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Hamilton Evening Journal from Hamilton, Ohio • Page 5

Hamilton, Ohio
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"Vt.1 I i MONDAY, AUGUST 18, A I I A Luncheon-Bridge Misa Evangeline Tranciir Miss Beeler and Hughes Heeler. (leathering Beoson) charmingly entertained? qt a luniih- con-bridgo on Saturday in honor of Miss Evnngolme lYan- cis, brUle-clcet of Gcorgo Sohngcn jr. Tlic pretty parly was hold at tho John SI. Beeler homo pn South street, where at one o'clock a luncheon was served faultlessly to fho guests. Bridgo was the mnin' occupation of: the: afternoon, ot the close of Miss Louise Murphy was awarded' silk lingerie as a reward for her efforts.

Tho quests were Misses Evan- gcline jFrnneis, fittest honor, Rebecca Francis, C.U'olyn Suter, Cnth- crino Sohngcn, Mavjorio, Burnett, iLouiso Stevenson) Lois Faist, Louise 'Murphy nnd Mcsdamcs John M. W. B. Francis mid Ted Becson. yo.ung Joined them and they LcSourdsville where they enjoyed' a canoeing and swimming party i.nd later dancing.

Friday, attended a homecoming College of Sacced Heart and enjoyed dinner in the afternoon tennis an evening of bridge were planned for Saturday. Mrs. Carl Qreer chap- eroed'tho party until Sunday when (ho guesls departed. Middletown Hostess At Dinner i Aliss Georgic Xollers of dlelown entertained a few Hamillon people and their guests on Friday evening dinner. A delicious dinner was served to Mr.

nnd Mrs. Tom Zollers and son George, end guests Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Bnrilen of Hertford, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank Wiseman, mid Mrs. Rollers and sons Clarence and Jintmie nnd Mrs. C. P. Uraracll.

Margaret Fischer Hostess At Housp Party Vor MID past week, Miss Margaret Fischer has proved most delightful hostess at an interesting house parly. The guests members of her class at school. They enjoyed merry from Thursday till Saturday, cramming the days full of pleasure. On Thursday evening, several The guests this delightful party were: Misses Angelique Mailey of Washington, Marion Nebillie of Springfield, Elvira Dueseh ol Coldwater, Ohio, Mary Louise (jutting of Cincinnati, Carolyn Bol gcr Cincinnati, Ange i i 'O'Grady Cincinnati, and Mar) Louiso Cowen of Hamilton. Son Born To Mrs.

Heal Schauer A hnhy son wns born to Mrs Ncal Schnncr (Helen Reeves,) formerly of Hamilton, yesterday at her homo in Hyde Park. The lit- Stid- fellTM has been uamcd Shcr- nnn William. he Y. W. C.

A. conference held Mrs. D. R. Baker and son John from a delightful inptor trip of three weeks up iu- Wisconsin.

Miss Daisy Brundage and Miss Daisy Gentry arc spending an enjoyable vacation at Mammoth Cave, Ky. MOVIE MAD By HAZEX, DEYO Oopyrljht, 1924, By Public Ledger Company Oloiia King, who conies to Hoi-1 Then he wns stooping to her, lywood with the idea of making her tip, to him. Her first good in the movies, finds that the instinct vena to struggle, hut pride cannot make headway without Joo Seherrer is visiting Dick Dar-1 pul Shfl growa tteri an hon, hy at Cambridge, Ohio, for week. a a Serle3 pf jnc iitB that Mr. Mrs.

Bert Phillips re-, br 6s h6 to his attention, Rolf turned lust week from a molor Tcmpleton, the great screen star, to Michigan. They were gone as 3 jo marry him, Bho con- cral w6kcs. en ta, although sho despises, him 60 Peep "FLEECY AMMONIA Softens water, loosens saves half the labor, half the soap. I neither hands nor fabrics. The big help in all household cleaning.

tlTTLE BOY BLUE BLUING 'Makes Clothes Snowy White Miss Helone Bender was a Cincinnati visitor Snturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Carlos Qresslo homo nftcr a delightful: trip west. They wont through the Yellowstone nnd spent'several weeks in seeing various sights.

Mr. qrid Mrs. Albert F. Brown and daughters Francis and Albcrla of Knnkakee, 111., nro visiting Dr. nnd Mrs.

Charles. M. Scrvico Direolor Joseph B. Meyers, his wifo nnd daughters Mnreella, and Mnrgiicrile, nnd Mnry Ansclnu left Sunday for two weeks' tour through Northern Michigan. Jnko'Bricll of South Gale, juest Virgil and regrets the step she has taken fter it is too lato.

wns th'e' Scliwavm. Get Rid Of Dandruff By Shampooing Cuticura Soap At'nlfiM lightly anoint the scalp, espc cially epots of dandruff and ilcliing, Tvi)' CuticuraOlnlrncnt. Next morning shacr poo with a Euda ol Cuticura Soap an hot This trealment rfoea muc for dandruff and itching scalps, the cam of thin and falling hair. M. llF.Mx O.

Soap 2Sc.6lrt Addrctt: "Cntlenrt Juests Honored At Sunday Tea Lairr'cnco Doron entertained at tea yesterday evening at iis home on North street, in of the charming house guests of Miss Margaret Fischer. These roiuig girls hnvo been having a rentable swirl of Bocial events icld in their honor for the pnst' 'ew days, nnd this affair came is the last of them. Tho table Voiced beautiful with only simple nit effective' decorations of lovely summer flowers. The guests of Mr. Doron were Misses Margaret Fischer, Marian cbillio of Springfield, Elvira Dnesch of Coldwater, Ohio, Ange- iique Malloy of Washington, Mary Louiso Gutting, of Cincinnati, An- loinctto MaiT, Catherine Enrlc, an A Messrs William Mason, Kogcr Rolhwell, Joo Marr nnd Adrian Hoi brock.

Farewell Party For Miss Halperin Mary Hnlperin was a hostess nt farewell party in honor of her eistcr, Miss Hnuiuih Hnl- perin, on Friday night nt her home. Miss Hannnh loaves tomorrow to accept a position nt Iho Iowa Congregational hospitnl where sho will net ns dietitian, The hospitnl is at DCS Moincs, lowr The party was .1 happy one and after ''n merry evening, refreshments were served to tho guests who Misses Hannah Hnl- perin, Isnbcl Lawless, Mnbcl Bnu- is, Helen Uamscycr, Jessie Mc- Callnm, Elizabeth Hilbcr.t, Miss of Richmond, Rebecca nnd Mary. Halperin. PERSONALS Miss Catherine. McGurk, Miss Ella Mahoncy and Miss Janet Bailey, of Lexington, are visiting Miss Cecilin Pater.

Dr. nnd Mrs. Leroy Hencs have left' for ten days' slay at Dillsboro. Miss Angclinno Molloy is visiting Miss Margaret Fischer for two weeks. Mrs.

Jennie Stevenson of Oxford, spent Snturday and Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. VanNcss, of Belle nvcnuo.

Roe Reaves, who hns boon traveling wild vaudeville company for fourteen years, hns signed up for another season's work nlor.g the coast. Miss Martha nnd Dorothy Snndors nf McGiynn street hnvo returned from two weeks' visit with their aunt in Richmond, Ind. Miss Lorctta, Adcle nnd Jcnn Fritsch and Miss Dorothy Yonrter- Hnar nrc leaving for a two weeks' stay at Rome City. Nathan Grobnn of Hamilton, was an interested visitor Inst week i.t radio station WLS, Chicago, lo- I potod in Ihe tower of the Sears-Roc' buck plnnt. 1 I Mi: and Mrs.

Jnsepli ,1. Briine, GeOrge. Hutchison is spending his vacatibn in Midclletown. ilnrokl Garrison Blanchestcr week-end guest at the Buckeye Ohio, was residence street-tnis week. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Frank Malcy, spent the week-end in Zanesville Ohio, with friends. CHAPTER XIV Surrender. Gloria'walked up tho steps Tcmplpton's white stucco palnco i 'her head held high. A smiling Japanese.

3 ront door ceth in a held tho large wide, showing all his discreet grin, as they entered. And then once more she felt the heavy oppression of the rooms, i vnslhess, tho over- liixuriousncss the furnishings. Sho hnd almost forgotten how sho hnlcd it nil, nnd how'ditticult it was going to ho to live hero. In the hugo 'living room, so different from her own cozy room in Iho bungnlow, the silent-fooled Japanese brought caviar sandwiches nnd placed a small lahour- bowl conqucred the impulse and sho lay limp against his breast. His lips hard on hers left her rigid but still passive, although ho held her closely as ho kissed her.

Ho did not speak a single word. Finally ho released her, to ahmplly that sho staggered. Ho put out his arm to steady her, lint she drew hack' fiom him proudly, and her' voico- was icy with scorn when sho spoke. "I might hnvo expected something liko that." "Under tho circumstances should cull it tho natural pro cedure," ho returned, his voici not quite steady. "As I said once before this a yon are in wife.

I married you because wanted yon. You knew that; i was in' bargain." '51 suppose it never occurred. I you a you fight he considei ct with various bodies, of cracked ico and glasses at Gloria's Tho girl was very silent. Tn her a a her eyes were very wide Miss Louise Herbert is home from and dark, with fnint purplo shnd- Walloon Lake. I bcncnth them, wns snd- Miss Margaret S'pccr is visiting I very tired, but she was too her grandmother, Mrs.

Nelson i proud to show it. Fcnr, too, Specr. Ki-i rp ing her heart; ate, 1 she I flamed. "Oh, dcspiso you I I hat I 11CVC fear Mr. nnd Mrs.

R. 0. Fluddcr ore homo from a two weeks' stay in Dc- hnving been cnllcd there by sno would scream tho denlh of Mr. father, nmo Iler HID Inte Gcorgo W. Flmldor.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wnrncr and Mr. and Mi's. Charles Miller and daughter, Anna May, returned yesle'rdny from a pleasant motor trip to Louisville, Kentucky.

Mr. and Mrs. Theodora Bnker, of 74S Syiamcs nvcnuo, have returned after a ten days' stay at Camp Hamilton, Lovclnnd. Mr. and Mrs.

William Yeakle and children, William Helen and Hutli, nnd Miss Mary Yenklo lefi today for Indian Lako where they was that Tomplcton would begin to his attentions on her. She felt that 1 aloud he i jr and Mrs. Carl Lehmkuhl mid I William Manifold left Providence, 1 R. Fridny for Cnnndn. While in Providence, Mr.

Brmie attended the MRS.BUSHTELLS OTHERJOMEN HbwPainsin Sideand Drag- King Down Feelings Were E. i 1 UUlI-Orci ijiiinn mm nun, 1 1 Relieved by Lydia fc. fink- usl rclnrne from pleasnnt ham'sVegetableCompound jMt nt Lakcwdod Inn, Chautmiqm have tnkcn a cottage for two Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kroger have returned after delightful visit at Wichita, Knnsns, nnd" other poinU of interest.

Mr. nnd Mrs. John C. Spindler and family, Mr. nnd Mrs.

Paul C. Zimmerman and family and MJK Harvey Harding left this mornin; for week's stay nt Russclls Point. Miss Hose Segcrs is leaving Wednesday for Home City. Miss Helen nnd Carl Blume have left for two weeks' visit to Ninga- rn Falls, nnd Lou Island. nnd Mrs.

Grover Maddock and daughter Lois Jano returned yesterday from a. week's motor trip to Washington nnd New York. Dr. nnd Mrs. Tom Hughes nnd children aro visiting Tom Hughes at his country home for a week Mrs.

Iva Axmnn is Dayton visitor today. C. Hoovcn Griffis is in Zanesvillc attending the American Legion convention for few days. Mrs. W.

C. Dclncmirt 1ms turned lo her home iti Hamilton nf ter visit of two weeks at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. Millignn, iu Delroit. Dr. Frederick Grover is in Ham illo'n spending few weeks with mother, Mrs.

Louise Grover. 'Dr Grover is physician in a Milwau kce hospital. Miss Bosemary Tiilly, of Wyoming has been upending six weeks i relatives in Hamilton, and will return to her home this week. Mrs. Hunt (Lucia Bcldcn) of Fort Smith, is visiting her parents, mln Mrs.

Edgar Beldcn for a few weeks. Mrs. Wesley Morris, hns returned from the Y. W. C.

A. conference which wns held nt Gcncva-on- thc-lnke, for several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Frank L.

Craven have returned home after a delightful two weeks' motor i through the northern part of the slnte. Sho stole- a "-lance uis di- cotion, and as she did he turned ml cnmo toward her. At the small ahte ho paused, poured small mount of liquor in two glasses, tided cracked ice nnd and jroffercd her a glass. She shook icr head in refusal and he smiled own nt her mockingly. "Not oven to drink toast to hnppinoss?" he said lightly, She continued to sit there silcnco and with a little shrug of iis shoulders he drained ill's glnss nd set it down, on the table.

She vatchcd him 'as he lighted a cig- nr.eitc and drciv a quivering iroath of relief ns ho Rat down tpposite her: But- with sudden iiovcmtMit he flung tho cigarette nto the firjplacc and came towaic! lier. Her slender a gripped the irms of her chnir as though to liold to them for protection, nn is her eyes sought his face sh( limly realized that his expressioi ivas His fncq was white looked 1 somehow older. With blood suddenly singing in hei ears Gloria turned away. dreamed nny man could, ho so cor temptiblc." you've forgotten tbh you'ro lo hnvo a career in th movies," ho said lightly. "Tlia ought lo compensate somcwha or my nltentions lo you." Ho was pouring himself nnothe li'ink.

Gloria could hcnr the clink ice in the glass and the swish the seltzer. Shfl Jind sudden nnd desire to leave tho room, to 10 alone, and without vouchsafing lira a look sho began lo walk (he door. Her feet dragged, she had a 'ccting that he might try to stop ler, but somehow she could not nirry. Ami then sho wns in tho for tho time being sho hnd escaped from him, sho was alone I tho Same." M'GffiONlAY BE RETURNED TO PRISON Cleveland, 0., Aug. into the arrest df former Municipal Justice i i II.

McGnnuon, charged wiili driving his automobile- while- intoxicated, was begun here, onlcved by officials of Ohio penitentiary, who declared if be is convicted ho wiV he returned fortlnvUh to prison '( the remainder his one io 10-year sentence for perjury. His prison sentence wns slior tcncd fo 1U monllis when ho TVHS paroled in February this year because of ill-licnUEi. E. 10. Clingcr, field officer, WEIS sent here to conduct, tbo invest! gaEion, The Best Place To Shop After All Eagles convention.

Misses Mario Schwartz and i then nnd Ycra a havo Iho Tom Green Ferry' Charleston, West Lamb and Norb rible pains'in both my sides and a Id ragging-down af- fectedmceothat I jbuldhardly'walk, and I got- rundown. Afriend who lhad taken Lydia E.Pinkhnm'a Vegetable Compound advised' me to try it and I a taken it with the bestrcaults. I do my housework and soiTio outdobV work on the form. Tho Vegetable Compound'hns given was tltc I Mrs. JVod, of Brown's I Aii'lo Mr.

and Mrs. 0. Singer ami daughter Mnry Anne, are leav- "ing for Niagara Falls, New York City, Toronjo and Detroit. Mr. and Mrs.

B. K. Watson, of Park avenue nnd daughter, Cnther- iiip, hnvo relumed 'two weeks' slay nt GcncvA-on-tlie-lake. Mr. and'Mrs.

Martin Spocrl and daughters Imvc returned from a delightful stay nt Walloon lake. Mrs. Rosco Slovens ot Hamilton, 5no Vegetable uoropouno nns given me-back my health and I cannot praise it enough. am perfectly willing Oiat you should use these if ray letter will help other women who Bt'll R. D.

The spirit of helpfulness shown in the letters we aro constantlypublish- of notice. These women know by experience what Lydia E. PlnkhaVs Vegetable Compound will tto. Your troubles are the eame as theirs. If you pains and dragging- down feeling and are nervous and h- by Mrs.

Bush's I uue ana fee Compound trttl. rrr: oE her mother, Mrs. Harvey Sullon of. Middlclown Inst week. Mrs.

Frank J. Kcier, who is recuperating, nt the 'Mercy hospital, is doing nicely. many" friends will lib pltascd to learn of (his pro griess. Miss Myrim Schwarm is spending several weeks nt R'wssclla Point wh'oro she is attending sorority Miss Mildred Weaver turned from Williams Bay, on Lake elie i MOTHS ICfi Half L. PI766Q Mosquitoes Roaches Ank Etc.

Hamilton's Greatest Department Store School Days will soon here and the girls will want some new dresses, so here is a material-Sunflower Suiting Guaranteed fast colors. Tuesday we place 350 yards of this material on sale at this very special price This is a crepe fabric with small and oblong checks, wonderful colors, and just heavy enough for early Fall hear. En ro II Now--Free Sch ool Lamp Shade and Fancy Pillow Making Tuesday, Sept. 2nd, we will add this feature to our Drapery Department under the eupervision of Mrs. Hildetrand who has had ten years experience and cornea to us highly recommended.

All we require is for you to 'purchase your materials here, and your lessons will he free. Enroll now so wo can arrange classes for all. Home Dr. Malcolm Bronson Senate Beauty Shoppe Mae Hand Harold Hand 'Marcel-Waving Manicuring Water-Waving Facials Expert Hair Bobbing Shampooing Soft-Water. Telephone Appointments.

THIRD HIGH PHONE 4581 Cuts two from your no rubbing-no bluing HERB it is-the greatest little aid to washing that ever was invented! Dissolve two tablespoonfuls of La France with your soap when you put the clothes to soak or boil, and half the work is done. No back-breaking rubbing. No bluing. With La France, you just soak or boil the clothes, then rinse and wring, and your work is over. La France blues as it cleans.

And how it does clean! You'll say it's magic--the clothes are BO snowy white anc) sweet. Use La France with any soap you like oc flakes--in tubs or washing machine. All the sticky, greasy ditt is washed away twice as quick when La France, too, is used. Ask your grocer foe it. 10 cents a package.

Ask him also for Satina. Add it to the hot starch. Prevents the iron from sticking, and gives a soft glossy finish. It also imparts a delightful fragrance, to the'clothes. La France Manufaey luring Company, Philadelphia.

LA France it clcdiu. LOOSOIJ every greasy harltclt soil jo it cmi OC emily away. List it until joap of wy brand Only cent' dch ti-orulcr- product that doct awAy with drudgery of i For i i or U'dirnrtjj The New French Walnut Dining Room Suite We are displaying the new French Walnut Dining Room Furniture, also Roman Walnut and Corsican Walnut. The dining room is one of the most important rooms in the home. That is where half your home enjoyment is taken.

Replace your old suite with a new up-to-date suite. You'll never regret it. 8-Piece Dining Room Suite French Walnut KREBS The Store of Helpful Service.

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