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The Fremont Weekly Journal from Fremont, Ohio • Page 2

Fremont, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FROM WASHINGTON. Washington, Dec. 10. of 8. asked leave to introduce a resolution to admit Lieut.

Mowry to tlia floor cf tba Hons at a delegate from Arizonia. Mr. Jon, of Teonosoe, objected, saving that Arizonib if part of Now Maxiuo, and lie saw no un of admitting two dolcgatos from one Territory. Tba House resumed the consideration of tba Watrous impeachment ciu. Mr.

BillinghurHt, of favorod tho impeachment. Ho said that the charges mad against Watrous wora that the Judge had entered into a corrupt conspira cy for the unlawful institution in his Court of suits in which be was personally inter ested, for the parpose of having them removed beyond the verdict of a local Texas jury. He had cntersd into a conspiracy to deprive individuals of their land by means of forged papers. He bad presided at t1i trial of cases in which he was personally interested, knowing that ha was disnualifi from so doing and he had permitted lo pass without rebuke repeated illegal acts of omcers of bis Court. Mr.

liillingburst contended that these charges were sustained by the evidence. Mr, Roady, of said that no clamor or outside pressure would inJuco him to east stain on Judge Watrous by sending him to tbe Senate for trial, unless he were satisfied the result would establish his guilt. Mr. Davis, of inquired whether there was any evidence to show that Judge Watrous was engaged in aeries of speculations in Toxas, the cases connected with which were to be decided in bis Court! Mr. Roady replied that tbero was not a syllable ef testimony to show that Judge Watrons ever engaged to buy more than one tract of land at any time, tho principal of which was not paid.

There is proof that the Judge is poor man and he as led into the purchase as a matter of favor to persons in Alabama who had the capital. He argued that from the evidence there is nothing to show corruption or malfeasance in office. Adjourned. SENATE. tarr of tbe Interior the amount of expenditures for tbe District of Columbia.

Also report from the Secretary of the Treasury enclosing his accounts. Both were laid on the table. Monday was the day fixed for tho appointment of the committees. Considerable routine business was transacted, after which the Senato at twelve o'clock adjourned till Monday. No additional Senator! were present today.

Washington, Dec. 11. Hoisb. 20,000 extra copies of tho residents Musaza an accompannnz documents, and 10,000 extra copies of' the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury, were ordered to be printed. Un motion of Mr.

Soalos, of X. olution was adopted, calling on the Secre-1 of the Treasury to furnish a statement the difforent payments from the Treas- nry from 1840 to 1858, under the heads rdioarv. extraordinary and public debts. The House resumsd the consideration of the Watrous impeachment case. She Senate is not in session to-dav.

Mr. Stewart of l- had not mtn in the testimony any cvidonco of official misconduct to lead him to believe Judgo Watrous guilty. Mr. of Texas argued that thcro was sufficient grounds for impeachment. 13.

Sesati. The Prasidoiit sent to tho Senato the Treaty with Siam which was concluded May 20th, 1850 and proclaimed in Siam in Aufnit last. Tho President oggesU an extension to tho Consul at Bangkok, of the judicial powers conferred Consuls in China and Turkey. Mr. Clingman besides his speech offered resolution that tbe Clayton-Bulwer Trealv ahould be abrogated and requesting the President to communicate anv correspond- ence with Great Britain and Nicaragua in relation to the termination or reservation of the Treaty.

The resolutions are laid over while nego- stations are pendior. Mr. tiwin spoke in favor of the Pacific Railroad. Washington, Dec. 14.

Hocse. Mr. Phelps of Mo, from ths Committee on Ways and Means reported Pension, Military, Army and Indian pprepnauoot-illj- Mr. Washbume or 111, gave notice that be would introduce a bill providing for the of an emigrant and mail route from the most eligible poiut in Minne- to Puget'a Sonnd. Mr.

Kellogg of III, offered a resolution, which was adopted, calling on the Secre- tary of tho Treasury to furnish a statement bowing the amount of the productions of the xsntisB imporus.1 into in v. n. ireo or amy nuoer mo nciprociiy irca tv, together with other information on tb aoLjet, incfudirlg tho amount of exports Irooi tbe United States. Tbo House then msnmed the consideration of the Judge Watrous impeachment Sksatk. Various memorials wero presented, the only one of public interest being that of J.

HWord Smith, asking to be allowed to import steamships duty freo for kts York CoaMing Line. It was referred to the Committee on Finanea. Tho Tribune Washington cofrcpon i-tieesaya: Mr. Douglas has proposed and will soon pabli-h a declaration of bis intention not to be a candidate for tho Presidency ia 180. Th Repablicans in tbe Uousa havo de- tarHnned to anaVe an effort to repeal tbe EavrUsb limitation ia Lhe Kansas aft so as to put Kansas on an equality with Oregon.

Tho majority of Hon Committee on Tor- tntrm ta repaun ut vrrrjon ill 1 .1 wi. aim loair in iim) v.ommiiuro toed 4 tel. Mr. Zollicoffer, who op-poaed to tho hill, was absent. Tbo Herald's Weshingtosj rorresftond-ot say: I Icaxa from ondoubted sulbority thai a foii end frank apology from tba par-tie eonoernad ia tbo oatrago on tF a Wacbiogtoa came by tho Moses Taylor aid will own puUisued; bat this will not satiJy tho United Stales.

It ie UB-lerstood that Mr. Faulkner, II i. 7vTZ''71. i. W1UI View ia Catrr nut lhal aJ.

Icy in regarj lo a Piteciurato over por-tioos ot li'Xata. Soaor Dforai, who has ao loss; repracistf i tU Gammect of Ptrvv. has been av i trjv' ir that Republic to iu L-i. a. He will (para for the scene of loai t.

-diiim ia a ak ar Iwol Washington, Dec. 15. -wtiaa WaAinjiow ence says: It it rumored that the President would send to Congress this morning a warlike message on Central American affairs. The President's recent foreign appointments have ail been reported on favorably. An executive session will be bold to-morrow for their confirmation.

The Times' Washington correspondence snys: llis House Committco on lemtories, met yesterday. Stephens of asked for authority to report the bill for the admission of Oregon. It is opposed by the Republicans who sny thev are unwilling to admit Oregon with a population of only 40,000, while Kansas is refused admission ith a population of Tbe vote stood 4 for 4 against reporting. So the motion was lo it. Tho House Committco on Foreign Ro tations has agreed uaanimously lo report a resolution of inquiry relative to tbe visit of onicers 01 ine vaiorous 10 me Washington.

The Military Corn- miitno of the House will refuse to report the bill for the increase of the Army. The Judicinry Committee will shortly report a bill amending tbe neutrality laws and removing hindrances to commerce. Gen. Jarcz fears that his 'correspondence has been intercepted on tho Isthmus. He is confident of receiving a ratified treaty in timo to have it seut to the Senate at an early day.

lie regrets tbe course of the English in Nicarnguan ronttors. The Democracy Kicking Douglas. Tho Democrats in the Senate have overslaughed Mr. Douglas by making Mr. Green, of Missouri, the Locompton leader, Chairman of the standing Committee on Territories, a post of honor and importance long held by tho Illinois Senator.

President Bu-snnn insisted upon tho change, and Douglas got but six or seven votes in the Democratic caucus. These wcro given by Clingman, Brown Toombs, Green and Beigler. It is stated that Mr. Groeii himself bitterly opposed the change, and that Gov. Brown, of Mississippi, denounced it.

The debate lasted several hours, and Toombs, of Gorgia, left the caucus when tlio discussion was at its highest. Sir. lirodcncK, of California, was 0 r. not invited, and Senator Hammond, of and others, absented themselves. Thcro is fun if not fight ahead.

Cargo of Slaves Landing in Georgia. Savannah, Dec. 13. t0 ollcl1 information. Ihe exam-Urr Probably lako placo on Thurs-of A tug was dispatched to Brunswick tho but the maaUr aboard refused to give her up.

rep-wted Uiat the Collector of Danen Ilatcs lhat tb5 Wanderer has no appear- i The Republican of this morning says that the Yacht Wandorer, positively landed Africans near Brunswick. Joseph Ganahl, the District Altornoy arrived on Saturday, with three men, believed to be implicated. Their names are Juan B. Tnijesta, If. A.

Brown and Miguel Agino or Kagcet, bailing from Now Orloans. Gannbl refused to tfk" for lhoir court, and Itboi prisoners wore lodged in jail on a charge of piracy. Mr. Ganahl is using ovory exer tion to obtain evidence and has sent to 'K on ooaru. ido no- rublican says il is rumored that the cans wcro landed at Jckyl Islands, and that the steamer which leaves Savannah, took 150 and conveyed them past Savannah to the river plantations, and from thence they were scattered through the country.

Tho cargo said to have consisted of 350 negroes. Tho Wanderer Lails frem St. Helena and is itbout regular paperj. Albany, Dec. 11.

The resignation of the Hon. John Kellr, n'aJ "aJ tuo 0l-8 Secrotary of State. It is to take ject 25- Pittsburg, Dec. 11. JacolS convicted of the of his wifc "Ujnccd to be hung, and 01,0 of Wiseman's homicijes is sentenced Penitentiary for eight years and nino months.

Boston, Dec. 14. Gen. Dan the Citizen's candidate was elected Mayor of Charleston yeterjav. ucwj.jre iu, American ana ivpuuncan, was chosen Mayor of Roxbury, St.

Louis, Dec. 13. wcre of 100 applications ma le for trip, and high as tlOO premium of-osiablisbment fered f.jr seals. Gov. Medarr ith his familv have arriv-oU for Kansas to assume the Govern- jorship 0fthe Tevritorv.

The Pacific Telegraph lino was this day to Lexington Mo- 300 miles west Passengers by the Overland Mall state lbat so great was tho ruh for seals that the appUcanU adopted the course of deciding by lot who hoM Uke passao. There gt 1 It will be extended and jn operation to Kansas CUv this week. Tariff, aod from gi, New York, Doc 13. A letter from Val-enlia November 21st, slates that the large shore end cf the Atlantic Cable was bid on the previous Friday. Five miles were laid, and it is believed lhat if the seven miles blill at Greenwich had been added to it the rcsoll would have been satisfacrory.

After passing Uie spot wlicre tho snore en4 ter lelr minate! somo of tbe men in their anxu toontiuui the under-running of small cable discovered kiok where tbo conduclinsr wire was exjioscd to tho water. Tho de fectire part was cut out and the uo Jer-run- omg dijContinocd, ttKMigu it proiiable that other defects of the kind would Lave bora discovered. Tho cable was not tvted after tbe shore end had been attached, nor was there anybody at Yalentia eapanhi it. Tb- Philadelphia press of this morning Spanish Minuter callcl upon Gen. 'lo tin mtR lo bim that Sjnin has declared war ag-iinit Mexico.

New York, Dec. 14. The Jurr in the Cancemi rab, last evening, brought in verdict of manslaughter in the tut degree. Rochester, Dec. 13.

Fifteen prisoners eacaped frum the jail in this city bvt night, among whom is Mauly Locke, who killed Benjamin Starr in Oct. 1 8i7 They cut off five iron bars with iiia-ie of watch spring a od let thoio- down in the Cnesee river with the with Ira btout was buas. 1 Thev adad aoioe CfsB rods to reach the laud. jXae are recaptured as yet. New Orleans, Dec 12.

Senator Dcmae loft here this morning, the S. S. EUck Wairior. en route fur Waah- incloa. Us was Oacortad to tLe tUstier Lv jiLe Mayor and umber of nUioos.

Asa- jiute oT a guns was Hresi an-1 there gfat aasoog lha Jrcipitfjunffll FREMONT: OHIO. Z8AA0 JVX. Sditor. Friday, December 17, 1853. The President's Message.

i i a Takeu in connection with tho character of Mr. Buchanan for truth and veracity, the Message is a specimen of pettifogging nnd demagogism. His views upon specific duties wo commend, but Mr. Buchanan's tariff-conversion is a death-bed reponlnnco, and thestmgglo of a drowning man who catches at that straw to save himslf in Pennsylvania. His lifo has been spent in advocating a party policy which is destructive to American industry, and such love as his at this lato hour, for even the iron interests of hisfjlate cannot come from the heart for there no heart for it to como from.

Like the oracles of old Mr. Buchanan never intends to utter a sentiment except it be capable of two constructions. When he accidentally uttered a principle which thereafter soemed to stand in the way of temporary political policy ho has mado "no bones' of acting directly in tho face of such avowal. There is an illustration of this utter want of principlo in the present message. Mr.

Buchanan, as is well known, instructed 0 jv- emor Walker to say to the people of Kan sas that any constitution they should frame should be submitted to the vote of lbs people. It was this which prevented Walkor, Forney, Stanton and alioit of others, for a long time tfter the Republicans had lost all confidence in Mr. Buchanan's word, from breaking away from him. In the Message Mr. Buchanan in speaking of lha Kansas subject, says It is true that, an individual, 7 hare expressed an opinion, both before and during the session of tho Convention, in favor of submitting the remaining clauses of vhe constitution, as well as concerning Slavery, to the people.

But, acting in an official character, neither myself nor any human authority bad tho power to rojudge the procoeding-t of the Convention, and declare the constitution to bo a nullity. Hero Mr. Buchanan's ingenuity could not put a double face upon hi promise to the people of Kansns, and ho as be did at Cincinnati resolves himself into a platform, and corruptly violates his pledged faith. And beside, let the reader notice -that ho starts out in tbo abovo extract, with a falsehood in bis mouth, when he speaks of tho slavery clause of tho Constitution being submitted to tho pooplo; tho history of Kansas, on every pronounces such assertion false. But npon this la-t Message of Mr.

Bu-chan, all of which is either hypocritical, dangerous or false, we feel liko tho farmer who in his efforts to plough with an old, balky and stubborn horse had exhausted his vocabulary of hard word, coming as close as be dare to swearing. The old mare finally outdid herself, and the farmer turning to his brother, who was a hard swearor, exclaimed, "there old Bet has broke tbo ichippU-tTK and kickod dad in the bowels and you must talk to her, for I can't do the subject justice." Cleveland Herald. Wa rofr our render in this our dilemma to some concise but pungent comment from tho Xew York Pott, a follows: It is impossible to speak favorably of Mr. Buchanan's annual Message, which we hy before our readers in thU sheet. It has no largeness of scope nono of those comprehensive views, that gve regard of equity and justico, that subordination of petty interests to considerations of the general good which make alike the dignity and wisdom of a government.

Instead of these, we have elaborate apologies for acts of folly and injustice, petty expedients for recovering lost popularity, timid concessions to local interests, pretexts laboriouy got up for possessing ourselves of the property of our neighbors in short, Ussno of all the vulgarities of power when administered by men of narrow minds, scltih instincts and low aims. We do not reccollsct a mnsuige from any of our Presidents to which ihe disparaging epithet of potlifogging could bo so aptly applied. It sets out with what purports to be a biitory of tho Kansas difficulty, in which 'here hardly anything truly stated from beginning to end. In bis lal annual mis. sag as our readers mar remember, Mr.

Buchanan expressed the opinion very strong ly that too much nie had been made about that matter tar too much for its merits and that hereafter tho less saiJ aliout it the bettor. His views havo since changed, and aftrr keeping himself busy with the affairs of Kansas for a twrlvemonth, ho devotes to tho subjocf a fifth part of his messag, stir- ring and agitating it with all the em a cook rnakinr a wliinned enerjrv of The ol.jpftof tia part of lhe J4 Kf. rafimtion. and In amnlUli hit re. pf.u tfo effort na fl)rro(lHy male to throw tho wbola blame of the disorders in Kansas opon the great body of taa peaceful settlers of that territory-.

How false that view is we need not sy let our radars look at it and judgi for thimselvas how little regard has boen paid to the truth by ono whotse duty it was, if ho mentioned the matter at all, to give the simple facts without or interpolation, or dUtirtiou. Against Spain we have a crand parade of complaint and injuria, tho whole clos ed with a deeltvratiua that lha possession of Cuba rs necessary to tbe United State, and the raeotnmendnlion of an appropriation lo purchase the island. Mr. ia the Otend manifesto, aatansj lbat if wa cannot buy Cuba it is our duty to lake it by dree, and it drafts not appear that ho has ever retracted lhat opinion. Spain will not bo any mora disposed to sell Cuba fur the rough manner in which she is treated in tbe Messago, aud we shall be loft to the other alternative.

In the rueantima, everybody understand that the )it of giiavaoca which we have received at the band of Spain is simply a preface to a scheme of aanexalioa wuura abail agrandt the aUve power ef this country. A like motive prompts tho no leas labor-ad statement of lhe greivaaces which we endure front Mexico. This is hot the pre text fur a schema of seizin snoo certain of the poacskioc of that feeble power. If the Juatvt party which it willing to cede the, northern provinces to our government should not prevail as it probably will not in tbe civil war now waged then Mr. Bu- chanan is prepared to recommend that we I take armed possession of Northern Mexico.

M.n ail events, no counsels an immediate i seizure of tho northern part of Sonora and Chihuabua, holding them undtr our own protectorate till solid local government shall be eittablished within them. A protectorate onco allowed by Congress may be easily extended till it embraces all Mexico and opens tho whole region to the introduction of slavery. Tho Pacific Railroad come up in the i message as wo predicted. There is ru-' mor afloat that a largo numlwr of shares in 1 a certain company incorporated with a view to muke a railroad to tho raciho hy a southern route have been set apart for Mr. Buchanan's bonofitand with his knowledgs.

It is curious that this scheme of a southern railway has formed prominent topic in Mr. Buchiii.on's Messages from his inaugural to tho present. He asks that this railway be made where it will not be obstructed with ico and snow he asks thr.t the work of making it be committed to company; he advises that the company bo endowed with grants of land and of money from our overflowing treasury. These are remarkable coincidences. The Amistad Legislation.

Tho very first day of the session, Mr. Mason, of Virginia, introduced tho Slavery subject, by moving that "A bill to indemnify the masters and owners of tho Spanish schooner Amistad and her cargo," bo made the special order of the day for Tuesday. The bill was No. 114 on the calouder, and before they wore warm in their seats the Southern members and their Northern Democratic allies gave tbe bill a precedence over all others, by a vote of yeas 24, nays 19, Mr. Broderick being the only Democrat from the l-'roo States who had independence enough to vole with the Republicans.

Tho Amistad case first came before Congress so long ago that somo may have forgotten tbo circumstances of the claim. Many years since SpnuUh schooner set sail with a largo cargo of freshly caught Congoos on board, who had been illegally landed in Cuba a few days before, and were now to bo taken to another point on tbe same island. When fairly at sea, the Negroes rose, killed the captain, took possession of the vessel, and mado tho other owners promiso lo take them back to Africa, tho home from which they bad been stolen. But the Spaniards broko faith, and ran tho vessel up the American coast to Long Island, whero she was overhauled and titken into a Connecticut port. Tbe matter was brought intothe Courts, and the Supreme Court of the United States decided that the slave trade being piracy, the Negroes wcre justifiable in releasing momsotves thoy could, and that thev wero entitled to just what white men would do under liko circumstances.

They were pronunced free, and tbe Negroes were sent back to Africa. But tlio Spanish owners were not satisfied with this sum mary disposition of tho human property meut demanded compensation for the freo men they had not been able to keep aud sell. This tho Amistad case. 1 i i'i -i af. Tb impudrtDt claim, willed Ly tho Su-1 premo Cuurt lr givm'' freedom to the nc- groes, has been urged upon Congress by tu- i.

i. Southern Democrats the present session. in urea cxrai cum, uuiuocracy claims, that tho decUion of tho Supreme Couit isj final in tho Amustad, that Congress! should go beyond tho Supremo Court to' pay Spanish pirates the price of stolen hu-1 man and blood, freed by iu own strong right arm. 1 no rresident overweening desire to purchase Cuba by the public debt hundred and fiftv millioci, is the key to the hot haste to propitiate t'i ain Ly tbo payment of her paltry claim. It is expected that tbo Court cf Spain will be mollified by yielding lo ber Amixlad demand, and bo put in better moo.

I to "truck and dicker" off ber Island of Slaves to the groat Slav IUpublic of Christendom. A correspondent of Forney 'a Prett, in writing from Washington thus speaks of tho estimates made by the Secretary cf the Treasury "Tbo Administration press stated that tho Treasurer would rstimata only for governmental expenses fur lhe year Iao3. How is itf He asks for and odd. But mark I am a sure of it as that I write, that with additional recommendations daring the session, tbe Administration will run np the expenses of tho Government to over However, if 1 100,000,000 is to Le raised to pay for CuLav other hundreds of mUIuus for the purposo of eq'iipninf an army to surround Mexico and lake care of ber rebellious subjects if our government is to sally out on the Qluxolic expedition of looking after everybody and everything then God only knows where wa will step. It will not bo 1 eg before we shall bare tba national of a stupendous national debt; and then subtlo mathematicians, after worrying calculations can tell as how many carts it will take to carry it, and how many times it will go and return from tho moon if pieced out." Indiana U.

S. Senators. The Scuatr of Indiana cams up lo the work on the 8th, and passed the Senatorial Election bill, after soma sharp parlia mentary kkirmUhiug, by a voto of leoty-ix to twenty -one; Gooding anl WiIjoo, Anti-Lecompton Democrats, ref3sinr to vote, an Wallace, Ant, LcomjHn, a fa I. if al a. I 1.

va tbe Lccomptoa DomocraU tiaoi evpry t. ih. A Un i in the diseusuan that tho elect wo of and Fitch was legal. ilure is scarcely a doubt but tbe House that two legsJ! ele-i Senators -ill Jav manj seals al WasLingtoa in pJaco cf the usurper. Tbo wtvibingtoa correspon-1- eot derides the tvotioa that Spaia will part with Cuba lo the United Suites, area thoogh tba Amiabisvl eUira shoulj paid, as food Southora potitaciatv think ha wilL He says: There is as much Lkel.LuoJ that Spain! ill sail Cuba to DiacLaaaa as that Great' CrtUunwiUstlllrvUid toJvhaM.uU:iajyJ, Uke iu pay ia aubicriptions to lU Sotilrrm CiiU.

Cass. Tho report it I Lai Ga.i Cass is very feeble. He is ofiea caefioea to his room, and ocnpeHcd to forego all hcsy labor. ITEMS. ootico ia tbo Ohio Stataunaa, itap-Bright pears that the second, annual tDeeliog of 0C to UU vtlaol on tho lfeth Jao'7 1S5a- Membars, during the deliberations of the society, will appear ia the full dieja of lLir rrrtie rai.k.

i 1 A contract Las bees ia Bu5.1o Ly which wheal wLI Le JktB to Baflalo by Cka.eUnd itlci i r. TiAdo, an-1 Laie Se of The erags RUicaa majority on tLe Stata tklt ia Lraa is 3,113. TU" aa to ke Ut ooo opma ex i 1 relatiu to tbo PrCdet.t Mt- i saj, and la is tLst it wboa tLaa aa-l-Cm. Higgins, of the Perrysburg Journal in reading our new advertisements last week, Lii tn Wrol 00r npiHng i town of Fremont now boasts of a femnle physician. We beliove they are a good in- stitution.

Uive ut the female doctor. See cbango in the Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad lima table. The Council of Cinciunali have elacted R. B. Hayos, Solicitor, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Judge Hart.

Two suits for each, have been commenced against John Lloyd, a merchant 0f Providence, R. for defrauding the gov ernment by false invoices of importations. Thcro will be a Railroad Festival at I'or-walk on the evening of the 24th. We have received an invialion to attend this gathering; an havo Co doubt it will be grand affair notwithstanding, we cannot bo there. The most splendid lot of candies and confectionery ever brought to Fremont, can be bought at Clapp't.

Tho bollidays are coming. Et Gov. Slade, of Vermont, is very ill, and it is feared that be will not long survive. Gtn. Cass, Secretary of State, is so ill that be cannot leave his room.

Judge Nash, Chi.f Justice of North Carolina, died suddenly on tho 4th inst. Masoxic. Hon. Henry M. Phelps has been chosen Grand Master of tbe vania urana iooge.

it i it. r.nrnn tnn HiiinliftMf nita- Ofl nt IiikI voto for the liberal r.artv at the tion in Berlin. Tbo Board of Tublio Works, conning of John A Waddle, A. O. Conover, and Abner L.

Backus, wcre in session at Columbus last wck. The widow of Charles G. Waltinau, lat week in the Cuyahoga Common Pleas obtained a verdict of $3,333,33, against Grcc-tnan for the death of her husband, who was killed by tho cxplosioo of a boiler in their establishment. Hon. Wra.

L. Dayton, has positively do-clined to bo a candidate for United States Senate, from New Jcrwj. Mr. Foster Hale, the inventor of raised letters for tho use of the blind, fell down dead on a pavement in Seima, Alabama, on the 20th u't. Candies for the holidays can be in any quantity at Clapp's.

Buckland fc Graham have git a wagon load of leys left on deposit by Santa Clans. Fixe Hogs. Tho fattest, handsomest hogs we ever saw in this market, were ast hj A. Morehouse. Tbe fl 1'548 unh' and lU' 40 13,03.

Tho warm, rainr wtalLcr cf thLs wec-k. has jown r5 hisrhest paid on Tucsdar. Kul little com it nimorea amnrg tiie knowing ones; Gen. Steedman growing in fa 1,0 eonlruI tU rpomtmenU in section, oe wen lor luoso now- ir.g places at court, to bo trimming their sails accc rdmgly. Tin Printer for December has ccme to hnn 1.

Pnbluhed by Henry HuLtington, No. 1 Pj nice street, Kuw York, at tl jier' year. The rooming prayer meetings which were so ut.ivtr-ally held lavU wibtcr, Lave agnia been revived in many of our adjoin-' ing towns. The Toledo Blade say it is stated cn what they good anlhoiily, lhat Sam- ucl R. Kce.1, Esq, of that city, l.a perfect- ed ao arrangement Ly which Le will la a few days become one of the Editors of the Ohio State Journal.

Mr. R. is readv writer and will add Lis duo share to the readable qualities of that paper. Gov. Chaie Las addressed a letter to the ScenUry of tho Ballot Society of England, in reply to various questions put i put to him i regard lo the workings of the voto by ballot system in this SlaU-.

Myers who murdered a fellow prisoner in the Ohio Penitentiary some months since, is to Lo hung to-day 17th. TLe new cent will Le UaooJ from the mint on the la of January. The Jefersoniaa savs at the lata term of the eomrooo r4eas court ia Hancock coon ty, Miss Loiuda Lattemer obtained a ver dict of 7l against Mr. S. M.

Heller, fur brech of marriage. Young men ho make aLoainessof tampering with the aiJectioos of young Lvlies will please take warning. The Okio Farmer is a No. 1, Agricultural paper. See pro partus on the th page.

The tailoro of lha Chicago Pte Tribune is denied. Tho proptielors say it Las been in so nUjnJ.ii.' a coft-li' as oo al tbl il e-xiU nt 130,000 duLars. LozgLt fur Military Association of th State of ls wrpoflt of ifco As n.Itktia;oo are very atacb disappointed ia tbe cbaractcr ef the oVwmeet. Michighan The offleial canvass of the. votes cast for Governor of Michighan ia 1888, gives the following totals: Winc Republican 5,202 Stuait, Ariti-Locompton Democrat.

.60,007 Republican ..0,135 The vote for Governor in 1 858 was, for Bingham 71,402, Fletch 54,805. Republican majority 10,507. The official vote for and against the General Banking Law in 1858, stands for the Law 39,022, against it 10,620. Fuir Aheap! It is stated that Messrs. Bigler and Green are lo bring in an anti-Polygamy bill in the Snat, lo show their contrmpt of Popular Sivereignty in tbe Territories, and to make Douglas fxce bi own music on tin doctrine be prates so much alioul on lha stump.

Valcaw.e Bar Birxed. Tho barn of Mr. Jacob Ludwig, near Circloville, was set on fire on the night of tho 6th ah th. horses were got out, but the other consents, including fi cow, were destroved. The lo- It al LARGE OP IXEQROKft.

Col. Abm-' bam I'mm. arV.l..mi:. a Am OLurCn(or Columbia, M- COntlr SOU lO Col. Elihft Wortbinplon, of rt a i i Chicot count, Arkansas, Lit wboU jilanta- lion of negroes, numbering 310, for l47.

payment are five annual installments of $20,400 each, with interest (rom date. Tho new Senate Chamber at ton is far advanced, and will be ready for occupation after the holidavs. It leis decorated than tbe Hall of lifpresenlatircs. and has the advantago of largar corridors ouoies. uiu uo imir, cliiIJ L83 sent, tbrougli the representative ol Ijis bouse in tho I'ontificial btalcs, the innrm i.

i ha able bim 4o oontinue his efforts for the fut4resU Un Umi- Seven hundred dollars were tho proceeds of one lecture by Beecher, at Worcester, ilass. The Governor of Florida, in his laic m5-1 sage, disapproves tho project of reviving the slave trade, aj very "impolitic." Tbe Baltimore American' letter from Washington stales that there is strong probability that CVngreis will tako a step forward by legisla'ion for lavinz a tele graph connecting the Atlantic and Pacific. Tiwimosial to Pai Mom nr. A Committee of the New Yoik Chess Club are collecting subscriptions to donate to MrJ Morpby on his return from Paris in Do- cember, a set of gold and silver chei men, with A ri. I I iin.a 1 Tl.

,.1 men are to bo tlaborately wrought, and mounted on cornelian pedestals; and if tbo funds warrant it, a rne.Jel will be jono in col for Mr. Morrdiv, aad in bror.zo for tbe doners. SHEEP VS. DOGS. CLYDE, Dec, huiTOR J.AliSAL Dear Sir: I wiJi iul.rr.

It fnr A.tWr.lpttlnr. MriM tl ibe iro'irrr vLeihcr lh ra LaJ not ciiM.t lAmsl A lIVf tn. ..1 iV- w-w an-fssv eviw fJUmt jtJIJ VJT tU9 I t-Tsi aaf 'i a A I i hj (LogSt jXhHTQ Bf f.t I mnmm lib the raiirif lhat occasion- ifr in rt .1 m'e tad havoc with the sheep. IflryC- oliect rightly thcro Lecn wiihin two Jor three jeaV, past, within three or I oi Wucre i rcu. eight iiocts ol attacked and some in racb Dock killed and otLers maimd atd injured by Under tb! resett law it is im- possible to get redrew, ai these ars committed in the uifht.

and con- scquentl it is difi-cuk to idi utify tho dcgi. lo f1, I do net rccu-iubcr ao in-tance hcro tLe has obtaini.d rdres Ly hw, al.bough I have knovn some instancc-s "here as many as Iwenty sheep Late been destroyed rem a single fl xk in one night, It Las cflea occurred to mo that it would lie proper for the lrfgi lature to impose a apecLil tay of one dollar per year, on each dog lte latt iw.Tca.irjj it somewhat ou breeders, let this tax conbtitu' a fund la eac coutty fur the benefit of tho-e ho sustain damsgej from dogs; whether such damage is sustained by injury to sheep or other stock, or eonfcU in personal injury by being assaulted and bitten, or damages oc- cak'DtJ h7 "'B "ifiblencd by or from the bite of rabid dog'. When the dog and Lis owner are identified the sufferer would have l.u redress from the owner if Lo is able to pay such damages; but Len damages cannot Le collected of tbeeancrthe sufferer should Lave ready access to the county fund. There is no one kiud of stock kept in a commuuity that oc casions as much damage and annoyance as 1 a setoecd on tiaf in, and in central lo war drv ai.I t-r-t ILere la ritltiaillr na tax as. to recover damages Ly them.

Say, fiiends, would it not Le proper to request our Representative, in the legisla ture to present this subject to the notice that body Yours, respectfully, T. J. CARLTON. Traveling Agents Wanted. FEBMANENT EMPLOYMENT.

'ltrC aTia to n( aarftr aaaaar ml mmntnamr Am-mtm t. tnvmi a4 ava-ra far Mm-mtmr'm tmtmi lint ftnuM kUmm mmd 'i mly UmUmr fmmmtf Innr Mmsmtmtm, flat wen mrmt tixi im uaua.p, iM ia)y tm tbe faixii prif4 it i law trnmt aimV la iu raaiftinsrtMii, ,1. 1cm f.a'4r Utjct wfwr-r. aal- mrlm i-s aiia-spraw, arill h. pmid rm- tjmXM3ji whi af Agmwtm.

rm rwoiiifitras an4 m-rijadMM km lam Uuiat. a-silw. ariiL t-aaiMed, i it. oaGoriT a cn, Wilaaa Laax, UnVmm. Maaa.

NEW STORE AND HEW GOODS! rlhe sobeeribers havirg leased the Store TIIS' IiLOCKT, LATELT OOCt MU) tX KlIW. OlG k. JOYCE, VtFtr4 nufvttSmSf laiii tkr sxt-Uca tba aiaem of FREMONT A titaaSt a. tVrar Xrw mmA Eittauin Blotk af GltOCEIUES, CROCKERY, TVhka they are now receiving. BECKWITII XIXOX.

i I I i i 'I I It ti Or LITTLE JOINT, cam. asd ex a mini; thkm. MTJ8IO. VIM MKAD, (twefttlf ftiHl t4 Mttflr-ul fi I I I II Msm will wn fymm'fir mart of Itt- tm1rn mi ll' filmo. AM tin tritJttTM tli Cliprtrtnltr rtMlrsj to Krutl thnrttiffh Knitr-! Ivtatmrlltm, fi fftrrr reMfh ft tr on hr Unntn Hi- ir Mr.

J. Mnw. Krrtfil Htri. 3fi MILLINERY STORE. nnt an4 virlriilr, fliat opetteMl Hinrm HETTS' BLOCK, UP-STAIRN, Whr kn 1mn4 a full Knnti.

Mtnt, VKr-f, lpl1-lrfw. Kmth ftnif Hltn of ill klnla, anil mi pertaining la tli Mil. Ilnmr Mm, Mrh mil i-ll at mnrli riw titan ratilh'l rlvuhrrr. f.ntn th coantnr will Irr'l in (Mr uta ill rwrar mtrr-haaitif Alr liT Miklnr and Ctiftln. Iim Ihe rrv itri i-an i4iiiona, aona on aimrt nut la faMion A.

8. kUMiBBl V. Kr-rnoiit, in, niPOirfANT TO FAKMEIISI' FATE1VT SRLF-FASTENINC FENCE! tor "'nrh pfirjKW nf ffftfaxjiiv (rttrosittrlnf VnndtTHiHi'i iifiiMir rn-t 10 fiabiic rwiicr, 1 wiUthtta ilaef-4 term: r.rhl(ronm linn fV) ClnUof flttf.Mcli I Clut-nf tvntv. tirti fiO P-rtong ttinrnp rluion Urmt arcl rnrn- 1 ffT th dwm nJ fitiruhT mf ifrf, with th townwhip- fUl 1I. di.

fr.m- n-tam lh.l th-vanh dal.Ttrvrl Utb ni'rriHni an1 ti irmnT Mertrd ti4 fnrwariVsl t-mtv p-r rnt.tot;.r-ttorp 01 ma cidd. mri wm Areata -4 A RON COLLIER. fwntr rxrr rterit an outowm. Ie-nilT 11, l.i. S.

11. or partlcuUra nt)uir at tbt Jovuhai Orru.m. A. O. A (JTTTXHS! DR.

SHAW is Agent for Sf.OAT'S LOCK-STITCH SEWIXG MACIIIVE' TT a manMmtal an.1 avrennt malilna: mnal to Uia I'rlcr, SOO. hk in fiicfc. rp-iuin. in, mwm i 1 1 IX It I LSOA 'S li.iU' Jl A VjI lljN LITTLE JOINT HAVK TAKTN TnE Aftirr at Bellcrua, f'rthaal ft WHRki.KR a n-iLaox Sewing Machiiici Wlil-li itrr Ta1ljr mptrior mil tin. The afartiinfa are now furn-lulird from the S.

Tik oKev at tlie f. iowidi nHiuevtt incas. Plain MMiutuv One Hundred Dollar Machines. OlLer in the sauio Proportion. N-vhina on rrhltition an.I for iala at tlia w'" M-iiin of na iu iut-ua IFUUNISIIING GOODS! ronUntlT on niir(oif lo Brllfma.

hr ar- Ty in.cla -f Man1. a BmV W-areaoat all tlaiallial I ws1 nniritrn luauS ttt At tisirst a I avn a AT C'LYDB, imrtj to rCfir and f.I I I irl.A sm- HI ak av aa irriiiiiM-c'n srfar, on tu tftuuiki toriM fan I. a. ft. At! rlntl.tswr hr owrr-otf.

Ia mmm wwfUfVy-tlnn TI' our own ir uufactur Uk tti first ir- menu ai Wir I aitlT ir. U.K. JOIA I. Ix-e 4u4 ITEV3 DEPOT. ptiti(-li Taper and yarviara rKflwl wk-iy ai.

nnntbij, and aalaat U(. The Cincinnati Daily Gazette, The New York Iydgcr, The New York Weekly, Weekly, Harper" Mugnziue, FlaT of Our Union, Ii illou'K New York Weekly Tribune, Po.K r's Spiiit of the Times, Waverly Majazine, Gazette of Fashion, Frank Leslie, Gleawin's line of Pattlc Shir. frraf-nt. Hit IS. MEDICAL.

M5V5. L. M. PETERSELIA, M. RAVING in Truiotii, hut fiun4 for ro-fcaaioiuil Mr.

jrpat Mr. riinlirlU'a, 'rOot Strt. I remntit. Not. Zti, 11.

4tf THKPFRiW.NAr.FROP- Ijrl rt to tlio? ratal fJ-T trl MnntBtmar nf a 7r mt; Pritti. if ml. t'irmimf VltnmtU, R'tmriwj miir yrorlf, will aulU at Vtuilua, at him Washington Township, Dec. 23d, 1858, mvn-Hnrat 10 n'dnfk, A. aiH retitiiio.

rrean da 7 Mterrtur UH ilirpn.jnt la all aiM. T.nnavaatJ o. 0 c.rulr. IRA D. KMCT, EieciUr.

Waaiiii.irtra Tp, H'S. timl iPEODVIAH SYRUP, Oil, PBOTECTEII Solution of Protoxide of Iron, rUrinfr Micreful1r fat ft 11t ftrdrtl wl.irh new dim- CO-ti I l.m rt Mrtlira ar Mil trl-i. uuM tutw Lar ivo-ivt-d tu an nutUcio. it KrmcAcr mtis DYSPEPSIA, Jirlimmm mf tmm Lhtr. Tirmpmm, Brmmrkilu, IwiiiiM, iJiimrdind Mala lar hlwd.

hotl: lumrvf. 1A prvmtrmi. tftrtm mf iMt mr Utrtmrf, GENERAL DEBILITY, AU ALL UWtSLS WHICH Ktgl lill A Tcnio and Alterative Medicine, IS SETOKO QTESTIOX. Tba probl ml It, ttfirmrr art wo mt'i-at-fntij ttniik. ar tntiBamUty rt lattMl.

MMi proem (torn tM ur carri am ntmt A TW trla of Ur (or which thr 8trup proid ZZ't tcxT vbirfc ha aooIfaM ballWO th -t MaWrr ariu-ai skii, Ttw faU arc Us thit, tl mitH ofmut arsi-Miiijie, ai4 ile nlrt aotl tttec af Ut Bjnp. i ui trw i il i Ir Tkoar ho fcr wUU fr an Afiiotoa frrvm dUf ntrcta -ratu tle rliarsrtrr of th Ft nip, eanat (ail mtD4 willt th feli lav, aoaonr Bumrwu ImXi-0wbial ia t)- batMla lha Arrot. Tba aigtaatarw ar iImsm- tf yMtJMin wU huomm ia the cucuiaMHiij, aai Un kiliect crxrrtOtiitj. Ait sVrta t4 th iWTi 4m WaiUto wcm-WkrrK. il tbar tlUotioa ut tiaaf taUic, k'rwt ear wwm ei per aa wait aa fraaa tb Watlao.

ar ulriara, wrhoftr lutcli m4 iBfarniv ar ail-gikt tsirttioeabtr, bav tifMiM mf ita -flarf im ratvrao ItH-tj iw-til IHtAmr mf th l.rr m4 Braaaitia. fiiwrn. lBtia, Ctofalaiat, Drrt Koamlia, re. JtwsWei iu 4a wmm.4 tacmltMa, Uit frsaaa thm Ligh civmrartsvr mf Umm warn hava vMaaaaad tHraa. a4 ha thcix tratiaaoajr, aa 4a amra, ia lu i tA'wU mm-Mr.


i' i -i. ja. Am r. i in xx, bAMltLMAV. Kjtv.IUutf.iUTTICOMBa CFRTIFIC'TE OV ltt.

DAVES. rf It is veil krua lit tiie Brdinul at th PraieM teir ef lraa ia Uj rvj -o a try Wt-f asfeoaara lAir, rS4 lhtut Bsajuvtaia aoluiiuaaf ProtAiida af lraa, vilWat farlitriMiAii.iB, Wisa heaa 4ma4 laipoaaibia. la LW 1'eruvtaa Sjrup, tiiij aarula otat iaatlalaaq Wouaaijiarioa a war uouiumi; au4 titla aa-tvtioa auat reLuoa all rvto oartjonita ntrvtaa, aat tanralcaWtiwMatfriiaNrtkca. A. A.

HAYES. M. AaMrr tea tba 6taia af aUaaacaiuaalltl. 14 Bojbtoa 8trt, feaatoa. sou) ntxaioNT by nwmwoua, 4VJ well aatbentlraUtl, 4 el fraluu-cliMetrr, that V' Th PeniTiaa rmP tion mot prtv sjLeii t.

rw Uit it ran If i s2l' MtMiiw, Wtsuae manr diaeaa..

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