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Modesto News-Herald from Modesto, California • Page 2

Modesto, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PACE TWO- Pays Big Fine Mrs. Eiibert Dwdze vt with ttutirt uu riry ami Farm Beard's Aid Liais New Hope; Grape Sigtrap Caic- oaign Promising Mty lew of contracts Doming into heir, today Raisin Growers' was D.I new. of ur.iier iniG- physicians made public tonic luan of for the raUin eo-operstive. at the narri- Jkiff a year tiStrifci, OsStr cbisjei, such 'rein fc bysiness dlnrict bui'dinn to the cruef manufacturing unit. were to as the premising source of qull'i irreat financial to iho ''Tho loan was nesotiated in San FninciKo funds are 10 be'ftipplled by farm Italy.

XMIonai Bant: ot Los em! Intermediate Credit Bank of Berkeley and the AnRlo-lxmtton-. Paris Bank. Some HOO.OOO of It i a for pjttt duo bills ar.d 5WO operat- ine wpenoe. while J750.000 will so operations. It vraj Se- clired.

The loan and the inz proeram were made mtllc 13 Mea Keleawll of iho Fresno s'Jsff of flf- men of the California manu- I facturing) branch of the co-op -will bo xQ it appeared, with a i sslaty cut of about 3MOO monthly. At the Mune time. the growet sienup cttmoalpj leaders were nointlnE to tnc feats of campaign atid mahin? optimistic prophecies of the eventual JS.OOO Slimed Including bank hoitlmgs alia other larcc acrcaKes, approximate- ly 75.000 acres of San Joaquln Valley vineyards wcri; tinned to unified indujtry program up to last Saturday, which 1 ended the first of the eani- Sn- nounccd. They also said the campaign for grower signatures In Northern California atRited yesterday under leadership of Or. Theodore MMk- Hn, farm bocrd and thai reports from ho Sacramento Valley should start rolling in within the next few dsys.

om i vnfy-fi''o Biola srowsre sieneel 3QOO acres to the unified srane industry prosram in 1 hours. In Tulare County. Kclley, chairman of UM ca orRinizatiori turned ir. 150 contracts ar.d prtrticted nn evon-: lua! of 90 per cent of iho acrsaie -in territory. Similar tor: rsports were cominc irohi districts throughout the state.

Icadcre said. Pnot Aopr9Veu -with the o.fccr announcements came the- here that tils paeksi.V cnmm.ttfte ot sevenihad niot Saa Franctow and latS-'yesterday approved tne final oWi of the contract tha'. would bind tha packers to the unified industry projrram. The actual aijrnimr by the participating packers now becomes merely a detail, Kothchild ol Rosonborit Bros. head, of the committee, remarked.

San FVancisco Egg Butter Market MR CUES RDfflD IN PLEA FiRE-ElECl YouEg's First Administration PoinMd To la Carnpaiga Frco: P-2C- hive! in- twice lieutenant ar.u oscfc as birr.piy uy lias bttn iftue." State The governor then Iaur.c!:«4 lino ihe ot Thc iojr -esrs of administration have rdacwi our on xcetiinsry and healthful Dtoplie made for the niuch- new institutions, luch as a new slate hospital, new us and despite thf. atflstancc we are now giving the counties by Charing expense of providing aid for tfco Indigent nr.d the "csiiy blind. have so rigidly V.M Vnwn our central state ex- utniiiturw thl we now have a cash surplus of more than J29.0W.OW. the highest in the of the stAte. a net gain of 56.000.000 during thew four "During oast four years we have added greatly (o the efficiency uf our utate euvtrrmunt ana to the economy of its operation By comblninB 130 d-Mrganlietl and Independent boards und commliuions into thirteen stronsr department, each charged with carrylnK out Its oivn major governments! function.

In Constant Touch "The directors Iheae depart- mente form A governor's council, and each month in a con- rcvlew MODESTO 6-7, IS oi the K. nr- rublican r- Borges Triangle Broken By Merced Authorities itrew tir-UstioB Of Hearing Start, ed AT Sacran-nto Held I til ii. a. Before Seavey The- i ar-1 ter ar.ti Tornadic Three Sweep States; Heavy Property Less BULLETIN OKLAHOMA C1TV. May 6.

i wind and electrical storm of KtvraiiKK he Cave i a and i uJt son he or.iy I not hie lather thai: 1C, hto, Janiesor. lejll- fleil after "ellins how r.e had tllblilcd Si.15.3W to Csnnon anj 6nly to the Hoover The committee a telo- ur-u'i ir; which Cannon Jameson to make report coin- Over wish ihr one Cannon hart nude In thla wire- Cannon JiniPdon say he SlfOOO to the anti-Smith commit- of $tS MO has not yet been developed. Good. Sieirp Involved testimony abc K.I.'-.C vfeUs to^'c-r. fiiierf: years, tr.e of STot-k-on btriore Merc's iv -i-e -n 3w as'.

uchlevea A decree cf hspss 1 a late cf per then. Ivfore Railroaj S. 1 nira to texc l-j Sfivty is a. with him. cc.T-inuMion i-f ht-aring in Ssc- in Apiii, uncl for n' 1'oMKl lo y.j iha- the enter she was Joe's "ttlng a rate in arrivM at Oustine, Adnitttin? that thf of Joe's Ycr (, lMv -I iio.i't tv.iy She coula r.ot bpe- 1 tti I 1 r.o t-J r.o r.o dfcidet! that she a1 Er.Rliah.

ifi-u; I V.iu.-v v.i.s', went wtl! until a few weeks I -o o- atrc. when tilef of nelehbors tu i probation officer'i eari. babies Ifu brought rharjjen of -1 Or- f) iii deilnxiueiu-y of frander of Joe and Mmy. naming hc-r Mr.ry if EGrucs of chiStiren us tho tninoiv her Then authoiities fsct to c-atiu the a ru blein. frcni tho bux-itu "But.

dfported Mary, wint lots of people P.H tvei- the -vvnnld happen to her children? of i If they iniptisoned Joe. who Joe's wife kr.e--v nt the v.ovi!J four hunso" bodies? hp lllhwfsl Raln unrt Wl U. S. Moves To End Sale Of Rum-Making Equipment Government Prepares To Suppress Trade In Paraphernalia Used In Manufacture Of Liquor; Big Dealers To Be 'Wiped Out' First, Doran Says r- day few H. J.

a Of a unaortahln'l'I and Vlrousands cnmfmen? of Present. HJJ, TM homa i ana Looslns their fur- in Western', financially Jl-! chcci Referring to the ls'lon of 'satisfactory returns and lh othcr cthw ftc-, Humanitarian Work few Damage was behest "of Representative Tinkham. total: wno ILEE IN JI; DEWS HE IS Pi such organix-jd effort ported hurt. 1 finances recojmlica as the fairest and most adequate to a practical solution of i important labor legislation of i iorm cella these temporary problems. i recent yflara: our new slalo hospital i 'Tsrhaps no co-opcratiyc plan 111- Southern California, and the olving cosnplctc inuuslriil owalll- i pi en did development of other slaio atiort has ever been otfcreil i our legislative SAN FRANCISCO, May 6.

artctJi: Butter--55 score. B. ns such compieto form as that vrhKn is now offerad to the grape Indus-1 j- Kraae, B. S. No.

1 extra! (tareej U. 3. extras C. S. No.

1 txtras nia rune? of Call'ornla. "Ail forces arc united in making the plan possible and giving It ttw vital support which ia new- needed. "It remains.alone, for tho CTapo afowrs of the state to do their Sari. It is now their responsibility sad their action will determine the for veterans' -welfare. Inclutl- the home purchase act for former service men; and finally, our educational program, especially i tha school survey now being ried on to determine what improve-; PUPILS 10 fflLU What arc you that all rtcwibifcan clubs in York li-ivn turned vet? tlic chairman nskctl.

"Tf Rnpublicanif dent iiomi- i neto a reasonably On- candidate i there is K'Jinp to bo tumble, Jameton replied. Chnrpes May Follow DALLAS, May e. 5 that charges will be filed BisroD James Cannon. Wic vit Program of' vfrginia." durintf thn auadricn- educational system." -nr r-ial jrcneral conference of tna Has Enjoyed Work Wednesday Evening At jicihodist Episcopal Clmrch. South.

The governor declared he has en- Hotel Modesto upcninc here to-morrow, for his VV jireia ail of patapherneHa for liquor manufacture. Tho )5 boiiih unuC'i i.akuu uiidvf tiiu hUficiiiij CUUIL yesterday that tliKtrlbxiticn of auch equipment was illegal under the Vol. Prohibition 1 Doran announced the sayiiir Uie ac- lion CL the supreme court in up: holding the seizure of bottler, casks and corks in Pittsburgh, on the sround that they had been dis- i played to attract purchasers who intended to use them in manufact- urc of illicit liquor, cave the bureau an effective weapon to proceed against every large concern pro- ducinp such articles. After the bift dealers are "wiped out." Doran raid ihc bureau "po down the line." agSS bi? 5 I Militant Pastor Insists He Had paraphernalia for commercial home Right Criticize brew and 'or affinl: ir.oonshino U- 1 quor." Doran said. will proceed asainsi cvcrj" person and concern ivherc the con- LOS G.

fJP)-- Characterizing himself as "nrU- i of war the i Shulct, militant pastor of Trinity McthodUt Episcopal South, to-day laced the routine of Planned At riCniC i rounty for his conviction i Each club community in Stanis- yesterday on eix counts of con; laus antl Morccd Counties wilt of court immedl- ho held Slay 10 at the ateiy to start serving nis sentence, Bridge, two and one-half miles and announced he would pay ths SGU th of Ililmar. fine. He was roundly cheered by Each club may enter a demon: scores of his followers, had ptratlon U-am on pnsject subject gathered at the Kail of Justice to i matter in the contest which is be- hear the decision of Superior Juaga held the mominff of the field Ciair Tappaan. saiu pet tuft or tune we Arrived as upitaiisiic of the lite of iho KetUtiaaR ihlis The exhaustion o( th? This acsir.s 1 she scrvici 1 can for iho city of Sacianifnlo, is per tsr. Ryan there arft other SBS supplies in the San Joa- Vailcy which be de- vcloptd for a.

continuation nf nat- unil pas supply to Stockton and over the same pipe lint, but City Attorney Le Roy I Johnson of Stockton produced a Etaicfiient of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, showing the cor- poratici'. nr.ticipp.iea therr are oth- be relied upon in" addition to the Kettlcman HiHs wells. Ryan proved an evasive when City Auorney Johnson touch- pletely amortlztd, in the event the KctUfman wcils outlasted that pcricd. or other xvera produced. i ''That is a matter of company 'policy which I would not-care to talk 'about," Ryan replied.

i The elioiinsffon of tha depreciation charge would result in a material reduction in the jras rates. Ryan sstd thr estimated life ot fifteen years of the Kettleman Hills wells was purely an male, based upon ecological, tigaticns, and upon 4 prudence'' in emortizing- the sys- (tcm in that, period of time. Club Competition av also may enier their i In a typewritten statement ad healthiest bov or Klrl in the health dressed to newspapermen. Shuler i contest which will be held at the i reiterated his contentions made same lime. from the witness stand that The demonstration teams will be criticizing the judges and eo oxpactpd to show some particular lie he had a risht to do so.

i part of their project subject mat-; '-7 stand convicted cf having ter in club work and wili nave ten spoken in defcnsn of justice." the minutes fo: ihn riemnnstration. statement said. 'T am sent to jail Each team will be made up of because I have supported the ad- thrrc members. ministration of Jaw- I Accept the 7 Uonn hf-alth contest is to he iut'ccd challenge. I ciadly would Furren- iTy on cn eral physical der not only my freedom but my proportion.

and on? jot or olor tcelh a posture. Tho cn: tittio from tho course that my God trant.s will meet at the -ina eonscience have dictated." stand at 10 o'clock tho morning of ihc fieid day. Fiends Guilty--Robert Mitchell For Men Only- men we want you to come in and look over tho wonderful lino we arc ahnwinir at our featuro orice of $5- You'll say they arc 'the BEST VALUES you've ever seen--we KJfOW they are. BRIDGE EXPERT KILLED of a charged witn possession of a stil'. pleaded guilty when ar- To Meet To-night twenty-three wars.

a Mo- C. C. TOIJMG. the public Gox-ernor. Mrs.

Raddue paid. president, presidcd. i LONDON. May 6. Huph raiifnT--d in Superior Judpe J.

C. Elliott, one of the world's foremost' Needham's court, on Tuesday and experts at contract and auction askeii for probation. C. H. Ramont.

bridge, was killed to-day vrhsn his, probation officer, has the case un) airplane crashed near Hanwe-H Air-- dcr consideration, with a rcpcrt to i drome. be made later. C3to hospital Tuesday morning. I Bugler, a native of Iowa. leaves his Mrs- Eva Busier, and C.

Gilbert Wrcnn, secretary- of the vocaiional guidance coir.nvlt- tcn at Stanford Uniycrsily, will speak at a mcctlns of tho voca- i tional suidanee class this cver.lnj; two children, Earl and Wesley Bus- in Roosevelt School. i Icr. Wrenn will talk on Vocational Funeral arrangements Information In A Guinascc Pro- I charge of the shannon rrsm. Chapel. are In Funeral Don't Miss This Golden Opportunity IflSEMITEMSfflMOP 912 Eleventh Street A Our Gold Notes Paying Interest Every Three Months At the Rate of the First Year And Then for Four Years Are a Mighty GOOD INVESTMENT These Notes are Issued Under a Special Permit from the Corporation Commissioner of California.

They May be Easily Liquidated and are Safe. Mercantile Acceptance Corporation of California Chas. D. Elaine Resident Manager 87 11th St. Beaty Bldg.

Phone 975 Smart style, -Superior tailoring, Accurate fit, -and rich, long-wearing worsted fabrics! Step in and see these suits Kmow That Youi Look Your When natural teeth are lost the lips and chocks fall inward in such a ivsy as to destroy the former expression of rour 'ace and mate it look suddenly- old and weak. AVc ean restore your natural expression in sueh cases by giving the plates ihn ripht forms, and correctly placing iiriifii'ial tcctji. which a carefully tiioitn to liarmoaizv. ivnli your face. We 'Tin pnnniss you icetii a pro- vidp pliysicsl and menlol comfort, mas- cfiieiency.

am! iiove i 1 Guaranteed Painless Extraction I Schroeder Chas. Freaeli DENTISTS Dr. B. L. Schroeder Dr.

C. P. French Modesto Theater Bldg. Turlock Mercantile Bldg. Phone 783 Phone 1124 Evenings by Appointraeat i.

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