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Cincinnati Daily Press from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 3

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WANTED. I -mot," fovifir. nvABbtun," HrlinMtt oula. nrfr (AM Mil teese. 1 hf put Ni trill be- Mr htrf yonns mat, WV an r.T-leeeVr.

rfr to of horeea; lrM 1H0MAH, rrMOnir. ihfI- -To I full and ino, Ar-piy a), ha ami BTannd, WAITRft- fllTT'ATION To Ao ehnmbr- VV walk and I Iwlo ee.lng No ol'Je ti" to rarer.l rb'lllren Aeply el US wl i fc innikui si care A. TiM KItUTUATON.At Uilormt. r-m and tintMrwwk Own reference rqnlrM. rrlr 45 KMt m81-bt nrNTliO A good nUIn (Vok, Washor ami IioLtr.

Apply at 38, rornr at Oritur. nifJt-l. IVANTIK-A I 1 UM ION fVlf 4 No. ltd Long. KI-1HY Gor8-A new nftook.

for wjhw (loon inaira rmpvtr win (rivet VATKO-A Rf.nlITT)tt wiiti- leMftiit 8lpplin ram, e(hT furnished nr nnftir. linM Buz 1,111, 0.QdnnftU FKofflo( tuthif locfcMon and Uimi. myii-ft 7 ANTitI-NlT ft mH family, i jr it I cxi of girl, who ifUMtaKrii boo -4 wn.k hMttm Mi MAHOAUKC B. Pr "Office, InHwdlftfHy. enyW-b AWTBD-Br two ynng IvIImi, itnatlon io op ktore, an Miarhtiitpta.

Alim, altnv (irn ftt.io0-tUnff, by a Indr who ai'lentttirlii th tmulnoM. Inquire ftt 1SH Mnth Ciuclonatl. iVANTIin-U'ffl fr Trlraml Bon- mt, i.r to i pen) will out lfrecth that IPO Fittli-t It the piuoftid buy Buo-neta. aU, for children, ate. m23hm H.

A. HANOVER. ANT KENT DTK MONUl -At pr, nt WALDACK'B PhMoKfat (HVrv Wnt Fixuth over Hmlth Ntxon'a 1111. All at i 1m of I'tctarea made wilh (reaC attre, at price. iaa 1 WANTliO A $200 cn hare an it filial i lit en with Ilia adrertirwr la a lljrrtt a ny pmfittbie btinltKBU.

One who cm lere 4he cltv rrtferrrd for arttcutare( ftppty at the tore, fourth-at. iny2J-bi WANTK I UJV I 0 S-Y-m -l ua-Tior Fhi'iuf-Diplia at re.tiioeJ pric9, Fhotrgrarhe at red iced priced, Pbotnrih at ro-dii'Prt prirm. Photo? At reduced prlr, at JOIiNSUN'h Oail'i), Ninth and Main, myi-b Wmy AM P.n-WIFK ymng nenlenian, hav-f nff a-oud character, flue aDana'at ce and nple fortune Would like the acqnalDtaucl nf ft ouit(t larty. Itta the tnie iitho of niar iigi. Nine ned tti'Ply eopt ltemitlhil end nnitable A1 lre WAISWOKTHt Ohio, with uaroeand placeof lnterAtee-.

mjft a UVANTJcn PK1TUBKH TO SEND AWAY IS Thctoarnplis madn at AM)AOK Oallerr, '4 over Himtb A Mxi n's Hall, my 21 AM'CII Active men, with $1 to QiplUl, cai fiiHfte In a thit wfll pay 5 lerday. One man to takf chaise of the oiBce bntU Dc. AppKlnraddrfca. iuclukitgatauip, tellAljB A Co Vlb Walnut at ruy21-tf AM A alnicle lady rr a mdov who cap coHtmand t)na caeh eapttal, which will be tectirtd, can bear ot ft gotd opport-unlty by aridreefelrg k. PocoHloe.

ANTED-Perauue dtolrlag to be cured of TV to ai)iire4, with ft aUnip la iiKAf4 tsianey, u. tjuru atmpie aria etTecMte. Tettne mode ate. m.l-b M7 ANTKD-Beatd for Rentieirmn and wife. with comfortably ftirntihed rmin, by lt of July.

PriTftte fumfly prcforrd Adilress T. Prom Office, atatfiig teruia. UMd references will le glren if rrqueottd. my2t WAITED An energetic man, with a capital of fix to aeiet to attend bar, saloon and ftore. Money eccnred, and liberal aaUry or pvrtor.

Thfa la one of the best opportunities of th time. Addrcae M. D. Preag Ofllce uyll l'ATtO-To infru familioe reiifriog help that a German man and wife, aud aeverat TeppectaMe girla. are ating for ituiti-jnu at the Metropolitan Female Employ nteut UiHc, 5) Loiigworlh-at.

A lady Attends. my21-b 7 ANTD Any family leaving ihe city for the aummer can have their reaidance well taken care of, by a compotont person, by addreatng B. Pwm Office, who will furnish the refpt ctaMe nfertneea. myzi-b ANTKD-A gtrl to in the country, ar.d take rare of a child ahen 8 years old. A pr-lranent ir nation will be given to one who can give good referonoet.

rone ether need apyly. N- 19 Uarr-tt. roygl-b "VNTfci'A exprerirnoed Oook Intr a aituatiun can have me by callinor At Longwoith nt corner of Central-ftT. Nona but a Rtod experienced one need apply. mj ZI-b llAMb-A aaleMman In ft grocery home, who can apeak German- Alao, -German t) drive a tmily cnrr.age.

two Geruitn ca'dtners and one German girl. Apply at No. Weak Tbird tip-atairs. room Wo ltf. mai nfANTal)-A genttemau and lady, or a few in? In gentlemen cuu be accommodated with a pleasant or bark room, with board, in ft 5rivalc family Alo a few day boarJert- pply 174 Plum, bat ween fourth nud Kiftti.

Belerentee eichunged. my21-b 7 A It A young lady net arrived from Ki Kland wanti employment aa And ot'DipanloD to a lady, i (ton well recom. tnerded. ubc la ronpoi ttldy couawcted UfiLLN, office of Daily Pnwa.for one wek. tmy2i-bj ANThD-Any one haviuir a small Cottage ww to rent, at a dt rate price, ean hear of a (eod tei ant by adurcceing 0.

at this ofllce. Nu tyectlon to go a short diriCnrice la the country. ANTED All lhai need reliable help mile or tl-niRltt. tfl CmM Atirf out nnili.fl A num. ber of rman, trih aud American girls are want Id situation.

AUo, noa ftud boy tor all kind of buFfnerH, at 30? Kim at. my2l-b 5 1VAMKI)-A FIN LI el UN KSS-Yuu mar ww obtain it in any kind of weather, and at lower ferlcea then elsewhere, At JOHNSON '8 Gallery, inlh an filatn Old aictuios copied and enlarged. vt sinve io pipuae. niJl-ti' 1V ANTJiB A BlU'ATIOK By an honeet, ww aoler, iodustrlf ua man as coaohman or gardener, who tborouxbly nadcrstand-) both bmiueu-iea; can furnieb satiifactory reference. Auy gntle-Jtan in ttefd of inch a ma i will woll by ad'lras-Mt a a ooh to B.

Oincinnatl Port otHoe. mvii-c" AKTFftAll ladiea and g'leawn -f, call cu ibe world -renew ed Antrologut. Madame I A BlAtH. 31 8eiiLht between Maiu aad Velnut Her looms are dally th roused with the elite of the city, to eontult on tha iutt, Present andFuttire, at war prices. Birltt-c IV A NTtn-GOOD PICri'RRS-FMr eodand rhfp Picture, go toTBKDWAV 8 tilery, yl1-! Uth-t.

Piaturas Wlwu la ail kindiof Vtcather. myll-z WANTKD If you want a good aud cheap pio-turrgoto HttWIi rt tiallery, Main-at Old pictures ewipied np to life size. Mure pains taken with childreu than elsewhere. niv7-tt 1T A NTl-EVKRVONE-Outofeinp1oyment, to sell our Untw Pins, Enveiupaj Paper, An. Vow Is your time to make money, for people will show their colors these exciting times.

od thirty rett in Ma nips, and you will r-eive a variety of samples will bring you doub'e tba amount but, if youdu not wib Ut enatgo in the bQHinena. jylfi.f ft. HAWLEY, 161 Viae st. AT A NT I 1 00,000 MEN (More or Ln)-T To sell Patriotic Uooda In Ohio. Indiana.

Till. DUl. TV TICODBIU, lOWa, JlIDDeiUIK, fVlillHlUI, Ml II- ruuii, acd some parte of Kentuoky, ounsisting of 'nio Pins, If lag Pits, Eagle Pin a new Cbart, handsomely colored, called Our Conakry's Fiagi" newOhartof Dibtlio of Columbia and Tioinity, fchowlb tha Quarters of our troops, Ac. AL80-AII hinds of Patriotic Envelopes, with laga. Cannons, Ac; Oonauiereial Note-paper, Ao.

1 In short, we have the large variety and quantity, and at th lowest figures, at whulosole, of any bouse East or est. CM lid or kddrwi Ml'WFORD 38 40 Wtit ioanhat (upBtalri),, Ohio. ANTED IMM A. i 100 TOUNG MEN, 4j! V. 8.

Pragoont and Flying Artlllwy. JJono neri ptr fcal rmny nnmnn-UJ moo, of 'Itowl di.rselrr. P.T v.rltx from lit to a jxr month, ltt Mtditlon Cn py, ifthand.nca of ffooUl nd olMbioff, bri n.dioilat; teuduiot will bo fUrsi.tMd Um of oLvrgo, ieaihr with hi. i llOKSE AND ACOOrTBBMBNTS.

Apply our. N. IS StouBora nyl'tf BecmltliiB BOARDING. 11 OAH I)INJ Ins farniliea oa.

acoommo. dut.a with Alio, A few wouna ajentle. Call at Ne. Ovnlrai-av myll-b UNO-Two pleaeaak furnUued or na-AJ furnieh rpoaa, with sKaud. for of at 164 Pluaa at.

no li-f HOAHM Nil Three feutleuien can obtain board and rorjnj ty applyiug at No. 170 West Tuurlh between aflin aud anlt OaMD1N-A geatlemaa aud vrtftj, or two Mm slnirle gentlataen, eo be aooommod.ted with good Ih ar and lard, front room, sorond story. In a private femily, at 134 West tiinth-st between Baoaaad lvlui. Prtoa rataoaable. myW a OAUDlrwO-IOH ttKNT-Wiih board, two aUodid, airy rooms, also one single one, In ft bouse with niodernooftveiileDcee, In a pleasant locs-tion, wit hi tw aioasof the rt reel car Terms anoucraie aypir j'Ji aa uira-M.

nynv OAEDJhW-l'ailie and atftxle geDtlemo M-9 can be acwoiuniodatad with ploaaaut roonu, 4. rnUUed ar unfurnisluHt, aa perUos may desire, and Uiit. laf-bwaider WftaUd. Apply at IVl Broadw.fty. injjl-b IIOAKUIKO-No.

Kace stredU. twj very Urse rooms. Hwul-htd ur uutm eilifU very deeiralc fir rftwilirta i4ia children, or gauUentea. AUo, number if day buar ira can have tni ao- u.UiooatVi'b. leiiaa to auiwtne timaa.

mtit nOAHOlNti-A and his wire can be arummodatod vlth brard In ft pi irate famlls, two or three gents with pleasant roou Ar-ply at 08 Uftir street, toruur of Cutter, mri-b tllOAHlUNU Good bo-niian, with a larire IW front room, near Fourth street, caa ae had by 1 a gentlrnian an his wife, nr two single gentleman, Mn a private tamtly, at tt5 Aim iti-oet, between J'tnithaiid iith-struiU. mvil-b OA lI U- A large and dealmiU front reom, euitabie lor ft family or slunte Kantieinetu cau Jte had on extraordinarily roawooaole terair, by calling at 100 Longwoith'tft cornr of Central I av. Also, a aay-boarders caq be aooomnkdated. iq-wl gl0 VF teivd, stu pockets nne Old Ujv-erenieut )avft Cotlre aa bage flue Bio. C.

1-ur a)r by JOHN HATB9, al k. rwAl.ABal TtadlaltAa Kit I Iri 4 B. SU I my la -a-) I- FOR RENT. I.MIU MtNIKIORBi A rrt Wr whM of, (h. im-Mlm No Ui PmiI lmAu Inqlrl ho.

hO RliNT-fiiiiS5-fwoof MKmi, with w.wr. wti B'r. bI Iim'ilip Hti Ilrolwpy. ilt.b KNT A B07lll-rorMlhBdVBi krpt In nrW, unltnMB for to -ntlmn. CWtttWl-BT.

Bnil JcHt. tfl 1ok BNT-iABOi irvreLMfle-iiouiiE-ho. 341 W.lcut-.t nt-nr tjmri, fttiit.Mfl tor 911 ox two fnmlh'wi baa. lik-roob lara ynrrl. inline ill iur rrt'iiii' j'OH.

HIiM-IWU H')U8K-Wih ait and all d.ra ImpioTroMiira. P-nt 'tj Itqniia ofO. 0. No. il Third t.

IjMIM. MUST-A Frame of r. rrfm(illh BMP, hot r.d cild w.r la th. hath-rorm, and and rir yanU, at Parr Pi R.rtt t'tl p.r month. ApptoA II.

Wrt.LiBHY. 1 1 yalr my tf "liVR KNT Two'liirV-o lrlor. and al wo JL1 lUfiii" np BtiilrB, I. hmm Ma tfttttf (l.ilrt.t, DBtwiea Jfclai and J'lum. ftefi-raaM.

rraulred, lmya3-l (Icod Iwo-Birry Ilrlck House, 1 il rormit and Kitchen, all well furnLhcd. at a ieditril rfite-rtnly tvno er a.tura, 'Jh. furaitnre coat 1" aid lll h. fur fillO Inuulrsof M. S.

,3 Ka.4 Paarl rt or f-fin mna-a'J I rOB IfNT-A MRIOK II Irina room, with tTBS, hllrant, rh-tern, and pldp.Btranrpon ", bftvMn Main ami Vnhint. I no. ire at U1S Mai.jior! WMN.f. titb.ntrMt.. myll'fc 1(R It KNT A threo nlory brlcB llouw.

oMl 1 noma, with frBt ball, front, id and roar ya'da. No. tt fonrt ptr.t, bot.m. Oentral-ar and John. Aiply at MihmoDd-t.

nuJI-b IjltU. KKNT or pImmio, rooma on Meoml floor, wit. ataa and otbor prlTll.Bea. Tnrms rnr. Aprly at Mo.

41 Hathaway-Bt. betwnen lilnn ard Baymiller. I.tip it li NT Five or ila trood rooms, tultahle for faniilifa, offlces or sl'cpinic loonn, centrally 1 Apply to JHUN WAUUONKU, Ho DO vt Blyth-iit ronnj No 9. np myll-b FiTlt KNT TWO B(iITfMl rontalnini eix and oellar each, Um fl-i and tlH C'lntrn-Btreet, between John apd f'otie: $IS pr nior.ih. In advarce Anp'y at ho, 04, or to A.

it. Hawimelli UT Wet Tblrd myl IfOK N. ii C'ln-A to. tt t.twai tlna and Gutter. oouUlnlos: A rocma.

with ball, tbroniihout tba parered and rein'rd, will li. rented cheap. Inotilr. cl KOl-Ktlt A McOA MUM. oor.

i hu and Laaie'. nl FOU HrNT-The Hair npper toiie. of o. 8 rouith-Bt Tbey ate for a board-InB-bouso, or can be repented to pnrtiea daeirinft aultP of rooma, Inqofre on th. mvl8tf lOH HKNT-H'iP- Threoetory BrMt A lloiiae.

No. 0 llarrlar.a at near Ilri adaray. of donl parlore. ha'l. tu, and a'l nn-Tenlencia and In perfe order Rent reaeonnble liiqnlrf of 0.

JAMK3, Harriioa-Bt lu)l Ij'tTH HKlNT-OKKlCB-A One ofiloe on tin tonth Pltte of Thtrd.Rt..onotntulna:a lanreTanlt, ard will ralcnlateil for a hankiPeT-hoTiee or tnAiir-atice rlnnn, Torwa Apply at No. HT WeilThtidHit. myl tf I.VIH. IttNT-A tbr.e-.tnry Ilrlck DwelllnB, with sum and waer oonreoienoea oontniuliift ten or twelve looms. Krnt low, to ult tba tlmei.

ho 40Hrr t. Iinuire at No. 13, Main-at o. Iwen 1'hird and Fontth fCK ltKNT-BBIOK Burnet. mV avenne, noar the Home, with ft rooms or cellar Uect JlO lor niunth Ili'iuire of K.

TiVNL corner of AubnrA and Moniit Anbmti. aylS mylo I IrK. Newport, two 'new two. story Brick Dwellinai, of nine rooms each, bus, tine yard, good Ao, Alnt, other dt-iirMle proprrty in various locations. Particolani at tHJUla 6 Geuaral Aaeuiy.

Kttat Third St. tmyll-lfj VUH HKNT-SIORE-No a3T between 1'ilUi andtlizth. Inquire of I'tlOK Uii Walnut-st, apld-tf UfOll BlJ-NT-HOUSIt-Ko. 101 Broadway, a doors north of oontalulng la rooms, batb, wattr-cloeet, In perfect order. Poskeai-lon Bive.

ttamediately. Apply to CU AS. BULK. JHarble worae, Filth and Brmtdway. a34-tf I7OH KENT-1IALL-A Urc.

hall In the Me. tropollian BnlldinK, corner of Ninth and Wal-tiut'St. Alto, ope store on the firat floor of tha aama. Inquire tf JU A C'l 'iii Waluut-at (apietrj VOH KNT A large room In building No. 63 Fourth street, heretofore occupied ra the "white Oak'' Said room will- be rented with rrwithont tables (four in umhor)and other fnrrjlluro necessary for a 6 ret -clues Billiard, rmpi.

If the tables, 4c are wanted, arrangements enn be made with Mr, BRUNSWICK; if tha loom Is wanted fcr other the fnrnitnre will be removed Inquire on the sreulaes, No. 65 West Fonrlb-etreet myj 1ia HKNT-HOtlBB-A ew two Btory brick IiwelllnB-booMi, near the cnier HI York and Fn miller containing ti roooia. Imjilireat No, 3H1 Otrjolnnatf. myltt FOR SALE. FOH fiAI.K-D 0 T-Very small, gertle, atd Weil broke to aaddl.

or barneM. suitable fur chlldren'B uia. Address 4,4 16 Cincinnati i'estillice. mr22-b MJiOH tA LlC BOGS A number of full-blxxied Nditafti.ti ml lutirl 1 1 1 alw ..1.1 ik at the Stables en Bnrnt.t., bJk. Vina ar.d Bace Third and Fon'th, iniyaiiij F'OR PRWINO-HAUIHNE-in good condition.

Will be sold for eah or grocerlo. Apply at Betttl-Bt between Free-man and Bay miller. iny22ii 170fi HAI.E-Neer Bantoul rltatloo. Chant, paign County. Illinois, l'r acres or splendid Prairie land, purly broken.

ThU land is In one of tht btst counties, close to marVt Title clear, an oflerjd very low. Apply to tAHUI A 8A BURNT, N. W.cor. Tilth and VYalniit. my2a-b FOR Al K-l'UBN ITIJRK-A god ohance for a rnechat ic to start hoiuokeeping in a small way.

It will be sold cheup, as Ibe pnrtiea are breaking np hour. Apply to fl. t'AVELL. Broadway, upptalrs my21-t) I7OH rAI.K-A COTTAOR.IIOUSK-or sroom, witb mndein. lmDruvemenlii.

lot 30 by Wilt leet Apuly at MOU llopkini. slr.ct Ground, perpetual lensebold. with nrivi. lege of putchafe. mylu.i fjOR SAI.K-BIRHS-Tliree hundred Mocking BOO other birds, old and iimna.

will ha.olrf vnou ur mint, ai'a fieniienie secona-oaua cloth- irir. r. Ar-plv at 4'J Kaat between Hyou-ireatid Broadway. mylB im Dion ((OR K.I.E-A SALOON-la 4M.ot seer, loeatiore in tnoetty, now doing a pajing business. It will be sold eta great tarcain.

ss tbeowoer baa other Anniv to HALE A lis Walnut-st. my 22 EiOK WAbK-LMTklJ 8TATE8 OOVCHN-JT MKNT LAND8-AI MX to Ml eeuU per aore.i Persons dealiinn can upturn nf tha llit1 elates Government Lands In ATsMouri at tba alrova application to the undersigned, who is authorized tu take applications In due form. These laous are not swampy. J. BI.

TBnw UUUMjal. at K.C.tioars. '10 Wast Thlrd-st. IniiiM tfj FOR HALlt-Olt i.vt;llANGK-Nlne acres of lui.d on tt Mount Pleajant rikc, seven miles trip Ciucinotl, beantifully located fora eouutry re.idepce. Will eobenae for huasa and lot in the we.urn put at tha city, and par II to tl.aoo in caeh.

-Al 80- fllz of T.snd on th. Hndenn Pike. tnlloa from the Gibson Roase, soluble for country c. Will e.chaoge lur piupertytn other good town property, or small Improved farm. 10.1 DO worth of flrocariea and Will chauge tor tity aioperty.

-ALSO- Is) An eltgant upright Plauo-forU for orchaote for wuiii ur uie'iiiauo He BU2S-C CHAPIM A 1ST Walnnt FOUND. F'OUMM-COW A dark-brown cow, with whit, lev. and fare. The owner r-nn Iia.a lmr nuv- log charges. Call at the fout of Oourt st near Ueeroieek, to JA8.

JVkKAN. myjl-b U01JND-A KBP COW-fWithdut horns, on Sat-' urdiiy lBtt. I be owner cao have her by calling at EDMOND HANLKY'S, 309 Columbla between Boaa and Paik PERSONAL. PERCONAI-W. HNT A 00, manufactures ol ladiea', a-entlemea'B.

IsseV and chilUreu'B boots and No. lvifi FifthtrwH three doors past of Race, xha work la all done br TikudB, and Is war rented. Prioes aboaper than auf where alee la tha city. j27-tr STRAYED. STHAYKD-OB fiToLKN-tJJ Bs)WAHD-riu Thnrtday nlfiht or Vririay ui-miug, from the pasture of Mr.

Uryea, one bay Hone, aupp-ieed to, be or rears eld. akxaut lAU or loi4 ha.niH hium A "Tewait) Id, and cxpf-iises paid, fnr Infbriuatton wnicu win lean io ineascovery i said nonao. word nn ha left at A P. hlLKY fl Livartr HiaIiU. titU-st i.soaj-UkStUree-, un su oe vaaiaoft rise, erwt jpv Weet rearl-j atreei, im vweeu juain ana wainut.

inyto AUCTION SALES. A rCTION BAT.B-BT J. GKirr A KORL. Juiuiinr. Plauo, etc.

Til DA MOBW: 1NO, Hay 2A, at o'clocli. will be sold, at No. Bftir-st th entire Furniture, via Two eolita. p. lor chairs, ro ktng-chaUs, center tab lee, teocy chalis, gilt looking glass, park carpet, etc card tables, secretary ana clock oil-cloth aud asaUing.

Chit a and glaae ware, etc. bedsteads, sp log end thurk inatUtssaes. dresaiag buraeua, wardiuUea, soar blD -top aud plain wathstad, chairs, lounges and SDattreeuea, crib, looking. glass, toilet-ware, rocking-chairs, stove, cbambor-oerpeta, window-curtains, oocklng-stora and J-pparatusskltUea dremer, g'sas froiit. kitrhen furniture, a to, AXOAn Upright Piano-forte and SiooL m3J tti East Fourth-streei.

ATJOTION AI K-BY WELL8 MI LIB ftarist Laiae flaiserauplt ant Dry OoodM, JMotloca, etc. aft Auction I faiiRy -TU13 (YVeeuusday) UOiiNJlSO, May 33, at o'clook, a gknerai variety of fxeyh, Soaacuable Staple and Fancy Dry Uooda. ALSO-A Hie of fine Xsnbrniderlet and BhawU. Al-hu A llue of lie Uluves and Hosiery. ALKu-Ai.

lovoicttif Sun.uier Clothing; lOeaies Siscittd Prints; 6 canes X. aud tmei-eei 1 caafe Brown Alualms caaea Bleached aluliot. AKTION iAI.K-BY KELLOGG A WILL-lAald-tiaWa-ruouiS Moe. VJ aud J4 Ka.t lhiid-st." Uusgiua, Jturotlure and Lry tjijoda at AtKiH-u -THIS (w'eeotday MOBNIVO, Mar 12. be aoid, at our auutUu room, ISoa.

aod4 Vast third-at at a of lry Oods At it o'clock A ijuantiiy of new and second-hand Turuilure, oonsiatliig of beAiaieads, bureaus, iwrlor SLd cat a-teat chat i tvfas, marbU-top an4 otbtr tables, side boar da, bouk-oaaea, ete. At 1 1 v'c4ock reeiMily ill be sold, Cwur lew op-buiigiss, ofitsitftiug of one phaeton, oie brake waguo, cne Piiuoe Albert, one rock way. bale positive DtylS I UtlP jXBTATJt. HiV-w lltk In hereby given that the uecriber has teen epplnted a.d auaUHed as administrator oa the estate of Jaaaes aUiloUth, deoeaeed, Uie of ami. von vountj, uniu.

ou tue iniu aay of stiarcii, A l. I J. H. LI WIS, cWs4 Adatr of estate ol detsad. LOST.

IOf-T-f A BlWKi Haeeaml. tan Terrier ear onsi-d, eriotit nthe be Md, and anvi era 10 the oatu. "Jack he flirdfr will tie the above reward on lrjV-h hia, at ih awond honeon Thlrd-atrsM, tlow the hmtbera hnk. In vlnftiow, fcy. sjiy3b 1 At CiMton, one dftttTdnn fcorae, with 4 end itane; itniall stripe acroea hts 1'Sck also, one hay hnrto, with halter oo nearly blind.

Irste tlinm a CaniminsviUe at slEMvifXHS Siahla, eciner of Walnnt and TlMi nlylAf THE DAILY PRESS. HI F.p.l.r Advertlerinr.tB, Tin OnoimiiU Dull Pa US las anasral Brpasl tabrn mtplommt as aWs eUp. Tht aeUnm emeeIMJrtodrtrm wAlcA iteevepaet lirWeN uteorerload BtntWoiiers, mmd 6at.ssw MpaW awa fadwssrp, bpassiwis of wie fatr seVffiwagiMsj awd ekeisip evsvervTrseats, safo pty propU with txmimienr fithic kis tnCy io tritd to ae rytTwai brief aeerftsement In avs AiLV 1'aiAM pkkra th ohjMt bttform many (AAsMvil bwfA wsveorert ti emptovers, sMd MMrs and Nllffft le aTreTiMw btici1rt ai th alrw tkm Has, sraled, end addretffed to tMnui mitialt or nf City News. "Chsapkb tha Datliqbt." See Mfc-Ilenry Citreon'l advcrtleement. i lflrgrat bome-raaiJe bre4 la the city cin bt had at Bmith'i Bakery, loath -aaat corner of Court John, 1 Fikkisoi Cadkts, Volunteers are wanted for the DetinF0i Cideti.

See advertisement in another column. 1 For choice core, tplcod or pickled oysteri, fresh canned ftult, jkc, go to Wag. goner'a, abov. Fifth. i FoCRTIMTB-BTKlIT BrIDOB CaSI.

The jury jcsltrdaj return a verdict In the Thielman cute of "accidental death." 6iABOHAHLi and Attbactivk. The fine areortment of lummer hata just received at Phil. Hudson's, No. 149 Main street, below i i HmoROuOaiOAL Obsiktatiohb By Henry Ware, No. 7 West May 21 0'cloc.

BeTomefer. rnrtaomeier. 7 A. 12 P. no Above Bern 53 Above Bern BIV Adovb aero 65 If a.ioe A MD1R80H hus been invited to Tialt Frankfort, KyH by the Cnlon Committee! 0f the Berate and House, and by ft Committee of the Home Guards.

He will accept the invitation. Poiici CnAitoi. The resignation of Lieu ttnant llulekotle, of the Bremen-street Sta tion-house, ww received at the Mayor's Office, yesterday, and accepted. John 0. Kelly, of the Eighth Ward, was appointed in his place.

Stiij, Chiapib. Another assortment of seasonable staple and fancy dry goods, direct fiom the New York auctions, has been opened at D. L. Cornor's well-known dry goods store, corner of Central-avenue and Longworlh-street. CoruTT Maitkrs The County Commis sioners, at the regular session yesterday, reduced the rents twenty per cent, on all the rooms in the Court-house occupied by private parties, except that held by Mr.

Goepper, a member of the Board. Statistics or tub Foubthnth Wabd. The amount of taxable personal property in the Fourteenth Ward returned by the assessor is $1,167,451, being ao increase of over last year. Twenty new structures were enumerated, valued at $44,245. Euchabistio.

Captain Moore's Cadets leturn thanks to the following persons for donations: E. Purcell, George Seitzer, H. Reed, S. B. W.

McLean, M. Nolan, P. Mc-Cue, J. A. Paddock, J.

H. Carter, P. Malloo, P. SullivaD, Larelle and S. Munn.

BJSJ i 4 Fbontiib Kangbbi). We learn that Capt Aymor's cavalry company of Frontier Rangers will be accepted for active service this week; and as there are a few vacancies in the ranks, an excellent opportunity is presented to persons desiring to enlist National Tiihatib. Cbnrch'i now local burlerque, which the programmes call, in most bitter irony, a "great success," was reproduced last evening at the National, and is to be presented again to night, and probably for the remainder of the FoaeiBT Casi Cohthiuid. Th. case of James Green, aliat J.

H. Patterson, came up in the Police Court yesterdaf morning, and was continued till Thursday, the 23d instant, on acoount of the absence of maUriul witnesses, the defendant being held to bail la the sum of $1,000 in each Virdict thi 8 UP POSED Ikvamticidk Cam. After careful hearing in the Fifth-street Infanticide Case, yesterday, the jury returned verdict that the child had been "accidentally dropped in the vault, but whether alive or dead at the time of its birth was uncertain." The potl-morter examination was conducted by Dr. Carey, Ths Kentooky REaiMssTS. We under-stand tha First Kentucky under command of Colonel J.

V. Guthrie, will fill up to one hundred men rank and file to each company. Those who wish to join the above Regiment can do so by calling at the recruiting office, No. 25 Broadway, where they can get all information required. The re-cmiting offioe is undercharge of Lieutenants Hurd and Hynson.

OouiTERriiTiBS on Trial. George SeyJ mour was yesterday morning found guilty of passing a two-dollar counterfeit-bill of tha State Bank of Ohio, Summit County losatcd at Cuyahoga Falls, upon Joseph Mil-J ler, No. 40 Race- street. Judge Saffin held him! over in thil case, in wider $250 bail to appear, at the Court a Common! Pleas for trial. The case of Jamas Yaz.ll, a companion, of the above, was continued sill; this morning.

t. i i. Tt-Danrm' vmim uuivn umu A Deauumi nag, wnn mmy-iour siori, wa presented Captain Hatfield' company of Home Guard om Saturday last, James, tlorenshade, Esq.) in preAentino it oa behalf pf Beuss, the doeor, who not, only gave the flag, but $500; to. equip the-, oompany, made, stirriof, natriotio address, which' was rospondaxl to eloquently by Mr. Snyder on behalf of th.

company," The company (eighty strong) has a good armory, and will! be ready Whesr called upon, for efficient service. i' -I' I in as. 1 Mdeicipal Licihbi The Te-ceipt for' ctty licenses, afthe Mayor's Office, for thewek ending were U' foliows: j', i i.V i 1IS 00 Jedillers. 114 OU fen its 00 00 xhibltlons 6 On Otnulbuse. 00 ur uiturs car 60 ajprMs-wasoas 1 1110 00 Toa Uxitio States VoLUSTEsa.

HeiSrs, Wrightson the well-known printers of this city, have just issued a useful band-book' foryeung soldiers, bearing the above title. HI compiled by Lieutenant P. T. Swaine, Tenth Infantry, United State Army, and seems to have been prepared with more than ordinary care. In addition to what is usually found in military hand-books, tt contains the Rule and.

Article of War, and a Manual for Colt' Revolving For tale by the publiaban, 107 Walnut-trae(, and by all "bqokseller la th elty. Trie thirty-flva Military Hospital. The Board of Supervisor and Fiuanre niMf, snd organised by electing R. W. Burnet, President; Henry Prob.sco, Treasurer; ft.

Pesrce, Secretary 0. H. Geo (Troy, 8. 6. Burton, and B.

P. Baker, Committee on Fur-tltiiro and General Supplies! G. Pearoe, '1. Wblll Vi on Mattresses and Bedding; Lars Andersonr II. Probasco, and Jiraes Taylor, Committee on Finance.

It was determined to fit np twenty-five beds ifrViirfnw. ') 7 1 .3 A CottirhiVlee thai was appointed to call on General McClcllan reported that he cor-diolly responded to the plans of the and would issue the requisite orders for the removal of suitable from the camp whenever Me tfofipttaj rrangemeuti Were, completed. I The Board adjourned to meet at the call of the President. The Board of Management organized by electing Mrs. Crofts J.

WriRht, Mrs. John Swasey, Vice-President; Mrs. Wm. Proctor, Hoad-ley, Secretary. Mrs.

Wm. NelT, No. 142 Broadway, was chosen a member of the Board, In the place of Mis. Drennon, resigned. Various committees were appointed, and a programme adopted for a vigorous prosecution of the enterprise.

Ladie are leqaested to doaat for immediate use, cotton (heating, sheets, pillow Ms, towels, crash, night shirt and pillows. Such articles may be sent to Miss S. R. Steer, No. 61 Loogworth-street, or to the Hospital.

Donors will be particular to give their ad-dies in full with the name of the'articles sent, as full credit will be given for all donations. Afier appointing the Daily Executive Committees, the Hoard adjourned to meet at the house of Wm. Proctor, north-west corner of Race and Eighth streets, on Tuesday, May 28, at four o'clock P. M. I Donations in money may be made to any member of the respective Boards, and donations in furniture, fuel, groceries, provisions and all housekeeping articles, may be sent to the Hospital, entrance on Baum etreet.

or the Board or City Improv' iiehts. At the regular meeting of the Board jesterday morning, Mayor Hatch presiding, the following business was transacted: The Clerk was directed to send to the City Council a resolution authorizing the Board of City Improvement to fit up a jury-room in tht Oity Buildipg, for the Police Court. Mr, Pete offered the following: Retnb-td: That the Board of Improvements hereby fully indorse the plan of John Pat-ton's box for holding garbage and ashes, and would recommend the same for adoption by all persons having use for the same, and that said Patton have leave to pntdown the same whenever parties may want them, provided the street, alley or sidewalk are put in as good condition as before putting the same down. The Clerk was directed to notify the Cincinnati Gas-light and Coke Company, and alsefjundry plumbers, to repair trenches left by them along the line of the Cincinnati Street Railroad Company. Mr.

Peter presented an ordinance to light with gas Carr street, from Whitewater Canal to Sixth, two posts. Elm-street, from Second to Union, four posts. Hunt street, from Sycamore to Broadway, two posts. Sycamore-street, from Dorsey to a point mi.v ten norm vi a. House, twelve 1 Augnsta-street, from Smith to John, three pUB LB.

Smith-street, from Second to Augusta, th-ee posts. John-street, from Lanrel to Betts, one post. Lawrence-street, from Fourth to Fifth, two posts. Abigail-street, from Pendleton to four nunorea feet east, two posts. Baum-street, from Third to Sixth, eleven ijuaie.

Hathaway-street, from Jane to three hun dred feet west, one vest. i Harriet-street, from Seventh to two posts. Seventh-street, from Harriet to one bun- urea ana tbiriy-hve feet west, one post. Locust- Btreet, from Harriet to one hun dred and thirtv-five feet west, one Plum-street, from Seventh to Eighth, two JJUtlB. South-east corner of Arch and Ludlow- streets, one post.

The Clerk was directed to transmit the ordinance to Council, On motion, the Board went into an elec tion for Sergeant-at-Arms, and Mr. Frank Kirchener, having received a majority of votes cast on the first ballot, was declared duly elected. The following permits have been granted by the Board since their last meeting: To Royal Morse, two additional store on the south-west corner of Park and Avery streets Wm. G. Waitely, contractor.

To John two-story -brick building, on the south side of Bank-street, between Linn and Whitman-streets. To Morris Leopold, three-story brick building, on the south side of Eighth-street, between Race and Via-Ueet A. Mooney, contractor. To George Wernants, two story brick' building, on the east side of Moore street, tetween Liberty and, WalnuUstreets. To Messrs.

Taylor and Faulkner, three. three story brick buildings, on the south side of Ninth-street, between Mound and Linn-stieets. i' I i SMi Soicid or A Army Surobo jlr, uti- malle J'kyiiciun take Ptiion during a fit of Iniamty. A young and highly-respectable phyiicuin, named J'm, rouse, who resided at No. 20 West Ninth-street, committed suicide yesterday morning, while laboring under a temporary fit of insanity, by taking a mixture of the extract of belladonna and hydro- oyanic acid, a THattof culture, speaking five or six different language with fluency, and wa surrounded by all the com forts of life, and last week was appointed to the lucrative and honorable position of Sur geon in the First German Regiment, now at I CampDennlspn, and en Saturday last entered upon tne mscnarge or ni auties.

Night before last be returned to thi city, apparently as well a nsnal, and retired to his room, about seven clock in the evesing. fAbobt, tw flock hi haWfteepir beard a noise In bis room.lik. the rattling of a glass and spoon, and. too) cbe thought the beard auoaning, if suffering with a colic; but a. th noise quickly ceawd, she thought irjor about IUV-At the nsual break itt hour, however, the knocked nj bit raoalved nreply notl auier uiisninn; Biaiuuvr oj anuria io; arouse hiuy sailed on Mr.

P. RitUtr, who lived in ah adjoining house, Vho entered tha room through a window, add fiund it In. mete lying on the bed corpse; a table near by waa a portion of th poisonous mix. tore, which wa afterward analyzed, add it ingredients discovered, to that there could remain no doubt a to the mean employed by the tuifurtunale man to terminate hi ex istence. Several of hi Intimate acouaintaucea bea tified that he bad been laboring under a tort of hallucination recently, ana entertained Ike opinion that ail ha Acquaintance bad deserted biw and now looked epos him with suspicion.

When congratulated npon hi appointment as Army Surgeon he was moved to teais, and Appeared to entertain nielau-cholv forrbodinirs of the future, tie be longed to the tcbool of peasimistio philosi ophers, and entertaining no hop for the fu-; tore in, thi resolved to termiuate. hi career by a fearful and mad leap into another. He wa twenty-eight year of age and un4 married, I .11 t. Human Enigmas. Citation is the chemistry ofNeture, 1 Outward existences are normal conditions; their tigulnling laws parent.

Human existence are cob trolled byOir-, Organlaittod, Dcrtiny and eountleft unknown causes, fetch with It weight, its bearing, it A chemical preparation are often marred by too much acid or alkali, becoming an irregular mixture, fitted for no purpose in art pr science, to human nature are ruined by die-proportioned combination of mental and moral Ingredients. 1 Thll tbeoij and it is truth explains many psychal phenomena that Were otherwise eternal enigmas, and proves that Na ture blunder fearfully at times In perform' Ing her highest work. From these disproportioned combinations arise the peculiar minds, the strange beings, the mysterious tplfits that ho one fully understands, and no previous knowledge can explain. One side of inch natnret I ever toward the light; but the other is in the shadow, which no rsy of perception Illumines. Life is SphyBi-llke to them they seem to have unraveled it; but there is always an impenetrable mystery behind.

A mistake appears to have been made in their creation. Tbey have fine qualities, beautiful traits, glorious gifts, It maybe bnt they lack com pleteness, harmony, and the serpent of sorrow is ever coiled about their heart. There Is no unity in them. Tbey are dual in dissimilarity. The wrong body seems to invest the soul, or the wrong loul to animate the body.

One is at variance with the other, and hence a constant Internal struggle that wear and wounds until existence ends. No rest for them, no peace, no resigna tion I The inward is armed against the outward the mind against the soul; sense against sentiment; the affections against the judgment. 1 Ceaselessly the war goes on bitter and devastating self opposed to self; a subtle Nemesis pursuing every aspiration, aad expectation, and destroying them in their fullest bloom. Few detect the endless battle. -The surface is so smooth, no one suspects the rushing current How often placidity conceals the tendency to despair, as snow cover the mountain where hidden fire rage I Judge not by surfaces, if ye would be wise.

Life is a masque. Humanity laughs that it, may not curse, and affect indifference when the dearest dream of the soul is fading fast and forever. Self-discipline, severe and long, has en abled the discordant creature to appear as a wave of harmony: as if no circumstance bad strength to break the course of its grace ful undulations. Content should be born of such posses sions, and would, did not one negative the other; did not each with its cup of pleasure bring two draughts of pain. The law of Nature is violated in the unfor tunate mortal.

By some inexplicable agency, opposing element have been conjoined, or the ingredients of the composition are too fine and fiery for endurable coexistence. Separate, the element are beautiful, and numerous enough to torni a dozen creatures of far loftier mold than tread the ordinary round of this dull planet. But it is fitness, not fineness, that makes the desired whole, and infinitessimal defects cause age of misery. The drop too much of acid alters the entire buo of the liquidj the over grain of salt ren ders the wifibed for combination impossible. This mistake of Nature' chemistry is daily seen, but recognized most rarely.

It is the key to the unbalanced and woe worn mind, 'too curiously wrourrht, Tbat preys npon ltieu" is destroyed by Uiouht." Hence, great desire and small perform ance; large hope and little energy loftiness of purpose, with poverty of execution long ing for love, with the incapacity to feel it; adoration of beauty and no realization of the gift; high aspiration and meager deed; poetic predilection and poverty of circumstance royal mind and the sordid form passion for glory and contempt of possession heroic tpirit and weakness of the flesh de termination to be true and fatuity of will mightiness of thought and feebleness of band. i Out of these incongruities'what chaos and misery1 are born, none, save the translator of souls can imagine. Poets ever greater than philosophers-have beheld these sad disharmonies, and from them have woven the creations o'er which the world of sensibility bangs, in tender sorrow. good and true, Nature wronged them at their birth, and their inner life, bow. ever beautiful it may seem, is a ceaseless failure to the possessor, I Do what tbey may; self-opinion outrobf performance, and the Ideal rebukes the emptiness of effort.

Nothing encourages; nothing consoles) nothing satisfies. "All declares the retreating angel, the1 ambitions band would grasp. "Rack not thy brain with thought waste not tby form with labor." I am above thee at the start are, and no more than their cold glimmer will be "Leara wlsdots, presumptuous mortal, thoo ceekeet Tempe In Tophet Alden id ArabiA if -J I "What Fortune gave thee thou despisest, and In thy madness thou would'at entwine tby finger in Berenice' celestial hair." "The proud blood ofClymene'i son is in thy veins, and for tby lineage and hi offense his punishment be thine." Birth is the Gist and only misfortune to all bat to th Human Enigmas, it is a ceaseless calamity a daily death. Better for them had they still' rested nn-conseioms in th rock, th forest and the valet of the Universe, and no voice pf De. tiny called Item into being.

j'Vb They tortured by Past they can but dimly remember, and haunted by a Future hy can not i wr --j ConsUuUy incrvAaing in knowledge, they grow more, woeful witb their, wisdom, and see, as tbey njqunt, how little they caa ascend. All hope of rest The belief in good it quenched, I The thought of happiness eeo mas an idle i i Human Enigma ever to those that walk in th (uBshiae of tfiolr 'presence, and even, to themselves, Experience invests Time and Eternity with more, of the unfathomable; and though always rising, they seem declining ceaselessly, aud the ahadiw of their spirit lengthening. i Life affords no compensation; Death no hope of oblivion. The sab) portal pf the tomb open only npon another long and dreary avenue of pain, and at it terminus are still a myriad of frown in gate, front wb.icb the, angel Hop is for aye debarred. Such the progression of the Humaa Enigmas, such their incentive to eierlion, their leeompease for suffering.

i No marvel tbey believe at first aad last with the Arabian seer. "When God ek to destroy the ant. 11. give it wings." It file, like the aspiring mortal, only into the flame, and Bvrtabe, merely for the satis the of JUNIUS. RIVER NEWS.

The Ohio wit swelling slowly here yeVter-day, ard nearly stationary last eveaieg, bavirg risen soma fire ot six Inches only; making a channel dftb at thi) point of twen'y ofie ftet. The Ttlver alPifUborg was stationary yesterday, with six feet Six inche watt Utere. -r The weather was dear And delightful y.a. terday, though tow In temperature for the close of May. Business on the Landing Continued stagnant, and tba rate of freight nominal.

Yesterday's Louisville papers observe: Ihe River was rising last evening, thongh falling in the morning, with scant eight feet water in the canal by the mark. The weather has been rainy, squally, and a dagreeable as ihe time, witb nothing to do. The Hiver trade, excepting one or two hort packet rontea, i virtually suspended, aud the B. J. Adams, which was poBted for St.

Louis, has been withdrawn, and laid up. Yesterday's St. Louis Dmoerai says: Weather yesterday clondy and cold, with slender shower. Shipments were being made yesterday on the John Dickey, to various point above Cairo. Shipments were made also to Upper Mississippi, the Missouri, Illinois and Ohio.

The river fell one foot and seven Inehea in the forty-eight hours ending at ten o'clock yesterday morning, according to the Oity Engineer's report. Account from the upper streams represent thtm in the same condition a before reported. There is a fair stage in the Missouri, Illinois and Upper Mississippi. The latter is swelling again at St, Paul. STEAMBOAT REGISTER.

ylrrlrnlii-Prlerera, ITadleon; Telegraph Ko. jLnnl.vlllo; 1'erUinoutb; Boston, HI. Banrly; Koonomy, t'ilubuigi Itaaeaatar Mo. 4. Sitvtlle.

yrnefllres-rrtorevB, Mullen. Telaeraph Ho T.rnlnvllle; Boetona, Portsmouth; lloaton, Bit Mainly: Lancaster No. 4, NctIIU; Alien t'-ollrer, Kacawhs; Hasel Dell, pltteborg: Liberty, nee 1. Uig; W. I.

Blaclay, bt. Louis. Trial or A Female fob Assault aho Bat t. Ann Doherfy was yesterday morning tritd by Judge Saffin for committing an assault npon Cornelius Murphy, on Friday last, at the residence of the parties, in Ptigh-alley, between Fourth and Fifth-streets. The testimony showed that Mur.

pby and wife were engaged in a pleasant family fight, when the latter, who waa second in the contest, appealed to Mrs. Dohorty for assistance, who, by boating the. man's head against the door, and pounding him with an iron poker and wooden box, reduced him to intcnsible submission. The wife then changed her sympathies to the other side, and testified most zealously against hor deliverer. Hit Doherty was held over in $250 to appear at court.

Stabbikg Casb CoxTisrsD The case of James Flagherty, acensed of stabbing Frank Mabon, on Accommodation-street, was brought np in the Police Court yesterday morning, and continued till Friday next, the 'testimony cf Mahon's physician being that he would not be able to appear in court before that day. The bail was reduced to $1,000. To Pliasdbe biekebs. Michael DufTaer, formerly of the Casino, has opened a place of retort, on East Walnut Hills, opposite Cook's Nuisury. His maoy friends will not forget him.

The famous Orchestrion will be the card this summer. LAW REPORT. SUPERIOR COURT. Decisiob ih the Milne Co. Assighmext Cask.

Judge Slorer disposed of this case, which came up on exceptions to ths account of the assignee, R. McGregor. The Court remarked that the charge of counsel abroad were reasonable, and ousrht not to be ob jected to, though tbey did not bring much oraeroui ei tue contusion, xne teesot tne local conmel, Oor wine Hayes, ubout $3,000, for services extending over a period of three and the amount paid for services of clerk, was also allowed as reasonable. The Item for rent was partly reduced from $300 to $200; and the sum claimed for services of janitor, $200 or $400, was disallowed. The assignee lor Disown compensation was al lowed $2,600, including what he had already received.

All questions as to counsel fees, tec wnere expenses were incurred since tue commencement of the suit, were reserved. HAMILTON COUNTY DISTRICT COURT. Mandamus ArrLiED Fob. A. J.

Symenda H. F. Sedaui. A mandamus to compel the defendant, a Justice of the Peace, to accept bail and furnish A transcript, was ap plied for and refused. Judge SutlitT, who announced the opinion, holding that ths statements in the petition were not proven, Riley Bainbrick.

Held that there was no final order below to which a petition in error would lie. PROBATE COURT. An assignment in trust waa executed by E. Wassenich to Goerge BriJL O. F.

Welharm was appointed guardian of Emily A. C. and Catherine M. Driemer, minor children. COVINGTON NEWS.

Patmint or City Omenta. The City Council yesterday passed a resolution mak1 ing the salaries of city officers, and the sp propriation to the fire companies, payable monthly, instead of quarterly, as heretofore. Fatal Accidbst oi thi Kentucky Cbnj tbal Railroad. On Monday evening last, the ear going Southward on the Kentucky Central Railroad, when near Cynthiana, raq over a man by the name of Patriok LenUian. almost severing bis head from his body, aad mangling him in a dreadful manner.

The train at tbe time wa passing around a curve, so tbat it wa impossible for the engineer tq see the man, who must have been intpxi-J cated and eitner lying or sitting on the side of the track. The body was taken In the cars to Cynthiana, and delivered to the proper city authorities. NEWPORT NEWS. Volunteer Wahted, Lieutenant T. W.

Tibbat, Recruiting officer, is completing the company of the Cincinnati Dennison Cadets, at their armory, in Sprague's building, North-west corner Fourth and Hammond-street. A few more men, between tha age of eighteen and thirty years, are wanted. I I More Secession Outrages In Steamboat Scuttled and Sunk by the Men Driven off. St. Louis Dttiuteral says We had an interview, yesterday afternoon, with Mr.

Jackson fowler, who has been riven away from hi home at Broker''' Landing, on th Osage River. Mr. Fowler has, during, thsr Winter, been building a nnall steamboat, to run ha the Osage River. The boat waa nearly aad jue awaiting her machinery at tbe mouth of th Oaag. On th 10th, a 'company of one hundred men, from railroaa bridge, want down to th boat, Be ut tied and sunk her.

Ihe men were originally from Camp Jaekaon, and ptobabiy war under Captain hjjlly. The beat wa valued by Mr. Fowler at $3,000. A lot of tool sunt witb her, war worth aboat $300. Th reason Siven tor bat destruction was, tbat Governor ackaoa wu afraid Frank Blair iataadad coming ap and ain fcer for one of hi army trautspois.

Not ceased wita-deetreylng Mr. Fowler's boat, the, rebel, M' Thursday last, gav. him notice "to quit his horn immediately, tbreataaing him with death should he re main." Mr. Fowler voted for Douglas, and Is a strong Union man. He voted also fur Claib, Jackson, for which sin b.

hope, aud pray be may now be forgiven. ANOTHER OUTRAGE. Bernard Wegman, from Too, Cole County, reached thi city yesterday, having been driven away from home because of his Unioa sentiments. A gang o( twenty men came to hi house, robbed Lis ttore o( money and goods, and then ordered him to leave the countrj at once, which he did. A Encimeh or Southebe Tbeaoitt Th New Orleans Pitayxuu say that all the Maasarhusett soldier, ar negroes, and that iefieral Bailer, ths recent oaadidate of th Breckinridge party tor iioveraor or- Mtesa-ebaaetta, Is th son of an old black barber ho once kept a shoo in tbat city, but who tuovtd away maay yssurt ago, Our Camp Correspondence.

Special Letters from Camp Dennison. HOTEL DN PRICE HOUSE. CAMP DENNISON, May 19. Tm ttt BllUtt IB fMSy PVw Many soldier her' tfrnt about with bhh sounding title, dressed 1 a little brief nl tbotlty, from wboa gracict najettle on can toaroely gt bw. In ih rankit, throughont the various rogl-menta, may be found thousands of soldier vi ho have fbtigbt tcore of actual bAttles VeHrrans who, a they falfwr out the thrioe-told tale of siege and battle, shake their thin lot ks, and speak with.

Indignation, of the boys that are put over their heads. Mant of these re men of education and ititellf. gene, and would grace any position, yet wear the red shirt of a common without complaint, Among the corrKyrats' And sergeants, are those who were fighting men la Mexico, and among the brave volunteers, who brought victory to our glorious standard, alter General Taylor bad been twice Whipped. Your dashing boy-Uaptaln of the forty ninth, fiesh from some rural trimming store, passes such heroe by, without to much a nod. i i are hundreds and hundreds of our captains who bare brought from the wars scar of wounds, a mementoes of many bard fought battle, and tev.ral of oor higher officers ar.

men of practical military experience bnt evidence of favoritism In the deposition of a majority of position are to palpabl that I cannot bnt mark it. A standard i presented by th. ladiea, application i made to tbe Governor, and avray they start, off to tha wars. This is tbe way In which captain are made. Of course, an election for officers is held, but that it managed la the tame way.

If vou will come with me I will thow yo whole rows of them, as they pour over Hardee In their "quarters." They may make good men. Many of them, with proper instruction, may attain to eminence but if the exigencies of the times required leaders there were thousand npon thousands of practical soldier, who would bare repiesented us better, and who were entitled to petitions without the ranks. They art sleeping with their red shirt upon traw. I would rather follow one of these hardy men, who have sec war with all it horrors, than trust to a mere young beau. But 'tis a common proof That lowlinews is youDg ambition's larfer, betelo tbe climber upward turns bl fare Hut vtbeu lie ocoa attaius tbe nnrujet rouo'i, lie then unto tbe ladder turns his bark, Looks In tlie clouds scorning tne base desreo.

By watch hedid aecend. At nine o'clock this morning the quarters of the Third Regiment were officially inspected by the officers of the staff. I am told tbat the result waj highly satisfactory. At about eight o'clock of the previous evening the boys took it into their heads to prepare for the visit, Hutu were thoroughly clt anted, carpets taken up, sofas and ottomans re arranged, and an extra polish put upon the tin queensware. Not a straw waa suffered to dangle from tbe berths, nor a single cobweb to display the buzzing trophies of disbotrest warfare.

Here asiaiwart toldler might have been seen clutching the remnants of a suspicion looking cast off garment, with which new la -iter was given to ponderous pots and pans; and there aa-olher, armed witb a matelese shoe, standing guard over an onhabited orifice, lest some truant mouse should rush headlong upon spotless sheets aud immaculate pillow-slips. Lvery -where was noise and bustle, and when tattoo pounded the work was not half com Dieted. Permission was granted the soldiers, however, to coutinue their preparations. Squads repaired to the adjoining woods, with axes, hatchets, and everything in tbe shape of edre tools, and returned bearing bongbs, brancaes, and even whole tree. Carpenters were set to work by the committees of different companies, to construct frame-work for the support of the orna mental.

This moraine the camn wears a dav appearance. Trees seemed to have sprung up wunm voe space oi a single nour, and In the most convenient of places. In the quarters the decorations display much ingenuity and taste. Tbe Inspectors, I believe, award espec'al praise to pompany of Their passion for the imitating of bird music has given Ihem the title of "Canary Birds;" by wuivu may are mmuinriy aDowwiarougn out the camp. Over the "entrance of their main avenue, which had been nicelygraded, a handsome arch wa stretched, from the ctnter of which hung a beautiful -wreath.

Within this the distinguishing letter was pendant, Tbe frame-work of tbe arch was concealed by branches of cedar, aud on is outer edge were placed the words "Canary Birds," and below the word "Hamilton;" tbe wreath and the letter joining the sentences. These letters were formed of boughs, Ac, and were cleverly A roof of larger branches was next stretched from house to bouse, over the entire street, making a sylvan bower, whose inviting shades formed a pretty retreat for the chirping Birds." Strange to say, the architect of ibis happy cage was a supposed "spy," who, upon the night of his arrival, slept under tbe kind protection of a "special guard of sight," detailed to protect the sleeper and the camp from the unknown diversions of an over-fed nightmare. Thanks to our youthful Captain, be still lives. The quarters of Company A of ths Governor's Guard, were also in fine trim. A handsome arch was suspended at either end cf the principal thorough fare, and in the center, between tbe two, a pondrou A was place d.

Each hut was shaded by evergreens, and every musket was ornamented by a twig of cedar. Lieutenant W. A. Swazer, of this company, tells that there is a species of iwtggt tne dojb wouia rawer put Deiora their guns. I am indebted to this gentleman for many kindnesses.

Company introduced a different style of was at once novel and pretty. This company has the nickname of Tigers, and are qnite expert in mimicing certain animals with immodest names. They are Sobably better supplied with necessaries ami xuriet than their neighbors, Captain Mc-ongal being In daily receipt of boxes, bales and packages. The quarters of Company Captain Dsna, were embellished by wreaths, flags and ap- firopriate mottoes, put np in every available ocation. Company Captain Wing, was not behind, and whera yesterday the san soon upon the unprotected roofs of government mansions, to-day thrive and blooms a grove of trees, whose verdancy is not surpassed even in the wild old woods.

but a few of tbe companies who prepared for inspection. Aa much rivalry existed, I have described them a best I could, that you may see how, upon extra occasions, the poor starved, half clotbsd, half-ftd soldier (1) can work. The Third Regiment was duly supplied to-day, with gray shirts, drawers, shoes and stockings. Early next wek, uniforms will uuiriouina to tne enure regiment, uoau, pants and caps, sufficient to equip one thousand five hundred men, are now in the Quartermaster' Department, at the depot. The tbirta, drawers and Stocking! are, of gray, substantially and the shoes, of course, are made for wear.

General Cox left us on Saturday, on brief trip to Columbus. Brighter-General officiates STEPHE. CAMP DENNISON, Monday, May 20. A party of our warrior war in trouble last evening. A careless rooster ha been ctowing over the boys, from a neighboring barn-yard.

Day after day the Uunthas been repeated, until forbearance ceased to be a virtue. Prayers were just concluded in the Tenth Regiment, when a "squad" was formed for the purpose of bringing the head of the intruder to the camp, In a farm-yard near tb village of Milford the bold invader halted. Th charge was made, and eleven plump chicken, together with fifteen pounds of yellow butter, were secured a prisoners of But alas I an unequal division of tbe spoils left tbe balance of power to a few unsteady individuals, who wavered beneath the load. The "guard" was broken, ths intruder challenged, and, after a severe conflict, several of them plated in durance vile. As write, th cries of the prisoner may be dis-l tinctly beard.

Koougli is as good aa a feast. I am requested to return the thanks of tbe lick at Camp Dennison, to the ladies Jiarr-meet, Cincinnati, for donations. Tneee fnvort are appreciated. I am informed that two ladies will visit our Hospital doily froia your vlty to tender such assistanae in nursing as may be necessary. While npon this topic, I must refer to a eard recently published in th Cixnatarcui, from bishop 0.

P. Mcllvaine, relative to the Hospital at this Since. The TV, in asking who 0. P. Icllvalne Is, speaks nntavarably of this useful and humane institution.

Bishop Mcllvaine is well known throughout th. West, a Divine whose assertion and opinion are entitled to respect. Tbe Twm inauauatea tbat eiae. tba abseac of Geaerai Can, adairs a tbe fi capital ar not as prosperous a usual. This i a nntrae at ft It ungenerous, Th triced the soldier could not ask dtatr bettar discipline, superior prototdional skill, "oV nnr wtA th tl Wa r-rv wt th Ifrepitnl oft ri Dr.

MrMifs snd Mr. 1 r. f-r. iiaro been ifTu iating a mirae. an! in fimrw trier, will W.

no Itv of l)i rtti attention which only Isrrlie pan ronder. Th catrrl-penny convrns, to whfrh I r-ft'TTsd la my last, are to be ferAoVwi! from th. Vicinity of the railroad -forthwitJt. i What money there is to b. made out of the "exi-Senrles of lb times" must be don.

In larger btilldiriR. i i A slasgfibrrinir ewtabtlahment i to hi lot eaud at WjamuiviUe, under the auspice of tbe powers that be. This will give ui freih meat daily, without the necessity of transportation. pick a bone about this. weald ny that th Willis mentioned In my last as tbe official barber of tbe Tfrird Regiment, hi no connection whatever w'tli N.

P. Willis, of IdlewiM. Bine, thare Is no, in form or framre, I caa not account for the error which prevails here. An undertaker put up hit card yr-aU-rrlay at to depot, volunteering to "Tipply and shrouds iav quantities to tnit purrhaaars. Many of tbe soldiers have contracted severe colds, and a few are coffin themselves in a shroud.

Too naby undertakers now We bave exchanged visits with our brothers of tha Guthrie and' Montgomery tt vi. BDents, and strong feeling of friendship baa sprung op between the Third and Fifth. Colonel Bosley called on nt to day, and looking bale and hearty. Tbey begin their drills to-morrow under the. instruction of Colonel Granger.

Welch's splendid Cornet Band hut arrived, and is now permanently attached to th Third Regiment. Last evening they complimented Colonel Marrow and the oflicor of the staff, with serenade. I came in for a share of the honor, and retarnejf la behalf of the Press. It is an- admirable band, and will be quite an Addition to oar "crack" Regiment I am informed by W. Sonter, fbej gentlemanly agent of th American Rynrea at this place, that Superintendant Well it expected here shortly.

A grand reception) it on tbe tapis. Mr. Sonter is quite popular ber. The soldiers are in the beat of spirit, having plenty to eat and drink, and make merry over tbe new life they lead. Etch a brief mention of the ludicrous scenes which are of constaut occurrence, in and out of the huts among the soldiery, would occupy several of yonr columns.

Quite a terinus accident befell a voting member of tbe Topographical Corp oo Saturday. While assisting in the measurement distances between sinks, en the line of the Eleventh Regiment, rested for a moment, npon an unsteady jotco. Aa nnlacky motion threw him backward, precipitating Mia some distunce. Many of onr higher officer appear upon horseback, each gallant steed gaily decorated with gilded trappings. Thee gentlemen ge through the drill but litUa fatigue.

Squads are marched to 'the river daily, whcie the soldiers enjoy a cleansing bath; this not the least important of our exercises. To day Mr. Scoby, Sergeant of tbe Brigade Gnard, arrssted a belligerent who attempted to "run th guard." without authority. I He Insnited the officers, consigning thtm to plaoi heated' to an unpleasant temperature, and drawing weapons, refused to be captured. Six shot were fired, sad one, a musket shot, taking effect in his left sim.

Leaping into the river, he would have escaped had it not been for Mr. m. H. Mc-Carttn, who followed, and drawing a Bowie-knife, attempted to put an end to the business. II was taken to the guard-house, alter beirg gapged and tied.1 The afftir occurred near Milford, and has cieated considerable excitement.

Since the encampment has been established here numerous snops bave been opened la neighboring towns fur tbe sale of intoxicating; drinks. A telegraphic dispatch informs me that a law wus recently enacted at Columbus to prevent the sale of liquor' within two miles of an encampment, but we bave teen nothing of it here. I give the Tumr for whbt it is wcrth. A meeting of the officer of the Third Regiment convened to-day, at Colonel Marrow's quarters, Colonel Bcatty presiding, council with regard to the "three Tears' enlistment." A paper was drawn up and tbe came of each officer affixed, tendering tbe services of the Regiment for the time mentioned in the Governor' proclamation. A Committee, consisting of Lieutenant-Colonel Bcatty, Captain Dana, of Company 0, and Captain Abbott, of Company was appointed to visit the Governor, and acquaint him with tbe facts.

A resolution waa also offered, authorising the Colonel to appoint officers to recruit men to supply any deficiency in numbe'S which the "three ear's call may occasion. Groups are gathered" here and there, throughout the Regimeut, little knot tot volunteers, earnestly discussing the case. I do not apprehend tbat a general willingness exists to obey the call, although at leavst eight hundred men have partially promised to put their Dames to the list of tbe Third Reipment alone. A dork, gloomy, muddy, blneish day was nnfortnnately selected as a time to sound the men. However foolish it may seem, bad weather, and a few day of camp life, have great effects upon the patriotism of tbe volunteer.

Had it been postponed for a time, until all had become accustomed to tbe hardship bere endured, the brat bands railed out, and fiagt thrown to the breeze, the American Eagle spirit would have "fir," end the entbusiaem'bave been greater. As it Is, enough men will be found to answer all necessary purpose. Many of oar volunteers were not nrenared for a siege of three years, and If a furlough of one week is granted them, scarcely one of the ra will ref ura. Colonel Beatty and tbe committee leave on iht evening train. The accomplished lady of Colonel I.

H. Marrow is now at that, officer's quarters, with ber family. Officers and men are daily honored by visit front wives, daughters and friend. Nature teem determined to throw cold water on onr army movement it has been raining bow almost constantly for two days. With th rain to-day cam strong winds, which have blown down oar trees and it-arranged the "inspection shrubbery." At the Sutler department.

Mr. Griffon officiates; never have I bten to kibdly troatedl The inclemency of tbe vreAtber ha pre-vented a vwit to the on the other side. MubI wait for more favorable winaa. I send this Captain Baseom, of General Cox's sytff, to whom I am indebted for many STEPHE. Great Metamorphosis of James Buchanan.

a The Kational lntelhpenctr publishes tba followlngletterfrom a-PresidentBiachanan: Several items In the InttUujmctr have awakened my attention to the facility with, which military gentle men rail, re ihetmaeirrj from their oaths and change their allegiaaoe. A military oath baa eves been held Marred in all age and countries. Besides tiss solemn sanctions of religion, there is enpesadded the highest appeal to personal hoot or. Kaeb military oUtcer swear, that wall bear true allegiaarw to the l' anted States, and serve them honestly and faithfully agaiast- all their anemiesaadapasers whatseefwr. 'Shmf do not swear to support th eoattitBtiom cf any i ky the railed States, tbay ba-long to ths jedetal Governvneut in a peculiar tease.

While 1 an iaaagiae way aa officer Blight swsiga rather lhaa. aUad tba blood of tatiaea of hi native cttate fn war, yet it i. difhealt to axcase or paUiaUs tha next Stan, waidk is to go ev.r to to atacsty and maks war npon th tinaa-atoootwd aag of th country. Major MtairtparJ, a-am a ditchmgid tU jftti fxm sawaK isatfer, lykltd flam phick Uwiit roqutr Joaa ft ram Ut sat-6siuA, Tb pettle of tbe Kuril, at pretest are nibuaiasUcally auiauiauoua. They aev.r Wire pressed antil tbat shot wa fired.

I oitsa warned Southern genUen toat tbi would tba soevitabs recuik u- I tnjoy good health, aad as a spirit a the evils impending over my country will IT our JAMES BUCHANAN. 1 Tbe ton try Will be sorry to bear that Mr. Buchanan enjoys tb possession of "a tranquil ought to tortured by tb tb pangs af remorse. or Pruipxs rtsoTHa-m-Lv Amo the IUbxu. Th Nsj Otieapa il'rouuar says: We have already mentioned, on tb authority of the Montgomery 4iVrrHjr, that Mr.

H. Todd, of this city, who. a brother-in law oi' the President of the Uuiud Slates, bat been, appointed Firt Lieutenant in tbe army of the Confederate Statt-A. Mr. rTodd is a daring young man, of good cbar- uur tair.ub, sbu su srusut uirua OI UJW South bi bom by birth.

ducaiiou ni V. karn with pleajure t1. j( era of Mr. Todd, Messrs. if ('ran.

It of this city, with wLuia be has fur tome ears been a clerk, have gives him Outfit of uniform. eni have ec.k-.ij.i to continue to him his tV duxiag UU tcitt. I of Hrvic in tb. jar, 4.

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