten by Willimantic team WILLIMANTIC, Conn. Newport's Charley Flynn was the game's top scorer with 26 points, but Newport bowed to Willimantic, 59-52, in the Southeastern New England YMCA basketball tournament for players 12 and under Saturday. Flynn caged 11 baskets and four of six free throws.

Two technical fouls against Newport with two minutes left gave Willimantic a chance to break a 52-52 tie. Stanley Harris, a little whrilwind floorman, converted both chances. When Willimantic put the ball in play from center court. Eric Shane, a 10-point scorer, drove in for the game-clinching layup. Sean Risley had 13 points and Harris 7 for the winners.

David Mitchell (9), Rick Medeiros (5), Jim Psaros (4), Peter Cook (3) and John Parjos (2) played well for Newport. At talftime Willimantic led, 28-24. QUICK WAY TO SPLIT A PIECE OF WOOD li shown by Oixte Greater daring martial arts demonstration yesterday at halftime of Newport-Mlddletown Police basketball game at Middletown High. Unlucky man holding wood Is Tony Ziegler of Newport Police. (Dally News) Monda A ril 300 compete in girls track Phyllis Douglass of Rogers High won the javelin throw in the Rhode Island girls' Interscholastic Injury Fund Carnival yesterday at Middletown's Gaudet School field.

The official measurement was not determined, but Miss Douglass' throw was over 85 feet. Twenty-one schools, with more than 300 participants, were in action. Team results were not compiled, but will be sent later to the schools. Rogers' shot-put relay team placed fourth and the Vikettes' long jump foursome was fifth. On the shot-put team were Barbara Doncaster, RicheUe Smith, Patty Walker and Terri Willis.

Competing in the long jump were Julie Forgue, Brigid Bestoso, Katie Smith and Terry Wood. Middletown also made a good showing on the windy, chilly day. Karen Tipton, a junior, was third in the javelin and Tammy Renson was seventh in 13:28 in the two-mile run. Middletown, winner of its heat, was fifth in the 400-yard relay. The foursome of Mary Headle, Debbie Dennis, Vanessa Graham and Eve Walsh was timed in 55.8 seconds.

In the 880-relay Middletown was sixth in 2:14.6. Running for the Islander girls were Rovin Hussey, Jean Silvia, Debbie Haggis, a freshman, and Claudia Dennis. Middletown's best individual effort in DON PERRAULT, STILL WAITING FOR BITE, seems chagrined but proud as the shot-pput was a foot push by he checks one that didn't get away held by hU son Bill at startof state trout w(m iu hea in the long fishing season early this morning at Melville Pond. Bill flsn weighed in at two ump individual mark; were pounds. (Daily News) Saturday, April 10 14 2 eet by uUl Corcoran.

i TAMMY RENSON of Middletown High, Aquidneck Island leader, crosses two-mile finish line In seventh place In Rhode Island Girls' Track League players' Injury fund carnival yesterday at Gaudet School. Twenty-one teams and more than 300 girls participated. (Daily News) Thur Jay Apr Sports calendar dotted with variety of events Schoolboy and prep school sports, now in full bloom, present a wide variety of events this week. There's everything from baseball to sailing, boys' and girls' lacrosse, sailing, track, tennis and golf on the program. Newport County rivalry includes the Middletown at Tiverton baseball game Thursday, tennis matches: Middletown at Tiverton tomorrow and Portsmouth Abbey at Tiverton Wednesday, and in golf Thursday Tiverton vs.

Rogers at Wanumetonomy and Middletown vs. Portsmouth at Green Valley Country Club. The girls' lacrosse match is the St. George's School vs. St.

Paul's at Thayer Academy Saturday. Rogers High's track team, hammer- throwers and mile and 880-yard relay teams, will participate in the lona Relays Saturday in the Bronx, New York. Tuesday Tennis Middletown at Tiverton; Tolman vs. Rogers at Aquidneck Park, 3:15. Sottball Middletown at East Providence, 3:15.

Track Bristol at St. George's, Burrlllville at Portsmouth Abbey, 3. Wednesday track Cranston vs. Middletown at Gaudet School, 3. Baseball St.

George's at Providence Country Day, Moses Brown at Abbey. Tennis St. George's at Thayer Academy, Abbey at Tiverton, 3. Track Chariho at St. George's, 3.

Sailing Moses Brown at St. George's; Abbey vs. URI JV at East Greenwich. Thursday Baseball Rogers at Barrington; Middletown at Tiverton; Bristol at Portsmouth, Tennis Warwick veterans vs. Rogwt at Aquldncck Park, 3: 15; Hope at Middlttown, 3 'Joif Tiverton vs.

Rogers at Wanumelonomy, Middletown Portsmouth at Green Valley Country Club, 3:15. Baseball Saturday Noble Greenough at St. a Milton at St. George's, 2. Girls' lacrosse St.

George's vs. St. Paul's at Thayer Academy, 2. Sailing Pingree at St George's Tennis St. George's at Providence Da V0 ger? in lona Relays, Bronx, N.Y.

St. Peter's defeated in championship tilt Monday, April 12 WARWICK St. Peter's of Newport lost to Pilgrim of Warwick, 5WO, Saturday night in the final of the Rhode Island Lutheran basketball tournament at Toll Gate High School. Wade DeForest and Bob Snider each scored 13 points for St. Peter's.

At halftime Pilgrim led, 25-16. Walt Oakes of the champions was the tournament's most valuable player. Pilgrim S. Fraser, 7-0-14; Mackisey, 2-0-4; Bloomquist, 2-2-6; Greenhalgh, 5-414; Oakes, 3-1-7; K. Fraser, 2-0-4; Mitchell, 2-0-4; Leise, 1-0-2.

Totals, 24-7-55. St. Peter's Johnson, (MM); DeForest, 3-7-13; Saluner, MK; Snider, 6-1-13; Blaess, 1-2-4. Totals, 10-10-30. Walks, errors doom Vikes in 8-5 loss to Durfee High Durfee High of Fall River nailed down an 8-4 non-league victory over Rogers Saturday at Cardines Field by scoring five runs in the third without the benefit of a hit.

In that exasperating frame there were five walks, a.hit batsman, two errors and a passed ball, a discordant combination. Rogers outhit Durfee, 83, but the visitors were aided by seven Viking errors und eight bases on balls. Matt Peterson belted two hits for Rogers. Durfee scored three runs in the second inning on two errors, a brace of walks and Kanken's two-run double. Rogers bounced back for two tallies in its half of the same inning.

Kevin Weaver singled, Eddie Harrigan walked, an error advanced the runners. Weaver crossed the counting station on a passed ball and Hurrigan scored on designated hitter Benny Jones' infield groundout. The Vikings, however, were not able to overcome the 8-2 lead Durfee gained in the third. Rogers got one run back in that session when John Palmer walked and Don Ashton doubled. The other Newport run came in the Rogers' Grover places 3 times Monday, April 12 WOONSOCKET Rogers High's John Grover placed in three of the four sophomore field events in the Woonsocket weightmen's carnival Saturday.

Jolm won the discus with a fling of 132 feet, 5 inches. He was second in the shot at 45-11'i and third in the hammer at 1252 Victor Jenkins of Rogers scored two fifths in the senior competition. He pushed the shot 46-6 feet and flung the hammer 162-7. Rogers' Larry Butler was runner-up in the senior javelin at 169-10 and George Durgin was third in the junior shot-put at 46-3. Middletown's Tom Heaney won the javelin event in the Junior Division with a toss to 164-7 feet.

Mike Silvia, a Middletown junior, was fourth in the hammer. Classical dominated the meet, rolling up 85 points. Rogers was second with 23 and Middletown and La Salle were tied with nine points in the 11-school field. Coach Charley Gibbons will put his Vikings through an intra-squad meet today (field events) and tomorrow (running events). The Newporters' next meet is the lona Relays thisSatureday in New ork City.

In the hammer-throw, Rogers will be represented by Jenkins, Bob Finn, Durgin and Grover. Rogers' probable foursome in the mile relay will be Ralph Windle, Keith Stokes, Brad Angelini and Charles Buckner and in the 880 the likely Vikings will be David Sims, Jenkins, Manuel Toppins and Bill n'fVmnell. fifth. Walks to Mark Weed and Harrigan, an error and Roy Provost's single accounted for the tally. Durfee Ranken, cf Clarke, 2b Medeiros, ss Yal borough, dh Mercer, Ib Whiting, If, Suneson.rf Costa, Matose, Dupont, Botelho.lf Totals Peterson, 3b Massed, If Palmer, rf Oakley, Ashton, cf Weaver, ss Harrigan, 2b Provost ph Murphy, Perugini.p Jones, dh Kluth.p McCarthy, P.

Morgan, T. Morgan, ab 5 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 0 0 0 29 Re 4 4 i 4 2 1 1 3 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 8 igers 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PO 0 4 0 0 8 1 1 0 7 0 0 0 21 5 2 0 7 0 2 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 8 4 0 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Durfee Rogers 6 21 10 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 8 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 4 Pitchers' Records bb so Matose Dupont Whiting Murphy Perugini Kluth McCarthy P. Morgan T. Morgan 4 2 1 1 1 1-3 2-3 2 2 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 3 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 5 3 2 1 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 2 1 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 1 3 3 0 1 NEWPORT MIDGETS (BULLS), winner of 1175 Rhode Island Pop Warner Football League, wearjackets they were awarded yeiterday at Martin Recreation Center. Players in front row are: Rick Farrell, (left), Nick Barbate, Tony Peer, Barry Prlsk and Gerald Galkowskl; second Dan Dwyer, Charley Mally, Mitch Krlner, Craig Smith; third row: "Deedee" Jones, Kevin Brown, Louis Walker, Ed Coleman and Aaron Smith.

Monday, April 12 NEWPORT JUNIOR MIDGET LIONS, state Pop Warner football champions last fall, were awarded yesterday at Martin Recreation Center, frdt row are: Mike Gibson (left); Jay Lasky, Todd Chamberlain, John West and Kevin Lynch; second row: Kevin Gormley, James Lunsford, Kevin Morgan, Mark Merrltt; third row: Sean Merrltt, Tim Dwyer Graham Selleri, Charley Gibson and Jay Lynch. (Dally News) Monday, April RBI Ashton, Provost, Jones, Ranken 3, Estrelle, Costa. 2BH-- Peterson, Ashton, Ranken. DP Clarke and Mercer. SB-- Peterson, Ashton.

LOB-- RHS, Durfee, 9. PB- Oakley, Costa. HBPB-- by McCarthy (Costa) Dragons draw in initial match GROTON, Mass. -St. George's School opened its tennis season by playing a 9-9 draw against a strong Groton team Saturday.

Bill Raszka, Rufus Williams and John Jansing won straight set decisions for the Dragons. Their other points came on split decisions in which Robby McLean, in singles, and the doubles teams: of MacLane and Raszka and Ed Stabler and Jansing were involved. Singles McLane, St. drew with C. Pope, 6-2, 3-6; Raszka, St.

def. G. Pope, 6-3, 6-3; Williams, St. def. Garvin, 7-5, 6-3; Gelardin, def.

Stabler, 6-3, 6-4; Jansing, St. def. Winnull, Mears, def. Mathie, 6-4, 6-2. Doubles C.

Pope-G. Pope, drew with MeLane-Raszka, 6-3, 1-6; StaUer- Jansing, St. drew with Galardin- Mears, 6-1, 1-6; Garvin-Hockmyer, G. def. Williams-Scully, 6-3, 6-1.

Ponta Delgada loses championship game TIVERTON Jose Rico scored both goals as Cranston P.D.S. won the Rhode Island championship of the James T. Maguire National Junior Soccer Cup tournament by shutting out Ponta Delgada, 24, yesterday. Gerry Nerstheimer, Cranston goalie, aided by a strong defense blocked all Ponta Delgada shots. The losers were represented by an all-star team from the Newport Indoor League.

Cranston will play the Massachusetts champion in the Eastern Regional May 22 at Rhode Island College. YMCA VOLLEYBALL Eight men's and four women's teams will play in the YMCA's Newport County volleyball tournament scheduled April 24, 29 andSO and May 1. Both divisions will be double elimination. The Spirit of '76, formerly the Over the Hill Gang, is favored in the men's division. Chart House is seeded second.

The leading women's teams are Peggy Murphy's Physical Fitness Group and Mary Seymour's Swimmers..

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