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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE THUESDAY MQBMM, JUNE 1896. Will be parasol day. It will Inaugu- rate'a Clearance Sale In our Parasol Stock, Wo do not iuiteud carrying ovor a single parasol, so we are- starting "A Gall Sale" in time. Today and all this week you cau buy parasols at your pi-tees. Every will-dressed lady must havo one, so here Is chance.

Conic In and Inspect the stock. You're welcome. $1.50 TUick anil Pique Parasols, white ribs nail handle bone tarulea for OSc. White and Colored China Si5k Parasols, white sticfcs and frames, no six- inch fancy niflle, bone ferrules, tasslc, tot A lot of 50 Parasols that were 55.00, $4.00 anil are all reduced about one-half. Cheap enough to afford oue.

$3.00 Black China nncl Sdlfc Parasols, elegantly ftutehcfl. Wad: sticks, ruffles and well worth the price, to close We have just 3S elegant fancy Silk, CMffon anil LACE PARASOLS, elPgant- ly lined ami ti'immed, and eveiy one a gem, now In our Broadway store. $5,00 PARASOLS FOR $3.50 $12, $10, $8 and $6 ones at about half. 409-411 BROADWAY. S06 FOURTH ST.

Hanua Reaches St. Louis and- 'iv Preliminaries Are Take Hold of Sen-; timent in Favor of cratic State i Clothes up to Date Have been in great favor at cur establishment. Pact is no one hac a finer line of woolens and worsteds to select than OUTf. Important Features in Lthe make-up of our clothes work their superiority. We are not the cheapest tailors but claim to be the best.

Carl W. Keller, Tailor and Draper. 311 Market Street. The queen of hearts in all these parts, If you can go by rumors' one who ridei a wheel, and glidel About in dainty bloomers, ZINN COMPANY. We Have Others we Call Them Knights We also have an nsaartmont of second hand bicycles which uiiist be aold.

Call and make an offer. 303 Sixth Street. St. l-outs, June the arrival. 1 Wednesday morning of Mark Hannaand a party of his lieutenants, and flie-aaaem-: bllr.K at noon of tlie national committee for: the purpose of adjudlcatlng-the contests.) ami preparing the temporary -roll, trie-pre- liminaries ot the national rcpulillcan-con-.

vcntlon may bo regarded as'having commenced in earnest. Those Incoming on the late trains T.ue:,clay night those tlie early morning were so-numerous as-to take hv -surprise the hotel people -and the local committee lot eolnK by the from dlfferflnt parts oC the country, had been led to believe that It wouid'be late in the week be-- foi-o tho visitors would be evidence. Before the breakfast hour was- over Wfidncsday morning, however, naeos ot freshly written autographs had been adcic-d to HID convention register at, the Southern; about the same number were recorded at the Planter's and theUnacll, and in tho rotundas, were the same chancing crowds, the same, dlscussionb whispering confabs and buttonholing, an 1 other incidents that are Invariable accompaniments of a rally of political chieftains. Hnnnu Welcomed. There were a score or more.of old friends and actiimintancus at the Union station to welcome the "head otMaj.

Me- Klniey's campaign, Mark when the Bee Line train from Cleveland: pulled in at 7:30. Wlth-him were Gen. Mc- Klnley Osborne, of Boston tlie major 3 Jousin; Myron T. Herrlcks and Col. Sylvester Everett, delegates from Cleveland.

The declalonVof the national commltteo to hear the statement of the contestees in meeting referring to a aub- committee'the contests from 'the respective -states- is regarded as a dis- victory for Powell'Clayton, representing the McKlnley Interests on the com- and wJio advocated this method ot Monotary PJunk. Each member of tlie national committee os well a.a the leading deleg-ates on the ground was furnished Wednesday afxer- v-lth a plank for the platform drawn up by Richard "Kerens. It reads as follows: believe that our money should not be interior to the money, of the moat en- nations of the earth, and are un- 'ttlterably opposed to every scheme that -threatens to debase or depreciate our present monetary favor the rea- ionable use of silver as currency, but such use shouM-be to the extent only and under such weU-defliiecl regulations that its parity with gold as currency can be easily and efficiently maintained, As consistent we are opposed to the Inde- jSdent free coinage of silver at a ratio of to one as. a measure fraught with certain disaster to all commercial intcr- esii destructive to'the Interest the wa eiu'ner, and In the absence ot International suro to lead, to silver mono- Invitations Ate alwayi appreciated and especially so when they ftre taste! ally gotten up. THE JOURNAL Job Printing Department ie making a specialty ot NVITATJON3, PROGRAMS- LETTERHEADS, NOTE HEADS.

BILL STATEMENTS, CARDS, CIRCULARS, Latest Styles in Fancy Type and Material. "fresh Water Yeast! flakes the purest and sweetest Bread- The Bread Recipe on separate Slip is PERFECTS THE BUCKEYE YEAST ASHLEY, OHIO. PROTECT YOUR EYES. The Hlrchbcrg Optical Co. The Ball-known Specialists ot Kew tork haw appolntoa D.

A. HAtIK agent for their celebratwl SpeotadM Glasses, everypalr guaranteed, D. A. HAUK complete and Inrttes all ti themJelTes ol tie great ot thewgoodi orer snj at the'Store ol D. HATJK, Sole agent for Loginsport Infl.

No Peddlers Supplied. CHAIRMAN CARTER. Hahn, of Mansfield, and Oscar of Portland. Ore. Before he had 0 register at the Southern, Mr Hanno' Was tho center of a group of other 3- tilshed republicans, which includ- atnuel Fesscnden, of Connecticut; powllng.

president of the MUjnojota Btat'o leasue; Henry C. Payne, of Mllwau- keblTina cx-Gov. Flfer and Capt. Tanner theHntter the ub rnatorlal nominee In HUnbls. There were Breetlnea and hand- BhaWes, and then after a hurried breakfast himself to his private room in tBo-McKlnley headquarters on tlie parlor flbor- and conferred with Judge Thompson to'wiom he wired Tuesday nlffht asking be secured for the colored matter what the cost.

'oincasn Young's Statement. -islsned statement given out Tuesday night 1 by National Commltteeman M. H. of- San Francisco, in which he eare that, while the California dele- for the free colnasool silver' they would not bolt the convention in'the event of the sold standard BefaV supreme, was one of tdilcs of discussion Wednesday morning-, stand taken by the Callfomlan was lo'doreed. by Senator George L.

Shoup, ol who gave it out flat-footed that, Hanna Is already taking a hand in UK- 'financial -fight and has set on foot a Sons 'movement for a compromise. afternoon -Jie sent for a number of the-southern delegates, who arc known to be friendly, to McKinley, and them not to push their demands for a gold fears'a-big defection in ol the Oho be used from this tiny, prevent the absolute overriding of free coinage, pintt Louis. New York; Juhe T. C. Platt, W.

of the republican state committee; Congressman Benjamin B. Odell -ahd-Loiils F. PW ne left Cor St Louis over he Baltimore The partj "xreclg to roach Thursday even. Ing'and will putup at.the Southern. Will Mcm'tlio Bcnult ttt Home.

private Boyle, will leave 'in dav for Coliim-bus, from whence he 11 1 to St w.11 remain in Canton until the convention. A i rivate wire connects his residence with Mark Hannah's room ill theSouthernhotel, St there will be constant com- mnlcatlo'n between thcjwo gentlemen. LIKE KO1ES- Growin'g of lowan Noiuluoo t-Jf President. June morning prints tha following: Among the silve. in Washington 'the opinion prevails widely that cx-Gov.

Horace Iowa- be the nominee of the Chicago convontlon." While Scr.ator Teller is lophe.l upon leader In tlie free silver the of. nominating are- i as thedemocratic standard beurcr Boles -iw while 1 his delegation one, pijrS and sjmple.and would whlU Tae.tai plank in t-he platform, it w.ould suli- hiVt'Vlth good grace to the will of the ma- jbrlty and accept with possib.c tho decision of- the convention. It i-a's" noticeable that the delegates on the ground from Mississippi and -Louisiana, and who at home are supposed to be ardent free sll- vcrites, are talking "sound money andMc- Klnlcy." Delegate of the Texas "Lily-whites," and has a contest.011 his hands, was also loudly procla'inrfne'tha( the seated delegates from his state; tcr who they, would-be found voting for the Ohio man and a dean-cut declaration, for'sound v) Will Bo Sound-Money David Martin, the Philadelphia' antl- Ouav leader and member of- the. national committee, registered at the planter's at 11 o'clock and then went over to the head- ouartors at the Southern. -En route hq.ex.- pressed the opinion that -platform declare for sound money, without straddle or equivocation.

The publicans, he added, were not anticipating anv bolts or disruption of the convention, anil at any rate did not propose to give way to fear or worry no matter, what might develop on this line. Ha added his that MoKlnley's nomination would come on the first ballot. Gold Men Giro Figures. The EOld men who are here are Issuing statements of the strength of free'Silver In the convention. According-to one of these -tables, which Is said to he the conservative yet Issued, of the 918 delegates In the convention there are CGI from states which have declared in one or another for "sound money." In tWs number like Illinolsand Ohio, whoseflnanclalplanki termed straddles at the time of their Bdoption, are included.

There Are 87 dele- Kates pledged-'to the free and coinage of silver at sixteen'to one, and 180 whoso position on tho money question -Is Meeting of National Tho first session of the national committee lasted-leas than an Chairman Carter called the to order at ms in the club-room of: Secretary Mahley called the.Toll and Indian territory alone failed, Senator Gear was proxy for Jamei- riarkson of Iowa; from a telegram had bcen'recelved, say Ing. been taken 111 at Philadelphia whlleon route and mlKht -not be able to at any pf the proceedings. A committee having been, appointed to prepare resolutions ol to the memory of Ex-Na-tlonai Committeeman W. I. Campbell, ol IlUnols passed away since- the last meeting at the contests was At -this stage CdTc.

C. Kerens, of.this 'Sty; submitted a resolution: providing, 9 ence at the secret tho 'of of each, is -associations. This was'an nt of the established preceden bu Delegate Isaac Tr" lmh supported It In a few feioiJcks arid It wont through ynanlmo.uuly thls-viow -of' trie-matter, as 11 the tollowins -letter, received Tuesday by a -K ticket glncyely (sisned) HORA.CK BOIES, 1 1 for TO FREE SILVEB. Action or the State DemocratK -Convention. -if une'JO'-The democratl.

stafc-conventloh was called short fy ahVnoon In Ford's opera house by Ha iterslBy- W. Talbott, chairman ol tha stat. central committee He said only a tew bofore'tntroducins Hon. Arthur 1 aV temporary chairman. cholrtnaii "of the committee on reso favor -of tariff reform In- the platform In Ch cage of'S, -and President Cleveland to the flnandal question the re favored; the.

gold standard and op poised, the -free, dolimge of silver at slxteer to bno The, reading' report wa greeted with oUe.ers,urid. -Hisses, tipon conclusion Mrp Stew-art, of Talbot county a minority, re nurt signed by five members of the resolu tioni -committee, In w.hlch they gave ex -nresslon to flnahelfllh'vjevra directly op posed' -to what termed th "gold bugs," and demanded the free coin age of silver: repwt wa dfferod -aa a- Bubstltutef for the financia plank of t.h.e report and was re jected. CLEVELAND. by 'tlie Domocratl State Contention Connecticut. June The democrat lo ata'to'coDventlon called' to adopt a plat 'form: and' elect delegates to the natlona at 'Chicago was called to oide at'the Auditorium at 10:45 o'clock -day-mbrrilng phalrman Clinton the state central committee.

resolutions, read by Col. N. 'oaborne, of Haven, and adopted a. follows: 1 Platform. "While wei favor the most liberal use llver consistent the enforcement of w.e are unalterably Were Necessary to Maintain Our of the Senate Answered.

elieve-'tne- auievy our nations reouircs-a system of sound bank iniTby which a currency aropl i iinr.iv Wn016 countr secured, and a vlsloU Ol tno time -Thcve the the convention a large-Miles "I.ynde HarrUon, of Qullford Waller, of New London; Jame Sl of the con at 12:15. o'clock it adjourne are underatood to favor th 'nomination: 'of' William E. of president, but are no THE BOND ISSUES. arlisle Gives the Reasons Why They Made, Washing-toe, June Car- sle's reply to the subcommittee of the enate cJiarg-ed with tie investigation of the sale ol United tivtes bonds dnrirjff the years 1804, 895 and 1830 w'os made public Tuesday, 'he statement is dated June 1. Eeview- ng the conditions which Jed to the bond ssue, the secretary says: "Largely on account of apprehensions in his country and abroad as to the ability of ho continue the current edemption of Its.notes In prold coin and maintain the parity ol the two the xports of gold during the fiscal year IMS eachecl the uniwdr-uHited amount of 5SOS44 nearly all of'which was withdrawn ro'm the public treasury by the presenta- ion of notea of 'redemption.

Notwltn- tandlng the.moot strenuous efforts by the department to maintain J100.0CO.OOO re- erve Intact, on the 22d day of April, 1893. became necessary to use a part of It or redemption purposes. Very Httle gold was being received on account of dues to he government, and it was. therefore, impossible lo increase the reserve without esortlng to tho issue and sale of bonds, under, the authority conferred by the re- lUmptlon act." FlMt Ho nil Call. The secretary then refers to the bond call jf which netted the govern- nent J58.flM.G17.

From that (late to November 14, 18M. when the free gold In the treas- iry was rhc amount varied but ittle The then continues: "In the meantime, the frequent presenta- lon of notes for redemption In gold by and institutions not desiring for export clearly indkaittU the existence of uneasiness In the-public mind, while for- gn exchange was constantly at or near a rate which ni.idc It necessary to export rold to pay bills at their maturity, and con- uciniy withdrawals for shipment wove A Pipe Line 2OO LnnR. Portland, June the filing the articles of incorporation of tha Pipe Line Kenning company Wells county the project of building second pipe fine from the oil fields of ndiana is made public. To the docu- nent are' attached tlie names of John ind Michael Cudaby, the Chicago ports Backers. The line will be nearly 200 niles in length, beginning near Geneva, appiD? the jjroduoinij districts in Yells, Blackford, JiJ.y, Adams and Grant counties, and extending: through tbo ounties of Huntinffton, Wabash, Mimi, Fulton, Cass, Marshall, Vhite, Pulaski, Starlte.

Ln Porte, Porter, Xewton and Lake, to ng, where it is said that immense re- 'nerics are to be erected at cost of several millions of dollars. The principal iffices and headquarters will be al Eluft- Thus of the bond ssue are then 'Statt-d, and Secretary Car- became evident that Hie transaction had not been effectual to stop withdrawals of sold. These large withdrawals were due almost entirely, so far as could be ascertained, to a feeling of prehension 'the public mind, -especially among the "olOei-s of our securities abroad, which Increased in intensity from day to day, that the government would be compelled within a few days to suspend pold payments and 10 drop to a silver and paper suuward. The sttuat on was so grave that the attention of congress was called to the subject on January 28, 1i95." THo Contract. After freely from this 'inessase.

thf Sfcr'SSry lays that n0 failed to pass- any measure for the reliei 01 th" treasure, or 'to take any action calculated to nllay the serious apprehensions SSfexUnVln-thi public a contract was entcriid 'Into on February ance ol the contract The secretary quotfes trom the presKJenf s. mTssage, sent to congress Immediately on the Sooulion cf the contract, In which hi araln calls attention to the financial condition of the treasury. The agi eem-int to protect tho. treasury rold, the Bays? was, faithlully carried out, and Alter large part of the sold had been Mrntehcd from 'abroad, the secretary. In order to prevent disturbance In the rates or foreign exchange at a critical period and create a condition -which could sold exports' and consequent withdrawals nraniesccd In departure from the con tract reqolr ngione-hall of the coin be pTOCured abroaS- and accepted deposits gold then held'- In this co.untry to complex th Wi tn 1 gold again set and on December 2.

1S95, president again sent a special' message congress asking rem but none was enacted, am 'the character aa thi others Continuing, the secretary says. "My opinion is that the prices receivec by the government for tho bonds sold In ISM IS05 and 1S96' were as high as it was nossible to obtain under the circumstance existing at the times when the sales wen The fact that bonds nre offered fo: sale b'y the government only at times whei the nnancial affairs of the country ar the market morc-o IMS donrcssed of thebuslnes suuation, and feeling -of insecurity which always prevails at such period prevents th of aB 'good prices as might procured if advantage could be taken most favorable opportunities for effect in the sales. The same conditions whici make the issue of bonds necessary also do Tv-pss'the price of such securities in all th of the world and consequently th government Is compelled to make its sale under the most unfavorable clrcum 'stances." BMtor Confldenoe relation to that part of the resolutlo: which directs the committee to investlgat and report the bond sales ha on the credit end busings of the peopl of the United I have the honor sly that? In my the sales wer necessary for the preservation of the cred of the government and the security of th business-Interests of.the people, and tha they In those results In ieneril, the effect of each sale was to re -the being a t. in tne power and, purpose the gov ent to maintain Its own credit, to pro nerve the parity of our coins, and the valu our currency, and to check the retur of our securities In amount, from other: In the marke June 1 o'clock Wednesday.morning: the Gran Rapids Indiana railroad was sold the Pennsylvania; Railroad company fo subject to first secon 'montgage bonds. Nl 10; fninstorni visited this cit did darnage amoMnto NO.

140. 7 ER THE STATE. Events in Various Portions of diana Told by Wlra A Fight, Whitinfr, Juno A otnrted in the saloon of Joe Lenhardt between Otto Smith, a noted town and fire-cater, and a man ivhows mine could not lie learned, and was flushed off outside, the friends of both Bides taking part in the tray, bottles, missiles of all kind's were freely used, to the terror of the people in the ncinity, who locked their doors olid telephoned for the police, Al! traffic YDS suspended for a time, the crowd ife'htinp on the electric railroad track. Otto Smith reported to 'oe in a dyin; condition. Little sympathy ex-.

pressed, as he was a desporatechnracter. j'hree arrests were inado. Is a CandUlnte. Indianapolis, June- 10. Exi-ea surer Huston -is avowed caudi- lat." for reelection the Indiana member of the republican national committee He luis gone to St.

Louis. He will be opposed by Pur-bin, of Ander-on. H-, who defeated by Mr Gowdy for the chairmanship, and Koscoe Ibnvkins, of this city. The Indiana will meet Monla at the Planters' to select a Kept It Secret. June.

1(X Miss iraec a prominent young society iady of this city, and Mr, Arthur VTiseaian, of Caraargo, 111., a student of Dcpamv university, married April 15 at Brazil. They their mar- iao-e a secret until now. There was no lection to the wedding by the parents of either, but they sought to surprise "their friends. They will reside at Camnrgo. UK, where the groom will teach school.

Gen. llarrlnon ftnrt TVIfoat Purdue. Infayctte. Commence- incut week is in progress at Purdue university. Tuesday afternoon the held class-day exercises.

At night. the uhimni and faculty gave an informal i eception nt the college. Gen. Ben Harrison, who is a member of the board of trustees, and Mrs. Harrison are to attend the commencement and.wera tendered a reception at the residence of Jnhies SI.

Fowler. I)e rauw. Greencastle, June "1 The annual class day exercises of the class ol -Depamv university, occurred day. The programme, which, was be- mm on the cast campus, extended; throughout the day. In the afternoon the literary exercises took place and in the evening the annual reunion and oJumni banquet occurred in Meharry hall, the class of 'OC.

being taken mtxr full membership. Against Fort Wayne, June city council has pastwd a prohibitory license ordinance against selling The city license for cacb. dealer w-placed nt $500 per year. As the city has jurisdiction extending four miles from limits, the village of New Haven is the nearest town where cigarettes can purchased. Sunday School Convention.

Crawfordsville, June 32d 'innual state Sunday school con- vfntion convened in this city form two days' session. President of Wabasb. college, in the absence ot Gen Wallace, delivered the address of welcome. About SOO delegates are here, and as many more arc expected. Abicondcr Returned Home.

llnncie, June 10. -Several ninths ago David K. MiHer, preceptor nt C. Hoover window glass factory, absconded with $1,280. He located at Celina, and a deputy brought him back and placed him in.

Foniytb Annexation Case. Hammond, June Ham- jnond city council has empowered Mayor Mott and City Attorney Cnimpackei vo carry the -Forsyth annexation to the United States supreme court. Bnrgeon UeBtt. June dispatch, received ut the war department, announces tlie' denth of Capt K.J Fisher assistant surgeon at Sort. Capt.

Fisher was ed to the army in 1SR3. He was TcrroU fcenven tor Turkey. York, June Terrell, minister to Turkey, saile.1. Wednesday stumer St Paul forf Southampton on his way to nople,.

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