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Daily Press from Newport News, Virginia • Page 3

Daily Pressi
Newport News, Virginia
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I DAILY PRXSS, NEWPORT NEWS. VIBQIN1A, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1914 ICOSTLY TO THY voat'f ppetatfy TO HAVE CROWD SliOOTSAT WIFE UNO MAN, BUT IIS All IS BAD COURT DOESN'T LIKE THAT KIND OF PLAYING Although he testified that he had only shoved hor to the ground la a playful manner, Henry Jackson, a negro, charged with beating his wife, waa fined $7.75 by JusUoe Brown yesterday morning and put under a bond of $150 for three months, In default of whloh he was sent to Jail. His wife testified Uiat Jackson knocked hor down Saturday afternoon when she asked him for money with which to pay the grocery bill. ATTACK POLICE Mrs. J.

P. Phelpa, of New Tork, ha left to TiBlt Ler daughter In KoseU, N. before returning to her home, after spending the winter with her son, perry Phelps. There has never been held In the City of Newport News, a sals that gives you better opportunities to get house furnishings at such small prioes. Matters not if you only want an odd piece of furniture or wish to fix four honse out complete, we are prepared to make your laving substantial nigh class furniture in every detail is offered at tremendous sacrifices.

Cash Buyors receive big cash discounts. Special offerings for payment buyers. Birthday Part Raymond Walker has left to spend W. F. Turner Fined $7.0 in Police Court as Result of Saloon Fight.

sometime In Baltimore. Miss Willie Lawrence entertained Anthong Chambers Angered Because Woman Wouldn't Go With" Him To Steal. at her home, 1231 Twenty-sixth street. Mrs. T.

P. Crittenden and daughter Olympic Tday A Tomorrow, Mat A Nigh last Friday at a delightful birthday Lois, have returned to their home la this city after a three weeks' visit to relatives In Richmond. party. The house was prettily decorated for the occasion and delicloua refreshments were served during the Rev. Valentine Jones, of Williams PEERLESS MINSTRELS 7 People 7 Mirth Melody Harmony 11; HE burg, is visiting relative In this city Klna'e Daughter W.

F. Turner, charged with disorderly conduct, Inasmuch aa he is aid to have Interfered with a policeman In the discharge of his duty, was fined 7.50 In the PoHce Court yesterday morning by Justice Brown. The fine waa paid. Patrolman Price testified that he. aooompanled by Patrolman McNeil, waa attracted to a Warwick avenue bar-room Saturday night by sounds of a fight.

He said as they entered the The Earnest Circle of King's Daughters, will be entertained by Miss Agnes Walker at her home, 218 2603 HUNTINOTON AVENUE evening. Those present included. Mr. and Mrs. W.

C. Harris, Mr. and Mrs. J. D.

Lewis, Mrs. H. L. Hickman, Mrs. Maggie Diddle, Mrs.

Laura Knight, Mrs. Emma Lawrence, Mrs. 8. O. Kawles, Misses Lottie Knight, Pearl Mister, Nonle Cross, Maude Ellis, Lottie Rawles, Ruth Beasley, and Bertie Lewis, and Edward Rollins, H.

M. Lawrence, W. J. Howard, W. B.

Peck, W. T. Bunn, Thomas Ab-dell, and Howard Hickman. Forty-sixth street, tonight. Missionary Society Wednesday Only The Film Classic "HIAWATHA," By the Indian players.

Wonderful, Kdueational, and Interesting. Authouy Chambers, a negro, charged with assault and carrying cduteuled weapons, was fined $20 and coats yesterday morning by Justice Brown on both charges and put under a of $200 for six months, In default of which be was locked up, Kent Thompson, the negro whom ha la alleged to have assaulted and who was charged with disorderly conduct, was dismissed, he telling the court that he Just happened to be with Chambers' wife when the latter returned from an extended stay In a Baltimore jail. Chambers' wife said that she and her husband have been separated for some time. He returned Saturday night, Bhe Bald, and asked her to go A meeting of the Women Mission saioon lieweu tiitmop. a soldier, was dragged from the saloon by two oth ary Society of Grace Methodist church, will te held in the Sunday School room of the church, this afternoon at o'clck.

Mrs. J. Leo Kolner and her daughter. Miss Marie Koluer, and Miss Mar ers and Turner was behind them yelling, "tilt him, hit him." Bishop, the patrolmen testified, waa Judge and Mrs. J.

D. Q. Brown have returned from Richmond, where they were called by the death of the former's aunt, Mrs. Ryland. .5 and lOo 10 and 20o Mats.

3:15 p. m. Nights: 7:30 and 9. then taken up the street' by his friends, but broke away from them garet Lowe, of Richmond, spent the and came back. Seeing that he had past week-end at the Cbamberlln ho Air.

and Mrs. C. K. Weaver have left for 4 trip to Lancaster, and Baltimore, Md. out on the street with him.

She re been drinking, then pollcomeu then put Bishop under arrest Tumer Is fused and he shot at her. Tompklus corroborated ber state said to have remarked what a shame It waa to treat a man that way and tel; Mr. and Mrs. L. B.

Manvllle. Miss Lucille Carter, and Misses Alice and Belle Johnson, sent Sunday In Williamsburg, making the trip In Mr Manvllle's automobile. ments, saying that Chambers not only Refrigerators also to have tried to Incite (he crowd Louig Berger, formerly of this city but now of Keystone, W. is in the city for a few days visiting fired at his wife, but, falling to hit to take Bishop away from the po her, turned the revolver on him. As lice.

he had no taste for flying lead, Tomp Bishop was fined $4.50 on a charge kins said he Jumped at Chambers, throwing him to the floor, where be of disorderly conduct and was sent to Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Pool, of 328 Fiftieth street, have as their jail in default. Th Fonli -the Ui k'ersat recrcat held him until Patrolman Watson ar guest for the summer season rived.

Charles L. Pool, of Toronto, Can. Miss Edna Holmes, who spent the past week In Richmond, baa returned home. C. F.

Flood, of Cleveland, Ohio, Is spending aeveral days In the city. Mrs. Florence Plckrell Is 111 at her home In Ivyton. Miss Florence Holt is convalescing, REALTY TRANSFERS after a recent illnesg at ber home In the; Houston apartments. Mr.

and Mrs. E. G. Weyburn, who spent the past week with relatives LOSES MONEY WHICH WAS TO PAY FINE Although he pawned the last article of his clothing in order to pay his fine and leave-the "Hotel de Curtis," Fred Carter Is still bttblnd bars and eating corn bread and herring. Carter, who was incarcerated Borne time ago, gave his clothing to Henry Sloan, asking htm to pawn them and pay his fine with the money.

However, Sloan lost the money, he testified iu the Police Court yesterday morning when arraigned before William Atkins, son of Mrs. V. A. Atkins, receutly underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Elizabeth In Williamsburg, have returned home, economical Ford, is the pleasure car of thousands tlio world over. It has mado the motor car servant of all the people.

It has given to the masses the freedom of the great out-of doors. Five hundred dollars is the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car is fivo fifty; the town ear seven fifty f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment.

Get calalog and demonstration from SHACKELFORD AUTO CO. Phone 582 25rh Street Ellyson Robinson Is recovering Buxton hospital, from whicu he Is getting along nicely. from a recent operation at the St. Franclg hospital. So mo things are good enough to repeat.

We think what Las been said about Automatic Ro-frigerators belong in this class. Every one has eight walls of heat-defying mutilation, pausing this Refrigerator to be great ice-saver. Constant circulation of pure air prevents the mixing of food flavors in an Automatic. We sell besides the Automatic, the "Odorless' and North Star Refrigerators, both well known and constructed with an eye to efficiency. Also full line of Ice Chests, Nursery Refrigerators, Water Deeds were recorded In the office of the clerk of the courts yesterday as follows: James Taylor and wife to J.

D. Spivey. lot 13, In block 11-C Consideration 5. J. 1).

Spivey to Guy P. Murray, Trustee, lot 13 In blocs: 11-C Securing $125 and Interest Edward McCraw to Mary McCraw, Certain chattels, consideration $5. Elizabeth S. Smith and husband to Flnley Johnson, lot 28 In block 49; consideration $1,200. Einley Johnson and wife to J.

T. Hunter, Trustee, lot 28 In block 49, securing $1,000. Edward L. Slaven and wife to Se Miss Mary Jones, of Washington, D. who has been the guest of Miss Mary Zlrkle, and little Price Kagey, of New Market, are tbe guests Mrs.

C. N. Sutherland, on West aven ue, for several days, has returned to of Miss Anne Kagey on West avenue, Justice Brown on a warrant Bwornout! her home. Misses Llllias Mima, and Gladys John Lenz, has left to accept a position in New York. by Carter charging him with stealing the money.

Justice Brown dismissed Sloan, who said he put tbe money under his pillow and some one stole It while he was away from the bouse. Gillett spent the week-end In Rich mond. Mrs. Clarence Reed, of Richmond, Is the guest of relatives here for a Mr. and Mrs.

A. B. Edmonds have few days. left for St. Aogustlne, to spend some time.

Mrs. Claude- Sudd rath Whoi have been spending the past week- with Mrs. Thomas Steunetl Mrs. Sophia Eisenmau has returned from a visit to relatives la New York. 921 Twenty-fifth street, have returned to their home In Philadelphia.

Knocks Down Two Men. KeaL a negro, charged with assault, was fined $12.75 by Justice Brown yesterday morning and put un-upon the tustimoy of two negroes, der a bond of $200 for six months, upon the testimony of two negroes, who said Neal. had knocked them down, boJ4 the tn had been him and he was Coolers and Ice Cream Freezers. curity Trust and Savings Bank of Newport News, Virginia, iot 40 in block 131, securing $1,800. and Interest.

Bettie S. King and husband 'Id Richard II. Brushwood, lots 3, i and In block 30-C; consideration $5. Larceny Case Continued. The case of Riley Saunders, charged alth stealing a boat from O.

Wall, was continued until this morning by Jus tice Brown yesterday. Wall, It Is said, was drunk when last seen and did not appear In the Police Court yesterday morning. Justice Brown also held that Saunders was too drunk Miss Mollle Belle Smith has left to enter the nurses' training school Uobnston-Wiliig Sanatorium, In Mrs. J. E.

H. Kerr, who has been visiting relatives in Greenwich, S. has arrived to Join Mr. Kerr, In this city. At present they are residing at Electric Sales Construction Company Richmond.

forced to take strenuous measures to make them let him alone. Buxlon Parker For Iloosier Kitchen Cabinets, Tiloch Carriages, and Furnishers for every room in the house. S. C. DRIVER The word milliner Is a corruption AMUSEMENTS -J of Mllaner.

from Milan, the city once esiaiilished the hat styles for to give a coherent story. the world. I Do i Electrically Usese Bad Language. Clara Booker, charged with usln Good Show at Olympic Good comedy and excellent singing in the form of a minstrel first part is the offering at the Olympic the first part of this week, the attraction being the Peerless Minstrel Maids. Seven violent and abusive language to Ma 24 TWENTY-EIGHTH ST.

PHONE 442 con Branch, was put under a bond of $200 for six months by Justice Brown yesterday morning. and applications for seats were received for this single performance whereas the capacity of the theatre was limited to seventeen hundred. In the audience were tbe moBt distinguished senators and representatives in Congress and their wives. Many diplomats of renown; moie than thirty of the leading clergymen of the city and all of the prominent officials of the city government. President Wilson's Cabinet was represented by Post-masterGeneral Burleson and Secretary of Labor Wilson and his daughter.

The play created such a profound Impression that the Washington Board of Trade passed a form of resolution instructing its secretary to see what arrangements could be made for a second presentation of the remarkable play In the city. On Thursday night this same company will be seen here at the Acad iiHiiniiiiiT vmwnwwi people make up the company, four girls and three men, and they are all good performers. The show went luimitii itiuihii.fl' umiaiitioiiiif I i rs 't niiniiiiiiimimi, timm iimmm especially good with yesterday's audi ences. Rides Bicycle on Sidewalk. Lee Pretlow, a negro, charged with riding his bicycle on the sidewalk, was fined $3.60 in the Police Court yesterday morning.

Newport Wdnsrfy, TliuraUa and frrliUjr, Mr 1 supple. HOTEL WARWICK For tomorrow's feature picture, the Olympic has secured a real film class 5) JL- SEELEY'S SPERMATIC SHIELD TRUSS ic in "Hiawatna." It is often called the "Indian Passion Play being founded on the legends that inspired Longfellow's Immortal poem, and A MEDICINE OF MERIT A proprietary medicine, like everything else that comes before the has to prove Its merits. The The latest and most Scientific Appliance DITPTJIDI? for the Successful Treatment and Cure of tw portrays the same story. The play Is presented entirely by Indians, and to them, the performance Is solemn emy. The seat sale opens at Fergus-son's Music Store thij morning at the regular dollar and a half scale.

fd nml pirncil lijr I'. H. Rnvern- meut anil tbe I'mr of Hiil. Vourh-l for by P. M.

It. Ofrii'liil. JpflVrson nurt IIhIiiih-iiiru Medical I'ollfSfS Jinl li-nilln No leg simps to Irrl talc end soil. No ntiiiUng of lilps. t'ksu durslile.

I'unffect- and sacred. The filming of ''Hiawatha" Is one of law of the survival of the fittest applies- In this field as in others. Tbe reason for the tremendous success of Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound Is because It has been fulfilling a real human need for forty years, so that today thousands of American womon owe their health and happiness to the marvelous power of this a nuns medicine, made from roots and herbs nature's remedy for 'woman's Ills. 3y- ru by erapiruoii useu iu Future nwrvli-es.

Slid altera tlous In rant ths neeiU of .1 i. uruaressee. are a most Ilis Individual as the roudltl Important fi-atur of our work and are done without fuarg-f. IT will not be difficult for you to select from our offerings appropriate gifts which will convey your kind and loving expression of esteem to the Newlyweds. Gifts Most Dear to the Bride Few gifu cany so much of the wedding tentlmcnt silvei ware and cut gfam.

They are root dear to the heart of tbe bride and remain among her most cheriihed powettions. There are many other suggestions here that are beautiful' end useful and will bold their worts almost Indefinitely. The chtracter oar foods end ear snoderate price, taak) thasa worth eosMMoratloa when row porches gifts. the most acceptable pieces Of klnema-tography ever offered to the public, and especially to the schools. There Is.

perhaps, not a school In the United States which does not include Longfellow's Immortal work In its English course. In the schools of the civilized world no study of literature is compiled In which this great American poem does not find a high place. As an Illustrative power, the value of the poem is enhanced and both teacherg and scholars will And their studies more comprehensive, yet 'simplified. The cast of over oue hun- JACKSON FLAG DAY PROVES DISAPPOINTING far the funs raised In this city for the erection In Richmond of a monument to General Stonewall Jackson have been disappointing, according to Mrs. W.

B. Vest, chairman of the Flag Day Committee, which body has charge of the subscriptions being raised In this city. While last Friday was set aside by Mayor Senimes as Flag Day, it waa a disappointment and the women In charge of the work here will continue to solicit funds throughout this week. Abdominal Belts, Elastic Etc for corpulency, operations, unildllile rupture, backache, varicose veins, weak and swollen Minns, etc. Examination and Advice Free Call at Hotel Warwick, Wednemlav, Thursday and Friday, Mae, Sth, 7th aud Hlh.

Imi.VT MISS THIS OfPOKTUNlT. l.ooal refcrsucea oa remieMt. W. B. SEELEY, Home Office, 1027 Walnut Street, Philadelphia.

CIT Ot AI KKKP fOS RirtiMM't J.1 fwurs 5on9 The women who are selling the flags are Mrs. Frank Williams, Mrs. A. E. lewder, Mrs.

B. R. Anderson, Mrs. Phillip Flnegan, Mrs. L.

E. Pugh and Mrs. Rayfteld. tlEWELEBS OPTICIANS OSS 271t VrSHINGT0N AYE. lmpart a living realty to the picture which is beyond estimate; that these Indians represent so really that noble race of which they are; perhaps, the last faithful typical members tbe film posseseg a doubly historic value.

It is safe to predict that iu but a few generations from now this film will not only accompany the Immortality of the poem, but will Impart an ever-living realism for which those future generations will be more than trank-ful. While congratulating the producers of this film the Moving Picture Educator believes It will do much to hasten the fast approaching day, when the moving picture shall take Its place In the schools by making the educational authorities realize its DedagoKcal powers. Early American J. M. Barrle, the author of Peter Pan and The Little Minister, has three Bketches which have been given In vaudeville Pantaloon, played by Mile DaEle; Half Hour, by Blanche Bates, and The Twelve-pound Look, by Ethel Barrymore, who expected to give It again when she re-enters vaudeville this spring.

Write a Card or Phone Us st any time you hava a garment needing our service. Ws're nevar too b'jsy to accomodate our customers. Hotel Warwick Laundry 119 24th STREET. history could not ha luoie faiiUIuliy .1 1 1 1 -a NEWPORT NEWS. VA.

PHONE NO. 10. repi esemcu or irauuru uuu iiiummr ed than by the great powers which abound In "Hiawatha," making It the great masterpiece It has always been, and to which kinematography now adds lta living forces. IN LINE WITH PROGRESS You would consider it folly for a man not to take ad- vantage of modern knowledge in matters of science and yet it is more unreasonable for the business rnan not to tke advantage of the most aproved methods in business. As a depositor in this bank you would enjoy so many advantages that you can no longer afford not to be a depositor.

Come in and let us talk it over, we want you and you need us. EIGHTY ODD patterns of White Enameled and Rrnss Heds are here for you iu riiouse from. Why select from small stocks We buy largely -and of courso buy cheaper, and are. in a position to sell at a lower price. We do sell rWaper, that's why we are always busy.

White Enameled Beds $2.98 up. 1 Iras Dcds $15 up. CREDIT TOO Newport News Furniture 3007-09 Washington Ave. C. H.

SCHOFIELD Damaged Goods "Damaged Goods," Eugene Brloux's startling sociological play which Richard Bennett's New York company of co-workers will present here at the Academy of Music on Thursday night, May 7, for a single performance has the distinction of being the only theatrical entertainment ever presented In the National capital on the Sabbath 7vrvv A'y 9 day. This event took place last April when, under the auspices of the Society Hygiene, Riohard Bennett brought his company to Washington from New York City in order that members ofj CongrenB and other officials In national I life, might see the play and pass upon itg fttnoss for presentation before the general public. More than four thous-1 Deiul Aamials Removed Anywhere. Phons 1S4. Hampton, Va.

i PAINT mid DAVIS' 1)0 jut Mi, soars abovo tham all saBiScsjwef rt 1 1.

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