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The Ottawa Free Trader from Ottawa, Illinois • Page 1

Ottawa, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

juv)tl ttrttii OTTAWA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1877. NUMBER 22. VOLUME 38. r.H IHBLlsHEr) Kvepy Saturday IMoeniiis, At No. IS La Salle sireet (first flnur).

wist of dun House, 11V OSMAN HAPFMAX. TERMS OK SCHSCKIl'TION' In advance, per nniimn If nal pniil till eiul of three months not paid till end of hIx inontlis i i.r."s d.oo currier, mi eeni extra. Flftrea cents a yrnr is milled to jvipcrs scat out of the 4muty, to cover iircpaymot ut postal. These term will be slrlctly ailliereil to. RATKS OF ADVERTISING: fcl'Af'E.

il W.bW.jl M.M.3M.M. 1 W) iTnTt kiiju fim itiow) me Square Two KiuariK "Three (square tVmr ttmrm Klro Square One-niiarUr One-third One-halX Column OneColuma i 5n -irtn, a so sun 6 It) 10 00 91.) lllilol is no 2001 3 50 dm 20 ii O.IOO i 11 III Hill) uttl'HOOl hud smi nil 3 SO SlMi 12 00 47 siw'iamHisoo (Ifl! 101) 18 00 1800 10 15 00 HQ: 30 00 i is man' I1 JS00 2S 4S0I) (WHO i Twelve 11ns of Agate make one an uare. Advertiiemeuts not under contract must le plainly marked the length of time deslrcO, or lUey will be continued and Charged for until ordered out. BuilneM and professional cards (not exceeding Ave linen) Inserted at Ave dollars per milium; over live lines, one dollar per line extra. Transient artfertlalng In all ease to be paid strictly in advance.

tf yearly advertisers discontinuing their advertisements before the expiration of the contract will be charged the fall rates as abovu. Extra charge will also be made for dissolution and other notice not connected with their regular business. Loral notices, fifteen cents per line. in no case will these terms be departed from. IW The date on the slip on which the subscriber's name is printed Indicates the time when the subscription expires.

Persons who have paid for the Frm Tbadkr should be arefnl to notice that the date on the slip corresponds to the date to which they have paid, and at once notify the publishers of any discrepancy. DF.PAP.TMF.XT. Our facilities for doing all kinds of Work, In the various styles of the art, are not surpassed in this section, and we respectfully solicit those wishing anything done In this line to give us a call. Ily the Judicious and liberal use of printer's Ink many a man's fortune has been made, and the Held la still open. Try It.

Orders by mall promptly attended to. LOCAL MATTERS. Livery Mi Stable. PETER EGAN Vontd respectfully anuonnee to the citizens of Ottawa and vicinity that he hai one of lh cnolcest Livery Stocks In tali slur, at the City Stablea.suoh as the latest Styles of Hack Carriages aa Buggies, i I To let at prices to suit times. Parties.

Weddings. Funerals. SPlcNIcs, supplied with good rigs on ahort notice, and Funerals 'in the country or adjoining towna promptly attended to. Persons taken to and Irom the depots, or to the wnntrr. night or day.

WKememher the place-on Jefler on street, half block west of the On High-priced Pianos. Ma. ItnoVVKK Is selling I'laniM. warrant-d six yn for lsi: rnrigiit Pianos from to Wi: former price ami WW. Mason Hamlin Organ, The best In the world.

Great reduction In prices. M11S. DHOW Kit, Agent for La Salle county. Victor Sewing Machines, The lighten running and most simple. BIIOWV.F.

is I selling her large sUick of all kinds of machines at cost. Congregational Church. Bcv. T. J.

Volentine ill preach his last scr.j mons in the Congregational church and close his labors in this city next Sunday. Rev. Clarence A. Stone, of New Hampshire, will preach in the Congeegatlonal church on Sun- day, January 6th. Child ivii's Fair.

The little folk of tbc Presbyterian Sunday School extend a New Year" to and would be pleased you at their fair and so ciable on Thursday 'ening, Jan. VA. Little Red Hiding luod and Wolf will be one of the attractions of i. evening. Old Mother Goo has consented to remain and will give a second e''ptioa.

All are cordiallv ii.itcJ. Admission 5 cents supper 10 cents. '1 1 Lji ell 111. The Lyceum will i. next mceiiugoa Jan.

7, at the Presbyterian church. The programme prepared by the president for that occasion is as follows: Paper Mrs. C. J. Curyea.

Essay U. McDougall. Reading Geo. S. Puiue.

Debate W. A. Pollock and Dr. Ryburn for the afflrmative. and N.

Kilburn and E. O. Osman for the negative. to be cho-en by the debater. Theodore Tilton will lecture in the Opera House on Thursday evening, Jan.

17tlt, H7H. Free Lt Ni ii. Next Monday ut Charley Brau- tr's Mineral Spring Saloon near the Illinois rier bridge. Among the delicacies bear's meat and venison will be served. All invited.

Dancing Academy. The second term of Willis's juvenile dancing class will begin on Saturday, Jan. 5th, 17 at his new academy, P. O. block.

Terms as usual. Bargains in loyt' suits at M. Stiefel Co's. If you want the bct flour the market affords call at the Eagle Mill-. This year the operating hours at Bowman's Gallery will i from a.

m. until :.) v. m. Tots. Fine stock of at O-man iV Hape man s.

The Hoiman Ainu- ar.d liver Pad cuici all malarial dica-es without lucdicino implv by absorption. Try oue and be convinced. Kept by all druggists'. Six pairs wool sinks for tlAJ at t. Hertian Cos.

At 34, Loiillurd'e Plug Tobacco-. Try Wcidknecht for a new suit for Yiar's. Xcc'y ha for sale nine F.sscx ts'ar-, old arid big enough for service. Oranjes, lemons, Acs, dates, nuts, at Pique's. Take a look around the square iiul cc if ou can ee S4, thst'i the rlce.

Another Call. The rreat stuck of jroods at H. J. Cullen's is gradually diminishing 1" spite of the. rains and mud owlnir doubtless to the decided advantaire offered the public at this house.

Goods, be it re-membered, are marked at bottom figures through the entire house, dry goods, boots and shot or rr.Ti.. fircat fiuantities of crouds arc still in stock and must be sold and will be if good quail- i tv and rare inUueenieiii, sucn as ure oucrcu, will cell goods. Call and examine this mammoth stock. feroonal. We want everybody to know that we have a Budnos College in Chcever's block, and that the Principal is a thoroughly competent and expe-r1inecil her.

He intends to continue the school until tho 1st of April 187. There aro now 25 pupils attending the evening exercises, and they are all doing well. They mean business, and they are fitting themselves for the actual demands of every day life. Terms for Writing Lessons and Muscular Movement Exercises reduced to only- per month, of 2) lessons, a he uay school begins Monday morning, January 7th, 1STS, at 0 o'clock. Sew Year's toys at cost, at Picrgue's.

Opera Houae New Year's. There are two performances on New Year's Dav at the Opera House by the Famous Hoolcy Comedy Co. from Chicago. In the afternoon at 3 p. m.

the brilliant comcuj entitled "Naval Engagements," and tho Laugha-ble play, "The Crushed Tragedian." Admittance to matinee 2" and 50 cents. In the evening the grent New York success, "Pink Dominos" and "The Crushed Tragedian." Prices in the evening 75 cents first floor, 50 cents second floor; children 25 cents. Two plays in the afternoon and two In the evening for the usual admittance price; and all who ish to have an enjoyable time should go. Centennial and Miscellaneous Stereoscopic views ut Personal. Bowman, the photographer, has just returned from Chicago with an extensive assortment of elegant new yoods, many of them especially adapted to the season, for They eon.

sist in part of tine velvet frames and cases for the new stvle pictures, large and small, common and tine albums. All varieties and qualities of picture frames and mattings, ideal heads, pictures of actresses, stereoscopic, local and miscellaneous views, novelties, Ac Mr. Bowman has also i mid accessories to his ele- rant new photographic operating rooms. The largest stock of boys' clothing in Ottawa at M. Stiefel tfc Co's r.eicture Courae.

I wish to say to the holders of the remaining tickets in the lecture course that the "Aunt Polls- Bassctt" Concert Co. canceled their engagement with me and I have supplied their place with the Chicago Madrigal club, who will give one of their fine musical entertainments in the Opera House on Monday evening, Jan. 7th. Of course the Aunt Polly Bassctt ticket will admit the holder to the Opera House on said date, and the holders will have their secured seats. The general admission to the Madrigr.1 Club entertainment will be 50 cents first floor, 'il cents econd floor, and reserved scats can ie o.iiaincu at Simon B'os'.

F. A. Sherwood. Ottawa, Dec. 23, l'-w At S4, With each pound of the Charm of the West" line cut is given a tobacco box.

Must bCiot Rid or. Preparatory to raising and renovating our sture it will be necessary to close out our entire iroods. To accomplish this object between thif date and January 1st, we shall make very low prices. As the goods will be sold without regard to cost or consequences, cash only will received in payment. The sale will com-mene on Monday, the 17th inst.

Mr. Shaw Iiav-iug ti lted our shoe room, boots and shoes will be'itr 'ided in the sale. A. Lynch. for l-C at Osman it Hapem.n's.

Will Sot be I'ndersold. Pe. -ms in want of anything in dry goods can r.i,i:ii.i handsome bargains at our store. We want it distinctly understood that rv vitl r.ot be mwAW.J. (live us a call.

I), iikensn to, Stereoscopic views of Ottawa and La Salle countv at Bowman's. Class In Elocution. The ladies of Ottawa are organizing a i in FliMMition. and have engaged Prof. Lyman, of rhieo.

to take charge of All interested are requested to report to Mrs. Dr. Itaseom or Mr. McDougalL The Eagle Mills have lately reduced prices and now sell their famou Hour at unapproacname prices. For the eneUt of land explorers, we ill continue to sell rouu? trip tickets from Uc leading the T.

P. it C. R. I. it C.

B. y. and C. itS. W.

to Lincoln, Friend- villi Beatrice. Harvard and Hastings, Nebraska, on B. it M. road, al to Columbus and Grand Is land on I'. P.

railroaj. Tickets good for days, and iroodon all trains going and com For prices of tickets, lands, terms and dis counts, call on or address S. M. Knox it Son Agent of land department of B. it and it M.

roads, Princeton, Li. Boys' suit; cheap at M. Stiefel it CVs. The membersof the Young Ladies' Temperance hcrebv tender vot; of thanks toj.Messrs Shaw and Ford for their kindness in lending their Chickering grand piano, also to those la-dies and gentlemen who assisted in tin- entertain- mint on Thursday eveuiug, 1 J- New. fine aud common Picture Fraiu at Bowman's.

We are in receipt of John P. Morton well known Western Farmer's Almanac for from Louisville, Ky. Together with all the u-ual astronomical calculations, it gives some pages of very use ful agricultural fainiiy reading Ten cents is all it cost. Fine liov' uit at M. Stiefel The rr lebrated Heliotyrnr Ktini Hat.enaii'.

Os- Fraternity Electioua. The following oilieers of Ottawa F.licatiipineut No. S3, I. O. O.

were lected on Christinas day: 11. J. Logan, C. P. W.

Stockslc-er, II. D. E. Dailey, S. J.

Harris, Seri! J. L. Plerguc, Treasurer; Win. Uurge-s J. W.

The following have been installed officers, for the ensuiug year, of Humboldt Lodge, N'o. KV5, A. F. A. Henry Koch, W.

Henry Gomlolf, S. Paul Bernett, J. Herman Warllch, Goo. W. Fox, See'y; S.

C. Harnett, S. D. II. Alschuler, J.

Chris. Wolf and Jacob Degen, Stewards; Chris. Forster, Tyler. The following officers were elected on Wednesday evening, at the regular meeting of Industry Lodge, A. O.

C. T. C. Logan, P. M.

George Col well. M. Henry Bascom, G. Thomas Rhod.s. flversecr; Wm.

Forlaugh, Recorder; Tlieodon Financier; Henry Walther, Receiver; J. B. Harris, J. Chris. Wolf.

O. Guide, Jason F. Richardson; Trustees, Henry Wolf, J. G. Bell, and Thos.

Rhodes; Representatives, T. C. Logan and J. B. Harris.

Choice Apples. Only 1.00 per bushel at 1). Hceiian it A CARD To the Subscribers, Friends. Relations and Reader of the "Chicago Daily Sews" at Ottawa, Ills. All papers that you have been lucky enough to get delivered since the 10th of December, you are welcome to, without money and without price, and until proper and reliable carriers are secured, (which may bo accomplished by the middle or last of next week).

The 5 o'clock edi- tion will be delivered hereafter instead of the o'clock. A local supplement will be issued daily at this place, which will give a carefully prepared summary of all local events worthy of note, and will be served regularly with "The Wm. P. Tiffany, Representing The Chicago Daily News. Clifton Hotel.

Ottawa, 111., Dec. '-Mil, 177. The new and late-t styles of Pictures made at Bowman's Gallery are not u.i-llrJ The weather on 'Thursday and Friday of last week was certainly for the season, warm, the thermometer hereabouts going above CO in the shade, but the German paper at La Sallo slightly exaggerates," we Imagine, in sending it up in that village to 85 Fahrenheit. It miM have been hanging near a stove. Nici.t cigar retail at 5c; by tho box 4, with liberal discount to dealers, at Fairs, Ac.

The sociable at the Presbyterian church on last Thursday evening was a pleasant affair in every way. The Dairy was "a hit" -arid the supper was elegance itself. But the amusement of the evening was the reading of the rhymes on "The Dairy Maid," which were highly entertaining and amusing. Mr. E.

N. Lewis captured the. prize for the best rhyme presented. On the same evening the Sunday School of the Episcopal church held their Christmas testivat in Chcever's hall, the exercises consisting of a very neat address to the children by the Rector, the distribution of good things to the little ones and a general sociable time by Novelties, new goods and New Pictures at Bow-man's Gallery. Furs at Coat.

The balance of those handsome fin's at D. Hee- nau will be sold at ivt to close out the stock. This is a rare vhanee to obtain genu ine mink furs at little cost. Work Boxes. Writing Desks, Card Ca-es, Paper Knives, at Osman it Hapcman's.

I Mrs. Jacob Barr, a lady very highly esteemed in the town of Waltham, and tho mother of a large family of children, died In that town on the 20th of dropsy. Her funeral on Saturday, in spite of tho wet weather vnd shocking condi- tionof the roads, was one of the largest ever! seen in the town, attesting the high regard in: which the deceased was held, as well as the pro- found sympathy felt for the bereaved husband and children. She was buried altliain cemetery, and was about 40 years of age. lill miin 'lllil nil I It.wni A few Motto Frames at Bowman very mi jart received at Bowman s.

November Fires. Following is our regular monthly synopsis of the Chvtiici' Are tables for November, H77, in cluding both the U. 8. and Canadasr li77. Aggregate Lose Losses to Ins.

Co's No. of tires 5s0 Si n.i,..t iii S. on nnv one davi was on the 14th, MV MO including the loss the Field it Lciter tire; the least, on the 3th. Illinois (Vlil: Dakota. "hh).

Seven bakeries were burned during the month iu the United States, icr suoi.s, "i 1:1 drug stores, 8 feed store. 10 flouring mills, 1 "in-houscs, 27 cotintrv groccrv stores, 21 lit Id dubb-H. olficcs, 11 restaurants, 7 saw 0 school houses, and many other intere-ts too numerous to mention. Patronize home institutions, not bet ausc it home onH, but beeaue Wood sell you better flour for les money than any foreign in town. Try it once.

Fell into tha Kitrr. On Saturday eveninj last Mr. on a aj ree, a men will at times, and during hi-wanderings srot In behind Mitchell' burn and fell off the embankment into Fox river. A in? like tbii in cold water sobered liilll ill shi-ri meter, and his lusty eric for lp brought Will Barker to the frccne, who rcM-iic him. swearing some one tried to murder him.

may true, but it reminds of the trail scene in Lcih Hunt' cxnuisite iikt-cI of drama. "The Murdered Pump." I loll. A reat variety of dIi, from dollars, at Oaman Hajiemair. iHu.i.. A complete assortment of Hapeman'i.

Extra tine and c-mmon band 3wman'. Put on ieck aud look at "4. Finet at Pier ie' Xew PeETr.RIE. in ret'. ty, u'.

llarx-maa' The Osgood Hellotypes. Mr. Phillip Gilbert Hamcrtcui.iin tho number of the Hi rinr, takes occasion to decry all cheap wood-cuts and Inferior stcc'i sites as devices to serve art simply because they have the one uiallty of "democratic cheap "There is no objection," he says, "to cheap art any more than to cheap literature, if it lie good;" but as the two do not stand on the same footing, he adds, "it is not soeasy tochcap-en works of art, below a certain point, without a loss of quality, which is simply intolerable to any one. who knows what (mal'ity really is." Most copies from the works of the masters published by the press as ood-cut cmbelishments are abominable, and convey but slightly the truths of the original; but, us they satisfy in a measure the demand for cheap art, they meet with favorable reception and are powerful in forming the taste of the multitude. It is this demand that has created the wood-cut, and because of it, no doubt, the lovers of art have been labor-in to Invent processes by hich art may be cheapened and at the same timo not degraded, aud on this plan the elegant art journals of the day are conducted and are deservedly successful, but even these are expensive and do not meet nil the necessary requirements.

They tell tis how, for instance, to decorate our homes and make them lovely and attractive, but furnish us with nothing to do It, and yet this is the thief desideratum. A process lias, however, been discovered that embodies the necessary requisites. This is the Heliotype process invented in London in 1870 by Ernest Edwards and introduced In the U. 8. iu 1S7J by Messrs.

Osgood it of Boston, since which time Mr. Edwards lias been its superintendent under their auspices. "The product of the Heliotvpe Process is called Heliotype. It; is both photograph and a print. It is a photograph mechanically produced, and it is at the same time a print having a chemical origin.

The ordinary photograph is produced in evanescent materials, and will fade; the Heliotype is printed with permanent ink and can never fade. The Heliotype, therefore, may be defined as a photomechanical print, possessing the exact features of a photograph, together with the permanent qualities of ordinary printing." The process Is too complicated to describe here, though very interesting wo can only mention the results, viewed in the artistic light only. The last decade has developed with amazing rapidity in our country an interest in an intelligent appreciation of art; and it is in extending that interest and quickening that appreciation that the Heliotype process, rigidly directed, may play an Important part. For many years to come, Americans must gain their chief knowledge of the masterpieces of painting through engravings. Neatly uli of the most celebrated engravings of great pictures have now become rare and costly, and are only to be seen in public galleries and large private collections.

Here the function of the Heliotype process begins it comes to tho aid of art, multiplies these costly and beautiful works, and brings them vvithin easv reach of the whole public. Al ready several hundred subject have been pub United, and the catalogue show Imposing list of artists and engravers, while the accuracy and excellence of the work Is remarkable, and peculiarly gratifying to lovers of art. The "engravings" are printed on thick, handsome paper of the uniform size of inches and sold at fl each. Agents are to be found at most large towns. In Ottawa, O-mun it Hape-man have but lately been appointed, and have now on hand a number of the works both ith and without frames which all are invited to look at.

Catalogues and a description of of the pro-Ices may also be obtained from them. The light over the postolliee is M-tllcd, and it is also settled that the stereoscopic views of the new P. as well as views of ladies and gentle. n.j.n fiw. -it flj.u I i mi iv ti wm- J4 They sell all meerschaum goods very cheap. bold. Pr- 'Pilsivs jxiper knives, ivc, at Osman it Ha peman's. Ladies wishing tine velvet goods for the new tl.i. Look at Subscriptions received fur the principal i -papers and periodical in the I'nited States, jt O-uian it Hnpt'inaii's.

Knife-plaiting, ail kind- at Mrs. Ilrowcr's. 'W furniture and new New furniture and accessories in Bow. phoiographir operating rooms. for nU ColntmA the Atchison, Topeka A Santa Fe Railroad, xteiiding from Kansas 'it and Atchioii, on Missouri river, via Topeka, the capitol of Kansas, through the fertile Arkansas alley, to Pueblo, where direct connection Is made with the rii nvrr and Rio Grande.

Tiie track is excelled that ol no road in the West, and the pasaen- embrace sail the modern Improve 1 ucnts for comfort and sufetv. Through express grains leave union depots, Kansas City and Atchi-on, daily, on the arrival of trains from tie: Eat, nut run through the Rocky Mountain, with Pullman Sleeping Car attached. For map, cir. and d. t.iib-d information send to T.

J. ANDKUSON. General Passenger Agent, pi ka, Kan. A irood tock of larsre and small Album at at co-t. 1 l.c Ik grades of tobacco at -A.

arm for Tiie Owen H. Farm, lmt acre. miles W. of Orand Kidi'e, for fab' by W. M.

Head, ijnee of the I'rojMTty: and al-o aen's ad- uill Im- sold toetiier or in parcel, ror rn M. Head, drand Kidi'e, I.a Salle Illisioi. r.y. oy-trr ai.d Xm: ercan at i ll; ili r. or Fivk, or c-om'-inatioii rule j-taud t.r'i.

of a ruler, a ii. steel pen and holder, a slate pern il ii' mid au eraser. For by U. I'll ture v. ir iettire cord picture nil: at in jeM.1 and a arietv of novel piece.

Very cheap. ll.ip' inan'. Call see tliem. H-ie velvet Picture Krcrae at Hr new fv. at nian A A BIG BARGAIN Ki Kin AT SCOTT BROS.

CO. will place on sale to-day a Large stock of "Hamburgh Embroideries," just Received from Hew York. They have concluded to make a SPECIAL JOB of these and run them out lively. FIRE HMIE PDLICffiS Are issued by the undersigned in the following Companies At Bates Demonstrated by Adequate Experience to be S-AJFIE JLIsTX) EQUITABLE: Organ ittl. ISI9.

I853- 1S10. 1853-1794. i353-1848. 1S64. AnU.

J2TNA, of Hartford $7037-97-95 CONTINENTAL, of New York 3,040,085.07 HARTFORD, of Hartford 3,273,869.00 HOME, of New York 6,143,274.77 INS. CO. OF NORTH AMERICA, Philadelphia. 6,601,883.98 PHCENIX, of New Ybrk 2,792,903.00 SPRINGFIELD, of Massachusetts 1,515,672.21 UNDERWRITERS, N. 3.360.731.44 THE ABOVE LIST EMBRACES The First Seven of ALL the Joint Stock Fire Insurance Companies of the United States, At regards mrplui to Policy Holder.

The total Losses paid by these eight corporations exceed in the aggregate $160,000,000.00, and their present condition is eminently of a character that warrants the same substantial service in future emergencies- A share of your patronage is r-spectfuUy solicited. Q-EO. W. BAVE1TS, Ottawa, Sept. 20.

Southeast corner ol' Bl'Wli. NO ONE WHO IS IN WANT Of RcaJy-Madc Clothing or Gents' Furnishing GihhIs ought to buy One Dollar's worth till he has visited the only one price Clothing House in La Salle county. Look to your interests! Study our Compass Read our Guarantee! And buy your goods where you get the best and most goods for your money. And FISKE DEEM mean business. And no salesman is allowed to break anv of these rules.

'fSl the same if ei, if customers find the articles unsatisfactory, an I return thea iinwDrn ant within 13 days of the date of purchase. Signe-l, Free Coat. I Mi. KiNo'fi New l)i ovrnv for Couirhft and Cold. Atlima.

Bronchitl. ete i Ifiven away in trial i'ctc to the alllict. ed. If you have a severe coub, cold, dillleulty of brcathinir, hoarvenes or affection of the throat or lunzs bv all mean sivc thi wonderful medy a trial. A you value your existence you can not ntfortl to let this opportunity pa.

We could not afford and would not jrive thi remedy away unit knew It would aecomplish what we claim for it. Thousand of liopelcas case have already licen completely cured by it. There is tin medicine in the world that will cure one. half the caws that IMt. Kiso's New Di ovekv ill cure.

For sale by F. V. Uriz. Ottawa. 1 1 A rieaant Duty.

ft isalwavs a pleasure to recommend a iroml article, esp- ullv one tlial an u-tain it reputation adiH- IMt. KlWs New IM oVEKt for consumption, coushs and cold. Im-iiii; per-fectlv ndiable in every n-apc-ct. A severe coiuh or a negb-cted cold yield readily to its wonderful power. Bv it the 'worst cawi of asthma and bronchitis are cured in the hortest time Mible.

Consumption and couj(h worn patients will re-member thi remedy Is cuaranteed toiive immediate relief. Ir. King's New Discovery plea, ant to the ta-'- and rfectly If sou aluc yur tencp you cannot afford le without it. 't a triul. Trt 'f' For sale by F.

V. ir. Ottawa. AU kind st-w needle at Mrs. Brow, r's- PiL.TuomPU F.AstUS new delz'.

O-man A lUpeuian's. sanrs A A Mrppr A irUAnAiN inn. WE GUARANTEE: 1st. That the prices of our j- Is shall be as low as miality of material and manufacture are soli anywhsre ia the United States. 2J.

That the prices are precisely the same to everybody for mote quality, on same day of purchase. That the quality of goods is as represented. 4ih. That the fall amount of cisb pai will be refani Xs. 24 and 36 Madison Street, Or.ava.

IIL i Truly a Medical Woo tier. Have you ever before known of a remedy for Dyspepsia and I.iver Complaint, Sour Stomach, Loss of Appetite, Constipation, Bad Tastes la the Mouth, Cotuinz up of the Food and General Debilitv. beintf sold on a cuarantee? You niua, answer No, for none heretofore possessed sufficient merit. We have secured the sale of this Wonderful Keinedy, Pk. SuiLOH'S Ststk Vi.

tamzek, which we sell on these terms. Will you not clve the small price of "3 cents to cured? Sild at Tozer'e Dru Store, Otts, 111., and cUewhere by all dealers. We arc more of Shiloh's Cl rc for Couih. Consumption. Croup.

Uoarsns-ne. Athma. Wbopini Couifh and Lunif Disease than all other Cousin lli midie. bei-suao wo have guaranteed it and it has stood the test, to cent. cents and tl.UO per bottle- And for Lame het or Back use Suu.oh Pernors Pt- ir.n.

Sold at Tozer's lruz Store, Ottawa, IX, and i lscw here by all dealers. II km er ack. a new and de'iithtfut perlurae. Sold at Torer's Dru Store. Ottawa, IiUsndelse-w here by all dealers.

(-) Mi i.TiTriES are wearlmi the Hoiman Fever A P.i.l anil fifi its rn.L merit as a cure for fetor and acue. all d. i uisvascs il lae suuuaiu usa Don't fail to look at the lare stock of Niys suit at M. Stiefel Jc Co's. nr at tmai A H.ipemsu's..

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