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Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 3

Daily Pressi
Newport News, Virginia
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Cohen. Baltimore Will CE HELD F. S. Towinsheiid, Bultlmore; Mr. and all So IKUV KUWABDH, Editor.

I. Stockdon, Richmond J. hi. I hil lip, New York city; Mr. and Mrs C.

BerKinann, Boston; Chaa. 50 Year; delphla he has accepted a Miss Maggie Wiseman la quite sick at her home on Forty-third street. Roaa, New York city; H. 11. K1U r- Mrs, Schmelz to Sins at Meet State Organizer Eller, of Richmond, in This City.

ing News of Churches For the Week, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kurnlckl will leave shortly to make their home In Winston-Salem, N. C. 1 son, Virginia; F.

Von Schilling, Hampton; C. Loomls tlleii, Byracue, New York city; C. 1,. (lunst. Rlchinond; W.

W. Anderson. Richmond Win. CumlnKhiun. altlmore, D.

Cordeu Hartford Conn and K. J. King, Rlchinond, Va. ths Boston Robber Shoe Co. has on the best-known rubber loot-wsar manufacturing company la the world.

Its sales have been double those of any other company. Why Rrcaute twice as many people have wanted "Boston" Rubbers i'. 1 ue i.uies aiu oocieiy or tne ust Presbyterian church held an enjoyable silver tea In the clanvh parlors Miss Agneg Mackey Is the guest of Miss Margaret Pearson In. Ports mouth. Miss Mablo Sanderson of Forty-fourth street, la quite Blck with fever at the KlUuheth Buxton hospital.

Shipping at Norfolk. NORFOLK. Feb. Stwiiiif i'M Charles l.ecour, (Fr.) I'ort Tamp ami Hilled for lioness, Murgherlta, Aus New Orleans and sailed ilnrci-lona; Villa De Koiirn, (Fr.) New York; Kingsway, (Itr.) dalveatnn and yesterday afternoon, from a to because of their remita. or qnlity, for wear, for good fit and comfort.

cleared for llrumcn; Klaa Munsell, clock. Mckdames Saxon W. Holt, Mary Holt, James and Jos. Klnley as slsted lu serving. The teachers of tho Sunday school will meet In the lecture room this ev euiiig to discuss the Beimel work.

Pre ceding the meeting, supper will be (tier.) New Orleans and cleared fur Rotterdam Dnphue, (Nor.) REALTY TRANSFERS. Suffolk, lloston; Siudefjord, (Nor.) Ualveston; Altalr, (Her.) Savannah. In nil these SO years It has never made abetter line than Its All-Duck Warrior Roots-made in 1-ishlni', and fchort. If you want tho most acrvlceuble fishing boot, ask for the "Boston" Hub Warrior Boot and look for the Huh trnde-mark, which appears every Huston" robber. BOSTON RUBBER SHOE CO, Bo.oi., Mess.

The following dueds were recorded 'leu red: steamers Moutuuk l'olut, (Ilr.) Liverpool. Sailed: steamers Tcrtln, ((lor.) yesterday lu the office of the Clerk of! served the teachers by the ladles or the chinch, at 7 o'clock. Hamburg: Joseph W. Forilney, lloston pushed out Cape Henry, Febru ary 4. Schooners: F.

Mario llronn. Snetln, The Krnest Circle of Klin's Daiigh ters will hold its regular Koclal meet 1 ii this evening at 7 o'clock at thp home of Miss Haisy Newman, on Koi'lv. ninth Hlreet. Nlpo, Cuba; Woodward Abrahams. I'ort Royal, H.

William Pilce, of S19 Forty fifth street, will leave Saturday to accept a position with the Fore River Shipbuilding company at Qulncy, Mass. Mrs. Richard Owen Crisp and Mrs. George Alexander were hostesses at a charming bridge party yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 at the Hotel Warwick. Delightful Bridge Party.

Mrs. Frederick W. Haridford gave 8 delightful bridge party yesterday afternoon at her home on West evt nmv to her guest, Mrs. Howard Sutton, of Richmond. Pink carnations and pink xbnded lights wero used in the house decorations.

Mis. .1. Mattingly received tha first prize, bunch of violets. Mrs. Sandford's gites's were?

Hubbard Taylor or Norfolk, Mra A. P. Wood Tin of Hampton, Mrs. Hnrry I'arUer ot Hampton, Miss Addle New of Richmond; Mesdaines 11. 10.

Parker, Clarence Robinson, A. L. Hopkins, Saxon W. Holt, Harold Norton, Winston Read. J.

Street, W. ilutiiou J. Herbert Cook. Kdloe Morocock, 8. R.

Htixton, J. M. Mattlnkly, L. L. Patton, Howard Row-en, Willard Bailey.

E. O. Rogers, W. R. Aylett, A.

C. Jones, I). S. Jones, A. L.

Powell, Lane Lacey, B. J. Pressey, II. R. Gary.

K. F. Roberts, John M. Coleman. Mrs.

Holmes McMurran and Mrs. Frank Bragg, Misa Luclle Ayler and Miss Nannie Reynolds asslutod in serving. Tendered Surprise Party. The Boulevard "f00 Club gave Mr. and Mrs.

Walter Melvln a delightful surprise party Friday evening at their home on Twenty-third street. The callers were Dr. and Mrs. J. Bert Pres-ry, Captain and Mrs.

W. G. Melvln, Mr. and Mrs. Cllftou Iee, Mr.

and Mrs. Malcolm Nexsen, Mrs. Huffman, Miss Catherine Huffman, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shawen, Misses Anna and Emma Pressey, Mr.

aim Mrs. Alfred Haag, Mrs. Frank Knowles, Mrs. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs.

S. H. Werthclmer and Mrs. bdgar Wertheimer. Courts: John A.

Wlilett and wife to Security Trust and Savings Bank of Newport News, Virginia, trustee, lots Nos. 'ii, 25, 20, 27 and 28 lu Block No. 1, securing and luUreBt at the rule of 6 per cent per annum. James Scrlmgwour and wife to William Scjmgeour, lot No. 26 In block No.

7-n, consideration $10.00 and other valuable considerations. James Scrlmgeour and wife to Robert Scrlmgeour. $10 and other valuable considerations, lot No. 2j in block No. 7-D.

ZEM0 MAKES ASTONISHING ECZEMA CURES. In tho absence of the pnxtor, K. T. Wellford. thu Coiiverlera Blhlo.

ClasB will condin the prayer service ot nioirow evening at 8 o'chx-k. Missionary work will be the subject of the ev't)lng. V. K. Kller.

of Richmond, State Or-junker of the Merchants Association of Virginia, will arrive hero tomorrow mid tomorrow night a nioetliiff ot the local merchants will he hel.l in the otllce of Secretary Oeorgo C. Wand, of the Merchants Association, for the jmrpobe organizing the local ssro-elation. The meeting will he hfid at 8 o'clock and all local mercham, whether iiiPiiihpra of the old assocta-lion or not, are Invited to he present Kor a number of years the mer- chants showed a gn at (leal of interest in the local branch of the assocla-llou but recently the attendance hiu steadily alien off. For that reason it was deemed beBt to have a rom-jilcte ri'orRunlzutlou with the State organizer present. JOHN P.

FRALmi NOW AMONG MISSING J. T. Ftaloy, arrested Saturday afternoon on a warrant sworn out by Frank K11IT, charging larociiy, failed to respond to his name when bis case was called In the Police Court yesterday morning and it Is said that he has left the city. Fraley was released after bis arrest Saturday by Justice lirowu, who accepted him as his own homlsman In the sum of $50, so when he failed to answer- present yesterday morning the Justice wrote oppo-nil his name "failed to appear." About two weeks ago Fraley, who was proprietor of a saloon at 2514 lluntlugton avenue, gave Frank Ruff a check for $10 in payment for a bill. Tim check failed to go through the bank and as it was not taken up by tho maker, the warrant charging larceny was sworn out Fraley recently transferred bis saloon license to another, it Is said, and his left for Florida to make ills home.

"WE PROVE IT." I hvery day ZEMO gives relief and cures men, women und children ln every city and town In 'America whose skins are on fire with torturing ECZEMA rnsheB and other Itching, burn-' An interesting program has been prepared for the "Self-Denial Service" to be held by the Woman's Missionary Society Friday, afternoon at 3 o'clock In the leetute room of the church. Mrs. Henry Schmela of Hampton will slug. Mrs. Dejaruette and Miss Mat-tlu Price will speak on the Missionary work.

Capital Dry Goods House 2910- 2912 WASHINGTON AVENUE CHILDREN'S SWEATERS Regular $1.00 Wool Sweaters in assorted sizes, plain and fancy ribbed effects, in gray, red and white, A splendid value, To close out only 50c LADIES SWEATERS Fancy zigzag or plain knit wool Sweaters, in red or Regular $2,50 values, Special 5 IB ELECT St. Paul's Episcopal. The Junior Auxiliary held its rcgu-g lar meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Untewood In North End. BELEGATESJI5 MONTH City Committee Fixes Time For Holding of Convention in This City, St.

Paul's Guild ill meet In the ink-Parish house this afternoon at on o'clock. Mc- 1 be Bible Study Class will be bald.Mex. as usual Wednesday evening at 7:30 alef In the parish bouse. ters The monthly meeting of the Worn 'Jon an's Auxiliary will be 1icld Thursday, to Ing, scaly, and crusted sktu and scalp humors. ZEMO and ZEMO (ANTISEI'TIC) SOAI.

two refined preparations will give you such quick relief that you will feel like a new person. We give you three reasons why we recommend and endorse ZEMO and ZEMO SOAP for all akin and scalp eruptions. 1st. They are clean, scientific preparations that give universal satisfaction and are pleasant and agreeable to use at all times. 2nd.

They are not experiments, but are proven cures for every form of skin or scalp affections whether on Infanta or grown persona. 3rd. They work on a new principle. They do not glaae over the surface, but tbey penetrate to the aeat of the trouble and draw the germ life from underneath the skin and destroy it. In this way a complete euro Is effected In any case of SKIN OR 8CAL1 ERUPTION.

Endorsed and sold In Newport News by Petxold'a Pharmacy and In Hampton by Hull's Cut Rate Drug Store, afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, at the home Hu, de- of Mrs. W. R. Aylett The Parish House Committee of the and Mrs. II.

S. Herman of Norfolk Is the guest of Mrs. W. S. Smith at the I'harnley.


222 Twenty-eighth Street. Same Old Phone 478. Mlsa Ida Hanowell left Sunday to spend the remainder of the winter with relatives In Richmond. At a meeting last night, the City Republican Executive Committee fixed Friday, February 23, as the time and Roeenbaum'e ball as the place for the holding of tne city Republican convention for the naming of dels-gates to the First district and State conventions to elect delegates to the National Republican convention, which meets at Chicago in June. CENTRAL FIGURE'S IN ARMY TRAGEDY MARRIES AGAIN Men's Club will meet Thursday even- ato-ing at the parish house at 7:30 o'clock.

Knights of St. Paul. Warwick cbap-u ter meet In the parish house Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Choir practice will be held Saturday eveulng In the church, at 8 o'clock. Trinity Methodist.

The general meeting of the Ladles' Aid Society of Trinity church was held yesterday afternoon'. In the lecture room. Resolutions were passed by tho Indies on the death of their president, Mrs. W. Stringfleld.

Mrs. T. H. Duncan vas elected pres- J. W.

Hudson left yesterday to accept a position with the New York Shipbuilding Company lu Camden, N. J. Rev. J. Travis Taylor, who has been HI several -weeks at his borne on Chestnut avenue, Is reported to be Improving rapidly.

Absolutely Boiled inBoftit Pure (Tly AnnoetiiteO Press.) BOSTON, 5. Claudia Dorsey L. Downing will leave this Mrs. R. H.

Goddln, aged 64 years, died at her home, 130 Twenty-ninth street yesterday morning shortly after 5 O'clock following an illness of two weeks with pneumonia. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. Lloyd T. Vll8on. D.

pastor of tho Newport News Baptist church, and Interment will be made at Williamsburg. The services will be from the church at 9 o'clock in the morning. Mrs. Goddln, who had lived In this "oily for the paBt twenty years during a great part of "which time she wan connected with the Baptist church, was well known and popular and had a large circle of friends. She la survived by her husband and five chll- tlren who are as follows: Mrs.

V. J. iiauoKhrlty and J. M. Ooddln, of Newport News; Mrs.

W. J. Moore and Mrs. II. A.

Powells, of Portsmouth, and Mrs. R. Stokes, of New-York. week to spend three weeks visiting -s a a tit. elocted first vice --r ma vu I figure in the army tragedy or some tile PuuAiii I anai.

Horace Epes Here. a tt four years ago, wnion resuueu in uie Vellford Mt mnrH' of wilium E. Annls by her mill lrn (Veil Sinclair second vice-president. Other officers are: Secretary, Mrs. W.

S. llroadwoll and treasurer. Mrs. L. 8.

Pugh. Tho society 18 working hard to voRierHav to siiend a few days with hiiHbnnd. Capt. Peter C. Haines, was Horace Epes, formerly managing editor of the Dally Press but who Is now with the 'Associated Press as relatives lu Gloucester county, married at the home of her Mr.

and Mrs. I. O. Martin spent the parent" ln Ainron, to iteginaia air-. liolles, a Boston artist.

Captain Haines obtained a divorce from his raiBe a large sum for the churc debt this year and plans for a beenfit re week-end with relatives in r.ono. early morning editor In the Washington office, spent Sunday and yesterday visiting friends and relatives wife two years ago, naming Annls cital were completed yesterday afternoon. The official hoard mot In the lec- Mrs. Spottswood 8The divorce was not contested. here.

been visiting ln c'umber- mie iuuin oi me cnurcn last evening now the guest land, Md ANOTHER MEMBER OF SWINSON FAMILY DIES, Uainhrldge left Saturday Nothing Doing. "Sir, I am looking tor a little succor." "Well, do I look like one?" Courier-Journal. to accept a position ln the navy yard at Charleston, 8. C. NHL BOW 10 PM Roosevelt 8win Mrs.

E. old daughter 'entyseveiith street, c.viimnn home Sunday morn- T. 11 1 1 1 ior tne discussion of Important business. The Second Circle of the Ladies' Aid Society will meet ln the lecture room this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. The regular Wednesday evening prayer services will be conducted by the pastor.

Dr. W. O. Starr, at o'clock. After the annual meeting of the Sunday school teac hers, to be held in Miss Lucy Bozell, of Petersburg, Is visiting her sister, Mrs.

J. V. Davis, WMfe Beck $5.00 GRADE, $3.50. Infants', 512 to 8 $1.48 Child's 8i2 to 1 1 $1.97 Misses', 1i2 to 2... $2.48 Growing Girls', 2Vz (li-4 v-iwi-tv lujiuwMig Nil unless several weeks from typhoid fever.

First La Grippe, Then Bronchitis Such was tho case with Mrs. W. S. Bailey, McCreary, "My wife was taken down with a severe attack of la grippe, which run Into bronchitis. She coughed as though she had con Composed of Best Musicians in liie oody was taken to Warsaw, N.

yesterday for burial. the church Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, tea will be served in the Sun. City Serenades Daily Press Employes. on West avenue. Little Miss 'Shirley Connell is very sick at the home of her grandmother, Mrs.

F. E. Gllduer on Forty -seoond street. Mrs. Philip Peyser, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs.

William Garner, will return to her home In Washington, D. today. sumption and could not sleep at night The doctor'a medicine gave her no re This Is the second death In the Swlnsou ffStnily recently from typhoid fever, an older brother of the llttlo girl having fled from the dlsenso several weeks ntro and at one time five day school room. Sturgis Luxury Choir practice Friday eveninz at 8 1 members of the family were ill from the same cause. Grace Methodist.

The newly organized Concert Band lief and I was advised to try Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. The first bottle gave her so much relief that she continued using it and three bottles pffee.ted a permanent cure." Mr. W. 8. Bailey saya he Is prepared to answer all Inquiries promptly.

For sale by all druggists Tho regular meeting of the Enworth composed of some of the hest musicians in the city, made its first pub League was bold In the church last J. R. L. Marsden and son have eveuing at 8 o'clock. returned from a visit to relatives in Tho Laymen's Missionary commit lic appearance on the streets last night and to say that their Initial attempt was a "hit" would he putting Norfolk.

tee of tho Grace church will meet this Tho Sound 8leep of Good Health. Is not for those suffering from kidney ailments and irregularities. The prompt use of Foley Kidney Pills dispel backache and rheumatism, heal and strengthen sore, weak and ailing kidneys, restore normal action, and with it health and strength. Mrs. M.F.

Spalsbury, Sterling, says: eveuing at 8 o'clock at the home of Colonel Maryus Jones left yesterday to 5 sirs. Kate Johnson on Fortv-etirhih to spend a few days In Yorktown. Carriages Tourabout Sleepers. Reed Carriages Famous the World Over For Quality. Our line of Carriages for 1912 possesses so many attractive features and superior points that we cannot undertake to describe street, for organization and discussion of the missionary work in the church.

DREbRAYHAm D. McCoraas French, who has been I'nor to tnta time, there has been nn visiting his parents at the Warwick, it mildly. While out, the band kindly serendaded the employees of the Dally Press, rendering several selections In a way that pleased the most fastidious lover of music and anyone not familiar with, tho fact, would not have supposed that the baud was In Its infancy. Many of those ln the bnnd were formerly members of the Old Dominion and other bands of. the city and are reckoned as some of the best.

has returned to his studies at the Unl versity of Virginia. laymen committee and at no time ha the church paid Its missionary assessments. Rev. S. K.

Hager, of Korea will address the committee and aft-r the business session the ladles fit TO NATURAL GDLQK 1 suffered great pain in my hack and kidneys, could not sleep at night, and could not raise my hands over by bead. But two bottles of Foley's Kidney Pills cured me. Foley's Kidney Pills have my heartiest endorsement." For sale by all druggists. Mrs. Henry Daw of Washington, N.

Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. roaeway church will serve supper. The follow- Herman Flowers. ng compose this committee: w. Miss Nellie McPherson will leave them.

We bnly ask you to call Store Washington Avenue By-Common Garden Sage a Simple Remedy for Dandruff, Falling, Faded, Gray Hair. today to visit relatives in Oregon. "Mrs. T. A.

Williams and daughter, Ruth, left yesterday to visit Mrs. Geo. Harrison lu Baltimore, Md. and look them over, confident that you will appreciate band men in the Slate. They have devoted much tlmo to tho organization of tha bund- and the selection of the players and expect to make it the best tho city has ever known.

HARMON SUPPORTERS IN CONTROL IN COLORADO (fly Asuoolated Prcas.l DENVER, Feb. 6. Supporters of Governor Harmon, of Ohio, for Ashby, lay-leader; I. H. Taylor, A.

E. Coffman. C. A. Ash, Hobert Wiseman, A.

O. Hughes, Chester Ashby, .1. Turner and G. W. M.

Taylor. Wednesday afternoon the Ladles' Aid society will meet with -Mrs. I I. 1). Iirannlng, at her homo, 210 Forty-sixth strpet, at 3:30 o'clock.

Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock Rev. R. H. Hennett, I). missionary secretary of the Virginia conference, will address the congregation.

The regular monthly meeting of the officers and teachers will bo held the new and valuable Percy Morcland has left for Phlla- oints. The old Idea of using Snge for darkening the hair Is ngsin coming In vogue. Our grandmothers had dark, glossy hair at seventy-five, while, our mothers are gray before they are fifty. Our grandmothers kept their Are You Hunting Buxton Parker (lie Implement the presidential nomination controlled today's of the Vcci- eiS-ei I Tfiity-rlhlh Hlrrot. ocratlo Slate Central Committee, which chose Colorado Springs, April 29, as the time and place for holding the State convention, which will name twelve delegates to the National con vention.

7Sgtpas Honey and Tar 25c E. O. Liniment 23c Kidney Remedy 25c and 60c Made In Newport News. For Sals by the Best Dealers. TRY THEM.

The Rydale Remedy Co. Kan-part Nfw, Vs. The Harmon supporters, who are hnir son uuil glossy with a Tea," which also restored the natural color. One objection to using such a preparation was the trouble of making It. This objection has been overcome by the Yyeth Chemical Company, of New York, who has placed on the market a superior preparation of Snge, combined with Sulphur and other valuable remedies for dandruff, itching scalp, and thin, weak, falling hair.

The beauty of the hair depends more on Us rich, even shading than anything Don't have dry harsh politically aligned with Mayor Sheer, of Denver, were opposed by friends of Tmjr-cny la.m ui. 8 Clock. Choir practice will be held Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Chestnut Avenue Methodist. No services were held In the church Sunday owing to the illness of the pastor.

Rev. J. Travis Taylor. The Ladles' Aid Society met yesterday arternoon at the home of Mrs. Wicglns on Twenty-fourth street.

It was decided to order the new communion linen at once, as the required fund for tills purpose was raised lasjweek. The ladles will now make an extra effort to secure a much needed carpet for the church. The next meeting TRY EISENMAN'S SOFT SOLE SHOES FOR TENDER FEET Governor Shaffroth, of Colorado, who favor Woodrw Wilson for the the pres The Delmont LUNCH Is the BUSIEST Place In TOWN! There Is a reason. It Is clsan jnd up-to-date. Ths prices are moder ate and you get what you want when you want It, QUICK.

ldentlul nomination. The vote on the convention city and date resulted ln favor of the Harmon supporters, 91 to 34. RICHMOND, VraClWA, have just issued a new and complete Form Implement Catalog giving up-to-date information and prices of All Farm Implements. Corn and Cotton Planters, Wheel and Disk Cultivators, Dump and Farm Wagons, Engines, Threshers, Saw and Planing Mills, Metal and other Roofings, Buggies, Harness, Saddles, Barb Wire, Fencing, etc. Our prices are very reasonable for first-class supplies.

Correspondence solicited. Catalog mailed free on request" Write for it 1 The Implement 1302 E. Main St Richmond, Va. How Colds Affect the Kidneys. faded hair, when a simple, harmless remedy will bring back the color ln a few days; and don't be tormented with danruff, Itching sculp and loose, hairs.

Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Avoid taking cold If your kidneys are sensitive. Cold congests the kid win oe neia Mommy afternoon ar 3 o'clock with Mrs. A. T. Smith.

KAMiirrn., ivkh Johnson, CVItl'S CKOWN nltTCLE Sold an Tlim it C'sih Trlrai Hy E. F. DAVIS KKPAIKINO A' SPECIALTY. neys, throws too much work upon them, weakens their action.

Serious kidney trouble and oevn Hrlgbt's dis Hair Remedy will quickly correct these troubles, and give color, strength and beauty to your hair. Oet a fifty cent bottle from your druggist today, and prove this to He Won't Limp flow. No more limping for Tom Moore, of ease may reniilt. btrensthen your Sidneys, get rid of he pain and soit- Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad soro on my Instep that nothing seemed to heln till Eisenman's Shoe Palace Twenty-Sixth Street Washington Ave.

READ THIS. Why continue to tronbls with montblr Bullcliiif and Lopn pnyroctnts at a much hlg-ticr rxt of interest wlira you cud borrow through ma all tht money you nemi at 6 per cent, on Kl it! Newport News aad TlulnllyT C. B. NELMS No. 117 Twantr-alxth Itrwt, ness, build them' up by the timely use of Foley's Kidney Pills.

They will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more W. E. itouse, Funeral your own satisfaction. All druggists sell It, under guarantee that the money will be refunded If the remedy Is not exactly as represented.

J. C. C.orsuch 3023 Washington avenue, 2212 Jefferson avenue, Newport News, Va. I used Rurklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, "but this wonderful healer soon cured me." Heals old, running sores, ulcers, bolls, cuts, bruises, ecr.eina or piles. Try it.

Only 25 cents at all druggists. Road Tho Press.

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