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The Eureka Herald from Eureka, Kansas • Page 1

The Eureka Heraldi
Eureka, Kansas
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uad Historical Society Founded 1868 The Eureka Herald $1.00 Per Year and Greenwood County Republican. VOL. XLI NO. 9 EUREKA, GREENWOOD COUNTY, KANSAS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1908 WHOI NO. 2104 LOCAL SHORT STORIES A.

Betsher, of lola, Buys Home Steam Laundry NEW REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Members Elected at Recent Primary, Mrs. John H. Olson and Claude Dickinson Die of Typhoid FeverClerks May get off -Severy Gets County Sunday School Convention. C. H.

Weiser, proprietor of the Eureka Bottling Works, filled the largest order Tuesday that he has sold since he has been in the pop business. The order consisted of 200 cases, 8000 pounds, and was shipped to one of the stand men at the Howard fair. District Court Judge G. P. Aikman held a short adjourned session of district court in Eureka Monday morning.

Nothing of any special importance was up for consideration, the session having been called to allow Mr. Aikman to render a few decisions which he had under advisement since the regular May term. Fined For Disturbing Church William Outen, a young man living about 10 miles southeast of Eureka, was arrested at Toronto Saturday night for disturbing the church services at Carrol some months ago. Outen left the country at the time and had not been back before his arrest. He plead guilty in Justice A.

B. Miller's Monday morning and paid a fine of $50 and costs amounting to $19.85 Early Closing A movement has been started among the local merchants for early closing during this month. The plan is to close at 6.30 every night except Saturday and during fair week. Chas. A.

Leedy has already inaugurated the plan at his store and it is thought that others will fall in line in a short time? It is needless to' say that the clerks are heartily in favor. of the movement. Madison Township Convention. The convention of the Sunday Schools of Madison Township was held in Lovett's grove at Madison last Thursday. Eight of the nine schools in the township were represented.

An excellent program was given and the meeting was very successful and instructive. The merchants of Madison are to be commended for the part they took in hiring the grove for the convention. Home Steam Laundry Sold. C. C.

Charles, who has been prietor of the Home Steam Laundry for a number of years, has sold his business to A. Betsher, of Iola, who is now in charge. Mr. Betsher is an experienced laundryman. Mrs.

Charles has been in ill health for some time and this has prompted Mr. Charles to dispose of his business holdings here and go to Colorado with the hope that she may be benefitted by the mountain air. Sunday School Convention at Severy, The convention of the Sunday schools of Greenwood county will be held at Severy September 1st and 2nd. A good two days' program has been prepared. Among the speakers will be State Secretary J.

H. Engle, of Abiline. Every Sunday School in the county is expected to send at least one delegate to this convention. Every Sunday School officer in the county is considered a delegate and a member of the association. More definite arrangements will be given later.

Severy Wins Again The Eureka Jase ball team enter. seined last Friday afternoon. The guests were nine young man from Severy. Everything went love'y in the morning and until three o'clock in the afternoon, when the Severy boys informed the home lads that they had come up to trim Eureka at base ball. They did.

The score was 6 to 4. Severy played classy ball all the way. Eureka thought it was a baloon ascension for the first few innings and did not get over the idea until Severy had the game safely stored away in their won columns. Then the locals got busy and made the game very interesting for their south-end guests. Tomlinson, Cornett and Irwin formed the Eureka battery and King and Tomlinson performed' in a similar capacity for Severy.

Eureka, needs more practice and a little more financial support. All the fans should help. Bad Fire At Madison Loss of about 85000 resulted from a fire in Madison early this morning. Three frame buildings, one occupied by the M. A.

Gonter repair and tool shop, one used as a residence by the Gonters and one vacant building were destroyed by a fire which was discovered about 3 o'clock this morning. Mr. Gonter carried $1000 on his hardware and tools which were valued at about $3000. There was only $500 insurance on the buildings. The Gonters saved their household goods.

Cause of fire is not known. New Republican Committemen Under the primary election law members of the party central commitee were elected at the primary August 4. Under the law the chairman of the county committee is chosen from the membership of the committee and becomes a member of the state committee. The Republican state committee will meet in Topeka Tuesday, August 25 to organize and plan the coming campaign. Therefore it will be necessary for the Republican county committee to meet sometime in the next ten days to elect a chairman who will represent this county at the state committee meeting.

The members of the county committee elected August 4 are as follows: Eureka Township, 0. S. Branson; 1st Ward, T. J. Souders; 2nd Ward, A.

Bell; 3rd Ward, J. P. Alter; Bachelor, G. W. Burt; Fall River, Walter Smethers; Janesville, W.

O. Smith; Lane, G. T. Mallicoat; Madison, Frank D. Hamer; Otter Creek, J.

E. Rossel; Pleasant Grove, E. A. Hibbard; Quincy, Wm. C.

Hoover; Salem, Thomas Cartwright; South Salem, E. Barrier; Salt Springs, F. G. Brown; Shell Rock, T. A.

Hester; Spring Creek, D. E. Miles; Twin Groves, B. H. Carrithers.

Mrs. John Olson Dead Mrs. John H. Olson died at her home on North Elm Street at 10 o'clock Sunday morning August 9, 1908 of typhoid fever, aged 31 years, 10 months and 27 days. Cora Eliza sell was born at Carthage, Missouri, September 12, 1876.

She united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1893 and had lived a faithful Christian life until the time of her death. She was united in marriage to John H. Olson at Taylorsville, Illinois, on April 17, 1903. They came at once to Greenwood county, locating on a farm in Otter Creek township. In February 1907 they removed to Eureka.

Mrs. Olson's life was one of singular beauty and her cheerfulness and faithfulness had won for her a host of friends. She leaves a husband, an adopted daughter, Agnes 10 months old besides, a father, mother, one sister and six brothers, all of whom were present at the funeral. The funeral services, conducted by Rev. 0.

J. Law, pastor of the Christian. church, were held from Methodist Episcopal church at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Paugh, Mrs.

Olson's pastor, was unavoidably out of town and was not able to assist at the services. Interment was in Greenwood cemetery. Claude K. Dickinson Dead. Claude K.

Dickinson died at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mra. M. Dickinson on East Third Street, Tuesday August 11, 1908, of typhoid fever, aged 24 years, 6 months and 27 days. Claude Kleckner Dickinson Mas born at Farragut, Fremont Coun-1 ty, Iowa, February 4, 1884.

He came with his parents to Greenwood county March 14, 1901 and had made his on the ranch eleven miles east of Eureka since that time. He attended the Southern Kansas Academy in 1902 and 1903, since which time he had been engaged in the farming and cattle raising business. He was a member of the Neal 1.0.0.F. lodge. He was to have been married in September of this year to Miss Lilly MeDivitt, of Neal.

Mr. Dickinson had not been feeling well for some weeks, but he was very anxious to get his hay crop up and stayed at his until a few days ago. Claude Dickinson was one of the most upright end popular young men of this county, a young man of exemplary habits and of such character and disposition as to not only make his relatives and friends proud of him, but to win the esteem and admiration of all with whom he came in contact. His surviving relatives are, his parents, three brothers, Lee and Elmer Dickinson, of Sheridan, Wyoming, and Donald of Eureka, and one sister, Mrs. Jessie Duncan, of Neal.

The funeral services, conducted by Rev. G. J. Rhodes, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of. Neal, were held from the Congregational church, Eureka, at 3 o'clock this afternoon.

Interment was in Greenwood cemetery. FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR Greenwood County Exposition Begins Next Tuesday A GREAT WEEK OF PLEASURE Everything is Now In Rediness For The Entertainment of the PeoplePrizes Offered for Live Stock, Farm Products--And the Handiwork of The Housewife -A Great Race Program Carried out Every Afternoon. Eureka has sent all her spare linen to the laundry and is making extensive preparations to entertain the thousands of visitors who are expected to attend the fifth annual meeting of the Greenwood County Fair Association here next week. The Fair Grounds already present an animated picture. Horses are coming in almost every day and every morning the drivers are working out their steeds on the track.

Much work has been done on the track this week and it is expected to uphold its reputation as one of the fastest half-mile speedways in the country. Practically all of the stalls have been taken and Secretary Weiser says that no empty stalls will be found after the racing opens. The eating shack is already on the ground and is prepared to do a flourishing business. The pike this year will be the best ever. More concessions have been sought and sold than in other years and either side of the popular runway will be lined with fun producers and thirst quenchers.

The merry-go-round and everything that goes to make up a real pike will be in evidence. Large entries have been booked in the agricultural live stock, poultry kitchen and fine art departments. The heads of these departments have expressed the opinion that this year's show will surpass those of any of the previous years. The entries in the fine arts and kitchen departments will be judged by Mrs. John Graham, an expert from Emporia The live stock departments will be judged by Prof.

McKinsey of the State Agricultural College, J. Atherton, of Emporia, will judge the fowls. Much interest is being taken in the fat steer show and it is expected to be the best ever given at the fair. Many Greenwood county steers have been eating 70 cent corn and hundreds of pounds of bran and shorts for the past several weeks and they are fairly rolling in fat; $600 having been hung up for the winners and the contest for the prizes will be close, as it has always been. Expert judges from the Kansas City commission houses will award the prizes.

Tuesday afternoon when Starter Sumner gives the horses the word in the two-year old trot the racing program will be on and until late Saturday evening the horses will participate in red hot contests for the big end of the money. The local association hangs up some of the best purses in the state and it is well known that the horsemen will race for the long green. The races will bring out such local favorites 88 Melba, Giftline, Gold Lace, Cosa, Dr. Pipes, Fred Puls, Contractor and Hepwright. The 2.35 pace has 24 entries, the 2.20 pace has 15, the 2.15 pace has 15, the 2.35 trot has 22 the 2.23 trot has 19, all good ones, and all the races are filled in good shape.

Good dashes will also be an interesting part of each day's program. Some of the best runners in the business will be here. Most of the horses that will tade part in the races here are at Howard th's week. They will arrive in Eurcka some time the latter part of the week by special train. Nothing short of a miracle will prevent Eureka from having the finest fair in her history this year, and don't forget, there will be five big days instead of four a8 heretofore.

Miss Nora A. Hayes and Mr. Mass H. Aaroe were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mre.

A. B. Hayes, Tonovay, at eight o'clock Tuesday evening. Rev. 0, J.

Law, pastor of the Christian church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few friends and relatives. The bride is one of the most charming and accomplished young ladies of Bachelor township and the groom is one of the county's energetic and industrious young farmers He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Aaroe of Bachelor township.

Mr. and Mr8. M. H. Aaroe will make their home on a farm.

Mrs. E. J. Rock went to Climax Monday for a week visit with ODD FELLOW'S ANNUAL CAVORT They Met and Picniced in Eureka Friday. Rain interfered materially with the attendance at the Odd Fellow picnic in Eureka Friday.

The weather was very threatening all morning and a drizzling rain fell about noon. Many people no doubt stayed at home on this account. The picnic dinner was not held on account of the unsettled weather conditions. The program for the day began at 2 o'clock when the lodges formed at the local hall and marched to the Pavilion rink. The Virgil, Neal, Reece and Eureka lodges were repressnted in the parade.

The prize banner, which was awarded to the lodge having the greatest per cent of its members in the parade, went to Reece. In the afternoon a program, consisting of several numbers by the orchestra and a vocal solo by Clarence Bailey, a piano duet by Ada Johnston and Gladys Grove and a piano solo by Gladys Grove, was rendered. Past Master John I Saunders, of the Kansas Gdd Fellows. was- introduced and made a ousing good speech. Mr.

Saunders rehearsed the history of Odd Fellowship from the the beginning up to the present time and the brother members highly appreciated his talk. Immediately after the speaking the baby show was held. Only Odd Fellow babies were elegible. The little son of Mr. and Mrs.

John Rogers, of Neal, was awarded first prize and the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Denney was given second prize. In the evening another musical program was given and Geo. E.

Tucker was called upon and made a short talk. The head liner on the evening program was the burlesque initiation put on by the members of the local lodge. Geo. G. Wood, taking the part of Willie Green, was the victim of the initiation and from the actions of the big crowd present his treatment was a source of much amusement.

The local lodge had worked hard for this part of the program and everyone spoke of it as a big success. Primary Echoes The official count nominated W. 0. Blackburn for county clerk by one vote. The unofficial returns printed last week gave Whipple a majority of 12.

The race between these two men was exceedingly close, but Mr. Whipple will not contest. He has congratulated his successful opponent and assured him of his support in November. The official count gives this county to Long by one vote. Early reports gave Bristow the county by 6.

I. F. Benest for county attorney and John L. Reed for coroner, the only two new men with no opposition, ran good races and received practically their party vote. H.

A. Lovett polled a mighty good vote in the 2nd commissioner's trict. S. H. Reed, the next commissioner from the 3rd district, ran like an old timer and polled his party vote.

The Republicans did not poll their full strength by about 500 votes. Eureka Loses Again The Yates Center Ball team. feated the Eureka team at Yates Center Tuesday by the score of 7 to 6. The home boys all say that they can beat the Yates Center team, but that they cannot beat the umpire. They accuse this worthy gentleman of being afflicted with defective sight on ball, strikes and close decisions especially when an opportunity arose to help Yates Center to victory.

But then that is all right, the Woodson county boys will be over for a game some time in the near future and then the local lads will put a crimp in their winning streak. Cornett. and Irwin formed the battery for Eureka Tuesday and Matthews and Jewett did the battery work for Yates Center. Geo. Glasco Dead.

George C. Glasco, the Piedmont merchant who was injured July 26th by the explosion of a bottle of nitro-glycine which he struck with a hoe while cutting weeds in the street, died at the hospital in Wichita last Thursday evening. For several days very encouraging reports have been received but the first of last week he grew rapidly worse and was to weak to rally although he Was given every care. Mr. Glasco was 47 years, 4 months and 10 days old.

He leaves a wife and one son, 15 years old. The funeral services were held from the family home in Piedmont Sunday morning at 9 o'clock. Eugene Hill left the first of the week for Wichita, where he has a position with the Morton-Simmons. Hardware Company, AFTER THE BIG FIXERS Grand Jury at St. Louis to Look Into Primary Fraud IS AFTER MANY PROMINENT Indictment of "Men Higher Up" to Be Object of the en Witnesses Subpoenaed Well Known Politicians Involved-Charg es Made That Money Was Used.

St. Louis, Aug. or five prominent political leaders will be indieted for bribing and attempting to bribe, according to persons at the Four Courts, who are in position to know. The indictments will charge the leaders with using large sums of money to swing certain wards in favor of their candidates, and it is said that the bills will be returned within a few days. The investigation into the primary eloction frauds were opened by the inquisitorial body Tuesday afternoon.

Twenty seven witnesses have been subpoenaed to testify, but it is said that only six or seven cases of fraud. ulent voting and repeating will come up. The inquisitors will open the investigation Wednesday into the alleg. ed methods pursued by the political leaders in giving and offering money to ward leaders. It is stated that nearly $15,000 was used by the "big" leaders and some revelations are pected within the next few days.

Several ward leaders will be amined, and while it is expected that little Information will be obtained from them the grand jury, it is said, "has a line" on the men "higher up" and will be able to proceed without the testimony of the "heelers." More than sixty witnesses have been subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury this week, but it is expected that a number of other persons, who are said to know something concerning primary frauds, will be summoned. WHAT THE CANVASS COST. Leland's Campaign Expenses Were $6.000, Stubbs's $3,713. Topeka, Aug. cost Cyrus Leland a little more than $6,000 to be a candidate for Republican nomination of governor at last Tuesday's primary, "It may run $100 more than $6,000," said Mr.

Leland, "as there are some small bills out yet, but it will not go over $6,100. I spent $2,000 each for postage, printing and miscellaneous expenses, which includes traveling expenses and office hire." The surprise to nearly everybody is the statement from the Stubbs headquarters as to the expense of W. R. Stubbs for his campaign, It was generally admitted that Stubbs had spent more money than anyone, not excepting 8 Senator Long. Through his manager, J.

N. Dolley, Mr. Stubbs said Tuesday that he has pended only $3,713, which is less than that paid out by Mr. Bristow. These items make up the Stubbs list: Stamps, office rent, $150; labor, $500; traveling expenses, $480; printing and stationery, $800.

Mr. Stubbs has maintained headquarters consisting of two large ground floor rooms at the Copeland hotel since last January, The Monarchs Kissed. Kronberg, Germany, Aug. Edward arrived here Tuesday morning and was met at the station by Emperor William and his suite. The king and emperor kissed each other on both cheeks and embraced in the most cordial manner.

After the monarch had been introduced to each other's suites the king and emperor entered an open motor car and were driven to the Friedrichhof castle, where they had a long talk before luncheon. Killed Over a 9andwich. Nannibal, Aug. quarrel over a ham sandwich in a local rant late Monday resulted in the death of William V. Whitney, a traveling salesman of St.

Louis, who was shot and killed by John M. Williams, a farmer, living in Marion county, Mis. souri. The coroner's jury returned a verdict finding McWilliams guilty of the killing and he is under arrest. A King to Go Visiting.

Paris, Aug. Paris newspapers have announced that King Al fonso will visit the French capital in September on his way to the Isle of Wight to join Queen Victoria. From England His Majesty will go to na to visit Emperor Francis Joseph. Killed Son In Self Defense, Chicago, Aug. Scassle, who shot and killed his son after the latter had attacked him Sunday night, was exonerated by a coroner's jury Monday.

Scassle, who is 65 years old, pleaded that he acted in self defense! THE AFFAIR WITH HONE JRAS. Covernment Dealing Directly With President Davila. Washington, Aug. ate department is taking up with government of Road the setthe tlement of the questions arising from the cancellations of the exequateurs of the American consul and vice sular officers at Caiba which was done by President Davila because of the alleged intervention of those officers in the political affairs of Honduras. For this purpose it has directed Mr.

Dodge, the American minister at Salvador, to proceed at once to Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras, for conferences with the officials of the foreign office there. It may require several days before Mr. Dodge can reach Tegucigalpa so that some time must elapse before he can begin his conferences with the Honduran officials. In this case the state department is ignoring the Honduras minister here, Mr. Ugate, who has not been to the state department since he had an interview with Mr.

Bacon about ten days ago, which it is said terminated rather abruptly, The result of Mr. Dodge's visit is awaited with siderable interest at the state department which feels that Honduras has acted hastily and in an exparte manner in cancelling the consul's equateurs. Mr. Dodge goes to Teguetgalpa fortified with the note sent to the state department containing Honduras' answer to the request for a suspension of the cancellation of the consul's exequateurs, a copy of which also was transmitted to Secretary Root at Clinton, N. Y.

This note gave the reasons why President Davila could not see his way clear to grant the request of the state department. KANSANS AT FORT RILEY. National Guard Regiments Begin Recelving Instructions, Junction City, Aug. night there were about 7,000 regular and national guard troops at the camp of instructions at Fort Riley. The Kansas National Guard began arriving at the camp Monday morning and their last train carrying about half of the first regiment arrived nt the camp Monday evening.

In the Kansas brigade there are more than 1,600 men. Their course of instruc. tion at the maneuvers camp began Tuesday morning. They will remain here, for ten days. Their work this week consisted principally of drills.

Next Monday they will work with the regular troops in a big combined maneuver. The maneuver of the reg. alar troops Monday was in formation for attack anu defense by companies, troops and batteries. This will also be the problem Tuesday, but at this time the regulars will work as squadrons and battalions. South Dakota Hail Storm, Aberdeen, 8.

Aug. counties extending from Campbell to Codington, including Walworth, Mo Pherson, Edmunds, the southwest part of Brown, the northeastern part of Faulk and Spink and the ern part of Clark were struck by a hail storm Monday which at some points was 40 miles in width. Re ports received Monday evening indi. cate that loss will range from 25 per cent to total. Made Another Successful Flight.

Lemans, France, Aug. two false starts Wilbur Wright, the Dayton, aeroplanist, made a suecessful ascension here shortly before eight o'clock Monday evening. The machine flew about two kilometres (1.24 miles) in one minute and 43 800- onds, official time. Owing to the lat ness of the hour Mr. Wright decide not to try a longer run.

The flight was viewed by several thousasd people. Crops Not So Bad. Washington, the crop conditions in the United States were in the aggregate somewhat better (2 per cent) oll August 1, last, than they were a year ago, but slightly (1 per cent) below a ten-year aver. age condition 011 that date, is the opinion expressed by the crop reporting board of the department of agriculture in supplemental report is sued Monday. Hayes Strike in New Orleans Cotton Mill.

New Orleans, Aug. eral hundred operatives at the Lane Maggins cotton mills in this city have gone on a strike, leaving only a small working force in the mills. It was understood that a large majority of the operatives had agreed to a proposed wage reduction but when it went in effect Monday only a small proportion of them remained at work, A )Voman's Age. If you want to kna how old a an is, ask her sister a law. -Atchison Globe..

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