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The Greenville News from Greenville, South Carolina • Page 8

Greenville, South Carolina
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EIGHT Sunday Morniftg- THE GREENVILLE DAILY NEWS November 13, iio. I it mil m- am a tn I THE POPULATION OF GREENVILLE GOOD ROADS MEETING WAS HELDJESTERD.4Y Bril MA EltPSLl Fis. IBOARD ENDORSES I NEW COTTON MILL Resolutions Adopted at Meeting of Board of Trade Directors Yesterday. 1 CANVASSING COMMITTEE NAMED is increasing wrj rapidly. Xcw Industrie and d' vrlopnienu are bc-ginning in our town almost every day.

This that more money will be in circulation here. Tim FOURTH NATIONAL BANK eipertf to b'Jielit hy tlx KrOn tli of the liljr ud it sources with the view of being a real aid to the bnslness com- New Attractions in munity. W. C. CLKVKLAM), Preiident.

TERLING SILVER-: We have just put on sale Mansion House Building For Rent light and dry. 57.xlS feet, under "Smoker" and "Ilarbcr Sbop" entrance on Court street. Office room, first floor, on tho corner. Desirable and well lighted offices on second and third floors. All convenient and centrally show of edd new things in Sterling.

We think we never a showing in this line more appropriate for Bridal so many different items so many new designs, and srch rr.odsst prices. Some clever Ideas worked out in a combination of Cut Glass end Sterling Silver. William Goldsmith, Jr. PHONES Office Residence 591. Use thtm.

Just a iew suggestions "REX" Elaborate display inside. Will be glad indeed to have you in and look through. Gilreath-DurJham Go. 208-210 South Main otreet. A.

L. MILLS, and Cashier. located. j. i ft Adding Machine Paper, "jj Clipless Paper Fastener.

Todd Proctetograph. Typewriter Paper. Blank Books (full line) Ribbons (for all machines) Canned Meats. You know the quality of REX Canned Meats. Just unloading a car Can supply you with anything you want.

R. Allen Bro. Co. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS. NEW THINGS FOR THE OFFICE Uh WUt WAd i TGCLUBSANDTHREE Qlympia and "Tom Harri- son Plnbs Raided Yes terday by Officers.

THREE NEGRCESWERE ARRESTED Four Haiulied and Sixty-Seven Unities of IWvr uml Nine Quai'U of Whiskey Were Seized and Hored for Out' lay OifUers Operated in Went Knd as Well as on Kast Side of Kiver Three Negroes Chai-gd With Selling Whiskey. Four hundred and sxty-seven hot-ties of beer and quarts ot whiskey rcsta this morning wiihin the Mronshuld of the snerhl's of fire, calmly awaiting of minKlfd joy and kno-wn an out" day. This amount o' luoit lire water, beverage or of liooze. firewater, beverage or what nit tells the taie of raids made yes tt nlay by the fc'tate eonsaldes anJ members of the eity police lorcc on two of the so-called soeial eluhs in Official lut'-ids laid wide the doors of the Oiympia Club, on Laurtns street, and extracted therefrom two anJ three-quarters barrels of beer and eight quarts of whiskey. The second place raided was over the Owl afe and is commonly alluded to the "Tom Harrison" place, the invasion realizing resulting in sixty-five bottles beer and two pints of whis key being seized The first raid of the day was made on the over the Owl Cafe.

Ser- of the Police Adams, Officera Ilolcomhe and Noe and Constables Cooley and Goldsmith conducted the campaign. It was stated that fourteen lockers were found In the place. The ollicers were unable to state who was president, vice president, secretary treasurer, manager or "chief cook and bottle washer" of the organization. Later in the day the officers swooped down on the Oiympia Club. Two atnd three-yuarters barrels of beer and eight utiai ts of whiskey were found on the premises.

The raiders stated that the club was composed of one hundred members and contained fourteen lockers. The following is said to be the personMel of the club's officers: President. W. F. Foster, vice president, W.

T. Ricrs; secretary and treasurer, Roland Thompson; manager. Arch Meseley. It was stated that the alleged manager of the club was in possession of the keys to the lockers. The prey was rairne off to the office of the sheriff of the cou'aty and there safely stored away until that day shall dawn when officers shall pluck forth whatever keeps the "stuff" in the respective receptacle's and let it trickle down a sewer pipe, rather than permit it to ba'the thiisty limentary caials.

The brands of the beer and whiskey seized could not be learned, but it was boozet and that Is all that interested the officers. Olflcers of the law wore not content yesterday with the done on the east side of the river, but crossed 'the rubicon of the Heedy and made things look lively over in West Evid. Though they did not capture as much booze as the officers on the east side of the stream that divides Greenville, they brought along other things to show that they had been industrious. Two negro women, a negro man and pint of whiskey were the thuigs visible to the eye brought along. (If things in visible to the eye, they brought along a mass of evidence, which they think will cause Mouday morning to be streaked with blue for the three negroes when they are brought to the bar of justice.

What the nature of the evidence is not be learned, but the officers think it is bf the kind that reaps verdicts of guilty. The three negroes arrested were Annie Frank Green anil Elsie Turner. Officers Posey and lilair executed the arrests. The negroes were languishing in prison last night, unable to put ui bond of $C1 each, which had been fixed. The cases will probably be threshed out In the police court tomorrow morning.

dity" Dr. 7a. T. Cody, Will Deliver Sermon This Moi'iiins at First liuptisl Cliuifli on "Promise and Performance." At the First Iiaptlst Church, at 11.30 o'clock this Dr. Z.

T. Cody will deliver a sermon on "Promise and Performance," on a "Plain Talk on Greenville's Duty." The pub lic ut large is given a cordial invit.i-tio',1 to attend the services and hear Dr. Cody's discussion of the While nothing of a definite nature is known regarding to the turn this sermon will take. It is believed that in view of the recent dispensary election, and othr events which received wide circulation in regard to the police matters in the city, the addres will contain some interesting mat ter, a'nd ill be well worth hearing. IS IT 'ISF.

to spend your money for paint that Is Ally purl Paint and part Linseed Oil lor which mark you, you pay run paint price, when for tho same amount you can buy which is ALL PAINT at Paint price, and buy your Llnneed Oil separately at oil price and combine them yourself, and save thereby a dollar or more. Why Continue Itiiylug uloiig old OltEGOX LCMIU.H CO. tinnvlllo, s. c. Telephone Roll Paper Saunder Envelope Sealer V.

S. Automatic Pencil Sharpener Carbon Papar I. P. Loose Leaf Books Filing Devices IT'S FOR THE SEYBT WE FRAME 127 S. MAIN ST.

OFFICE, WE HAVE Senator Mnuldin Lead Discussion at Gathering at Travelers llest Held Ycsterday Morning, in Interest of( fareenvU'e-Hfiidersoii Highway I.euders of Movement Present and Took Part iu Informal liiubion. In the Interest of imiro in? the road between GreenvtiU- anl the North Carolina line, a "vH.sful ga-iherinR or residents the line was held yesterday mornins at the school house at Travelers itet. Senator W. L. Mauldin, loed in the and a mmber of of importance in connection with tJiis road were gone over.

Senator Maulrtln's remarks along the Irie? of the financial sutus of the and his interest and approval of the good roads movement, were well and attentively received. Amon; the reminiscent remarks dmppe i in ihe course of his talk, was the mentioning of the fact (hat the lirst time thn senator had gone over the road wa? in 1S59. when there wis in operation one of the old lines, between Grefnville and Asheville, 'lh all the romantic touches which dings to these means of travel. A numher of the leaders of the movement in this section, were pres-t it, and took part act'vely in the informal talk! Anions the principal matters discussed was that of ways and means for the improvement of the road. It has been stated that a survey of the road between Poinsett Spring and the li' le.

hp made with a view of getting" a tower gap over the Saluda mountain, fiMd a survey also made of the Callaham mountain road, with a view to relocating, both of which have been completed in a most satisfactory manner. Detailed estimates of these nropoped chances will be submiUefJ in the near future, though the rough estimate has been given at about $6,000 for the Poinsett Sprint? mad, and about $4,000 for the Callaham mountain relocation. It is planned to improve the road in these and other parts, by means of the cooperation of the residents, the aid of the county, avid a special appropriation from the legislature, if this can be obtained. Senator Mauldin did not appear willing to commit the legislative delegation from this cr anty, one way or the other hi this matter, but from the trend of his remraks, one would judge that he himself is a hearty supporter of the cause of good roads. Jt appeared evident also that the delegation would probably not approve of any such appropriation until the rights of way for these proposed improvements had been secured from the property own ers.

The section of the road between Greenville and Travelers Rest, is In fairly good shape. While it will cer tainly bear considerable improvement there have been recently two concrete bridges, whi''h add considerably to the ease of traveling through this part Of the highway. The Oreenville-Hendenon Highway Association, under whose auspices this meetrng was held, is anxious to secure the hearty support and cooperation of the people of the Travelers' Rest section, believing that they will receive as much benefit trom the improved road as any one else. The road here parallels to some extent, the raliroad. but a similar condition exists, on the road be-twefM Greenville ard Simpson ville, and people of the latter place are highly pleased with the good highway which has been built here on the same plan of cooperation which it is proposed for the road between Greenville and Henderson county.

Dr. B. F. Goodlett. who is chairman of the committee between Greenville and Travelers' llest; is taking around a subscription list amoMg the people of that section, in the Interest of the Improvement of the road, and it is thought probable that he will have report to make to the association when it next meets.

xew os i'oh rinE Winter I informs For Klip Department Keceived Yesterday by Messrs. Smith Mrixtovf. The new winter uniforms for Greenville's fire department were received yesterday hy the firm of Smith A. Hristow, to whom was nwarded the contract of furnishing the laddies with their new "duds," and distributed among the members of the department. The uppearjnee that will be made by those of the fire laddies who don their new "togs" this morning will attest more than words the beauty and elegance of the uniforms.

The suits afe of blue serge and the caps are made of the same ma terial. polished buttons and braid adorn the double breasted coasts, while the monogram of the deportment is affixed to the front of the cups in gold letters. The uniforms of the officers are distinguished fcom the uniforms of the men of lower rank in the usual way. Messrs. Sm.lth Ilristow bid lower than any of the other competing houses when bids for the new uniforms were called for some weeks ago.

For a number of years they have succeeded in securing the contract for making the uniforms for the fire department and the present ones like those heretofore are 111 every particular a credit to the department end to the firm getting them out. barged With I'e'ty Zmtvcny. Deputy Sheriff I returned from Spartanburg Junction Friday night, bringing Itussel Hallew, and John Nelson, both white men, who arc wanted in this county, on the charges of petty larceny, liallcw Is chaiged with the theft of a pistol, while Nelson has charged up against him some small money larceny. Fine Corn Hrouglit to City, Six fine ears of corn, of the liald-win variety, were brought to the city yesterday by Mr. Merlon Edwards, from the Travelers Itest section.

The corn Is well developed, and the ears ore filled out In the most approved fashion. Mr. EdvvardB grew 'seventy-five cars to the acre of thin corn. A hp Attell vs. I rankle Conloy.

New Orleans, Nov. 12. Abe Attell, the featherweight champion, arrived here this morning to meet Frankie Conley, bantam weight champion In a fifteen round bTttt to. morrow afternoon before the West Side Athletic club. I CARTER, PICTURES.

I'HOXK 107t. THE Directors of Hoard of Trade Heartily Endorse Xowr Mill, Proposed to Krct-uvillr ThruuKli Mr. J. 1. est-ervelt, for the M.iniifac.'ure of India Lawns and ns.

and lom-miltc of Fifleeu Appointed to Aid in So'iritalion of tlie in Slock for the New l'lant. At a meeting ef the directors of the Cree nvilio I', nrii of Trade. held yes-t: lay the now itiiM, fur the nianuf nt-are of tine Cotton I.r... I 1 III' II I T-ri! 1 1 thc nrough Mr. j.

i. west erveit. heartily end irsej in suitable and a commit-lu1 of fifteen members the Hoard, was appointed to the cUy with Xtr. Westervelt. to secure the ftc.k required ef and to do ali possible toward pushing through the new enterprise whih will mi in much to the city end section at large At this meeting of the directors there was also transacted several other matters of importance, anion? whirh was the authorization of a committee to act with committees from other organizations, to confer as a joint committee with the officials of the Greenville traetb-n company, In the matter of getting later herrs for the street car schedules.

This committee has not yet' been appointed, but will he announced in the next few days by President Hayns-worth. The new mill, the details of which were published in full several days ngo, is to manufacture India lawns and iinons, cotton products which are net now manufactured anywhere in the South, so far as can he learned. Xew England machlery manufacturing people have made the proposition to -Mr. Westervelt and to Greenville to furnish two thirds of the stock, or approximately $650,000, in the new ffty thousand spindle mill, the total capitalization to be $900,000, with the stipulation that Mr. Westervelt be the manager of the plant.

It was also do-r-ired that Greenville contribute of the stock in the mill, in order lo comp'ete the required amount. Mr. Westervelt met with the directors of the Board yesterday after-noi and laid his plans before them. The directors went them freely, and made a thorough investigation of all the details, so far as then known. When this examination had been completed, the directors adopted the resolution heartily endorsing the new mill, and recommending it to the business mm of the city.

The resolution as adopted is as follows: "The Hoard of Trade has heard with grat interest of the proposition which has been made through Mr. J. I. Westervelt by Eastern interests to furnish two thirds i.f the capital necessary to build a fifty thousand spindle mill near this city for the manufacture of fine cloths: And it being the judgment of this Board of Trade that such industries contributes greatly to the communities, business advantage, And whereas the city of Greenville has been requested to take stock in aid proposed corporation to the amount ef $100,000.00. Now be it resolved that we, the directors of the Board of Trade do heartily endorse this enterprise, and r-eommend to the business interests of this city, that they aid in securing this enterprise for the city by subscribing liberally to the stock of the corporation." Alter the adoption of this resolution, the following committee of fifteen were appointed, for the purpose of assisting Mr.

Westervelt in gettin? up the required $100,000 of stock for the new mill among the people of Green ville: A. G. Furraan, chairman, A. A. Bristow, W.

J. Thackston, Perry Beattie, Charles F. Hard, II. P. Mo-Gee, J.

R. Smith, J. W. Norwood. M.

It. Leach, J. I. West, A W. C.

Cleveland. Krank Hnmmand, C. O. Allen, and D. C.

Durham. These gentlemen will make a canvass of the "ity, with Mr. Westervelt, aiding hir. in every way possible to secure the lequired capital stock, and getting the proposition through satisfactorily, Kinee the announcement cf the new mill, tilere has been considerable interest manifested in it on all sides, and many outside papers have given the plans wide publicity in other states. It Is something of a distinction f'ir Greenville to he the first city in the south, at which these finer grades of cotton cloth are manufactured, and this fact has also been the of considerable advertisement.

Xhe site for the new mill has not yet been definitely decided upon, though the promoters of the enterprise have options on several lots. It Is stntedj however, that the surveyors who have the task of findinff the suitable location for the mill, ha1 been running the line on several pieces of property which ar1 adjacent to the Southern Hallway, and that early next week, they will run lines on pieces of property on the C. W. railway, and other property on whp-h options are now held. It is thought probable that this location will be definitely decided upon in the near future.

At the meeting of the directors yesterday afternoon, Messrs. Eugene B. Adams, and D. A. Pfenning, respectively feoretary, of the Board, und manager of the freight bureau, ere reelected to their, positions.

ANOTIIKU tiKRM DKKIHOYKH. HerpK-lde Is Drnlh to Dandruff The germ burrow into the seal p. throning up the cuticle in thin scales, called dandruff, or scurf, and digging at the root of the hair where It saps the hair's vitality. Fires comes brittle hair, then lusterless and dead-like hair, then full tag hair, and, finally baldness. Nine-tenths of the ihalr troubles nre caused by dandruff.

Without dandruff, hair will grow luxuriantly, as nature intended. "Iler-plclde" kills the dandruff germ the hair to grow unhampered, as It does with the American red man. Hold by leading druggists. Send 10 cents in stamps for sample to The Hcrpiclde Detroit, Mich. One dollar bottles guaranteed.

Carpenter Special Agents. Mr. P. M. Keltham It (lere a visit (o his family, Headquarters a specially interesting in our show window an Call today r.nd get box of sample Hudrmt's Cold Cream and book.

See the new package Violet Sec Toilet Water. Carpenter Bros. A TIMELY WORD Have us reciye some of those last years garments to the popular colors of this Kali and Winter the cost is nominal and additional, satisfactory wear more than justifies the cost. Our dyeing plant is not alone up-to-date and complete but it is managed with expert skill and attention. No fabric too delicate or expensive for our careful handling.

JONES SUITATORIUM, Expert Cleaners ami PHONE 8(10. Dyers. Something New IN GREENVILLE, S. C. Specially for Ladies and Gentlemen.

I do the best Repairing and Clean-lug and Pressing. Don't throw your old clothes away, I make old clothes look like new. I guarantee to uive satisfaction. Moderate charges. Tell your frC'iids about It.

E. SCHNEIDER, 10" North. Main Street. For Sale We are offering for sale one hundred and thirty acres of fine farm land six miles from city, near Mon'tagur. Call and see us or phone 199.

Thackston Son RXALTT BFUDDIG- So. 211 W. WASHINGTON Bt PHONE 19. rate, LADIES BnutinnBnM FOR r- aA I TurndownV V7 I 'VLl 1 'cCOLLARfcA I If (IS I 11 FAIRoWWARM 1 I jjf tJjyl 1 I Turn up the 1 ffr rl iV) fjy COLLAR for IUII IVCOLD and JUu ROSES 'oiv ready for planting: Maman Cochet, lute Maman Corbet, duchess de liralutut; White Malmaison, Ilelfn Gould, Helen Good, Killarney, Van lloute. Jacqueminot, each.

Fran Karl Druski, Paul Npgrou, Crimson Rambler, Marerhole eil, Crimson Rambler, Mareehale Xeil, Wonten, 35c each. (')vt us your order the morning of day before you wish them. Sloan's Drug Store irned by Rownwald Si Weil. Chicago Just ttl Coat We ve Just the OVERCOAT Hint sou reipilri jti-t Hie suit that will lit your llgure, enhance your (food up. IM'iiriuiee, mill Insure yuiir comfort at riK lit ii i s.

There's tim and spirit, clean cut i-'iaiuclcr in every line of the clothe for men uml young men that tie are hlioohiu, They have sivasnT, druiie and hang moiliKt lit lie stylo touches that lift lliein ahote the level. 't he more a man believe In him-8i I the more nutiiral It In for hint to select this elus of clothes: they're -real ones for self-respect. We have all the newest things for I'lill and Winter ready for your In. KflD'tlOIl, 1. Main St.

and Mcliee Ave. Greenville, Dcsi We invite your attention to our line of Coats made with the celebrated PRESTO Collar. It is the most practical improvement that has ever been made for Men's Coats. down the collar for Fair and Warm turn up the collar for Cold and Storm." By all means come and see it; See our new candy stripe and Persian Tubular Ties. We are sole agents for them.

The latest in Neckwear. ENDELS Phone. 22 120 S. Main St I INSURE YOUR VALUABLES It Is Just as Important to Insure your valuables as It is to I'nsure your property or household possessions. This may bo accomplished by depositing them In one of our Hufe Deposit HoxeK which rent at the moderate price of three dollars per annum and upwards.

You keep the key to the Safe Deposit Hox and no one but yourself has access to the same. Failure to protect your valuables may rtrult great loss. We Invite you to Inspect our FIr-Proof Vault, FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, State and County Depository, GREEN VI LLK, 8. O. BOBCRI WOODSIDB Frwldrnt; JAWS BUlW CmM,.

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