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The Holton Recorder from Holton, Kansas • Page 6

Holton, Kansas
Issue Date:
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the courtesy they have shown me by LIBERTY. A1AYETTA. Public Sale. Want Column Scraps of Local News 1 will anil my farm 2 mile snnih nf Unit on, known the Oit jtl on Monday, January 13, M)H, Comnn'iirtnn ut 10 a. tn.

th fnllnw-liilt iiri))Ttv 8 II Oh' HoRsKS AM) 1 marPM. mid It yciir old wilKht hoth In foul by HmindiTV.Ufk. I Hpari tnlil. HilutmN hitch, W'll hrot I tnul" 4 ypHfs old, 1 hurst) 4 yearn uhl.i three, yar-Oltts unhro 'c, 4' 1 1 IC A 1 OK CA ITI.K eonnlHttnK of Kuw rIvIhK rnllk, 2 fniftli In October, 4 to l)t- frenh noon, fre-h In the Bprlnic; 1 2 year obi bull 1 bull cnlf 15 Btwor ''Hive. helferH; .1 full Calvtw, ii two-year nlil Htenr, fnur-yar-old cow.

KA OK IKMJH eonnlfUliiK of I now with ft iIrn 7 wet ks old, 4 brood kuwm, male Ihikm, I old and 2 0 HlioaiH wnlKht about HO itm. VKKID: fi'K) hit more or ls corn In rrlb, about oata, inmo rnldet bay, prarlP bay. ftir corn, ntraw Mack. Oil KNM: 4 doxnn hn. Knckaanrt brown LeghornM, 1 down brown Leghorn ruoHtora.

I KNTH ConnltttlriK of 1 rck wanon 2 Ht.r. dlan harrow, 1 rldlriK plow. 1 ItanrthK binder. I one-row monitor, I harrow, 1 double ma tod -arrlatiu and otiifif thlntrs too numerous to mention. Kit MM: 0 riKinlliH' thim, with approved wncutlty.

por rent Interim! from If not aid at maturity 10 per cent liitnmnl from daUt. l'our per emit off for canli. Hums of If) and limler rash. Wearu leaving the country and every thing nuiHt J. HAMILTON.

John IM'tt. A ur.t. A. iiiiKN, Clerk. Joint Public Sale.

We will Hfill at O. J. lUtr-man' farm two Tuenday, January 14, 08, CoiniiimicluK ut 10 oVIiirk a. nharp, the following property: HKA I) OK WOKk llOltSKM, conHtHlltiR of 4 bri.od tnare and 2 bornei H7 HKA I) OK (AT ronHlNtltiK of 12 milk row (4 giving milk, our M'ub.) 7 coming 2-year oid helfem (one frt'nh others tu be frenb early), 4 coming two-year old ateern, 7 Btcer 4 heller calvH, sucking ilve, one thoroughbred Durham bull. All hpe rattle are tilt, grade Hhort- horn stork and In good eondttton 43 HKAl OK llotJH, COnnlHt Iiik of 13 brood mown (I I of triune have been bred to a thoroughbred Poland China boar, of thre howh with plgtt) bead of ahuats weight about 7ft pound each, one thoroughbred reifUlered Poland China male bog, fal hog weighing about 'iw pounds FA KM I NO TH, eonHtatlng of 1) farm wagoriH, ono combined John Dim re Hitter, ooe 14-luch stirring plow, -De two-rowed dlar.

monitor, one A tooln gar-plow, one McOornilck mower, 6 foot cut, ftftorno MoOoirnlrk ten foot aelf dutnp hay ralio, one good top buggy, one Hetalngle harneiot, one aot double light harneNi. Homo good eed oata. Home timothy hay In stack Liberty Lad tea' A Id Horlety will serve lunrh, 1 hey will offer .1 uomfortH for Male, TKUMS; Umontba credit with 0 percent Intercut on bankable noieH, to draw ten per cent from date If not paid at maturity. 4 per cent dlocount for canh bunm of and Anfli'P i'knIi. their liberal patronage.

1 thank you one and all for this and hope by kind treatment and by selling you goods at prices as low as the lowst to have you continue as customers. Wishing you all a prosperous and liappv New Year, 1 am, with (lie brst wishes, Your servant, J. M. Goheen. This Is the week when the mer chants all take an inventory o' wnat they have in hand at cost pt ices to see wh it they have made during the year.

Why don't the firmers likewisetake an inventory of what they have sold during the year and from that tske what they have paid out and see how much and what per cent their business has Increased or decreased during the year. Fanners, don't you think tills would be a good plan? Try It, and see Miss Eva Mitchell, who Is attending school at Olatho, spent her vacation here with her pircnts She looks hearty and well. I take tills opportunity to thank the people the liberal patronage they have extended to me during the pist year by giving me advertising and settling for the paper, and also those who havo so kindly given me news. We remember you all as the days come and go and wish you all a more pro perous year In 11108 than the one Just passed. Dennis Matthews has rented his uncle, John Dryer's place for the year and will farm there.

We wish Dennis entire success. He 't forget to begin ho new year by giving me his name for the paper. At the Christmas exercises at the Christian church Tuesday evening and lii'erostlng musical program was given, after which tlio children were treatid to nice candy, nuts, etc A nice large tree had been erected and beautifully dicorated. On the same evening at the E. church Mr.

Santa Claus visited and brought the scholars presents of all kinds. A largo tree was arranged and elaborately decorated. The program consisted of snme vocal music and some speaking and was given mostly by the children, although a number of the older people took part, and It was as good a program as the Methodist church ever had on Christmas eve. Both of these exercises were largely attended, not only by the children and young people, but by grown-ups as well. Good eir der was kept at both churches Certainly all the Sunday School scholars of Mayetta have much to be tlrmkful fur and they should be prompted to greater efforts to make the Sunday Schools here during 190S better than they have ever been.

Dec. 31. Jackson. We have a thoroughbred Jersey bull for sale. Odgetovvn Livestock Co.

From the State Health Bulletin. Tho Kansas Food and Drugs Law might also be called the law of the marriage of business and morals, with cleanliness as tho godfather. "Many a man looking for sympathy realty nee.1s two swift, kicks properly placed." Remember that when you're In the right you can afford to keep your temper, and that when you're In the wrong you can't afford to lose It. One lie breeds enough distrust to choke out tho prettiest crop of confidence that a follow ever cultivated. For Sale.

10 room house, 2 acres of ground, opposite Colorado Avenue school home Tiios, A. Faiiichild. trinities Ocome surely to wtak 1 1 who nave to trown and tn- Jldure the torture due to the Hixtases peculiar to their sex. IMn 1 1, ilow, lack-lustre eyes, tallow jcompleiion, gray hair, all of "wniCQ tell ot iiremature oldi '1 Iff. Tl-, ri et I I 1 li 1 i I Cure the disease that causes! your sufferine, and streneth-f ii yuvii wtriuw rtution.

with V' WOMAN'S nn ice 1 which Mrs. Mary Irvin, of Pam- I 4 nlin "I Ihinb it I is tho best on earth for all Buffering women, iviy uocior uiti me no a i from head to foot, but the first dose of Cardui ava me relict, and when I i nan one r.ouie. icu ukc a i new woman." The above seems to prove that Curdul will relieve 1 your Btrrmithcn your consu. i tutiou and renew your youtu. i ry it- At all Dmiiists 1.00 reef A i Ed Wolverton, James Island and Fred Hartman delivered hogs to Hol ton yesterday.

Mr. True and faml'y, who have pur chased the Rlchter farm and are at present living In Holton, attended church at Liberty Sunday. Frank and Jessie Kennedy, who are attending College at Sallng, are spend ing the holiday vacation at home Mrs. Kennedy Is visiting her father, Mr. Patterson, at Paige Iowa.

Mr. and Mrs. 8 C. Whlteraft went to Sabetha today where Mrs. Whit craft wl'l enter the hospital at that place for a surgical operation.

Mr. Whlteraft will also have a lump caused by a horse kick, removed from his knee while there. Mr. and Mrs. John Stlne visited their s' Frank, and wife, at Bur-llngame, from Saturday until Monday.

The patrons of Rural Route No 3, are going to remembor their "old man" In a few days. n. A. Stlne has charge of this end of the route. Watch next week's Issue of the Records a write up of n.

A. Sttne (Mrs. Stlne) canning factory. Last week occurred the wedding of one of Liberty's popular young ladles, Miss Emma Mr. Ora Hlack of Hanner.

"Hen IInr" extends congratulations. Mrs. Sam Young, of near Topeka, vhlted at Kob't Hateman's Saturday and Sunday. The Kenne dy young folks will entertain the members or the Liberty Ep-worlh Lengue Friday evening at their home. Everyhody cordially Invited.

The Liberty Sunday fchool, or we should say tho old (ifllcers of the school, elected new otllcers last Sunday as follows: Sup't, Marlon Latl mer; Assistant, John Grey; Secretary, Grace Kennedy; Treasurer, James McKlney; Organist, Ethel Grey. Everybody as far as wo know, was satisfied with the officers elected, but several don't like tne way they were elected. Now we understand that the form Ib uccordlng to the Methodist discipline and that goes. Well we are not going to tell the editor how to run his paper In regard to making churches pay for their notices for the reason that we (have been in the game boat. We were in tne restaurant and bakery business In Holton and one of the churches came to us and got us to give them special rates on bread, buns, and then went Into a vaoant room and ran a meal business In opposition to our business.

Now this may be the doctrine that the meek and lowly Master would have us follow, but we for one have our doubts. There are of places we should ask the question, What would Jesus do?" and then render unto Caesar, etc, cto. Miss Elsie Hateman, of Holton, is visiting this week among tlio Hate-mans G. C. fliteman and Phil Stachel-heck will havo a public sale Jan.

14. Frank Snyder, of Clrclevllle, visited with C. A. Mcllrlde's Tuesday. Dec 31.

Bkn Hun Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hrown and daughter, Alice, of Whiting were the gnetsofMr.

and Mrs. Jesse Bum-gardner last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. George 8 Llnsc )tt Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Theodore Saxon, In Topeka this week.

Mrs. Saxon will entertain for her tomorrow afternoon. S. Herrldge has been quite 111 the past week. His daughter, Miss Sarali Hurrldgo, was here from Frankfort and his sister, Mrs.

Anna Herrldge, cameoverfrom Netawaka. Take DoWltt's Kidney and Bladder Pills, They promptly relieve backache and weak back. Sold by Scott Taticr. Picture Framing. North side R.

T. Logan. Buy your wife the buggy you have been promising her for so long, and If you want to please her be Mire to get It at Henry Keller's Want a Registered Red Hog? Grant llamm has them, either sex, any age. Call 12 on 6. I FEELING LXVER-XSH This Morning? A Gentle Laxative And Appetizer jrrstv? I i i a i 1 1 vi iflSlf' fir ir How many resolutions have you made and bow many have you broken since the New Year came in? One good resolution to niHKe Is to quit swearing.

A not Irtr Is to tpilt riilnk- Ing. Another, to stop talking about your neighbors. If you can't sty anything good a out them, keep still. We might go on and mention a great many other things that It would a good Irlci to make (food ret-olii Ions about It miy not do any good but It will not hurt anyone to resd them and although It Is a little late for New Year's, It Is never too la'c to make good rcsolutlo Hut It Is no use to make them unless you mean to keep them. The best pickles In town at Sc gallon at Heyman's.

Frank Rohso'i Is still sick snd Is Confined lo his room. Roy liotts, one of our rustling blacksmiths, made a buslnc-s trip to the county seat tnls morning between trains, Harry Jones, the clerk at the May-etta Rank spant Christmas at Onaga with Ills parents and other relatives. Mrs. John Turk has be very 111 with lumbigo, the same complaint Him has been suffering from for a gnat many yeirs We hope thst Mrs. Tork will son regain tier health.

Lafe Crane stopped oil here Tuesday evening and attended the Christ mas exercises at the M. church. It looks natural to see Lafe's smiling face among the crowd, as this used to be his home. Lafe told me he enjoyed being with us and that It seemed like home to him. George and Fred Scholl, of Anita, Iowa, visited here last week with their cousins, Dudley and Clyde Lunger If we undertook this week to tell about the visiting It would till the whole paper, for who are not visiting are being visited and so we will leave this visiting oil until next week.

Mrs. Friend and son, of Lincoln, and Miss Carrie Sarbacu, of Holton, were the guests of S. Ileyman aim family Thursday. Mrs Anna Jacobs, who lives west of Holton, came down Saturday to visit over Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Oldhright. W. Page and family, of Horton, visited here last week with relatives and friends, and while here Mr Page renewed his subscription to the Recorder for another year. A largo crowd was In town Saturday and all of our merchants seemed to have all they wanted to do. Dr.

R' b-ion had the misfortune to lose a mighty goed work horse one night last week. Wo did not learn the caut-e of Its deal h. Mr. and Mrs. RoHcoe Ollphant entertained at a family dinner Christmas day.

Those who partoi of the bountiful dinner were: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Klelsherand Elmer, Anna and Francis, Mr.

and Mrs Ira Stewart, of California, Fred Swartz and f.imlly and George Flelsher and Miss Myrtle I'll" of Hoy I. Tliey all departed lale In the day they could spend many more such holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Ollphant. Mr and Mis.

Ira Lister, of Topeka, were the guests of V. M. Smith and family over Sunday. A. 1).

Jones, one of the Mayetla stone mast, us, Is on the reserve doing quite a lot of stone work for Jim lilaudln. Walter Sanderson, of Oklahoma, who has been vbli log his uncle, Frank Smith, ar.d family for a few days, has decided to remain here and work as a section hnnd on the Rock Island. llert Herry and family, of Guthrie, Okla are spending a few days In this neighborhood with friends and relatives, llert was born and raised In this vicinity and has many friends here John Kelly, of Topeka, Is spending a few days here with his son, Will, and his daughter, Mrs. Abe Douglass. R.

L. Miller and family spent Sunday In Holton with A K. Crane and family and had a pleasant visit. People owing J. II Spence will please call and settle and oblige George Hotelier, who moved here a short time ago and has purchased the S.

R. Early city property, and Alleu Chase, employed by the ick Island at tills place, both start out the New Year by placing their names on the Recorder subscription list. Clias. Ruzlcka's li'illevllle, Kansus, made I1I111 a visit lust week. Ml-s Tlllle Harrison, nf Horton, visited her sister, Mrs.

Ona Grinne.lljast week. John Coleman Is lu the western part of 1 he state visiting with Ross Strawn and family. S. Ileyman and family were all up to Holton Sunday visiting. Rufus Jones and Scott Gooderl will leave the last of the week for Seattle, to visit with relatives.

1'os-slbly while tins boys are one may sail across the water. We do not know Just how long the boys will bo gone, but we wish them a safe and pleasant Journey and visit. I take this method of thanking all our many friends and customers for j'TfftfUTTTTTTTTMTTtfTT Yesterday was Janitor Mulllns' 7-lst birthday. ix Lehman Is vixii.inK his mother, Mrs Sarali Lehman. Julius TChinan has been visiting at home for several cl iys.

Julius Woll, of Lincoln, Is visiting tlio irn.K'h tmllles. MIhh Jennie Taylor, of C)naa, spent Christmas diy wli.h her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.

Ayers are vmlt-luir In the western part of the county. Mr. and Mrs. W. A Oioney spent Christmas with relaMvesst Wetmore.

Miss Metta LeKler, of i vis ItlnK her sister, Mrs. Paxl.on, In To. peka this week sh'S Sarllo and Carrie Hunts, of Karisix City, are vIsll liiK Mis-ies May and I'earl Mrs C. (J. llnnf entertained lier sons and tlmlr fumbles at A New Years' dinner yosterdav, Mrs.

W. It. lironlee and dauntr ter, Ramah, are visiting her mother In (lulde Rock, Nobr. Mr. and Mrs Klmer Heath went to niuo Rapids yesterday to visit Mr Heath's parents for a week.

Axel Kllritand llansC.Chrlstensen, both of WhltliiK, have applied for t'lelr naturalization papers. ilpb Scott, of St. Johepb, came down Saturday I ii and spent auu day with Marvin Williams. Dr. Jay Ii Huiy the wascalled to Kt Joeph H'rlday to aee W.

Atwater, wliii was ttiken 111 wlillo vIsltliiK tliere. Mrs. W. O. Houso, of Wetmore, spent Christmas with her mother, Mrs.

J. A. Nichols, and family. Raymond Love and Miss Elizabeth Hrown, of Whiting, spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Martin. Dr Ed. Humirardiier, of Lawrence, and Mr.

and Mrs. JI UuniKardner, of Atchison, were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. iiuinKtrducr, over Christinas.

There will be no chicken t-how this year. The executive committee of the I'ou'try association lias been un able to Und a room large enough to hold an exhibition. Miss I'earl ltrady, of Holton, came up Monday and accompanied her un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J.

S. Mc-Nary, lo Kansas City, to spend the Horton Headlight Mrs, Mamie Lawless and two chil dren, and Mrs, Anna Jarrell, who have been Kpendlr the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. K.

Jarrell, returned to their home In Atchison Tuesday. Miss Kate Lowell returned to Muskogee, Sunday after visiting at home for days Miss Teaa Abel, who also lias a posit ion as a stenographer at Muskogee, did uot come for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Frank JolTrey have riceutly moved to Holton from ColTey-vllle and havo rooms at the homo of MPs Anna Moseman.

Mr Jntrrey Is a wholesale grain buyer and has an olllee In the lllank block Udv. A. R. Ogdmi, or Wichita, will preach at the Adventht church Fri day evening at tho usuil hour. Also Saturday morning at 11 o'clock, Saturday evening and Sunday evening.

A cordial lnvltat 1 in Is extended to all. Want a Registered Red Hog? Grant llamm has them, either sex, any age. Call 12 on 6. To the Patroni of Route 1 I desire to heartily thank my patrons on Route 1 for the handsome and useful Christmas gift tendered ma. I sincerely appreciate the spirit which prompted the giving, and In return will promise the most faithful service possible during 1ihi8 Wm.

llnwrrT, Carrier. Mrs John Warning received word Tuejday of the death of her father, Sam Anderson, at Kallspell, Mont Dr. i'ho be Holtorf, Mrs. Warning's sister, will accompany the remains to Wetmore, arriving here Saturday. Mrs.

Warning will go up today to ro-m ilii until after the funeral. Dave Leo is 111 troublo and also in hiding again. Christmas eve, ou the way homo from the Christmas tree at the Colored llaptlst church, heslapped Miss Eva l'arks and threatened to kill her. bystanflers Interfered and prevented him from carrying out his threat. The next day a warrant was sworn out for Dave but he had taken warning and had left town.

It Is just as sat Isfuctory to the general public to have Dave out of town as to have lit 111 in jull, so It Is hoped that the warrant will be kept In force, and he will be kept away. The girl whom he attacked Is a respectable young colored woman who had given him do cause whatever for the atsoult. FOKSALK A driving mare, will raise a colt in the spring. For further Inf irmatlon call telephone 412 451 LOST some months ago, perhaps two years, in Holton or vicinity, Dr. McC'andless list a thick, reddish brown cane, with a round l7ory top, somewhat yellow with age.

If the finder will ret urn It to the First National Bank, the family will be greatly obliged, as they value the cane for Its association more than for Its Intrinsic worth, and will be glad to pay a suitable reward. 45t2 WAN TED. 10 tons prairie or timothy hay, 3 miles south, 2 miles east of Holton. It. J.

Llnscott. It LOST. Lady's gold watch between B. Jones' residence and R. 1.

station Christmas night. Return to E. B. Jones at Sarbach's store and receive reward, it FOKSALEOIl IiKN 80 acre farm, 3i miles south of Clrclevllle. 3 room house, good well, stables and outbuildings.

25 acres tame grass, balance plow land. John Bishop, Route fi, Holton, An Indian Romance. The dlspatchos under a Denver date line state: News has been received here that Miss Cora Marie Arnold of Brooklyn was mtrrled last Monday In Santa Fe, N. to AlblnoChavarrla, a full blooded Indian. The wedding ends a romance which began five years ago at the Mountain and Plain festival when a number of Indians were brought to the city.

The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Rendon, a Presbyterian clergyman, and was witnessed by the bride's sisters, Miss Lillian and Miss Geneva Arnold, of Denver, who finally consented to the match. Miss Arnold was born and reared in Brooklyn. She was pretty, well educated, was the possessor of a small fortune and had many suitors.

Five years ago what wascalled the Festival of the Mountain aud Plain was held In Denver. Cowboys, mountaineers and a band of Pueblo Indians from the Santa Clara reservation participated. Miss Arnold was visiting In Denver and attending the festival. The Indians were giving an exhibition of horsemanship So absorbed did the young woman become In watching her blanketed knight that she did not observe until too late that the band of horsemen were sweeping down upon her at full speed. Turning then to make lier escape she felt herself lifted In two strong arms and held close until she was placed safely among her friends, out of the reach of the Hying hoofs.

The relatives and friends of Miss Arnold did all In their power to dissuade her from her Infatuation. Her stepfather, (Korge Wilder, declaring that disgrace had been brought upon his family, Jumped overbjard from a steamer In the Gulf of Mexico. She made a practice of meeting Chavarrla at the home of Frank O. Seuter In Denver. Senter did not approve of tlio match.

Ills wife did. Family quarrels resulted. The end was the killing of Mrs. Seuter by her husband and his suicide. It has been reported several times In the last three or four years that the Indian and the white woman were to be married.

Each time they met with an obstacle In the shape of the refusal of preacheis and priests to perform the ceremony. An employe of the Pottawatomie Agency, who knows Cheverrla, the "hero" of this romance, says he Is Just a common, trifling, no-account Indian. During their courtship, Miss Arnold would send for him to go to Denver and when he went there, would buy him a full outfit of citizen's clothes. As soon as he went back to the Reservation, the clothes would be discarded and he would back to his blanket He speaks no English and does not seem to have a single qualification that wuuld appeal to a refined and educated woman. The inference that the woman In the caso Is just a plain foul.

Ground bone for sale by lialdauf Best. For Sale. White Pekln drake ducks for sale by D. Fri.TZ. Tel.

10 mi til, Holton A goud milk cow for sale. S. H. Scott. House tu rent for small fam ly.

Inquire of MllS. It A 1 15 UoillNSoN. For Sale. Why pay from 175 to lloo fur land when 1 can furnish you good farms for about one-half that prlcei1 T. A.

Richmond. Real Estate and Loan Ageut, Delia, Kansas, Route 1. 3moi Dr. lubt. T.

Shaw. Dental parlors northeast corner squareover poetofHoe. IMIH.HTACHKLUKCK I I U. HAThM N. i 1 P.

K. Mi I'adiucn, Atn'il. inner. A. IMiNN, Notice of Final Settlement, BTATK OK KANSAS, I OitHNiv.

I All 'T'-tl It.orM and ot Ihth hi I eretted tiithe eatnle of l)llliiger, lute i ill y. Mul of uiiftni. di'i'eust'd, ate bert-by Mul I (led I hut Hot Dual 1 1 Ifinen I Will be made In Hitbl enlu'e In Die 1'rohnltj Otiiirt of Miild coiiuiy mi I rlday, the day ot Jaiuiury, iWH. liKO, H. I.INSCOIT.

AdmliilHlrator. AttKNtl Hl.lMMfU, Ihc.m.I I'mliuH' Judge. 4't I Treasurer's Report. Oarlleld Towunblp Treanurer't report for year ending Oidobr Oct. 2u, Hal.

In treaNury I B.ltt Irawu from cuuiitv treatoirv A Kei-elved from touniy Cum ll( 40 Total receipt Total ex pendlt uiea. Balance In treanury Outataiidlng warrants October iA, 1107. H. 2K.JW 4.W HVA.IO ItKID, Treab. HE RAISED THE MONEY.

A few Sundtyg ao Dr. A. Akcd, pastor of a llapllHt cliuruti la Now York, flndliiK that tlnuncefi wore run-rilni; low In his church, declared that he would not contemplate a permanent uilnlNtry In the church If the yH-tem of ilnauce which made potmlble a detlclcncy at the end of the year wan continued. "1 want," suld Dr. Aked, "n.ono from yi'ti heTure you leave this church this morning." lie Rot It.

lie said tliu fact that iomo meniliers if the conitreKatlon were wealthy had edollieislo uut the hurrien of the support of the cliuieh on them. "It la not fair, it Is a mean spirit." exclaimed Dr. Aked. has ralaud up a crowd ailUK'y souls who won't support the church. It Isn't fdlr to me.

1 atu tired i hearing tins church called Mr. Sinllh's, Mr. Ilruwn'a or 111 Mr. Kuhluson's church. I want $7, (too before you leave the church.

The 11- Nuances must bo reornnized ho that VhliiK ut that kind can ever happen -Jain l'or Your Children. 'one thluksof'Kternlty" they i mind BoineUiinK i why Hrand" shoe manu- rs named their boys' and girls' "11 oe They wear Seeiliem. P.L.Uuisun, Clrclevllle, Ki..

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