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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 5

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

DOVER AND FOXCROFT, BARSTOW, Envisions, TVAllE i tts Maine THE CITY OF BREWER. What the People are Doing and Saying: Over the Penob ELLSWORTH NEWS. A FJne Series of Popular Lee- Arranged lair the Spring. ft ccident Durance Brewer, Me This. FANCY RIBBONS Politics are Warmlna UD--Vf eddina at East Orrlncton-- Personal and i-ocai Items.

Mr. a A. Bailey, ot North Adamt, was in the city yeiterday on business. Mrs. E.

L. 1'ijne, of Lincoln, who bas been visiting friends in thia city, left fur her home Thursday night. Mr. L. Curtis left Thursday morn" for a sbort visit with his brother Kev.

J. 8. Curtis, Hopkioton, N. H. Mr.

Henry Walter, or tbla city, who was called to Portland a short time ago by the Illness of bis mother, baa returned home. The bi-monthlr social acd anpper of the Congregational Parish Circle held in the vestry of tbat church last evening waa well attended and a most enjoyable evening was ispent, Mr. Knvson T.ulkln. of Eist Orring- lon, was united in marriage at his home Wednesday evening, to Mra. Amanda Mudgett, of Belfast.

Tbe ceremony was performed hy Ksv. James Ram age in the titesence of relatives. Chester K. i i who bas held the po sition of bead machinist and deputy i at the mill of th Eastern Manufacturing at South Brewer, bis resigned the position and I leave in a few days for Chicago. I': Season THE LAST WDBD, of fcD'-v.

BUCK. -1US5EY, Man Deserts His Wife and Four Children for 8 jme Cause. i sio.oo. Store A Political A a i In Goon Uld Brewer. From all appearances It not see as if there waa to be any opposition i the race tor the mayor's berth in Brewe Mondaj-.

A' one time it waa mured that there would be a buttin ram ia the shape of a ci! candidate but the back of that pariy broken and tha only thing to do now I 8 icr.itch oat and i in, which will nine times in ten. In defee: i voles. The City Council for tbe ensuing year 13 a i a cist and an exceedingly quie- election is predicted and in all probability a light vote wili be thrown, thousU everv tnan should make it his to out and give tue house a good name, as a good big vote is sure tt, express to r.ii'.siders tbe interest and also sets a good example. It is expected that there will be a Taat a ot pulling, hauliog and tearing fur the subordinate offices, as each oBjcs, i i-? understood, has anywhere from two to four candidates la Che Held. While Mr.

C. Karnham ban aerved the city as its clerk in a most faithful and i i manner for a (ew terms, it poor policy lo makeachaoge as bis knowledge ot tbe government I will be of grett asalataaca to ilie iiraetically new board that will go ID. Tlie street coaimisaioner's berth has i or three candidates. It is understood, A Plate Glass one of South Breter and two ol the upper end of the city. Including the present commissioner, Henry A.

Harlow. With. I out uoubt the try for the place will be a at the 99c, At! the latest 50c. each. SON, Proprietors, IX Bright, i 145 MAIN ST.

I. fcj townsman. ME. a Etc Banpor. MH hoi contest, and then again 1C may be decided -a sbort order, for just who is tor who seems to be a myatery now.

The police department appears to be quiet at present, although rumor has it that two or three candidates are In the acd working hard tor the position, but a good a Is a eood man tbe world a City JHrEhsl Fickett is doubt- lea- tbe favorite und in all probability will be re-elected, ft is the general dt- -ire, however, that the police force be increased by i an officer on duty at six o'clock at night to remain on until ix in tbe murnir-K, therebv bringing two on six to twelve at night, tbe I ume the? are must needed in tramp ind thief season; and if business ia as good next aumrner and tall as it was list year they i earn their mcmer all right. i The remaining offices are aa yet in the i tbe tnit, but there is no douol but 1 a some changes will be made, and in one or two instacce. they could be made i benetitlag results. Although the going out of Mavo 11-Trill i be regretted by bis a i and in lict the entire couioattnl for he made a faithful and Impartia for two years, the election of Sargeal to till tbe vacancy will be received, OD tbe othtr band, with universal Now then OD next Monday let us do the very best we can ti show our neigh- we are not UckLng in interest. Able Man Secured for Addressas-- Periodicals for the Boom --Thai New Athletic Club-- of Pythias Installation--Notes.

to and Courier Ellsworih, March 10. Kev. David L. Yale, paator of the Congregational church, has made the arrangements for a series of popular lectures to be given hia church this spring. The lecturers will be members of the faculties of Maine colleges.

The subjects have not yet been announced. The flrtt lecture In tbe series will be give on Thursday even- ne, March 34, by President Nathaniel Butler, of Colby. On tbe evening of April 21, Prof. Allen E. Boeurs, ot the department of Civics and tne University of Maine, will speak.

The third and last lecture will be given by Prof. Harrj O. Emery, of this cltj, who holds the cnair of Economfcjs and Soctoloy at Bowdoin. The prices will be popular and nobody doubis the lectures will prove BO. Mr.

Yale's mccess as a manager of lecmrea for the people Is a guarantee ot the worth of the spring seriet. At a meeting of the Ellsworth Camera Chin at Rev. Emerson on Wednesday evening, It ins voted to fli the clu's admission fee at It Is probable that tbe fee will be Increased at the next meeting, as there are already 15 members; and there Is such a thing as admitting too many for the success of tbe club. W. E.

Whiting has been elected head of the deoartment of Indoor athletics of theDlrigb Athletic Cluo. Thla makes him manager of the basket ball team. Kr. Whiting tried Thursday to arrange a name of backet ball with the Kocitland Y. M.

C. A. team for next week, but unable to do so. After a long delay the periodicals are Beginning to oe received at the public reading room. The Hat is considerably larger than that of tbe old room.

Tbe The leading magazines which will be regularly received are Monthly, the Century, Scrlbner's, North American Review, Bevlew ot Reviews, Tbe Forum, St. Nicholas, McClure's, tbe Cosmopolitan, Harper's Weekly and Round 'atle, and tbe Youth's Companion. New ork; Buston and Bangor papers will be taken Col. Harry D. Stewart, ol Banger, installed the officers of W.

M. Halnes D- viiioo, Knlghis of Pythias, of this city, Wednesday evening. A lunch was served after the ceremony. Ibe officers ,7. W.

Nealley, captain; VV. F. Aiken, 1st H. C. Straiten, 2i Lt.

I Oilman WiswelJ, recorder; P. H. 9lrat- ton, A. Friend, Thompson, sentinel. George K.

Campbell is in Portland OD business. The second in the series of competitive declamations at the High school will be held Friday afternoon. Tbe programme bas been well arranged and an excellent eutertainmeqt is promised. Tbe declamations begin about 3.30. The annual meeting of the parishioners of tbe Congregational church will be held in the vestry next Wednesday eve- A large number enjoyed the Wednef- evening circle supper in tbe Congie- vestry.

The funeral services of Mrs. AHje r. Afrer, of Ellsworth Falls, were held at tne retidence Thursday morning. Bbv. Emerson L.

Hunt was the offleiat- irfg elorgyman. Tbe burial was at Nuith Ellsworth. The Ellsworth audience at the Williams-Clary concert in Baneor Thursday was small. Duly about 20 went from this city. The number would have been much larger, it Is thought, if there had been a sale of tickets made here.

Extensive Preoaratlons to Horses to Bishop, the. a Sudden Conditions In the woods-News Notes. I Special to Whtit and Courier. 1 Foxcroft, March 10. Tbe ineq'a supper at the Unlversallst church evening shoald be well attended and We predict they will not allow themselves to te outdone in any way.

tt is believed that the man who left town BO unexpectedly the other day, leaving a sick wife and four children, bad privtte reasons for so doing. Mre. I-'. E. Rogers Is having floe success canvassing for several klods of articles and will give dressmaking; iheciose of this season so aa to put In her whole time.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Crowell are Dexter today on buelnert.

Aubrey L. Fletcher, of the OSeerver, waa in Milo today. A. P. Ladd, ot Sebec, la in town on business.

George W. Bishop, ot New ork, tne noted horseman, will be in soon looking after horses. When was here recently bo made several nur- chaaes and must hsve pleased to'come bete again. Es preparations have been inade ct stieet to put it In condition lor highly OLDTOWS of One of tbe Most Residents of tbe City, Democratic Nominee for Mayor-- tomlnas and Oolnaa of People Well Known Snowshoelria a Popular Pnstlne--Notes. to Wblg jnd Courier.) Oldtown, March 10.

Frank Fortler, living on Fourth street, died laat night ati the age of about Stt years. Funeral tomorrow, Friday, at 0 o'clock A. under the direction of C. E. BacklltT.

A large number was In attendance at tbe Knights of Pythias meeting last night. The second degree was worked on one candidate. tlon. Eden T. Hartwell was nominated by the Democrat ic caucus last night ae their candidate fi may or.

SPRING HATS. All tbe latest Bhapes and colors. Prices way below regular hatters. HELLENBRAND PEBHY BLOCK, OLD TOWN, MB. Car.

Have the Henry A. Dreaaei was in Bangor to- NEW SPRING STYLE tensive Main Deeding tbe horses. -I Henry Huileon, ot Guilford, ba been in town loduy ou business. Mrs. Frank Waterman died suddenly laat night after a short illness.

W. Howard, starts Jor th eold fields In Alaska dn Saturday! next- G. W. Stacy, if Blauchnrd, wa in town today to meeti Mr. A.

Klmlml nf the flrro ot A. F- A. Ivimball, Bos on, and took the train to Blanchard thia morning where Mr. has gone to enter into contracts for I lumber to bs shipped te Boston. Mr.

Stacy reports tne snow to jbe settling and his teams will soon biJ! doing Woodwork. Ha expecta to nnisn lumbering operations in about two weeka. J. C. Gillies, ot Brownjille, IB preparing to stirt a factory for toe manufacture ot all kinds of Sebec Village.

It ia reported that la an excellent location there, as thert an abundance of all kinds ot lumber! that he desires. day. The condition of JTohn Richardson is very much improved. Arrlvala at rlridge J. W.

Rjcharda, John M. Hunter, Hpulton; J. N. Caniion, Boston.) at CroekeriB Hotel irpln, Boston Adver- R. R.

B. A. Kamcsj, who was injured in the railroad dlssslet at Orooo, baa been removed from her home to the private hpspltal of Mr. Goddwln on Elm street. AmocfC tbe arriva today were A.

C. citing Agent of the J. H. Hnnter, ol payment ol fine business, has Houlton, is in town todty wltb 4 carload of potatoes which he dltpoaed of to tt merchants. Frank Collins was before Whlt- iag today charged tltn refusiog to pay bis fare from Ban nor to Hartwell on qouduclor McLean train.

In default of A. P. BRADBURY SON, Carpets, Oil Cloths, BOOH PAPIBS, CKOfKEBT, and FUHtflTIIRE of all kinds. Prices Guaranteed to be na low as the low Goods delivered FBEE Ic stulwlter, Orono and Basin Mills. Corner BRADBURY BLOCK, W1V.

MJain was committed to 6. T. Brown hai put in a oew cash rieeliter. C. W.

Hayes, w.liotas been in Arooa- tiook county Itfril'onc two months in ad home. PiTTSFIELD HEWS, Tlie Wliole Town in Mourning for the Late laaac H. Lancey. I CHOICE DftlR'J BUTTER Specially at TIBRETTS' I STYLE A PAPERS Now Opening. D.

m-cjiiKE: jt co. WATCHES REPAIBED the last twenty-five years at his establishment. For UrmK. "'li-i-o men i into ilrlntluR placs tht. day, ru-conling to the Philodrf- i RfTci-tl.

ttiL-y reached tbe uar, WITO a i a iv.juld have. "I'h take .1 tin roof," rolled the first. I same," chlmixl In the oth- nr two The liartcnder wus ID a quandary, HS i i btfore heard of a nilietl dr--t i an eltraoriUnary name pjlvi- bottlBot whiaky, gin and a 1 and 111 mil a drinksI," finally r-markeii tbu first putrun. After the MH-n raki-n a i the bartender 'is w. ilo j-ou rail that tl roof-' "BcTuusu it tilc house," responded ihe trio.

-Good day," and they Ilipped out of the door. Wualil you be very smartly dressed? a vi'lTct stock with a bow matching the velTBt of your bat and have tbe (hurt trimmed i kuotted fringe. Thare are IS yonag women in the bomtoputiii'- training class at tbe i i iii-JBrtfaln. -loi ilrii-'-'iiijt yom-aclf with nnaek Kl.V, frpam Ba1, U.I. lOc.

mall U. I Warren 1 H-i In Kcid, of llwat Falls, jf, 1 Kly'j Bate The Funeral Services Simple But Imoresalve--All placea of Business Closed In the Afternoon--Serious Illneesof ir. F. J.Taylor--Notes. lo Whig and Pittsilcld, March 10.

The funeral services of H. Lsncy toot place this afternoon at the family residence on Alain atreet and was largely attended. All placea o( business In town were closed Immediately after noon and remained so until alter the burial ceremony. Rev. L.

Cooo9, pastor of tno Unl- versallst church, clDciated. The eier- claes were simple and brief. K. A. Con ant rendered a solo in an effecting man A'fter a abort prayer the pastor addressed some remarks to the assembled friends and relatives fervent and well choien words.

He illustrated tbe Idea that tbe man who tilled the soil, cleared the forests and became the pioneer in establishing civilization and larinss the foundation for these proiperous communities, was performing a divine duty and mission as wel! as the preacher or he who was active in reforms, and had the approval of the higher power. He paid a hitch and merited tribute to the memory of the deceased. Tlie pall were Oramel Murray, V. Weymouth, C. E.

Victery and 1. M. tirifflo. A large delegation of relatives and friends from Hartland and aur- ronndioe towns were present. Prof.

H. H. Bryant, formerly principal of the Maine Central Institute business college. Is In town. Prof.

Brjant is traveling eniesman and agent for tbe flrro of i A Co. Dr. F. J. Tajlor, whose protracted Illness In the fall nearly resulted fatally.

Is again attacked by the same complaint and fears are expressed that he may have another Illness. Dr. B. A. Porter is In attendance upon him.

CTlfTeDce of dvllUKEron. Aa an evidence of advancing civilization in Japan a correspondent notes the fact that they are getting need to glass. At first glass in a railway carriage window, it in said, had to be smeared with streaks of white paint to keep passengers from putting their heads through York Tribune. BUCKSPORT NEWS. A Wild Kace of Two Citizens Caused Some Excitement.

Another Steamer coming ti Load PulD For Abroa'd--TeKiOhone Service soon--A Case of Affray- News Motes. to WingiinU March 10. The loM' Ol the steamer Coringa is nearly and she is eiuecled to sail Saturday. Her spars have been taken down to enable her to pass throcgh tbe Manchester ship canal. She expects to make the run to ulasgow in about 14 days.

The neit steamer lo take pulp for T. J. Stewart ftp Is billed to arrive here about March 25 The Glendnven is somewhat smaller than the Coriuga. If the river before her arrival she will proceed to Bangor to receiver her cargo, otherwise she will load the steamboat wharf thejaame aa tbe dtber steamers. I CaW Fred Dorr and a crew of sour mtnlef lor Gloucester by Boston boat to to take charge of tbe Coggs- w-ll large vessel which Capt.

Nicholson has added to bis flahlng fleetj About eighty 1 persona eniuredi the flne aupper at the Methodist vestry Wednes- Mrs. Parker Spoflbrd entertained a party of fiends at dinner Thursday In honor at Cape. Ellepson of the The company of Capji. tllep QUHllltMtfl) HBO JdU The sale of tinte thls-plaoe for tbe "Twelve Temptations" at the Bangor Opera House Bent Saturday night, indl- (tiitea that the attendance from this city Will be large. R.

D. iJme will enlarge his eating louse by adding eight Jeet to tbe length, lls Increasing boslnpss renders the addition Imperative; The added room will be used for ice cream tables. Mrs. Margaret Henderson came from Bangor Wednesday afternoon a few days' vUit with her daughter, Mra. Uellenlbrand.

Amdng those who visited Bangnr today wire Mrs. E. A. Uavls and'daugbter, a Miss Mamd Farrell, MissViunette Uamojon, Misa tjertrude Terrill, Mrs. Hartweil Liancaeter.

Wilbur Gray to Bradford yesterday on bualneBs. Lewis Angel, clerk for C. O. Stevena, 'was in Bangor today on business. Mra.

White, or Houlton, is visiting at itbe residence ot A. Terrill, on Centre street. Miss Lydla Kirhpatrlck, who has been clerking In Eatou't bakery iBince last May, has given her position and SPECIAL SALE. A New Assortment of PRINT WRAPPERS I Tlicse well made--new am plcashig stylos and good fittipg. An inepcrtion is likoW to H.

GRAY, Oldtown, Main II. M. LI CESTSIE STREET, tillen Company, nun. Etekutre SHXMU, HATS In all the latest shades, the New Spring Ties T.uok into the GREAT fORNTH W1NIJOW and see the tyles in Gentlemen's Spring Having; disposed of our Clnthinp, shall confirm ime of tlxe lirgest irf CAPS and FIT 11 Eastern Majhe. our Custom lade Clothing is MI Unit do I I i Ik'lirv ivnrk ov-T l.n-r.ii.-.

Make Suits to Order i hr in jnul ivmlv for None labor and enters i 1 i Druggist and Apotliecary, UcriTer in Books and Stationory. Aside for 'III- ermm Llmo Ml'. uvllon lu I i Washington life Ins, of Hew York, a Arthur H. Black, Agent, I I I I Ci.luuilMit pass a few weeks A. Gray, on will ae'filled by Jfiea this city.

Mre. H. We ceivintc treatment wetks lu a Port turned home much It iproved. Mrs. Herbert aunt, Mrs.

Burgess, tome on High street Tbc'socletv otChriatian Endekvorheldl a verylpleasant social meetini at th. Elm street vestrv last evening. Kr freBbments served after the game Orland Tele- tor ray wit her slater, Sirs. C. reet.

Her position Myrtle Snow, of who has been re- or the past four hospital, has re- is entertaining her 31 Guilford, at her of Baneor, who haa GEO. A. GRAY. ItEALEH IM Hardware, Paints, Etc. 131 Mala OLDTOWN.

phone Company a crew of men work setting poles along Main streel.The eervlce will soon be in operation In tbe 'Th 'followln(( Buckeport people attend, the concert at 1 narsdatf evenini? Mrs. A. F. OracB Nichols, Nan Godfrey, War-, ren, Clara T. Case, Edith Genn, Helen Page and Mr.

A. F. Paee. Frank I.anpber was Jud Chase's court this afternoon; charged assault on Wells B. Kelly.

Lanphelr and Kellv worked together in loBd tbe steamer lals and had Boine misundej- etandlne. Through the office of friends the trouble was increa.ed aatll it resulted in a row after a meeting at the schoolhouse up the Shore Tuesday evf- ning, March 1. Judge Chase Eiammed several witnesses and from tneir evi- denes found Lanpher guilty ot assault. He-was fined and costs given Some good adviee. Those persons who happened to be jftlong Main street Wednesday afternoon Jwere much aeitated by the appearance two prominent bufinesa men racing madly down the street towarnUbe depot.

They were minus their hats and great streams of perspiration fljw- Ine down their faces. Noticing that one ot them was a fire warden, word was, passed to the ever alert members of the Torrent and Deluge ompantus to be in readiness for an alatm. But no alarm was sounded and presently jr two reappeared at a dog tiot. He wSa breathing heavily and reocbSS the hotjel steps In an exhausted condliifn. When questioned as to the whereabouts ot nw fellow racer be sadly replied: Pearl, the 'cop' arrested him for Thls remarkable race WM the result of a wager between E.

L. Baazley and Pearl Wardwell and 'lovolvea an old and 50 centa. Beacley was an easy winner bat mourns that it will him filly ceivi to move the old stove. Miss Olive Winslow whoi bus been Miss Blanche all i been vlaiting relatives in Oldtown, bas returned T- I 4 Mies Alice Grayjbt Madlaqn, who has been visiting Thomas Klrkpatrick liaa returned homeJ A party of young married people were out snow shoeing by moonlight Tuesday. They report great sport and lame backs.

Mljs Elvira Southard, jwbq bas been serlou-ly 111 at ttte of Mr. G. Gannon, is reported somewhat Improved. R. M.

Howe has bung out at his stairway a new cabinet containing some excellent specimens of liis photographic Joseph Cota has fitted up dining rooms at bis place! on Main street and will be ready neit week to ierve ladies and gentlemen In the best rounder. Mr. and Mrs. N. H.

A. Gammon and theiri Roeit, Mies Ida Stewart, were Orono today. I Mrs. Domlnick Dougherty is confined to her house on Treat and Webster Island by sickness. Mra.

Chase, who has been sick for some time at her BOn's home! on Middle atreer, IS improving. Mr. Eraent -M Uon, clerkj for Owen Bjzzell, was in Bangor "Wednesday on Mr. Ja'mes MeNamarah 1 who haj been having his eyes treated Bangtor, IB making satltlacto'ry Mils Agnes Folsom Is quite it her home. Mr.

Eudell G. Wbitton has takfen an agencv for tbe Metropolitan Life ance Company. Mr. H. E.

Wbitton has returned from Hartford, Conn, where be baa been for the past 14 weeks, at the Institution for the Blind, learning the mattress and broom trades. Mr. Whitton intends to start an establishment for the manufacture ot brooms and matteases, and will do repairing. He brought home a large number of samples of his work and they are pronounced fine by good judges. Lumbermen's River Driving Boots and Shoes THE BEST WINTER SHAPES I IN HTS, WE ARE FORTUNATE IN HAVING SOME OF THE VERY BEST STYLES.


COFFIN. 45 MAIN BANGOR, ME. 1 Shall we you 1 WE WILL BOND YOU, The United States Fidelity Guaranty Company, OF BALTIMORE, MD. Cur bondj acceirted by tlit) UuileJ Ctivcmnu-ut aud Probate Courts. MASON PALMER, GENERAL AGENTS.

J. i Wtnttir CaUt- logne of Patterns. MILL PROPERTY SAI.E. i Tin- I'Jrklita i rf. sUuateJ.

jn llr-nivy. 1 power, jnxill, a IIOWIT) i '(riift i hm I aliovti, iM-iriff in 2f- mote or lose. Above sold KB a w-bojlc or lu intJ Eastern Trus' BZB'inj Bansor, spending the winder with her lister, Mrs. An of i UOIF PFiFF, Bangor, Maine. i.ojitlvc i-iire for catarrh W.

Poole, eatral t'hoMk, iloul. Oil, let not jonrmood Our own ta njost calm attd dlacreat. Wo bee to explain that In sending Our aoulfi aie with kindnOM replete. Jt of been obaervod In the blatery of man, a chronlclera trulj indite. That if fellomhlp WBTere bit now and A tna; Ht it right.

go do not lay handa on jonr mnatuti and drama, Beaenting onr martial array. Tou niuat not oonsldsf the veHel that OOIDM Aa aught but Denial display. Bhould our tamper! be vexed tte moat nott think That got to friendly or fight, Bo If a bft Dow fcbd tlian PUC11UI1JK WLIJ.T:* -Enoch Hill, left Thursday i a weed's visit wltb a friend In Banger. llic- puts I pure, rich Wood in tin 1 vi'inn; ulukcs nieii ajnd wompu strong and Burdqck Blood Bit lei-x. At any ilrtiR stoi-t.

II you are Dot feellog why don't yon late Hood's It will purify and enrich your blood and do foa wonderful good. TM Kellep. Helen Keller, the clever deaf, dnmb aud blind girl, who waa -njuderBtood to have been studying for Badcliffe, has bean removed from Gilman a school in Cambridge, with the understanding that sho will not return. When Helen entered the; school, Miss anllivaa, her teacher, thought that she could prepare for college in two years. IB November, it is said, Mr.

Oilman intimated to Miss Sullivan that be had arranged Helen's studies on a basis of a Jour years' course. As a result both Hel- BI younger sister, Mildred, who was also a pupil at tha school, were withdrawn from it by Mri Keller. At present Helen is in the country having good time skating and coasting aud is in perfect health. It is stated on good authority that she will resume her studies under-private tutors. Helen herself says of this change: "I could scarcely endure my bitter humiliation.

It seemed to me as if I had teen cheated out of my proper share in the school I knew that Mies Sullivan's judgment had oeen flung aside as of no valtia, and I knew, too, 'that she bad loved me and taken the beat care of me for nearly 11 years, ami that no barm bad come to me while I was witb hor. She bad worked all those long years to make my life sweet and happy. I had never been overworked in my -whole life, and Ibe had." Miss BulJivan appealed to Helen's mother, her father being no longer 1 living. Mrs. Keller came to Boston at once from Alabama, and as a result Helen wa withdrawn from the Comnpondcpce.

Henry Ward Beecher Wrote as tollosra: "I would rather have, a bare cnflln wiilimit a Flower aViuieral without an thun a life wlth''ut the sweelhiea il lovo ana sympathy. Post mortem kindness does not oueer thr bnraened soul. on tbo Coflln enat no rragrance the dreau H( would, no doubt, lla.e said liad te been a TMtientot the Queen tjitjjol the prop'er person to call on when the "Silver Cord la luoEeocd wouM be ABBL HUNT. FOB BEST WORI IOWKST PUCES. GO TO M.

Carriage Builder Repairing ami HUB OP tiAllHIAQB KBfO8ETOBr, HABLOW STREET. The Vfrcfasc Classes will ruin wi: i i.i. of a speu5allst rif. iTlff. HtTTCHINGS 5i HfttntoiwDd Btrect.

Jpl Dr. W. JOHNSON, BANGOR, 100 MAIN ST. MMNE. PROVIDENCE FUR COMPANY, 49 Wtstnlnstir 1 Pr.iW»nei, R.

KleeUim. immBdlauire- mttUnMl Sblpplm Bopee, turtddiKl tree. Write (or latwl price FOB SALE. De.lrablt Ee.ldeuM, T7 IBMII Street, corner Sate. CtpitBlna twelve finlelieil ronmn 1TS ot Balls a rfoso's- 'J" 8 a bells, large Hath room, hot ind coliS water tu aleepU.g-rooTM.

POWST, Ilaugor Flcurjc. FRED T. DEARBORN, raa snor THE CITT SO 1JJNG "WAITS. FOUR WestarnUoloa Office, New Silver and Other Noveflies, Easier Book Marti, Violet lloMtrs, laffari- ed Poropadonr Comln. silver HM Pin-.

J-fencli Imporled Side ailter and FrenohGHlGlidteB, Bobinsoa's Drug Store, BLOCK, BASQUE, I i I.

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