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The Stark County Democrat from Canton, Ohio • Page 2

Canton, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1. McG2EC02, Editor. BMnrmiTi r-nt im iti Kooyj or Tin Dm. Btati C. CokI Tolas 2eoertir)f of tA ro of Oluo At a moating of the Derhac rado State Central Commi'tee of Ohio, it wm thai the Mil rwmocrntlc'Buiie ronTOutlua of bo, held in ioit loin UhiiIh milil that the basin ofreoresen" ration la said eeawntioa be as follow That etch county la the, bM be entitled on delegate, and iunu delegate for every live hundred votes east for Hoav Wu Hiawley tor Soorotarr of State, at the election held oo the eaoond Tuesday of October, U70, sad alaa one delegate for every fraction of Uo hundrad and n(T votes or over, cut for thai eoiraman at thai.

tinea, (which' baals of represeautuoa) wtu grr a wu namoer ot aei-gates of the several aonntiea of this Con-ruul lilatrtet will ba entitled to the follow- U1K varruu as vnumuowa nanmn oiara V. The (ollowinir are the onicera to be nominated OT tho convention. 1 -i I LIFT 1 CNA.VT GOVERNOR, ATH'kfcVUENERAL, AUI'ITuR OF 8TATK, -TREASURER OP STATE MVPKKM JUDGE, MEMHKK BOARD OF PCBLIC WORK8, COMMISSIONER OF COMMON SCHOOLS, CLERK. OK SUPREME COURT. In announoins; thia eaiL va deem It not Inappropriate to add a word oa the Importance of the approechina; Convention, Th suoceaa of th ticket to be nominated, depends In a vary great degree, upon the smb.

to be pat In nomination. ana wie nannony bjmi muwimiij ox ins ad Mia desirable and Important that every oounty ahonld be fully represented and the will of th people should be ascertained and expveaaea aa nearly as ine election will be on of vital importance to th Stat and country at large, and will have an Important Influence opon the great eeoteat ef 1873. With a judtuioue selection of candidate and a harmonl- oua ana unuea snort, iu democracy can ana wut redeeat the btat from Radical misrule, and ans wer sack tlie East, South and Wast, the glori ous news mat unto la true to tne constitution ana Union. By order of th Dem. State Cen.

Com. i JasnaS. tanx, See'y. STARK COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE. The, members composing the Demo cratic Central Committee of Stark county are requested to meet at Canton on Sat unlay, May 13, 1871.

A full attendance is W. A. LYNCH, Ch'n. L. McKINNEY, Sec'y.


General Sherman ou his visit to New Orleans, last if eek, vaa honored with a re ceptkm by a loyal club there. He was toasted, and very reluctantly arosa and apokef aa lullawi much to the chagrin of the Grant followers present GEN. SHERMAN'S SPEECH. believe this Government will keen on growing until it spreads itself over the entire American continent but in to 'gain thia much desired end, and to maintain oanelves as a free and independent Republic, we have got to ahow more toward each other. It has been remarked by some aentleman who has preceded xae that it was generally con- ceaea Dy we toiaiers ot Dotn armies at the cloae of the late vil that if the questions and all matters of the settle ment of the differences between the North and Soath were left to the armies, it would become quiet and orderly.

I so believed and before signing the agreement with Gen. Joe Johnson, I called together all ine trenerais under my command, and without, a dissenting voice' they agreed with me. I believe they surrendered in good and would have lived up to the- very letter of the acrreement: and. in my. opinion, if there had been no recon struction acta of.

Con ureas, and the armies been, left at the time to settle all questions of difference between the different sections of the oountry, the people would have at once Become quiet and peaceaoie. I probably, have as good means of information as mostperaons in regard to what ia called tne Jia-iUux, and am perfectly satisfied that the thing is creativ over-estimated and if the Ku-Klux bills were kept out of congress, ana tne army Kept at tneir legitimate duties, there are enoueh cood and true men in'all Southern States to put down' all KttKlux or other bands of. mar i The Sun correspondent says i' These were just the remarks that his en trainers" did not want him to make, and there were many who doubtless concluded that they had made a blunder in insisting so persistently upon having a speech irona the General of the Army. It is difficult' to convey through a letter the exact impression made by the manner, as as by the words of the speaker, but it is very clear that he had no faith in the legislative mosaic called reoonstruo-tion acta, and that he did not consider the Ku-Klux of sufficient strength or conse quence to require the repressive agency of uio uiuiea states in lactone spoke contenptnonsly of the whole business in and out of Congress. In private conversation he was even mora emphatio and nnreeerved.

Speaking of the San Jkmingo.achemev he said to me: "We have territory enough more than we have use for. Ave can hire a coaling stat ion in the West Indies for three thousand dollars a 'year, and we had better do that-" If- thia had occurred in New York, the lave had the full remarks, if the reporter had to take notes on his shirt-cuffs; but here the newspapers did not have, the, enterprise to give any report. GEN. SHERMAN'S SPEECH. FOREIGN NEWS.

A i deputation of Free Masons from Paris visited Thiers the other day to try and effect a compromise but failed. The-Archbishop of Paris has been released from' prison after being confined for weeks. CKiseret has been removed and Roasel is now insurgent war minister. The provincial elections in all parts of France have resulted in the choice -of conservative Ojie Isoijth. Brown (black) writes to the CaroUnaEparlan, repudiating the, sham Republican party, Isaiah says "ila.

Edttob i I have heretofore acted and voted with the Radical I did honestly and truly believe that it was my interest to do party was the colnrsd man's friend but am now most'thoreughly 'convinced of "my. error, and am perfectly disgusted with their acts and doincn, and now do henceforward renounce all connection or action with said partynow end I did not vote at the las "election because I then wy ptosent opinions of Radicals." Osthif 1st natant the German peace festfvatl took place jn moet of our" large citiea.w-It was a grand German jubilee to celetratthe peace' between France and GerAant'fn Pittsburg, Columbus, Detroit and Other towtae'-demonstration was grand. It was magnificent jubilee and was twjjy 4rerrnan. The processions were usually xery large exhibiting all sorts' of diapUy reminding the beholder- of the fatherland." The amended tax1 la 'went into effect on tia first, at- which, time the special or Tujred bf all' kinds of deal. ers that of tobacco and liquor, which continues in force, fromjwbich cause, it is estimated that the receipt? for the ensuing year will be decreased about $15,000,000.

The only inr ternal revenue collected hereafter will be on incomes, stamps, spirits and tobacco. R. B. Patterson, a young attor-" ney of Aljegheny fell some fifteen feet on Saturday on his way home and broke his-neck. His corpse was found in the morning.

The place htr fell-nsed to a stairway, and it was thought he was not aware the stairs had been removed." He js highly spoken of as a worthy -gentleman-. I Old- Bin. Wade refuses to be Radical candidate for Governor. What ft pity I THE OHIO LEGISLATURE Last week was in a muddle over the appropriation bilL It was first defeated in the Senate by a vote yeas 12 to nays20. Of the 12 who voted for it, Messrs.

Amos, Daugherty, Hibbs, Hunt and Lord, were Democrats; of those voting against it, Messrs. Bell, Howard, Jones, McKinney, Streator and Wade, are Republicans. If these had voted for the bill it would have passed. i Alter fcuie rh uicuuca buuuu out the Morgan raid claim and on tne; 23th the vote was againtaken and stood! yeas 12, nays 22. Of the 22 nays six were prominent Republicans.

The measure to force equality of color and race upon the rcbools of the State passed the House last week by a strict party vote So we go in these happy days of Grant, Sumner and company. On Friday the Senate refused for the fifth time to pass the appropriation bill. Odin's railroad bill was postponed in the House. The Senate bill providing for the issue of new bonds bearing eight per cent in terest, to take the place of the bonded debt ot counties, townships, cities and villages, which now bear 7 3-10 per cent passed. The appropriation billpassed the Senate on Monday evening after seven defeats The General Assembly adjourned on Wednesday.

The Morgan claims failed to be come a law by not receiving a two-thirds vote in the Senate. This is the decision of the Supreme Court in relation to this matter Two political measures much esteemed by the Radicals came to grief on Monday. A resolution to accept the cession of jurisdiction over the Soldier's Home at Dayton tendered by the United States to Ohio, was lost This was to get around the decision of the Supreme Court of the State, and make the inmates of the Home the controlling power in Montgomery county politics. General Ward got the resolutions before the and they were lost by 17 to 18. An amendment to the Police bill to take the appointment ef police out of the hands of Mayors and Marshals in Colum bus and Dayton, and vest the power of fvl: iv.n.ri CUUU1I1IBUUU UK WiUIUUU WUU1.I1, IIM defeated by vote Of 48 to 50, through the active labors of Colonel Baber.

There were Beven representatives of each party absent, and two Republicans voted with the Democrats. PROGRESS OF THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD. The energy with which the building of this great thoroughfare is being pushed forward ia an added guaranty of its early completion and its wise management. We learn from the financial agents of the load, Messrs. Jay Cooke that, at the present date, the grading is nearly finished for 266 miles, from Lake Superior, through Central Minnesota, tq.he eastern border of Dakota; trains are running over 130 miles ef completed track the Mississippi river is bridged at Brainerd and once more join, to the lakes by rail, and track lay ing is rapidly progressing westward.

By September next trains will run to the Red river, the grading will probably be far advanced toward the Great Bend of the Missouri river in Central Dakota. In the meantime work ha been com menced the present season on the Pacific coast a large force of men is already employed in the valley of the Columbia river in Washington Territory, and hereafter the work of construction will be pushed both eastward and westward toward the centre with such rapidity as the best in' terest bf the road may justify. Including its purchase of the St Paul and Pacific Road, the Northern Pacific Railroad Company has 413 miles of road now in operation, and before the close of the present season the length of the fin ished track will be at least 560 The new highway to the Pacific is being constructed at the lowest cost compatible with first-class work. Sexatob Carl Schubz received a fine ovation at the Southern hotel, St Louis, on Monday evening, from liberal Republicans and Democrats. He was addressed and welcomed by two gentlemen on be half of each.

He responded in an able speech, concluding We are not surrounded, he said, by the ordinary circumstance and incident of party warfare. The country has passed through a great and terrible conflict It must be the supreme object of solicitude to every pat riotic man in the bind, to whatever party he may belong, not to re-open and con tinue mat conflict for party advantage, but to close it finally and forever. Were we to continue that conflict then indeed the separate and sharply antagonistic action of parties would be in order, but if we mean to close it. that can be well done only by a certain union of co-operation and sentiment between them. Therefore am glAd to see the two parties united before me to-night' Nebraska, has a Republican Governor and other- State officers, and a Republican legislature.

The Governor has been impeached and tried, but the acting as a court, adjourned without coming to a vote, although the proof was conclusive. A little later, the State Insane Asylum was burned, and it is now hinted that the in cendiaries were connected with the State government. We believe that no Democratic State ever presented so bad a record as the Republican State of Nebraska. O'Doshavah RosfiA, the great Irish patriot, bad a grand reception in Pitts burg on Monday. He and others deliv ered speeches to a large crowd from the balcony of the St Charles hotel.

He sketched bis' imprisonment from September, 1865; till his late liberation. In the evening he partook of a grand banquet at lonngson's on Smithfield street. The. last exploit of Governor. Bullock, of Georgia, is thus related by the Rome Bullock offered $1,000 for the arrest Aaron, Lamb.

was the thousand dollars and now, in less than- two months, the infa mous Governor pardons the said Lamb out bf jail "and 'it not improbable that they, afterwards, divided the money. now appears that the speech of Jef ferson Paviv 'Alabama, about which some Northern papers have made such, an ado, waa -only reported in a Radical local paper, and in a garbled fosmr4-The re porter "fixed'it up." to suit Radical parly V' Hon. James M. Masch died at ten o'clock Friday evening, of general debility, at Alexandria, Virginia. He was the Mason of Mason and Slidell notoriety.

It is to be hoped that-Grant will not become as dizzy while "swinging around the circle" this Summer as he did when he accompanied Andy Johnson. An editor is occasionally found in favor of re-nominating Grant On investigation it is found they are all either crazy or holding office under Grant A oirrro man Grnni. Gsaht' rule" Centralised- Imperial ism." CUMULATIVE VOTING. The second election in Bloomsburg, Columbia oounty, Pennsylvania, under the cumulative plan of voting, took place last Tuesday week. In relarring to the quiet ness of the election, the Bloomsburg Cb-Inmbian says At no lime was there an observable crowd about the court house, and only 130 votes out of about 800 were polled.

The reason for all this is to be attributed to the cumulative plan of voting. Six Councilmen and President were to be elected. As parties stand here (nearly equal in strength), each could elect three and no more. Hence no motive for strife existed. The most complete harmony therefore prevailed.

Both the political parties had agreed that the old Council should be re-elected. The Democrats yielded the President in return for which the Republicans yielded one Councilman. A working-man's organization wanted representation in the Council, and they obtained it in defiance of all political parties by cumulating (plumping) all their votes (six) on one candidate. They are, therefore, represented and satisfied because they have a special representative in a body of seven supposedly fair men. There are sore heads, no regrets to be avenged in future.

No favors were asked, for there were none to give, and none wanted or needed, in fact every bodv. or nearlv evervbodv. had their own way and no room is left for growlers. Is it strange that people approve a system that avoids all strue and renders un friendly feelings, chagrin and spite impos sible? JOHNSON AND GRANT. Mr.

C. Norvell, in charge ot ad- vertising United States loan," in an ad' vertisement of the new loan, now on the market, dated Treasury office, New York, April 15th," makes the following statement The reduction of the public debt since the cloee of the war of the rebellion, and the relief, at the same time, to the annual burden of interest, are as follows Prineinal of debt. 1 Paid under Johnson suoausSTi Principal, March 1869 raid under Grant Present nubile debt "Paid under Johnson," paid under Grant" $223,083,673 differ ence in favor of Johnson, $42,511,698. So, then, after all the Radical condemna tions of Johnson's administration, and all the Radical praises of the financial man' aeement of Grant we have the Radical admission that Johnson paid over forty two millions more of the public debt than Grant The defalcation of General Lawrence, recently pension agent in New York, ex cites no interest in official circles. Hav ing been a "member of the "Military Rine" which runs the President, of course, no such thing as pursuit or pun ishment is dreamed of.

Besides, the Ad ministration regards a $50,000 swindle only a petit-larceny buaineua, unworthy of serious notice. When Bailey went off to Montevideo in broad day, with over a quarter of a million in his pocket of the people's taxes he was a favorite assessor ereat recrrets were expressed at his misfortune," and it is said that he carried with him the sympathies of the Administration, in hi easy exile abroad, as one more sinned against than sinning. Th Secretary of the Treasury report some twenty millions to be due by defaulting collector of internal revenue, but nobody thinks of prosecuting these loyal men, who are now mostly en gaged in crying out Ku-Klux at the South, and serving as witnesses to prove how cruelly virtuous patriots are treated- Daha, the editor of the N. Y. Sun.

was at one time editor of the N. Y. Tri bune and Assistant Secretary of War un der Lincoln. He ia yet a Radical, but op posed to Grant's re-nomination. He says The masses of the Republican party will never consent to the renomination of a man who ha bestowed high offices for costly gifts, has thrust all his own and his wife's relations, down to third and fourth cousins, into responsible and important places, and has allowed his foolish old lather to trade in Federal offices at five hundred dollar apiece.

Still less will they allow'the man to be their candidate who, without authority of law, ha dared to take part in the civil war in ban vo-mingo, and who has struck down the oldest and best beloved Republican Senator because he would not brcome a party to the usurpation and the swindle. Acoorsiso to account in recent for eign papers, great and determined resistance is exhibited in England against mak ing census return. A middle-aged man in Devonshire was fined five dollars and costs for refusing to make out a census paper for himself and his child, asserting that he did not know either his own name or his place of birth, and that he would not periure himself by making a false entry. In another case a gentleman, the possessor of considerable property, refused to allow the census of his household to be taken. Gov.

Alcorn, of Mississippi, though a scallawag, has made a table of murder statistics, showing that, instead of negroes being murdered to any extent in that State, one hundred and seventy white have been killed by negroes during the last two years. some cases whole fam ilies, embracing women and children, have been butchered. This is the real Ku-Kluxing all over the South, and the lying scoundrels of Congress know it perfectly well. A case ha recently been decided by the Supreme Court of Ohio involving the validity of subscriptions for church purposes. The general principle established is that after a church has incurred any liabilities on the strength of subscrip tions, subscriptions are legally bind ing, in the case decided the subscription was for the payment of a church debt and the court held that the subscriber was bound to A subscription may be withdrawn before these is an indebtedness, but not afterward.

The indictment against John M. West, for the murder of Seibert twenty-two years since at Columbus was nollied last week West's wife sacrificed her property to in demnify his bail. Since then he has resided in Texas. At the time the killing took place West was Jlerx in the Statesman omce, and Seibert a bookbinder in the same estab lishment. In a fit of passion he struck Seibert and broke his skull.

Just before the close of the last session of Congress, a bill was passed to pay Nicholas P. Trist $10,000 for his services in negotiating a treaty with Mexico, some fifteen years ago. When Trist went to the department to get his money, he found that Butler had beeif there leforenim and ordered the payment stopped till twenty- five per cent aa an attorney fee, had been deducted. Obe of our cotemporariea notices the death ot an old subscriber, and touchingly adds We are sorry to hear of the death of any of bur subscriber who are prompt about paying up." i The American Medical Convention ia in session at San Francisco. The attendance of members ia between, three and four hundred.

Over two hundred from this side of th Rocky mountains. NEIGHBORHOOD AND STATE. Mansfield voted for Water Works' on Monday by 553 vote out of a total of 739. Jerome Blubangh, a young man working in the woolen manufactory at Mt Vernon, had an arm torn off at the elbow, on the 24th, by the machinery. Abram Holmes, near Crestline, in a temporary fit of insanity last Saturday, assaulted hi wife with a knife and club, and it is thought fatally injured her.

Some two week since Mr. Geo. Bear, living four miles west of Mansfield, lost an interesting child from drinking a cup of lye in mistake. Ki Bucyrus, Ohio, last Tuesday week a foot race for $100 a side, distance 150 yards, took place between John Wat-ters, of Bucyrus, and James Lime, of Upper Sandusky, resulting in favor of the former. Time, 14 seconds.

The Post office at Tiffin was burglarized and robbed of postage stamps and money, on the night of the 24th nit. The thieves broke up several hundred letters, and it is not known how much money was obtained in this way. The Postmaster lost about one hundred dollars. Mr. Frank Geisse, of Wellsville, em ployed as a breakman on the Atlantic Great Western Railway, was killed on the 19th ult by the brake wheel coming loose while he had his weight on it and he was thrown violently from the car, striking his head on the side track.

He was instantly Killed. Brooks Dewitt and Amos Rubbell, the two young men run over and killed bv the night express on the C. S. C. R.

north of Forrest, on the 19th inst, and instantly killed, belonged to Loudonville, and were excellent young men. They were walking and probably sat down to rest, and being sleepy and tired, the train came on them suddenly. Their bodies were fearfully mangled. Mr. Nelson Buck, son of Dr.

Bnck, late of Alliance, waa killed on the Broadguage Kailroad on the zOth ult. lie was en caged in breaking and fell off the train as he was trying to mount it when starting. and the whole train passed over him crush ing him to atoms except the top of bis head. His remain were interred on Friday at Orrville, where hi family resides. Ueihad a wife and four children.

Akeon. On the evening of the 27ih ult, the English Opera combination was greeted by the most fashionable audience ever assembled at Sumner's Opera House, regardless of the rain storm, the receipts amounting to about one thousand five hundred dollars. The large audience was perfectly delighted, and applause after ap clause went up in recognition of thesplen did singing, Ac. Akron has not been visited bv such perfection of this art for many days. On Saturday evening, the 15th inst, Mrs.

Uonstance, uving in the Westpor tion of Mansfield, heard a knock at the front door about 8 o'clock, and going out without a light, saw no one not satisned, however, she procured a light, and going to the door, found a pacxage on the door step, which proved to be a new born female babv. onlv a few hours old. It was dressed in old-fashioned baby clothes, but of fine material, and was a fine, healthy looking child. Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Blower have kindly taken the child for adoption who have already become much attached to it. Who tne unnatural mother is, can' not of course even be surmised. Shield. On Thursday, the 20th inst, Charles Mull, who resided near com mitted suicide by drowning in the Clear-fork, after having driven his cattle to pasture in the morning.

Not returning. aa usual, enquiries were made for bun. he had been in ill-health for some time and troubled in mind. Eventually search was made and his remains found on Friday morning in the creek. He was about 30 years of and leaves a wife but no children as we learn.

Coroner Race held an inquest over the remains, and a verdict rendered that "deceased committed suicide while under temporary abberation of mind," which ia doubtless the case. Shield. MT8TEBI0D8 SUSPECTED FoCT, PLAY. Un the bans: ol Chippewa Creek, near a ravine, about three miles north of Smith' ville, a man who lives in the neighbor hood, on last Saturday week, found a black felt hat, which had a stiff brim and round crown, with a ribbon-band two inches wide. Inside of the sweat-band was se creted a quantity of greenbacks, the amount oi wnicn we nave not learned, ine nat looks aa if it had laid there, all winter.

What makes the case look mysterious is, that, near the same place, last fall, some boys who were hunting found a man's shirt, bloody, and in which were two holes. similar in appearance to those made by bullets, lhe general supposition in the neighborhood is. that some man has been foully dealt with or committed suicide. Wayne Vo. Meritocrat.

On Monday last week. Deputr U. S. Marshal Merrick, of Van Wert arrested Mr. Wm.

iiair, of charged with passing counterfeit I here ha been a large amount of counterfeit money principally fifty-cent fractional currency pieces, passed in this town of late. Circumstances pointed to Mr. Bair, who was visiting friends there, as one of the offenders. Complaint was made accordingly. and a warrant placed in Mr.

Merrick's hands for his arrest Monday Mr. M. learned that Bair would return to Bucyrus on the express train which passes here at p. M. thia a favorable opportunity for making the arrest, he got aboard the train and nabbed Bair shortly after leaving the depot.

Calling to his assistance ex-Sheriff Richey, they searched Mr. and found upwards of $40 in counterfeit National Bank currency on his person. These officer proceeded on the same train to Cleveland, where they handed the prisoner over to the J. t. authorities.

Ul course we are unable to give Mr. Bair's ex planation of how he came in possession of this money, why he carried it, or what the evidence will be at tne preliminary which takes place in Cleveland in a few days. Van Her. llmet. A TATAi.

affray occurred in Mahoning county, 2 miles west of Berlin, on Wednesday night of last week. A company of men from Canfield, on a fishing excursion, and being well supplied with the "ardent," some time during the night (near 12 o'clock) report has it, when near the dwelling of a man named lice lilass, they concluded -to wake up the family and have some music They knocked at the door, and Glass asked who was there and what they wanted. They replied, "we want in Glass said they could not come in, and the outsiders said they would break in if the door was not opened. Glass said if they did he would shoot them. Nat feanng his threat a man in the crowd named Gillespie, a peddler from Buffalo, broke open the door and bounded in, when Glass immediately shot him.

the ball entering his side and coming out at the opposite thigh. The wounded man, in the melee, drew his pocket-knife and cut Glass in several places, after which he wrenched the gun from his hands, and aimed a blow with it at Mrs. Glass, but fortunately missed her. The descending barrel of the gun struck a beam or post, and broke it from the stocx I he comrades of the Wounded man put him in a bnggv, and hastened with him to VUerlin uentrewhere he received medical attendance from Dra. Hughes and Kelly.

fie lingered until the next day, and died. His brother, who traveled with him, but was not of the company, took home the corpse. The deceased had been but six weeks manned, it is said. lhe affair occasions both excitement and indignation. Glass was acquitted by the law, but public opinion holds the men who assaulted his house the night time, as guilty.

The above are the facts as we have been able to gather them. Repub lican. A Barnesville merchant evidently wants the tin, as he says "I positively will not sell anybody gcois on a few day's time. I wouldn't credit Mahomet, Anna Dickinson, Henry Ward Beecher, or any of the other prophets for two minutes." lhe Salem Republican says: The other day a gentleman said to us he intended discontinuine all his country caoers. as he could get a city weekly half a dollar cheaper.

In the next breath he asked us to publish the obituary notice of his daugh ter, ana give particulars, ine city paper would not do that for him. Thomas Hayes, has assumed the editorial control of the Carroll Chronicle. He is a good writer, and makes a more than ordinary readable paper. A sash and blind factory, and a dwelling adjoining were burned at Warren, Ohio, oa the 28th ult. loss insurance $7,000.

I 1 NEIGHBORHOOD AND STATE. Local News. CANTON POST-OFFICE. Th Hails arrive and dejrt as follows: CLOSE. Eastern Wav Mall Ift-nn a.

Western p. Eastern Through Mail IfcSO p. i ARRIVE, i Eastern Way Mail- 12:58 p. Eastern Through Mail nesiern TT a. 620 a.

PHOTOOS PTTQ at. Kelt's Gallery only $2 50 per dozen. C. Aultman. now' 'occupies his new building on Cleveland Avenue.

A good basement room in Opera House for rent See advertisement Go to Price's Gallery, 22 North Market and get your Photographs for $2 per dozen. Spaces are trumps on our afreets Commissioner Newman having commenced cleaning up. Mas. T. Faemee has oncned a new Mil.

linery and Dress Making establishment. in tne Haas building, on ast luscarawas street, opposite the American HoteL A meetiho of the Canton Colony As sociation will take place in the city Council Hall on Friday evening, May 5th. All are invited. A young man dropped a twenty dollar bill at the Eagle corner, on last Saturday nieht On discovering it a while after he made search and found a small portion of it, tne crowd having tramped it to pieces. Ws observe John M.

Webb, has retired from the Columbus Printing Company. The company publish the Sunday Ifews. We presume Mr. Webb has still charge of the business of the office. A bill has been presented to the Mans field City Council, proposing that the city erect gas works.

Wonder if this city of the second class nas any dmculty about gas and it pneer jxrokay, or grass billiards, is now being indulged in by the young "lads and lassies." Another evidence of the an proach of Spring with all its smiles and beauties. Where do you buy your Hat next time 7 lry ALBERT, ROCKWELL A CO. 45w3 Ab Kitt. as will be seen bv his ad' vertisement in this paper, announces that he is in his old place ready to meet and greet his many customers who all appreci ate mm as a urai-ciass cioimng man. Peick makes a specialty of large Photo.

graphs in India Ink and Water call and see them. Wall Paper. A. M'Gregor fc Son have just received a large and elegant assortment of Wall Paper which they will sell as cheap as any other house in this city. Call and see their stock before purchasing else' where.

An Old Paper. Our thanks are due to Mr. Owen Steen, for a ropy of the Qeoraia printed at Georcia." Aupust 8. 1793, by James H. Nicholas Johnston.

-The paper contains 17 columns and is 17 by 21 incnes in size. Ton Cassillt, of the firm of Barker, Pierce Cincinnati, was in the city for the past week or bo. He left last evening. Tom is a genial gentleman, and one whom his many friends here, where he passed his boyhood days, are always giaa to welcome. Not sold out as reported but are selling owves, un ware, cheaper than any other House in the city; are prepared to do roofing and spouting on snort notice.

ana cneaper than the J. KITZMILLER SONS, Checkered front. Important. Now is the time to have your pictures taken, and the place to secure a first-rate likeness ot yourself or friends is at Kell's Gallery, where yon can get eight pictures tor uu, or lour lor vo cenls. These cannot be- surpassed for their beauty and finish.

Presbyterian congregation at a meeting on Wednesday evening, added two hundred dollars to the salary of their pastor, and resolved to rent the pews in their new sanctuary. A meeting for that purpose will be held in the church on Tuesday evening next. A FIRS broke out in one end of the Wellsville Local office on the night of the 28th and did some damage. It is supposed that a lamp which was burning in the room exploded and caused the fire. The proprietor, Mr.

D. B. Martin, knew nothine of the fire until it waa extin guished. No insurance. Bennett a Cb's bread, biscuit, cakes.

are in demand all over town and we learn they send supplies to Alliance. They have in their employ a full set ef first-class bakers, and it is easy to be seen from the excellent character of their work. The bell-bakery wagon is punctual in its calls and is ever a welcome messenger. Kell is daily turning out hundreds of those new ferrotypes, eight for $1 UO. Eicr-LINGER Shake invite attention to their choice and extensive stock of new and cheap goods.

Their assortment con sists of dry goods, carpets, a full, complete and general assortment The ladies are especially invited to call and ex amine their large and splendid new stock filling their spacious rooms in Mathews's block, bee their advertisement. Leetures. The citizens of Canton mav live in hone of soon being favored with several pro- iouna lectures, irom the. lollowmg distin guished persons I. llr A Wttd or on Pi tn nI 2.

Louis Miller, of Akron, on enfji.1 o. Anna Dickinson on Babies. 4. The immortal J. on Truth.

iBE.coua oi uonntv Auditors are called to meet in Canton on the 24th inst to appraise and assess the P. Ft. W. fe C. railway for taxation.

The Board consists of the Auditors of all the counties in thia btate situated upon the line of the road A similar Board meets in Cleveland next Wednesday the 9th for the Cleveland fe Pittsburg R. R. We buy Hats by the case onlv. and can anu wm save you money dv ouying oi us, 1 ALBERT, ROCKWELL CO. 45w8 The "Favorite" Window Shade-for sale at McGregor's Book store, are made to order to fit any sized window.

They are oeauuiui ana durable. jau ana see. Kev. E. Cronenwett.

of Wooster. aSd Rev. Hockman.of Carrollton. assisted the ev. Schultze.

last Sabbath, in the lavin? of a corner stone for the new Evangelical Lutheran Church being built at Malvern. A large attendance of people witnessed the ceremony. County Commissioners. The County Commissioners on Monday let a bridge over the east creek on renn-avlvania avenue, the masonry to John Voght and the iron superstructure to the Wrought iron tympany ot can- ion, irennsvivania avenue is one oi tne new east and west streets in onr town. It is the first north of North street, and will cross the creek near the grove a short distance above the railway bridge.

The Commissioners also appointed view ers on a tram road petitioned for by the Youngstown Coal Company. The viewers appointed were George-Archer, Samuel Robert Warwick, William Moffit and Levi Stump. An appropriation of two hundred and fifty dollars- was made to Osnabnrg town ship for bridge purposes. One hundred and fifty was appropriated to Pike town ship for grading, and seventy-five to Lawrence township for bridge purposes, Marriage Licenses. Jacob Dupong and Sophia" Gurden, Gabriel Putman and fcarah Hite.

Christian Hahn and Louisa Sweir. In the case of Putman-and Hite: the groom' age is 76 and the bride's 43. Death at the Infirmary. Hermann Gretzinrrer. a noor German boy, died at the Infirmary on last Thursday morning of consumption.

A great many of our citizens doubtless recollect Herman, as the innocent and droll German boy who was in-the employ, for a uuic, ur. josiep, oi mis city, ne naa no relatives in this country except a brother, whe, we understand, resides in Mas- Biiion. Another feature of improvement is this, There are now sent to this Postoffice for distribution about G6 Rev and onlv about 40 Stark County Demo crats. Ren Rev. Louisville correspon dence.

Only another proof of what the old Latin noet wrote de austibus non est dis- putandum no accountingjfor taste as the, fellow said when he saw a white lady kiss a darker. H. Alexander. Mr. Alexander, who was burned out a few weeks ago, has gone east for a full and complete stocx ot new clothing ana gents furnishing goods and will open out in a few days in the room next to his old stand, with an entire new stock of clothing, hats and caps, and gents' furnishing goods, and will be able to sell goods at a cost ten per cent less than any other house in the city.

People will do well to call and examine his stock. H. ALEXANDER. Mayor's Court. Old Ed.

Lepper, the great American Bear Fighter," a tramping knight of the stick and rule," engaged a suite of rooms in the lock-up. Ed. got his feet tangled up in corn juice and concluded to pitch his tent on the sidewalk, when, on invita tion of a policeman, he was kindly escorted to a more congenial clime. His Honor allowed him to depart on promise to do better. Take warning Ed.

and mend your ways, for the way of the transgressor is hard. A Cincinnati dispatch thus briefly disposes of four horrors: A farmer named Kussell, near Franklin, hung him self in his barn on Friday. Financial trouble is supposed to have been the cause. A Frenchman named Tigne, in county, hung himself on Saturday Insanity. A man named Carney, near hung himself yesterday in drunken fit.

The body of an unknown man was found in the river opposite Cincinnati to-day in a box. The legs were cut off because the body was too short. There was a hole in the head resembling a pistol shot. An inquest will be held. Eight ferrotypes for $1 00 or four for 75 cents at Kell' s.

Call and have a sit ting. Preparations are making for a grand National demonstration at Canton, on the day of our National jubilee. It is designed to be a revival of the good old times with plenty of amusements. Some of the most remarkable features will be a children' tournament Knights in costumes o( the middle age accompanied by their respect ive ladies. The winner of the contest to crown his lady, and offer her as a present a beautiful silver-cup.

Applications for entering the lists should be made to JohnJM. Faber until the 20th of une. Committees of arrangements lor I grand masked eavalcade. and for the vari ous entertainments on the ground, will be designated at some future day. New Law Firm.

The partnership heretofore existing be tween Messrs. Raff Baldwin, Attorneys of this city, was dissolved on the first, of May, Mr. itatt retiring from active prac tice to take exclusive charge of Mr. Ault man's business. K.

S. Shields, has become a partner of Mr. Baldwin, and the business ot the omce is now conducted un der the firm name ot Baldwin Shields. These gentlemen need no recommendation at our hands, as their past record furnishes better testimony of their worth and merit than mere press opinion can give. Suffice it to say, they have our kindly wishes for A 1 11- a continuance oi tne large snare oi puouc patronage heretofore received and done by the late arm.

South Market Street. We inferred from the few remarks made by Mr. Blake, in the Council chamber on Monday evening last, that matters per taining ine nnisning oi tne grading on the above-mentioned street were some what in dispute. We had occasion to pass over South Market street the other day and must confess that after what we beard about the work done on it we were very agreea bly disappointed. The grade from Mr.

Allen's to Mill street is good. The face of the street is hard, well rounded and smooth. Without prejudice on either Bide, we think' the Engineer and Mr. Blake have done a good job. all which will be admitted by every one passing over the road.

Presbyterian Synod. The following members were nresent at the late Synod held in the Presbyterian Church in this place Ministers Wm. 0. Stratten, Zennplion Betts, A. S.

McMaster D. E. Buckingham, Henry B. Eldrad, Robert Dickson 1). A.

V. Tayler, Thos. P. Johnson, N. P.

Bailey, Wm. O. Smith, Benj. F. Sharpe, Daniel Williams, Geo.

S. Rice, Daniel A. Evans, T. Calvin Stewart, N. B.

Frey, Alex U. Maxwell, Wm. JJicksen and Kich ard Li. Williams. Spencer Parish, Richard Fitch Wm, Jonathan Warner.

James S. Scott, O. A. Rice, Nathaniel Ickis, Hiram Myers, li. Lu Us born, Wm A.

Miller, Samuel Riddle, John Thompeon, R. Walker, James Russell, Gideon Scott, Charles F. Ricks, Joseph Porter, John McFarland and Bierch- Shooting. George Teeple, an old man of over sixty shot and wounded John Williams at VVaynesburgh, in this county, on Saturday morning last. The first ball struck Williams in the arm above' the and broke it; the second shot missed the mark entirely, lhe affair occurred in the street.

and the men were by themselves. Mr. Teeple was arrested, and sent up to Can ton, but mends bailing him the sum of six thousand dollars, he was released! It seems Mr. Teenle. on- remonnsr this EDrinz from Pike township to Waynesburgh, bad a little difficulty with Williams, the same town ship, which led tcra suit itnd ultimate set tlement.

lhe shooting, we learn, in some way, grew out of the old matter, Teeple, in cis anger, using his revolver. Mr. Teeple has always borne an excellent character; and Mr. Williams is one among the best citizens of irike township. learn that the wound of Mr.

Williams is quite severe and painful, but' that he is doing as well as could be expected. Carelessness. How many serious accidents, not to say fatal, occur through carelessness. Two weeks ago a woman near Robertsville, in this county, places the end of her baby's crib, with the baby in it, against the broken door of her stove, and went to visit a neighbor. An alarm of fire brought her home to find few.months..oliibaby with one foot burned the other foot not much better.

The little sufferer died next day. Cora Stuck, a girl near 14 years old. daughter of Adam Stuck five miles south of Canton, on Monday evening of Jast week, was filling the' lamp with' oil 'as usual while it was burning, and an explosion was the result. The girl, in an instant, was enveloped in flames, and in her fright ran out doors. Her father, and the other members of the family came to her assistance, and tried to extinguish the flames.

In her aeonv she fell or lay down. Her clothing was all burned off; her limbs and body were horribly burned, and sue was burned internally. The next day about noon the girl died. Of cotJtWi-witii- ordinary sreibeee ac cidents would not have- oocnxreL. i Hon important to take warning from such oc-eurrences.

t- 1 ujQo to A M'Gregor Son's and see' their large and elegant' assortment of Wall Paper. The finest and largest in the city. ANNOUNCEMENTS. SHERIFF. TTe sre authorized toannonnnn JOH HERBST at a candidate for Sheriff ot Hlarlr rnnntv.

anMent to- (lie decision of the Democracy at their primary We are Antherlzed tn innnnnM wr HITTER for Sheriff of Stark county, subjectto the decision of the IX'mocracy at their primary nominating meetings. We are authorized to announce WILLIAM BIo- KIMM as a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the iemocratic primary meetings. "We are nothorfiW trhnnnnre GKO. "FRAKK as a candidate for Sheriff of Stark oounty, subject to the decision of the Democracy at the primary COUNTY TREASURER. "We are authorised to announce GEO.

FE3SLER as a candidate for County Treasurer, subject to the decision of the I democracy at their nominating primary meetings. COUNTY AUDITOR. We are authorized to announce JAMES P. SOl'RBKOKae a candidate for Auditor, subject to the decision of the Democracy at their primary meetings. CLERK OF THE COURT.

We are authorized to announce 8. 8. GEIB as a candidate for Clerk of Court, subject to the deci sion ui lite ac iitii ai un mo pruiuujr iuDvuup. REPRESENTATIVES. We are authorized to announce Dr.

J. B. WIL- SON as oneof the candidates for the Legislature. subject to ts decision of the Democracy of Stark i lie meetings, History of the Presbyterian Church of Canton. On the occasion of the dedication on the 23d inst.

of the new Stone Church edifice erected by the Presbyterian congregation of Canton, the Rer. E. Backinghara.D. D. pastor of the congregation, gave the history of the church since its first erig- ination.

It is the same as published in the pam phlet history of the church just issued from the job department of the Democrat omce. The dedicatton services were impressive and the spacious main room of the church packed full. Reverends Ecdsley of the first M. E. Church, Kuhn of the English Lutheran Church, and Smith of the Baptist, assisting and dispensing with ser vices in their respective churches.

Rev. Kuhn offered up the opening prayer. Rar. Smith read from the Psalms and also the 4th chapter of Gospel of St John, after which Dr. Endsley prayed Dr.

Goodrich, of Cleveland, preached the sermon, after which Rer. Bucking. ham gave a iutci or me cHrscn, The Presbyterian Cnurch In Canton was ized by the Rev. Mr.

McCain in Sente-mber. 1821. Fromite organization no to ism. the reliirioua ser vices were held in the Court Honse and in pri- i luciuuumMiunioi me nrsi sanctu ary were laid, and tiie walls put up and enclosed in 1827, and remained in that unfinished condi tion until when it was lloished and occupiod as a place of worship. The interior of the church was remodeled in 1844; a bell was purchased, and steeple put up in ls-8.

The Rev. James U. Morrow was the first Dastor of the church, lie was installed on the 21st of June, ism, and continued in the relation of pastor until 1830. was succeeded by the llev. T.

M. Hopkins, who'was stated supply at intervals frem 1831 to 1838. Wm. B. Koeves labored here from November 1839 to April 1841, and the Rev.

S. F. Porter two years, commencing Mav. 1841. Rev.

W. W. Taylor was installed as pastor of the church on the 11th of October. 1843, and continued assnch until September 184. The present pastor com- roenceu ins worii in iovcniuer, 184ft, ana Was in- stalled in uctoier, 1S47.

imnnc the nrtv vears its existence the church has had three pastors till il uircc Buupuvs. tor several years crevious to 18G7. a new. more commodious and attractive sanctuary was felt to oe necessary to me growin ana prosperity or tne church. The question of the erection of one was agitated, but it waa not until January of that year that we determined to "rise ana The last services in the old sanctuary which our fathers built, and in which we had enjoyed so mnny precious seasons of worship, an which had been the birth place of so many souls, were held on Sab- Dam, sist oi Marcn, ana on tne morning or tne next any ire worn oi tuning down the house commenced.

In May the work on the new house was commenced. On the 18th dav of aucrust.lstiT. the cerner stone was laid with appropriate ceremonies. Our services were held from April 18f7, to the Siibbath of January 'ash, 1S7, in the Union Seeool Hall, with the exception cf a few SabHaths ia which they were held in the Opera House. The time intervening between leaving the old churoh.

and the dedication of this house has been much lenrer than we exnected. But thia season of waiting has not been without its advan tages; we have maae some advances I trust, i building up the true temple of God During all this pertoe no divisions have sprang 4ip tq disturb. We have, thank: Xrod, moved on iu and love, and we. enter this beantlful and com- tortabie room a trxirxD cnurcn. we magnify the name of God.

There is one thing, however, which comes in to strike a note of grief in onr common joy. It is the remembrance of those dew forms and laces that were with us in the closing servi cea in the old house, but who are not with us aa we enter the new. Their tears fell with ours on the day we offered the last prayer and sang the last hymn in that old heuee, but we don't hear their voices in our songs, nor see faces today. Some of them have gone, "into the building of God, the bouse not made with' hands, in the heavens." Blessed are our dead. Who would recall -them from the eity of our God, to these perishing- tabernacles 1 While our thauks are due to-day especially to our ratnerin aeavea lor nis manuoia tavora to us, whole we-have been -engaged in thia church enterpriser it is also proper that we should publicly recognize our obligations to tlioae who nave been His willing instruments in this work.

It has been tome a matter of profound thankfulness to God that you all have responded with such liberality to the calls made upon to erect this bur-those of the congregation, when. I speak hi the obligations we owe to the building committee, James a. Sextan. John F. iiaynolds and Alexander Hurford- The result of their prudent and economical management is now before you to speak for Itself, a building that is worthy of you, and an ornament to our city.

Our thanks are also due to Robert Greenlee the -contractor for the stone-work, to A. J. Kintx. the contractor for the wood-work to John Koontz a- Son, the contract ors lor tne plastering messrs. ask ui oy whom our solas were made, for fitiihful and thorough work in their respective departments, and to the ladies of the sewing society for that industry and perseverance which has broueht to the church over sa.ou).

we would not overlook the instrumentality or others wno have wrought in the erection of this building- The Spirit that aonareta o4oomsi eueswhig what he did with all the wealth of his kingdom in building the temple, Das also caused it te be put on record, that Hiram "made the pots and the shovels ana the baa ins of the house of God." Mav the bless ings of the same spirit rest upon all whe have wrought apon this house. The building thus far has cost over fifty thou sand uollitrs. It has been my earnest desire nnd praver to God to dedicate this building to Him free of debt. I am happy in being- to announce, what vnrv ru-al rinrwt in lift bniMinv of a striKttiirA ao costly as this, that, a the biiilding now stands, it is unincumDerea. Mmo tilings, sucn as perrna nent fences and pavements, the completion ef the tower, ana an organ, are yet to De provided lor.

Enough now, for our joy and thanksgiving to God. to know that what we brine to the Lord i day we bring free from debt. Blessed forever be His holy name that he has granted such favors to us. Let us, from a deep and lively sense of the goodness and favor of our Heavenly Father, say -om our hearts Blessed be the Lord our who, through his bounty, has fulfilled our desires and enabled us to buildVbieheuse, that His name may be recorded here. To Him be glory, as it was in the beginning, is now, ana ever snnu re, world without eaa AJitx THE FORMAL DEDICATION.

ft remains vet as the crowning of our efforts. the joyful duty of setting apart litis buiidiaw, to llie worslim oi uoa. It has pleased God in all cf the church, to move holy and devout men to erect sanctuaries for His worship, which are scparato from all- cornrn on uses, mat uiey may De noiy ana sacrea to a im. We, a congregation of His servants, animated by the example oi those who have gone belore us. sustained by the grace of God, and directed, as we believe, by ills bpirit.

have built this house to the Ronor of his great name. And we now gather toe-ether in tne Divine presence, tiiat we may. by some act of worship, devote this house to its intended uses. Foronr encouragement tn cringing out fm per fect onering, we nave tnese promises "liuiid a house and 1 will take pleasure in it, and I will be glorified, saith the Lord." -The Lord hath cho sen Zion; He hath desired it for his -habitation. It is my rest lorever.

nere wiu aweu, lor 1 ae- I lil 1 i 1.1 I will satisfy her poor with bread." "The Lrd loveth the (rates of Zion more than all the tents and dwellings of We are not warranted in applying ait taese passages aa literally to tnis house as to the ancient temple of God. By our dedication- we can noiitnpan tothee walla. to tne ancient utoernacies, any mysterious sanctity, any peculiar properties, so that prayer offered here shall be more efficacious than that offered elsewhere, or that the wont preached here shall be more ouick and powerful than that -preached in some other bnilding, but by this act of dedica tion we express in a public and solemn manner the end for which this house is erected, and join in prayer together that be will accept our work, crown our purposes with success. Nature dictates the propriety of this act. Men, upon the completion of.

soma puhlie wrk-whieh will be a lasting honor to mankind, (fare instinct ively moved to mark: its dedication -to the in tended use by some, publie servieee. There is a sacredness about The voice of God speaks to os throutch His own Stunt, and the Spirit in all that he has said, assure a us that we shall-enjoy -his acceptance of the place. Suith the Lord The heavens is my throne and the earth is mv foot stool, where ib the house tliatye unto me and where is the place of my rest For ail those things hast ilino hand made, and all those tilings have been, saith the Lord, but to this man will I look, even unto him that is poor and a contrite spirit; an remolctri at faj word-i Having, near with our offering with the full assurance of I faith. And now, that I know in faith you give this house to holy use, will all rise and re-peat with me, with your hearts and voices, the creed ef our christian faith 'I believe in God. the Father Almiirhtv.

maker ei neaven ana eartn, ana in jesus jurist has only Bon. our Lord, whowas coneeived bv the Holv Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered undr r-untius mate, was crucinea, a eaa and buried, he descended into hell, the third day he rose attain from the dead, he ascended into heaven, and sit- teth on the right hand of God, the Father Ai- nighty; rrom uience ne snail come to judge i uick and the dead. -1 believe in the Holy Gn holv catholic church, the communion saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurection of the body, and the lite everlasting Anu. As for the church itself, verv man of our read. era are laminar wun its appearance.

The exterior is of rough aandstoue, high, heavily but- tressea, witn uign, state roox. it nas tne appear- ine in the county. The basement ia occunied nce oi uemg, uia im prooaoiy tne soliaist build- by a large lecture room and by Sunday School rooms. The audience room will seat about 700. It has a gallery in the rear and a choir eallerv behind the pulpit.

All the windows are stained glass, ine large, mimic window In the front facade admits the light with most pleasing effect. and is a really beautiful window. No paint is tisea in wo ciiurcn, tne wooa-worlc being all made of black and white walnut, upholstered in trie best alrki. Uh eMVering iMiagttf green reps. The seats-are in fact sofas.

Thev are exceeding ly tasteful and The neat is furuish- eu uy ifltuwi iur uasement. ljut ana greatest of all, we will say that the ventilation provided far in this church is an entire, eucoeas. It is tlss nearest Dexfocaioa we nave aver aeen The eom- fort to be derived from this source is inestimable. -mere is sun wanting an organ, and a tower: bat the energeti persevering spirits thai, have achieved thus much in these hard times, will not permit these to ne long wanting. For this fine I specimen of chureit i the people of Canton under man obturations: uiteeture -iney nave laid and the people of Canton cannot manifest their appreciation in a more senaiuie manner than by giving a helping hand in the final completion of gooa a worn.

Council Proceedings. COUNCIL CHAMBER, Monday May 1st, 1871. Council met pursuant to adjournment ITJ i r-. 'c" -iiueriiiu ipresiaemi, ocuaeier, tabler, Bender, Cook and Belden. Minutes of previous meeting ware read and PETITIONS.

Of H. S. Martin to suspend enforcement of ordinance to pave from west hill to creek, and for the present to lay plank referred. rvr it i ji xx. Diartm accept addition oi Joseph Meyer deceased referred.

OU. in regard to his newdwelline on corner of west Tuscarawas and Plum streets, claiming his drelline is not on street referred. Of N. Bour and many other residents of walnut street to hx grade of street and of side-tfalks and order paving, and also to place' street lamps thereon, either for gas oil. jur.

bchaeier said the Council last year had given much time; to establish grades all over the city, so that parties could build conformity thereto. xne petition was reterred to Committee on streets, and to report by ordinance. Of S. Suter and others on south Plum street to remove a nuisance annoy ine them much for two years, beinir a deposit of coal tar referred to Board of Health. Of John Correll and 17 others, of North Market street, to chance prade on same reierrea.

Mr. Correll (by permission1) said he had seen all the citizens along; there, and all wished the Council would visit the street. and they would meet them the grade was npt satisiactory, and they would all like action taken at once. Of J. M.

Bincham to licht and extin guish city gas lamps for $32 per month for one year referred to gas committee. Mr. Belden said Miss Eliza Cunningham asked permission to lay her own pave ment On motion Street Commissioner remove the brick now there, and Miss Cunningham be allowed to make pavement immediately. REPORTS. From Mr.

Schtefer, had examined report of ex Street Commissioner, and had found it not right referred. From Mr. Cook from Committee on streets, had been to paper mill, and there was a good deal to do there was not ready to report; further time allowed, and also in regard to side-walks on south Market street and opening of the street east to creek. Mr. Cook aid not know if the city should pay for opening all of 9th street.

Mr. Cook stated men were making the side-walk over Shriver's run, on Tuscarawas street, recommended the pavement be lowered a few inches for some distance east of the run, as it was higher than the door sills referred to committee and engineer. The Chair had examined the statute as to the Board of Health, and also the ordinance there are now three vacancies on the Board, and the Mayor had recom mended the appointment of Drs. Estep and Phillips, and Kev. 1Z Buckingham.

On the vote being taken these gentlemen were unanimously voted in. The bill of Gas Company -lor month of April was reierred. to (Jommittee on Uas. Statement of weighm aster Field for 2 months to March 1st, 490 loads at 10 cts. $49.

acceptei and ordered to pay into treasury. On motion of Mr. Schrefer, city Solicitor investigate, and if proper, draw ordinance requiring all weighing of hay, coal, Ac, in tne city to be done on city scales. From the Mayor recominendine the ap pointment- of special police for certain churches when in session, and at no ex pense to the city referred to city Solicitor to -report on 1 From. Auditor Lee saying County Commissioners wished the city to pay to county the amount due from city.

Mr. Schqjifex moved its reference to Committee on ways and means. "The city had paid interest on previous notes which they were not entitled to pay. ALLOTTED. Marshal Oldfield Policeman tirown Thompson 1 i uo Mr.

Sehaefer said he understood there was a disposition to disturb the giade es tablished on i'ium street; the grade lixed there was established with a view of a general grade all over the city when the grading should be completed, he thought, all peoole would be satisfied. Mr. Lynch said people on north Plum, and North streets were anxious to have the improvement done as speedily as pos sible, tie thoueht no chance in the erade could be safely made; Mr. Dumoulin had built on the hill with a view to the erade now fixed, and a change would make the Cuy liable. Mr.

Sehaefer spoke with modesty about street, tor he would have to pave over 300 feet, but he wanted the grade done, and these improvements properly made with a due regard to a general grade over the city. Mr. Cook visited those streets feared the prade established required too' much. and it would damage persons, and might involve the city in damage. Mr" Stabler was opposed to grading those- streets tin we naa tne money to ao it.

Mr. Belden thought a satisfactory change micht be made and injure no man prop erty would propose instead of five feet nccordincr to the erade. it be cut down two or two and a halt, and then we could judge The Chair read some figures to show the situation of Mr. JJumouiin a property, and what it would bo alter the grade. Mr.

bchstfer said rlum street at the south end was 80 feet wide, and at north end CO feet. The Chair thought engineers some times did not sufficiently consider the interests of property holders the grade established on Plum and North, he thought, was too much. A long conversational discussion took place as to grading North, Plnm and High streets, and the members agreed on a mod ification of the grade, cutting down at Mr. JJumouiin two and a halt feet. Air.

JJ. stated this would satisfy all the property holders on North and Plum the matter was-referred back to Committee on Streets with instructions -to estimate cost of the grade and report, and also as to High street. On seventy-five dollars was al lowed ex Street Commissioner Anthony on his bill presented. On motion ad journed. Transfers of Real Estate.

Williams. to Henry Ellison, 11 acres in uanion, jaw Thomas Kimball Wikidal, lot in Canton, v'7800 Anthony 1- ranci.t to Pannamiller, lot in Canton, 3800 Daniel Bordner to Bordner, 1 acre in Bethlehem tP: 2000 no ilcUain no Ueo- Kelly, fc acres in Perry tp, jt I Hli, jj 1500 stlj; IS Kebecca Miller to fJeo A Bowman. 20 acres in tpt i -2000 Jos Jlassler WJ.1 iiasaler, 70 acres in Tuscarawas tp, 5625 Sheriff Dunbar to Canton Building As sociation 2, -lot in Canton, .900 Meredith tobaxah Baubrake, 50 acres in Washington tp, 4200 fc iJUetzgerto riero, lot lnUantonXJUU martin ana wile to immennann and Others, IS acres JB 1 lain tp ooyo Phpsfr in V. Chester Hartzell to John Jones. 62i acres in Lexington tp 2500 Joseph tr UJnch to Ueib, lot in uan- ton, ---t 8000 Abram Clark to Hirairi Doll 'lot 'm Os- naburg 275 McCuIlough to A Kaldonbaugh, 5 acres in Perry tp, jq A Abrahams to Knorer: lot in Uassillon, 147 Ann Beamer to Aaron Warstler, 5 acres in Plain tp," 2250 li bmitn to Albert Oarver, zu Acres in Perry tp.

1GO0 Samuel Xind to Geo Halter. 7i acres in Pike tp, 400 relet li Moinet to Augustus juoinet, lot in Louisville, 5000 Peter Arntz to Solomon ArnU, i acres in Plain tp, 550 Gitchell to Mary Franz, let in Canton, 400 Feter Moinet to Joseph Moinet, 7 lots in Louisville, Pippitt to Isaac Carr, lot in Alli ance, wi John Tramp to Jesse Zartraan; lot in Canton, 400 Vankirk to A Strayer. lot in Waynesburgh," 1550 John i'acker to boiomon JJiock. lot in 5000 Johnson to John Llewellyn. aore in Lawrence 110 Peter Bryan to Julia L.

Corb, 10 acres in Marlboro tp, 2200 r.O -4. vsui't 4itiafiB Grand Musical Tournament. Our enercetic Music Dealer and leader of the Q. A. R.

Band, Thos. F. Kirk, is around soliciting contribution for the purpose of getting np a Grand usical tourna- ment, to come off in Canton, on or about the 20th of June. Mr. K.

want to make inis tournament one that will eclipse any thing of the kind ever got np in'this State. and in order to do so proposes to offer very; large premiums, as follows- a.1 $500; 2d Premium, $300, 3d Premium, $100; and $50 to the ber Drummer in the United Statee. He also proposes, if a sufficient amount is subscribed, to give an evening Concert in the Opera Wouse, in which the best operatic talent in the United States is to -participate, such as Pareppa Rosa, Clara Louise Kellog, or others af that clam We hope to see Mr. Kirk successful in his enterprize, as he will get np some thing that Canton will be proud of, and will bring to our city the best Brass Bands and other Musical talent in the United States. I 1 The Price of Gas.

According to the ordinance passed last March by our City Council and to take effect on April 1st, the price of gas for private consumers in Canton is thre dollars per thousand feet. In 1867 tie Council passed an ordinance raising the price from three dollars to three and a naif, with the understanding that when prices of material, coal, labor, should come down the price of ens should get back to the old figure. We understand the gas authorities have made out and are collecting bills at three and a half a thousand and setting at defiance the authority of the City Council. We learn some of our law-abiding citizens propose to obey the ordinance of 1871 as they did that of 18C7. Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.

If Sunday ordinances, cow ordinances, oppressive as they are to some people and restraining of personal liberty, are to be enforced, why not the gas ordinance Are these laws that oppress the poor and laboring people only tu uo cuiurceu I Improvements. The Hane building, on East Tuscara was street, has had another story put on it, and presents quite a creditable appearance. The third story is to be occupied by the Knights of Pythias as a lodge room. The fine 'residence of James A. Saxton on South Market street, is about completed, and is a fine ornament to that part The Wrought Iron Bridee Commnv ara extending their works, as will be sees by the large additions built thereto.

W. C. Thompson is erecting a fine three-story block, on the corner of East Tuscarawas and Cherry streets. We understand it is to be used as a hotel. Work on the new Baptist church is progressing rapidly.

The old Lichtenwalter property, oa West Tuscarawas street, is being "fixed up," it having been purchased by Mr. Thos. Patton. I From Subscribers. NAVARRE, May 1, 1871.

A. McGbkook a Son Please find enclosed one dollar for the Staik Cotjstt Democrat sent to my address, and WESCOTT LASH, Navarre P. O. P. R.

When the time expires please let me know. MINERVA, May 2, 1871. Dear Sir You gave me notice that my subscription expired and wish me to continue on. I send hy Scbmachtenburger two dollars to give to you for another year. Send the paper on.

I have taken it some twenty-five years, more or less, and it pleases me the best of any paper I take. It cives the Republicans their dues about their tricks that makes them hate you, so I remain yours truly. i EDWARD TILLETT. MASSILLON, Ohio, May the 3d, 1871. A.

McGeeqob 4 Sos: Sirs Enclosed yon will Dlease find one dollar towards renewal of Democrat with the hone of receiving the halanco before, my subscription expires. I would have renewed ere this time but have been negligent and forgetful of my duty I owe to the editor of the Democrat. Yours, with a heart that beat for trn W. D. OBERLIN.

The Wrought Iron Bridtre Comnanv of Canton, Ohio, has become a stock company with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. The company organized a short time since by electing J. W. Miller, of money, inaiana, as rreeident; VV. ii.

Reeves, vice President and Superinten dent D. Hammond, Treasurer; and Peter Chance, Secretary, all of Canton. The company have just contracted for 1200 feet of bridging in Iowa, one across Cedar river at Cedar Rapids, of 620 feet. They have just completed a 600 feet span of a bridge at Kankekee, Illinois. They are putting up one of 136 feet span in Jasper County, Missouri.

They are also to put one west of Topeka, Kansas. This company are doing a large business, and. we are glad to learn, is rapidly increasing. A couple of our police raised a alto an excitement last Saturday with some folks at the south end of town, when they attempted to drive a lot of cows to the pound. They only succeeded in getting one old cow along that had not sense enough to get away.

The racing waa lively for awhile and started the sweat on Abe. The women, with clubs and bricks came off victorious on that occasion and rescued their cows. Our platform, is free white men, free darkies and free cows. Begges's China Hall ia not the place for "heathen Chinese" but for Caucasian ladies and gentlemen who want China, Glass, Queens and Crockery ware, for here is the very dace to fine them all in nro- fusion and at moderate prices. Let house- Keepers remember this when they want an outfit Call at Begges's Hall in Cassilly's block.

Price, the Photographer, at his Gallery. Ko. 22 North Market street, is taking the best Photographs for $2 per dozen. Call and see. i i I Summer Resort.

The most beautiful Summer Resort in all this neighborhood is the Lake House at Myers's lake. It is kept by our friend Andy Lothamer and of course is kept right in all respects. Besides beats to take a row on the lake, he has 'a bowling alley connected with the Resort that young gentlemen may exercise in. Mr. Lotham er keeps refreshments and Summer drinks all of the choicest character.

Pleasant days are now at hand and the fine drive of two miles out the Fulton road will be delightful. Try it. aprlJUw-J The pews in the First M. E. Church will be let on next Saturday, the Ctli day of May, at 2 o'clock p.

m. A re-valuation oi a portion oi the pews having been made by the Board of Trustees, it is very important that all who de sire to obtain sittings be present. few-holders wishing to retain their pews may confer with the committee pri or to the time of letting. i L. lOSNEE, 1 II.

R. Wisk. W. H. Wtakt.

CO-OPEBATIOBT i r. Sketch CnUtloaa AUnellve Iaoastry. And Outline of a Plan for the Orgniza- tion oj uxutor vnui a jsoiue of tAe Kansas Co-operative Farm of 21. Ernest V. de Boissiere.

By B. GRANT, -Canton, Ohio. For tale by A. McGregor Son. Prifw 50 cents.

Sunt by mail prepaid on. receipt of price. tL A law has been passed in Ohio, tnakincr ita fineable offence to use a line or net of any kind for fishing in the Ohio- 5 river and lake Erie. Also a law comne'l- ing the owners of null-daths to construct chutes, through which fish can pass up on; -vi their spring journeys. are to completed in one yearfroni the time of the-passage of the act.

i i BEATTlFLli I LOT. e. On Walnut." CEerry and other Streets- located nearest to the centre of the city: For sale at reasonable prices and most lib-' era! Terms. Call on LOUIS SCHAEFER. Canton Feb ,71 U..

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