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Janesville Weekly Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 3

Janesville, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'I II. i O. Mlrctrttll Move. Xbe fo-JCfs under Gen. Milchell "have-oc- Toscambln, This "place "is the head of igitfon'on Tennesaeo river, sixly miles Pittsburgh Landing.

Gen. Mitchell now miles of the Memphis I Fight at i City. i 'fictory-which the rebels icporttd from 'for themselves, at Eiuabctli City, K. tarns.ont lo be on Iho federal side. The rebels' skedaddled" at tho first fire.

Did any.ona ever hear of a true account of -A baUle'cominff, from IhM source? i. BIIU lit Confcrcm. The bill confiscating the. property of rebels, introduced in Louso of representatives by Mr. Dinitham, of Ohio, was defeated, yesterday, in the honsc.

By our dispatches, to-day, we learn that tbe republican members had a caucus, on this subject, lsl.night, in which it was decided that a committee of seven should be appointed to report general confiscation bill. This indicates tin intention on the part of tho majority to post some kind of "A confiscation bill. This is well. The people of the whole country demand a measure. While they may not insist upon a law whiih shall include all the every man who lins been engaged in this rebellion, they will not be snl- isficd unless the ixclivo, persistent nml inn lignant puuijhcO.

in this way. And "especially will they continne'to lo maod thai tho assumed right to tho service of slaves shall bo forfeited in every case. 'As slovery'is tbe cause of'the rebellion, it should be wiped out entirely, so as to en 'sure peace and concord in the Union. The Llal or In Hie. U'liKim- Hegtnienti, at (lie I i We publish, to day, list of the killed, wounded and missing in tho Wisconsin rcg- al the battle of ritUbnrgb Landing.

We presume it is not entirely complete, but nearly so, and in the result of much labor oii the part'of Mr. Bundy of tho Wisconsin. 1 He is entitled to the thanks of the friends of the regiments for his industry in collecting the'materiiit for this'list, while'al tlie battle field. Tie Chicago papers profess to represent the northwest iu the collection and publication of news, Jbut they have principally con6ncd themselves to repotting for Illinois regiments, and lauding them for the part they took in the recent battle, while Wisconsin is almost entirely ignored, or if noticed, misrepresented. In the next battle, which is to take place very soon near Corinth, there tnay bo seven or eight Wis consin regiments and batteries with Gen.

llalleck's a competent corps ol reporters should be present from Ibis stntc to record their gallnnt nets, and forward, without delay, statement of the cnsuukies that may occur amoug them. Orftnt'i Course Avjiroved, order of Gcu. llnlleck, thanking Gens. Grant and Bucll, and the men under their command, for their courage and en- ducuce at Pittsburgh Landing, and tho di rection lo Gen. Grant to take command ol his division, seems to upprovc of the nets of tho latter, daring and previous lo tbe battle.

This is not in accpnlunco with the judgment of those present, at that time, nor of the p'ablic, who'judge from the reports which have been received. It is nut possible that so many witnesses should be mistaken, who, unknown to cnch other, with one accoid, denounce -the inefficiency and want of generalship displnycd ly Grant, throughout tho wholu of that affair. Tbnl the men displayed courage aud endurance, ii true, but that Gcu. Gtaul should divide any honors with them, on that occasion, is not just or right Judging from what is now known he rather deserves a court mnrlial. It is possible; though vre hope it is not so, that Gen.

Halleck approves of that style of generalship which puts the rawest reernils to be found, upon the extreme outposts, with Out pickets, and which allows an army to lie around loose generally," in the presence of tbe enemy." this is what be by hb thanks lo Gen. Grant, bis presence with the army will not produce that mighty change in its condition is so ardently hoped (or, by its fritndj. Oeu. Bank! to In Danger. We notice by the telegraph Ihnt the authorities at Yorktown fear that the rebels will ''bag Gen.

ncnr Gordonsville. The solicitude may grow out of Ihc apprehension that Banks and McDowell will get to Richmond 6rst. It was the life-long policy of ft distinguished American general, now retired from serrics, to allow no general officer to distinguish himself, if he could help it. He wanted to monopolize all the glory himself. The action of the president, in dividing the armies into distinct departments aud corp', breaks upon this grasping policy, which was likely to be continued.

As" to Gen. Baukj, he is probably well informed in relation lo tho enemy in his immediate locality, and doubtless will take care, not only that he does not get any advantage of him, but will not allow himself to be imposed upon by the sensation sto. rits of an army of rebels, said by the "reliable gentleman''to be located at Gordonsville. Tin: COST or scigc is nn expensive I i Sevastopol he allies employed guns for which It bus been decided by the English and Spanish plenipotentiaries lo withdraw their troops from Mexico, while the French general haj determined to prosecute tbe, war. allies had obtained a position interior of the country by promising lo re- lire, in case negotiations for peace were unsuccessful.

It 'appears that the French choose lo violate their promise, and to advance upon the capital. This want of good failh on llicir part will unite the nation tlity-nill lose the respect of the world. i (j ii. i i Mujor O'eiicral C. Smith, died nt Savannah, yesterday.

He was more recently and generally known for 'ordering the brilliant and daring churge upon Ihc works at Donclson, which resulted in ihe capture of lhat place. He was unlive of Pennsylvania, entered Ihe army in 1825, nnd nt the breaking out of the rebellion, was a lieutenant colonel in the'regular service. Ue was a brave soldier, and Ihc country which he served well, mourns his Tlie Wnr Stenmrr Uitlrnn. A now iron war slcamcr, llie Galena, has just arrived in Hampton Heads, which inakts the third antagonist of llie Mom- mac in Ihose wulers. Tho Galena is said lo be slrongcr and more cfYective lhan ihe Monitor, having a heavier shot-proof casing Ilian the Monitor, net draw over twelve feet of water, is sea worthy, and i.s perfectly cruising us Ihc ''wooden wall" in common use.

have been made i the machinery which justify Iho evpectution lhat llie speed of llic vessel will bo equal lo twelve miles per hour. '''At' a litllc di.stnncc tlic appearance of llic Galena is smooth and regular, her curve lines and rounded lorin diminishing her apparent A cioso inspection reveals ihe joinls of iho longitudinal plates with sho is covered, but not a bolt- is visible. J'his is one of Ihe peculiarities of her mail, which is ol a new design. mc.ins ol llnngcs and tongues Ihc heads ol Ihc bolls arc entirely cosercd, aod thus a weakness in ihe iron plaliug"use is obviated." If ibe lelcgram, lo day, is reliable, Ibis new vessel has already achieved a at Yorktown; perhaps'succeeded in ning the rebel balteries, cither on Ihc James or York rivers. Wo hope somebody will take the prccau- lion to hoop the Milwaukee Sentinel, while il is the recipient of ibis exclusive picic of conlraband news, in relalion lo llie Galena.

It camo near bjrsling on a former occasion, when it thought it possessed some great news, but ically did net. prom (he Regiment. Oa Hoard Steaaer McClcllao, near Raodvlnb,) oa River, April, are lying here with a fleet of some fifty or sixty Tescels of different trying, to effect a landing. The river is tiemeodously.higb, and WB begin lo fear we shall bave lo round to, and put back up the river again, without accomplishing what we-set out for. The entire country, as far as ihe eye can reach, is under water, and the river ij still rising.

I think it is impossible (or us to land until the water gees down. We hear lhat we ehall have to rclarn to JS'cw Madrid again, but I hope not. I 'wanl lo go ihe whole length of the route before returning. That raobt.ofus enlisted lo do. The gun and morlar boats lie between us and the forl.

It beats us lo know how people live down here on the river. We see whole plantations under water, the houses and outbuild ings.only visible--the water rushing in one door and out (he olhcr. On some litllc el cxalcd spot we frequently see the family some flooded house gathered together, with their horses, cows, niggers, wailing fo: the river to get a little higher, so as to floa ofl. I cannot see what else for. It is cer lain, if ihe river rises one or Iwo feet more some of ihem will have lo swim or drown unless relieved in some way.

I saw one man lo day, who had gol his family, con sibling of wife, child and dog, in a smal boat, and ho was slcering east from hi house, irking lo find a landing forhissnia! craft. I felt sorry for the poor fellow, a though he was butternut," right from th old house. The wealher is very warm, and we have some lerrilic ihundcr and lighlniug down here now, almosl every day. The woods arc all green, and one not used to this climate would call il July or August. U'o hruc had on this steamer, tho trip down, our entire regiment and one battalion of cavalry; but the boat being loaded too heavy, vcstcrday four of our companies were transferred lo olber transports; so we have it a litllo more comfortable now.

The men generally are healihy and in fine spirits, nnxious lo move forward and finish up Ihc work ihey commenced, and get to their homes once more. The mail will be directed to Cairo, as heretofore; it will follow us. We get tbo mail regular, only it lakes a little longer to A A D. Dodge, who left this ity with Capt. Ely's company as ensign, etnrned last Wednesday afternoon, having ieen discharged from the service on account a iarze When Mr.

Dodge resigned, he nn rW0e people io the Du- CAN'T TAKE CARE of discussion of the bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia brought out some facts that contracted strangely with the assertions so oftja reiterated by pro-slavery men and northern doughfaces, that the J. DEIST the commission of first lieotoaant in he company. The 2d regiment is in McDowell's division, and under command of t. Col. Faircbild, who is well esteemed and much respected throughout Ihe regiment.

Col. O'Connor, Dodge stales, las not been in ncthe! of ihe regiment since his appointmenl. lie is banging on lo the pay, $220 per month, while he discharging none of his duties. Is it not about time Oiat he resigned or Jo the work he was selected to perform The health of Capt. Kly'a company was generally good whon Dodge led.

FHOM Tin: Tmu.TKt.XTii learn from a private letter, written by K. Stevens, of Ilarmony, io i friends, that some forty or fifty of the regiment, left Lawrence for\cnworlh on ihe 18lh, lo go into the general hospital al that place. Among Ihem were Henry Wilcov, and Corporals Pierce nnd Fisher of company B. David Maltison of company was also among them. A good -iiany of the regiment are sick on account of tad water.

Adam Airis, of Mount died on the 18lh. He was aboul 21 years of age, and much reapccled. ,) Chicago has BO patience i people who criticise theofliccrs of tlio governuicnt, at Iho same lime ib Wiishington correspondent intimates that sympathisers with secession Imvc nearly all iho coiilracls in the wliilo hardly a coutract is given to a republican. If array conliacU are given in preference to disloyal men should nol such partiality to lio exposed and denounced have llie snmc Iliing chiirgcd relation to war contracts at Washington, but we could not credit it. As long as newspapers make a mcril of supporting the administration, ai.d al Ihc eamc time eprcad abroad reports of tliis kind, ivc ni'jst be pardoned (or doubling Ilioir bincerily and'consisten- cy.

What the administration docs which is right, should be heartily sustained; where it is delinquent or criminal, no one is bound to support We are often in doubt to believe 011 account of tho contradiclory policy adopted, and the Mis playoil by its special friends'anil support- COI.ONKL JKV.VISOK.--A'telegram from Si. Louis sajs tlmt an orJer lias bocn issued for the release of Col. Jcnnison, upon his giving bonds in He arrested at Ihc instance of Gens. Denver and Slurgis, who have now full control of military matter, in Kansas. What the charge ngainst him is, remains in Ihc It is understood that whet: arrested he tendered bis resignation to Gen.

llallcck, who accepted, it. Denver and Slurgis have now full opportunity lo persecute their old enemies among the free sluto men of Kansas, with they iu contact under ihe infamous rule of Bticlianan. That they should be permitted to do this, under a republican administration, elected more upon llic issue of justice to the freemen of Kansas, llinn any other, is passing Denver, charged by his democratic associates in California, with disloyalty, nnd that drunken Slurgis, overflowing with pro slavery hate nnd whisky, should be made brigadier generals for their distinguished services in oppressing true men, excites surprise and indignation, wherever the facts arc known. should like to kuow why Jeunison is required to give these heavy bonds, upon his release, while known traitors are discharged upon parole, or by taking an oath which they do nol regard get around. The soldiers here heap some terrible corset on the hcacl-i of our commanders at Piltsburg Landing for Idling iho rebels suiprisc and murder our men as ihey did, they not having a chance of defending their lives.

There is 'a great responsibility on some of generals, there is no doubt. AniiL 10TI1, 18G2. Mi.ssiis. KDITORS: I wrote yeu yesterday, from near Randolph, sying I thought we would bo ordered back to Madrid. We arc now on our way up the river, twenty- three transports in advano of us, and how many baliinil, 1 cannot, say.

We go directly lo 1'iltiburg Lauding, Tennessee river so you sec war is uncertain one day away ilown ihe Mississippi river, and in ihe next twenty-four hours on the Ohio on our way to Corinlh. Probably, by uight, we will be up as far as Cairo. The river i slill rising. It seems as though nil the troops were moving on towards the Tennessee river. I mentioned a few days ago, writing to you, thai one of my men was supposed to have fallen overboard and drowned.

I am happy to say now that he hos turned up all right. While the dis- pjvtch boat carrying Orders from one part of the Heel to the other, she ncnred us lie stepped on board she shoved off, and he i her. He says it is pretty good living the oflicers, nud he has a new suit of clothes, too. Il is very chnraclcr- istic of a soldier lo get something new wbcii it is convenient. I hc more of our regiment have died here al Madrid since we bave been down the river.

We are now nearing Is land No. 10, and I must close to take look at the abandoned work of the rebels Yours, W. B. IJUITTON, Cnpt.Co. Q.Sth Keg.

W. V. (The person alhuUd to by Capt. Britton ns supposed to have been drowned, is Con rail Palm of Fulton. His friends will re joice lo hear that he is still nine.

Kus 11 M.I LAST The fol lowing is supposed lo be Ihc last Icttci written bj Gov. Harvcv. PITT-SB vr.c LANMXC, 1 18C2. WAT-SOX I bave taken J. M.

Itundy wilh me, who corresponds for the Wisconsin, lie gives his whole time and attention lo tbe work, nnd you must look to the Wisconsin for details. I not lime to wrilo. Thank God for the impulse which brought me here. 1 am doing a good work, and shall Slav as long as I am so profitably U'c understand that nest of "copper heads" have been discovered near Indian t'ord, in this county. should not wonder if the warm spring weather, vhcn il comes, would dcrelope other specimen 1 of this reptile which arc said to he increasing in the west.

TUB DEMI BROUGHT Madion Patriot says that Commissary General Wadsworth has returned lo luis state, bring- ng with him the bodies of Col. Alban, Maor Grain, and Caplains Saxe, Pease and Waldo. The body of Major Grain was licrced by no less lhan nine bullets. General saw Lieut. Colonel at Savannah, and ho is now irobably on his way home wilh Major Hood.

Che ball had not been extracted from his wound. Col. Allen occupied tho same room as the Lieut. Colonel at Savannah, and ex- )ected to be able in a week or two to take he command of his regiment again. Lt.

Col. Beall, and a large portion of the Wisconsin wounded becu sent to Keokuck, Iowa, where the best atlention will be given them. TUB NKW MKXICO AIWY--John W. Al- Ion, J. S.

Parker, A. G. Allen and William Addy, who have been connected wilh ihe suller's department of the 13th Wisconsin regiment, returned lo this city yesterday afternoon. They lefi Lawrence Monday, the 2lat, and Mr. Allen informs us that the report in circulation of the transfer of Ihe New Mexico lo Pittsburgh Landing and Corinth is wholly unfounded.

The 1st Kansas regiment Icfl Lawrence lor Fort Riley last Saturday, Ihc i the 12th Wisconsin left Sunday, the 20th, for the fame destination the 7lh Kansas (cavalry) on Monday Ihe 21sl, and Ihc 13th Wisconsin was lo leave Tuesday thu 22d. This force is under command of General Brice, who expected to start for Ft. Riley aboul tcict, a liule over 11,000, and ihe superintendent of the census bureau was called on lo furnish an abslract of the census returns of 1SGO, to show whal taxes they paid. The following is a copy of his reply Ortictt or 1 lion. Lot Morri'l'l, value of property owned by the free colored population of tho Dislrict of Columbia, as relnrned by ihe census of I860, is as follows Rcaleslate $812,010 Personal property 146,894 Tho real estate is owned by i08 persons, averaging each.

The real and personal property is owned by 1,175 persons, averaging 1C each. The tola! tree colored population in the District of Columbia is 11,131 the value of ibeir property returned averages SC8 lo each man, woman ynd child. The number of free colored males over 20 years of age is 10S persons relurn property valued al over J500 and less than $1,000. 1.13 persons relurn property valued at over $1,000 and less than $2,000. persons return property valued at over $2,000 and less than $3,000.

18 persons return property valued alover and less lhan $1,000. 10 persons relurn properly valued at over 1,000 and less than persons relurn property valued at over j.OOO and less lhan 6 persons return property valued at over 6,000 and less lUtvn $7,000. 1 person returns property valued at over 7,000. 771 persons return properly valued nt less than $300 each. no properly.

G. KENNEDY, Sup't. Mr. Kennedy states that there are colored males over the age o'f 20 years, and yet wilh all ibe disadvantages under which ihey labor, the free colored people of ihe District have nearly a million dollars of taxable property on tbe nsessor's books. If the same rule holds wilb Ihem lhal is applied lo while folks, tbe colored people of tbe District of Columbia must be the owners of at least four or fuc million worth of properly! JANK8VI1.I.E.

A Htock of country generally that n'alehes, Clocks, Jewelry, I WARE, PLATED WARE SpectnoluH, atllioold awnd, corner of New "lock, where he will bo Plowed to meot any and all of tho former patrorn and aa many new ones may honor him with acall He them ho will Klvo them better bar. than can bo had la Iho city or itato. llavlug had eaveral exporlouco a practical WATCH REPAIRER, four of which ID this city, I can eafuly promlio tboie watchM far repalra lhat If thoy aro milled to my caio 1 will do them Justice, aud my charge will be ciocka aod Jowelry carefully and neatly KNQKAVIta TO ORDER. j-0-Caah paid lor old gold and allver. J.

A. Dr.Nr.LI.. Iu taking leave of mv outnoroua I can cheerfully recommend my Mr. J. A.

Denell, to their conndeuco, and patrunw Irom all require aoy gooda In hla lino. I ihall be on band moat of tho time at Ihe old alandI until aprlng. Th Hl Wi TMa WAULDISO. UOMBaUalemejra' OOURT'Of'jlOCtr OOUStt I oafttter of the ectale of YeleutUe tbe county uf RocJt 3TICC were on the 10th day of March. jj Mld'ocmrt to Tec adjnat all clalffii and demandi of all debated, tbat the 'time ireaefit tuelr claltui to uafore i ke tenth day of September, on tbo SOtb day of May next and tii uejt, between the- of JO o'clock A 31 at tbe of Heurr Steel.

luaald COUM 3v.l First Great Arrival -OF- I GOODS! NOW SELL A A A. limn can be bought I K3" J3 GOOD A II RIORDAN LEECH. Tut A AT YOIIKTOW.S-.--The army of the Potomnc is before Yorktown nnd we have had for llie pasl ten days ihe name happy assurances lhat we had for Ibe eight mouths lhal it lay around Washington-only now it is, All quiet before Yorkiownl'' We have all ihe old bugaboo stories lhat we used to hear about Iho "slupendous fortifications" of ihe rebels; only now ihe forlificalions, ''masked and God only knows what olber diabolical rebel con- tthances, nrc nil at. Yorktown. The i mense of the rebels, numbering soraelbing less than llie host of Xerxes, is no longer al Mannssas.

Neither (need we say is General McClellan and the "impassible roads," and the balloon ascensions," and all the claptrap and humbug with which we were nmused for two-thirds of year in front of Manassas--all are at Yorktown When the leaves were on the trees we waited for lliem to fall, then for them to come out, and now probably to fall again In summer we waited for autumn in nntumn for i in ninlcr for spring and now, we presume, ihere is some strategic purpose in waiting for summer. We hope soon to hear of a grand review on tbe peninsula. Ilbtxsbeeu some days since the army and the nation has been exhilira- Ud by spcctocle of tbe kind. Still, as oil is quiet before Yorktown," and Ihc expense of the lute Army of the Potomac is luit a little over a million a day, we probably ought not to UluihaM, Tld. Iliat olbir claiming the arst arrlmli of tho It welt knowu fact that our ISTEW STOCK tun heen exhibited to tho people Several Days in Advance of in) other In town, and our llujer having lit'l FIRST I of York markelx, nimbled to offer Choicest Variety of Goods to tt 1 fvutiJ in any clt) in tin- Mwt, DRESS GOODS! DRESS GOODS! Beautiful PtmJ unit utrlpcil MOMmUqiiw.

IJroclie Mo- Utrnonli, Itnxhe Poplins Chenl 1'rlnteil Blaclt While Checks 311k Warp Jllto. Olacliu, St)K's of Clmlll Delnluei, ic. I I KtiuMt 'tbrvntl ItlacJc llnuHcln beets'. MQ.Hn KOgliiKeHnJ viiioOnvw Unfit UorJored unit Button 'lltloof the Illient e-tlier wilh an tutin- or i Oi-Lti Ho-lory, Ac plain Jolt. i Cambrics, Sm I A ID cloth ftnJ allk.

Stella Sbawls, Cashmere Shawls, a i a i a of every ah ijo color. A 1 lot of i Iho larKOat stock Yer brought to I A I I ccnBlitliig in part of SILK, FUR, FKLY. WOOL. STRAW, PANAMA AND LKOUORF a a In abort 1C A. 1 la tbe lino, for A lima riiapoil accurately to hoaj wltb tbe French Ooiiforitintuer, tho R.

i DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY EKPS on band afull juckof all artlclwbelonging to the Oeuoral Drug Trade, mdof 11 I Physlclaui or. rejooilwl to Cjualltr price. a i a a a ft full fcMortnicDt Dye Stnfh, Mathint Oil and Kerowoe Oil qaallly an lowprlM. BURNINO FLUID, AlCOHOl AMD CAMPHENt. Boroxne and Fluid Lampi and Wicks A TOILET ARTICLES FIXINGS, Hair Olli und Pomadti, POUTS rOOKBT KXn'XS, IflCK (HACKS, rfc, TlaKT COMMON SOAPS, all A A PEOPLE'S DHUO STORK.

COUNTY COL'KT OF In Iho matter or tho o' rcxliog aud nimgthe petition of Kumrlll. of a-lmlnUtr fur further tluio lo pay the- dcl.u wtite and thrlr od that thfl name I heard lit lore tbli Monday of May next, at ten o'clock A M. of tho judge thereof. In tbe city of count and thnt notice tlicrrof te to IntercMti by for three racceMlt copy of I Ih. Weeklr newnnAner pohlu IMi.

n.1»3 AMOS COUNTY couuT OF Inlbf inallor of 1)1? of William Ihl. 2Ut day nl, A Bllng tho petition of aald Jcce.a»«l, HMInj; thai wnl town of M-lton. In the couotr of Hock InleMi.te o'. and pra) IHK llmt Ih, re ma liilnlora or of llw of aald -I that aald npplicntton Le heard bolore the office of tb on the Monda of Joneneit, a It fiirlhrr ordered ilia- notice i a hearlniE be glen by COM three once In each hMrioR, In the MV- In ulj dlr AMOS I'. I'RICHAKP.

rpAKKX UP--Uy the lw J. town of 1'orter, a norrel MAKt with two white feet auj ttft nrr to prote take her aw ay. I'ortor. April 1SC2. Extract Tonauin Musk.

Extract Tonquin Musk. 45" If you wftnl a for your couKliorcold.goto TAI.I.MAN A COLLINS. you WAQt a reraody to purify the blood, It bo foun.l lit T.M,I.MAN A COLLINS'. Trocltrl. as aold dally bj TALf.MA.S 001,.

LI.SS. I.vuiir.vTS ArrE.vm.VG THE OKA-TIC or SCOTT, THE SOLDIKK WHO WAS P.ut- no.NKii nv TIIK York- lown correspodenl of the Philudelpli'm In- rushed long IcllornriUcii by Scrgcmil A. quircrfjives iho following palhelic iocidenl: Your renders will nil recollect lasl summer a private nns court-martialed for sleep, inc on his posl out oti Chain Bridee, near the recent marches and encampments of tllc llppcr otomac lie was convicted: his iho ill) rcgiraenl given in a lellcr publish- senlence was denlh llie finding was ap the 10th of May with his culire command. I'irtii have been fur- W. Hathaway, of Capt Wheeler's company, which is mainlv devoted to the details of I cd by us a day or two since.

This letter is dated the 13lh and says the regiment was then in dry and pleasant camp between Warwick court house and Yorktown on the Yorklown rond, well supplied with rations, and was to be held as reserve for the atlack on Yorktown. Gen. McClcllan's headquarters nere at Warwick courthouse. 1 itrh to the Clue vo i Jviirt, il. ST.

April 'Jj. The Democrat's correspondent with Commodore Foote sayi lhvt on Tuesday night and the one prerious iu ntl.ick upon ihu lloet was expected from the rebels. The apprehension arose from a deserter's story, which represented them busily engaged in proved of by the general aud his day fixed lor his execution. Ue was a youth of more than ordinary intelligence; be did not beg for pardon, but was willing to meet his fate. The time drew near; ihe slcrn necessity of wns required thai nn example should be made ol some one his was on aggravated ease.

liul ihe case reached ihe ears of ihe President; he resolved a i be signed a pardon and senl it ihe day came says the I'rcsiden, "ray pardon has not reached The telegraph -MIS called mlo lion nnd answer did not come promptly. "Bring up my carriage," ordered. Il came, mid eoon Ihc important state papers were dropped, and through ihe hot broiling sun aud dusty roads he rode to the camp, wbich represented them busilv engaged in congregating their gunboats', I tlbout the soldier their crews, and in olher respects ac- TM.f*TM*j has doublless forgotten the lire, with a' purpose of vict. ld 1 A. J4j)f Col.

Canby has left Fort Craig, in N'ew Mexico, with 900 meu, and will attempt to form a junction with tlic forces at Fort Union, west of Santa I'e. The Tex- nus arc nt Abuquerqnc, and will, probably, utlcmpt lo cut him ofl'. There will be news of a Ixiltle very soon. IN DEI.UV.UU.--Ihc Dekuarc Slate Journal applauds warmly the course of Hon. Oeorsje P.

1'isher, from that stnte, employed'. In baste, L. H. A TO Tin: POPE, Tbe Albany I-ACiiing Journal says: "Our new Minister to Koine, Gov. Randall, who sailed on the Ijth took with him as a present from our government to the Pope, an ele- bound set of the Natural History of New York.

1 An eminent American, formerly a democrat, who lias for some time past resided in Kurope, writes a Idler from which we cjuole as follows Wo are crazy if we preserve llie slulns of slavery. I should as ircro served 1,012 shot and shell, and incnl is running strongly in the same in votitij; for cmo.ttctj'auoii. in the lcilcrn.1 soon think of ft mad dog thai district, and intimities ihnl jiopnlnr senii- b.wl Uillen and killed my chiltlron. 1 rcc'iuu. The Del.iwnro Doug p.ijicr, publishes communi- catioti 1 juMifv Mr, 1'iihcr very dc- I bardment lasted live hours nnd a half, and i cidcdly.

A cfl'orl, il is iinderslood. shot and used. The will t-liurlly be matlc lo place gallant little Ibs. of powder, c.telusive of nhal was used by iho flcel on tho Uy on which in iho bombnrtlmcnl. Tho horn- French transported lo Ihc Crimea men and 42,97 I horses nnd mules; of ihe men iher last sickni-ss and casualties.

The reader can make his own calculation a5 to tbo number nml loima'c of it would require lo transport Ihc raeo, horses, 5 The newspapers in the interest uf Gen. McClelltvo, ure in much tribulation just now. He has nndcrtoken to advance upon way of Yorktowo, nnd it is a bigger job tbnu ho bargained for. Richmond is likely to be captured by McDowell and -Basks, before McClellau can get Hence tbe stories about intrigues against the Young Napoleon" by somebody, they do not know who. One day it is tbe abolitionists, tben it is Secretary Stioton, or tho President, or the whole Qehas o.

fine army, everything needed for success, and has chosen bis own route to Kichtnond: let him go without grumbling. A Madison Journal says tfcat tbe gnn ibit was captured from the enemy on tbe battle field at Pittaborg, in so gallant a manner br the Mth regiment, being a 12-pounder, has been ordered to be sent to Ibis state a iropby, and is'now on the way, and may be expected in that in a few days. It will be gun of greil interest, to the people of tbb utate." fgf- Commiuary General Wadawortb bas left stato to bring wounded Wincoiisin soldiers Ihe of free j.talc-'. A co ire 1 spoil'lent ol (lie lcicril)ing llic occiip.ttion of llic Vir town ol T.ipp.thruiuock liy our force 1 our MK'ii lumlcd, rvn old U'W them iiol lo drink it was fill poisoned, and on tho second lime they were inviled to i by one of the inhabitants, bul ihey very po- lilclv declined Ihc iuvitation to ilo so," The Washington Republican avers that notoiio fourth of thcsnm appropriated by the emancipation bill for the compensation of slave owners, will be needed, so many of ihe slaves having already been run off by iheir masters in anlicipation of Ihe passage of'(ho act. CQf-The republican caucus at Ion was nearly unanimous in favor of some kind of a confiscation bill.

The housohas referred ihe whole tnnlter to a coimniltee of'seveo, by a voto of 00 to 31, which is considered a test vote. SSf The famous AVigwam, at Chicago, has been converted into stores, making ten in the nbole, on bolb slrcels. A few weeks since, prisoner at Camp Douglas murdered a fellow pr'noner, bolh from Tennessee, while in dispute. The murderer has been delivered over to the civil aulhorilics for trial. Tbcre -Acre only seven votes in Ihc sinatc agoinst'establishing diplomatic relations with Liberia nnd Hajti, 'which is a larger majority Ihaii via expected.

jeS)'- The Hithmond K-aiminer compares to a man dancing on the lop of a chimney. A loose brick gives way, falls to (be carlh. crushed lo a jelly. Our iroops (aken nearly 22,000 rebel prisoners ihe 1st of January last, of ihosc captured at Pitlsburg l.nnihi i Konnoke Island, Springlicld, 000 Fotl Donelson, I'cu 1,000 Xcwbcrn, 200 Island X. 10, olher places, Pit.

Tolal. 1 l.Tc-l^ Tut. N'x'JUATn cxplanalion of ihe non-tiring iho N'augatuck on 1'riday ihe rebel sleamer Vorklown capluic'l three vessels, she bcinjj them in full range, il is that tbe Nangatuck was aground and could not bring her gons to bear. Before she was in a position to do service the Yorktown got oif with her trtu Monroe Correajioii'Jtaice ic American. Byron Wilcox, of ihe 3d Wisconsin cavalry, died on Thursday of injuries received at ihe late railroad disaster.

He has since been in hospilal at Camp Douglas, and bas received every care and allention which experienced surgeons and nurses could be- slow. A falal resull wns not at first anticipated, but, since the amputation of injured limb, his syslem has gradually yielded to ihe shock, until death came to hii relief. His friends came yesterday nnd con- tho body to his home in Walworth, Cliicmjo Timta. Returns from eleven Indiana regiments engaged al Pittsburg shows a loss of one hundred nnd fifty-six killed, and nine hundred and sixly-two wounded. Several other regiments and a number ofbatlerici were engaged, from which wo have no returns.

nal. The lions. Washington Barrow, W. G. Harding, and Joseph C.

Guild arrived from N'osliviilc on Saturday, as prisoners, on route for Fort Warren. They were arrested by order of Gov. Andrew Johnson. ille Journal. Lord Lyons is going to Rich mond purpose ol Thirty surgeons leave here this for PtlUburg, on iho steamer BlacKhawk.

I'roui the best information to be obtained, I am enabled to stnle thai the great struggle Corinth will probably come oil between Sunday and Wednesday -There is no longer any doubt thai Van Dorn and Price have abandoned Missouri. A genllemnn who was in Memplis fow days ago, saw and conversed with several persons belonging to Price's nrmy, i whom he was acquainlcd, nnd reports lhat the whole robel force, which accounts recently placed al Jacksonporl, has arrived in Tennessee. Tbe Republican has special from Cairo this evening, which says Our latcsl advices from Com. Toote's fleet arc to Wednesday night. A slow bombardment was still progressing, llic forl exchanging occasional shots with the mor- lars.

The gunboats are quiet. From New Madrid nc learn that half the lown is overflowed, Ihe walcr reaching to and surrounding tho court house, half a mile from the river. Tho lower fort is entirely surrounded, and communication therewiih is maintained with boats. The government property is secured from des- Iruclion, lhrouf-h the promptilude of Gen. Strong in sending steamers.

The last of the captured property at New Madrid and was brought to Yesterday the brought 300 sick and wounded from the poris below. They were immediately trrnsferred to another transport and lo Si. Louis. GEN. SHKRMAX'S General Sherman, lalo of Soulh Carolina, bas been in town for of days, and has been waited upon by many his old friends.

The General i naturally somewhat sensitive respecting the criticism made in certain quarters upon his conduct in South Carolina. He baa had an llmcon grcssiounl dclcjalion from IthoJc Island, and satisfied them pcrfcclly llml he is uol responsible for ihe non-reduction of Savnn nah. He stales I underatr.nd, lhal he was esplioiily ordered by General McClellan 10 desist from all operations against Savannah and this was after regular aiego-train bad been sent to him for that specific purpose, General SKerman's friends feel somewhat sore upon the subject of his transfer, and especially because it gives color to ihe idea lhal he was nol so efficient as he might have Vjecn, Ue must blame hie proclamaiion for thai. EDS. EYF.XINO Washington York Evening Post, Cor.

WixnEU,'- Ark.vowi.r.noK3 ms ORUGATIOXa TO THE DEMOCRATS. Mr. Phillips has relurncd to Boston, and made a speech at Tremoot Temple in that city, We quote a passage from Ihe Boslon Post's report of his remarks Mr. Phillips said the democratic party rears its head. gave me the benefit of an incessant advertisement.

I owe audi. ences of thousands and tens of thousand! to the fact that a fortnight before I approached a city, the democratic press loaded its columua with advertisemenls for me. Cincinnati heralded me wilh ihe most excellent advertisements, and sent me sealed as her apostle to tbe banks of Ihe Mississippi. It wns democratic endorsement that Cincinnati gave me. It opened my way to the beam of Ihe prairies so quickly lhat I was almost afraid uien would saspoct me of collusion.

PROGRESS or TUE Glory to de Lord!" exclaimed a snowy-headed African the other day, Glory to de Lord I neber spected to lib to dis day. De white man hab to hab a pass, hut de nigger go whero he please widout none Glory to de 1 the Third Vermont charged upon the rifle pits, the enemy poured a volley upon them, flic firat man that fell, wilh six bullets in his body, was Wm. Scou, of company K. Ills comrades caught him up, and an his life blood ebbed away, he raised to heaven, amid the din of war, ihe cries of ihe dying, and shouls of the enemy, a prayer for the President, and as ho died he remarked to his comrade thai he had shown he was uo coward and nol afraid to die. He was interred in the presence of his regiment, in a little about two miles to the rear of rebel fort, in the centre of a group of holly and i a few cherry trees, in full bloom, arc scattered around the edge.

The rebel prisoners taken at the battle of Shiloh lhat a great impetus was given to enlisting by tho threatened drafting, and more than all Ihc name of Beauro- grad. Itccruits were acccplcd in companies, and railroad office in the southwest nas turned into a recruiting stalion. As soon as a man enlisted bo was sent lo a company rendezvous, and when sixty wero gathered togcthcrthcy were sent to Corinth, and combined in regiments according to their stales. Drafted men were compelled lo do the drudgery of their camps whenever negroes were scares, hud in this way thousands inveigled into volunteering, supposing they would be compelled to join Ihc army nnyhow, ami then hodngraced among their comrades for submitting to draft. Tin: IHitiiiY regiment of sharpshooters, raised by Col.

Bcr- dan, chiefly from western states, are distinguishing ihcmselvoj most prominctly at the sicje of Yorltowu. Slaiioocd in ihe advance ol our forces, thoy vratch every movement of the enemy with sleepless vigilance. If a ro'ocl head is fihown above tho ramparts within SOO yards, it is instantly perforated with r. leaden cone from a telescopic rifle in tho hand of sharpshooter. Several batteries of the toboU have been rendered temporarily unscrivceable by the skill with Derdan's rilleraen pick off tho gunners.

It is said that each rifleman scores up. in prairie the number of rebels helms by cutting a uiaik upon the butt of his rille. The rebels keep an equally accurate account, no men are clad in grey uniforms, and the rebels had got to know them by sight. They wcra not afraid of the bluecoats si SO'J yards. Some of Berdan's boys changed their garb to blue, and were ailow- ed to get within five Of aix hundred paces of a scoro of secesh, when drawing a bead, they knocked over eight of the rebels at the first pop at them.

The rest made themselves scares on the "double quick." At Ihe oulbrcnk of this war tho southerners boasted of the advantage they band in thoir trained rifieraon over the Yankees. But Eordan and his men have mode that boasl- iug vain. auctlou, wlilcb ty lu ill te eoM ftt GENTS FURNISHING GOODS! onsl-llDHof llireeply Tuit, Xc A Krruch, A i a Fancy Cassinicres and Coatings nlultle foe the prc-wiit An entire nock uf IDQMEJSTIOS, coii'-isting of DlcAClieii i and Shirt lit KM, Pillow Ceue Goods, Si i i CotionailcM, In cotton mui tow prlctM wjtJ at a It utuivcosf-tf) to fiuum-r our of uur iwx. rtineiit of iu I'D totiiiil at t. to JniU'arllle cutillnuiiltj.

ni.Kdiv.lf wre iultt, certain tlu-j an oer before offered IUOUDAS A I.KKCll. BO.STON, April 23. A resolution Rtloptcd by Ihe Icgislalurcof Marjland, and signed by Gov. Bradford, approprialing foi Ihe relief of ihe families ol ihe killed, and for Ibe disabbd of Ihc Glh MnssachiHella regimenl, by the mob in Baltimore, read this afternoon in ihe house and caused marked sensation and applause. Ikaurogard calls tho lale battlefield Shiloh." We presume that his secretary of stale, Judah P.

Benjamiu, will abdicate now, for ibe prophecy of the patriarch Jacob was that "Ike scpter shall not depart from Judah until Shiloh Journal. The nitworth battery of six steel guns, presented lo onr government by loyal American cilizens in England and trance, is in active services before Yorktown. Carpets, Oil Cloths CROCKERY CHEAPER TILtX EVER. Oalr eorllalm-nieJ), KO to TAI.LMAX 4 OOU T.ISS'i ou want a vUl ot lltilitiont of Vlntl, on 4 COLLINS'. Cocoa Nut Oil, Hair Oil.

ocoa Nut Oil, Hair Oil. 43" I ou a i A A COULLN'. If oil wftat Ifrvfr noal urlick 1 go lo TAI.U MAX A COLLINS'. tiwor CAtbnrtlc pill KO to TALLMAN A COLLINS'. I or or cnl) nt A I A A ou Htnt noniu tonic blttcrM or Scltoiilnin tchiiups llio found HI TALLMAN 4 COLLINS' For CftiiJIc-i or pulnionlcw ifi.r»»:otoTALL- A A COLLINS'.

powiler, pwto or wli for (v(h, A A A COLLINS 1 BaUiiiig UaUiiugTowels. Bathing Bathing Towels. O. For lialr tootlt tol- let (irtlcles of kluitu, RO A A COLLINS. jff for ImDilkorcIiIcf ex- kind of a go to TAWtM.VN A COI.l.INo'/ If ou ft ftvor 1 11 on a burnlnj; rtut't.

turpontibf, nlctioliot, at TALLMAN A lutitit bnitli, nlioo tnmh, ncruti brmti, i urvili bnutli ur ljru.jli ol kind. KO to A A hair,onlvco*t_2ict*. Try It--for Mile by TALL-MAN A COLLINS. Bachelor's Oriental Hair Tonic. Oriental Hair Tonic.

i Drue; Store, A A A COLLINS. GREAT REDUCTION IS-- la. 1 --OF-- SlftOER A A A I Wull known to be the beat for Manufacturing Purposes: No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, to OT1CK tl.nt Bank, at JanreMllo, intifl the Bank yoarafrvtn ttiedaivoftltU 1101 for the tlon of CD up toaalil Intik. No.

2, fitundurd Shuttle Machine, formerly Bold at $100, fl.oct-tt.oocl. to I -a Mani factoring Price, (wllli A I.AROK STOCK OK 33 1 Iz. 1 1 ISL Plain and lUuutlful douhlo fwl i XT. i all colors nttd qLalllicfl. a 3 13 nil colgrs.

A A I Check Mohairs, Challies, niU elco in tlio I to pKivwtlie molt laiitnioiMfaiid Ihnl UBFV CO.1IPKTITION. A I nil qinlltloa and priced CLOAKS, CIRCULARS, CLOTILUIUS, 1 OINTS, fec. at Mtonl-ihlnK prices Shaken, Hllbou, Hoop cbc. Cajsiniercs and Carnetx, Carpets, Carpels juai rvcelvid. i a i hy llic tt or psclage, all of will sold at the LovOHt for cub, Thankful fsvora, all are to cull o.

K. BKNNKTT. SPRING GOODS AT WHEELOCK'S rplllS (lav a fieah of Aborted Vickie), Plckk-J Treal. rooma, Sardines, ITreHh Peachee, IAW. tou Blackberrlea, Ked ItajnLerrlca, Wlmnle- yrtab.

Cove xud SplreJ 0atra; peach, (Juloce, an Crab and Corrant Jeltlea; To- anj Walnut CilUup; Worceaterahlre, LondouClubanaAu- a FreDch Mill' tard.ic. Jlwt Ooods. at March 1.1th. IWi GENERAL AUCTIONEER Commlrtwion Merchant, Vat Jantmllt, VTiieOTiiin GASH ADVANCED ON MERCHANDIZE of eierj description. Particnlmr A i i to toe of all kin of property at my A I 3 I or In any part of the country.

July lit, 1M1. lySJawtf 1 1 I a o) coiislettog of severftl pttlterua of i I i a K. tbu (n tin? Sew York and latwt Full mxk ol I A COLORED WARE, C. C. WAR KtXJSO WARI, I TKtWW.

A hOCMMlIHM WAHt, AC. a fine of I I CHINA A PWKJ ruiJ plain, In sotsiuid to mAtcJi from. A a-uortnivnt of A. aiiJ Celt, Plain ami fptrmtlit Kerosene ery ta A A'O A it S1DK l.A Singer's letter A Machine, tlio word for Family Sewing ring ornauuntod, DOLLARS. Tim 1 and 2 aro of grwil capacity and for inan'-focturlng purptwen.

Our No.3 machines aro adaptsd to aJJ kitidj of llglit aud huaiy LEATHER ID Carriage Trimming, Boot an MaklnR, DOM Ma'tlujj, etc. Thoy tire of t-xtra wlKo, arm Ions' enough to tafco und-er and ITK- Mt Birx-d V.IKV.. TlK-ro li any jMirl ol Trhu- Uj Uttrrdouu i ihrui UiMsi by hand wi, tbo of Ilini 1 and labor verv tablo under mochlnwi a i i i i "iiu.t.o^mho.d six quanlilj ofthnsul. The largo nj small Wo HouM Mk tor oar Letter A the tpceUl attiotlonuf Mid Drwe Malivn. Mil ihow who want niactilnoA for Light ManufaclurluR pur- pwn.t.

Tlu-y cinbod) ihe principle-of the standard I the interlock stitch, and are du-atlncJ to ax ceKbraU-d for and luMDulacturhiK aa our atandard ma- cblnw ftro for timuufactunntf purpowe ID gccen.1. hftlid Hemming GuageHi Silk a Llueu Coltou Tliren-J ou SpooU, Best MAcUInc Oil in etc. Wo nmmi tact ore ourovrn and would all porioDs mine our niachmea nol to buy any othora. Luyw lhat mat K'. higher thin we charge for Uu best, The ueodlf Hwlo by luanufacturcd wpvclally for ourmachtnen bad may rfndcrUf btttmfi' olmoit iufltt.

Onr customers may rxasured that all our Branch ttre with the GCNDINE ARTICLE. In owe of small purchases, cionej- tna; be tfDlIn or batik tiotcfl will write their namw distinctly. It la all important ehotild In fcach kuow tbe post office, county end ilAte. All perttons nxjulrinfi Information about Sowing Mnctiluce, tticlr nlie, worklnRCapaClUoa, and ibe methods of purchwlng, can obtain It by ae to or nu' of our Itmoch OtHcM for it copy olj 1, K. SINGER GAZETTE, i a tcHUtlfully IllnitrmloJ Pictorial bf tmt Grain mw.

Alao, N.DrF I IL AJN SJ" good choice, LAMP ClilMNEIES, SHADKS, Ac. Fine assortment of TEA TKAYS, CA3TOIX3 A Cltf KTS, TABI.K CUTI.KHY, DKSEHT KN1VKS, ItUllllER HAN'- Dl.KS, XBW I-ATTKllXS OK FORKS AXt TbMo Roods ucre boocht Tory low of Importers aud MuuufacturvrD Mill I and If are not at A 8TBPCT, October 7lh.1661. WINES AND LIQUORS AT on Imnd tlio ptmM nrt.cUs at roiwon- Vy nblo It In not iHXc-Mur) Io pn an txortl- Unl price to fit I tlit- Wat, IT ou KO loa gooJn were all txmijht wllli the RoM, In aii'lcontojiioiitl) wcie inthoorlgltvxl MtMiy nrtlctca cunnot, U- hi Ua-i Ilinn 100 1 ami Muall chuttut buj lilt-in In Inrtto tf oii go to Tho Htock IB romp Ktiy ftftutloga puronrtlcle on Rcttlns It thero. Tlio Block coitlHU in part of Kino OM Cognac and Rochelle Brandieit in rule tho RoJuctlon lo Prtcct with the two-fold of Tht. puUlc milt- In In.liatlon of ours intttvl la them, from the IruucnMlni-; to tho snmlU-et plecv, (Kor qtuilltj.

Tli el hivve not ttic me todothcfrvork well. They ftro hIJ In secret uhorc it would be Impoeaiblv to hme til ihclr cornmnud lha proiwr min It otil Jolnjc Rr6At bu ml famine ten live mctita, tliftl jiooil CAH minlc nt moderate prlcev. The instil a UaJI Made, are N.wnja Uablo to Ret out of nod wo auro tocott conalilvrnblo trouble ouJ mone) to kci-juheni ID The qimlhlon to bo lookc-d for In a Are err. faintyftfctrrrtct action atallralttqf rptsd durability and rapidity of operation, with It-itl tocoiubtno t(al iu mnt be of the Isit edto have the and on grunJ Acnle, lo do tblt. Tho tnat.itne*, Jally bread It ninjr concern, will tlod the qiiallilud not only uork well at rajmt aa well tlow of but fait tonff lo ibe a order.

Our ot mail? by in, will ram norf with labor tbao ao whether In Imitation of ours or In fact, thuf cheaper tbati any mattlne a gift. Local AgcnU Wanted. 1. M. 8-NGKfl ew York.

In irm ar ypPSINESS VETERINARY of the Buffalo KS10K mriiibyrof the pwns. riillkvlrlphlft, Ac, wmil crscf JiUK-mtUe liM ned tbe abor-e Darned Itutltutlon, bam fomtTly ly T) ask Ho nd near the A mericax Itorrwa 1 abort eg under 1 dlwvuM; will be ATTENDED TO BY tttiil j-iticut- cutniKtoJ to LU 11 i a I to them wlilcli A duly onl) CMQ IIorvcK. or any otLer anlmtj eJ EO ID ttiv cwuntrj' algl-t ecimUfic niannft; pricked intti PjMfJc, Ferrpjtnd CoJi'lilIoo IcInM put up iuij for DAJ orweikty buanlfrn taken will) unj LiuJ of Contegeous Disease Strictly IIOnsKS LOL'OUT AND toLD TJie bcvtl of giyt-ij N. 1) Au apj.rentlce wantr.1, eulidre at IVSl. HORSE, Vetfrinarjter-3 Jjneevillc.

6tb. lltll. Farmers, Look I I THE GREAT BARGAIN 8 cr ECHLIN FOOTE, Men Boys Custom auJ SANKOIU) aod Eock, Janeavtlte, Wuc iM-auh. II. A.

P. UR SuxV la well tho hoT who favor ciU VOIU isUr Li3 B-nD-rU, Kcvl II. X. Go Away Satisfied Gr A i ivr We nmn Ga-oodi for a very i 'l of (lit? la Ibe TJ Tj TO omvnl nt short KiiJ in tbe mot fnnbEoottk etfcotlftl maitorr. Call C-rt I CM.OTH!| thatv.111 GIVE YOU SATISFACTION, I THE 0 New Ad Mid VArAr tO Twtf ou.

KCIILIX KMTti Chicago OfBce, Office, SO Clark Street. 17 Ncwkfcll Home. IYIA2VUFACTDBI Wool Carding, Cloth Dressing, Wool Manufactured (uto on abort notice at trie a i Woolen Tacterj Dr A. LOCAL Aoexra i.v ROCK couxrv. Sir.

K. 0. Oatr.y, Mrs. WM. AOI.T, aepSdaolf BelolL 'Superior A i of Old Tom Gin, kinds, Fine Bourbon and MonongahelaWbiskiei, RYt WHISKY, lOW.PRlCtO/.THAT IS PURE, Pure Juice Wine, Sweet Sherry, Maderia, Jcc CURRANT WINE fhm ono to eight old, SOOTCII AU, rcRtm, Bonoy BOTTUD FINK -WINKS AND or a)) klndn, some of which )mro been tcttlcJ lo the vlght nnd In abort everything In thfolltie ftil for Mt-dlcnl I'urpowa." Also, jum rocolve-J, fine lot of Fifth Pint Jfltttt, Musftroont, Ctamt, Ldbtttrt, Oyf'rt, tbrdinst, wnrrnutoj qiulUy and low as aoywhore In tho weal, Great Bargains in Millinery.

RS now idling her large stock of new and fiuhloaaulu winter llixui, in Velvet, Satlu, Silk, al a jtcnt aacrlOce. In fact, tio reuonatlo oner will to refuted, aa must be made or BONNETS GIVEN A A to make room for her uprlng fiuoda, flnd eve-i now, aa liandaornean amwrlmmit of mllllnfrry aa CAQ be oeeo welt of Now York. Ur Old of Ucr outomora vrtlt be and made llko uew, vriihout any charge. Dreaioi made or cut lo order, and the nowett modell farnlihod for a mere nothing. Pletw and la- dlei, before purcliaalng cltowbere.

Wwcroom. In Young America Uarah'a Clothing Store, Malu ilrbvt. dtcSOdlf. NOW IB TUB TIMK TO BUY All i of Fur AT a a LADIES' FURS, A Stock--Closing Out Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash. JellUwlf a i Rubber.

IU SHATTl.CK,D«iUit,u»«l of for the InwrttOD cf ARTIFICIAL DENTURES, li lo an othw It fir all or. lit aot of are i'e Dr. S.acall, nininortiie lirntnl Art. All pcrfrt MttUfactloQ, or yf the po-t ufljce. Janeaville, Mnrtli uli, tool.

TIN! IT IS A FACT G-. A I athebert au-XUDft" Boot ami He I BTCCK OF xan. fla- 1 1'hildreiii' I I 11 a PI CADDOl Wr Manufai Snperi work to.rr.ed aMptathebett Tin, Copper and btnvlt ibat nrtlt-eti Iu theCltyof lo corrmpunJ with Ihe bU lubttc generally tiHe. Apri! at reduced for cali. Oookia? and Parlor POWPS, tBAB PIPS, Credit Bu; WHEELER ft WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES WITH New Improvements, at Rtdnetd Pritei IIIK Wlitelcr Manubcturlni; Company baring galnt-d all their at law, wllli Infring- IUK maoufncturert of Scwlog that the public utiall toUnfflttCHj tlifrvby, and have accordingly reduced the PRICES OF THEIR SEWIH6 AlUrthlidate thry will IK told at tbat will pay a lulr profit on tue coit of manufacture, capital Invented, aodeipenteormaklng tales; each viIII enable them to make flnt clan toforu, fruarantee ttivtn In every panlcuW, C.

MINER, Agent, Kerosene Lamp Shades! A FRW more or tbow "Bull ROD" lamp Shadu roMlvedat lath. (noHdawtf) itajn MOHTOAOM HAW. iN rod after All accouou will tw I'ft KAYS motions JI.VB 1 ROOFING AND JOB WORE Store on Triangle, CMI 11 a nov a ir trougbt co which I I "WOBl WEST IDBOPTHlfJJ-TSK ONB SLOCK BELOW TUE Jamcarllle, AKK to order Stean. Koglnea Fonrlnge, glUrarM log Holla, ati.l Ml kluda of Greatly Reduced N.B.---Piuitctil^r toi of maclilDery. such iteam KtMftcH.

Powem I at the A Cuia nv vur i 1 The proprietor of 1 wanting isorlt done In out HM'Jj, enced vrorkroen.oariel and onrabop. Oartoolaareof tbe beat plor competent uwkmen 1 inteDdtogireMtUrKtloDtoall JanMvnie. f'eb. 16.1845. Pe ln lo Atrrarv or tS 1 t1e A NBW Rock 1 the beat machloe in me, and hone, Drtlla from 8 to rock.

Oie beat vrotk. B) 9 Ifeptofunlfonnalte. county and state riRhte (or log done can addnxa me al May Kin. farming landa. 1 Oaaa anc'er Keep Your nrioK Watw Fro WE eeau.

It "terbsen nor EWSPAPERl.

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