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Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin • Page 2

Green Bay, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

farm near Seymour. DAILY STATE GAZETTE NEHiJIHOMNG iNOTES. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WANTED THE STERLING VENTILATOR TAKES THE LEAD Over nil others for its Suv-irig qualities in fuel. few at 11 1L' V.

i .1 'li I Mi -idpt, it jj, Uord to F(epijblieap5. Tho importane3 ol tho results of the present political campaign can not be overestimated by these who desire the success ot the Republican party. The Democrats, besldeo the Solid are, In the North Intrenched behind breastworks of public patronago. It will take steady, earnest, and united worit to dislodge them. No hlrs will eo surely bring about that steady, earnest, and united work as the circulation ot sound political literature, and OF THIS CLASS ND OTHER 13 A3 EFFICIENT AS THE DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER.

Spaeches and, documents are read ty tho ow, and when read aro laid asldo the newjpaper Ls the fireside Inend, the trusted family companion. Its Inllu3nc3i3 continuous, constant. The Republicans oan not aid their party better than by circulating Teo Daily Inter Qcean It is a live Republican Nawapaper. and ha.z boen faithful among the faithless In Chicago. No nun has ever quastioned Its ooundness on the platform, because the principles of tho pla form have been advocated by TUE INTER OCEAN many years.

PROTECTION TO AMERICAN INDUSTRIES AND AMERICAN MARKETS FOR AMERICAN PRODUCERS have been Its battle cries from the beginning It did not take it six weeks to ascertain whether it could stand on the platform or rot. Republicans hive dons much to aid in the inculcation of false political doctrines ty patronizlcg papers that advocate them. Why should they do so when they can avoid it by subscriblnj for THE INTX.R OCEAN, which is acknowledged to be The Best and jWost Reliable newspaper Published in Chicago? In en ti9W3, rditorial ability, and everything tha goes to maid A NEW3PAPS8 It unexcelled by any of its contemporaries. Every Rspublican ought to subscribe for it. Every woriinsm in ousht to subocriba for Is It is the paper for all aiassss of peoplo who bslleve In protecting the homes of America.

You can subscribe throush your nawsdealer or po3tmi3ter. If you are unable to do that sand diroot to tha office ol publication. Sample copies are always ent on apphcatioc. Address THE INTER OCEAN, CHICAGO. Mr.

Myron E. Dunn lias gone up to Colbv, Wis. Mis Etta Dunn has returned from her visit in Minnesota and western Wis. cousin. Mi.HS Ma tuts Flyuu is up to Bryant bu a visit.

Mirs) Annin E. Hutchinson in teaching in Ijitnglilite (.. Miss Etta Duuu is engaged to teach tbo winter term of school in district No. two, town of Angelica. Slio begins her school Oct.

IbW Mr. aud Mrs M. Fisher has gone to Ap pleton on a visit. Mr. Toris 'i'hoiniison, of Laney, made a hhort call here a few days sigo.

Mr. Truman Thompson expects to re turn from Hipon the Inst of the week. Mr. E. F.

Spaulding hs beeu sick the lant few days. Mr. Elward of Oshkoah was tho gues of his suiter Mrs. J. Misses Jlirdv Hnlnm anil Juln Andrew arc visiting in Shawano.

Duffy Political Xotfft. Philadelphia Press: Government 4 per cent bonus are now world Jffl.ou on tuo dollar. That shows what the dreadful policy of the KepublicHtis has done for the country given it a credit unparalleled aiming the nations of the aartu. Omaha Republican: The manufac turer, tho mechanic, and the iaboriug man must prosper in this country, or the 8,000,000 engaged in agricultural, pursuits can not. The interests of all are iuterlinked.

Every reduction of wages means a reductiou of farmer's profits. The Chicago Journal: As near as can bo reliably ascertained tuere are over 1.000 Buffalo Democrats, representing all classes of society aud departments of life. who have declared one way or another, cither in public or to friends privately, that they will not vote their parry isn-tioual ticket this fall. Mr. Edwin C.

liobbinr, who in '81 was one of Clove-land's ardent supporters, now says: "If this county doesn't give Harrison 8,000 majority then I'm no judge of political tendencies." The New York Tribune: If Mr. Thtir-man wasn't alllioted with what Mr. Heecher used to call "a good forgettery," he would never have made the prepos terous assertion that "you cannot name one good cause in the last hundred years that has not been fostered by the Democratic party." Better stick to tho bandan na and snuff box hereafter, Mr. Thnr- man, or else entertain your audiences by attempting an explanathn of that re. wars about the impossibility of "any genuine reform in the Civil Service without adopting the "one terra principle reference to the Presidency.

Nperlul HarveNt Kxcursioim. The Northern Pacific It. R. announces a series of five special Harvest Excursions from St. Paul, Minneapolis, Dulnth aud Ashland to principal points in Min nesota, Dakot a and Montana during August.

September and October. Par ties contemplating a trip for pleasure, business, or with a view or selecting a new boue cnu avail themselves of rates lower than ever before announced to visit the wonderful country tributary to the Northern Pacific R. R. Tickets will bo on sale atSt. Paul, Min neapolis, Dul nth aud Ashland ou Aug.

21st, September 11th nud 25th, aud Oc tober 9th and 23d, limited to thirty days from date of sale, and good for Btop-over on going passage. Inese rates to Mon tana points are about one cent per mile eiu'h way, and in some cuses about half of the one way fare for the round trip. Connecting lines east nnd south of bt. Paul, Minneapolis aud Dulnth will sell tickets in connection with these excur sions at one fare for the round trip. The dates named will be a very oppor tune time to visit tho wheat fields of Minnesota and North Dakota: also to see the cattle ranges of Montana.

Everybody should bear in mind that the Northern Pacific R. It. is the short and direct lino to principal poiuts in Montana, aud the only hue running either dining cars, Pullman sleeping cars, or colonist sleep ing cars to Fargo, Grand Forks, Fergus Fulls, Wabpeton, Jamestown. Helena and principal points in Northern Minnesota, North Dakota nnd Montana. For rates and other information npply to Clias.

S. General Fnssenger and Ticket Agent, St. Paul, or nearest Ticket Agent. HHCttleu Arntre titilre. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Soru, Ulcers, Suit Rhnera, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil LlaiiiH, Corns, nud all Skin Eruptions, and postively cures riles, or no pay re quired.

It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo x. For sao by J. Robinson Everybody nses Old Country Soap. dw Milwaukee The Milwaukee Northern will sell excursion tickets to Milwaukee for $3.64.

This includes an admission ticket to the Exposition; sales to begin Thursday Sept otli nnd sell Tuesdays, Thnrsdavs andoat- urdays until October 20th, tickets, good return, until Monday following date of sale, J. 11. I lntley, agent. Ask your Souj). Grocer for Old Country daw AX EM TO BONE MltA 11 Mi Edward Shepherd, of Ilarrisbnrg, says: "Having received so much heneht from Electric Bitters, 1 feel it my duty to sullerinjf humanity know it.

Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years; my doctors told me 1 would have have tut bone scraped or leg anipn tnted. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters aud seven boxes Buck-leu's Arnica Salve, and my leg is now sound and well." bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at per uua uy o. ivmmjuuu a a rice ro JflotnerH. Are you disturbed at bight anp broken your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of cutting teeth? If so, BcU'l at once ana gut a bullio or Aus Wmslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething. Its value is incalculable.

It relifcve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Depend upon it, mothers, there no mistake about it. It cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates the stom and bowels, cures wind colic, softens gums, reduces inflammation, and gives tone ana energy to tne wnole system. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste, is the prescription of one of the old and best female nurses and physicians the United States and is for sale by druggists throughout the worli Price 25 oe ats a bottle.

Chicago E.vpoMlt ion. The Milwankee A Northern will sell excursion tickets to Chicago for 8.17 includes an admission ticket to the Exposition. For information in regard to days on which ticket are sold, apoly to II. JMatiey, agent. Ornpes by the basket, 30 cents, at Jams Beth Son's.

to of till! and at liver mrc tion. pills, Li It II AY, IM OKMISf FOUNDED BY DWIGHT I. FOLLETT. ICKIM KIACAX TICKET. For President iiakkison, OP INDIANA, For Vioe-lViiilcnt LBVI r.MOKTOX, OF NEW TOKK K.I I' II I.ICAX ST ATK TH'Kl'T.

For Governor. W. D. IIOAfin, of JeflVrr in. Lieut.

Governor. O. W. RYLaND, of Lancaster. Secretary of State.

UNST t). TIM -M of Henoch Slate Treasurer. H. B. HAHSHAW, of Winnebago.

Attorney General. C. K. EsrAliltOOK, of Manitowoc. Snperlutemlentof Public InstniclU n.

J.U. Tierce, ltallrosd Commissioner. ATLBY PKTER.SON, of Crawforl. Insurance Commissioner. riltLU'CHEKK.

of Bank. HKXATORIAIiTKIttX Fur Slate Senator, 2d District VKTElt W'KRN Kit, of Calumet. First District. LUCIBN 11. CASWELL, of Rock.

Fourth District. ISAAC W. VAN 8U1IAICK, of Milwaukee. Third District. KOBE KT M.

FOLL KTTB, of Dane. Fifth Dlatrict. Gl'STAV KU3TEKMANN, of Brown. Sixth D'strict. CHARLES B.

CLARK, of Winnebago County. Seventh District OKMSBY B. THOMAS, of Crawford. Eighth Dlatrict. ILS P.

I1ACGEN, of Pierce. Ninth District. MYRON II. McCOftD, of Lincoln. The Welsh people of Wisconsin are already preparing for grand musical and literary congress, or Eisteddfod, at Racine on Christmas.

Cakd3 have been issued for the wedding of Miss Kate Oreebam, daughter ot Judge Gresham, and W. H. Andrews of Chicago. The wedding will take place Tuesday evening. The Chattanooga News reflects itself not flatteringly in the following: "Mrs.

Harriet Beedier Stowe, author of 'Uncle Tom's is dying of sof toning of the brain. We never met her, but judging from her detestable volume we can't be convinced that Mrs. Stowe ever had any brain to Boften." Trampled I'mlrr Foot. At noon to-day a woman by the name of Mrs. Lawrence Dosch, of the town of Bellevne, met with quite a severe accident She was leading a yoke ot young oxeD, which were attached to a lumber wagon.

Wuen opposite ltahr's brewery one of the animals twisted his head in such a way that her dress was caught by his horn, upsetting her. The cattle passed on, stepping on her prostrate body, but were 6topped before the wheels of the wagon could pass over her. Dr, Brett who was summoned found that one of the animnls had stepped on her face, crushing it badly. The remainder of the body sustained alight injury. DAILY WKATMKU JIEI'ORT.

Washington ClTT, Oft. 1, 1888. The "InrtlcationN" are for the day they are United. For Wisconsin; rain and warmer, in eastern part; stationary temperature and local rains followed hy fair in western portion. A storm niov.

InRsonth-east over the lower lakes, will cause cold and high north west winds to-night. Cautionary north-west signals are ordered at all lake porn. Mm. 13; f5; precipitation, 0.00 mean ytJ.Ki; mean S3; mai. velocity ill.

T. F. SCHLEY, Sergeant Signal Corps. Warneb'b Loo Cabin remedies. "sareaparu-gJV la." "Cough and Cod- and Uiiclm." "Ex.

trsct." Hnir Tnnin 522 itzta "Liver Pills." "Plasters." "Rose Cream," for Catarrh. They, like Warner's "Tippe canoe, are the simple, effective remedies of the old Log Cabin days. Peaehen! Peachesi! I'erehen! We are now receiving Michigan Peaches daily and will slaughter them at bot tom prices. Price 35 cents per basket. John Beth Son.

ev Tailoring F.MtabllMliiiit-nt. I have just opened a tailoring establishment on Cherry street, over C. Blied-ung's drug store, and commencing on Monday, Oct 1st, will be ready for buBi-nw. Unit made to order and caaran-teed to fit neatly. Prices to suit customers.

Give me a call J. Lumate. Green Bay, Sept 27th, 188a I have been bothered with catarrh for about twenty years; I had lost sense or smell entirely for the last fifteen years, and I had almost lost my bearing. My eyes were getting so dim I had to get some one to thread my needle. Now I have my hearing as well as I ever bad.

and I can Bee to thread as fine a needle as ever I did, toy sense of smell is partly restored and it seems to be improving at ell the time. I think there is nothing like Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh. Mrs. K. E.

Grimes. 67 Valley St Rendrill, Ferry Ohio, Minneapolis) KxrarHion. The Milwankee Northern will sell excursion tickets for one fare for the round trip for rates and dates on which tickets are sold. Apply to J. U.

Flatley, it to of the a just at Mrs. P. I piKYMOl It. Skymoub, Sept. 29 Fair weather nud fairs linve been the order of thn day fur several davs.

There has hanllv bei'ii a day since tUe opening of the Del'ere Fair out wliat soma of onr citizens unve orou id attendants of some I 'm mid next weok a giwd ninny will, go to Hljawatio and Antigo to nt'teud the Fair held at those places. Our own Fair was a signal suoceis, gtviug the society a niOHtcge that will pltioie it lit the front ranks of the coming fairs. As it is an uuiIiHOtitml fact Unit it has not been exoelled by nuy comity fair, la point of exhibits and eutertuintnents which go to make up a successful fur and ail premiums have been paid in full, la oaso upon presentation commencing the last day of fair. Turenhing has been, the general older of the day among the furmers for some time, and while winters wheat Aoem to be a fair yield and quality, spring wheat is just about a failure; much was not cut and what was, is not worth threshing in many iu static. is, Some scarcely getting their seed back, to say nothing of the poor quality, oatfl are fair to mulling.

Potatoes are good in quality ami quantity. Corn has hail a checkered career, many field wore damoralizid hy the cut worm, aud then the frost came taking a held here and on thn opposite side of the road it would be untouched. Our farmers are turning their attention more and more to dairying aud it is quite evident that this section of country is bound to be noted as a first-class tiry country, as we are possessed of everything necessary to that eud. Although Seymour was tbo first organize a club which has lately been followed by a Democratic club, our citizens work together harmoniously on all local questions. The Hon.

Fred. Holla, of New York City, on eminent Oermun speaker will address our people on the evening of Oct. 4(h, in bu- half of the Republican cause. Everything is being done to ensure a large at tendance. It seems a little strange that while the administration is trying to win favor with the farmers by holdiug np the bloated and protected manufacturers as getting rich at the expense of the farmers that they are still legislating in favor of the manufacturers and against the farmer and wool grower, while wool is put on free list, manufactured goods are raised 5 per cent and a true aud devoted member of Congress from the Cth Dis.

has to give place to a representative manufacturer and all this is done by the party who are claiming to bo the special champions of the farmers, aud the working class. If the farmers of the 5th Dis. know their owu interests, they will elect Mr. Knstermann, and send a man to Congress who will work and vote for their interests and not against the northern farmers and for rich Southern plauters and rich manufacturer. The Hon.

F. Dittmer was houored with a re-nominatiou for nsserubly. A Mr. Konpstein a prominent breweryman, of New loD, has been nominated against him on the Democratic ticket. It is expected that the prohibitionist will do all they can to weaken the Iiepubli-can ranks, so as to ensure the election of Mr.

Knapstein, At the close of the first day's voting at the Hortonville fair for the gold headed cane to the most popular man. Mr. Dittmer took the lead but as smne of his friends left that day, Mr. Stonrger, of Greenville took the prize. While traveling over the state and taking notes of other places it gave us pleasure to note that we have one of the most tidy and commodious depot buildings of any of the wealthy railroads we traveled upon, with the same population of our place; and then again we are favored with one of the best Agents that can bo fouud nuywhere.

O. Mot hi II IO( TON. SniocTON, Sept. We are favored with pleasant, agreenble weatber, having bad about rain euough to suit all, but none too much. Farmers would lie gratified at the rise in wheat, if the chinch bugs had not cut the crop so short that it makes but little difl'ereuce to them what the price mav be.

Y'our correspondent has just returned from a visit to the Milwaukee Exposition, which he found to be a grand exhibition of the products of the ingenuity nud industry of the people and nu honor to tho great State of Wisconsin. Any of the readers of the Gazette may be assured that they will be well paid if they conclude to spend a day or two at the Exposition auy time before October 20th. Rev. Mr. Spooner, of Princeton, Wis has been called to become the settled pastor of the Congregational Church at this place.

He has already made a favorable irapressiou in this community, and is hoped he may stay permanently with us. Mrs. Annie Rookie, of Milwankee, is visiting in town, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L.

E. Darling. She is a niece of Mr. Darling's. The Outagamie County fair, at Horton ville, this week, was reasonably successful.

There was a large attendance on Thursday, and the address delivered on that day by Hon. Humphrey Pierco was appropriate and well received. C. Donkersly is making quite an ex tended visit nere. William Ballard, who went from here Dakota, early mtlie summer, in search a home, leaving his wife and child with relations in dDgdensbtirg, Waupaca returned to Ogdensbnrg one night this week, to hnd the neighbors just ready to bury his wife, who had died of malignant diphtheria, his child having died a few days before.

Mr. Ballard, upon learning situation, fell senseless to the tloor and had not recovered when last heard from. Several of the boys have left for the woods. The Grand Division 8. of T.

will meet here Oct. 17th. LKIsUKVILLK. Ledgeville, Sept. 29.

We experienced few cold breaths of air the past week, euougb to remind us that King Winter is coming. Miss Minnie Mc Donald, of Fort Howard, was the guest of Miss Mattie Garri-gan a part of this week. Mrs. liagany is verv low at nresnnt. There is small hope of her recovery.

There was a social party with daucing John Campbell's Wednesday evening. Miss Mattie Garrigan is the guest of Miss Kittie Martin, of Rockland, to-day. We had a light fall of Bnow here yesterday? Miss Jennie James and Miss Kittie Hannan visited Ledgeville friends Wednesday. Adolph Kleiber and Mrs. Caroline Stetson, both of this place, were married Tuesday.

We wish them long life aud happiness in their combined journey ttirough life, A. P. G. HONE LAWS. Rose Lawn, Sept.

27. There bo a honey festival to-night at the residence ot S. E. Rice, for the benefit of Rev. O.

Christian. II. Rice aud family Lave moved on a to let to a of will is ach the and est in all this J. WANTKD-A Uol'SK TO HUNT. cunlriillv lo, nli'il, Is rieairud.

Aihlrors ni.till Tlmrsdjy, Oi t.4lli, till. P. WIS! ON, Ila.v. t) WANTKD-A t'OMI'ICTKNT I WANT-ed lo do lrtuiernl hoitsewiirea lirod wulth olio pd Apjily to Mas. ,1 P.

ISKIi t'Llis. GIKL WANTED-A (11 HI, TO IIOCENFUAL hiMiaewtfk. Apply at the iCFiilrnto ol 11. MCDONALD, Fn llownrd. WANTED OBNRltAL ACE NTH TO IIAN-illo William's coiiuvr-iilate linn ol llm United Matui', Mexico, nc, hi.h inches.

li. w. sjirrii 20 SouthSixtliStreei, I'liilodolphiii, l'a. datvSw tra WANTED RELIABLE ENEKliKTIC MAN to handle taxi specialtli'S Salaiy from start Apply nt once if wihh pOHliion. 1 Tlll'lttTON 4 einpiiuNursenes, lfnth-t'Ster, N.

Y. LOST. lost. KEVSHINIC CIIAKM HAS BEliN '1 he flnder will please return to lilt. F.

L. I.NiyrX Money AHUM OK MUSKY, AS NKAIl AS im'Met enn Ihi, hh, A was Inst on arlilnglnn sirect, bet v. ecu Pine anil Main struct, ou cpt. mil IiikI. A description of the parkairu is trivea bilious Thepaperimm-ey to the minium of either ij or $30, was plated insula of a Mtir.ll bnmu bonk, used for an account nous.

out ol vtliicli some leuveN had lie. i torn. aim a tew it uc es were Willi, -n in The gold which siuounled lo hi. i ili its loss, consisted inosily of pieces, snil sumo smaller pieces was sewed in iMIcrenl niriim ma in i becked lilne and while infhnin shirlint; anil placid on tin; outside ol'ihe bi.ik. nud this wound in Hi ci' or cloth, and Ihe hole wi lb." same miiteriul us the L'old.

A reward in i cvu of anion tit reco.creii, Is uttered lo i lie Under. il FOR RENT. ptOlt rlKVI-TIIE IIOt'NK OK US. K. Tlioinas, I'orufrnfMiiin end Van ltiirtn is eflVred for rent.

Apply on I lie pri ses. HO A RJPING. CEYbllAL IIOARDKKS CAN )K All I) Mil- nlei Willi lioain. a mi lurtfii front r.i'im on ground lloor. furnished or unfurnished, Willi ooard.

tinoil riin for transient, en-. and Doty Sin. T. I). CaTt.or.

FOR SALE. TK SOLD WITHIN 1 EN DAY: I WILL SKI. 111 drlvini' in ite htt lou Hint Harness lor U. This is a grand hirgain, tis she is one el' ihe berl roadslern in Ihe I'ouniv. daw 1.1 IS MAliliN.

CLERK'! OKMCE.CIKCt ITCOl ItT, Klll Hkown CofSTY. VV Ciiesn Day, Wisconsin, tcpteiuber Wii, lfSS Pursuant to the in snch c.tsemudeand provuled. notice is hereby that incdrawii of Jurors to serve at the November term of the Circuit oiirt fur Urown County, for tl.eyeai lsnf will tikejiliice at my ifllreafur't saul, si ihe I'ouu House in Nie ciw ol Oreen Uay, iu enid ountv ut Brown, ou Luiiinlay, Ociolier 'Juih, Ikhs, at the hour of eleveu o'clock lu the furenoou of itiat day. EDM. rtoi.wn, Clerk Circuit Court Brow Wis.

IF YOU K0W WHAT YOU MA XT YOU CAN GET IT AT Beck's Driii Store, Tbe Bret Plane in the City to Ret your Prescriptions put np, ns a Compel ptnt I'liiirmnciHt in (ilwii)s in nttciulunce. LA KG EST STOCK OF PERFUMERY, Anywhere to be found iu the thcast. AND A KILL LINK OF STAPLE AM) FANCY STATIONERY ALWAYS ON HAND. Prices Uelow Competition. Remember the stand No.UJ, VashliiRtoti8lrect, fircen Hay, Wis.

The Temple of Fashion, SSSSS5 JIAIX HTISKKT, F. FJMStJUK, l'roii. Will open at his new icatlon a full lino of LATEST STYLES Foreign and Domestic Goods Prices ts low as thi west and woik una ran teed the best L. COHEN ti "no 4 UAH I'l HCIIASFJs -OF- READY MADE LOTH ISM OF TUB Latest Styles, both texture and cut of goond: Also a fill, stock of selvrtod DRY GOODS. He mnkpH uppftnlty of SCOTCH CHEVIOT CLOAKING eixth-fomtli etooiIb, nil wool, i.t nix RliilliutrH yaril, Cnnnot lio houKbt nrywliero else in thn city for $1.50 per yard.

CALL AND EXAMINE HIS (MODS. daw Do not purchase until examined it. von have It will pay you to save 25 por cent of your coal. CASE SORENSEN, X. AVnl)liixton Nt.

TIMETABLES. Chicago Ji Northwestern Railroad. Trains Arrive and Leave Fort Howard. trains some south aaaiva. Mil.

A Escanaba Passenger p. a Chicago fassenger TuaiMS eotNe sohth ajhive. Chicago Passenger 5:25 a. m. Mil.

A Kscinaba I'asseuner Chicago Caseeuirer 7:45 p.m. rRAiNseome noutu depart. Fasscuger 5:30 a. tn. Mil Escanaha fasseneer.

p. m. Minotuinee Accommodation n. m. thai HOIKS SOUTH DBrART.

('hicao Passenger xn. Milwaukee Jt Janesvillc Passenger ..1:40 m. PasaenKer 9:15 p. A passeuge' train between A nuli-ton and Chi cago leaves Appleton Kond du Lac lM-i p. ar.

Milwaukee 3:25, leaves Milwaukee iiicaxo m. Milwaukee Northern Railroad. Trains Arrive and Leave Green Bar iSlM eOCTB DBPABT. Cliicsiro and Milwaukee Express 11:41 am Chicago and MUwau.ce Iijinss 10.40 Way rrelirht li im a Thronirh Kreight AcconimiMlaliuD 1:2:311 SOINtt NORTH AHK1VI. Chicago ana Milwankee press 5:45 a Way FralKht 6:31) Throneh Freight 11:10 a Accommodation 3:40 a OOINH NORTH DlfiKT.

Champion and Menominee 7 35 Way PrelL'ht 8:1 a ru Through Freight 11.40a OOIKS iOIITH AKRrVI. Champion A Meuomluee Express ro ay si TlmiuKh Freight 4 Sir, Green Bay, Winona 4 St. Paul Railroad. Trains Arrive and Leave Fort Howard. some wair oaiBT.

No. 1 Paenicr "3 COMIHO EAST aKttlt K. No a Pac'diiier 4 m. JO ni. m.

.5 1 a. STEAMBOAT TIME TAB1ES. Hart't Boat Line. Hunts Arrive and Leave tireen Day. STKAMEK Vt'KLC'OM K.

(loins; North depait dally except Snndnv from Green Itay at Little htiirtreon m. Slurttron May noon. Meniiminou arrives 3 p. in departs at m. Minekannce at p.

in. Marinette On retiirnlnt; leaves Alunomiuce. tiMRip. m. Sturtcoultay tn.

OM BATUII1)T IK AYES Menominee fur t'edai Hlver at m. Leatbemsport m. Hiver m. ON SUNDAY UETUltN TUIf LEATKH Menominee at 8:10 a. m.

Hturgeon Uay ni. AnitlVINU AT OreeuDay BTKAMKRU. W. -MOOHK Uolng North Departs. Green Bay, Tuesday and Kriduy at 8:00 p.

m. 1.KAVKS Hturgeon Hay, Weduesdav and Saturday at 1:00 a. m. Menomluuti, Wednesdav A Saturday at a. m.

Kgg Harbor, ui. Fish Creek, a. in. Kphraim, 7M. m.

Mster lay, Was'ilnitton Island :iia.m. Vord Itiver, iMIp. KeM-anaba, nip. m. rayeuo, (lardenBay.

7 p. m. Nshma. 8:) d. m.

Thumpsnn, on Thitrsiluy Sunday at 4 (m a. ni. oiioi mnuistiqiie, m. m. Leavini; immediatly on a return trip, arriving at treen nay, nouniy anil rioiiy ar a.

ni TheC. W. MOOKK counecls at Manlftiuue with Uoats for the East. W.B.Coffeen, M.D., Rectal ITreatraenl! All diseases of the Pedum rente, by the painless method. ANY CASK I'llaKH JAN Ik CIIICKU! I Without Knife Lltra- tine, AuaHthellc, Hem-orihaKe, Danirer or Delay from business I Ohio 0w 221 N.Washlnlon Green Bay, Wii P.O.

Bon 71, Ft. Howard. In mmm Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity More economical strength and wbolesomeuesa than the ordinary kind, anil cannot he sold in competition with the mnllllude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders.

Sold only In caui-. Koval Hakiuir Powder 106 N. V. Robinson's drngBtore has just received a fine assortment of Swenson's English Toilet preparations comprising Toilet Soaps, Powder, Tooth Paste and the cel ebrated Primrose Extract. Don't fail to see them.

IX CONSUMPTION INC IRAUI.Ef Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends aud phy- siciaus pronounoed me au Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr.

King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now ou my third bottle, nnd able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medi cine ever made. Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says Had it not leeu for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would hnve died or Iron blea Was given up by doctors. Am now in the best of Health.

Try it. Sample bottles free at J. Robin- on's Drug Store. Ttttt Headquarter For housekeeping articles is at Wkish keep everything for lurmshing a house, from kitchen to par lor, and their stock comprises a thousand and one novelties that go to make drudgery light and carry comfort and convenience into house. Their stock or table ware, cnttlery, lamps and so forth is unusually full.

Refrigerators and other seasonable g(xis on hand. Clergymen please make application at onca for your annual fare permit for 1889, and thereby avoid subsequent de lay. U. A. Kanous, Agent lort Howard.

Harvest Excursion tickets will be sold by the Greeu Bay, Wiuona St. Paul Railroad Company to points in Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, Montana, Kansas. Nebraska, Wyoming And Colorado, Aug ust 21st, September 11th and 2.rttb, Octo ber 9th and 23d, 1888, nt the lowest first- class rate one way for the round trip. For full information regarding rates. tickets, apply to agents of the Green J5ay, inona ni liailrond, or to the General Passenger Agent, Green Bay, Wis.

Cheap Itateft to Cttirojro. Tho Chicago North-Western Railway Oompany will sell cheap Kxcursiou Tick ets to Chicago and return at freiinent in tervals during September aud October on acconqt of the Chicago Exposition, which opens September Gtb, and closes October 'Attn. For information regarding rates, dates on which tickets will be sold, apply to agents of the Chicago Jr North-Western Kailway Co. PAINT By MlBT rOTT CO Otl-TOAT VTOGT TkVKT runt fnoajr, run it to Church Sunday. Eight Wakhjonabl Shades: Black, Maroon.

Vermilion Blue, Yellow, Ohva rake, Brewster n1 Wagon Greens. No Varaishtag necessary. Dries hare CO wna a erne coal aoa Job cumm. YOUR BUGGY Tip top ft Chain, Lawn Srat. Suh, Firmer UJ ron, tuny amaes, Lurula roles, hurntture.

Front Ltoors, Store -fronts, Screen Ioort, Boats, Mamies. Iron Fences, in fact evrvthlncr. Iut the thing low the Udiet to use about Uic bouts FOR ONE DOLLAR GOiT'S HONEST Q. CO Art yoa winr to Paint this vearff it so. rWt bur a Daint COntainirur water oar tSMzina when for the same money (or nearly so) you can procure VOIT to riltft P4IST that Is warraatt to bean HO.MST, wKXUNI U.BBKl-OfL PAIMT and free from water and benzine.

Denari this read aad take etaer. Merchants hand I In It are our agents and authorised by us. In writing, ta wsrrsit II te wear I YKARS with CtUTH CO UJ CO iKAKa wit i COATS. Our Shades are the Latest Styles used la the East wow becomlne so popular la the West, and up with the Hues Try this brand of HoftKST PA PIT and you will navef regret it. Tius to the wis id uOoeai HOUSE PAINT COIT'S FLOOR PAINTS flint that nerer dr1d bertmi tha Mirk.

Mint. te a week, spoil the job, uid then fweatt Nest Mm cU fni COIT OB'S FLOOR HU1 popular and suitable shades, iimsuJ le err sre as nek ewer altkk Ma trouble. Ne 5E: ShWONTDRTSTICKT WERDEN REYNOLDS. intv Hort Assist. Sec.

of BiiHlueiw Men's Asooiation. Secretary Urceu Bay Board of 1 rade. Notary Pnhlio, Brown County. Agent Wisconsin 0 f. lDSurance lompany.

Office 'n Iludlneas Men's Rooms. Hours, i to 5 p. in. MOVING HOUSES. The nndiTsiiriel has taken an his old bosinraa moving tiuililiiikrs.

whicli be has carried on in ritv fo ahont JO ronw. tnnv I other heavy objects in the best manner and reasonable prico-. Addreaa ror particulars. Jefl'enwn Green Bay, Wl. rWLoave orders with T.

A. Hotter. Jr. corner Adams and Pino Bt. juLl6di.m 2500 REWARD.

We will nav the above reward for any case of complaint, oyspepaia, sick neaa-arne, inai- ucetion. const nat ou or coatlveness we cannot with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are puaeiy vepetaoio, ana never lull to give sausiac- Lame boxes contain Ine 30 miirnr coated 25c For sale by all drneeists. Itcware of coiintcrtlts and imitations, 'the eennine manu factured only by JOHN 0. WKST W.

Madison Chicago, III. Hold by 11. M. liecfe. UriiKniPt, Orei Hay, Wis, daw BlgG baaglvennnlver- sal satisfaction In the cure of Oonorrhcra and Gleet.

I prescribe It and feel sale In recommend ing It to all sufferers. A.J.ST05KR.1.D., Decatur, III. PRICE, S1.0I). Sold by Drogglsta. 11.91 MUCH, Agent.

VCareelaVl yiTODT. Oesraotaea nf fM eaeaaBlrietan, VrgMlrbyeae Caasdcal fx ClnatnnaMjEia TradeavuSlSyjaarkl G. CrRIFFEN TUB YOUNti RKLIAULS ORNAMENTAL CARRIAGE AND MONOGRAM PainteE 18 Years experience in one of the largest Carringo Shops in Now York Citv. can bo Been at all the leullng Livery binlilea in the city. 8 ATIS FACTION GUARANTEED OR NO PAY.

Shop at E. Kitner's. ti TENTS CANVAS AI) HUIiHEK (J00DS, rjr-OF ANY DK.St Wagon and Horse Covers, OIL CLOTHING, CAMP FURXITCCB AND HAMMOCKS, FLAGS AND AWNINGS, AT LOWEST rmi'Kv. Agt. KoltrrtH Chicago.


TYRUELL At Winter's (Inn btore, Washington Street, Greet Bay, Wis. Makes a pw.iaitjr or FINE WATCH REPAIRING ALL niS WCitKIl WARRANTED..

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