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Green Bay Press-Gazette from Green Bay, Wisconsin • Page 1

Green Bay, Wisconsin
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rn nnnrora VOLUME 7. GREEN BAY, MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1878 NO. 188 I iHIHrli 7 BilBWIMPBIl 7 JL A TY7 a nmm 1 JL J2i viw. a -i 11 test against the retrocession of Bob I as his body was muoh dsoomposed In tbe Ravenrhead mine the bodies GERMANY. The Condition of the Em they are seeking to raise.

They were not more suooessful with Senator Ferry. They had hoped to find in the man who had courage There is Much Truth in the Old Mage thai Clothes do not Make the Man IS EQUALLY TRUE THAT TO BE WELL DRESSED lis preferable to being eUd la shabby an! ilt-fittiog (rmenta, eapeeially when by patronizing tbe TAILOPING DEPARTMENT I HOFFMAN'S CLOTHING STORE i Too oan get the best Material, Stjle aad An Experienced Has charge of this Department FALL STYLES already found are all much disfigured. It will probably be days before all tbe bodies are reoovered, Tbe ex plorers have suffered greatly and bave had to be constantly relieved. A large staff of dootors is in attend ance Crowds of women surround the pit sinoe the explosion, weeping and beg ging for news from the explorers.but on tbe whole, tbe people are very quiet and orderly. i i THE DOMINION.

Death from Poisoned Whisky. A Quarrel in a Crowd. Mary's, Ont June 8 Dr. Ford, ex-mayor of this town, has been arrested for poisoning Robert Guest aged 24 yeais, a wholesale grocer Guest oame running borne on Thursday night, and said be was poisoned, and had hurried home to die. His friends asked him what he had taken, and be said Dr.

Ford had given bim a dose. Convulsions set in immediately, and he diod In five minutes. He had been spending the evening with Ford. He was privy to a woman soandal whioh threatened to destroy Ford. Just before death uuest said ord bad made otber at tempts to kill him.

The stomaob of deooased has been submitted for analysis, and an inquest is going on with closed doors. The dose was given in a glass of whisky, that Ford asked Uuest to sample. Montreal, June 8 A desperate party oonniot took place among crowd of about two th ousand persons attending a military review On tbe Champ de Mars, this evening. It originated through an Orange, Young Briton, striking a Catholic youth tor using insulting language. Tbe fight soon became general, when a troop of cavalry was called on to dear tbe ground A soldier, who struck a man with bis sabre, was unhorsed and roughly handled by the exoited mob until tbe timely arrival of a large body of police, who supported the cavalry in dispersing me crowa several persons were wounded, but none fatally.

A man named Jamieson, wbo eommenoed the row, was arrested. The ultramontane cardinals tall thiPope that they would support him in a moderate policy if he could nAVa tha nntainns am tkmM tjt4 I READY MADE CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, Now being sol i by WM. Fresh and Salt Fish Deuot U. F.

KALMBAGH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer la -o Fit for tbe least Money. Eastern Cutter HATS, CAPS, ETC. HOFPMA End Main Street Bridge, WIS. Lake PROUDTI mrx nnnnn Twine Co R.lnbr.i.i 4B ai vj QIUy of G.lling Threads, Cotto II. LAKE SUPERIOR TROtT Hotels promptly supplied P-P " an! reoite.

fj A Brioohes tiuxht. as well ai 1 4V Fish and Fishermen's Supplies Office and Dock Wost FORT HOWARD. The Fishermen of Green Bay and AIT. ITTUIJ ITnm-. j.i.mjj lxx .1 lo up I I ri ftl A 1 1 1.

NEW YORK PRICE Agenoy of tbe American Nett and Ttrnn nn -vw nana rmm 1 tbee8t peror. Measures for the Sup pression ox Socialism. Disloyalty Punished. i Arrests and Socialists Sentenced. TUB IMPKBOR.

Berlin, June 8. Tbe physioians attending tbo emperor are anxious to have him removed from Berlin. The emperor's condition coetinuod favorable to night. 1 PRKO ACTIONS' The military authorities are adopt ing extensive preoautionarytnoasures. The customary Whitsuntide for- lougua have sot been granted DOMICILIARY, VISITS.

Several muses in trie city were learohed by tho police oh yesterday, and a number of persona arrested. A SOCIALIST -88NTSNC8D w. uuvw tbe reichstag, bas been sentenced to i wot it iiupriHuumuuk mr pernieir iog in addressing a meeting at Chitn "Hiti wfter tbe police trad 'deolared it cloied. FRO8XOUTI0NS FOft DI8L0VALTT. Kight persons were tried here io- day for usiog disloyal language in speaking of tbe emperor.

Several were sentenced to from five years'to eighteen months; imprisonment Judgment was deferred in one case, dissolution or tub BKICH3TAQ. It is considered certain that the proposal to dissolve tbe, reichstag will be adopted by tbo federal ooun- oil New elections will probably be hheld toward the latter part of July. Parliament is expected to meet uini toral period the federal council Will urw up oiu uo iuihuiiwu ig Uermau parliament. iney will comprise not only measures against ouibi uouiuornuu eDtBe, uui amo bills relative to tbe economical policy oi me government, lenaing me aeiiD- oration and adoption of these legis- lative measures tbe administration will be ocoupicd in enforcing exist mg laws and regulations so far as .1 i tun; uiit v.pca ueoupif tha indivifliml libnrt.v of travnlioir 7 irUUI piao. THE EAST.

i Preparing for the Con- gross. Horrible Atrocieties Rumelia. London. June 8. Lord Beacon- field baa started for Berlin to attend the congress.

TUB The porte appears to have yield ed to the demand's for t-bumla, but has not for tbe surrender of Varna. Not Russia only, but Germany like wise, hinted to the porte that unlets tbe fortresses were surrendered an invitation to Turkey to attend tbe congress would be withheld. 8KBVIA. Belgrade, June 8. The Servians eontinue with energy their military preparations, while making efforts to obtain admission to the coDgross BULGARIAN ATR0CITII8 London, June 8.

Advices from Constantinople represent that the Bulgarians throughout Rumolia aro perpetrating horrible atrocities on Mussulmans. Geo. Todleben has ordered vigorous measures of reprei aiou against the outlaws Three Bulgarians, taken redbanded, were summarily exeouted at Dedeaguton. -AH traveling in Bosnia is stopped The highways are lufested with ro bers, principally Turkish deserter TUB WAS 1RDS.MN ITT. I Ensland has asroed that war id demnitv is to be included on the same basis as the otbor debt in the general plan of conversion.

PR0MI8SS OF BBWABD. It is rumored Lord Boaoonsfield is to be made a duke after tbe oon sress, but it is more probable hie and Lord Salisbury will recoive the decoration of tbe Uarter DISPOSITION OF DELEGATES. I Berlin, June 8 Lord Beaoons field will stay at the Hotel Kaiser of, Counts Scbouvalofl and Cortia at tbe Hotel Royal, and other pleni- pwtCuttaliud tO tuC COSreba at tuuil respective embassies. THB MINOB P0WBB8 Bratiano for Koumania, Risttoh for iServia, and Deleganni for Greece I will be in attendance to urge the elaima of their respective oouutrieS Greece hopes to be invited to a seatl in tne congress, wim iuu powers. pbbfarinq fob oi 00NQBBSS.

Bismark will transfer bis residenoe to the new ministerial offices, for- tnerly the Radzivil! palace, where tbe congress will sit The protocols of several powers have been plaoed I I 1 I I land at aw ui uvb uuu WLiU Government Their special gnev-T I wines, uoroage, Dish Barrels, Salt, etc. ORDERS AND COHSESPONDENCE RESPECTFULLY sniifMTrn dULIbll C.U. He wore winter clothing, consisting or two pair of pants, hiokory. shirt, blaok vest, and knit jaoket. An in quest will be held to morrow.

THE COMMITTEE. The Examination Going On. fejothine; of Particular In terest Elicited. Washington, June 7. The pro eeediogs in the rotteroom'nittee were almost entirely without interest to day, i here were some letters sub mitted from tbe I res done, being all that had been presented in Ander son's behalf.

Major Burke, of New Orleans.wbo it is alleged, represented Governor mcholls and tbe Louisiana Uenio. erats at the celebrated Wormley conference, has beoo summoned to ap- pear before the committee. Ile was inhnoenaed at General Butler's stiff I cmatinn anrl the mvstmv of tha I i i ail hiroiin wmnn hull nun an freely advertised, will be unravel ed It. NNI3, "TBI OB1AT FLOBIDA WITNESS," is hore, but it leaks out that he will be quite unsatisfactory to tbe Demo orats, and they are caucusing among themselves whether to pat him on the stand. Dennis says he pan tell Lf mm.

Renublioan frauds, but as matter of fact, he knows more of Democratic frauds, and he is in a frame of mind just now to let tbe wrong cat out or tne bag. lie now says that the Democrats not only basely betrayed bim in publishing bis statement, but that they are too oowardly to keep their promise, and unseat Hares "lnev have been rriirhtAneri Dv a IneDle howl of rnvn lution." as ho puts it, and Mr. Den- Djg Buffers from a big dis'ust of th whnln business. In his nrasent frama 0f mind, it is a question among tbe Drannrats whether ha wi I nan nnl m. itnn far thir mrfa Tn their interviews tbey learn that ho knows more about Demooratio frauds h.n iha nnnn it now a question whether the Demo rat have irot Dannia or Dannin Ti tho nmnarats.

u.n-K c.aTiiniT Mr M.M.n nnn nr th K10 0Q the Demooratio side, and inn L0 fa, beill. asked tbo eCsl effect of tha so oalled forgod eleotoral cer tificates from Louisiana, replied as follows, and bis com meats may be taken as the official viets if the Democrats of the Potter committee: The Constitution of the United States (art. 12, amondinents) re quires that the eleotors shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons vot ed for as Vice Presidont. 2. The Lw 139 Kmnoni k.

-Ml. up the certificates so made bv tbem and certify on each that the lists of ali the votes of such State given for President, and of all the votes given for Vice Presidrnl. are oontained therein. The genuine Kellogg certificate (No. 1) did not comply with the above Constitutional require ment, nor did this certificate con tain upon the envelope the certificate above required by seotion 139.

To remedy -these defeots in the gen uine documents, ne ones were man ufactured, being cortifioatel known as 'No. 3' and 'No. 3 These were in due form of law, but were forged. The forged documents were two in number, only one genuine one boiog presented. They we.s all laid before the two houses, anu by them referred to the eleotoral cctn mission, and embraced in their opinion as genuine.

The forgeries of Levissee's name ooour in eight differ ent plaoes in oertincates 'Ho 3 and No. 3 Washington. D. 0 Junn 8 Tt was a poor flly for the Democrats in tne Committee. The prepds teroui story had been started that lhere woad be proof eouolusive that the Republican Eleotoral return No from Louisiana bad been intention ally omitted from the official report the proceedings of tho Eleotoral Commission, and that the omission was part of a great oonspiraoy.

Mo-ivenna, Clerk of the Eleotoral Com mission, being subjeoted to an exacting cross examination for hours, explained clearly that the omission was occasioned by a olerioal inadvertence and tbe error of the official steno grapher. The absurdity of any olaim fraud in this matter is manifest when It' is understood that the book whiob the misprint ooours was not printed until alter the Eleotoral Commission had closed its labors. The original returns were ALL BBFORE TUB COMMISSION and were printed Every member had a printed oopy of eaoh of the returns, and the manuscript originals were constantly upon the Clerk table. The theory, therefore, that there was any attempt at conspiracy was absurd. The Democrats have this point, whiob was only one many petty teohnioil points that ly or on sarabia, and iieton to no representa tions or tbreats intended to shake their determination.

TUBKEY' D1LKQ ATE8 Constantinople, June 8. Tje doiegatus to tbe Berlin congress, Caratberlovi Effundi, Mehemet Ali, and Sadoullab Boy, started for Ber ho to day via Odessa OFFICIAL GUANOES Oaratbeodori Effendi has been ap pointed minister of the publio "works, baouh Pasba prefeot of polioo, and feld Pasba. governor of Angora Mebemet All bas command of the Pasha. been replaced in troops by Fuad MYSTERIOUS MURDER. A Lady and Child Mur dered in their Bedroom.

The Motive Unknown and No Clue to the Perpetrators. Greenfield. June 8 The ui'i ouuio UUU1UJUU1I.T win luia morning thrown into tbe wildest ex- 1 ouemeni vv -me a 1800 very or toe 1 foulest murder ever peroeti ated io this country. The particulars, as near as can be ascertained, aro as follows: Mrs. Sarah J.

Wilson, tbe widow of Woodford Wilson, living about nine miles north of (his city, and ber little niooe, named Annie Cass, about 7 years of age, who had been adopted by Mrs. Wilson, were found this morning, about 6 o'clock, murdered in their own honse. Stephen Bates, a mn who works on the farm, and a brother-in law ot Mrs. Wilson, while feeding the stook had oooasion to go into Mrs, Wit son's bouse, and tbere found the dead bodies. From the appearance vi lurnuuuiuBi ii.

bbduib mat me two were sleeping in one bed, with do omer oooupaots or ine nouso. lhe assassin ined an entranoa bv bieaking the glass in the front door anamennniOCXinglt. iirs llson 8 body was found in the room adioin- ing tbe one in whiob sbe slept. Her clothes were torn; the bed clothes and her earments were scattered about the room showing that a des perate struggle had taken nlaoe mi i ine omy marxs oi violence on ber Kndo Jiitmni VVfVY Ul UIOIIIIVI UII.Ol UJ.i mB 1 I 1 1 me tnroat. maae oy tne iett band, anu a aueni oruise upon oer oreast 1 -1? I I 1 a The body of tbe little girl was found throat the same finger marks Both with their faoos downward.

Tbere is no evidence of any attempt to rar isb, and no robbery or attempt to rob. Tbe coroner is now holding an inquest, and testimony bas been elioited tending to fix suspioion upon persons in the neighborhood, but nothing sufficiently strong to eause the arrest of auy one. Should tbo murderer be detected is highly prooaoie mat judge itfoen wiil pre- side at bis trial. Mrs. Wilson was about 40 years of age, muoh respeot- ed, and in good financial oiroumstau oea I he little etrl wis a remark ably bright and beautiful child, and when the mother looked upon tbe body of er murdered child, the Boene was truly heartrending CRIME.

The Outlaws Increasing mXexas. The Sad End of a Family. Galveston, Tex June 8. A speoial to The News says that Sam Bass gang is now bolieved to nuna ber eight men, having lately been reinforced by Carier and one of the Good brothers, both desperate char acters, wbo Jive on an island in Trinity river, above Dallas. Jule Peake, in command of tbe rangers in pursuit of tbe outlaws, is supposed .1 1 I to have moved northward in an attempt to intercept them Philadelphia, June 8.

A Mrs Geistlaoh, killed hersqlf and 1 wo obildren to day by tho uso of chloro- form. Her husband left town three Bgo, intending to-commit sui-l loids Disasters. New Orleans, June 7. Tho Galvetoton News epeoial says: "The North bound passenger train on the aoas Leuirai was lorown from tbe track by a broken joint two miles south of MoKinley thie morning The ladies oar and eleepet rolled down the embankment of twenty five feet killing the Rev. Knowles Sbaw, the evangelist, and seriously wound jng Todd Miller, G.

W. Henry wire, and (i U. Dlounteastle, and two children. Twelve others were painfully but not dangerously woun Fort Fettarman, Wy. Juue 7.

This afternoon, while sawing wood a steam sow mill, tbe saw burst and a fragment struok Private Louis P. JDauer, of Company fourth Infantry, in the head, killing him in atantly A flaw io the saw was tbo cause of tbe aooident. Rosooe, 111., June A man was found drowned to-dav in Hock River. Lie had evidently lain for some time I I I I 3 of of iu lost of enougn to count tue votes ir it na been neoessirV a person wbo would either acknowledge himse'f to have been a party to a great fraud or would have become a reoueant wit ness. SINATOB FERBY SID NEITHER Having first obtained permission of the Senate to answer the request of tbe Committee, he explained in the minutest detail bis connection with the Electoral returns to the acknowledged satisfaction of tbe Democrats He showed with what signal fidelity tbe Republican PresI dent of tbe Senate adininistoted tbe duties of his great office in that criti cal time.

The statement whioh Ferry presented as to the irregularities in tbe returns of the Eleotoral Colleges of all the States should be regarded by tne American people as a warn ing that speedy revison of the Elec tion, law is necessary to prevent tbe reourrenoo ot anotner jjueotoral ex citement- Senator Ferry took the precaution to bave kept a record of the irregu larities made by the Eleotoral Col leges. There WBBB NEARLY TWBNTY STATES in whioh there were some deviations from the statute requirements with rospeot to the outward formalities of the vote. Democratic and Re publican States were alike. Tbe Demoorats have sought to make a point against Ferry, from the fact that the first messenger return which came from Louisiana was allowed to tie takon back for correction, but jit appoars that the return from Demo eratio North Carolina was abo taken baok to that State, and was roturoed oorreoted, and Demooratio Arkansas even endeavored to induoo Vice-Presidont Ferry to allow the returns of that State to be taken from his custody, for correction, after he bad officially reoeived it. Ferry showed that tbe original, genuine return from Louisiana was first received by mail, was first presented to the joint Convention, and was submitted to tne Eleotoral Commission.

LE VIS8EB) asked to be recalled, and rebuked one the Demooratio members of tbe Committee for having put words in bis mouth 1 be Demooratio mem Ders oooanot tne examination so muoh like a proscoation that wit nesses feel sensitive at it. Ibis sensitivoness was manifested to dsv by Mr Cox on behalf of tbe Uepub lioaos Cox rebuked McMahon for acting as a proseouting attorney. stating mat bis aotioo as a partisan had been noticeable McMahon re plied that Cox seemed nettled be cause for the first time in his life he appeared as the defender of fraud. COX BEBDKBO m'maUOB for deolariog as a Judge that there was fraud or forgery before even the cross examination had been complet ed, and simply because one witnoss had declined to testify. The rebuke given by Cox was evidently woll de served.

i EXPLOSION. A Terrible Mine Disaster in England. Over 300 Lives Lost. I London, June 8. The explosion in Evans' ooal mines, at Uaydock.

yesterday, occurred at 11 o'olock in the morning. The Woodpit oolliery consists of two mines Ravenshead and Florida Tbe explosion was oonfined to the last-named. The mon went to work at 6 A. M. The condition of tbe mine had beon examioed as usual, arid ten minutes before the disaster it was, to all ap pearanoes, safe.

There were two hundered and fifty men in the Wood pit ooliiery eighteen in the Ravens-bead and the remainder in the Florida mine. The men in the Ravens-head were got out immediately, one died and the others were muoh af footed by ohoko-damp. The two mines are connected by a tunnel. and it wag inthewbrking of the Florida mine, beyond the tunnel, that the explosion ooourred. It is the general opinion that every man in that part of the mine is dead.

Tbe explorers found the dead bodies of men and horses on every tide, fearfully burnt and mutilated, giving evidenoo of the dreadful force of the explosion A great fall of coal ooourred. The men engagod in ex ploring the mine are working day and night, endeavoring to reaoh tbe place where most of tbo bodies are supposed to he. Great crowds of men, womon, and children have assembled in tbe vicinity of tbe pit, and tbe general belief provails that near, every family in tho village of Uaydock has suffered tbe loss of one more of its members. No' powder was used in tbe mine. The manager of tbe mine went down the shaft five minutes after the explosion, and finding a number of men the bottom lying on their faats, opened tbe ventilating doors, aud, thus saved the lives of eighteen men.

to FRESH, LAK RIVER FI9 at ttetail, and Families and THE OLD ANDIPOPULAR INSTITUTION, Green uanaues io awwt tin tf Uilieml of Sortheatm tforlia tasm USiUap i 1ED fARtr.i rrm It TEACHING or BUSINESS PURSUITS TIUE' It,) ni at tbe laast possible exoeuse. All tbe Comtnoa 8oaool aal 0uaercl PHONOGRAPHY and TELEGRAPHY. Catalogue of terms and information to BLACKMAN, B. Nl. A.

anooa are the liability of the clergy to the oonsoription, and their exoiu sion from tbe management of charit- able institutions. Mr. Bryant's first collection of I poems did not fill his youthful pock et. A gentleman who not long ago purohasned for $5 a copy of Ibis edi tion, now very rare, took the book to tbe venerable poet, asking that be should write bis autograpbe therein, Mr. liryant complied, saying, "lire dollars is more thm I reoeived on that whole edition." Lodging house keepers in Paris are now iookirg baok to tho last Exposition for precedents Tbey have found one whioh may possibly utilize billiard tables, A man bav iog acoepted a billiard table in lieu of a bed, was charged at tbe rate per hour at whioh he would have paid for exercise of the cue.

A hard charge for a bard bed. J. E. TRACY, CI 0 3 0) 10 Merchant Tailor. B.

GORMLE Y9 The well know, skillful ana artistic cutter, ill be foun 1 At n's etUishmect ready take all orders, whioh will be exeoutad pro nptly tal i.ttuf.iotion guaranteed. Tlie onir place In tlie Went where JMyilU Uariuents can be secured at Low rilceti. CHOICE STOCK SPRING GOODS Kich I shall be happy la showing. Call and see. Green Bay, March 13, 1873.

air3hwly Jos. Brown, Manufacturer of and Dealer in SADDLES, HARNESSES, ROBES, BLANKETS, ETC, Clark's Carriage Umbrella Selling Cheap for Cash, 41 Kitchen's Blook, Orceo Bay ''I I A. At ABIiSIIKD 1868 w51e 18T8. 1878. FOR CHICAGO GOODRICH Transportation Company.

The Upper-Cabin Steamer Oconto, Capt. F. W. 8PAFF0RD, Will Leave Green DarforCH- ego aod intermediate ports, EVERY MONDAY EVE Roturnlng Chicago every Friday The Upper-Cabin Steamer Truesdell Capf. H.

STINE8, Will Leave Ureen Ray for Chi cago and intermediate points EVERY FRIDAY EVE. Returning, leve CUIo igo cr ry Tuesday CTtning at 7 o'cloot. Freight and Passage LESS THAN BY ANY OTHER RELIABLE LIME OR ROUTE. For farther particular appl; to A. E.

GOODRICH, Prfsideut, Cbioago, ills. m. j. Mccormick mjlOJn6.u OR KEN BAY, Wid C. i i I GREEN BAY, WIS.

CENERAL Commission to. 343 'hnn Vater Street PfilL.VDKLPniA, i Abutter, htn. ml Miliiy, nra, toe t. i i. li-.

ti. li-. Oil rTvlJ bro. UU I run, '-op, fijrfaA.iit Ji ciuui: Ihl i the d'lvnl aa ti irn routini. an U' all tuv s.

0.1 ro that no er in r.i'.'.tllpW wt i mil yon h-wreA" more K.imu it ibt houx Is I Its HKfKH nnill Trtu KOH rvrffr von tn rlltli I EGGS. GAME. 'iJllWtk. Old Hewspapars. 1 -A 1 OF 50 and 100 At This Offlco vott est twee i iv? I loM per d.irunJ by nay wortar ot nhr mx, right la their own lojV.ttien, PirtiouUra and wort oar ir lire it ih buinn.

AJ lr- fkiuina ft Portland, Muat inoh Jl'jHjtfaJ ly1 Merchants under the control of Radewits, who will be assisted by the Secretary of the French embassy. BKS8ABABIA 1 Booharest, June 8 The cham ber of deputies on yesterday deoided that the Roumanian representatives I in theeongres should inflexibly pro-1.

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