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The Woodstock Sentinel from Woodstock, Illinois • Page 4

Woodstock, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

aaaaajalcT mi nun uuinji mi i na. eseiaz yoa put" regret fr few years stags a tMxttsm cf ear --rl awaja r-r spproas-Usg U.t -M cA Oscssy Ft, for Ecda, frw tiats ca -1? ff jrrrrfg. -saS iraLcisj xi.L.tcd may beet iator- Jt ifV j-i'f-i eft It'll SOCentsWlTibDciraK I I 7 Wlia aaatladateaaibataaate'lmtBS aaVrat 'Inxt: IbTCbaaaMVJHWiKbt Wlliib 'irk, -MC6loi. 1 i 1 and Cambrics at mmm i4, 34 Wal PaVri r. TO 1 IDaiiiasls: LACRIMlT'l Counterpanes, piaifo SPREADS, Oaratocfch) fams bovs Lower ANT Woodatock, Jaaa S4, 180S.

tM'w vtv il'ii Marseilles Silt Jtatit aTwa Self-Eake Attuclimeni ast or ora macbimss oa si bw U-tal (brooch tha anttrajbarrtat, 11 dctlrod, WKb say other Uaohlna offwrad to tba pbc, tba taraaraaly atrraalsc to karp aadiy far thaoaa ba UAas lat. Tabibaatwfk tba frmr to aat a cljto. that will mm to plaaa hba, and So a wwhaaMSMiKa-UT. while waloraabaaaraatanaraa taa wa can Ha that rally haw machlwaof A mod aawrtaiMit'or repair, kept aoaataatly oa bwnd a( J. Sata Hard war Btora.

stylSssS SHXWLS, CHOAKIirGS -tot to-day 3 per I9 thsoa iaj i. I Juaryvf IaVeoasssescs cf aa lirirarTTwj overstock cfgoca now la tha, mexkstj the aaWsJtactarers standlag oa Sj deUeataj fcwadation, mills ara being closed ISarl tope aad this sold aadsr the shari? hammer at xme-auasrtor 'aheir sosVr- Many of tha who SAtlol-pated ia the early part of the amsoa' aa opposi to state of afSairv.thiaking that! goods had touched lxdi-TaaBld la hescvyj stocks and are new ettdeavoring to wozki them off without toss. RESSgGtODS, BLACK ALPACAS, FOR II GS. WHITE GOODS, WHITE PIQUES, PRINTED BRJLLIANTES, CLOAinrjGS, I. T.

A. SALISBURY, No. 6 Phfflnlx Block; Having held in their purchases uatjj the. season of trade, are, now in the market prepared to offer tha many bar-l gains secured st the recent panic sales in. New york and Boeton.

bat trade, and all close casta, buyers and good judges of goods, are requested to examine ourj stock and prices, Rich Embroidered ACE "fillDTAIft uUll i mn Nottingham Curtains, BALMORAL SKIRTS AND ngs SHADED BL'GKVELUE 1 i SHADED VELVETS MarsalHes TMmmlngs, COVENTRY RUFFLING: Tape Trlmmlnjgs, Etc. HOOP SKIRTS, coksets, PRE ETTSJ, COTTOfi WARPS, YARNS AMD II AT JTS. Toa wW W. AT ftTVTffj ai rm. in, i.aa- I i Mat V.

Black aid ti'w 'HitfriO SUtiUURBBEttAS, Papor Hdnginsp AND WINPDWHAPES, GRO0IE BY, i Ifftf piudjiiitci: To meet the market, as wift be- seen by crew prices quoted Prints, 1-2, 8 and 10 cts: UINUUSIU9, I Delaines 15 Fine Biwri Slflrtiifig, fO" rwlffe BrchllVliislIn; 12 1-2 Good Bleached -do Iiiaeo Snow Drop and: (Damask- Nap- Jdm, worth Linen now Prop and paraph, bleach; ed Table spreads, worth, f-LDQ, Good TTea, CHIce Sugar $1.00 Same aa pold.icvJI.iQ, We shall receive new styles fom i)9W York and Boston Jflarkta every week, Itintiehing tbe 'attxit siyTts at tho lowest COFFEES i i With a resident buyer in Hew-York to take advantage of the declines in the and sslect desirable -gooda 1m the wants, nf FRE3 OF BHQKERAOfi and COMMISSIONS, baying ft CAStt, we are always enabled to offc swpertor iaduoBments to CLOSS BUYERS. SvroDsiSaieratusrS taxcli. Soaps, Candle8r Cordage, CH0I0E TEaSi Magic Yeatt Cake, Ctom -M HAVE THE LARGEST. Cheapest aqd best Stock of GrooerifS in the market, and are tolling to cash cos tomers at lower figures than any other house ja the city. Customers will sav money by calling, examining goods aad prices, or sending their orders, which will be carefully and promptly attended vCA' v''r ') -t We shall oiler this week the finest and cheapest stock of LOOKING aXiASSES eves before- ofiered to ewr trade.

85- per oonS lower than last vin ter, aad on many kinds 60 per cent lower, an i i fi 1 DRUG STORE, Jtt-T Atlf fei' Onfailairti ui.u. atoct uair uraaaaa, xoua, soana, rwana ana a mit hw- i AND TeasaSiiedialtv ecqiisBce who bad beea parSlsclariy esfrrts! in his seat fat a eoted tattar maker to bars tie swrt cf rasi Izx a prissd cza. Tta csa cams and looked over tie jsrstfeSi and the only advice given was, yoa need a clean, aweet, wcUrveaUIstsa cellar for your batter, aad rt mast bt sel far aotsisj -Tien ak fc53a, heavy hoopcltalr Uat al made Just as haedaoma as the best cooper can tara them est Toawedaotchaase la yoar prooeas of ciairofacture. This is aa you have to do, aadl warrant yoa' iuccesa" These sustions kire at once adopted and quick sake, large prices and heavy profits were the result That dairy has sow aa enviable reputation aad the buv ter eagerly sought after. A dirty looking package will often loss a good eahv It should have a fresh, eleaa, sweet appearance when it reaches the consumer that will please the eye of tbaatost fastidious.

Tbenr are only a few kinds of wood that are fit so pack butter Wood of the ash is extensively used in some see- taona It oontains aa acid very objeo-Oonable to batter, and ahoald be reject ed. Bpruoe, pine and gummy woods are often asedV They impart a disagreeable fiavpr to the butter. White makes aa excellent package, but the wood ahonld" be thoroughly seasoned before asing. Many dairymen invariably se lect poor packages because they a cheap. To save a few cents oa the package, they are willing to run the rik of losing a considerable sum on the butter which is to nil it If sold Immediately however the loss will fall on some- bodTelsa, The season has now arrived whea care aad attention la required of the batter maker to secure a product that will go into the market sweet and good.

In preparing firkins and tabs for nee, balling water should be poo red into tbeea to soas for twenty-four hours. Then fill with strong brine tor two or three tors out and rinse with pore cold water aad rub the sides with pore fine salt- Tabs after being filled should be headed aad brine poured at a bole la the top so as to all all intervening spaces. Firkins when filled may be covered with a tain piece of muslin, apca which, is spread a thin layer of fine salt and then Closed with the wooden cover; Store in a clean, sweet, well ventilated butter eel lor until ready tor market Vast. Rural The AnU-Horae-Racina Move- There is a general movement among the true friends of agricultural improvement, throughout this country, against the toleration ot horse-racing at agricul tural fain. The patrons of husbandry have de clared war against the practice The only plea upon which it is defended is that of financial expediency that fairs can not be sustained without horse races to attract visitors.

A prize fight between two celebrated pugilists would probably attract a mach larger number ol paying visitors, including the whole class who would not pay to get into ag ricultural lair grounds if there were no burse-racing, and the whole breed of physical improvers, who feel more inter est in contests of muscle than of mind, and find more enjoyment in a dog fight than in any movement for the social and intellectual improvement of their fellow men. Let birds of a feather flock togeth er," and let there bet" place for every thing and everything in its place," and then there will be a speedy end to horse racing at agricultural tain. It is," aays Mr. Faile, late President of the New York State Agricultural So ciety, that the racing and trotting of at fairs or upon the track, is accompanied by falsehood, trickery, profanity, and the excessive use of in toxicating We would say kindly to those who advocate horse racing on the plea of im proving the breed of fast horses, is not what Mr. Faile says of the bad tendency of horse racing truet: And if the exclusion of such exhibitions from our fair (grounds would have the eflect of dis couraging improvement in the breed oi race hones, is not that preferable to sac rificing, or endangering, moral improve ment in our breed of men That's the question.

MiwumUt Monthly. We nave found "dice-boards'' and sweat cloths," and other gambling devices, openly tolerated is some fairs, and slyly carried oa ia others inside of aide shows and such like clap-traps. gamblers pay large sums for the privilege of carrying on their games within the fair grounds. Perhaps some such as sociations will be thankful for the prize fight suggestion. 2rx J.

A. Soabxbt Fxvxb, A writer in the Philadelphia Press gives the following as a recipe for the treatment of scarlet fever. It was furnished him some years since by a physician ot twenty -five years' practice, who stated thai scarlet fever "may be called a skin disease. In other words, nature in its efforts to throw off the dlssass closes the pores of the skin. II those poxes are not kept open the dis ss settles upon some of the vital or gans, aad death frequently results there Take one quart of hot water, one i gin of alcohol or whisky, aad one lamp of washing soda the sue of a walnut, and with this, simple preparation while hot, with sponge or the patient, either standing or sitting, beginning at the top of the head and bathing down to the soles of the feet fire minutes will ba sufficient time then wrap a blank et in, say twenty minutes, it will be found that the fever will have dried the the moisture left upon the body by: 'the bath then put oa dry clothing.

If the case is very severe, the bath should be repeated ia three boors if aoa two three times a day. Kedidhe la unneces sary, unless the bowels are cons tips tod. Having practiced the above with my four children, aad with success, I respectfully suoaut it i mi i Wiscowaa Sraroi everybody and his 'wife attend the southern Wisconsin State be held at Jeeee- viile oa the 14th, 15th, 18th aad 17th of September next The handsomest baby ia the Bute will be there, aad will be presented with a $65 baggy. One hun dred dollars will bo paid lor the biggest aumbng oa exhibition. There is to be a race of horse against a potato race that bests Base Ball all hollow.

Fasscngera from Woodstock and Harvard go to the Fair at per cect, of regular rates. yoa a tet tt tesjsfews, rati tS3 wtst teylss tots and' beisj ia -a r- boct three seat aLLt up sad salted ia a lare packing box They were tne I ever salted, and I mads a fsx ta "the process did aot salt heavily end in abott two weeks say wiSs cut a piece cf sad came to sss with the" Vary grave ra mark that "our meat had all spoiled," exaaiaed it, aad -ft" smelt ofiensiva, Ws could sot eat it JMot being disposed to loss so much if it oouid ba avoided, went to a tinner aad bought two bushels sad half of chsreoal (L knew something of chemistry), which I mixed with a suitable quantity of salt I dont iemember the actaal quantity, out was neariy a eair peck whica I put into a mortar and reduced to powder. I took my meat out and spread a good layer of this -powder into the bot tom of my box aad then a layer of meat. Bach layer of meat was fa's layer of coal dust, with the interstices closely packed with ft Some four or five weeks after ward took the- meat out and hung it up ia the smoke house, aad smoked weu. My neighbors, ate of this meat, asked me Bow came to have so mach better bacon than other people.

I told them my secret aad meat say atvsetf that have never tasted better tin way Ufa. hams were superior to the far- famed sugar-cured. Hoping this maybe of some use to young housekeepers, give it freely, Bptctator. THBXSHXBS, JJOOK ta yoar iaUrwts sb4 bay TBS BKSTATIldN ACE INS wrm fenltt ta ta SMm, ofi. I.

Cam's agent at Kiea-BMBd, 111, Who ha, kM yraetteal anHat tar taa paat afartam yata.aaai aawi en wbj taarara baat. Tea aa always Sad raaain aa band at Rtrhnnood. p. o. BKJLNKLlC nw nnwiHi, a ii afj in, imaii i 1asai LABOK a ADS SA8Y.

da 8HEEMABTS POST ACGSS amsmr BMlTttta labor art klios os? ORosjrsu. Vorsatoby th Patentae. 8, S. S. BHSRMAW.

SieHMuy, 1X1, July 1st, book am Corn Cultivator. For sal, by Woodstock, March IT, A.K. BTJHKKB. Of TOO WaUT TO BUVYOU oa joh tr Korth aids Pablla Saaars. Tea slvsys fine a jarf an waa seteetae twee of ohoicb rAKiiT aaocKaixs a noTaiosB, wbicb will ba aoi4 cheap fcjr aak.

Alaa, taa choice araaoa of Roar aad Vaad bw Wm. Bacoa. Bieamoad, Ilituols, sad M. O. dark Co, nasTun na A.

B. UOWLIN TTAVIXO opesad the oa lVTeLixi Street, fonaally occupied by Covlla A Cwlght, 1, now pra. fauu ami cheap tor cash, aad will faal thankful for a ahar of um paoiie pairoaago. aw -at WWUft Woodcock, III, July Th ndmbna4 wocdd ottl th ptzbUo tht Utery Boots and Shoed at tho staod larmerly aocapled by UoOASTLL A One Door North of EichangaHotel where they covtntiw haww rm band complete sotmeai at meara, xiojw wara loour, Isadies Misses' Cliil. tv iv BotoaiidSbwiacl tbay wlliaelt attb LOWEST LIVING RATES.

PlaaHOaUandaxamlibefoTparchjaiiJv-bATa. MANUFACTURING REPAIRING don to order on abort notlca. PHIIAMPS A WTJLUAMS. Wood took. Jans 10.

1SS9. ni3 Fred. Renich, WOODSTOCK GUEaT rruOrloN. XT XXVesels sllseea oa avery DOtlflB PtlfiCHflGED. BaoUfig ao loagwahiKBzy, but tha Cheapest, Comfbrt Aa- evary troubled salad.

Iba croat banefitctor of tha tobaooo lolB)t public or Our New Family Sewl'g ITacl aaiwaha aantlsaf 1 awar ail aaaara, far aitaar VaaUty aaa or aaaaraUy admittod, that aa aisttoa of thatr valacivs zeeDaaetai la no kmaar ntili.Uai ad aaaaav aary. Oar KSW FAM1LV MACBXHJL which haa awranag giairiliy ralative aary. Oa baeabroa aaam nroagnt ao panecnoa raranuaa, bbm, or aspaaaa, ia oew aonsdmOy aa tba aab-Ha tba BSrf SKWIMO alAOHIWB KXIrT-TbaaiartrtOf la aaraWaa ia BIM-PLA, OOMPUCT, Bi. tijkbLS AND It qoaN, Itebt raaniaK.aBd ceMof faiSailng mas aad Variety af wai batora avtampaal awn a atmria -Maefatea aa4a aitbar fWik. SSrtat.

tiaaa arCottoa yhnaS.aad aawBna wHh aqaal aV aitity aha aaaot aad aoanMB SMKcnaa aad SBytaJBC hvtwetm tba xtramm.ia tha aaoat buaaUrf aad aabvtancial aataner. lwattaRbntmaiB for Hoauninr, BratataE, Otwilnfr. TBBkiag Va- -mc, SolUnx. litadiac, ate, at noaol mtia aractkmL aad hara ban, lsvaBtad aad adjaatad aa-aorialiy tor ibla biarbnaai faw daJaaa tha aaiqaa, aaafot and popular Soldaia Topa aad Oabteat Oaana, paaaliar Sa aaa Aia. ahlaaa atiafawrd Ola) aaaa Sreparad for aaakmaa tha acar Masutaa.

i A faiat idaa, at boat ba ouewjJ throaxh taa aaadtaaa of a (aanaajanlvl liatHad ad-aniaaaiaat wathiaaftiia arfaaaary pwaaa fa aaaat of a Sawnag HacbOBa by alt lawii ta eKunia and beat, thay caa Uta laoinc rival atachua, batora aaiiinr, a i mi baaa A aatao-aai aaa taaa ba attada aiiai wiadtagly. Braachaa ar arianiai for amjnMqrtaa tba "'Siouear1" baebaaaa will amad In wmrl? vary cityaad tnara Ukrora-ott tha airi'irad world, wbara aaaaUiaaa wHi cbaerfnny axKiluiea, aad say umramsaoa araaBiv fi.m.iii. Or rooitMmiraf" ba a-Sr wnt.u io 1US kiuitinnu'i. Soca- 4 Jt I2zx Pelt, Arcnt, Wbo a9 kwra aa band Cila. sad ai! At- i On aamoisj.

if aoM fctlfc tvs yaopls aarpianadSW ta, Boots Shoes, 2v1slo3 ox? People. tai Maaaftwlatfan aayatf ant wa araploy a First-Class Workmen, aad WASSAST aU thatr work facocd to aaaa. OarVXfXd SEE Mate steaat, aortb of tha Warariy Wa. a Omm. T.D.

Hot. Wookraxtvia, lair std. isae-tf ISA' 7 Paints Oils. 8PEINO TRADE 18B9. Ba It kaOWB aU bm thai oor 8T00K IS OOMPtSTE ta ararv Oar aoda ara of caa Finest- Qioality sadaor prtoaa No good boiinaM aaa vffl boy cither Iaints, Oil, Olafss, nauoa, Books or Stationery, wttbotit Inrt sswkliig over the stock tfce 'a CORNER DRUG STORE.

PXK8CRIPTT0N8 CARirULLT 00MP0CKD AS ALL HOCiS, NIGHT OH SAT. tOCIIAVKUSfOCS Vc imJISPBSV. Wooaaek. IU March 10. 1880 Treatment by Vacuum.

PerleetlT aafa sad aarv aixaole aomathloa aw In tba agteaoa af Modtetaat for tba ttnatataat af Var- alyaH Barroas OoMltty, HoaralgHoarTatBreortlM Braaa, aad otbar Bpiaal walk Bask aad waaa lAogs, ueipions uaaaampslOB, a aeumauun Acnta aad onronto, iqaaaaw at a-aauuea, ik, ate Dr. IladLlleld's EQUJlIJlZEH brings a graatar rappty of blood and nutrition to all wasa pans, sraaa, ap CONGESTION INFLAMMATION by aqnaUaaaf taa drcalatloa tbrotsghoat Erery Part of the System. It giro, tone, aot only to tba arterial ctnralatioa. aaa as tea I .3, tAosaidinc aad sstlntlafj ia carrying off tha wasta taatarial, wgll aa now atari ar to arary part af tha it. ASH) XJXSIffiSB FOS YOUSSELYiESa Vagdn Pfow MAN JP ACTOXC ar1 miiisflisflflp tfeHsar.

miacia. ia aMtstaatly Oast Btaal Flow uat ar not sarpaaaed far oaaa maa aad daraiuUy, by any Plow la taa aorta waat. l'oav ara narwaao aaa wa if oUtm plow will. Also ai nawantbaauii aaai fi boinrf atnrfa aad "two saateat aujMaaoraai waiaatiat waaoaa; taiaTfaiiCr a hand that ara aaaHy fottea wa, aad rally aak aU WBhiaa taaarcaaaa any of tha aWra Aim for tfMKaariwcai par. aim niju Afta-r May jvwww Mctawl earpos i5isv' fttr I TWTlflTatJ WAGON or PLOW, aa aay rfrrd for aala ta tba Wa t.

Oaf7 work la EET ESABOSE0 TTnrS aad Is WAaBASTEl) IUV.UM IKAJfc. it "Sroafcb.f--', sJ fc- aV a. iw iaMa a a. Mtsa. A(wuituxrH-d ia a i' erery sutaerfber of s.

U-isg that Will fctirsct nttea. Kta to year tcrzrJ, It 1U t7jcnwe it crasiAja, uci.tas-xz can 125 fcaea jstow? A npoa to preserve its cava try err ic'iic3i isr tcr vriKua givs ssy ereaa so nzM-jir. If ct tue equina or bovine i in tie bt cLjen and the v4 ssjooh yi Any otter anl- jf juavjm ur vra wua au liiuivvw Tr lnriro this, the animal watvwa uhi roopoa aea fiboftO, -cnUi worst fenrgs toe it fa alila lOiml nw Vino fntn la s3 fnrt leaKo la -gait," r. poeipOTO iai xibui next -i ft'AiTaafcrfart walking ought fc iM cars, aaa ri th nsMj pcT tS bone I'- wif! 'Win? ff uW does a trvrif occar. There tboold tei'tr fee spphod socorn faail by a encoosgisg tona of TOioe, txiK r-ji, thi snstj mwtwimm do ntto-doit.

"Kmsp tlie horae'i tetopar toned dTien teudiM and th drit- Gutl words of ncomage-" ftisBt to a mxHudixg tona of voioe will ao-cotDyUali tbn caa be done. a fcOB4 dcVcg'bi and yoa nrhim tu do itiqrf fay t0, wbip or tanfe ooafaaedJbrMlu aad kw time. Cattle thoviU ao wall trained to be- jug sioa up or icaa sa vnay can oa inov from one place to another wtth- oat cy wrcgsle, and 'acctistomcd to bit naadled af not to tbj off from stnuageta, They ara broaght oat on tola ocanoa to ba looked at, and ahonld feel pornctlyat Own aaonld trained to a quick step, ai one item of tbeir value i fast walking. akin and ooat abould ahow.iDod aaiai bat tbeir condition ta regard to fteah abosld ba that for la bor and not for the botcher. Swine thoBld live clean ckina, bat sot 3 fat a to be too iazj to stand up to be locked at.

Sbeep-aboold ba trimmod a litt? if HUM I hut if tfcarw Via vrn Kcmcb tiaariir tag on ixigb gioand there will be no oc ctsioa for this. They shonld be gentl and. accaatomed to being handled sad looked at. Poultry should have clean, airy, cage and not too many pat together. -Lei be remembered that the uoe can and Attention bestowed on animals to fit thflBi for exhibition should be con-titned dnrinsr the balanco of the II yod fafi to get a premium, you will not fall to get yon reward in the end.

ArMneon Btotk Journal. Tbore is some hamor, connected with 4rmlayrhe Bewspapers inforro aie tliat 1 own a xnodei farm, and I de-ritd a largo profit from farming. So I da Bui it is profit In the higher faculties, and not ia the pocket A gentle xsan frcm Baltimore wrote to me aa tol- lows 'DBAa Sib I see by the paper that yoer farza yon last year thirty tftotuiand dollars. Sfxll yon tea me what crepe raised, aid what is yoar raeth-y1 I hare a ftuniet two handxed acres Tear thU city, end have nerer yot been ile to make it pay ezpenaos. Will yon jLI cm how I can make it as profitable iUoi Ohcngh I never sent it), Bit Doat change a particle.

on isrt ae yon hsye done, and your mine will be as like as two JfToat fArm is already oat as pro-Cis V.a cioe, Troly yonra." im a scatter of surprise how mnch uzzJg ifcy be buried ia a small piece oi'iAd: Indeed, many gentlemen ors sarieJL, Simple aa a smiling piece of locks, as it lies before yoar coa-tomplatiTe yea, it wW prove a match for your ennsisg. 'To drain it (aad every piece of eroand, wet or dry, ahonld be underlaid with drain-tile), to deepen it (and no farm exoept mere sand is well ploughed that has'; not been mellowed eighteen, inches deep), to gather off the atones, to dig out boulders, and blast the socks, to lay boundary walls to enrich Aha whole with abundance of manure, bet above all, to da a goodly amount of prevent any man from hoarding bi raoaey. r. Tbeavtaaa must take aceoont Of work done twice aad thrice over, because yoa did not know how to do it right the first time. Drains two feet deep, that mast go down four feet trees set where yon dost want them, aad rnovod to when yon don't wart them either, aad moved again; fancy which I tneaa crops from seeds for which yoa pay' ex-travagaat prices, whose yield is in aa a- yoa bought those, together with experimental manure, and new fat laving laeox, ana isewer laafinines etui, ever wDl gfvo one aa agreeable lelaxsr tioa if he is fond of spending his money.

Bat if a man is eoaoeited, aad desires to be brought to realizing senses of his proper plane ia creation, I advise hut to attempt grading. Grading is the art of recreating the makes valleys where nature made hilhv It makes hills whara the agt have made ja It ciaats a northern slope a southern a taa. It atnoolhs cUtLe undulating face Of grounds, as a Ukea out the wrlnkka and creaaes of a sheet or table cloth, ae has no idea how thoroughly the w.i. was made an til he undertakes to it. I nerer admired bills aUce 1 tnaae a small one.

I got t.jui iuut in una stoppeai I sow look with iscreaaed respect opoa the neighbor l-g L'-'-'a. I bad before so conception I it cost to make thenv Ugnry Eiaski are bow darned by asa issy are darned cioe. I -a BT 11 lOF Airs dbjmb seosa, Oili aad wa win Prices on Every Ar- tide laaaaa ooaUty of aooda oaa ba baaght tor ba HOUSE IN THE Kxoauuoa block. ni A 1ST StfaaT Cbaorad ba4 WUta Kv Stavaa, Basary CaA aad, aatay thtaaW taa 5l T- 5 a.i iiiiii an lli OF ITTTiTITSRT. -Saaabor tea flooa-jKSXr O0Va SW ffl 'T Saaaadl, i- CSr 1BLO CSS 1 Lifeand Fire Insurance TUB OtU HABTfORn lira Jassrsooa THH tNTKKWATlONAL -Wl PUTNAM f.

THH UUMK tin. 7 a OHiEflvEa WWHS AAA. W. SMITH, msrlStf RHiablt Indemnity Against LOSS UY IIIjMS, i -urn to i Msiirtuttee Co i of North America. or xbsity or ruiiAJKUmA, J- Organiaed A.

IX i CAiH Cainib iit' gmrun Junuii JMH Aotaal aarolaa. orar and abovo all Uobllttla. ia- eladiDK Capital Stock, tba-Iargmt of Bay ftro inaar-aoca Oumpany ta tba Ualtad ttata, aara two, as shown bv tba official riurt of tba Maw York Inaar. anos fionermtaadaat for Ibm Aoams paid stooa orcauiulion erar Twuoty Million Dollar, lbs (anrnw amanat paid vy any a ra i aauraaoa uoaipaBy lath. United Stats, tara ono.

a. aji'mx, a goat, AOSnta i- Waodatook, IIL am ensure a w. "i r.y..jaAS- Jt'i-oe XM rtall and aat a rirf aarlS -a. kTbDiikkr A i fnnu ante iTiutm nrwm: 1 i Wfll Sail for thin. nwr-trlf a af tb bast aW.

gliab ataaa rmt biudaW I 4ttf.f4 t. yva: 'I i'-l'-yv ff" aawaatav baat rarltS-' 1 1 Ajua. ass mm mm mm T6. 8 Phoenix Block. MRS.

"iW; i i MISS'FiJfllriSix Axicl Vtsjrfety Store std.4taafaaraaatey.j:aa,A.rwxVi she a 0aSy aflXaai aad Oteot Trbrotiira. Abja Ife3 ffiie aaux-J-. a -1 Para SaBed sad Saw Irfaaesd Oils. Wbtta aad Sad Leads, JTroarat Pafabi, Vy aad fa oil, Varnbtb, Japan, Tarpon baa, Fwtty, Ulaat. A foil Haaof fatnt-aad ibwabca.

AaaMaslattaa i a nfaluli fliiialinifr'-ani 'T I'll'- 't iiailala PchimV Ptnnk mil Jaronila Booka, Suor "Howard sd tant arda, lataiaiaiaa CaV'a. arTS2twSf -'T 1 Hiwti; OaU aaA wa will aatiafy yaa. that w. a what MUiM tbliaiHlrH. -r Wrtttac lliata.

Work nomaa, ranaaaary, Tonai rail waanrov' la oar tra Iiiaslaiaml aavaua aaa aiaavs aaaa sa 5 HWt'fJ TSSTO i aad eiaaitaiit Booa Bkh-ta, Ao. 5 Abw OaBtr' CttBasa, 4 dtl K. as. ISlft avw.aw9aSa?9 whora too wiil tfeaatBlatWsef Balsaaa aU fciatla of atatarai tr isaaaimaariMf; aU tha 1A.TI33T Bma ami 1-ar aeat a aad ko oa baad. A.

ktuarc ki.VB.JS. -4 a -Ait. '1' Viii adgaksaa av-aaat aad aatsnsMaa boiab ara Sutng ataaa. i It j3 i.f-P. iy 7 ira.i..-' 1 ai tauwiaan, priniaaaloOahiaaa'aaiLa aaaSt-1 -( 'i aaeaeaaeiawar awa Uwt IU.

AUiafEaMh NtT''. Vv.V ait! fKt-S SXV.eiAiaiafaga, Aat tr-1 wwVwDf'TUjI AH1 fn.aA)MlHl prbttad WaodsaAprauea-. oVmV-JV --rT----ttuaar L. Vs" If w-io sijVAjLa. a fcJr-t.

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