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Burlington Weekly Free Press from Burlington, Vermont • Page 5

Burlington, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE BURLINGTON FREE PRESS AND TIMES: THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1920 CITY NEWS Mr. nnd Mrs. Rdward I. Cnnnon arc tho parents of a son, born March f. In probato court 'Friday, the will of Mnry Mnock, late of Burlington, was proved.

Dr. and Mrs. rtohcrt 1j. Mnyhard are ttio parents of a daughter, horn lit the Mnry Fletcher hospital March 2. In the future tho parrel post and general delivery windows In tho postotlleo will close ut nine o'clock In tho evening.

Tho canes In United HI at cm court of Charles I. IjcBopuf and Carlton 1. IcHocuf versus the town of Clarendon! have heen settled. The suits were, for $3,000 nnd JlO.dOO respectively. In probale court Tuesday, Thomas O.

Oaul of this city whs appointed admlnls- trator of the estate of John Hontlgllo, Into of BnrllnKton, with Charles Illnck lid Warren It. Austin, jjjso of this city, commissioners of the estate. In prohate rourt Thursday there were settlements and derrecs In the estates of Marian do Forest Clark, late of New Y.ork rlty, nnd Karl C. Morrill, Into of Burlington. The will of Electa P.

Itugg. lato of Milton, was allowed. Word has been received of the death of Joseph, the right-year-old son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Bellrose of Watertown, N. following a two weeks' Illness with pneumonia.

Mrs. Bellrose also has been seriously ill with pneumonia but Is re-covering. In probate court yesterday Trrenee McCall of Stowe was appointed administrator, with the will annexed, of tho estate of John B. late of Colchester, and Frank E. Blgwood and XV.

E. McBrldc, both of Wlnooskl, commissioners. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edgar H.

Martin are planning to leave about April 1 for Hansen, Idaho, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin came here from Swanton 27 years ago and have made many friends, who will with them every success In their new home. Word has been received from Mat hew J.

Lawrence who left Burlington March for Washington, D. C. lie had orders from the surgeon general to proceed to Park View. 'where he has a position In the U. S.

P. hospital. Mr. hawronrn was first aid attendant at the Vermont Milk Chocolate factory. On account of the large amount of work connected with the office of i treasurer in Burlington Post, No.

2, American Legion, Carl Gaskoll, re-1 cently elected treasurer, has resigned I as chairman of tho finance committee, and Fred T. Lalng haB been appointed In his place. At a recent meeting of the board of trustees of the Fletcher Free Library Mrs. A. Bt Buell was elected a member of the board to succeed W.

J. Van Patten, deceased. The board was reorganized as follows: President, Edmund C. Mower; secretary', Mrs. A.

B. Buell: treasurer. II. L. Ward.

Reports have been circulated during the last few days to the effect that another storm was on Its way. It was stated at the weather station last evening that an absolutely rlear weather map was received. The weather will stay as it Is to-day and to-morrow, while Saturday it probably will be still warmer. Owing to the tie-up in train service because of the storm, a large number or people spent Saturday and Sunday in Burlington, many of them being here for the Galll-Curcl concert Friday evening and not able to got back to their homes. The hotels and other lodging places were well filled and a large number stayed in private homeB.

Frank Deegan was placed under arrest Friday morning by Deputy Sheriff Ravlln for assault on the person of Gerald I Raymond. In default of bail, placed at $600, Deegan was lodged in Chittenden county Jail to await trial. Deegan Is cnargect with striking Raymond during an altercation between the two men recently In Wlnooskl. At a meeting7" the Woman's Auxiliary, hold yesterday afternoon at St. Paul's parish house, the following delegates to the annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary to be held at Rutland in May were chosen: Mrs.

W. W. Townsend, Mrs. Mary Saunders, Miss E. yV.

D. Lowrey; alternates, Mrs. D. Chittenden, Mrs. J.

E. Taggart and Mrs. R. S. Mansell.

The following officers were elected at the annual meeting of St. Mary's Court, No. COS, W. C. O.

held in their rooms at 86 Church street, Tuesday evening: Chief ranger, Mrs. B. Dclancy; vice-chief ranger, Mrs. Eliza Hayes; recorder, Mrs. Nellie Clark; financial secretary, Mrs.

Josephine Moran; treasurer, Mrs. Emma Fugere; trustees, Mrs. Mary Charland, Mns. Clemance Flaherty and Mrs. Louise Llmoge.

At the annual meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, held In the church parlors yesterday afternoon, the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. F. O. Ockerblad; first vice-president, MrB. J.

A. Hamilton; second vice-president, Mrs. A. S. Isham; secretary, Mrs.

G. F. Meader; treasurer, Mrs. F. W.

Brown; and corresponding secretary, Miss Ada Blair. In probate court Monday Mary A. Degree of this city was apiioiptcd executrix of the will of Almlra Degree, late of Burlington, while T. E. Hopkins and Thomas Reeves, also of this city, wero appointed commissioners and appraisers.

There were settlements and decrees in the estates of Jane Williams, late of Charlotte, Thomas Mongeon, late of Wlnooskl, Laura J. Cheney, late of Burlington, and Alma F. Walkor, late of Burlington, The embargo on the Boston railroad which has been in effect for more than three weeks was lifted Tuesday. This Includes the St. JoTinsbury Lake Champlaln railroad and will mean a lot to the shippers In Burlington as freight has accumulated to a large amount and the embargo has really worked a hardship In many quarters.

The local office of the Central Vermont lias received word that shipments may be taken In carload lots less. Josoph T. Stearns Is numed In tho leg-Islatlvo manual of the New York State Assembly as legislative counsel for tho Lawyers Title Trust company of New York city. Mr. Stearns was formerly In tho practice of law In Burlington nnd latterly tho Judge of the municipal court.

He moved to New Yoik about a year ago and has slnco been admitted to the practice of law in that State and Is now connected with one of tho biggest law firm's of New York city. Tho Rev. Joel II. Metcalf for ten years pastor of tho Unitarian Church In this city, who has Just resigned the pastorato of the Winchester, Unitarian Church, will sail from New York next Saturday on tho steamer Baltic, having been selected as one of the commission of three to earry physical aid and moral encouragement to Unitarian Churches In Transylvania, Mrs. Metcalf ana Miss Racimel Metcalf will Join Mr.

Metcalf In Franco during the summer. Tne alumnae of Mt'. Imlyoko College of the city and State will bo saddened to hear of the partial dcstuctlon by fire of Hafford hall last Monday morning. This comes unfortunately at tho beginning of tho 13,000,000 drive. On Friday, Miss Alfa Danger I VAN Beprotected.Tk Itlme and do not gamble with your health.

Uiedover 4V years In treating 'cough, colds and allied complaint. Inrl4r buy In Lrf til 01 Montreal D. WATSON New York i i i Chalmers of Rutland, of the executive committee, was in conference with' tho Ilnlyoke ntumnao In this city. Miss Kuth-crlne Worcester Is tho member from Burlington on tho executive committee and chairman for the northwest section of thn State. K.

H. Rashaw, who has been the past three years associated with the Es I sex Munfacturlng company as cutter and foreman, complotcd his work there Tues day night and began work yesterday as sucorlntcndent of the manufacturing end of the overgalter business for the Perfection Overgalter company. Mr. Bashaw was surprised Tuesday morning by tho presentation of a gift from the employes of tho Essex company In the form of a watch chain nnd K. of P.

rharm, engraved on the back with his Initials. Th" annual meeting of B. P. O. No.

816 was held Friday evening, when the following officers were elected: Exalted ruler, J. Roynton; esteemed leading knight, E. M. Horton; esteemed loyal knight, Harry A. Butler; esteemed lecturing knight, Howard S.

Crane: secretary, H. T. Bacon; treasurer, Paul Chnmborlln; trustee, John M. Carroll; tyler, Harry W. Chase; delegate to the national grand lodge, F.

I j. Llnsenmolr; alternate. Dr. J. D.

Tanner. The district deputy grand exalted ruler, Luclnn S. Trudel, made his official visit. Edward Lutulllpc, who was recently arrested on a charge of non-support, ph-aded guilty to adultery, In city court yesterday before Judge J. P.

Ladd, He was sentenced to not less than two nor more than three years In tho State prison v- 1- .7, "Vea Wnlte" nt Windsor, hill una Iithn N' unt" tho denth of her hus- fo the probation onicer. one of tho dltlons of his parole being that he pay $16 per week to the support of his wife ri oi ms who nnd six children. Tho au hor es havo hi. him before on the hail trouble with him before on charge of non-support. A failure to pay this money to Poormastcr Dclancy as trustee means that he will go to prison for a long term.

There were 40 deaths In Burlington during the month of February and of this number 18, or nearly one-half, occurred from pneumonia and bronchitis. The month had an exceedingly hlnh death rate and a number of old people passed away. There were four to die In tho SO's and seven In the 70's. Pneumonia, i however, took ort more than tho usual number of people In middle life. The other causes of death were principally congenital weakness among infants and arterial and heart trouble among the older people.

One death was from accidental causes. There were no deaths from contagious diseases unless pneumonia is considered one. Mr. and Mrs. J.

H. Tobey of 147 Loomis street were very pleasantly surprised Monday evening when their friends ten- (lercd them a farewell party at their ot the Rev. Clifford H. Smith of New York, home. Mr.

Tobey has been assistant and Clara C. Votey, a teacher in tho pub-superintendent of tho eastern district of schools of Detroit, with whom she tho Atlantic Pacific tea stores for some made her home. She also leaves a sister, time and loaves soon for Sprlngtleld, Mrs. Joseph A. Bowen of Fall River! to take up a new position with Mass.

The burial was at Fall River, Mrs. tho same company. Ho will have entire Votey's native city. charge of 43 stores In the city of Spring- field. In behalf of the A.

P. managers Mr. Tromhler Trombley died at five 7. Friday afternoon at hur some gold watch nnd clialn. The many friends of Mr.

and Mrs. Tobey wish them all good luck in their new home. The marriage of Laura C. Brown, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

John II. Brown, and Sergeant Edward Ballantine nf Monday morning and the body quartermaster department at Fort Ethan Allen, took plnce at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles Tetzloff, Lakeside avenue, at three o'clock Monday afternoon. The Rev. S.

Braker officiated. The ceremony was witnessed by relatives and friends of the bride. Supper was served at tho home of the bride's parents, C3 Lakeside avenue, and an enjoyable evening was spent by a large gathering. The couple received many beautiful gifts, such as sliver, linen, cut glass and gold pieces. Mr.

and Mrs, Ballantine will teslde at S3 Lakeside avenue. Mrs. Julius Roland of North Winooskl nvenue has gone to Cohoes, N. where she was called by the death of her brother, Peter LaMar, an old time minstrel man. and vaudeville performer and considered one of tho greatest yodlers who ever stepped on to the American stnge.

He had made more than HO records for the Edison people and was known from coast to coast. LaMar went on the stage, when "16 years of age, about a half century ago, and had only completed a performance at a theatre when he dropped dead on the stroet of heart failure. He was with all the old-time minstrel shows and knew tho stars of 50 years ngo Intimately. He was with Dockstador, Primrose West, Al G. Fields and nil tho rest, lie appeared once In Burlington about ten years ago.

Charles Desoutello was sentenced to not less than four nor more than six months' Imprisonment Monday In city court by Judge J. P. Iidd. Desoutello Is an inmate of tho poor farm and wan accused of striking two of the old men out there. Tlte charge was breach of the' peace and he pleaded not guilty.

According to his slory, the two men, Thomas Monack and another man over 70 got Into a wrangle In tho middle of the night and started' to light. The other sldo of the story Is that he got mad because ono of them turned on the light In the room In which tho three sleep, and he knocked one over a chair and handled the other severely. lie Is only about 40 years of age nnd appears to be a man in good heslth, hut he Fays he has numb spells which prevont him from working, Tho "hello" girls at the local telephone ofllce were kept on the rush, through Sat-ui day and Sunday taking care of the unusually Inrgo number of calls which came In, With a force crippled by Illness and, worKlng ovortlmo, good service wns maintained throughout tho storm period nnd the 2-1 hours which followed. Hundreds ot calls to thn depot to find out when trains would run; messages by employes to their employers, saying that they would not be able to get to their work; long distance calls from people who wero stranded In Burlington on account of the cetsatlon of trnln service, orders from snowcd-ln housewives to groceries ami markets; all theso "were handled 'by tho "hello" girls with eniclency. Without this telephone service, the storm would havu brought almost unbearable condl-tlons.

As It was, people found that they could remain In thelrown homes and get along very nicely by lmply taking down their receiver and doing their business over tho wire. OBITUARY Mrs, Ituldnh Heat-trick Mrs. Hilda Phelps Uostwlck, widow of UCOrgO H. BOStwIck ill ml nl hot. lintvin nt 24 Monroe street, Friday evening, Aged 83 years.

Mrs. BostwIck was born In South Hef0 an' came to Burlington CO years ago and has lived here ever since. She Is survived by fV6 daughters and two sons, Mrs. L. O.

Brookes of Colorado Springs, Col, Mrs. L. Edwards of Syracuse, MISS CoHnlhn TlOHWlHt nf llnrfrorrt mrs. L. Emerson and Mrs.

Arnold 'lr- cl1'" "vo daughters. Mrs. of this city, and Lucius A. I Frank C. Allnrd nnd Mrs.

Albert Best Uostwlck and Edward P. BostwIck ofiot Wlnooskl; the Misses Edith, Eslclle Burlington. and Katherlnn Lavalky of this city; and The funeral was held nt her Into home Tuesday afternoon, with burial In Elm-' wooti nvcnuo ccmctory. Thotuan Mann Thomas Mann, a resident of Burlington for fi7 years, died nt his home, 111 Muplo street, ut seven o'clock Friday morning nfter a four days' Illness follow-Ins shock. Mr.

Mann was born In Limerick, 87 years ago and came to this country and Burlington in 18fi3. For more than "0 years ho was engaged In the livery business In this city. He Is survived by two daughtora, Elizabeth and Margaret, both cf this city. Ur. was a mom- ner of St.

Mary's Cathedral and cf tho vnvilVIJUl, at 1 1 VI Holy Name sc.elety of tho Cathedral. Tiie runeral was hold at St. Mcry'a Cathedrnl Sunday at two o'clock with burial In 8t. Josept's cemetery. Minn Ellin II, Brown Miss Ellis, H.

Brown led Friday morning at home of Mrs. Edward Marietta, 51 Intervale avenue, where she had been cred for during a long Illness. Miss Brown was In her 80th year. She was the sister of the late N. K.

Brown and the lato Frank Brown. For nearly 40 years she with her mother kept the well-known boarding house on the corner of Pine and College streets. The funeral was held at tho funeral parlors of Corbln, Fryo Morin Monday afternoon and tho body was placed In the vault at Lake View cemetery to await burial in the spring at Watcrbury. Mm. Ellcm 8.

Loom In Mrs. Eliza S. Loomis died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Georgo Ripley, In Friday. She was 77 years old.

Mrs, Loomis had a small circle of friends In Burlington, where she had spent a part of her time during the past four years. She was born in Joncsvllle. March 31. 1843. was married to Henry L.

Loomis. "urre.I December 20. 1915, his death breaking up the home In Whlte- i hall, Slnco then Mrs. Loomis has made hnr hmT11 "I i. V.

George H. Ripley, of Poultney, George H. this city. The funeral service and Interment took place In Poultney Sunday afternoon. Mm.

Chnrlra A. Votey Mrs. Lucy Corey Votey, wife of the late Rev. Charles A. Votey, died suddenly at her home In Detroit, on Sunday, February 29.

From 1873 to 1891 she lived in Vermont and endeared herself to large number of friends in tho parishes ts Dastor of which her husband; served as the Baptist Church As West Brattleboro, East Charlotte, Shaftsbury, Fairfax and Windham she Interested herself heartily in the work of the churches and was unsparing of herself in efforts for the welfare of tho people around her. She is survived by three sons, Edwin S. Votey, vice-president of the Aeolian company of New York, Dean J. W. Votey of University of Vermont and Dr.

Frank A. Votey of Grand Rapids, also hv two dmichtr Xfnrthn T. home at 87 North avenue at the ace of 57 years. She is survived by two daughters, Jennie and Clara and one son. Frank, all of this city.

The funeral was held at St. Joseph's was placed In the vault at St. Fhancls Xavler cemetery in Winooskl for burial In the spring. Hiihrrt H. Ash Hubert S.

Ash died Friday night at the Fanny Allen hospital affcr a few days' illness with pneumonia following influenza. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock at St. Cfctho Ine Church in Shelburne. The Vuilal was In the cemetery in Sholbuine. Mr.

Ash was 17 years, of ug, the son Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ash of Shelbutne.

He was born In lone, Oregon. March 18. J03. He besides parents, one brother, Bernard of and a sister, Mrs. Wlllja.m herl-dan, of 117 Bank steeet, Burlington.

At the time he was taken 111 he was a student at St. Michael's College Mrs. Ollrln :ir.n Mis. O'lvla Glroux, widow of the' late Philip Glroux, died Saturday night of organic hvirt trouble nt the residence of her niece, Mrs. II.

E. Beaupre, 57 Interval She was 77 years ol nnd Is survi-ed by two step-children. Mrs. K. L.

Matheson of Chicago nnd George P. Glroux of Burlington, nnd by two sis-ters, Mrs. Holen C-ipeau of Boston and Mrs. Joseph Martin of New York, The funeral wns held Tuesday motnlng at nine o'clock from St. Joseph's Church, with burial Mt.

Calvary cemetery. Muter -lry De Pacal Sister Mary DeHarzl 'died Saturday noon at St. Mary's Academy, where sho had lived for about threo years She wns born In Quechee. Her name, bfor she took the veil, was May Gardner. Both her parents are dead, but she Is survived by two sisters and one brother, one of the sister's nnd ono brother living In Quechee, while the other sister lives In Syracuse.

N. Y. The funeral was held from St. Mary's Cathedral Monday morning at nine o'clock. Jacob Roblnaon J.

M. Safford of this city received word Sunday of the death at tho Soldiers' Home In Bennington. Saturday, of Jacob Robinson, who went there from this city about three weeks ago. The 'body was brought to Burlington, and the funeral services wero held from the undertaking parlors of Corbln, Frye Morln yesterday afternoon. Tho body was placed In tho vault at Lako cemetery.

Mr, Robinson was In his eighties and spent practically all of his llfo in Burlington, He Is survived by one son, Frnnk Robinson, of 26 Chorry street, nnd by one daughter, Mrs. Wcller, of Mnlone, N. Y. Mr. Robinson served In the Civil war as a member of company 8th Vermont Infantry.

He was a member of Stannard Post, O. Mr. Joseph Lavallry Mrs. Emma (Peppln) Lavalley, wife of Joseph Lavalley of 37 Decatur stroet dlpd at two o'clock Sunday morning of complications. Sho had been In III health for the past two years, but up to last fall sho had been ablo to bo about tho house, and for tho last nine weeks aha waa confined to her bed.

Mrs. Lavalley was born In this city February in, ISfiO, thn daughter of Mr. and Mm. Frank I'cppln, and was educated In the parochial schools. On Mny 19, 1879, she was married to Mr.

Lavalley by tho Rev. Father Clnaroc of St. Joseph's Church. She wns a devoted mother nnd enjoyed having her children around her. taking pleasures In their pleasures and sharing their sorrows.

During her Illness she was a patient sufferer, never complaining about her troubles. Besides her husband, she leaves eight children. They are three sons, Theophllc of Shelburnc Harbor; Frnnk of Troy, N. and Joseph 'our grandchildren. She Is nlso survived lwo sisters, Mrs.

Minnie Klrby of Wlnooskl and Mrs. Clement Dague of Port Kent, N. V. The funeral was held at St. Joseph's Church at eight o'clock Wednesday morning nnd the body was placed In tho vault nt Mt.

Calvnry ccmu-tcry. Brig-Urn. X. Stephen Perry Jocelyn, U. S.

retired, died Monday morning about 10:30 o'clock of heart failure, at his residence at 82 Summit street, nflor an throughout the winter. General Jocelyn wns born In Browning-ton, Vt on March 1, 113, bMng the son of William and Abigail Nlms (Wilder) -Vjovyn. Ho received his education at Barton Academy, Barton, and entorcd tho United Slati.s military service In J8K3, serving a a lieutenant of volunteers throughout the Civil War. He took part In the operations before Richmond, Va and was presont at the occupation of that city on April 3, He entored the regular irmy as lieutenant of tho th Infantry in 1866, bvng promoted to the rank of ca-ialn In i874 In the same regiment, and serving in the same position In the Slst Infantry, until 1897, when he was appointed major of tho 19th Infantry. He had rr-svlously received tho brevet rank of major "for conspicuous goMaMrj-' In the Nez Perce Indian campaign in '-S77.

In 1899 he was promoted to lieutenant-colonel of the U.h serving In that position and on he treneral staff until 1906, when he was appointed brigadier-general. He se' od In tho Philippines In 1W, and again In 1903. commanding In the Island of Samar. From to 1900, the period embracing Ir.iportant work of the army Incident to tr.c earthquake and Ore In San Francisco In tho latter year, he was on duty In that city as chief of staff of the Pacific division, being later assigned to command of the department of Columbia. General Jocelyn retired from active service on March 1, 1907.

He was a member of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion, the Society of Colonial Wars, and the Buffalo (New York) Historical society, besides the Army and Navy clubs, of New York, and Washington, D. nnd the Algonquin club of Burlington. He married at St. Louis, February 2, 1RS6, Mary Chamberlain Edgell, and they ha-e three children, Captain Stephen Perry Jocelyn, recently returned from France. Mrs.

Julian Clark of Burlington and South Carolina, and Mrs. William I. Westervclt of Watcrvllct Arsenal. N. Y.

tne runeral was held at his late home the body wns to Arlington cemetery In Virginia Mm. George Burdett Mrs. Carrie Stannard Burdett. wife of Oeorgo Burdett, died at ono o'clock Monday afternoon at her home at 249 South Champlaln stroet of pneumonia following a five days' illness. She was 21 years old.

Besides her husband she Is survived by one daughter, Elizabeth A aged 18 months; by her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stannard; by four sisters, MrB. Agnus Moody, Miss Bernadctte Stannard. Miss Margaret Stannard and SIlss Geraldine Stannard; and by six brothers, Charles, Peter, Augustus.

John, Harold and Henry, nil of this city. The funeral will be held at St. Mary's Cathedral this morning. Mrs. Alonzn Htrarna Mis.

Alonzo Stearns died at mid-night Tuesday at her home. C2 Lnfountuin street. She Is survived by four sons: Frank of Mlddlebury, Burton of Jeffersonville. Arthur of this city and Howard of Huntington, and two sisters, Mrs. Lucy Jack-man of Charlotte and Mrs.

F. M. Hub-bell of Ferrlsburg. The deceased has been a resident of this city about three years She was a life long member of tho Bap-tlst Church. Tho funeral will be held at her late homo to-morrow afternoon ut 2:30 o'clock, anil the body will bo pla.vd hi tho vnult at Lake View cemetery, Mr.

Alice A. Mpounrr Mrs. AlLvs A. Spooncr of I'ltts-I'crd died yesterday at a local institution, body helm, removed to funeral parlors of Corbln, Frye Morin. Sho Is surrlvnl iy her husband nd four -children.

The body will bo taken to 'it the funeral and intermont. Toarph Snclol The funeral of Joseph fc'nckol, ho died Tudny In Newport, wns held at the Archibald street aynagogue yesterday alternoon, Rabbi H. wi Sacks officiating. Burial was in the Hebrew cemetery In South Burllr.gton. Mr.

Skckol had ben III but seven days with broncho-pneumonia. He was born In Russia 33 years i-go anC was an Upholsterer by trade. He ts survived by his wife, Mrs. Sarah Siu-kot, and two tons, Isaac and Scidel. Itrtlhrrlne McCmrrej- Miss Kathorine McCaffrey, tho 12-year-oM (laughter of J.

Il, McCaffrey, died In Boston Monday. The body was brought to Burlington, and tho funia: held ot tho hpro of Mrr. McCaffrey's fclsicr, Mrs. ChiuJi-8 Bashaw of 31 North Wlnoifkt avenue, "lornlnK, with burial in St. cemotery.

Sirl. .1. II. Onraa Sergeant H. Owens, red 37 years.

In charge of the commlfsa-y department at Fort Ethan Allon. died Sat-urday morning at ono o'clock, at the of pneumonia, following Influenza. Ho leaves his wife, who Is recovering now from nn attack of pneumonia, and mm daughter. 8ergant OwonVwas woll known In Burlington, and was a 33rd degree Mason. GOOD POULTRY ruo.M HENS Noteworthy success Is reported by tho United States department of ngrl-culturo In grnding up mongrel flocks of poultry by the continued uso of mates of pure breeding, Dqrlng tho fiscal year, necordlng to a statement of the bureau of animal Industry, tho third generation 0f Barred Plymouth Rock grades showed marked uniformity In color and type, and White- Plymouth Rock grades showed much Improvement, but did not all conio pure white In color.

In both kinds of grades Individuals occurred which so closely resembled stock of puro breeding that it was Impossible to tell tho dlfferonco by their appearance. A secretary's salary Is not large, but a man may now accept a Cublnet position without feeling that his term of olllco will necessarily bo so long as to Involvo extraordinary pecuniary saorinco, Wash-Ington Star. VERMONT AERO CLUB AND ENGINEERS MEET Two Organizations Hold Busi-ness Sessions and Then Unite to Listen to Interesting Ad-dresses in Which the Future of Aviation isVicturcd Tho Joint meetings of the Aero club of Vermont and the Vermont Society of Engineers u-Hiri held yesterday In this city. Tlicro wirs good nttendanco from ul! parts nf tho Slate nnd both organizations worked hard. The Aero club put In its work toward landing places In Vermont as tho Initial step toward Introducing aviation on a large scale and the speakers created much cnthuslnsm while the engineers nttended to their part of the program by disposing of bniilness and dealing with tho many problems which confront them In work.

In the morning tho engineers held a business meeting In tho roof garden of tho Hotel Vonnont at which Prof. J. V. Votey of this city was edited president to I'Uccood C. F.

Purlnptoj. Guy R. Vnr-nuin of Bnvre wns elected vice-president; Gnorge Red of Montpoller, secretary; T. Dlx of Burlington, treasurer; and Swilt of Mlddlebury member of do loan! of SIrcctora. The Aero club held an Informal meeting In the dining room it tho Van Ness hotel, In the aftumoon a session, which had nn nttendanco wnlch filled tho roof garden of the Hotel Vermont, was held.

lit waa hero that tho progress mudo in flying was rually brought home to thn laudlcnco and do fact that It Is an Im portant ireans of transpirtatlon Impressed on them. Tie rpeokers wsro all interesting because they dealt with the eito-Htlon us It exists to-day President James Ilurlness the Aero club presided and before introducing the first sponker apol on the importance of eryone's keeping an eye out for suitable landing places In Vermont." Tho of ono should bo followed up by reporting It to the club secretary, Jamo? Taylor ot Burlington, i Col. O. C. Brnnt, fortnorly stationed at Fort Ethan Allen In tho cavalry nnd now department air service officer of the eastern department at Fort Schuyler.

N. was the first speaker. Colonel Brant said In opening that the principal trouble with most people was that they wanted to see ships sailing through the air before they wero willing to take steps toward procuring landing places, and of course that can never be, any more than trains can be run before the rails nre laid. It Is Just as ecessary to provide air harbors as It Is to provide harbors for shjps. Already, flying has begun In Vermont, nnd ho mentioned tho work being done by Captain II.

E. Stlckney of Bellows Falls. "The progress made In army aviation will largely depend on tho advance made by commercial aviation. Ono of the first things to consider will be well-defined aerial routes, nnd these must be dotted with landing places. Any aviator wltl tell you that he Is safe so long as his motor works.

But In an emergency, when tho motor stops, ho begins to look around for a place to get down, with a reasonable expectation of getting down alive. In other sections of the country fields are being obtained on every hand and already some good routes havo been provided." Colonel Brant said that Burlington was situated on the only route north from New York to Canada. It Is a good route up the Hudson, over Lako George and Lake Champlaln and In nearly every other route thextopography of the country Is bad with forests, mountains, etc. All that Is needed along here Is suitable landing places. In bringing home to his bearers the Importance of getting in early on thn aviation program.

Colonel Brant said: "Every refinement In the method of transportation tends toward speed. The saving of time Is the big object everywhere. It Is shown In the construction of automobiles and other means of transportation. When it comes to this, air transportation is the speediest method ever invented by man. It Is only a two hours' run from Burlington to New York and at the prosent time air locomotion Is as safe as land locomotion.

There are 1 accidents In the services which have been Inaugurated for commercial purposes. "During the war safety was sacrificed to speed and manoeuvring qualities, but now the machines are being mnde heavier and safer. Tho Liberty motor generated a horse power to every two pounds of weight but this Is not necessry now. Ms-chines are being operated which carry 12 i.aasengers with a prfect degree of safety, no accidents having yet occurred to them." Colo el Brnnt sured tho people thero that they ere safer going 100 miles nn hour in the litr thnn they wero going 30 miles nn hour on earth, for If anything broke en the nutomoblle they were pretty Mire to get huit. He made it plain that by providing landing places rcw and thus jetting established in the nlr traffic a munlc'pallty wns only doing Itself a service.

Lltut. H. W. Corbln of Fouth Hero said that he knew of people 'n New York who wore anxious and pL-nning now to spond their vacations In an nlrplnne trip, but they could only go where thero were lending places. They are not coming to Vermont because thero is no vroYti'on made for them.

The whole 3Urcess of Vermont In this direction depends on getting places wb.iro aviators can land safely. Captain II. E. of Lud'ow, who has throe Ge.Tnaus to his credit, was coiled on by Mr. Hardest-.

He told of tho progress modo in now. Thorn three planes a good field. A flying school will bo opened soon. a our of tho State- will bo made by machines will remain In different localities for Meek or more educate th" people to the fact that ntr- pianos really and are usaful. Tlioy will lako up piiSsongcrs.

Ho had some to show tho dependability of mo ir service, Already pieces of mall been carried by st a mail ncrccntBh'a of tho cist of carrying teem by rail. Ho told of the plan for Inaugurating a passenger service botvvn New York and Chicago, where passengers can be1 tnken for $18 each. There aro at present time 320 air operated by private enterprises In Nebraska, and about 300 out of Chicago. Tho Middle West Is waking im to tho possibilities of acrlu! service and7s passing the East for tho reason that nature provides better landing places in that section of tho country. James P.

Taylor spoko fnr a few minutes and urged on all tho importance of every man's going back homo resolved to havo his community beenmo Interested In securing a landing place. Information was given out as to what tho essential qualltles to a good landing field arc. Already, men uro taking up flying hero, nnd It Is right that places be provided for them to land In an emorgency. Colonel Brant, when asked mom In do-tall whnt wns required for a field, said that a runway of at least 1,500 feet ought to be provided. The government specifications provide for 1,800 feet.

In France the men landed In smaller fields. Ho told of tho field In Albany, N. which has been found to be too small and has been abandoned for another after about $10,000 had been spent on It, Tim obstacles nn proporty about It make lots of difference If a place Is found It is dosirabla that It be secured at once beforo any buildings March SPRING DISPLAY OF cresses for WOMEN OETTT WALES DRESSES for women leproent the desire of those who have passsed dcbufcmte ak to preserve as long as the lines of girlhood How successfuJ BETTY WALES designs are in rhis re: pec i. ou can best judge by an inspection of the Spring models we are now snowhvj Wwnefi, 34 tn 44? MIses; 14 te 20 BETTY WALES DRESSES ARE SOLD ONLY IN THIS STORE. PRICES MODERATE iaJC A Special Shoiving of 1 Wool Plaids tor Skirts Priced $5.50 and $6.50 yd.

They are the fashionable 54 inch plaids for plain or plaited skirts in handsome checks and medium and large plaids including all the leading color combinations as well as the popular black and white effects. Also the 48 in. striped skirtings with plaid border that arc entirely new. It requires but a yard to a yard and a half for plain skirts and two and a quarter yards for plaited skirts. So one can see the economy of purchasing these plaids at and $6.50 per yard.

Phoenix Silk Hosiery for Women $1.80 and $2.75 pr. Phoenix Silk Hosiery has no equal for wearing qualities, heavy pure silk with lisle garter tops, extra reinforced heel and toe, black, taupe and brown. Full fashion $2.75 pair. Mock seam $1.80 pair. or other objectionable features are constructed on 11.

Tho Ideal way would be for a spot to bo provided every SO miles, as an aviator can coast that distance ordinarily. It was suggested that the fields be named after the heroes who gave lives In the air service during the war, and Colonel Brant mentioned Hamilton of Burlington. There are mnn ri these who went from Vermont and sonio of them wero numed. After the Importance of Inndlng places had been drilled Into the hearers heads In nn interesting manner for aboi't two hours, it was U'Oght thit the rooting had accomplished Its purpose and was adjourned until evening. A fenfire of thi "meeting was ihe reading of on original noum by Vercy O.

S.nlth of who dealt w'h epAlenu of a aviator Wlla TtHer. 1'ollowlng tc jelnt sislon the onQluefm went Into session llstenjd to reports of offlcern nnd tho f.ubl'.i; roads ajid paver development and mo''nanlca. nni electrlca' science, ralhonds nnd "nglntTlniT, nanltntlon puMlc and icsou'cs. EVENING SESSION llinalmtf-d Talk hy Colnnel in Itrrelnsmrnt of. the All At 0.30 clock of two organizations Oltir.c at tho llotol Vermont, long table In ho cer'er of tho dining room accornmosJutlng "about fifty.

Colonel Itrnnt funilshd excellent tertnlnmcnt and Instruction nt the oe- i ning session with his Illustrated talk cn the development of tJrplanes. Although ho stated thai ho was not an engim he showed a great knowledge of lib; subject. The development of th iilrplanc wah shown from tho early days of tho invention of the parachute to tho present freight and passenger carrying innchlnt-s, which Colonel Hrant Insists aro about the safest means of transportation, or -not nn accident to them has et bean chronicled, Incidentally, the speaker told of somo of the bandlcapti with which the air sorvlco won obliged to contend nt tho opening of the war. when tho United States had nothing. Me said that ot course many mistakes hnd been mailu and that with nothing to go by she cnglneuru wero wild In some of their promises.

Tho personnel, however, was magnificent, as was shown by the Tact that nearly four times as many German machines wcio downed yy Americans as wero Inbt by them. Oolonel IHnnt gives the Wrights Cm credit for tho first real nlr plane 'op passenger uo. Itc told of the many win had glvonAhelr lives la with the machines, soma like Luugley, I 11, 1920 mnj-nmranCTaii i il i irajiJHCTjirw3cra 1 Dresses TOAD! MAIIK ma. U.S. PAT.

Of who had the right principle but died urn. Knowing iney were successful because of miner faults. The speaker gave much Information on 'he problems of and dealt extensively with the photographing ond. Ho also told soma wry interesting tilings which had been ni'cnmpllshr-d In the last vear or To his the wlrtltcs telephont wat as remarkable as any. On th Af-JxjiAn nt present time, are do'iig i service nnd tele ticnlnif their to stations away, WltfMn tvo weeks a masago luu? t-'pa te'ophoned V.

miles iy wireless. In the old davu It vns impossible ot M- with, a "ia.ii in the air but now 'he i Pt such thing as out uf tlon. O'ders glvvi- and tho off mart rre he much 1n touch and vnt so than are thv. truops on tra Votinc' y-nrj ign tl-u mtn In th r.unc nch othnr ThT. -vevi Ti.nnv thnvii which vjrj up.

nceli as I'." Liberty motor, which l2i coion-l n. plulcd lor 1-ndl-g pined fine! felt sui- uxat tbo rnoto' would b. hre Ir lio tbJ tb'i-rj or four many, they 's a plnce to land. In' nil "pinion. uoi.g of H-eton, pi-ilrtn" ol lineirntloiui! Air Craft who was to nrrlvo and give some exhibition IliiThip, Jtis-ble to ge or- boM-BO his wMch was in 'vt CIC was in tho way ti avtatlon.

Item ui sr.ow bhiiit. CORNELL MEN ORGANIZE l.iicnl I'ornrMtnnn Mi-el llofrl nimil In Ciiiispnir.ri O'irncll Uiilvr-ivity. lll.e vo otlur Institution: In the rountry. to raise an endowment 'und Chnrlcv M-troli of xlt.sto:i. of the Trgirir.ui'ni, uot with tlui IlnMton (Juraoillans i.t io Informal luiu'ii the Hotel Vonnont lay for tho purpern of cirrying ou tho work of tho Sm.f."ntrnr,ial Kin'ownicnt usMir latinii.

S'lTu'ury Mar-h told tho of tho ifo-k In oilier part of New Kngland, showing grailfvlng results, lln thorouirhiy Inlu tho Vermont organisation. Tbi-o Irnm differed O'jvncll In addition to the I'rof George O. tlroat. 15U1, i'rof (' II. liurrows, isw-ttHXl, Prof )1.

WJ, l'rof. Thomas Ur.niiec, rrof, H. Kllt-nberger, Mi. and P. Allen, Ifilrt, luii' of ti -ollisii if Medlflue.

The Statu rhalifinr is I auth'wlrk, 'S3, and me thnlrtuar. for county, 11 rH -Mnrsh, l.r is of the clans cf will 5 old a i. mllnr ineetinj with the Oo-nel-Hans in Uut'und to-uay, I.

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