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Cincinnati Daily Press from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 3

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WANTED. 10BT," BOARD! NO," kwMMaM eml. ttrfr Am Hs, Del im, fm Km, Mrl tvUmfor vv to nanentlr. to Helena. rnnntr.

Hr.Mr-ImjU b'l JOHN 00(). Mr ANTKB-Oaeh Mid protloetlr. real ui will tie paid fr (ua worlh ebont Aildrees A.i Ires. lllBce. mrlS TIll-TO Tl- APB-Parinn prom, IT fir Aldr lki.49ii Uinr'n rjRti Foetoflire.

WAHTRD-HITUATIOW-By a l.ilv. to cnok or do asnoral bowworli Ho ot.iedlon to til. root trr. Call at Mr. on Jlsdison bet.

ma Ninth ird Tenth, CotIihIod, Kr- mrl-l. ANTRD-AORNTS-To loll Andersna But. i WV tone-aiiplenllil Melalnotrpe Likeness. Inquire at lO'i W.t storr, of W. h.lAM'HlAK myis 1 ANTED BOABPKR8 A f.nll-rasn and vv wife to eoctipj a lrs.

front eirf room In resilience. BefuloDcos reqiMfited. M-diiHt fflr. mm "VANTKD Any odo harta a smell Uoltajre to rem, a a 'titrate aeod titmnt li addressing 0 e.rice this ofno. 7 ImyiSbM VI'TBD-BOlRDtM-A a-entleeian end.

to ocenpT a fnreletieil room in tirlrere funilly. exchanged. Apply at iiHO between Mound and Cutter. mylo-b' WANTED TO 8KLL OR II A NO Clieae fine Music-box. Cult, when new, fl.

Andres. 1,3 5 PlTlT-b lViTD-A 811 ATION Al gardener, lip If one who nnferstanris the bnslness. In also willing to tnrn hs bund to other things. Addresl UAH1KNKH, at this office. myl7- v7 ANTED 1,600 to 3 is) seoend-bend Brick.

II Apt I to A. Bill MATS, 8. oorner sixth and Bs c.nore-sts up stairs entrance on Sixth. Imyl7-dl MTAlSTEII-BITPATION-By a voting girl, to tin rhatiitmrwnrk ftr a itnall family, or to run A VV heeler A lls Sewing-machine, or to do plain sewing Apply at PI rieron-st. myw-D- E.f AfsTKIJ One tlionnand laillM, to purohae rr one thousand latest aiyie inanra BBnni'u for ft fetotio each.

Onr motto i. -'onlc lalei andimall profits." Wi only ask -all at tltl tiin-ei. uijta u- liriNTHI)- -INrt)KM ATION Of MARY or KLI.AUITH LI'SH, LI H. ad seveotoen years. who left her iltoatlon laet.

Mondy. She will save tntiihle by by calling at or aending word to iM 1 Hixth et lielween Hmltb and Monna. myl7-b' VATF1)-PRICB8T()SUIT THE TlHEfl 4lln dptfw ma opuraxon ramemner iniit and anileuvdr to turn nut the beat work at thfl lowfut nrlcea. ETcry eff irt will bo mdo to pleano at the gallery, Ulnth and Hula. tml7-b W- ANTEP TEN FABM-H ANDS To (ro ft abort dixtance In the country two garden-era, Germnna preleired aim, an entry rierk in coms-riinioP-houM).

Apply at Ho. 8 West ThirJ-ftt tip-atairt, Koom Wo. 19. myl8-b ViTiiTT fcD-THB ROSE OF PEA1B Hotia-TT mond in rr.iur-Htp.i call at JOHNHON'S Gallery. Ninth and Mnin, where nbe can have du-plicate of ber large photograph wll mounted in laid boatd at fifty centsoach.

Good work at low price1. mylSb fiVAlSl fcD-YOUNfi MAN-A ateady young nn, who can fnrr.Uh 83m rotidy cneh f.r wblcb r-eenrity will be iven, may obUin a pUaaant cltnation lo tTiviewltha tirat-claM biiiinei at ft i-idaiy of SflO per mcnth and expera. A-ldrm, with name ana place of tnterYlew, "Bull," Box Pre ft. ttice. rujld-a WANTFD nrlclni.1 1 IT VNDRRSTOOD That the rol tiH ami Tim ktinwn hv tho ulun.

ITnfon Oillnrr. orlclDal Union Uallery In wet rttth -tt Jso ti(" at tbe door, oli-colorfd Photograpbs, Ld all otter kinds of Pictures, lower than erer. cmcmbcr Mo. itO. myl7-o f-arr ANTED An experienced Saleswoman.

In ft large millinery stablishmont. A comf irtft- tiie and trcrmar etit imiatfun a ven to one who thor oughly the bmineasi None otlier need Pply at 18 West Finii-sr. J. A. UkNDICttSUN.

my 17 NTI-I-Ilr ft Arst-rato nianiit. who can aire the best of references, ft few ounils for the pTnno. Charges extremely moderate. For further particulars, apply at L. VAISPKLT'S, 397 veni rat-avenue.

my i3-aT I17AMD To notify dealers and buildeniof the reason why erary bn? buya Bnnh, Doors and niii.dn ht the Piik Boat, Vandergrlft's Landing. Covington. Ky.t became 50 ptr cenf Is worth snvliig tbebe times. Ocma aad buy at your own price. i p- flU ANTED TO KENT A Hou-e Ctwo etorr WW profuned), in a pleasant location, wost south of Bichnond.

br a trmot ten Ant, bo will tnke gocd care of It, at a rent to suit the times, or with lease for three or fire years. net bare yard and modern IpmroTemeuts Call nt 077 mitn-st. myiB-c lJANTED-A man of oxpertencod business ca- ww city wants an engagement. In familiar with -fit co buBlnefiM, as well an general eloklng, and aflrst-rnte penman, win be content with ptnall falary at piesent. Addroas JOHNS, Press OTlne, wuu r'-ni name.

raym u' Wm7 A NTEI-SEVERAL 8ALKMWOHIN- ww With small capital. Situations procurod for. reerectahla oirls. with refeirenca. Fnntiliet aitn.

plied with German, Irish and American girls at the female aroptoyroent umco wainut-atreet, up luirs, ivuui pu. a i but miii-u WANTED MEN Youag and middle-aged men accustomed to any trade, occupation or buKlnets, frcm the city or country, with or without capital, eeking employment or business, should rrb or addrtss, inciosing stamp, to HALE A 0 irs Tiaiuiit at, mM M7ANTED-G00D PIC good and No. kifth-st. weather.

mill' i umru, ttu intiii i a utorri. Pfcturea taken In all kinds of tnyii-x WANTED If you wnDtagM and chai tore no to Hit WITT'S Gallarv. 21H I pic- ain- t. uia picturs copiea up to iuo sibo. taken with children tliau elsowhera.

More pains mv7-tr WANTS D-KVEBY ONE -Oot ofeutployment, to wll our Uni Pins, Envelops, 1' riper, Ao. Now Is your time to make mouer. lor neoDle will show their clors the bo excltlns times. Send thirty coats in stamps, and you will receive a variety ampu-a which will bring you douiite tue amount (sent, if do not wish to enaage In the bnnlness. mylB-f tuwiKr, im vnest.

I AT ANTEO'IMMKSl A BLY 100 YOVSG MEX, roa tbb U. 8. Dragoons and Flying Artillery. pTont aeed apply nut youog numarrletl men, good character, ray varies from to fxi per moots, a aoaition io pay, an anuouinre good and domfoitable cletbinir. hoard nnd (nddictl at.

tendance will be furs is bed free of charge, together wiu ms BOHflE AND ACCOUTBRMBrlTS. AppHatonceat No 111 I Sycamore pt. bW lKIZhU, First Lif ut Ut Dragoons, rrylfVtf RrVTutting OfB'-er. BOARDING. TFOAR DINO-PBIVATE BOARDING At No.

M-m wj uroauway. next to Seventh west Jrnis, 12 fto per week. ravlS-b HOARDING Two sin ale sontlomen can on 9 tain board In a ni board In a private famllr. on Mount Aa- burn, by addieislng O. Box 864 my 1 7 0 "BOAR lilN'fl 80UT11G ATB HOUSH Cargo lllea.

RoADia far M2 at airy front rooms, for families. amgie gfanuenun. Biy7-b DAy-uoarder alto taken. V. J.

BEAN, Proprietor. HOAR DIN A gentleman and wife can oft- M29 tain boatd inapiivate family. In a front back room, wan gas, by applying -at No. K7 Long. myifu TlOAB INfi-Two oleaaant furninhed or un- M9 furnishfd reoms, with board, for geiiilemen iamnyk bi nun mym-i' alOABDlNti Four sereona can be acoomoio.

MM datad with rood board in a small family, ftddreasiug Box Terms moderate, raylv-h "ntOABDING A pleasant front room, nal M9 nibbed, for a family. Also, a room for two fentiemen, in a private umtiy, ftiijtttf at ween Otntraiav. and John, BOARDING-A gentleman and wife, or two afnsle sentlemen. can be accommodated with board In a private family, at 33 George-st. Front room, second story.

1 1 we terences exenangea. tm)18 bJ BOARD NO-A large and desirable front room suitable for a family or ainiila Kenttenien. cat ira nut va eiuawiuiutuiir lomuuituia calling at 160 Longwmthst corner of Central-rV. Alee, ft law eay -board era nan be aooommodated. (rayl-d1 aTlOAR BIN.G Two gentlemen and their wives.

MJ or four single board In flrst-clasa boardlngiionire, oeutraiir located, obtain it by addressing 1 Press Office, with name ana piece ui uuaineaa. tmju-o" TOA DING BAB THE 01TY-A. family M.M one or two single peraooa can And a pleasant borne in a private family on Spring Grore-avenue. Street Cars ruunlng past the lu-ga skudy grounds, OaU at Store No, iftft West Firtii-street. FOR SALE.

l7OR PAI-K-A FIUST-CLA83 SaLOOSW AL1 one of vbe beat ueata in tne eity, now a pay iug biuinees. It wlU be sold ai ft great bargain, ae the oweer baa other buaiuee. Aoalf ao a a ma aiuni-ns. 'lay it YMIR 14ALB-B1BDS- Three boadred Mocking M. an and other birds, oid an young, will Deaoia cask or ladiee' and geutlemaa's lug.

A pi poly at 4 4 Mi Xbiid sL, Utweaa Hya- Bioiean IOH BALE -A Wholesale Liquor and Wine pi ore, situated In a ft rat rate location, and 4ug a rat -rate bos mens tub owner wtsnet on from bun inert. Addrtsa PueloiUce Box vtth leal name. BsyU TjNOK A jR UNITED STATES GOVE a' Lt hUH-At to mbB war Persona deelrlng can effect eukrtoe of the Uaited rtatMOor.niSDe&l Lands In aUoort at In. abor. i a application to th.

uulereiKuel( wlo Hthoriaed to tak. apnUcatUnstn due fVirm. TbeM J. H. TKOWUKIDOK, av.

u. ateune 1 IS.BS;. un WM( Tiufs-M, ImW tfl PERSONAL. HhUhONlL-Mr. JOUK BETH kti nU M.

rt- td In this city from MeiupbU, and wojld SUS 1 iuiti now wim Air. jirnn nintiBi at Mr, uetween vine my Walnut. 1)VONAL- 0 A I' I 0 tf-tbe publio AL beieby notihed not to purchase the followBig papers ibey were In asy pocket bvok that was beieby notiiisd not to nurcbaae the followgii stoLna on tue utu Apru via: a oote aig ued IN. b. ABU nu pujaoie 10 jauiea surgau, b.

abu bt. pajauie to aiuee PlJrgau, daUd October t- ly. and payable 75 tys at data. A cetttflcate ot doixxti BauHay Co. for Im-0, la tarorof JTibiaA ii.

Broataa. W. ut om J. ALPBllU. w.

yi a Ijlf BMlNAli W. BKNT A saanutWctures of ladiee', gbntleaien'a. lasea and children's hoots and ahoea. No. I'iA Jrlfth-utraet.

three east of Bare. The work ii all done by oompetunt panda, and is wsi rented. Prioea cueap Vban whtire else la tits city. FOUND. WOUSils Tk.

plue wtiw. th. largess, best cheapeat stock of tuuou. kibbuus. etc (he elif is to be found.

Inautre at tlx Vruilnal he.p atlllln.rT 1H. neat Mem. iniiT-o-j 4. a. uanvAosuM.

FOR RENT. RNT-OR PAI.R-A Pi.s to oo4 pen- liOR RfiNT-THBKS ROOMS-In th Mcond it 1 017 of brtrk hnvM. Wo. A4 Btopnd bt. 8) rlniorft bdiI Broadwar.

THIRTEEN pWBLMNGU hOVBf.W-Al low 1. (Mil. trora iu OA. 1 lot M. H.

IjORA. ftl Mo. Wei Third W. ITMtft RRNT-A hKHH-Krnihtd and pt in orrr, unltabla fr at or twi dDttiwn. Trnm Ia pr month Apply 134 UeornA-at trak.

(ntrl-Tin and Jobn-fd. my 19 KOH B1NT-F I I FI.OOB-Thrno room and itrhen. onhr rai rufflbfHl or finfnrTiih(l 1 K)fn. Ob lodatna room to 1 room to Mcond on la third tory. Cull ai 10M Bmndway.

my in- fM)R RhNT-The fnnr oppr ttoilM of Ho. 6 1 Tn Vom th-fet. Tbey ntiita)l fr ft bfrd- Irir.kciiiuL nr Mit Im rarAntfd to MrtlM dMllinK milt rf room. lninlr on tho premUon. RKT-TWO ROOMtt-In tho wen tern 1 part of th city, on ft itwt-raHrfrad rout.

TH ronini or In th fcnnd itory. wlto rm aod water on 1hr.w floor; lorno riot( 4 hath-rora and nnmor-hitchom. Addreos 0.W" thti ofilco. mylB-b FR BBNT-lhtw Rooaig an. I Bumroor kitcliao.

co tha flrtt floor, with wator and ctbftr cooTenlcn'en I3T Kait Third tt bftwrxo 1 Piko ob4 lawrvnco tnltaMe for fttmoii Xamlly. Bent per month, in adviutco. myttt-b fOR KRIST-A thrro-ttory Brick l)irmn, ountaining trTpn roomri, with rs flttlrtgn, oia tern and r-ydrart No 481 swnnthnt. Apply to juor nana, oinio-n vm. 1 kuu oufiw.1 tnninfna mtirl vinlfiff Rnt tifiO ivir an.

mvl7.b 17OR HUNT IV able for a bi H0lT8B-Or alxtoen rr-mn. unit able for a bonVdloff hoiiM. at 163 Broadway. Inniiiro of JAM 1,8 RL 8. IS.

corner Uonrt and Main, my 1 r-ir- pOR felNT IIOllPK Of lix rooma, oentrally ml situated, with iront, rn au rear yaraa. rery ploimantiy lorat-d-4 18 Fifib below Hound, Apply ot 14 Fifth it. myl7-tr pOK RKNT-A front thtnlrhed Boom, tth JK. KMacd all ropreotencea. Terms reasonable.

Arntt at No. A north aide. Pavt of ilaiD. mylT-d IjMK RKNT-A thraa-ttoiy Brick Dwell inn, with eaa and wa'er convenience), containing Wn rrtwelve loom. Bent to imit tho timet.

fo 4ff narrc. Jnqnire at no. 137 oe-tween Third and Fourth myl7-tf liOR RBNT-0 irlti B-A fine oflioe. newl WlT ifth M. lit tod up.

on the tontb-weat ooraer of and aecond tiour. K. J. i'-UAPIN jl S7 Walnut wt my 17 by IpOR KltNT-nBlCK CUTTAOE On Burnet-avenof, near the Widowa' Home, with 6 rooms aiid collar. Bent flO per month Inquire of E.

TOWNI. corner of Auburn and vount Auotun myio-i IVOH RB.1ST HOUSE A tew two story brick Mr iiwelliug-bo-cse, near tho eorner of Yurk and containlnc rooms. Jnqulro at No. tflfl Cincinnati. myie 1 TCtR Newport, two new two-story Brik Dwellings, of nine roorni each, gas, fine yards, good location, Ac.

hto. other acpirnrire pri'prrry in thiioub iccniions. Partlrulara at MilBES'S General East Third at. RNT-STORR No. Ul7 Mv iMitwcrn Fifth and Sixth in a Sixth.

Inuulro of i'DOK a V9 wainin-Bw, npin-u FOR HKNT-HOUSB-No. Ifll Br-adway, rtAnrn north ftf ITilthit cntiltntnv 12 rrximi. batb. water-closet. Ac In oorfect order.

Posieis- iod giren immviiiaieiy. ppy to tuaq. nuijis, Marble-works, Filth and Broadway. ap-JO-tf FOR RltNT HALL--A larr halt In tb M. trooolitan UuH.linn.

corner of Ninth and Wil. nut-st, Ahn, one st4re on the first floor of tho same. iDyuire ci rjuK a waiout-st. rapifl-tfj IT'OR RENT Tha nnoernnrt of the boiiM on. ST cunied aa a ahoe atom.

aMith.vit mmiAr nf Court ai Vine-streets, containlnc 7 rooms with yard and hydrant. Also a two story brick bonfte, at present doing a grocery business, situated In ft thriving part of tno city, corner of Bank and Bay miller-strtet. For particulars apply on tho prem- lses. myi4- EOR RENT A large room In building No. 69 Wst Fourth street, heretofore occupied as tho Mhlte Oak Billiard-room." Said room will bo rented with cr without tab lea (four In number) and other furniture necessary for a flrstcla Billiard-rot m.

If the tables, Ac are wanted, arrangements can be made with Mr. BRUNSWICK; if tho roem ia wanted ftr other nurnnaoa. tlm fit rni tnrn will be removed Inquire on the premises. No. 65 eui roiiriu8irsei myo ti LOST.

IHT In Lowet Market, on the morning of Bay 4, a small black-aod tan Terrier cjn -O The finder will recafva fi fur huAAiAtr (rnitltl. hv UkVlntr har Ik. home, corner of Third and Lawrence nts. my IB-1)' Li. m.

uabkn. 0T At Clifton, one dark-dun horse, with mlA black tall and mane; small stripe across his back also, one bar bone, with halter on nearlr blicd Leavo them at CnmininaviUe Pry dock, or at dnnnitiiiiB otauio, corner oi namut ana lwt-inn-its. myis-f IfcT-A GOID BREASTPIN-About ft week hato. whlrh waa hlirhtv Tatned hv tha lnaAi. It had ft lock of hair, with name and date of av death, Ibe fli.der will con for ft great favor by leaving it at mis omce.

myts- OsT On Thursdav even in a. about A o'clock. JB A at or near tha rosUffilce. a bnn-h at thrna keys. Whoever will hrlntr lha aamn ti.

thin nfnYj. puhii ne suiuDiy rewaraea myi8-Dv OAT On the 16th, a Setter Pup, six months old. dark liver-color Tha man who waa aru lug down Fonrth-st. late In theeveolng with him will save trouble bv leavirg him at the Covington Jail, and receive tho thanks of tha owner and a iineiai rewaiu. imyiu m.

xv. went OHT-A blaok and -tan Terrier, with a leather JLi collar on, aod a white spot on his breast. Any Demon returnina- him to a AH CantraLav will ha autiaoiy rewarded. myl7-b AUCTION SALES. of AUCTION BALK BY KBLLOOO A WILLIAMS-Sales-room.

Noa. 'J'l and -IA l.t Thlid it. Dry (lili, Nutions, Uuoti. ard Mhou, uroiiurti sua Diipgia. ai i mo inMiir- (tail JIUBMMJ Mar IS.

at o'clock, we will sell. onr rooms. 24 and 44 at Third st a cboic lot or ury uocas, ftotiuun, 130 doxen Ualf-bone, ALSO At 10H o'clock A lot of n.w Furniture: crrniHtio. of burnint. mifiui atiifT rnrlrnrn.

wurrl. robes, book-races, desk, oxtensloa-tablea. itant). crib, cbairs, eto. Ai xu-t)ne extra-fin.

Jenny Llna Bugsyi one uua ouiiiiug-Mip UUKKy. ruyia MISCELLANEOUS. or of br ft or do- retire ltt, I. at ar- aua are luatt br lor A L. duora but an.


Daily Froam, OPPOSITE THE OUSTOM-HOCiA OINOIHNATI, OHIO, BT BXNRT KBBD i i raantaroAA, i QUI POIXAE A flAE. IE AOTAEOE, Champagne Cider, A ft BBT.n. BrPKRIoR riTAMPAQN 4lf CIDtB, nil from selected fruit, war. pm inat iwcalrad, Aowi.nmeut, ant nma I.Briw APlT-cm Ko. 31 TT 1 STAMDARD FREPARMIONS THESB VERY OHOIOB GOODS I COCOAINE for Iht HAIRtrt KALL13T0N for th COMPLEXION TOOTH-WASH for ike TEETH.

FLCRIMEL forth HANDKEHOHIEF AMD THB SUPERIOR FL0BU6 EXTRACTS, TO EI tBID IB 0OOKIS0, Eat BItaIa for the Parv.aes which they wr) Ladle will In their Taamlllea taM Iter kauris au.A. trUI .1 lasaa. I Tim aato at Waotaeale, la ErMJAXLAM A CX HUIK. lOKATHH 00 1.

A O. HCAAlBTl A t. MM A 00 B. BUKOtiAlj A ISHHoUNl 0O. at, D1XUE 1 and at kr Ali bnuwiau.

4 THE DAILY I'KESS. -Mir 19 Popular Advertisements. TU CtnrtmmmH Daily Pbbw fa Miaral orfatt 4 MMitMMM wkUk Um4m M4W la ornaid nplopw, mud Mum capttoi o4 fey mam ptp tht purnU rUA opwrM. which hat e1y In.T Fmm piaem lW fbit hfmrm tntny tkmmnk or iii mw, fwPft, a oaariwtaro fltmra fewiiaU or mmm-Nti. WANTS! If yem want ft Serrfttift, drrtlta In TUB DAILY PBIS8.

If yon want ft BottMt ftdrartlvo im TUB DAILY PBI3S. If yen want to Boll any adrertlaa In THB DAILY PRESS. If ron waat to Boy any thlnf adTorthw in THB DAILY PRESS. In foot OTery want can in pp lied by adTrttinf In THE DAlLx WANTS! City News. NEWS-BOYS.

ATTENTION! Call at the Counting rooro. and tpj ticket! for Sunday1! Pupwj bt tier 1 AO-BIADTi Tbi largest home-made bread la the city can be had, at Smith's Bakery, south-east Corner of Court And John. Although the times are said to be so hard, the likenees business is flourishing at John ton's gallery, Ninth and Main. Twelfth stribt Pabk. The Twelfth- street Park will be opened for visitors on San day neit.

Cayalby Oobpaby. Colonel Burdsall, of this city, is raiainff a cavalry company, to be attached to Oarl Shuns Regiment. Akdfusok Ihvinciblb Rifles. The An derson Invincible Rifles have unanimously agreed to join Colonel Sullivan's Regiment. Clkbks, AttintiohI See advertisement of the Queen City Commercial College, on eecond page.

Rev. M. D. Cobway will preach at his church on Snnday morningSubject: 11 The Foes of the Household." MlLlTAEY ApFOIITTMaMT. M.

E. JojC6 hftS been appointed Adjutant's Secretary in the Montgomery Regiment. TBI original cheap shoe-store, 325 Central- avenue, near Ninth, has just received a large supply of ladies' heeled gaiters at seventy-five cents a pair. Pbomoted. Captain Cahill has been ap pointed Judge Advocate of the first Kentucky Regiment.

This Is an excellent selec tion. Third Ward Hohb Guards. The Third Ward Independent Home Guards paraded the streets last night, and made a highly creditable appearance. Tiger Rifles. The Tiger Rifles will meet at their armory at half-past one o'clock, for target practice.

Members will be punctually Obsbbyatiohb By Benry Ware, No. 7 West Fouith-sX, May 17 O'clock. JtyroMetor. TAermomefer. A M.

29.50 Above aer ftS 13 Above aero6S P. U.MHH....Mnwwm.JIV.aU Above aerorod DeUM AMD FlFI FBI81NTATI0K. MoSSrS. Kramer Kroger yesterday presented the Dexter GuaJdg with an excellent drum and fife. Tin eadness of the parting which took place jeBterday was alleviated by the splendid likeness from Johnson's Gallery, Ninth and Main.

EAfiriB. This popular Monthly for June has been ieceired by G. N. Lewis, at 23 V) est Sixth-street. He has also the Scientific American, giving a picture and description of the much-taiked-of Winans steam.

fiun. AsDinsoif IavmoiBLi Rifles. At an election held at their armory, the following officers were duly elected: Captain, E. 0. Coegrore First Lieutenant, H.

S. Cosgrore Second Lieutenant, O. H. Guild; Third Lieutenant, H. W.

Ruffuer. A0A1IS Expeiss i Cohfart. To the Adams Express Company we continue to be daily indebted for Eastern papers, always in advance of the mail. We are greatly obliged to the courtesy of the altachtt of the Company fqr thrse favors, which are always fully appreciated. t' Pibpokal.

Maggie Mitchell, the diminu live daughter of Thalia, was at the Spencer Bonse, yesterday, route for New York, where she intends to sojourn until fierce. breathing Mars has given Thespis an opportunity to resume his now powerless crown. CoctiTT Mattihs. The County Commis sioners, at tneir regular session yesteraay, passed the following orders: J. Fries, six months' rent, County Workhouse, Jr.

Engel, work and material, Lower MipcVeek Bridge, IT 19; William Nagel, corn-meal for County Workhouse, 24 39. Total, 68. Convictid op FAasma Codhtibtbit Momy. A butcher, named Samuel Scallan was eoivioted yesteraay morning in tne Police Court, of passing a counterfeit $3 bill on a brother butcher on the 20th of last month. When arrested, another 'bill cf the same kind was fouad in his possession.

He was, therefore, held over under $100 bonds to appear at Court. i- MlITINQ OP TBI B0ABD OP ClTT IslFBOfl- liiats-rThe Board met yesterday morning, the Mayor in the Chair, when the following business was transacted i On motion, an extension of time until September 1, 1861, was given to Mallne Co, to eomplete their contract on Brown-street IX sommanicatlon' from property-holder! on Seventh-street, between Cutter and Freeman, was received, asking that the Cincinnati Street Railroad Company be compelled to repair lha bowlder-pavement on Mid square, In compliance with their contract; filed, and the Commis sioner of the District Instructed to lay the tacts before the City Solicitor for, his opin ') Communication from Cincinnati Street Railroad Company, stating that the com. pany; desired repair Immediately the street through which their line passes, and iking that tk plumbers Gas Company be requested lo repair the trenches on said line ft compliance with the ordinance. 1 On motion the Sergeant-at Arms was re quired to furnish list of said, and report at next meeting of the Board. Me.

Uorton presented the tallowing A resolution to repair Vine-street, from Third to Fourth, Also Court, from Central-avenue to Plum-street. The following 'building were granted: To Messrs. Robinson and Bruns, two two-story brick houses on the north side Day ton-street between WMteman-strfcet and Central-avenue. J. B.

Davis builder. To Royal Mono, two additional stories the south-west corner ef Park and Aery- streets. jIi' To John Wiakleberat, foe'tvt -story brick bouse on the south side of BonoVstrtet, be tweea Linn and Whiteraaa-streets, WAR MATTERS. Evacuation of Camp Guthrie Evacuation of Camp Guthrie of a Horse to Colonel Matters. The military authorities hare determined to evacuate Camp Harrison, and concenttaU all the troops at Camp Dennison.

This Is, no donbt, an economical movement, as It frill be much cheaper to maintain them In a large body, than In several different divisions. The number of troops now concentrated at Camp Dennis on is about fifteen thousand, and they ate now nearly all armed and uniformed The distance from Camp Harrison to 'the quarter! is ten miles, and it was made optional with the commaders of the regiment) whether they would march thither directly, or go by the railroad, through the city. The Montgomery Regiment chose the former method of travel, and the Guthrie Grays the Colonel Dunning Knd the second Get man regiments will leave today. i The Guthries made a splendid appearance In their passage through the city. They are all picked men, and were well armed, the only drawback being that two companies were not yet uniformed.

They marched on foot along the avenue to the city, and were every-where greeted with ebeers from the people. The streets along which they marched were crowded, and the reception, though impromptu, was really a grand ovation. When opposite the residence of Larz Anderson, they were received by the Hero of Fort Sumter, who appeared highly pleased with the discipline they evinced. They finally reached the depot, where another large crowd greeted them, nnd after remaining a short time, to take leave of friends, they stepped on board the cars, and In a few moments were torn away from the sympa thizing, admiring multitude. PRESENT TO COLONEL BOSLEY.

A fine horse was presented to Colonel Boeley, of the Guthrie Grays, at Camp Harrison, jufct before his departure from that place. The presentation speech was made by Hon, George H. Pendleton, and was as follows Colonel Botley I have been commissioned by a number of your former associates and constant friends to present to you this horse. I am instructed to ask you to accept it in token of their kind feelinsr. their respect and their confidence the kind feeling, induced by many courtesies in the paths of private intercourse tneir respect, tor a frank and honorable character their confidence, that the tastes which have led you to devote so much of time and enersr to the cultivation of military discipline and spirit in peace will not fail to conduct you to scenes of useful and honorable activity in time of war their confidence that you, who have been iouna wormy to command tne uutnrie Grays vou, the chosen leader of the flower of the Buckeye Boys, will find for yourself and them, in every field of battle, a field of noiur aiBO, auu win DriDir I rum every COU' flict tbe laurel which graces a soldier's brow or seeks a soldier Dier.

Receive it in tbe spirit in which it Is pre sented. On it lead your regiment to tbe contest, Remember yourself, teach them toremem. btr that in this unhappy war, calmness of spirit, mouerauon ot temper, witu determined purpose, ate tire biehest virtues of a citizen soldier that they should strike no blow for an empty triumph none to gratify a passion for revenge that they should have no other purpose than to npbold the Constitution, to reinvieorate tbe Union, and to maintain the true dignity of the banner of tne stars ana stripes, against whose unsullied folds our country men. in their hour of mad ness, have ventured to raise an unhallowed band. Do this, as you love your country I Do it.

as vou would serve vour God I Do it. and you will achieve an honorable victory, and restore a lasting peace I Do it, and you will fill the measure of a good man's ambition, ana wui return in more prosperous times. with your brave companions, to enjoy the reward for which poets have sung, and beroes have fought, and patriots have been content to die, in grateful admiration tneir leiiow- citizens. Colonel Bosley made the lollowing re sppnre: Mr. rendition, and Metre, forrence, Gettier and Schvltz Gentlemen of the Committee: Words fail me in expressing the deep sense of gratification that 1 feel toward my friends for this unexpected testimonial of their regard and esteem.

Rest assured, gentlemen, that in tbe field of strife I shall endeavor maintain in its integrity and purity that gio nous banner ot freedom which now proudly floats unsullied and unstained. I make no promises, but I feel that the regiment of which I am the representative, will be prompt, active and energetic in the performance of any and all the duties that may devolve upon tnem ana all trial 1 ass for tbem from the citizens of Cincinnati is. when they return to their families and tneir nomes, tney may meet witn sued reception aa their conduct as soldiers during tne coming struggle may deserve. My earnest prayer is, that the great God who sees all things may so decree, that when tnis iratriciuai sirite snail cease, wnen peace and tranquillity shall once more bless this glorious republic, I may be able to return with my reciment unbroken, not one man unaccounted for. But, if any shall fall, rest ataured that they will die as become engaged in a struggle to maintain tbe rights and liberties of a great, people seeking maintain the grand principles upon which this Government was founded.

Again, gentlemen, I thank you. CAMP DENNISON. A variety of interesting matter ir refer? nce to Camp Dennison Will be found in another column, which supercedes the necessity of any particular notice here. CAMP CLAY. Colonel Anderson visited1 the Kentucky soldiers at Camp Clay, yesterday, and was with demonstrations of the highest He passed along their ranks, saluting the soldiers, and complimenting tbem on the progress they had made in military service, aod on their Appearance I He was particularly pleased with, arrangement of the commissary department, and expressed his approbation of tho manner in which it has been managed by Colo-, nel i RECRUITS FOR CAMP CLAY.

We call tho attention of those who wish to volunteer, to the fact that Colonel Guth; rie's First Kentucky Regiment Is now mustered Into active service. Yesterday morn ing the regiment lacked some one hundred sud fifty men to fill up the different compa nies last night, however, they tu4 aded seventy-eight men at their recruiting olQca, Ko. 25 Broadway, above the Spencer House, leaving a deficit of leventy-twow All those who wish to Join, this regiment should do this morning, as it will be the only chance. By calling on Lieutenants Geo. W.

Hynson and recruiting' officers, you be assigned good companies ill tht regiment, of on MuBPxaos Assault fci amicus iiasulT A Batsumobiai, A fibA v. Yesterday, after noon a female named Doberty, reside! near Sullivan'! oa Ceqtral. was attracted' to the ho awe fcf neighbor, named by tha cry murder, evidently emanating from a female. At Murphy was a habitual wife-whipper, Mrs. D.

had nof difficulty in understanding the cause of tbe alarm, and she eccordiugly seized an iron poker, ran into Murphy' house, where she found tbe brutal husband choking bis wife, who' was, apparently, the last Stage of strangulation. Without waiting to lemonstrate, Mrs. struck villain such a blow on the head, that apparently lifeless, on the floor, his being severely fractured. He waa, however, resuscitated, and the assailant was arrested and held over in $2,000, on a charge assault ith intent to kUl i i HtM advertisement of Dextor Guards another column. RIVER NEWS.

The Ohio continue to recede here, and or rapidly thah on Wednesday or Thurs day, having declined during the twenty-four houri ending last evening some twenty six inches; making, according to the Wetter work, report, a channel-depth at this point of about twenty. five ffcot. The River at PitUburg was slowly falling yesterday, With six aid three-quarters feet water there. I weather loses none of Its beauty, but for a brief while yesterday there were some indications of rain. None foil, however, and most of tbe day was all that eould be desired.

Bminees remains stagnant not more than nine or ten boats at the Wharf; and but two or three receiving cargoes. Yesterday'! LoulBville papers say: The River continues to tall rather fast. with nine ftet fire inches water In the Canal last evening, by tbe mark. On the Falls tbete were six feet and a half steamboat water, and after to-day the Falls will not be navigable for ascending boats. The fall during the past twenty-four hours has been seven inches at the wharf.

The weather is clear and pleasant, i Th Cumberland at Nashville continues rising, with an abundance of water on the Shoals for all navigable purposes. The Memphis Avalanche savs the steamer logomar hes been purchased by the State for $12,000, and will be used to transport troops and munitions of war to fortify points. Captain J. D. Adams has purchased the Talequah for Arkansas River.

LL9 following is lrom Wednesday'! Mem phis papers: Tbe river at this point is still swelling slowly, the rise during the twenty-four hours ending at dark last night being equal to four Inches. iLe K.ver was rising rapidly at last' iccounts, with plenty of water for the lerest-eized boats. btiamkb Sbizid. We learn from Mr. Morean.

of the Chester Ashley, that at Pine Bluff, last week, the steamer Argo was seized on suspioion that she was owned some-wheTe upon the Ohio River above Iiouisville. rjbe was detained twenty four hours, daring which time the Governor of the estate was communicated with. At the end of that period a company of soldiers was put on board, and she passed up to Little Rock, where her freight, which wss for Fort Smith, was transferred to the William Heary. When the ABhley left, the Argo was still at Little Rock. Yesterday's St.

Louis paper observe: Tbe river at this port has commenced fall ing slowly. In tbe twenty-four hours end ing at ten ciock yesterday morning, the river bad fallen half an inch', and was then twenty- four feet ten inches above low-water mark in 1860. Tbe Illinois River is fcllincr. with plenty of water for all navigable purposes. ine upper Mississippi is tailing, witn six feet on the Lower Rapids.

'i ne Missouri Kiver is risinor at tne moutri and falling at St. Joseph. It was very low at Sioux City when the Florence left there, and low an tnci way down to at. Joaenrj. From Leavenworth to the mouth the river is in good boating stage.

Between Jefferson City and the mouth it is high. STEAMBOAT REGISTER. rrfraV-Telegrarri No. Louisville Boston. Big panor; jnsgnona, jnaysT iie; orest tjueea, jusai aun 1 Lanciuter No.

-4. Nn.llln. XrparrHr Telegraph Ko. 3, Conlsrille Boston, Big Handy: Magnolia, Maysvllle: Forest Queen, mauixon, vmo Ae. aianeiia Lancaster jH o.

i of TniAL tos Malicious Stabbing. Frank Qninn was tried yesterday morning before Judge Saffin, of the Police Court, the evi dence showing that he commenced an attack on a negto, named GeorgePlandin, on board the steamer Allen Collier; a few days ago, and that he pursued him off on the landing, and inflicted several severe cut! with butcher-knife. In default of $250 bonds appear at Court, he was committed to jail. Public Improvbhbxts. A movement will be made in the City Council, at its next legular meeting, in favor of continuing certain public improvements, which are much needed, and which must, sooner later, be made, with a view of furnishing labor for such of the people as are thrown out of employment, and who are willing engage in aLy occupation, to obtain a liveli hood.

PoBTHAiiTBAt) Pbbsxiitatioh. Mr. Daniel Carrlck yesterday presented Captain George Whitcom, of the Marion Continentals, with a handsome portmanteau. LAW REPORT. SUPERIOR COURT.

Horn rt. Verritt. Motion to dissolve inunction overruled by Judee Hoadlev. Attacbmbnt Dischaboio. In Room No, 2, In the rase of Mowry t.

Butcher Brother and Orum, a suit against the drawers and acceptors of drafts before due, and before tbe Court on a motion to discharge an attachment issued against defendants, Judge etorer he'd tbat mere were grounds to sustain the attachment, and oidtred tbat it should be discharged. PROBATE COURT. Assign mint. An assignment by Black Issac to Kmil in trust for creditors, wss placed on ni. NEWPORT NEWS.

to the in the Ho I fob Camp Clat. Captain Air, with view to tbe comfort, and pleasure of citizens of Cincinnati, Coving ton and New port, will run tue steamer dnewmau Utile to Camp Clay, from the foot of Lawrence-street, or Newport Ferry Landing, oa Sunday, May 18th, commencing in the morning, and making regular trips through tbe day. Persona having friends or relatives there will nnd mis tn. soonest ana most pleasant route, being entirely free from dust change of cars or omnibuses. Mobb Tbiais, Yesterday George Fennel was tried before Mayor Hawkins for being engaged is tbe recent tarring and feather ing ot Air.

uriesmer. xn raoi oemg suo-stantiated by the evidence tbat he was of the party, he waa held over in tbe sum f500 to appear at the Circuit Court for trial. Griesmer was then tried on tbe warrant sworn out by Hukill, and was bsund over the sum of S2oo to keep tne peace. i COVINGTON NEWS. MitTiNO in Locisbubs.

The uncondi tional Union, men of Louiaburg wilt hold meeting this evening at seven o'clock, in hall. A very large attendance is expected, the people of tbe place and vicinity being wide-awake to tbe Importance of preserving our free institutions. G. Clay Smith, of Covington, will address tbe meeting, of course tbe inspiration of the occasion will call out one of his best A attendance is desired. so will or who a of in the fclL skull of in SoxnuiNa to bb Iaqdibbq find the.

following paragraph la letter from Pensaeola to th Vlcksburg Oitutn 4 Lieutenant Wardsworth, CnCed States Army, before being shot, confessed that object of the sail-boat which landed at War-riogtott every day under the flag of truce, was not for the purpose of getting th for Pickens, but on the eontrarythey carried back with them the letter vmtten borne for the Mississippi and Alabama unteers. A nice trick, wasn't It? It account for tbe good folks at home receiving no letters from tne uaaeia. ThU ia the first Intimation that reached us tht Lieutenant Wards worth, ny other American had bean ''shot" by the Southern rebels, When did It pen and what was the otTense? I DlTIUMlNATlON OF TUB AOatUilATBATION. The New York say The btst news received import that understanding has been bad between President Lincoln and the Governors of tbe KtatA. that thare ahall be no letnn in war for tbe Union until th national sball one more float unchallenged over the fort, aracaals, armories custom-houses and sub-tieasuries that have been wrested by the traitoas lrom their rightful possessor, This news will thrill every American Remember, henceforth, that if yon hear tbe Government either propose or consents to any truce or compromise snort of toe suluuiAaioa of the rebels, the is a Secession lie, and to bo treated accord ingly.

The Americas itcpuouc wiu iiv die nobly it will not sneak into a coffin wan itlU, half alive, Washington Correspondence. Washington Correspondence. WASHINGTON CITY. D. C.

May 15. 1861. POURING TIMES. It is veritably a pouring time 'with us. Every day about a thousand troops pout la, I ad when tbey don't pour in either the rain or the sunshine pour down in a matuer disagreeable in the extreme, to men In Cent or on marches.

Th usefulness of whether of whit linen or glazed cloth; or of oiled silk, is each day demon. strated; Let your good women of the Queen City see to it that all the Cincinnati troops have those whit linen Havelocks. They are invaluable. If they bo made of oiled silk Instead of linen they will resist the rain, but are not so effectual against th sun. OUR OHIO REGIMENTS.

A week or mor ago Colonel John Sher man left Washington for Philadelphia where. ui vui vuiy iriiuvui. are BiellUDe(l, end promised to be back with the boys in a day or two. But neither he nor they hav come. And now I bear tbat they will soon see s.rvice at Meanwhile they hav opportunity for drill and get used to camp life.

SOMETHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN! And soon too I I have tbe best authority for saying this. The Government has a definite plan of operations upon which it is proceeding. It is moving rather slowly in some tmnps, out on tbe whole it is vigorous ana pushing. General Scott, though somewhat enfeebled physically by age, is Tn this matter more than a host. His mind is so comprehensive that it grasps the pettiest details, and lets nothing slip.

Persons who converse with him come away filled with wonder at his almost omniscience of military matters. A gentleman well-known by reputation to all your readers, and personally to many of them, who had shared in the North ern feeling that our Government was "slow," bad yesterday a conversation with General Scott, and told me after tbe interview was over that the plan, whose details General 8. Had laid before Dim, would as inevitably crush the Rebels, as the Anaconda would it victim after it bad coiled around it. Of court he did not tell me what General Scott had told him, but he did mention the time when the first blow would probably be struck, and tbat time isnot distant from the "NO DIFFERENCE, SIR!" Baltimore is occupied, as you know, by General Butler. This was necessary in order to keep the connection between the North and this city open.

I was told aa incident of the occupation that shows the temper of tbe Massachusetts troops there. A detachment were ordered to take certain arms. Un their way to tbe armory they were met by Marshal Kane and some of his band. The latter demanded tbe purpose of tbe lormer. iney were intormea.

oaia Marshal Kane: "Yon can take those aims, sir, unless you pass over tne dead bodies ol mysell ana tnese merr. The Massachusettsian replied, "We are going to take those arms, and it makes not tue siigntest awerence to us wnat we travel over." At this juncture one of the civic magis trates arrived, and ordered Kane to leave. Kane obeyed the order the malicious say A CINCINNATI SPY. to or to Kane is a violent reapon Bible, in a great measure, for the riot of the lain uit. An example stiouia oe made of bim.

Ueneral Butler is determined to bang the Winanses. lie has sent scouts out after them in every direction, and it was reported here yesterday that he had caught them and Kane and would court-martial and execute them forthwith as traitors. Apropos of traitors. Do you remember that a week or ten days ago General Butler's men arrested a sdv at Annapolis? The fellow gave his name as Grandral. He is no other than the "De Grandval" who last Winter re ported for the tWter in your city and made uimself obnoxious to tne medical profession.

the reporters and the police. He went from Cincinnati to New Orleans, from New Or leans to Montgomery, from Montgomery to this city, hence to Baltimore and thence to Annapolis. He is knavish enough, no doubt, but a very great fool. For in Baltimore he made an agreement with a Moses Beach, who has sometning to do witn tne mun, and agreed, for a compensation, to furnish Beach all the news he could get, which information Beach was subsequently to furnish the Southern army. Will you believe it? This fellow had the greenness to carry in his pocket a written memorandum of this agreement.

It and some document of a similar nature were upon him when he was arrested. He is in limbo, and his fate undetermined as yet. A BRACE OF TRAITORS AT HOME. an A Western man tbe other day me the circular of a Cincinnati building firm, to hich I would call the attention of yonr vigilant Home Guard. Tbe firm profess the most ultra pro-Southern views, and the utmost detestation of their "Abolition" surroundings in Cincinnati, and call on the South to patronize them.

CINCINNATIANS HARE. no the or There are several patriotic aod warlike Cinrinnatians here. John Groesbeck, whom tbe Republicans of the First District talked of nominating, last Fall, ia her seekiag position in the new levy. i Charley Pomeioy ia after a Captaincy ia the Army. Major Febbigtr, the recently appointed Paymaster, is here.

Captain J. Ross, an old steamboat-man, has come on to tender to the Navy Department an invention for repelling boarders," (JuAt as if all the eating-houses in Washington didn't possess now, in their ooffee, their bread, and fckeir comestibles generally, most effective means of "repelling Uolonel J. ti. Uoob is pressing on tne De partment the acceptance of a regiment from Cincinnati, for three years' service. has prospects of success.

And lastly, thoutrh not leastlv. Dr. Ben. Ludlow seek aa army position. i 1 say lastly, bnt must "eonoiuae" witn a bit of gossip, which may Interest Some CincinaaUan.

"They say "that a young lady, formerly 01 uinclnnatl ana uoiumous now ot tne capital is snoruy to unite ner fortune! with those of a gentleman of the military profession, stationed here. Ho with "Arms" and a "Love Chase," finally, lastly, and to conclude, 1 subscribe RODERICK RANDOM. in a the and tbe letters vol will GlOBOIA AOTlPTANCa 01 TBB ISSOB tbb Wab. The Atlanta (Oa.) InttlHatneer tugtnei savs: We are strong in the hope tbat the war will a brief on. ar.

satisfied that have truth and justice on our side. fight for our liberties, onr independence, our altar, our firesides, or wiv and oar children. Can such a people be conquered? Never I God la with us. In him put our trust Th God of battles Is always th sid of truth and justice. A blasphemous Northern journal said tbat God is Abolitionist.

Not so. He is the God justice, and He will support the truth, rigni, pur aaa tne imi. Our enemies are fiauung to coerce ns, enslave us. Tbey attempt to subjugate by invading territory, and by strategy, deception and falsehood of Liinooin cor years tney have fattened npono our industry resources. Our substance has made- them great and prosperous.

And now these oor morant tribes, who have so long fattened noon ns, In their vanity and pride, forgetting ail the teachings of history, seek to subdue and subjugate us. A righteous God will saner tue tnnatea, 'tne presumpiuoaa, vain glorious, the coercive, the usurpative to triumph over ua Their insoleoe neara Its They have, reached th end lUOfF uaurpmivu. i has or hap. an loyal the flag all heart, that un-Qualified story or piue CBABACTBBKTfO AlKCP0T OF WlUSOST'l Zooavb A New Location for Iell A cor respondent tells, this rather adamantin story 1 Tbe other day A Methodist clergyman went to exhort tbem. muy wilsoa drew his men up and called "attention parson then gave them a very edify in appropriate discourse, to which, in obedience to tbe Colonel' commands, they listened attentively.

When the parson had finished, Billy gave his "boys" a snort talk, somewhat in thiswise: "Boys, I want you to remem ber what lb minister na tola you, it all for vour good; take his advice, and low it: for is no knowing hut what less than six month every one of will be in UI" Here a voice from ranks called out. "Three cheer for aud they were given with a wilL The tor, astonished and angry, asked what meant, "Oh," savs Rilly, "The boys dou' know BDOvh about Soru.iur. Tuev thiol 11 I somewhere between Montgomery aod New Orleans, and tbey are auxious. to get down in that neiguuoiaooai Our Camp Correspondence.

Special Letters from Camp Dennison. HOTEL DE PRICE HOUSE. CAMP DENNISON, May 17. a OF on an of the to us the the and not me all The and fol in you the 111 pas it Tt 8W JMOan Of -Mf Bo thorough Is the system which regulate affairs here, that the occurrences of one day are tbe programme for the next, until I fear zoyjetters will no longer Interest yon, The third, fourth, eighth, twelfth aud thirteenth regiment have received their quota of arms, and sr. Doing drilled daily, according to tbe common manual.

The Third Regi ment nas me ortgnt, or burnished musket, aud the others the brown. Colonel Marrow baa obtained a complete list of the want of nis men, ana a requisition na been mad for supplies. They have alretady obtained shoes and will receive uniforms, kc, probably next week. General Battle, Past Commissary. arrived day before yesterday, and will assume his duties in a few days.

Colonel Anderson and suit arrived by th 9.30 train yesterday afternoon, and was re ceived with military honors. The troop were drawn up In battalion fronting on th railroad, at dress parade, tbe Colonel returning tbe salute witn head covered. General Cox then presented his staff and prominent officers one by one, the distingaished visitor exenanging a few words with each. Colnel Marrow, of the Third Regiment, to whom was given the command of th brigade, then ordered present arms," a a fare well salutation, wnen a warning whistle from th locomotive pnt an end to the ceremonies. A thecars moved slowly away, cheer after cheer was given by the enthusiastic soldiery for th Hero of Sumter.

I must confess to a disappointment In the appearance and bearing of Colonel A I had pictured him as a very large man, with the hero looking out from every feature and every action. On the contrary, ha is father diminntive in stature, small limbs and head, with a nervous twitch of the muscles of the foe. while talking gray bair and eyes some- gave iiiui a Tsusrauie withal, and I am not sorry that I was permitted to take him bv tbe hand. A rumor ia current tbat tbe ringleader or the deserters now on trial is to be hung. The execution, it is said, will take place upon a knoll to tbe left of the grounds, in full view of the camp.

An order was issued from headquarters this morning that tbe Colonels of eaoh regiment should detail a carpenter from each company, on extra duty, to complete the quarters of Brigadier-General Sleich and Btaff, of the Third Brigade. The workmen are to be marched to aod from tbeir work by a non commissioned nicer irom eacn company. These honest pushers of the plane and saw must feci honored by such atten tion. Judge Gilmore and lady, of Butler County. and Mejor Vanderveer, of Camp Hamilton, are here aa the guest of Company Captain Rossman.

1 see by the Commercial that we have a cavalry company here. They are not recog nized a cavalry, but are doing infantry service. The officers are receiving their commissions, and those of tbe Third Regiment were sworn in by Colonel Marrow last evening. These entitle the holders to positions for mree years. Tbe celebrated brass band of Athens, Ohio, second to none in the State, is to be permanently connected with the Third Regiment, and will arrive to-night.

They number twenty one or two. Tbe Guthrie Gray aod Montgomery Regiments arrived to-day, the first by tbe cars, tbe laet making the distance from Camp Harrison on foot by forced marches. The Grays were accompanied by an elegant Regi imental Band, but the boys were worn out and weary. Tbeir quarter are some distance from the main camp, to the right of the railroad, and extend over an half a mile. Their narade-ground will be much aunerior to ours, and the new-comers may congratulate themselves in having everything in readiness for their accommodation.

Their houses are shaded also by a grove of beauti ful trees, an advantage we do not enjoy on this side. They were escorted to their uar- ters by our favorite regiment, and by this lime are enjoying weir usual netia. Tbe female I mentioned, as having been discovered here in soldier-clothes, is now an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum at Columbus. She is a victim of misplaced confidence and unrequited affection, and it seems enlisted in a fit of mental abberration, vowing to follow her deceiver until circumstance micht favor her base design. bhe had been left aa orphan, tbe youthful mistress ot a tine estate, wnicn naa oeen wresiea rrom ner oy relatives, turowirrg ner at a tender age upon the mercies of a cold and unfeeling world.

She was born in orth Carolina. Sergeant Stevenson, her escort hence, informs me that much sympathy exists for her among the citizens of Oo-luuibns. I waa in error in stating that she requested to be transferred to tbe Hamilton Guards. Ovens for the baking of bread are being erected upon a large scale in each regiment. At present, bread Daea to-aay in your city is distributed here to-morrow.

As for the meat for the use of tbe troops, it is as fresh and palatable as could be desired. Each company is in almost daily receipt of dain ties ana delicacies, lesieraay, torouga tue invitation of Lieutenant Bell, of Company Third Regiment, I witnessed the opening of fire heavy dry-goods boxes, consigned to bis care, unease, preserves, tobacco, books. lockings, auilts. towels, boiled and cold ham, legs of mutton, roast fowl, were among tbe content. In one box there were eight thousand good solid square Ohio old faahioned crulla, or doughnuts, to say nothing of cakes, pies and Corporal Roney and Lieutea- ant Dale made appropriate speeches while these packages were being Delivered lo the proper owners, and tbe "Doctor" sang songs.

Indeed, there was but little need of acom-miseaty here at all for months yet. i ne secona aeatn. wnicn nu occurred in our encampment took place yesterday, the victim being a volunteer of the Twelfth Regiment, and the disease being lung fever, contracted here, and tbe necessary consequence of camp exposure. Among others wno nave Been service, now engaged in tbe service or tha state and United Slates here, is Lieutenant Charlie Allen, who wis General Walker's private Secretary during bi two last filibustering expeditions, and waa captured with him at Truxillo. His tent adjoins my Quarters, where he now officiates as Quartermaster of tbe regiment.

You would be amused at the rare no menclature which has been introduced to distinguish the house and streets of the different "quarters." Here are Main and Fourth-streets, where the "Burnet House" looms up, a mighty monument of volunteer ingenuity. A spacious nut, some twenty feet in length, represent the- "Spencer House," where meal ar served up at all Restaurants with familiar titles abound, and boarding-houses line the popular thoroughfares. 1 In Company B'l quarters, Captain Wing, the Columbus bevs have established tbe Nell, Buckeye, United States and Goddelle Houses. Captain Wing, who- I th most facetious of officer, has Introduced a switch target bis principal hotel, a a mark of distinction. Lieutenant Patterson tell me that lo the Columbus section of Company B's ti tee.

stole, nouses aca ever v-wn ere. i Mr. Kubn. of th inn of ftilifonr Kubns, Columbus, assisted br Mr. Griffith, hav.

charge of tne Boners Department, or the Third Regiment, the only appointment or tbe kind which ha ben made. Her tbe soldier may obtain cake, nuts, pins, cheese, mineral water, i letter-paper and looking-glasses. This latter Invention na become quit popular, and many of the aoldier hav taken a glass too much. ooura th reflection is but aa innocent one. Company Captain Abbott, of th Third Regiment, is raaowned for th cleanliness of quarter, and Company Captain Hilt, of th Twelfth, for its prayer-meetings.

There are on hundred men of this eompaay who ar member in good storming the Methodist Church, of Middletown, OU i hav dress-parade regularly every vesiog, ia which whit gloves, epaulette, and puluthed boot figure extensively. tbe various regitaanU oomforlabi cottages, with two rooms and portico, are swing erected for th convenience ot the superior officers, while, in soma instances, th hut tha volunteer ia without a floor. "Jockey Club," or any fashionable "extract," would meet rapid sale upon th. grounds. Have you no enterprising Phalon or Cristadoro among you? Willis, a smiling compound of wavy hair and flat nose, has hoisted his stripes near th sutler department of th Third Regi-ment.

Her, youthful offioar "halt" to "dressed up," and bair ia crapulated for mere ptttauc. Ah! pretty boyst little reck bow soon those smooth locks may mailed witj gore, or lie forgotten upon some blood-stained field. Tbe Third Regiment are now dally drill-leg in expectation cf the Knfield rifle. I The officers carry their muskets and go through their drills, under tbe guidance of a Coloce ai a certain uuui uj, Pnrre torn p'ai tit bus bvm m- pi of soldiers reint'V to tbo tit in which their rations are snrv.4 un ud dli trirrrttrd. They are pleading for a change toV th old order of fh ti evri eneopaity Was divided Into messes of eiubt or nine parsons.

In this w.y a soldier had frequently (nor than his share, while a oonirale was) necessarily stinted. By the prevent arrangement three persons are Beilecred In act. oom party when act rat -nooks for on week, each man having his torn. When th meat ia ready, due announcement Is made thereof, When every soldier his tin pints, cup, knife, fork and spoon, and renn'r to tho cook-bone) wbare three obliging caterer! are in graceful attendance. The rations ant apportioned off, each receiving an equal share, regardless of variety or appetite.

At the boapital, arrangements eon'd scarcely snore perfect, 'i'h aportaients ar cool and airy, and furnished with excellent convenience. Good mat-trene ar In abundance, and little luxuries, snch a ior, lemonade, fruits, so palatable) to the feverish patient, are freely supplied. There ar soma fifty ease thre, bow under treatment Wooden pipes for the conveyance of water to all parts of the camp are being laid to connect with th different springs which surround tbe ground. I an glad to add tbat no fear is entertained of, the clandestine) Introduction of strychnine or other poisonous componnds into these natural reservoirs. I am not informed whether other pipe for tho protection of different liquids will bo allowed on tbe grounds.

Tbe soldier has mora to fear from poison in pipes than tn springs. Candy stands, bread and butter stalls, port' abl daguerreotype "saloons" am swarming; along the railroad near headquarters, whila veteran pie and pea-nut mongers straggle through tbe camp frora end to end. Largo and small speculators upon popular excitement "and the exigencies- of th case" aro numerous, and I am forming very queer opinions of the quality of the patriotism upon which the foundation of many a nice little fortune will be laid before our war is over. Thinps, however, are getting pretty well fixed at Camp Dennison, and there aro very many worthy gentlemen in all departments of the service. I have been shown by Mr.

Dan Clark, tha efficient agent of the Cosmopolitan Fire-arm Compnry of Hamilton, Uhio, a light and beautiful breech-loading gun, which commends itself both to the connottettr and soldier. The ingenuity of mechanics has been actively employed for years past to combine all the requisitions for a perfect breech-loading fire-arm adapted to military and sporting purposes. The result has been highly satisfactory. One of the leading objects in view, in departing from the old system is, to facilitate tha operation of loading, and consequently, to obtain more rapid firing. I have teen nothing to surpass the gun in question.

To-morrow loiu a party to visit tne new comers on the "other side." As I write I recognize the beautiful strains of our old favorite, Meuter brass band, now metamor- pr osed into a regimental organization. Wei have three of these institutions now, and in tbe bad attached to Colonel Marrow's Third Regiment, Menter will hare a formidable rival. Below follows TBB 011 DIB OF CAMP BXBBCIBBS. 1. Reveille, at 4:45.

2. Breakfast call, 5:30. 3. Fatigue call, 6. 4.

Oflieer'S drill, 6. S. Surgeon's call, 7. 6. Recall from drill, 7.

1. First signal guard mounting, 7:45. 8. Adjutant's call, 7:45. 9.

Squad drill, 7 45. 10. Recall from drill, 10. 11. Recall from fatigue drill, 12.

12. First surgeon's call, 12. 13. "Drummer's call, 12:30 P. M.

14. Fatigue call, 1:30. 15. Officer's drill, 1:30. 1G.

Recall from rlrill, 2:30. 17. Squad drill, 3. 18. Recall from drill, 5.

19. Recall from fatigue drill, 5. 20. Retreat, sunset. 21.

Tattoo, 8:30. 22. "Taps," 8:45. I have just learned that tbe Court Martial hss adjourned, and though uninformed ai to the verdict in tbe case of the deserters, I am assnred by a responsible officer, that neither of them will be put to death. This will be cheering news not only to tbe fiiends and relatives of tbe accused, but also to Mr.

Price (and his lady attachee), upon whose ground it was supposed tbe gallows would be erected. Adjutant Sage being off upon furlough, Lieutenant J. B. Eoert, of Company ofliciates. He makes a fine officer.

Immediately after drum tap, other taps eomeiin es begin, which continue till mid-nipht, when Dr. Ingram sings the "Chandler Boy," of which it is not necessary to mtko STEPHE. Aspect of Affairs in and about the National of the Federal and Rebel Troops. The Washington correspondent of tha New York Evening Pott says I bave seen a gentleman who is ju't up) from Richmond, where be has been for fortnight. He reports tbat there are in Richmond about eight thousand troops, aud in other places in the State twenty thousand' more.

This number twenty-eigbt thousand will cover all the armed troops in Virginia at this moment, but troops are arriving; daily from all parts of the South, and Virginia is hourly expecting to put fifty thousand men into tee field within a month from this time. Tbe Secession leaden Wise, Pryor, Mason and others expect that an army one hundred thousand btiong will stand on Virginia coil before the Fourth of July, and with this army tbey expect to give battle to the Government of the United Slates. Tease are. at least, the expectations ot the rebel leaders. TBB PBOBABLB PLANS OF THB BBBBL8.

According to their plans. Harper's Ferry is to be the key of a great offensive move ment upon the North, Maryland and Washington. A very large force is to concentrated at tbe Ferry, and from it Maryland is to be overawed, toe sontnera Doraer ol ean- tvlvania threatened, and Washington itself ailacKea. This was tne talk or tbe Beoes-sion Captains at Richmond, but my informant could not make out whether it was a feint, a make-believe, to clear off Federal troops from Washington, or th Ho inclines to the opinion that this is really tho plan agreed npon by Governor Letcher and General Lee. REBEL SPIES.

It Is a fact tbat Secession spies continually come and go between Washington and Richmond. A gentleman well known to bo in the secrets of tbe rebels got here yesterday. He will remain here a week, get ail the news, and return to Richmond or Montgomery with it, to be used by th ebl generals. If a northern man were to underuk a visit to Montgomery, or Richmond even, he would pay the penalty of his life foe the act MOVEMENTS OF FEDERAL TROOPS. Tbe Government sent off mar troops to th Relay House, yesterday, from here and also from Annapolia' Junction.

It waa determined to make our opposition secure at the Relay House against any possible attack from Harper's Ferry. Th rabel troop at that point grow bold and reckless. would seem as if General Scott would vary aooa ia some way menace Harper' Ferry. It is rumored here that a large body of troop be thrown into Frtdarick, as a check upon the operations of the enemy at Hir-Per' Ferry. General Scott's Plans and Purposes.

Of i In The Washington correspondent of Ui Philadelphia iVtu remark i Gen em! 'Scott Is about to tomodal tho United Starve army npon the French system, AO as to give It mor erliciency- aad The old here work with astoaishina; seal, aad hi mind operate a actively as many a man as nrty-nvet it is anaoubtea that he contemplate a long campaign, that vnasni.gtoa is to in nut. or operations. that a large force will be kept parsaanenlly stationed hero, and that all demonatratious in support of the loyal moo in tha- South, ana us rurtnaraae ol in aetermiaatioa to retak stolen property, will mov from this point, -ii'iij noma corapiaiat an mate ooeans an ex. peditioa ha not already boon aeat iato Vir- fmiarorta. purpose or oapiuring ntunmouaj ut I am dupoMd -to irepooe say trust entirely upoa tbe xprieno aad patriotism of General SootW He I boartilv sustained by th frendent, Bad Mens re.

Chase, Cameron, Seward, aad tha rest of to Cabinet, although it is not doubted that PegtraaMer lieneral Judge blair favor more extreme and ag- gresaiv policy. be a ye be A Twbstt rora Mil Tbot Ova thb TJsion (L. Coi'Ksk. On Tuesday there was a trotting match for $2,000 on the Union 'Course, Long Island, between the br. g.

"Batavia Colt." entered by D. Tall man, and br. g. "Ragged Sailor," entered by the owner. Tbe distance trotted was twenty-four mile, and the time waa one hour, thirty minute and fifty-fiv seconds.

'The match was won by tha "Batavia Torre was a Urg umber of persons present, and from the surt tbawiaaar had-thecall, at It it said to ha th hrel twotj-fbu, wile trot record. a Ute niambar of th Seventh Resiment, has eut two tweWe-pound howluera, complets, BLUtteeut to) that oelebxaud corp. -j 5.

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