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Coshocton Daily Age from Coshocton, Ohio • Page 1

Coshocton, Ohio
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LAMIA 'HE 1 PAIC CiftCULATlON THAN COftlilNED COMPETITOfte 'Tfie Newspaper in Coshocton that Dares Print Its Circulation." THf ONLY COtHOCTON RYINQ "TODAY 1 MARKET THE ROLL OF HONOR. That's when? Printer's Ink. the publisher's bible, plates The Dally Age for Us lionest of circulation. Few Ohio papers have attained this. Average first six of 1935 net paid clr- julation 3001.

COSHOCTON DAILY AGE. Coshocton Club Womto. To Help Save ftiagari" Falls See Page 5 VOL 11. No 06, THURSDAY COSHOCTON, NOVEMBER 15, THURSDAY TWO CENTS. COT HERE ROOSEVELT ON ISTHMUS Receives a Great Ovation When tie Goes Ashore at Colon.

INSPECTS THE CANAL WORKS Moves Across the Isthmus to City of Panama, Where Another Reception Is Planned--Seee the Sights, Accompanied by President Arnador and Others--Anarchists Anesteii. Colon, Xov nnt i of an American president outside ot the- boundaries ot the United States was successfully concluded when the bai- tleship Louisiana, haung on ooard President Roosevelt and his party, dropped anchor in the harbor of Colon. The Louisiana, which arrived ahead of schedule lime, was convoyed by the Tennessee and the Washington, and cne three vessels anchored about a mile from the dock during a heavy raia fail President Amador and other offl- cSalb of the republic arrived in the evening from Panama and were received on board the Louisiana. The greetings were cordial President Amador and party were accompmied by Chief Engineer Stevens, Comrals tioncr Shonla, ExecutUo Secretary Read, and Mr. Sqalcis, tho minister.

The president th local newspaper eoi to come on board the Loxus'iand, and his Invitation was accepted by tho eihtof of the Colon Independent, the editor of the Jamaica Gleaner and the re'jie- fcentatuv of pi ess association The president ib- voago hid been pleasant and uneventful. He expressed himself at 'he welcome prepared for him on shore, and said he intended to everything possible for himself in connection with the canal during his three days' stay on the isthmus The president spoke at lougth viih Mr Delisher, editor of The, re gavdintj the question of Jamaican labor here and piomisecl to look into the Extensile piocautlons have been taker tr piotect President during hi, tluvp dajs 1 visit on th" isthmus, and it 'r reported that a number of known been anvsted here and at Panama. All steameig arriving at tlio isthmus are Inspected and suspicious char acters have been imprisoned and vi'l be held in cilv until Piesident ilc )an. Thurscinv mo.uiiut Pifslilent Roosc velt eame islioie and was a cordial welcome- to thp The president in reply mr-ile a hhort au- drees Eoaidiig a liter, th: president and startc I for Pan- tima utn across the was mado ou ilow tram in older to the distinguished paity an opportunity to see the canal works The presidcnt'al train, attar pass- Ing through the zon" will go to La Boca, where President Roosevelt vlll Inspect the Pacific entrance of the canal. At Panama, President Amador and his party will separate from Pros Ident Roosevelt and his party.

The Jitter will cruise In Panama bay, Inspecting the various Islands and probably landing at Taboga to examine the sanitariums erected by the isthmian canal commission. Mr. Roosevelt and suite will then return to the mainland and breakfast with Commissioner Shonts, Executive Secretary Read and Chfef Engineer Stevens. According to the program a procession of government officials and prominent citizens, escorted by 200 young mon mounted, will proceed from the cathedral to the Tlvoll hotel and re CPlve President Roosevelt there, vhen the party will start for Panama the mounted escort In advance, pro- ceding the carriage of Presidents Roosevelt and Amador and the rest ot the procession, which will proceed to the government palace. The party stop in front of the rathedial wh'ere a platform has been erected for the two prcsiOents, from which President Amador will deliver uu addicss Of welcome.

After his speech all the school children of the cap.tal will be paraded in front of the platform and sing the national anthem. The same ceremooy will be observed In escorting President Roosevelt back to the hotel Telegraph to Tho AgeJ A waim to (he of tht, ionneil 'aimers' union, i Society of i i i fioin San Poiio Rioo. to i ill nc 0u.r, a josoln'ion Poit Klr-an delegate, Santiago calling for aid in moio jioiitical fu-edom (or his coumn and a denunciation of of tho American judif tonbtiai pd the most important (' of the Amencan redupt.on vf Labor coa- vention There v. nine lives of tho Society o' Cquity prosrat, and they were giv the o' the floor West Tubbs, national secietaiy of the society, spoke brhfiy, outhnins the policy of tnf Farmers' union and expressing l.o-os that it might befotn? ri'uiiated i the American Fcdci-tion Caught a Terrier. 1 '10 Dog Catcher added a new thorn to his CIOWP bv catehine one black irui Uolin McNichols Of Coshocton Is Held In Illinois Town John McXichols, son of Martin McXkMs.

of John street is held at 3 prlngfield. 111, to answer for the loath of two cfaotfirers whc acci- lentally mot iheir death about a ACO'; pgo in the room in a coal mine which McXichols worked. At t'ne time of the occurrence it undfi stood Mr. McNicholas was at home in Springfield and was in 'o way to blame for the r.ccldent. lowever he was held by the superin cndect who had been anested and ms been under bond.

His hearing was to have been held but ihe result of it has 'Ot been learned by his relatives here vho however, feel confident he will exonerated. Mr. McXichols Is a aarrted an and left Coshocton over veil aeo His airest is on a tech noirt of violation of a stpte law as the accident occurred in MS "room' The nen who died were smothered de-it-i by the exHosion sucking all ir out of the compartment. THE POOR KANSAS FARMER. in Washington Post.

the Report Tomorrow. Miss Bock who is directing production of the Union Depot a'l the peoiile w'ao nre selling tickets for to return all vnsold tickets and on all- sato to. Mise -Lucy UN WlH GUN mwrn TS Mrs. Fred Landerman Bags Good Game--News of The Fields The hunting season auspiciously--for the liis evening thero are manv widows and OTihans among the rabbits and quail of Coshocton co-mty. The best hunting story heard thus has Mrs.

Fred Landerman for Us, She and her husband no OR hunting back of Roscoe mor.iinij and Mrs. Lander nan that sne is able to iit'idlo a to advantage by lioo'in" two rabbits She n't plain, in bo opened iuut i shot ns Annie Oakley but she doesn't hunters-- and ta ce ccr bonnet off to any of her sex in thib vicinity. tenner and Emaciiel Shneffer '-ent down near Wills J. J. Wm Felumle? are rambling 1 1 the Cox firm below Parrlsh and Harrv Mi'lli- gin are out somewhere in the wild woods.

Jvdjrc Donlev and T. Wheeler left on ill" Whelm? foi tbe 'B'id" McDonald and Hairy Moore aie goin? out tomorrow but they refute to divulge where they i coing for feai the game will get as sure a win.l of it Waiting For Generous Person Squire Wiminor fined Dean Foutch $1 and cosl.s for each offense in as Kosxi Roof amounting to about ft was impossible for the rquiro to sond her to the woik house or the reformatory according to the, law, or it is possible that would have been tho sentence. The girl Is still in Jail, awtitlng Mmeoae te Dynamite Explodes. Salt Lnke City, Utah, Xov. kegs of dynamite exploded at tho surface workings of the Boston Consolidated Copper mine Blngham camp.

Dead: Miko ctta. Fatallr injured: Samuel Coglietta and X. Coglietta. Express Train Wrecked, X. Xov.

passengers wero injured, two of them irobably fatally, in the wrcfck of an npress train on the Pennsylvan a laiiroad at Grws Sound, near here. The acctdcat is believed to JVM Today's Cloudy tonight and Friday. SIGNED A PACT OP SEPARATION Senator Platt and His Young Wife Reach an Agreement. BRIEF STATEMENT ISSUED Rumors of Acts on Part of Either Pronounced Absolutely False, Wife Given an Annuity and Tloga Lodge--Announcement of the Attorneys In the Case. New York, 13--Senator Thomas Platt and his wife, formerly Mrs Lillian T.

Janeway. have agreed to separate. The law flrm ot Marsh. Winslow leaver, acting for Mrs Platt. made the announcement.

The deed was signed 07 both, out not In the presence of each other, and Is as follows: "Owing lo unhappy differences between them the undersigned have this day executed a deed of separation While making such announcement we wish to assert with all possible emphasis the falsity of the scandalous articles which have frequently appeared In the public prints. While have been a series of dif- MTS. THOMAS PLATT. ferenccs and dispu'e- which --cem to make a separation advisable, thfro has been no conduct upon the part cf either which could nosslbly be the foundation for dhorce action. Xo question of Infidelity of either to the other has ever bven raised.

Statements which charged violent and disgraceful scenes between us are absolutely falsa Mrs. Platt is at the Tioga Lodge in Highland Mills, and Senator P'att 13 staying at his apaitments in this So feeble Js he thnt no one was al lowed to sec him Besides the formal announcement of the separation mado through MIT Platt coun-el, no member ot the an fanvlv wou'd make any comment on the agreement What provision has beeii made by the senator for hie. w'fe's future support could nrt be 'earned from any of f.nnh, but it is sasd that Mrs a i ill K-UC the use of Tioga nn'i that she wil! receive an a cf $10,000 a frcn- In-id She is "The One Woman" Now Raleigh, X. Xov. 15--Miss Gretchon Dale has resigned the part of leafing woman, Ruth, in -'The One Sho is t- be -larried tr i well known yoitn" oificer in the ni- ted States a S'ie give her two week's notice at Chailot'o last Dale was tho Xellle Graham ot 1 no-thern Tb com TOT hst one' i in that -ole net i vouns man.

Her in One Wcwn will be 1 Miss Florence Fisher. Dogs Attack Adams 9 Sheep Doc? have reron been quite an innmancc to i Ihini' in the south western of Adams township. Within the p- si fwo months C. Vagon-ii has had six sheep crippled by dogs it none hnvp been killed This would Infer that tho have eithei en Beared away frotr. tho or are too small to aceomnHbh their r'unrse.

A fow o'h- er or'nK formers have had similar experience vtth their floeU of Rejtotw. I U.S. Most Important Suit In Nation's History Filed Today Washington. Nov. 15--By direction of Attorney (Sen.

Moody, suit was begun today in the federal circuit court at St. Louis against The Standard OH Cc. of New Jersey, Its seventy const! tutent corporations and partnership, and seven individual defendants under the Sherman antl trust act, to have the combination declared unlawful ar-d enjoined from entering Into any contract or combination In restrain ipg of trade hereafter. The seven Individuals named are: John D. Rockefeller Wm.

Rockefeller Henry H. Rogers Henry M. Flagler John D. Archbold i Ohver H. Payne diaries M.

Pratt POCKET DIG T1ST I Lost If you ve lost anything, an ad. it. The Age will find it for you. People now depend en these little hners to find not only the lost articles, but the owners of lost articles. "Wants" in The Arc's classified columns reach the of Coshoc- (on homes.

Phone 182 for a free messenger. Tl'r new road law Ohio, which wes into effect Dec. 1, does away i election of road supervisor, and persons to take places will here after lc appointed by the township trustees. Each' township will be di- vidfO into not mon? than four dis tiicts, and a superintendent will bo appointed for eaeh district. Under his diiection the roads are to be im- rioted, the two davs' labor done and tle tmvnsiiip load tax worked out, STS the oomerstow Index --uperinu-ndent at all times wrks under the di cction of the trustees, who may discharge any superintendent when they see fit The sup- onntf ndcnt mav err plov laborers and nay them not nore than 1-2 cents an hour, and itr a team not to ex- per hour Everv male between the ages of t'ventyone and flftv-fivc, except soldiers, eiT-Vers of the notional guard, must work out his two days or pnv in monpv The work is to bo dene betwon Ann! and July 1 The can te collected from the one refusing to work and he has no emption.

i wagon of th" Adam Express romp-uu met with r.r accident Wcd- that might h-ne ed in a now Earl Dickorsoa was wacrin, r.niT started the road a i fiom Chost i 'it street to East Mam, along tha rrMhoid The iQTd Is only one i i a'lont omht blocks, ard is a tcrnhlc nvidnok One 'id? of tbe wason dronped into a hole, and then foil on Its side. The horsp knocked chwn, bu: luckily tho Uarnc 8 a nftt hrokGn was cillfi and the wagon sorn lighted ard 1 0 out of tho tbo horso was rehitched and the driver away without further accident iumpor! when the wdgon upset, Mid escaped with slight bruises I. R. C. if DISTRICT ME IN Coshocton Gives Royal Welcome To The Visitors annual district convention of the Woman's Relief Corps Is being held in the I.

0. 0. F. hall today rrueb interest manifested not only by all the delegates but by all the members of the local corps who are in attendance. Mrs.

Rose Maver or Mt. Head, the district deputv, Is presiding and the business taken up at both morning nml afternoon sessions was Jf a routine nature. The Address of Welcome wa? made bv Mrs. Flora Love, the president of the local corps; it was cordiality itself and was graciously responded to by Mis. Mary Scott of Mt.

Vornon. Xext Mrs. Mayer Intro '1'iccd Miss Virginia of Mansfield Department president and Miss Sadie D. Chapman of Columbus, department I. and I.

officer. Following intieduction Reports Were Hsard all the corps reruesented and tboa adjoinnment was made for din- nei which was served in the post room bv the members of the Bibie Hass of the Church of Christ. Suppei i n'so be sorvecl in the post room this evening; the members of Richard L-'nning post are asked to om the hdics The delegates reg stered are A Davton Xettic Wilson Josie Smith Houston Caroline Tinker Miry Crablin Flora Frankerburc all of Newark. Mnrv Scott, Jerusha Chase of Mt Vornon Rosa Mayer and Lyde Wheeler of Mt Oilead Fill Landen of Marvsxille Viifima ot Mansfield Sadie Clnpman of Columbus Wm. Syphert's Funeral Friday Funeral services over the remains if tho Into William Syphert whose death was exclusively mentioned in Wednesday's Age will be held Friday morning at RloomfleH the rem'iins will be jnte at 7'rs Miller of Mrs A a i McCluro of fits citv botli of Mr Svnhert's wl-h Mt find Mrs H.

Wiiinim and Mi Adelaide William? of Coshoc'on attend the funeral LEfT fINDLAY WITH WARRANT Hancock Sheriff After Pcrties dieted by the Grand Jury. IATTER FINDS TRUE BILLS John D. M. G. Vllas, J.

M. Robertson and R. P. Mclntoth Named In the Must Appear Personally In Court. Those Bribery Charges.

Cleveland, 0., Xov. Sheriff A. S. Johns ot Hancock county, arrived here and made public the names ot the three sons indicted at Findlay. in to the indictment against Joha D.

Rockefeller. Johns has warrants for the arrest of M. Q. Vilas treasurer of the Standard Oil company Ohio; J. Robertson, secretary, i.

f. Mclntosh, a director. The dftpufy sheriff said he had been Instructei'bt the officials at Findlay to remain until the warrants are served and tfot defendants named In the Indictments n.ioa which the warrants were issued will be taken to Findlay in personu He said that it was his understanding that none of the parties, including Mr. Rockefeller, would be permitted to enter appearance by attorney. Findlay, 0., Nov.

Rockefeller and three other- were indicted by the grand in connection with the Standard' OH Inquiry. What the Indictments was not given out by Prosecutor. David. Bench warrants issued dictments were placed in the of Deputy Sheriff Johns, wflo them and wont to Cleveland. The indictment returned are, it- present in possession of the clerk 6f courts of this county, It Is stood the indictments charge fendants with having continued contract the oil productions and 'ttf fix prices on and after July 1, 19Wt In violation of the Valentine anti-trust' act, a state law under which the cent prosecution of the Standard Oii company in this county was conducted and in which a fine of was imposed by the probate court.

According to C. C. Myers, a ber of the jury that convicted Standard Oil company of violating the anti-trust law, a bribe of $500 was twice offered to him during the trial, once on the street, and once in the basement of the courthouse, jn tion that he hang t'ue jury up for a disagreement Myers says he doesn't know who the man who offered him the money was, though it was same man in both instances. As p-oven by the exa-nination ot The Assocht-on of American Adver' STS. The Daily Age a rcu'a 'ion 1000 excess of its only daily competitor.

Uncle Sam Has Cash in Jeans fBy Telegraph to The Washington, Xov. 13--The United States census buieau estimated the total wealth of the country in to be This shows an Increase in wealth over the tor 1900, of nearly 21 per cent and 64 per cent over the estimate for 1890, when the total wealth was In 1004. the value of the real property taxed was real property not livestock railroads and tn-jir pouipirent $11,244,752,000: materials and products of manufacturer! S7.400.2SC.OOO. furniture, catrlages, etc, 000.000. manufacturing irachinc-ry.

gold and siher cr-in and bullion clothing 3bor Notes. Th" Pamtrrs meet ton'cht. Potters meet tomorrow nltchU Tho Mother Very li. T)r R. K.

Morriam was called to MrConnellsville todiy noon by a the serious ill of his mother Mrs. A. G. Mer who has pneumonia. ff COLLECTOR RATION NEVER DWELT HERE Col'eclor Patton, accredited to Co- -boctor.

by the press of Columbus. Wednesday, never dwelt here or had -nvthing to with canpl work Ko was from Columbus, and how tha Columbus pirers made the error is i mystery. It is true that he got 'angled in Ms account? and was short but the state is protected by a guarantee bond, and there is jrofh'ng whatever sensational in ir 'tter. Giving the man's residence Coshocion reflects unjustly on I late collector of the port of I B-irchfield, whose affiin Of fice were always in ship form, a rtcorr. that Collector j-idbered to.

tboM ill credit for the Ishccton is not int NEWSPAPER.

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