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Modesto News-Herald from Modesto, California • Page 18

Modesto, California
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EDITORIAL PAGE IT'S FUNNY, BUT IS IT JUSTICE? Public Thinks I Thinks--By C. I A Study Of Crime In The State Of New York There Is perhaps no subject more -Jijcussed than crime, and perhaps none as to which a greater variety ol oplntoa is expressed. And although the theme is full of difficulties and complications, few persons have any doubt to the soundness of their own conclusions, however they may be. Tho variance largely relates to the "causes" of crime. And there- long has been a marked tendency to some responsible for most cot all offenses commonly committed.

The state or XCTT "Vcrx "aas a crime commtesIOD which has made law tenements, with their bad plumbing, with large famlHet living In two or three rooms, breed criminals. The fourth cause, Ij not necessarily a cause, but a failure. It Is the failure of the community' to utilize the resources it ready has In setting up proper programs. In many cases the church has failed to readjust iU program to the needs of youth to-day. Schools have also failed to readjust themselves to meet the vocational needs of the child.

They arc trylns to. fit the ind'vid- jjraoi Instead of fitting tho program to the Individual. long study of tho whole prob- And Butcher, chair- of a sub-committee which tern. mas 1ms given detailed study of the cases of 113 different convicts, thirty years of or more. In jirisoas tho state, has sub mittcd a report to tho main committee, ot which a comprehensive outline oy him recently was pub: 5he-l in the Xcw York World.

The chief conclusion reached by tho cub-committee Is "no unit is that there ot crime; no thin? which can be said to includo all others; such, for example, as heredity; also there Is no one remedy to cover cases In each class. In Butcher's opinion, however, ihcro arc four principal causes of crime, listed as follows: First, the failure of youth properly to utilize its spare time, or the failure of society to utilize It. Supervision of youth's spare tirao Is as important as suuer- rlsioa of its school time. This is proved by tho. fact that young people whose sparo time (s supervised at playgrounds, recreational clubs and such places, pnly I In J.OOO gets Into trouble, whIJe among uosupervlsctl children the ration is 1 in ICO.

A second cause of crime, I would say, Is commercial recreation-- -gambling, prize unsupervlsed pool rooms and moving picture shows. Third, bad housing, particularly In urban areas, Is an Important -cause of crime. Old Th report furihcr says Iho majority of tho 113 offenders began their delinquency in childhood. It by BO means uncommon. however, for many good cltliens to havo a record of delinquency In early years, such as truancy from school occasion ally.

And some of Lho worst crlmlnMs havo been "good boys" at school. Htcknian, tlie fiendish murderer of a young girl at Los Angeles, is credited with an cxculicnt high school and Sunday school record. As to "remedial" treatment criminals, tho report's chief recommendation is that "mass" treatment should bo done away "individual treatment" substi- Theoretically that may be an excellent Idea, but evidently It Is ono very difficult and costly to put Into actual practice. Among Instructive facts In the report, these are especially Inter- eslfng and important: That S7 cent of the H3 convicts wer-? born in tho United States; that 30 por cent said they had attended church regularly; that 111 of tho iiii iverft married, and that during childhood 42 per cent had bctn In tho children's courts. Another fact of especial oblafued from tho warden uf Sing SiflK.

Is that 75 per cent of tho men in the prison had ileaded guilty without' trial. This attributed chiefly to the prac- Icp cf "pleading guilty "to a lesser THE BENSON MURDER CASE McAfee oJ Trfiby- Church an invitation given to a a church d'uiier-- AT THE SALVAGE SHOP: uc: Ja I 0 1 ECENTLY Rcverca-J Dr. is about ready to aa In- CLOTHING NEED To iM.iur i.f i iiiv tl.crc'a to the alleged outrageous charges for electric rates to hourehoM consuuijrs In an frcsi Pacific Cm as jroa; Western" This i'is'Xry a cenij-jny a i bv nuuibcr. t'onipan-' volun- their in Ms lie or. March that SlK'l.

lilt lll- btr-n always Shirt- and lio. TIlLtl a U0'1. ut all Will be riboi stovk in trade i i i of a Kii-at variety vf arti- but in the a heddine. i ho hnu-ehoMers bo of iho cx- hiiiotry Hi-ill lo t-irii his luck on iliiirvli. force for righteous- livsx o'ir a j-Mwiti my voting heart tlirilksj.

i of other I-y mar- interpretation of Shake- six-are in iho city of UubUu: I and if a lot of oM- cr off ir i had moro Clampctt kirts WITC available it o'lt In tlio 1 pioneers in a story about UST.V Crocked, a marvelous riUo He pot a bead one- a cooa a a up on a pine-tree branch. "Don't Mr. Crockett:" evaded Brother Cocc, 'Til come down." re- ht-lji OUilts. and Iho moro iho bettor, as they reach farther. vii's club brought a nlco lam- recently, and all oxjncs- of poo'l will help At various times prominent American Protestants hava Jour- iicycd to Home to induce tho rope end representative to a up on i days.

C. THW1XU. MQJPMU. Cat. conference for a union of all i Christian churches.

Pope lieiieilict finally lias CHARM. BUT NO COMFORT (From Arts and Havft you ever--iiut, of course Y-JU have-- raced down to a too- i sv.ercd that ho would like fj tec I such a consummation, but that tho only to do It would be by the of the wandering to tho fold." I Harvey S. Firctoae. turning to Liberia, with wile, secretaries ar.d attt-njaats, to give I the people there "another Injection of civilization." He says: Wo're ojt to develop that country on an economical basis. They already have 50,000 acres laid out la rubber a and have built sixty-five miles of It could be accomplished also Paris, through Frenth counlA--1 shco 1 lhat arc in tho Mldc on a Spring afternoon when original camp following tho wan- all apDta trees ia Normandy jdeiers.

are fa full bloom? And through i trce.1 you catch oi littio old farmhouFPs thai have 1 ttood in the midst of thuir flowering orchards for centuries? I Enchanting, these little houses; according to modern stan- load thercfiom to capital, Monrovia. the Liberian durds, hardly comfortable. Once it Is lOQlish, to ask it. A "union" of the churches which iieceEsitatc any branch thereof giving up its sacred prin- CHAKACTERS twisting tlio uverhaud ot tiic Jiut the stocl clitncl was insevteii ith a knowledge of the correct jjoin! of oscillation, where a of leverage would produce PHILO VANCE JOHN MARKAM, DIstrlCt'At- tomey of New Yc(k County. CHARLES' CLEAVER.

A man. the counteracting sircs.s necessary jana'gavrvanco look, itu trip, if came- on too jibcut-town. jtodisplaci- the ain't, in the liablt of rjuirklv one miqht enjoy staying KENNETH SPOTSWOODE, a manu- ay. (Juptain Ijubois," inter- jioseil you take a poo-J look at the insitle iloor-knob or iliat dothes-prcfs?" The man about abruptly. i i UMV inside 1 we should find the rooms but simply ft ciples -would not be a union at all, too pmall to admit of propnc venUlaion: tho kitchen antiiiuatod.

I and the work done there mady doubly difficult because of lack of tlii-r preliminary to fur- cr. quarrels equipment. No, IhcsR little houses are lovely to look at: on a fjcturf. LOUIS MANNtX, an importer. offrnsp trial!" rather ihnn standing DR.

AMBROSE LINDQUIST, fathionibtc ncurctogiit. TONY'SKEEL. .1 proffssionai bur- a -'v lc olar. WILLIAM ELMER JES5UP, phone operator, "A professional job?" suggested Heath. "llighlv so." answered the Inspector, again blinking.

"That Is tlie lock was Power Trust Game Is Helped Along Only the courts can determine various opponents ot tho Kouldcr Dam project are -correct in their assertion that tbo Swing- Johnson Bill" would conspicuously violato the spirit of the constitution," as Governor Dern or Utah says it would. But any caa can determine wbat these threats to up thu project with litigation arc based on. They are based on one of two things or on both of them-- pure FDlfishness or tho wishes the of A SPIVELY, oper- erator. A Seracani cf ths Homk'Jc THE STORY THUS FAR It was the JfAfl CXM- pur- It was found In ths not "far from tftt I body of Margaret Odell, go as to tlio opinion that Ihc instrument u.sett was one especially true ted for such 11- ic-gat juirtiOiCS." "Coyld tliLi liavc uonc the job?" Endurance Flights May Aid Science i IrtllUrO OL lllC IFit mi miyii.u ui i i i i A uui.ii, tiiij i HIS 13 fa California to break tho world's tne beautiful stage star known as I Iron and would have snapped uinl endurance record for continuous airplane flight does not tha't tho record will never Tower Trast. Naturally one must hesitate to accuse public officials ot any state of deliberately and knowing Iy working for.

tho Power Trast. But If the and officials who are fighting Boulder Dam So not know that they arc beinu used by tho trust, then they convicted of The Power Trust's same is to delay the project as long as possible, to prevent It altogether if It can, but to delay it In any 3-: very quibble about constitutionality, every howl about water rights.slate's rights and the like, creates delay and helps the trust to play Its 'game. And the Ironical part of It Is that the dates which are making all tho fuss are also making their own futures just so much harder. For If the Power Trust wins its fight against Boulder Cam every stato la the country will suffer, not California alone. broken, but it.

docs mean that i will be hard to break very badly with such engines and planes as exist at jirusoDt. The problem now is to develop a typo of engine that will either consume less fuel per mile of Hying, or will use a different ana lighter fuel than gasoline. It not liivcly lliul mucli can he rcadc In airplauo design to cut down air resistance or to give greater carrying power. Anu engine per horsepower lias probably been cut down nearly to the limit. So unless man ia going to rest content ivith a cruising range of the "Canary." The c-ue looked if someone first tried to open It with A poXcr h-ltJ succeeded in opening it with a chisel.

Vance.'s (ricnd, and of i psycholsoy, 1 it most iiecuiiar." 1 vi CONUAD BRENNKU wris one of that smalt army of obscure, but highly capable experts who arc connected with Xc 1 Vorl: police dr'i'rirt- uicnt, and who arc constantly being consulted on abstruse technical the insldo knobs of closets from outside." Yaucc raised bis vyebrows ia simulated astonishment. "Do they now. (bat! KtHl. don't y' know.

if onO were iusidi; tbc closet, one couldn't reach the oulslde knoh." "Tba people I know don't shut themselves in clot uu- bois's was I'umlorously 5ar- Hcaih held out the poker. castle. Tho otht-i- Jookcd at ft closely. VoM -iniazo me!" de- atid turned it uver several timesl i dared "All Jlic people I "It inicht horn tin, i 1 kiiow ar'j atldicl'-d to the Iiabit--a that bt-iii the cover, f-ut it llf 1 Ooa't was not thu one used for prying open tlie lock. This poker is cast Marklwin, always iliplonifttic.

great pressure, whereas this "What Idea have about that hux ix, of cold rolled eighteen- clofct. Vance?" g.iu^',-. Mei'I witli an Inscl I I 1 one." was cylinder loci- (nklug a the dolorous answi r. "It's because paracentric key. levc: foico to distort lUngij lo lift tho liti pearaiico that I'm interested in imc bccu uuide only bv a I know, it should have I can't.

I'ur the life of me, make of its neat and orderly steel "Well. over night, perhaps, sharing French supper with tho farmer's household. gathered about tho kitchon table: sleeping in one of the little rooms under tho thatched roof. listeuiuK to the sleepy chirp of birds in tho long soft twilight. Hut to livo in ono of these houses--impossible.

It remains for our own young country to combine much of the charm of" these -old Xonnanrty farm- houFfs with i comfort. The State Railroad Commission The FirestoLes may injeci clvl- lizatiou into Liberia. Hut whilft tlio L-ibcriaiis are imbibing civilization, the Fires tones v.ill be grabbing Liberia. 4, According to the Santa Rosa rroii-Dc-iiiOcral; Tho Hoover boomers fire setting their candidate too far to the froiit In the stages of tho campaign, and his saner followers realize the danger of a focusod attack by the combined field. Hoover may be-- as the late George C.

Gorharn described the lato Newton Booth "like a sojiab biggest when first hatched." New York, Day By Day By O. O. McINTYRE HAY, HAY. FARMER GRAY (From Tit-Bits) Hadn't you better go and tell your masior that your load of hay has upset In the roadway? BOY: Ho knows. MOTORIST: How can be know? FARMER BOY: He's uodcr it.

NEW YORK, Jan. of a modern I'epys: Came Floyd Gibbons, tho correspondent, home from tho wars aud glad to remain in America awhilu after roaming for years. And we talked of many things, ii: especial "Willis Morgan's little chicken dinner place back of Kiffcl Tower ou the Avenue do Ia Hordonnnis. Vi'alked through tiio and loitered in thu mammoth 10-cent store on 42d street, spending lor this and that albeit I had no uo for them. Then home gaily my purchases, which my promptly a hotel maid.

In the evening to Edna tor that's that." a vtoil ratified with InMec- Hrvimer's conclufiou. "I'll I lii-en aitisiically 1 Heath was not entirely free from I home, the that wore hit! but -n-iT ai.U rarely got into the "i public prints. for he seud the box down (o you, Profes- turned to Duhm.s and said: sor. and you tan let me kuow what "You mi'slit KO over tho knob. you find out." Captaiu.

As tbis jcontltinan "I'll tiikb it if yuii iiif.t' 'hi-iv'o iuiiiiy about uhjectkm." And the little man condition uf that closet." silent and surly, wont to llio iloor a iu! liis jcltow powder knob. 1 SO CARELESS OF HIM (From PassiiiR Show) ''I've brought your husband Cann. He's shaken. His car ran into a ioado' brewer's "There now! am! it was only this morning that tho doctor warned bini to be sure to avoid all iu cSom iu her play and she excellently hilario'is anil then to a party with, my wife where came ex-Mayor 1 l.ia. M.

KcH-'niRsberg. Mr. anil 'Mrs. Kent Cooper. Dick Berlin.

Kathcr- ino Dale Owen. Mr. and Ar- thur McKeogh and others. Late I hoiue to bed. Thoso vnm Indies who sit--a his' arm and another word.

lucked it under shuTflcil out- Heath crlnneil birJ. Ho ain't liaitpy un- I jimmy marks over 10 lia.l the inside looro Uuv.ii tiio i away, lie tent His locVls r.nU bur-1 TM wir.Jows and Iliiups. I i niaKnifyinp-slass. tools; anil I doubt if. even among those ii.iiu!;- fifty or sixty hours, and that a criminologies ot the Uni- undcr exceptional circumstances, the problem of fuel consumption wlll liavo to be.

attacked OC courco, fifty hours is enough and to sparo most practical purposes. But it is not tho nature oC man to rest contented with anything for very long, and doubtless engino design and experimentation with various fuels will now increased attention. Thus ihe attempts ot tho 'Spirit of California to break the endurance marks will probably piovu to have been scientifically useful, fiven though in one rcnso ft failure. At any rate, they were not mere "stunts." more the old question ns to Organized Crime Alld ShySterS I which is the largest city on earth Oiico again a Juflgc calls has bccn dfscusscd in Ncw York lion to the relationship that The mcrcjiants fcSSO ciasIon liotwroa shyster lawyer? and or-; Iiaa roathc)1 lho ctfncUlsfoll sanlzcd crime, and speaks of laic- a tno ot Grwitor yors "who ought to bo disbarred immediately." This relationship i well known: Xcw Yorfe Grcalcr Lo i of theru uas a more accurate reader or tho evidential signs let! by tlie Implements of iiousq-brcakers.

In ap- pcaranco and bearing he was like a withered little college His black, impressed suit was old- fashioned in cut; and lie wore a very liigh stiff collar, with a nai- tow black string tio. His cold- liniincil Epcciacles were FO thick- Icnsed that tho pupils of his pves Rave tho impression ot, acute, bollaflonna iioisoninir. When Heath had spoken him. lie merely stood staring with a sort of detached expectancy; ho seemed utterly unawaie that there was any one e-Ii-'c. iu the room.

The sergeant, evidently familiar vith tho little man's idiosyncrasies of manner, did not wait for a At I't wait lill 1 sent i len.ctli ho str.ilshtiTicil m. anil tl'C box. llo'll holii it iovincly on KHVO a look of ill natured his Inp all the way down in i i I r-ubwny, like a ir.othiv ivitli i "There's frost! prims on it. all Vance was still slali'iiug ncartlin I "and hi- admitted; ih'cssiDK-table. gating perplexedly Inlo space.

he said, "tho condition of that jewel-case is positively astounding. It's unreasonable, illogical--iDsanc. It complicates the situation most damnably. That steel box simply couldn't have been cliiselfed open by a profes-' sional burglar and yet. don't 1 know, it actually was." IScforc Markham reply, a satisfied from Captain nu- boih attracted our attention.

"I've got something for you. Sergeant," lie announced. We Jiicvetl expectantly Into the living-room. Dutois vas bending over the end oC the libiary-table alrfost lircclly behind inc." place where Margaret OJell's IioJy hail been found. but started at once for! He took out an insufflator.which thn bedroom.

was like a very small hand-bellows. "Thi:) way. please, Professor," he and blew a fine lijrht-ycllow powder jo the a square foot of -s I'm mistaken they weic made by the same band as BOBBY: those on the table. lioih thumb- Jones, marks are loops, and the- index-fingers are both whorl patterns. Here.

lie ordered the photographer, "make some i thots of that Knoli." i i liad done. tho plioto- i grapher us. I A lew moments later, a an yf'in-- tor Moran ikparted. At tlie. i iloor he- passc-I two men in the white uniform of i i who had come to take away the girl's body.

(To Be Continued) is an interesting fact that for i the nineteen years he had been connected with tht New York police department, he had been referred to. by his superiors and subordi- nates, alike, as "the prefessor." ASK THE CUSTOMERS (From Judge) FIGHTER (in tho ring): I can lick you or anybody else in tlie miiMleweipht division. THE OTHER: Well, we won't quarrel about it. A TREAT ALL AROUND (From Passing Show) VISITOR: It is not often that I get such a good dinner. Neither do we.

Mr. how they do sit--in buses as "decoys" Fight-seeing Mizner Is ono of the rare owls who has never taken a drink ot intoxicating liquor. And yet for a year he did not niiss leaving old Jack's until the sun was in dor. He was once slugged amir robbed on Fifth Avenue. At tbe hospital he was asked with what the robbers hit him.

"I dun'i ho replied weakly, "but rf think it was St. Patrick's cathedral." 1 Xew York newspapers work In three the last of which is from a. ni. to 10 a. m.

as a general thing. This is "the. lobster trick" and is reputed to have been so named by a printer who came in one night at the inception ot the idea and: gazing at the boys around the copy desk, observed: "You boys certainly look like bunch of lobsters." Jlen on the lobster trick become accustomed to stirring out-of sleep at midnight buses as -'decovs" an; to liavu a to rcach Ets on oft room in Times ijijuarc sec- La i' avo conipanlon- tion to which they may retire dur- 1 ship, for they go to bed In thecarjy ing inclement weather while buses afternoon acd everybody is work- go ou their epcditions. And a rest ius in the morning. Yet men have tiieni somehow strikes mo grown gray on "the lobster trick," preferring the odd hours and Isola- Wilson is Broadway's ost famous wit.

He recently sold himself down the river to the Hollywood film masters. It is reported one night club offered him 5500 a week merely to come to the placo ni.chtly as guest of the man- tion to the usual hurly burly of the print shop. But the loneliest of all New York workers are night subway track walkers. They live like" moles walking interminable miles In blackness to inspect tracks. Mostly they are old men.

SNAPSHOTS OF A BOY DOING A HURRY-UP ERRAND GLUYAS WILLIAMS Jewel-case, "'fake a sijuin! at this, I Ihi table-top. Then Kently blew I and lei! me what you fee." the ponder, and there Inspector 11 followed appeared the impresrion of a hn- Little Joe is about the same-- something Ic-ssi Heath, wi'hout looking to i a hand distinctly registered in I 1 than i i a fortv-mile it is ancient as law. Like Mark 5 3S hc WorW lirc it- Train's weather. It is talked is hc VCT if no hy every one, Dat sotlilng 0 fin i a aCoat it- that the Califor- Bar. wWch recently became body, has in i units for comparison.

Thus the original city of London has ouly 13,400 problem a rare opportunity to i show Just liow it Is, That it docs not ilu so is and alto to perform a valuable coarse, the result of conservation left, a i the saffron, went silently to the window and The bulb of the thumb and each to it. Vance. fleshy hummock between the joinis I seemed suddenly to bv? re-! of the fingers and around the palm i awakened. forward a stood out like tiny i.ircniar islands, stood a i A1I "he papillary ridges were clear-! For the Iv The expert inspected case, holding then hooked his camera to a pelt within few inches of his my- onliar tripod and. care- opiccres.

Then lie liitcd his glanee I fully focusiiic his lens, took two the hand- to Heath and v.inkcd several times flash-light pictures of rapidly. rr.ark. public service. Three classes arc closely asso- Tnthcr than ot countenancing til-; sort'of relationship to which this (iatcd xviih and highly necessary'judge refers. there are to the professional i i a a conservatism ecasea to be shyster, the and the a virlue.

An'l for its own l-ond Tho bar cannot! as vscll as for tho good of the deal directly i the two last public, the California Bar ought hut it tsa go a I to give a attention "Two instruments were used in I 'This ought to do." was opening i case." His voice was incase! with his find, "it's the I small an-l high there i light raail-a cicar Iho Is an made it was sii tsr.ding a i lid and rl.cht behind tlie d.tnie. i a on the It's the newest print in place." baked Tho other was. I "What ahn-jt (his box?" Heath should tomo i pointed to biaek i kind, aail to break the on the taKe near the overturned I lamp. I 1 "N'ot a a r.Ec.v-.s.rAT,crr. TOE WMMCKS' NET PCOR WP BCRKW A S3l SWAN'S AcnlN- PER5 ASCOT SSCW vlCWS TAKE TO Sif OW AVClPi RnTrl, A- sc5s DRIFTS, WIWKS K6ERLY TriPCttH THAT Ittk UKE J'ESSERT.

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