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Western Reserve Chronicle from Warren, Ohio • Page 4

Warren, Ohio
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

UP TO THE TIMES. Corner Market and Liberty St's. 22. scxKre. Fresh Arrival of Winter Goods LOOK AT PRICES! Good 4-4 Bleached and Brown Muslin, 10 to 12 l-2c.

Good Madder Prints 6 1-4 to 12 l-2c. Good Table Damasks 45 to 60c, Good Plain and Plaid Flannels 25 to 50c, Good Canton Flannels 18 to 25c. Good Cotton Batts 15 to 45c. Black Alpacas. Plaid Poplins, Cbene Poplins, Empress Cloth, French Merinos, Satin de Chine, CLOTHS AND 0.SSI3VII3n.33S.

Black and Chinchilla Intra, Double Faced Repellanla. Single Faced Repellant, Gold Mixed Repellant. Green Mixed Repellant. Plaid and Btrtpd Repel lac U. CLOTH PLUSH CLOAKINGS.



AGENTS FOB BTJTTERIOK'S PATTERNS. Oor stock is new, and having been selected in York, with great care, we fW "confident In saying we can pleaaeall who will favoy us with a call. P. Highest market priee paid for produce. Warren, Nor.

IS. 1B0- Irish French Poplins, Bl Gro. Gr. Pilks, Colored Silks, Plaid Velours, Tycoon Repps, H. STILES' SOXS.

niBRillL IIUSRAI1 B. C. H. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! The elliwns of Warren and vicinity have at last found a Place whereeood anddesira-ivbe nhipg can be boutu Cheap, it la at the BUFFALO One-Price Clothing House where thev bavejnst received their Fall and Winter Stock of Ready-Made Clothing, GENTS FUR8ISHIKG GOODS, HATS.CAPS To be found in any establishment In Warren. Business Suits in large variety.

All tyle Dress Stilts in great abundance Black, Bine and Dahlia, Back. Frock and French walking Drew Coals. Oor stock of ovuno OATS cannot be surpassed. All styles and price. A tin stock of furnishing goods, hit styles, IT 00 LI 5 SHIMS, nrBIB-CLOTHUK, HOSIERY, GL0TES WTTE5S, c.

kpt eanstantlv on hand. Hats Caps In great abundance. Call at tn BUFFALO One-Price ClotMng House, Ho. 1 River Block, next door to th Tram- ball NaUoaal Bank, Warren, Ohio. E.

HIRSEFIELD, Proprietor. I A. FRANK. Manager. Sept.

XL IT. OHIO FARMERS LVSIRAACE COMPACT, Incorpert(4 Feb. 81b, 1S49. CIIAitTKR PERPETUAI Assets- S351.82G.44. itSl RES risi PK0PKBTT oxi.i.

An experlenas of over Twenty Tears. An honorable record In the fair adjustment and prompt payment of nearly u.UI A ananagement Judicious and economical. Rates of Insurance lower than any other responsible Company. Ajd a Capital ample to meet alt liabilities' recommend this Company over ail others, to th. Farmers of Ohio.

FOB ISSl-BASO! APP1T TO O. 13. DEALING, H.U Ageat ftr TrawBsIl sad a part of Gessgs Cosntles. KMldence north side of Public Square Block, WatTeu, Ohio. Nov.

in" 1 New Dry Goods WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED an Immense stock of FALL GOODS, Containing nearly evervdeslrblest vie which the eastern markets fluid. We Will sell Cheap. PECK BROTHER A CO. SHAWLS! lUruiUDtlVUipiBlCHMIUUnil BIIUWU in Warren, from the cheapest wool to the noest at KYKH BEFORE yA 11 ED, run be seen at the WARKKN DRY OOODS STORE. DRESS GOODS! Are cheapand handsome.

Oar stock in this department is large and varied. offer decided BAJiOAJ.Waln Silks, Merinos, Poplins Mmprru Ctotht, itohairt, A tpaeai. PUCK BROTHER fc CO. A-sitrsvoliaTi.

Qoaver, and WA TER-PROOF Cloths, for Cloaks. Overcoats and Suite, may be found In great vanei ana verv cneap, at me WARREN DRY GOODS STORE. In Cloths, Jeans, For men and boys, we Intend to beat the world. In 10, 11 and 12'i cent brown and black Sheetings we can be matched. Our 10 cent prints, surprises all who ate them.

Cum one and aU, and lectin BARQA1XS. PECK BROTHER A CO. Warren. Sept. It, 18T0.

BROWN FRIEND'S NEW Clothing' House, Main St in store formerly oocupied by Pew Bros. Crockery Dealers, XEXT TO PALM'S GROCERY STORE, WAnnEN, o. The above firm respectfully solicits the patroBase of the Citlxna of arren.and the urrouDdlriB country, to call and examine their large stock of Men's and Boys' READY MADE CLOTHING, AXD GENT'S FCRXISHIXG GOODS, eVc, which they have brought totbis market of I their own manufacture, and therefore are able to sell cheaper than the cheapest. Also, HATS cto OAFS of tha Latest Styles. You will receive the same attention If yon come to purchase our cheapest article as you would if you wanted our most expansive suit of Clothes.

jWiat we Propose to Do! We propose to secure tha trade of this city in our line by and keeping what I the public wants demand, and by taking a very small profit on each article, which will make as a whole a vary large business. Come one and all before purchasing elsewhere, as we do not charge for showing: roods, and yoa will find with as a better as sortment and lower prices than in any other store In the surrounding country, tumi ember to call at JiKOWN FRIENI S. Main Pew Bros, old Crockery Store. Nov. A.

CATLIX, Gustavus, manu- I -facturerand dealer in ail amasoi uaoi. which I am selling at greatly re duced pnee. Matresnes and Springs of the best makes lower Mian the lowest. Also Coltlns. a full and complete assortment with trlmminn rt-a i nn short notice.

Hearse, new and neHU Feeling oonndent of giving satisfaction patronage is respectfully solicited. T-V nr. 1 iGV-lm J- A. CATUV. I Xew Advertisements.

MAKE MONEY town and county, a reliable Man or Woman to act as Local Agent for Henry Ward Bweehert Gret Kell- Kiuui eeary. jLigiifc ouiuurn, wun nur-rrt Beeeher atoiee'M new Htory, and a superb t-i steel engraving Oiren A iray. Many now making $lt to $. per day caaK. Ample copies frek.

AUdress J. B. 1 OKD CO, Si rark Row, N. Y. AGENTS! Everv Book Agent and ALL who see this.

WRITK Mfc, and be wise. Address F. Fuller, PublUUer, BprlngSeid, Mass. Vlt wiU BT. HOLIDAY J0CRSAL FOB 1S71, Contains a Csriststss Maryi Flsra, seir Nperts.

Ac, ts paes: lllusi rated. Omt Free on receipt of one stamp for postage. Addrera ADAMS A blishers. Boston. MASONIC BOOKS.

AGENTS WANTED. Send for Circular. Address Mavis ic I'l n. iSI Broome Su, New orfc. A FORTUNE IS LIFE and AT DEATH.

M9. tloo. (i.00 and I.0O. Distributed Monthly by Lot to Policy-Holders in the Monthlv Dividend Vnin.l ire Insurance Company of Pennsylvania, t.10 a rviicy 01 insurance on llie Mutual Benefit Plan and entitles the holder to participate In the Monthly Distrlsatisa. wse ssd Cklldrea secure Iolicles, and thousands hav been made rich in life and their lamllles comfortable at death.

Every policy is numbered, and the fort unite hold ers notified monthly, and oneofUie above mounts forwarded to their addreea. Send fi.10, name in fuiU age. Post Office address, and nearest Express office. Address all or-dersto ALEXANDKR J. CALHOUN, Gen.

AgenLHouesiaie. Wayne Cot, Pa. PERKINS A HOUSE PATENT, NON-EXPLOSIVE MET1LIC KZR0SEXE Liar. Is absolutely safe from explosion or breaking; bumsanjf tXxU Oil, good or bad; gives more ttahi. no odor, and nbea les OIL "It is perjectip tum-rrpUmve.

The light is better thnu is produced by anv other lamp" A C(u-i, frn MaMucKueUt Aoncuilu- "It is perfectly noo-ezplosive, gives a brt-terhffht and is mare economical than any oth er lamp in ase." H. WeiiM, latttiup. Pu6. Schools, (Jura pa. The spvaalihs- seals, and Area from glass lamps exploding and break inst created a great demand for this lamp.

It "Pali to sell it. Sols by tsavastersi Asrats wsated every-whers, Knd for circular and terms, to Boat- rosierr a 40., tieveianu, Barclay si, New York. NORTH MISSOURI LANDS for sxon BT THE Hannibal and St. Joseph B. H.

COMPANY. ISMt ISM irres the Flsert Fsrml.e sad Graiisg Laad la tks Taited iitf. for sale at low prices and on very easy terms; thus enabling an lndnstrtons man with small capital to pay for his land with money earned from it, Missouri is not too far West to be at a great distance from market: Its Railroad facilities are great and constantly Increasing; the climate is spiendid. and rood crops are al-most a certainty; while the numerous thriving towns and cities springing up on every hand attest beyond dotibt that the ongntor slavery nas been enectuallv dissipated, and that Eastern men and Eastern capital are aoing tneir perfect work. OUR UKDS DEFY bend lor full descriptive Circulars and Sectional Maps, enclosing 90 eta.

and sis Ling wuai paper you saw lots in. to EDWARD WILDER. Land Commissitmer.Hannlbal, Mo. D0NT WASTE TIME AD LABOR kr Ins aa eld lie. Send tl.50 to LIP-PINCOTx A BAKEWELL, Pittsburgh, and thev will sendatip-lopAze, Expressage paid.

Half a day lost in grinding will thus ve saveo. Laundry roa will ssake twelve auarts ef Handsome ot! Saaa, Ask for it snii Try R. CHAMPION SklOTHKKB. 64 treat Kt ew aora. CHERRY TECTORAL TROCHES Are suoerior toall others for Corchs, Colds, Asthma.

Bronchial and Lungdilhcuitiee.are cxceeuingiy patatahle.nave uoneoiinatuau-seatlng horrible Cubeb taste, are very soothing and act. like a charm; Ministers, Singers, and Public Speakers will find thev are especially adapted to the voice. iSold by IiruKgitls. AIo RrsHTON-3 (K. VJ COD 11 r.rl lor consumption uu ociumu use no other.

IOOC TiK THB TFCFTilllE Q7f lo'OptrLMONART The old standard remedy jr Cougiia. Colas, Consumption, "yothina CUTLr a Baos. A Co-, Boston. UPHAM'S DEPILATORY POWDER. Removes superfluous hair in Ai sunufes.

without injury to the akin. Sent by mail for 1 1.2V I PHAMS ASTHMA CCRE Relieves most violent paroxysms In five mimaa ana enects a speeuy cure, rrice by mail. THE JAPA5ESE HAIR STAT5 Colors the whiskers and hair a beantiful Blmek or Broun. It consists of on oneprepa-rattotK. 75 eenta bv mail.

Address 8. UPHAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulars sent tree. Sold by ail 1 'rug-gists.

ROYAL HATA5A LOTTERY. Prizes cashed and Information furnished by UEoIttSE UPHAM. Providence, R. I. Cor A Week Sslsry! Young men wanted s-J as local and traveling salesmen.

Address (with stamp K. H. ALKKK, Park How. N. Y.

30 A DAT, sare. LATTA A Agrents I Bead This I WE WrLL PAY AGENTS A SALARY of per week and expenses, or allow a large commission, to sell our new and wonderful inventions. Address M. WAGNER A CO, Marshall, Mich. t7fl A WEEK easily made, by either sex, $4Uln a new and light employment at home.

No traveling or peddling. Little or noexpense incurred. Apparatus and specimen of work sent, post paid, for CO cents. Address C. WINSLOW.Box iSS.

Chicago. Ill Employment for All. Of SALARY PER WEEK, and expen-4wUdes, paid Agents, to sell our new and useful discoveries. Address B. SWEET at X.

Marshall. Mich. AMERICAN BUTTON HOLE AND OVER SEAIHiRGSEWING MACHINE. THE SIMPLICITY, ease and cer-taint with which It operates, aa well as uniform excellence of its working throughout me entire range oi sewing, in Stitching, Hemming, Felling, Tacking. Cording.

Braiding, Qnilting, Gath ering sua iewing on, over creaming. Embroidering on the Edge and Its Beantiful Button Hole and tyeJet Hole Work, Place it unquestionably for In advance of AST OTHER SIMILAR I5TE5TI0X. It also the Intrinsically, as well aa the BEST, since It Is really TWO MACHETES COXBIXED IN O.VJt. making either the Lock Stitch or Button WoleHtitch, ai occasion may require. 1114, at tne same time.

Simple in Construction, comparatively noiseless, eaxtly understood, and in a word. It combines, with these Ad vantages Exclusively its Own, the mrt desirable qaalitlesofai7offtrri. The Agent for this machine, in Trumbull nas a numoerou nana at KING'S JEWXLBT STORE, BUN STREET, where it can be seen daily In operation. Any one having one of these machines can obtain any instruction desired, by ceUllng at uie Agent room, no mai ieroi vaomiufr may have purchased their machine. Instructions Giren the Nac-iie Orrttviiouslv.

to aU mtrrhasm. Treasons mav betaken, if desired, with the view to test the Machine, or become better acquainted with it before deciding to purchase. We desire ALL TO SEE AND TRY IT and are willing to rest the case on its own METIITS AIjONE. A5DEEW EIRE, AffnU Warren. Ohio, May 11, lgTO-tm.

MESMERINE. MRS. W. H. MUMLER'S Great Clairvoyant Blood Remedy.

positive and never falling remedy for all disease of the Blood, Liver and Spleen. For ly)tepia It is a radical cure. For sale by Hoyt A Spear, No. 5 Main Su, Warren, Ohio. Oct.


Dreaming again. I dreamed she kissed dead Whocoald not kiss me living; not less cold Crew the mute lips; nor could the willful gold, Brnshlug against them from th bended bead. Warm th wan cheeks to any Nor could the touch of falling tears withhold The heavy eyes from slumber, uncontrolled I'y longing any longer, but, Instead, Tne slecpleu soul shecould not see to save Stood close to her with eager envious eyes. To see death rob him of the tardv prize. And waste the precious kluies thalshegave; Only to prove at such a com How sweet Is life to him whose life Is lost York The New Life and Future of the Roman Catholic Church.

At tbis moment the turniug poiut of an acre eventful beyond all compar ison in bygone history the gaze of civilized maukinu is llxea on Konie with oeculiar interest. The call for an Ecumenical Council of the Church reputed Apostolic and universal was, in itself, a great awakening the world. To the faithful and earnest adherents of Catholicity it was a summons that seemed inspired in the midst of accumulating disorders; the breaking down of all restraints; the abrogation of old tenets: the setting up of self and the higher law, so called, in the place of the one Supreme Father, whose precepts had become the basis and the rallying point of or der in barbaric times ana ine ouiwara against destructive license and vice in tha davs of a corrupt and unbelieving civilization. To the opponents of Romanism, per on the other hand, this call was deemed a flagrant chal lenge thrown down to "the spirit of our time" ana a aenance 01 uie wore achieved by religious and political progress. These two opinions divided Christendom while the Council was sitting, and they divide it still.

Rut in tho meanwhile, through all the jarring and caviiling of authorities, the Church itself is evidently under-srointr a wonderful and salutary trans formation, or, rather, is sloughing off the excrescences which the ambition of prelates and princes and the exigencies of peculiar times and regions had fastened on it. This process is grand to contemplate in the light of a history so picturesque and so majestic as that or tne Koman Church. In order to appreciate the chance let us cast our thought backward for an instant to the period when Christianity began to take shape and emerge from the alluring but deceptive mirage of Pagan mythology and the imposing but unsatisfactory rites of ancient Ju daism. "Voice of the East, voice of the est, voice of the four winds.woe to the Temple! woe to Jerusalem!" was the terrible warning cry of him who was known as "jeaus, eon of Ananius." who, as Joseph us tells us. suddenly uplifted bis voice amid the city In the Hour or proioundest peace, and ceased not by night or by day until the whole Jewish people had heard of his coming and his prophecy.

Hut as JesUB, the Christian Messiah, had been rejected, so was this Jesus, the prophet of ruin, despised by head strong people, let tne sacK or tne ancient city by the Roman Titus came, and the ideas of the Christian faith caught up amid Ibe fire and the carnage of the Jewish capital clung to the skirts of the conquerors and were transferred with them to Rome. But in the meanwhile, as we learn from yacred tradition, St. Thomas bore the tiospel or Jesus to the rartnest St. Johti preached it and exemplified it in Asia Minor ft. Andrew made it a revelation of a higher life to the rude Scythian hordes; ht.

Philip spread it abroati over tne Asiatic continent; St. Bartholomew established it in Armenia; St. Matthew disclosed it to benighted Persia; St. Simon made it the new and saving light of Mesopota mia, and St. Luke with it refuted the legends and the imaginative heogony of Arabia.

Thus was grand, a glo rious message made known by inspired and devoted men to sutl'ering world. The heart of humanity leaped up to hail a dawn so benignant, and, in spite of all trials and persecutions, the faith flourished and grew on all sides. The terrible persecutions which, beginning with iNero at Rome, were continued under Domitian ana his ferocious successors, but seemed to give strength, vitality and fixed stability to nascent belief so fall of native strength, as tne storm wina but imparts vigor to the oak whose roots are deep in the soil, even while it sweeps away the feebler children of tne rorest ana scatters mem aying in its path. And why was this? Because, to continue our simile, the roots of the Christian creed descended deeply into the hearts of men. The simple virtues of its early followers, the purity and lofty life of its apostles and its advocates; their divine eloquence; their inspired erudition; their indefatigable toil their fearlessness in the presence of chains and death, and the sublime promises they uttered from the gibbet and the stake to the humblest and the weakest who believed, were a power which overawed the purple tyrants of the world and announced Christ and Him crucified as indeed the "very present help" and Saviour of the stricken people.

Vivified by the warmth of a zeal that had been kindled by the lamps of the sepulchre, and vivified by the blood shed in so many massacres, at last, in A. D. 31, the new Church, so sorely beset by Julian the Apostate, found a Roman emperor to thoroughly protect it. Jovian, who had braved the wrath of Julian, heard bis own troops exclaim, "Fear not, Emperor; you command a Christian army. The most aged among us were instructed by the great Constantine, and the rest bv his son." The cross which had appeared but as a vision of victorious omen in the sky became a fixed em blem in the most powerful and civilized of cities, and hurried on from conquest to conquest until it rose re splendent upon church spires in half the world.

At last tne Council, held at Constantinople A. D. 361, in the reign of Theodosius, and accepted by the West, proclaimed and fixed the main dogmas of the Church, and it became a positive power on earth. But even with this access of spiritual dominion began the usual corruptions ana troubles mat beset things human even while they striv-ingly aspire to God. The Arian, Macedonian, relagian, JSestonan and Eutychian heresies and the schism of the DoDatista rapidly succeeded each other.

There were divided counseU; Popes and anti-Popes; prelates who lest themselves in the ambition of the prince, and princes who claimed to be prelates without the unciion and the calL Formulas and ceremonies began to overcrust and eclipse the simple, pure, sweet teachings of the Sermon on the Mount, and gorgeous fanes and royal pomp superseded the plain remembrance of the Last Supper and the homely words of the morning and evening walks by the sacred shore of Galilee. Conversions were abundant, indeed, and, to use the same phrases which SL Paul himself, quoting from the Psalmist, applied to the Apostles, "Their voice was heard over all the earth, and their word was carried to the extremities of the world. ETery continent and island hailed the cross. From Iceland to the Cores the matiu and the vesper bell of Catholic worship directed the thoughts of toiling men to God but, ala, the waters of Kiloa'a brook that flowed Fast by tae oracles of God had been perturbed by hasty and misguided hands. Although the doctrine which was Christ himself remained sound, unmoved and strong, the moss and the lichens of centuries gathered on the rock of St.

Peter's. The ancient Church was too often made to seem the ally of oppressive kings and a stumbling bloe-k in the way of scientific and political progress. But, at last, after the lonz tribula tions of the Dark and the Middle I Ages, a fresh light begins to dawn upon the Catholic niLadon and upon humanity. As pious and imaginative dwellers by the Rhine believe thnt I Charlemagne Is yet to arise from hisl tomb and by the sign of the crucifix upon the hilt of his sword of old re nown restore a united Christian empire over all the West, so do many who are earnest and sincere believe that they behold in the events just occurring in Europe the resuscitation or tne grand Church, Universal In more than its pristine lieauty. And the aspect of tho hour fully warrants this impression.

The unity, the perseverance, the combined intellieence of every part in the grand total which is called the Catholic body, and which now controls one hundred and fifty millions of our race, are telling rapidly upon the endless divisions of religions opinion that constitute the unwieldy bulk of Protestantism even in Its safest stroneholds. The Roman Catholic system, which is a sort imperial republic to employ a seeming but not real paradox has thrown aside the hampering weight of middle-age encumbrances, and now advances into the full blaze of all the intellectual illumination of our time, adopting what is useful and rejecting what is dancerous in modern ideas. retaining the sanctity of home, parental autliority, i tne marriage tie and of the duty of the stil'io' and denouncing and resisting all "higher law" that is not of Christ. In the presence of such a rival, armed at all noints and claimine to be hallowed by long tradition and precept alike directly flowing from Zion and from Calvary, the Protestant body has no certain triumph but in restored purity of doctrine, a revived force in upholding the sacraments of God, and a redoubled and unsparing real in good works. IC it will not discharge its task faithfully and completely, behold One approaching whose feet ore "beautiful upon the mountains as the bearer or good tidings to all the earth.

The harvest is ripe in the fields and the reapers are abroad. America, the land of youth, of hope, of faith, of prophecy, of atonement and rehabilitation, stirs in all her borders with the impending second birth of what shall become of the true Church of Emanuel. As liberty, be-t raved and lost jn Europe, revived again upon these favored shores, travail, for a time, indeed, but to con quer at last, and to eoner for all lions, some OI woose lllliinru are gathered here as pledges and hostages for them, so may the purified Church of Christ, whose spires begin to uphold the sign of safety upon every hill top in our land, rise higher to the light with us, and, chastened by the past, endow its future with a full fruition of God's grace to man, and "broaden and brighten nnto perfect day!" SIMPLICITY IN DRESS. SIMPLICITY IN DRESS. Anna Dickinson Called to Reform by a Strong Minded Sister.

Mrs. Celia Burleigh, writing to the New York Independent, from Boston, of Anna Dickinson's recent spirited lecture on "Joan of Arc," speaks of as the "story of a young girl's life, told by one of her own sex, by girl not less brave, not less truly inspired by a great purpose, and with a career scarcely less exceptional." She adds, however, to her just and discriminating tribute, the following timely and excellent suggestions concerning the responsibility, in the matter of dress, resting upon women who hold popular or prominent positions in the public eve "An elegant costume sets off" to advantage the well-knit figure, the glowing face, and the expre-sive eyes. Every inch a queen looks the spirited woman in her robe or velvet, relieved at the elbows by puffings of rich scar let siiK, and wun tne scarier, pocket, fashioned like a hunter's pouch, worn outside. The white fingers glitter like diamonds, and the beautiful neck set in a frill of costly lace. A pic ture glowing as one of Kemoranut and vet I ran imacine one that would thrill me more.

I would that this no ble eirl. restin? upon her eloquence, her brave thought, high purpose, her heroic life, would come before her audiences plainly clad that, standing in her high place, she would preach, through the length and breadth of the land, the gospel of a womanhood retral that it could derive no added value from costly attire the gospel essential values that woman thought, no less than man's, can stand upon iti own merits, and does not need the aid of adventitious surroundings. Oh, priestess of reform you who are so rich in gifts, who can command all things, I would that you could cairy with you upon the platform the thought of those to whom the love of dress is a snare. How shall we say to them, 'Dress plainly a pure womanhood is priceless; all else when such as you lend their influence to make extravagance the fashion when you virtually indorse the Mohammedan sentiment, 'Woman was created to please the eve and delight the (shall I add" the rest of the paragraph), 'and to be at once man's tempter and tormentor, that so he may be fitted for the enjoyment of paradise, from whose serene delights she is forever "I would that every woman on the platform, every association of women, havine for its object the improvement and elevation of their own sex, would bring their influence to bear upon this subject, that they might realize the importance of regenerating public opinion, of creating new ideas, and showing the value of intelligence, in dustry and seir-help. yol tne ballot lUelf would be so great a good to woman as emancipation from the tyranny of dress.

Not the largest liberty, nor the most favoring opportunities, will make her the woman God meant, unless she is wise enough to discriminate between the real and the apparent, and to prefer substance to mere show." qvtiooj si 8i si rtnnjq st 'suuojii iijntja eqi oi pasodxa jno j(nois spi 9AS3 oq. uvva aqj, An old farmer says the best way for a city chap who wants to become an agriculturist, is to hire out to a farmer a couple of years, and then marry his daughter, who knows how to raise chickens and make pantaloons. R. ABCLL. T.

M. A BELL DEALERS IX Lcmber, lath Shingles. And Proprietors of the UP TOWN PLANING MILL! 5EAB STATI03, Intend keeping constantly an hands all kinds of BUII.Dl.Nli LUMBER, Rough and Dressed, Including TIMBER, JOIST and 8CAXT-LiNii, are prepared to DRESS TO ORDER well and promptly, all kinds of FLOORING, CEILIXG AD SIDING. Also Manufacturers of DOORS. SASH, BLINDS, BRACKETS, MOrLTilKOS, WINDOW and DOOR FRAMES A ITTEKlKrw In all their variety of Style and rattern.

Having UOUD MEN, WITH INCREASED FACILITIES, by the Introduction of new machinery end First Class Dry House and strict attention to business, with TPtxlv Dealing! V. hnm for a enntlnnstfon of the liberal patronage we bave hitherto received. BUILDERS, COME AND SEE US. T. M.

ABFXL CO. Warren. May 1S70. of of a it so of a The Magic Combcwo1iUhh.TrTbe to a prominent black or brown. UconlmjDs nojynson.

Any on can use It. One M-m by Eprlngfleld, alasa, (uov. -l tea. MOITEV CANNOT BUY IT I For Siht is Priceless! 7 THE DIAMOND GLASSES, KAItrrACTTSKD BT J. E.

SPENCER X. I. Which are now offered to the public, are pronounced by all the celebrated Opticians of the World to be the MOHT PERFECT, Natural, Artificial help to the human eye ever known. They are ground under their own supervision, from minute Crystal Feb-bl. melted theirnsme 'Diamond," ou account of their hardness and brlllluacy.

THE PRI.V-( fl'LEon which they are construct! bring the core or centre of the lens direct ly i front of the eye, producing a clear and illntlnrt vision, as In the natural, healthy sinht. nnd preventing all unpleasant sensations such as glimmering and waverlnis smht, dullness peculiar toall others in use. They ore MvtnOed in the fine Manner. In frame of the best qualltv, of all materials ned for that purpose. THEM F1XI.SH and HC RA-JilLlTr L-ANNUT UK StTRI'ASKKL).

CA I None genuine unless hearing their trade markMamfs-d on everv frame. S'AUTIIOT A Jewelers and opticians, are Sole Agents for Warren, Ohio from whom they can only be obtained. These goods are not supplied by Pcllers, at any price. June 1-ly Daco. ERIE RAILWAY 1400 MILfci dr SCO MILES wltkoat laJCMt.


BIH 410 to SEW VOKK, 4Siles. BlHHlsilBt KKWTOKk, alles. AXD IS FEOM US' 22 to 27 Xile the Shorter Route, v. l.nrarfHi roaches sre ra frrtw Claris- sti, Dsjtoa, I'rbaaa, Ssrisa, Kill. Ussklrk.

Birr.lssB itocheiter 1 SETT TORS, WITHOUT CHANGE. oly ONE eksag ta BOKT0. Oa and after Monday, June IS, 1S70, trains will leave me louowing uuuia. viz: rBAXKLl lBlSCS. C0IX0 SOUTH llOA.

Arrive Franklin. A. M-. 1:17 A. Sc PArriv Oil Qty.

fc A. A. P.M. FBI I LIS 30RTH. Leave Oil City, 10:70 A.

fcOO A. 4:10 P. IrUO P. M. Leave Pranklln, 11:30 P.

fcSO A. M. it Arrive Meadvllle, 403 P. 11:10 A. M- ftlS P.

ll-w 1 M. GOING 1YEST. ial a. bit EXPBEvs. daUy, except Mondays, lor Cleveland, Cincinnati and Uie West ana uhidwh with LskeShore Railway, for the West, and North-Weal, and at Cincinnati with theOhlo A Mississippi and LouUvillehort Line Railway, foe fck Louis and the tioutn and ooulh- Hnlne Coach are attached to thla train running through to Oahon without change.

r. Hr-KKvs MAIL, dally, Sundays zceptad. for Cleveland, Cincinnati and the West and South. Connect at Cleveland wltn Lake sihore Rai.way, fur tnewest and North-West. 4:01 p.

su.llTEXPBLSS.ilslly.for Cleveland- Cincinnati and tne West and South. Connect at Cleveland with Lai Mhore Railway, for the est anu est; ana rinnnnsU with the Ohio. Mississippi A Lonlsviie Short Line Railways lor et. Louis and the Soutn and South-V, est; also stops at principal stations and connecting Pol tils along main uue. A sleeping Coach Is attached to tbla train, rnnmiw tnroujth to Cincinnati.

4:1 r. AitOiaoDATloM, Sundays excepted, for LeavltUburg, and way alaltons, counectlng for Youngsuiwn. P. S.HttlOUl AAUAtCOlMODATIOV, dally. txu P.M.

WAf FBKIU BT, Sundaya excepted. GOING EAST. a i EXPKESS. dsllv. con nectlng at New York, for Boston and Maw l-nalAnd cities, and stooolng at all principal intermedia: stations and con necting point.

a sHentn rnach Is attached to this train at Cincinnati running through toNew York. A Bleeping Coach is also attacnea at tior- nelisvuie, running mruugu, viuiini cumukv, A lli.nv P. Cl.tClSSATI EXPBCM, Sundays excepted, stopping at all Important point on main line, anil connecting at New York, for Boston and New England cities. A Sleeping Coach accompanies this train from Meauville to New York. P.

KAI Saturdays excepted, connecUngatOwegoforlthlca; at Bing-hamton for Cooperstown and Albany and for ttcranton, and at New York with Midnight Express train of New Jersey Hall- road, lor rnuaueipnia. A KleeDlna Coach accompanies this train from Cleveland to Hornersvllle, connecting at that point with train having new and linproveu llrawing nuuin luacuo mukun, ninninff throuuh LO New York. p. AiVOMODATIoN Snndays excepted. A.

1. ACCOMMODATION, Sundays excepted. A. WAT FREIGHT, Sunday ex cepted. Riwmntnt EXOLAXD- PaSSKXGKKS with thelr Baggage, are transferred fret of tfVTTQe 111 lOtA.

The best Ventilated and most Luxurious Sleeping Coaches In a susui -Mao company all night trains on this railway. The Krie Railwav Comoanv has open. ed a new Ferry from their Jersey City Depot to the fool of Ski M. lora, tuus enabling passengers to reach the upper portion OI lUe City W1U1DU1 lue e(iruao uu uuuj if a nn-t or omnibus transfer. aa-The scenerv along the entire rout of the Erie Railway is of the most picturesqueJ and beauurui cnaracter.

Aamacnvi nature's beauties, in a daylight Journey over this Line. wiU nnd in ltsevercnanging tanu-acape nbjects of continual admiration and interest. 9- BAGGAGK CHECKED And Fart alicciyt ai Law at tnj any other RouU Ask for Tickets tU Erie Railway. Which can obtained at all Prlncl pal Tick' et Offices In the Westand South-West. Tl.

RCCKKR. WM. R. BARR, (ien. Siip't.

Oen'l Pass'r. Ag't, IIAPCOOD BROWN. No. 11 Market Room foriiierlT occupied by R. H.

BARNUJI Are now ottering a big slock of DRY GOODS GROCERIES, AT PRICES AS Low as Before the War! Full Madder Prints at 8c. per Yard. Sheetings 1 or, wide, at 12? per Yard. j3l BIO- STOCK, Of all other kinds of DOMESTICS I At Comwponding price. GROCERIES.

of all kinds a lowas any concern In Warren t. 11 SUrket Street. May 1870-tf 3D lias. I HAVE startel a Fancy Dying Estahllsbment In the building formerly occupied by M. I).

Loveless as a pump fac-' tory, a few steps west of lie Bridge acron the river. I am prepared to dye goods of all Kinds In all colors, lotion. Linen, or Wool-' en Goods. Satisfaction guaranteed. Oen-' tlemen's clothing rsrefullv cleaned., IsT'i. R. WIIKATLY. T7 SEWING MACHINES OK ALL KIXU3. GUNS AND GUN GOODS! K.MTTIAG Jl ACIII.M;, four different kinds.


Boxing Glove. f'roouelt. Toy Guns, Parlor Onus. Skipping Ropes, Hoops, Boys Wagon. Carta, Wheel Barrows, Ac Childrens Carriages, BABT JliXPERS, SWINGS, Ac.

The largest variety In th City. Family Scales warranted correct, cheap A convenient. HAT TIIAPS! MOUSE TRAPS. POCKET RULES, TAPE LINES. OIL STONES, LEMHON SQEEZERS, Biz different kind of Cloth Wringers.

Wringers Repaired. Clothes Wringer by the dozen, at Manufacturers Prices. AU of the above goods can bought at WHOLESALE OR RETAIL! at price to suit the times, at X. B. TYLER'S, River Block, Main Warren, Particular 'attention paid to repairing of all kind of Sewing Machines, Ac May 11, 18T-tf.

WHY WILL YOU RUIN YOUR EYESIGHT By using common Glume, when yoneaa purchase. Lazans Sc 3Xorria KRFKCTKD SPECTACLES EYE-GLASSES! THE BEST 7-V THE WORLD. They are recommended by the Faculty for Purity of Material, Brilliancy of Finish, and their strengthening and preserving Powers, in whlcb tuey excell all others. They last many year withoutchange. NOTIOB.

JULIUS KING, WATCHMAKER A5D JEWELER, IS SOLE AGENT FOR TRUMBULL. COUNTY, SIOXOFTBE SPECTACLES, Main Street, Warren, Ohio JO- We employ no Peddlara. June 15, 1870. CITY MEAT MARKET. THE underpinned would res-peetfally announce, to the cltt-Ssvna of Warren and the vicinity.

that he haa opened a Meat Market on Liberty Street, opposite E. K. M'liieira Carriage Factory, where he intends to keep constantly on hand, all kind of fresh ment. and of as good quality aa the conn try will afford. I haveeniployed the service of a Rood batcher who has had long experience In tha bual- nesft, anu wno will always oe on nana to attend to the wants of all All or ders left for meats In the evening will be firompuy aiienuea to, iz aesirea can oe ae-tvered at their residences, or kepi in refrigerator tlU called on.

LEMUEL DRAY. Jane, ISTtVtf. I Boughtmy Boots Shoes of 'HonisiooauviiNcnai not. isra. Boots and Shoes.

B. CRANAGE, At No. 10, Market WarTrB, Ohio, lias Just received his Winter Stools. OF LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S Gaiters, Shoes Slippers. of various kinds and styles, and of GOOD QUALITY.

which will be sold at La PRICES. PLEASE CALL AND EXAXIXE FOR TOCRSELYTS. Dee.T. 1870. SHIPPING CARDS, Direotion La-1 hels.

Ar promptly furnished by the i 1818. VALTROT ACRLEY 1870' Again oall attention to their plendid tock consisting In part of AMERICAN WATCHES. E. Howard Co's. Watches.

Vautrot Ackley Watches, i WARRANTED afiperiortllne keepers. Also! losKorrs mtext people's jSV TT 3 -BH9 Which winds at the stem, and keeps perfect time. UD.ysi: GOLD ASD SILTER CHAIS8, PURE SILVER SPOONS niamnnHi an.l rtVndir OorkS. Seth Thomas Chicks, Spectacle, the quality at reasonable piirrs. Telescopes and Opera Glasses, Looklna Glaus Plates, silver riateo.

ware msae ior us sltu i.iul-u wi-i oar lune, belter Uian other brand, WILL. BEAR E.YGRAVIXG. aTonslstlns; of Plated Cake Packets. Castors Butter Dishes, Ire Pi tubers. Silver Card Cases Berry Fnut Knives, Cream Hpoons tedc Kemember that we All goods toMU represented.

Watch work and Engraving alwavs done by rrpeneneed workmen and warran'ed to give perfect satisfaction. Market street. Warren, tihlo. 3. VArntor, T.



DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS, CASSUIERES, Carpet3, Gloves, Hosiery. 25 PER CENT. TUN IS A POSITIVE SALE, p.j And every article will be Sold AS REPRESENTED. A.

E. ANDREWS SOX, Warren, Dec. 11, 1ST. li Market St. TTANDBILI.S, Shopbiil.

4c, for DBILI.S, Shopbiils, 4c, for hants and others, furnished at i. at lh CHRUXICI.K OFUl'K. XA. Jiercoants snoit nott (MS, el n' a. i I I I I i 1 i I I I HUMOR DOCTOR.

THE GREAT BLOOD PCBYFIER A5D STSTEX RE5EK2R. One bottle will care torpid condition of the Two ootiles sre warranted to rare a nnr sinx aore mouth. (ne bottle will clear the system of biles. Two 'l ties are warranted to cure I lie worst ranker In the 1hrttoBve bttls are warranted to (are the worst kind of erysipelas. POLAND'S One to two hottlps wMntrl tA rure all humor In the eyes.

iwoooiiirs are warranted to care rnnnmn of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are s-an an ted to care corrupt and running; ulcers. One bottle will core scaly crnptlons of the skin. A lady friend who wasaadly annoyed with pimples on the fa-e osed two oottlee. and stiows a roost beaatifni complexion as the ffHUit, HUMOR Two to three bott'fa are warranted to core the worst kind of ringworm.

Two or three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate cases of rbeuraatura. Three or four bottles are warranted to care alt rheum. Five to eiisht bottles are warranted to car the worst scrofula. One to three bottles are warranted to care the worst case ef dyitpepsia. I know from the experience of thousand that it has been caiised oy canker In tne stomach.

DOCTOR. One to two bottles are warranted to cur sick headache. One bottle 1 warranted to enre th worst case of piles. One to two bottles la warranted to cure a costive state of the One to two bottles will regulate all derangement of thekldneys. our to six Dottle will cure tn.

worst cas of drory. aThe rrt'MOR DOCTOR la composed entirely of among which ar Sarsapaiil la, Veilow Doca, Noole Pine.Man- draite.and Bloodroot. Any drugsrlst or phv-I sican tell you that no bctur tilond Purl-! lirs have ben discovered. The HL'MoR LMMTuKls pleasant to the taste, safe, yet sore and erfa'tive in Its action. Prepare! at the VW.rICL JB lOTA.slt USroT.

Badoa. lass. Moid by ail Lealera in Medicine. Joks D. Park, Watlessl ig't, Clsrlssstl, O.

Sold at HOYTS Drug Store. Ju i WuJd Itii mo lyr. No. '11, WebVm Block, WfcT SIDE OF MAIN WASEEIT, OHIO. C.

S. FISIiD Is now receiving and opening his FALL STOCK OF GOODS! FOR MEN'S WEAR. Customers will find in his various department everything desirail and at satisfactory prices. THE CUSTOM DEPARTMENT Embrace every variety of French, English snd German Cloths, Beavers, Cosvt-inns, Suit infra, eieani L)iaonals, Tricots Carr Melions, Scotch Tweed and 8ult infrs, Canada Coatings, Austrian and French i)oe Rklns, Caaitimeree of Harris', Mppit Eddy's and Ul the best Aroeriea makes, lnciadinti Taylor LngAish and French matea, BEADY XADE CI0THI3Q DE-PARTUfclT. A fine assortment of BOY'S aod CHILLHlN Clothing.

New and fashionable styles of each. Including 'he new French or Percy Sack Sails. Melton, Beaver snd Tricot So its, or Coats and Vests, fclegant fancy Cas-slmere Salts, and fanu and VeHta. I bave added to this department this fall, a fall assortment of Children's and Boy's clothing; from two and a half years old, Dpwanla. Tbe pian adopted by me of selllngonly GOOD, UO.NSJjT ready-made clothing at fair prices, has met with decided iuc-Ceiss, and incites me to still further efforts to bring op the quality of my ready made clothing both in nuterlaL trim-mtnc and matting to a still hltEhfr standard of merit, wnlle my prices aaall be always as low as fair dealing and baying goods for cash will admit.

AT A5D CAP DEPARTMENT. Tills d-ipartment tnLoieaUfie stac-H and nobby styles aH. Yon can always find llie "last hat out" In this stock. fcillc Hats from five dollars up, Thta flrr dot sr hat is equal to any six dollar hat sold in Warren. GEXTV rrBMSHTXG GOODS DEPAKTME3T.

Gents' Flannel Cndersblrta and Drawer Knit silk Cotton flannel rndershtrts and Drawers. The best knit Undershirts and Drawers for 50 cents each ever offered for sale at that price osoally sold for $1.00. Knit Doubie Jackets, knit Cardl-gon. Cloth Gloves, finrksklnGauntiets, Buckskin Gloves and Mittens, lined and nnlmed line buck, kid and doeskin Driving Gloves, Alexander Kids, Mittens and top. All kinds of Gloves and Mittens.

Necktfes. bows, 8carfs, Cravats all of tbe novelties of the season. Collars, Cnrw and Bosoms, Linen Collars. Cuds and Bosoms. The Newport molded cloth covered Collar la tbe best fitting collar made, I sell the Agate Paper Collar, cloth lined, for la cents the best collar for the price that is made.

BAL LOU'S FRENCH YOKE fcUK the most perfect fltung shirt yet Invented; prices lower than same quality of material la any other make. Cloth, flannel and cassimere shirts In great variety. C. S. FIICLD.

X. B. James Ward A Cos Scrip taken aa Cash. C. S.

F. IDDLXGS 3I0RGAX, Are now receiving their stock or Fall and TYinfer Gccils, Consisting or a very complete aaaortment of DRT GOODS, CARPETS, WODOtr SHADES. SUGAR, TEA, COFFEE, all of which have been purchased at to present EXTREHELY LOW RATES and will be sold on as favorable term, and at as LOW PRICES a can found at any house In tbla city. A careful examination of th PRICES, STYLES, and QUALITIES OF THEIR "GOODS IS SOLICITED. NEW MILLINERY AND Mrs.

C. W. Messer's lie. 2d. 170.

Livery, Boarding Sale Stable HAVING Stock and 1 1 I will cont oid and well know or it Ntioi purchased the entire- lxtnresof Mr. Chasten ttnue the business at the well known stable, on Liberty south of 1st National Bank, where my old patrons will flndamnle accotumodations lor and a superior line of Uvery, tncludlng XFVV Cs.KUIAOFt. single and double. an ALEOAXT Every thing in giiod style and at reasonable prices. Give me a call.

A carriag run to and from all trau. PLUMB W. SCTLIr'F. Warren, 0 Nov I S. 170.

-QL'SrNESS, Weddinir and AdUresa IJl'ards tn th latest styles, at th fUROXICI.K OKFKR. 1 mm if rf 1.

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