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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PACK FOUR BLYTHEVTLLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1949 Sftlita, Society Editor Phone 4461 Long Gloves Can Be Trimmecl to New Short Length Miss Slankard Engaged To Robert Lee Hundley enciftmtnt of Miss Belly Joyce Slankard, daughler ol Mr. and H. O. lo Robert Hundley of Paragould, son of the Rev. and Mrs.

c. L. Hundley, also of paragould. Is announced today by her parents. The wedding will be solemnized June 5 at the home o( the bride- elect's pmrtnts at 2240 Peabody.

Miss SUnkard was graduated from Blythevlll- High School and it now employed as cashier the J. C. Penney Company In Blylhe- vllle. Mr. Hundley attended school In Floydtda, and Is In evangelistic work with his two brothers.

Mrs. Langdon Honored At Welch Foster Home Mrs. W. S. Langdon wns honored on her birthday yesterday, when Mrs.

Welch Foster entertained will a luncheon for her at the Foster' new home, "Blossom Acres," South Highway 61. The luncheon was served at th dining table, which wns covcre with a handmade lace cloth an centered with a striking arrange ment of red roses Interspersed wit greenery in a crystal bowl. Ottv vases of spring flowers were arrang ed throughout the home. Following the luncheon, the gues played bridge with Mrs. John Fen Ihersion winning high score an Mrs.

Theodore Logan, second hlg Mrs'. Robinson Hostess To La' Petite Club, Guests Bits of News and Mrs. H. O. Slankard announce the engagement ol their daughter.

Miss Betly Joyce Slankard, to Robert Lee Hundley, son of the Rev. and Mrs. C. L. Hundley, of Pnragohld.

Bridge Luncheon Given By Mrs. Lloyd Stickmon The Tuesday Bridge Club tncin hers were entertained with a luncheon yesterday at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Stickmon at 916 West Walnut. The 1 o'clock luncheon 'vas served nt thc dining table which was centered wllh a spring arrangement of pink roses and blue hydmiiKcu.s in a low crystal bowl, Similar ar- Rcgenbld and 'Mrs. Bob Lognn were rn ngcments were used to decorate guests yesterday nt the home of lnc cnlcrlalnlng rooms of Ihe home In the bridge gnmes played fol lowing the luncheon, high scor was won by Mrs.

C. M. Smart with Mrs. Rlley Jones winning second high and Mrs. W.

C. bridgo. Mrs. A. R.

Wetenknmp, Mrs. E. M. Mrs. Phil Robinson, 1007 West Walnut when she entertained the La Petite Club.

During the afternoon bridge high score went lo Mrs. Logan wllh Mrs. Clean Atkinson receiving second high. The home wns decorated with arrangements of spring The hostess served a dcssci't course during the afternoon. Miss Layson Is Honored By Mrs.

Willard Pease less yesterday morning when she entertained with a breaktasL lion-' bring her sister. Betty Layson, who will graduate Friday night i from Blythevllle High School. Fourteen attended the affair which wns centered with a spring arrangement of sweetiwas, panstcs and daisies In low crystnl bowl. Other mixed 'l lowers i pastel hades ere a t- arranged through llic jjome. Following breakfast, con- Jests were conducted with Miss tyean Dedman winning the prize.

Mrs. pease was assisted by her inother, Mrs, Henry Layson. Mrs. Holder Entertains Bridge Club and Guests I- Mrs. Worth Holder was hostess yesterday when she entertained the Tri-Town Bridge Club and guests at her home at 421 East Kentucky.

Guests were Mrs. Jack Hale. Mrs. E. M.

Terry and Mrs. Dick Mrs. While Is Hostess To Club Eight Members Club Eight members vere entertained yesterday at the home of Mrs. Jesse White, 401 East Davis. Attractively arranged In the entertaining rooms of the home, were vases of mixed spring flowers with roses predominating.

Mrs. Churles Uingston won high core in Ihe afternoon bridge games with second high being won by Mrs. H. O. Partlow.

A dessert course was served by the hostess. Mrs. Gene Teaforrt was high score winner in the bridge gomes with Mrs. Newton Whitis receiving second high. Arranged in the rooms where bridge was played were vases of hydrangeas and roses In pastel colors.

The hostess served refreshments dtutrt course. Mrs. Stevens Entertains La Nueve Club and Guest Mrs. coleman Stevens was hostess last night when she entertained the La Nueve Club together with two guesU, Mrs. Ciean Atkinson and Mrs.

Rt'sscll H. Farr. of hydrangeas and roses vere attractively arranged throughout the enlerlainlng rooms of the home. Mrs. Melvin Halsell won high score in the games played with Mrs.

Newell Jerome winning second high. Following the gnmes. refreshments were served by the hostess. At Hie Hosnila'is Btythtrtllt HoipiUl Di-smissted: Mrs. P.

D. Poster, city. Mrs. Charles Bowles. Luxora.

Walls Hospital Dismissed: Mrs. Ollie Dunivan and baby. city. Mrs. J.

C. Bradburn and baby. Arm orel. George Johns, city. Charles Robert McGee.

Luxora, Barbara Jean DuPriest. Luxora. Dorothy DuPriest, Luxora. Mission Program Is Held By Calvary Baptist WMU A program on community missions was held lust night at Ihe Culvary Baptist Church by the four circle groups of the Women's Missionary Union. Mis.

H. J. Foiiilrcn, community mission chairman, was in charge. The program was preceded by dinner which was served buffet style from a long table, covered with a wlitlc cloth and centered with an arrangement of white car- lations, red roses and stock. Thc program opened with the nging of the year song.

Thousand Tongues," led by Mrs. Edna Coleman. The welcome was extended by Mr.s. Luclan dallies, president. Prayers were olfen-d by Mrs.

S. D. McGee, Mrs. P. H.

JiTlli- gnn. Mrs. B. C. Germany and Mrs Lela Hodge during the program Theme of the program wns.

"Tinning Many lo Righteousness," will thc Introductory remarks being given by Mrs. Fondven. The tlcvutiouu was presented by Mrs. Raymom Belknap who chose as her topic "Love." Mrs. Coleman presented vocnl solo and was accompanied the piano by Mrs.

Jerntgan. Others taking part on thc pro gram and their topics were: Mr.s J. D. Widncr, who discussed. "Per sonal Consecration;" Mrs.

til Shanks. "Who Is llic Message of th Soul For;" Mrs. Bill Sniilh, Mrs. Marie Mattox, Mr Leon Hobert.son, "A Sonl Wtnnci Joy;" Mrs. Darrel Lunsford, "Turn- lug Many to Righteousness." and Mrs.

Vernon Boyd, "A Soul Winners Power." A demonstration on soul winning was given by Mrs. Meal Gerrin and Mrs. Jack Atlaway in a playlet. The program closed with the singing o( a hymn and prayer by Mrs. Pleas Rambo.

Visitors at the meeting were Mrs. Mamie Tremftine find Mrs. H. H. O'Neil.

Mr.s. G. O. PocU and two children, Glt'iiriii Lee and Ooronowy and lier nephew, Charles C. Langslon III.

left Monday by plane, for Los Anueles, where they will spend two weeks with Mrs. Poelz' mother, Mrs, Clco Laiifiston. Dr. nnd Mrs. W.

P. Brewer left today lor Bmllhlitncl, whiTC they will visit with relatives mill also go on a Ibtiinf! Irip at Kentucky Lake. Mrs. Allen Wnlton and Mrs. M.

L. Skaller were Itie luncheon gue.sls yesterday of Mr.s. Berry Brooks nt the Pcalxxly Hotel in Memphis. The luncheon wns Riven in honor of Mr.s. Skiiiler, who WAS celcbrnt- 1ns her hlrlhday.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Million had Iheir e.uo.sts over Hie weekend. Mrs. Mahon's more.

Hullcy (ayli. Mr. stslrr. Mrs. lobeii Hawkins.

Mr. Iluwkins and daughler. Chnrlcne, of Memphis by their niece-. lyn Gale Msihon ol Kast Prulrlc. who lin.s been visiting with them for the past week and parents, Mr.

and Mrs. C. 11. Mahout, of JoiicslxHO Marilyn Gale Million remained In lilytheviile to be their lor scvci'iil day.s. Mr.

and Mr.s. Oliver White HIT Ihe parents of dauphin 1 born at Skaller's Clinic in Blytheville. Sunday morning. Thc couple's first child she has teen named Sherry Lvni They reside in Strcle. Mo.

Mrs While Is the former Miss Ruth Ma rle Gray. Miss Marlon Mays, student nt nine Mountain College. Hlue Mountain. arrived home to spend her vacation herewith her parents. Mr.

and Mrs. John Mays. Miss Mays will be assistant librarian at the College beginning in the fall semester. Mr.s. James O.

Kincs arrived from St. Louis, to siiend scvcml with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E.

Crawford nt She came especially to attend llic graduation exercises" tomorrow for Holy Angeles Academy In Jonesboro. in which her daughter, Betty Burch, will be a member. She will be Joined here Saturday by Mr. Kincs. Mrs.

nichnrd L. Jones'and children, Nnltalie and Cynthia of North Hampton. arrived lo lie Ihe HUC.sU of Mr. and Mrs. J.

Merril Jont-A Mrs. N. W. Bilgham and other friends and relatives. Mrs.

Jones Is the former Miss LnNell Smnrt of Blythevllle. She will be joined here Saturday by her sister. Mis. J. Mell Brooks of Oreen- ood.

formerly of Dlythcville, nd they will leave Sunday for Cn- umbla, lo attend the gradation exercises of the ColumblH Illitary Academy, In which I heir rother, Don Smart will be a Mrs. Jones and children will eave Tuesday lor Fort Worth, to join Mr. Jones, who has transferred there nnd where hey will make their home. year's collon gloves are revamped for wear with this summer's cluthes by bobbing off lops lo "ihorlie 1 lly Alicia H.ut NKA Staff Writer Bob off those last year's cotton gloves which may be too long to look chic with this summer's Stifor nal You can perform this surgery very uccessiully by snipping off lops to-lully Kloves lo "shorltc" or wrist- length. Gloves of double-wo- 'on cotton may not even huvt- to after the operation.

If you do wunt lo hem lops iflcr you mark Ihe new length with a pencil and follow the miirklng with your scissors, use a whip slich over ruw edge Hint you turn In and finish off. To make your revamped white gloves more resistant to this goes for the other cotton gloves in your them In a very light starch bath after laun- Then press. This extra step is worth the effort it takes if you want a longer lease the immaculate look of. white gloves. Falcon Island Disappears; Fourth Time Falcon Island has disappeared, for the.

fourth time In Its recorded a man who ought lo know says It will rise agiiln some day, bigger ind better than ever. The Island (or was) a small, volcanic mein- jer of the Tonga group, miles southwest of Hawaii. A New Zealand navy frigate reported March 3 that It liad vanished, leaving only a strong sulphur smell In tile vicinity. i'homas A. famous American volcanologlst of the national park service, predicts the Island rise again and eventually will grow up to a considerable piece of land, night now, he says.

It Is In the process of piling up a lava flow under the sea. According to Die u. S. navy's hy- drographlc bulletin. Kalran Island first appeared as a reef In 1865.

It grew Into an island, bis enough that the British surveyed it. Then in 1894, it vanished. Later the same year it reappeared rose to an altitude of 50 feel, thcr disappeared agnln four years later In 1900 a shoal was discovered a Its site. By 1913 the shoal wns gone It came up again In 1927, one mil long. The following year It rat 600 feet and spread out for tw miles.

Ry lorili 11 hud subsided lo an al- litude of 200 feet, mid was down to 300 feet by 1838. Last March it was entirely gone "It's a continual battle between Hie volcano and the Dr. Jaggar says. "Tlie volcano builds up. and storms wash I away In the end, the volcano will win." Here's the answer for people with a tiny kitchen area.

It's a new compact unit, including refrigerator, range, oven, sink, shelves, and drawers all in one It's displayed at the National Association of Home Builders' convention and exposition in Chicago, whore Dec looks it over. Box (Mllce Opens Show Starts 7:00 Optus Sunday SUrU 1:15 Continuous Simws Sat. Sun. Bartain Night Kvery Except Saturday pusses honored on Sunday at Rosy Theatre l-ast Time Today (DOUBLE FEATURE) Bush Pilot with Rochelle Hudson and Jack LaKue SHAGGY with Brenda Joyce Thursday Friday Cominq Events Social Calendar yer Dy Miss Agnes Peoples, after vhlch Miss Verna Dean Fondrcn thc secretary's report. A playlet 'A Great Adventure' 1 wns presented luring the prorgnm, nfler which viiss Jean Norman dismissed the iroup with prayer.

Refreshments were served by thc lostess. Wednesday Chapter P.E.O. Sislerhood will be entertained at 1 o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. E. B.

Gee The Cnicknsaw Chapter. Dcl- phians will meet at Hotel Noble at 10 11.111. Town and Country club will be entertained at Ihe home of Mrs J. C. Ellis fir.

Mrs W. J. pollard will ue hostess to the Wednesday Club. Thursday The Pliebcan Sunday School Class of the First Baptist Church will meet at liic church for a pot hick dinner and business meeting ut 7:30 p.m. Mis.

Edgar P. Boruin will entertain the Thursdny Contract Club. Mrs. G. V.

LVws will entertain the. Hlythevllle Rook Club. Mrs! w. a. Stickmon hostess to the Thursday Nighl Club.

Thursday Rook club will a. the home ot Mrs. George Saliba Jr. Avalon Bunco club ill be entertained at tin of Mrs Raymond Sliamlin Mrs. Loy Welch will be hostess lo the Club.

Mrs. M. O. Dsrey will entertain with a morning party for members of the Mld-Wcek Chlb. The W.S.C.S.

of the Gosnell Methodist church will meet nt the home of Mrs. J. C. Davis nt 2:30 ,1.111. Mrs.

Joe Pride will be hostess to the Thursdir Luncheon club. Friday Mrs. R. A. Copclund will bo hostess to the C.

B. C. Club. The Friday Contract Club will be Irrigation Practiced By Mormons in 1847 WASHINGTON Modern Irrigation as practiced by the Mormon pioneers in Utah began two years before the establishment In 1849 of the U.S. Interior Department.

On July 24,1847. the followers of Brlghnm Young established an agricultural pattern in the arid West which was to be repeated and improved through the next one hundred years of conservation development. Many of the century-old Mormon canals or ditches are still used by the prosperous farming communities and suburban areas to thc south nnd southeast of Salt Lake City The "Big Ditch," for example, was during 1848. thc "Bis Cottonwood Tanner Ditch" nnd "Orreji Ditch" that same year, the "Walker Ditch" during 1B4G. nnd the "Hill entertained at the home of Mrs.

Doyle Henderson. Mrs. James C. Guard will be hostess to the Friday Club. Saturday The 20th Century Club will be entertained at tlmice at the Hut, (1.111.

Hobts and liostcsscs arc Mr. and Mrs. Connie Modinger. Mr and Mrs. Leonard oldrmm, Dr.

and Mrs. Wcldon Rainwater. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pride Jr.

and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Terry.

Furniture Calvary Baptist Y.W.A. Meets with Miss Webb Miss Bonnie Mae Webb was hostess Monday night lo thc Young Women's Auxiliary of the Calvary Baptist church when they met nt her home. 12-1 Henley. The meeting was opened with mm Wednesday, Thursday, Friday COLUMBIA HOPE CHEST Open the Columbia Hope Chest and Win a Gift In Our Treasure Free! CHILDREN'S SUMMER MUSIC CLASSES Fowlston SCHOOL OF MUSIC Here's the ideal way to occupy your child in Ihe mornings during the coming summer months. We arc offering to all who enroll full morning music school In Piano.

Voice, Folk Dancing, Music History, nnd Listening. Hours will be trom 8:30 to 11:30 II you're Interested, pi CUM call soon take only a limited number. Chlckasanlia Phone 2019 KTTA JOHNSON HATT1E MclUNlFl. Continuous Showing fc'veryday MAY 24-25-26 NOTHING TO BUY NOTHING TO WRITE NO OBLIGATION TRY YOUR MAGIC KEY AT OUR STORE and win a Gift in our Treasure Chest pD17 CQ flBMflCSfpRisciuA; $100 Columbia Diamond Ring $42.50 Set Not'l.

Silverware $19.75 Eversharp Pen Set Pick up your key in our store and win a free prize. FITZPATRICK JEWELERS 122 W. Main Phon. 2728 It Takes Only 3 Minutes To Open A Charge Account.

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