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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 3

Bangor, Maine
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city busineu man, who i to work at nine in the takes an hour for lunch and leaven for home at four or five in the 'afternoon, litHe und a tlie hardships of the "to life of the former, starts to work at break of day and frequently works on into the night by a lurbt A man to end ure the hardships of a farmer's life, must be robust physically at the outset, and if he live a long: life, Always keep a watch- fill eye upon h.s health He should remember that it is the apparently trifling disorders that eventually make the big eases It does not do for a hard working jjjan to neg-lect bilious or spells of indigestion If does, he will soon find himself flat on his back with malana or i rippled with rheumatism. Dr Pierce's CnJden Medical Discovervis tbe best of all medicines for bard working men and women It makes the appetite keen and hearty, the digestion perfect, the liver ac- the blood pure and rich with the hfe- i ing: elements of the food, and the nerves -tronpr and steady. It builds firm muscles ami solid flesh It is the greatest of all blood makers and purifiers It cures mala- troubles and rheumatism It is an un- iihnjf cure for bitiou ness and indirection. honest dealer i not try to substitute tnfenor preparation for the sake of a litilt. additional profit.

I i a sufferer Tor tour veara i malarfat chills wites, Robert i i a of Kiowa Co Kan Four boLllt-s of Dr. Pterve Golden Medical Discovery cured me md I now weijfh tfw pouniti ol 130 my i ve ess constipation and torpidity of the i are speedily and perma- cured by Dr Pleasant Pel- lei- They are tinv lupar coated granules One i Pellet is a (ft mle laxative and a mild cathartic Thev never gripe stimulate and strengthen the iaded or- if i until a g-ular h.ibit fhrmecl anil may I i i be discontinued i return of tin- trouble stimulate, im iporate ITU! regulate the and bowels. i stores sell and no otht-r i that are "just as good DAILY WI1HJ AND COURIER. A I A 12, BREWER LOCALS. Flour The finest Hour that miller can make from the finest wheat that farmer can the finest bread that cook can bake.

by grocers bere. WM. A. CQGKBS, Cold water, Mich. IhlQN INSURANT COUPAHY.

A A Tlie of the Union-Insurance Coin pin 1 are heretty noilflenl ihat ttnelr annual mett ntg i be iield ai ttielr of9ce, Na. Exchaane In 6ATITK1JAY. tbe 15th of Jrtcuan at 2 o'cJocli p. m. for Ibe choice of iJlrectora and to transact any other business legally before aaM meeting.

S. Et HK, Secretary. Hancor, January Pih. THE WHIG, CAN HIVE IT! a Year, or Only 50 Outs a flontli. OldestPaper THE WeeklyCourier Established In 1814.

Conttnnea to be THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER having all tbe advantage of the unrivalled telegraphic service ol the Dally to the boar of going to press and furnishing week Forty-Eight Columns of Reading Matter, i nnbrmouic omrnmt, and teredo news, market acrtcnJtnnl in telltccmee, eboloe aud ulioeUsv- oeouaelsetknu, nuking It pieemh-eotly the beat HTU. HI HU ill 1MB, Sii Pages with Erery btne. but have )mt Uat HbMtlpttaE Ihe tow HIM Wiimfc Stubbi ntoroed to eontJcne her utadlet Colby. HOD. and Mrs.

fi. B. IfernLl have re turned home from a visit ID Dover an Fozcroft. Nellie Wight, of tbii efty, wh rjeeo quite ill for some tlms past, able to be out again. The election of offljera of the Ddlnge Hosa Company will be held DPXI Moo day evening, postponed from Moa day.

I Tbe death of Lydla Maud, youDge 1 daughter of Hannah P. and Netio 3tra.Qg, ol South Brewer, occurred HOD day. Tbe funeral will he beld today a 2 o'clock. Tbe following officers have bee chosen for Ihe euaulug year at the FJra Congregational Cajurvh la thta city: Holmes, A. A.

Kenney and B. FstrringtOD, J. D. Holmes treasurer and collector Alpbeas Rabin SOD, and.tor. The muelc committee consist ol C.

O- FiLirJngton and tbe three The report of the treasure showed the church to be free from dtfb and a good E.zed balance Phillip Crowder and Harp Lools Beak were married DD Dec. 25 la th Wonnley (near Bristol. EDffO paria: Mr. Crondvr i be well re membered ta Brewer, he made hi home here last summer aaJ had a blcvcl repair shop on Main street for several months and workpd for the Banger BE cycle company for two years. At tbi present time be Is in ihe employ of thi Hum ber Bicycle England.

Now that the Brewer Board of Tradi baa got on to the idea of holding bin queip, without doubt it i hold tc getber, especially if all hjnde are treated enough to mike it InterestiDg President Qiltnore at tbe annual meeting Monday night aaid that hia idea of boarc of trade banquets baS been altogether Re rent from what those (hat he bad atteuded turned out to be. He said that besides an evening of social festivities a treat many things were brought up tbat were profitable to know in every board Of trade and be truly hoped that something of this i in the Brewer Board would prove beneficial. Tbe word "banquet" aeemed to enthuse every man present and action waa at once taken to investigate ihq matter, tio all members may be on tbe lookout for a good time in the near future. It is well that tbe principals of tbe board bave struck upon something to hold op Che Interest for it did seem too bad to See such a fine organization goto plecer, Oven it it has thus far been unable to do tt.ui.-b business. Long live tbe Brewer Board of Trade.

OLD-TIME COASTING, the Boys Used to Do Jt Before Became a City--One of the Narrow Escapes. To ite tte jouof bofs and girl 9 coasting on tbe different hills about town, knags back la memorj the old time coaaEing loog before brewer became a i ifrlien there via DD law prohibiting on tbe eidc-wa'ks and wben. If a pedeairiaa JJPt out ot tbe way of a Kuan IT, he would Had himself-- It btp- tie a him--standing on hia head, or If It happened to be a titr, It wat just the same. The ID those days nerer i atteatioc people who walked wben It waa good coattlng. They to have single ropes on their aleia Tilth a big fcoct tied In'ctae 0nd to get a firm grarp, then' taking a good long run jumped on or "belly bum" and away Ihey would go one after another "running dowu" each other nd yelling ''Koadl road! road!" 11 how they would go over the Icy tur- i Ibe water fairly streamed oat ot tbetr each one tryli'K to out do the other to prove tbat his aled a Belter '-goei" than the otier fellow's.

There were sleda and in those days of all makes, kinds, shapes and I Some were faahloned out by hand and some turned out parts at the mill acd put together at home then taken to tlie villuge blacksmith get the out on. Then how those, shoes would e't shined up i sand paper (O tfw drag nd scrape. Vt ho it was iu onr duy that use ro OWD ibe best aled in town and the one thit could beat all tbe reat haa from out minjc, if tver did know, but will we can remember tbat i sbaip pomiel aled whlLh Frank Pdtten U9e to How Frank uee to aeDd her? It dldti make ai difference bow far tbe ret went Frank JB always a 8 i length ahead, then came IrvlutE White and then Dess and then as fellows i i i soap-box elvda on beiLDd, eacb out klikme hi) feet ant behind trying hard to eend the pjiot an Inch by the one ahead of him. The double-runners we used to have ID tboae days were rough looking aff ilia beside ihe comfortable and easy going double-limners of toda7. We never had to sit on and nheel ateering gear) We lelt ourselves lucky to get a long plank that didn't have ID It for onr double-runners, am aa for steering gears a boy "belly bunt" on tbe forward end with his hands on tbe lied paints and bis feet in tbe next fellow's lap nai all tbe steering gear we used to have, and you talk about going--we used to whiz down a hill like a atreafc of art ate ligbtnlog In a gale of all howling Uke a park of wolvea with excitement and holding on (o eacb other far dear life.

Ooe time a lot of us wrre doable-runner coasting on tbe "Corner" bill with 1'hlllppa as the steerer. We uaed to start in tLose days from tbe old gram- oSar cchool haute up in the sod bank district and If the coasting waa gocd we would go way to tbe ferry and flooae- tfmet furl ber, depending greatly on the headway bad on wben we reached Chapel bill, a aligbt tlevauloa about half down the rue. Usually when coasting on rhli run we would nation a boj at Center atr-eet to warn tetmt and thai coaldo't tea us coming, but tbls time we didn't do tbut and troftcd to luck to keep ut from colliding with any ana. It was the first lima down tot OD tbe sidewalk too and Icy waa no name for It. was )oat alter a rmla, and everything was a pei flare at Ice.

all piled oo, aboat Urn cf and Ibe Hart with three ot blcgM' boys rnoaen and what a start we did get. At Suta ttroot ire were going like waa atronc aid eoolil at im ctwit swsl wo dU not ttttr ntoeb. Wt went twrlwj oWr ttM omtesd vllh air fall of all DM DOWB enr (nato wn fatlrlr towtrd Ctmtet Hrtct u4 tb ntj Hart teal MOOT collide, wttb ulxhtj twlit of tbe tied to ihe right he sent ever? bo ot as slap up agalnit the building OD tbe corner, while be clung to tbe doublc- rnnuer and went off alone across tl i a another dlrtetkin acd went imash Into Ibe town pomp and broke hia collar bone In tbe collision. Tbe man In Hie team escaped ID) a ry and damage to bis team aan tbe break- log of a Ihlll when bla horse shied and lacded OD the plaUorm of the tin shop on the opposite corner, aud fortunately none of at were Injured. That's tbe way ve Died to coa-tr.

ALL OVER THE STATE. SEARCH PROGRESSING Forlhe Murderer of the Newton Ai lifHtut Gtoi Oiiciiiril--Tws Sis Kti Airiittl irt DlKhifii. ESrookijcjd, Jan. for the murderer of ITmacia D. Ncwtoii, hia ivifo and adopted daughter, iu their facni house? on the Sturbcidge road, Friday night, is progressing and the authorities claim that there is a good prospect of jpprehenijiiig the man called Miller or Midler, who suddeuly disappeared about the time the nmrders supposed to iuve betn committed, AVliat in believed to be an important Hue brought to the attention of pntj Sheriff W.

B. Cardeil and the othrr otRciatH nn? at ivork on the rase, this Watehtnria Jeirge llocura of BiookfieW and (loorge Campbell, uight telegruph openi- tor mid ticket ngent for the Boston Ac Albiuiy railroad at the "West BrookheM station, Btated todity that they saw a strange man iho bought .1 Utket nt the depot nbout l.Oo m. Sntordny iiiftriiing. The Btranger cntertd the i i mom md aftur purchasing a Utkut ftr Spriajf- hold remained in a part of the station here there were no gas lights. man drosaknl in dark clothes and a pair of felt hoots similar to thotu which Miller, New ton's hniid, was icciiatomed to wear.

lie short fact ansucrert the description of i IT in almost every particular. He "atnpuell for a ticket to and 11 pajment hajubfd the nindww a i dollar und a quaiter. The price of the ticket was O8 i i tiwl as aoon us tho chjagL- hiiudcd tut tbe stranger retm'il to the dark side if the Trailing room whore he remained uitil train time. Tin- mi i tt the depcit itihervtd that wlu-a the atraiigur arriv at the stiitiuii, he eame iiy way of Ihe rack from HIE? ilsnction of The man ft West BrouknVld OH the ram Inch leu ea Boaton er nigli it 11 clock for York. locum and Caiupbi'H taj tint there one to get ou i tram at he eta I ion thiit night bt'sulea I ho slrisngir.

The otln-r passengi-r a vt li known resident of West Brookfield. Phe conductor of the train wan seen last ight by Night Watchman Hocitm and said that he remembered takins up tickets from West Brookfield Snli.r- iiioriiiag, Tlie watchman did not i to question the conductor ovrmg to the brief btop made by tht- rain. forenoon, TV lien the news of he murders reached Wi st Brookfield her Mr. Ilocura nor the operator liought of connecting tlie stranger with lie crime. When they learned, however, hat Newton's hirea man was missing hey held a 'conference and decided thut liller was the man to -whom Campbell old a ticket for Springfield early Satnr- morning.

The night and r. Cjmpbell droyc out to the Newton JIITC this forenoon and questioned Vrthur Kice, a oung man, who on mtimato terma -with the Newton amity. C'ampboll tpok i him the half cloll tr itL'd lS3(i, wluch the stranger had given in and asked Rice if he had keen before. The jomig man examined the alf dollar closely and without hesitation that the piece Tvas one that Mr. i tot) Imd iu a collection of old coins rid 1 which he, It ice, had often inspected.

search of the trunk where Newton ept his collection waa made but 110 half olLir pieces were found among the old noney which it contained. The funeral of the victims i be hi Id li on Wednesday afternoon. Not tho Man Worcester, Mass Jan. tramp a raed Joseph Miller, ho applied for odgifLg at the police station Jast night ntl was detained on suspicion as the man TI ho committed the Brookfit'ld murder, i held for vagrancy this morning, irookfield men said positively, he was ot the man wanted; for the murder, is suspected of being wanted in some lace for larceny of the clothes he wore. Another man, a Russian Pole, was rought in at 7 this morning, lie Iso answered the description in everv articular and besides he had blood on shoes, tvhich he enid was caused In ie nose bleed.

Brookfield parties said was not the man and he a go. An Italian Bark Loot. i i X. F. Jan.

I i i ark Olestma, Capt. Scott, from Ven- i on Get 5, for Savannah, (3a was it off AVatling Island on Jan. 5. A members of the crew were saved. Tie iLilian bark Oeleslina waa built at ampler rl'Arena in 1870.

She WHS of SI tons -iet register and TM a owned by jiuidov of Naples. Maine Postmasters, gton, Jan. 11. The Senate has Dflriued tbe following Maine aateri: E. E.

Clark, Biddeford J. W. aklfcod; E. Harding, Oorham; F. A.

nlsfit, North Berwick; E. LUtie- eld, VjoalhavcD; t. Haeurda, Wis. A. T.

lfoor Farmincloo; G. Tn, Camden; F. M. Hume, Iloul- D. Stloaon, Augusta.

Graovllle of tbe KreatCHt record for thresh I ne grain llut baa heard of. He he hat threshed 51 aehEons ID eucceaeloo. Ginn A Field, of Bfilfaar, have bouabl of one farmer tbe 3,434 pound a of cheese, all trade OD bis farm. He baa alao aold to other customers. Who hasn't admired tbe cbar- actrr of our great grandmothers who rode to Ibelr faraway Maine along tralU marked ooly by spotted treec.

It la well, thcujb, to occaaionally look at the ooataclea iliat the women of our day are i.verctunlnjr without murmur, If tt were but a matter of common occurrence, the Kennebee Journal. A a Uptaa WOIDHD, nearly tiQ years of apr, hua this wlnttr. She took bar belongings, uniong which were 13 cattle, 22 sheep, 3 hoga and a horse, to form If, mi Its from neighbors and a mile from tbe -In road. She hnB all thla etock to care for besides two emull children of 3 and 5 years. Krrkk'l Smitb, of Huullon, ia an Arooatook farmer who presents a able- log example of thrift as a result of ad- herlng to mlied husbandry.

Jjr. Stuith* nrar Houlton, wbere operates a farm of something over 250 acrrs. He has kept a large number of cow a and made a BptciHhtT of cbetse. In this he has been unffurmly Bucceasful, hia cheese selling readily at a price which lie estimates to be aoout. the equivalent of ter fit 25 cencs.

Mr. rfmUrn bus also ratted large quantities of pork it ad hia veal BDU other minor products in- cldeataJ to Ins hive netted him a enog aum every jear. He lias geaernlly raised frtm ten to acres of potatoes but has cevcr allowed the puruto craze to run wild him. result be a Ctioroujtnly ptoppen ua mer and that he tins lekt the a i turns, fej the simple reaaoa tlmt his sj steib faiming WHS along safe, prudejtanci conservative PiticiiiaquiB Fomoaa BDge i meet South Dover Giange tbe third Tburediiy in January. The 1 is foliowt Opeting Eorg; i-dlrees of welconif'j Ltu response, I.

F. quesiiou, it aiort importHDt to i trie observation than to study booh- H. S. Towne; reciiu- tlon, Suaie song, Alice Crom- meii "Uoea ihe farmer want tietter tuad Edwin snng, J. D.

1'iummer; reading, A i a F. A paper, sectlera ia South Kclnin Jjimberl; toue deulamiitiou, In Djon chusr. A carlondn 11 sheep were shipped by H. 1. l.ilJiv, of a i i Mondtiy morn i to tighten market.

A part of i hi i be -ihipped Co ELC- Und a part Hlaufthtereii Brighton. The fl tck of piopeny uf All. Libbj, is taking increased at ao rate. Five ot the of the fl tck ar'j now the im thurS of niue bHbdsome Junjba whk-h are among the earlieat of the season in part 4 This fl ick Is an i Die resting eigiht, open to tie of vifitore at any time. Tbcrtt fa a movement on foot among tbe Scutch residents of Sneo to observe the approaching birthday of their great national poet, Hubert Burtie, with fit ex- Just vthat form the proposed celtbmtfon i take is utiriecided as jtt but so much Interest is ebown la tbe ihut a mctuorlul observance of Borne kind ill undoubtedly be, he d.

Oxford mocrat: a good thing to lots of i but when trie sled factory oo one ftlnd of ifuie, ibe South Farii ton clock on another kind of time and the Norway town clock on another klud, there would eetn to be more kinds of time tban we can uae The street cars run on Norway clock time atid ihut and the South Puris clock have ir some ticce b.en tnmuttB at variance. A Bath baby HAS recently presented wUh a Nee ctp which was worn by big grandmother HTiy-s-veu years ago. The pin which wtu then used la still in the cap. PROMPT ACTION' Will by the a Authoritlea. A reporter called apon Jeneral at bla office at kbe Hotiee, to learn whatJ If any, action would be taken In regatd to the assault OQ CapU W.

A. of the Fi yd Light Guards of Lawifton, by Corporal John T. King Susdny'evpnEag, when King, while In a drunken fret threw, short range, a cuspidor at Captain Paul, hitting him fust the left eye, so teverely that fear a are entertained that tbe skull may be fractured. General KFcbarda 1 stated that be bad directed Colonel G. A.

Phllbroofc, of tbe 2J iRegimerjt, ot (0 go to Lett let on and have the man placjed under military arren, although be at present under arrest by ihe civil authorities. Col one I Phi 1 brook wl 11 thorough I investigate thecaae, and juat wbjit action will be taken by tbe military autthorlttea Is hard to decide upon, until lh)e investi- gatloa la completed. "in times of peace," paid General "the civil authorities have the tirat tight to deal with a crimlna.1 of (his sort, although even after the prisoner baa been prosecuted by tbe i i authorities, If he la a meru ber of the National Guard, the ml'lttry authorities can pioceed to punish him, ae though he had never been punlabed at "In this case, it la probable that If the civil authorities take the CITY AND VICINITY. The funeral of Deacon Tltcomb wi occur this afternoon 2 ,10, at veatr of tbe Flret church, Brosdway. A friends cotdlalty iavlled.

Tbe gymnastic In the Uowdol gym are receiving instruction froi T. Utnot, of Phlpebnrg, wb won tbe pole vault content at tbe Main Intercollegiate meet for several jearG. The annual meeting aud supper of th Charity Circle postponed until afte the Experience MettiDg at Mrs. W. I on the Slit.

A members in tending to be present at this mcetn: pJeaae notlfv tbe president. A letter IIEB been received by relative of Mrs John Hilman, nee Maud Thur low, of StoningtOD, from llap, Alaska wbere they, consisting of her huarjan and a n'lirier, are comfotUblv sitaatei for the winter. The? i not atitmp to go over the until spriog. 'H 1 A a wonder to me that more a era don't tee hat a good thing there i In raining pop corn lor said greceryniim "tvery yeai wi i i from Boston a grod many barrel of pop corn and while ft nieeta with fai Bale 1L does not go half HP i as th proper ccmar, they germ to 4m done Pma i uU of native grown corn thaa far, ihe only tning lhat wi 1 be done nn by the National Guard, will b( a court martial that i elm ply dUfconorubly the man. We are delermfued.

If the njiria la truilty of the crime of wh5ch he is to nee tliat he ia pttnUhcd aft he dhould be. 1 I Fashion Uundaome pasieaaentLTtea in French or Ituaslan rulljtary appear on fniHi winter coats by i arid with theaje are aoc.atcd daik furs hi peal, otter, oppos- eum, fox and attrakhan. The jfarni- turen for i capes, blogaea, and redioisotes of colored are many instanced mark) contrast, are dark green i plucked otter bind- mtfR, ioinilnjc a narrow roll the prtge of ibe entire jtarment). ch Raman btue, 1 oevt aad a i shade of that color, appear i fiue Uerooan broadcrioth, witii russet cloth vesis that hive hrc and faatealaifa, and braid ire Open Air In roferrfng to the scope and purpose the open air show, A Godfrey Outlnp says "They are something more than a mere larade. They art) the at result of the healthy and remarkable modern growth of a country gentleman's life in Aincricu In all Its aporttng aspects, and they serve their purpose In reflecting the puro atmosphere of rural existence, us it were, Ha true spirit and bringing forward all that Is admirable In tbe cburacter o' suburban comniuntty "The advantages which suburban summer hcrae shows present are incalculable.

They not only domoobtrate what fashion and the mode bave inotri appropriate in matters equine, but thtay al ehow the remarkable improvement which baa taken place in thia country during recent years in the clarification of the vari brceda ot horqes according to their spheres of pleasure and utility. It IB a mistake to say tbafc tbe open air or local horse show catera only to tbe fashionable element. On the contrary, they ara much broader in their scope and afford opportunities Tor cqu i ne eompetl tlon among tbe local population fur In eicesa of what was poaaibleunder tha old regime- Tbej arc pwuHarly adapted toasaist farm. era as well as the breeders of live stock, for they tend to keep before them animals of approved conformation, color and char acterlBtlcR, aiich can be most profitably produced, and for wblpb there always a bealtby deroand. At the same mo they brhiK tbe closer touch with likely customers, whom they could not bope to reach through any other cnanneL Inoroiwed beoeflta wfelcb country and derive from soon improved exblbli cannot be exaggerated.

On the opening of county show the entire locality flooded with TlHton; open house Ju tbe ci der at day; private hospitality ia extended, and taken In coitlunotkia vltb tbe ttaUwTlnga, woluh form tbe least atfenotlve feature wiflh Into cirouia- Oon in wJOclj without would to 1W now or IOM tau Wood briitoi SCHOOLS AND POLITICS. A. Scheme I teal EatMte Trliumlcea Ttiat Won Iu "Speaking of scutols 111 relation to prjhticH," said tin- ex-bmmitir from leiniuds me of acqxnpuigu in wbicli I was interested sojiie years ngo Douglas lounty representative ia the Oregoii legislatnrf rea'iz iug tbut bis populanty not exceedingly great, had talking uf build iug a uew iionnal sclK-ol, ably Roseburg, tbe county seat and his own home This caused great consternation among the J50 inhabitant? of the little city of Drain, who had been profit iug by tbe courtesy title of Academy and Oregon State Normal which the school there had been run 1885 Tbe postmaa ter who kept a drug htore and sold school supplies, took counsel with bis Bister-iu-law who dealt 111 millinery aud ran a boarding bouse for students, aud ebe sought the mayor, at whose general merchandise emporium she was the principal customer "The mayor a man who thought slowly, but to a purpose, and, having set himself tbe tak of devimug some way of circuinventing the member from Rose burg, he passed die next three days in profound cogitation He con ceived a scheme whose various elaborations aud ramifications were too diversified for him to handle alone, and ho came to me for btilp 1 had gained considerable mflueuco iu tbo coouty through backing a projected railroad to the coast, aud nlho as a real deal er and sawmill owner With my busi neea methods aud the mayor's kuowl edge of tbe conditions confronting ns our plans were HOOD put into operation First, we suggested tbe candidacy of ail ambitious youitg Draiuito, a dealer ia leather goods aud hurdwaro, for uem ber of the legislature, taking all the wind out of his opponent 'a sai by heartily indorsing the ralk in fnvor of a new normal school AJeiintinie we had a largo grain Bclrt of tbe itiuyor which had began to its i i ou ac count of overcnltivati Hurveyed into city lots, aud as aoou oar candidate had received the regular party uouiina tion we put The site of EUu-t lrain, with its streets named after conxpicuoua men of the state, ou tbe market and gave one of its centrally located blocks for the new normal school 41 Well, everything came to pass exactly aa we had planned Our candidate waa elected, and the building of tbe new normal school on the site we gave was authorized. We mid a flic tent number of East Drain lots to more lhaii pay for the laud and all expeiises The contractors ou the uew school were men who bad aided the legislation authorizing it, aud they got their aupjjliea from tbe mayor, their a rd ware from tbe member and their lumber from me Mj mill also supplied lumber for other bmldtugfl iu East Dram, Including a new' boarding house for the milliner, who prospered ever aiuce The pout muter a Increased bUBiuea ooou ranted hia moving mtoune of the two brick bmldiuga iu tbe city of Drain, and the former dealer leather goods and hardware la etill member of the Uregoo legislature "--New York 8nu -ry dark mink. hera have veacs of red cluih, braided in blue.

Bright cloth wraps have black raid work und trimmings or black or lamb. The neweat buttons are dt.u in thret dietioct i for the iiitket, i and hodicr. Uany of the Dmnller but- ioui are veritai jewels in thyir artistic beaut of c( 1 and design, 4ad tnany are set, I ike actual KPOQS, in iii(rs or cut and silver or gold. Jet, opal, plum-colored enamel and oM bronze buttons in rivet til pmnts, dninty miniatures, rtKtiiilHonp, are farnlliur styles, but outuy of the expensive jet aod cord have buttons to match, whicti are not intended to have any strata ufoo them, but merely flofah strptp end8, tnouk buttonholes on skirt fronts, etc. Whtn ed upon the bodice, they are generally fastened on the outsidf, or verv often ID tbe centre of hand come wd Dntumiugs en applique, the bodice with books and iyea set upon a fly uoderDeaiK as to i -beaver gloves are donatantiy sold tbia winter; also Enthahl gloves of kid with pique-siitched seams, th beavy iiuea OD thu back iri black, or a darbei shade of the glove.

Fine cashmere gloves have extra-loni; Jersey wrists, which cling closely toT the arm and ti perfectJy. These all the dsrk PtTLet BImdee and In faat tilack, and, because of their comfort and dainty make, grow more ro ular eatb winter sea HO being vhoaeu and woln during all the coli in lieu of lany other glove bj a large clasa of women. They wear well, and they are tu table and appropriate for any but dress occasions la addition, fur sleighing, Long winter rldea, aie liudslau glares, i liniDga and fur tops; oves, ID dark colors and vrristn, plush-lined kid mittens, heavy'knit mitten a of i Saxooy atylea. we now and then get hold of aod on sale. G'iod, Urpe kerneled rice corn goes (juicklj- at a more than Ihe imptfrted stuff and if the farmers hereabouts would raise am bring it could sell more than double the Amount we now do.

I i wouU be a printable crop for the to raise, too, aud I can't imagine why more of them do not go into the bume cause we could a i ship awuv any aurplua that accumulated. He knit band, with fancy lope, kid ind heavy gloves fui-lioed, aad niched wilt ops A Handy Man. Seme men like cats. We bnow nf one tn i whose love for the Huffy feline ia not surpassed by the' devotion of the Bp.nster for the stalwart tabby lhat guards her hearth and luxuriates la her lavish affection, pays tbe JKennebec Journal. This gentteman a house oo Grove street on a recent cold night.

A poor forlorn cat wsla mewing at ibe door. Never a man dared mose for hfe lady love than was this man ready to encounter for tbe plaintive puce and stepping to a door be opined it and allowed to cat to erter. Then be made quick time down the wait fur discovery might be unpleasant, though be hudtT the slightest doubt but the cat belonged there. It. appears, however, that tbe eat was an Intruder and a belllcoie Tom disputed poatesion on the instant, eo lhat the challenge to mortal combat fell on tbe tars of the fetfne'4 fritjnd.

It is needless to say that he accelerated his reireat and neglected to call and inquire for tlie health on the following morning. Tbe above refers to (he same gentleman wbu has out-Ediaoned 1 dlaon by Inventing a paper bag, wbict quickly drTrn over tbe incandescent mlb tones donn (he light to the exact i hade up- posed to so conducive to the bliss of sitting up with one's best tven if she doas live In a house wbere modern improvements (end to Interfere with tbe genuine glamonr of romance. Mount Carrrfcel a Association. Carmtil Sunday A i i bold its winter couver tion at the a i chuich. West Hmup den a i Tuesday, a There i i be nu postponeiueat oc account of weather.

The programme i be as follows I i a Kev. T. t) 30. Address of welcome, Kev. T.

Kenney. George 10.10. ot last meeting. 10 2(J. Discussion, a School I.ibrHiv/' H-v.

A. J. L-ickhart J. M. Taylor, i a Her.ry I-uce.

1100 Uible reading, li, -v. J. Ilalev, D. 1. 11 30 Uiecugsiou, "After the Primary Class, Wnat I Kev.

J. M. Frosr, Rev. J. J.

Miller. Appoiutnieut of i The nish ten and inif basket lunches. committee i 100. devotional service, lert bv Kev. Mr.

Orindell. 1.30. Address, "The a i iSide of Sunday ttchuol i A. E. i 1.50.

Discussion, a a "-Preachi fcervicp or Sunday Lhooi; if but one, Kev. A. tlould, Ktv W. Kearnev. Charles Lake.

'2 JO. Reports. H.40. Question box. LO.

dosing service. Each Sunday school is ff lested to bf represented by three Those not delegates are also cordia i ited i be preset, t. Pastors a superintendents nre nqnested to extend tbe notice of this conventloti and to ii vite all i'it ores ted In Sunday school work to attend. Bring your Bibles. The of Jrtaljui d.

On one occasion Hartley had listened with deep apparent auter- eat to the volnble disconrse of a well known Irish unthuhiaht who spent much of his timo traveling abont England and cnlighteuiugthti Enihnh miud on the subject of popish especial ly in Ireland. After Hartley requested to te presented to a tnaa remarkable. Ou the preset) tatibn he took tbe fax famed traveler aud philosopher by the arm, while a lew of jtbe gnesta gathered around, him with awful Eolemnity, two great evils iu Ireland. ore indeed, sir, replied tbe risti guest, there are Stockton Sprlnes News. Our correepondeni: Captairi.

lielviu Colcord, of tbe baikentlne Rose Ioni? A arrived borne bi turd ay evening after an absence of about etftbt months. All are glad to welcome i home again. Harry Hicbboro, who baa had employment ou a steamer which runs fmm New York, lately had tbe misfoitune to break one of Ms limbs. He has been borne for tbe past two we ka. Leonard Bowden is home to visit hie mother for a few weeks, has employment in i a furniture establishment.

The V. I. S. met i Mrs. JUjiuond Bowden tbe past week and all report a pleaeatit evening.

1'ownal of Free aud Acct pted Mason9 i have a public installation OD Wednesday evening. District Deputy E. J. Wenlworlb, of Sear9rort, i Install tbe Mrs. Irene Hitch, who is employed La Fran fort, Saturday to spend a few days with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs bilra Trundy. Mr6. Clifton Eames, of 1'rogpect, is boarding with ber mother, Mre, John Hendell. Capt. E'den 3hate home for a I i with bis familr.

Miss LJz.zle Berry went to mulhaven Saturday to teach school. Amanda of Hatnpden Corner, IN speeding a few weeks wuh Mrs. Margaret Ames. Mm. Maria Newtou, of Searsport, waa ia tbe village Thursday a i upon friends.

Burriogtor, of Belfnet, was tbe gueat of Mrs- Ralph Morse the pittU week. Tbe Current Events Cltib met with Mrs. C. S. ReodeU Thursday afternoon.

A JOYFFL MOTHER OF CHILDREN, Mrs. Pinkham that in the Lltrht ot Modern Science no "Woman Naed Tin Hy 'The -popery!" 'but pleae to name thei flrst." resumed Hartley, "i "It is," said the other, "butl how won derful tbat yon should Now tell me what isntbe aecoud great evil." Protestant wan Hartley's reply in a voice of tbunder aa be ran away screaming with laughter Hia new acquaintance remained panic of Aubrey de- Vere." An Austrian prlnoesa once vktxi the Duko of Wellington, How It that wo in Vienna apuak Fmnuh to much bettor than you stmtJIabr- Towhtch thedofco iHrlneosB, tf Mitpolooti had twin Tialtatt Umkia with tola MmtaB. he tot Vienna, I tow no doubt wa abound, mooh toon faiuilllw with the Ftamtt Uo- PnUljppi) "Be- WMUI A peraou admitted to IID English workbpnae not taog ago obje rted to taking the oaual batb with th a men and confided to tbe medical that "he" waa a woman. The wow in'a story, which aha subsequently told, ia stranger than fiction. She waa edmated at a college and niarrie- at 16 to a man who ill treated her.

SI ie left him and went to live with a hi ither, who wae a painter aud Acquiring a knowledge of the trade, Bhe donned male and became a nmoeaafnl painter and decorator. For yean ahe tivad tilth her niece, who kept boom tfcf natnW'a News. Our i M. F. Scott's commieelon as poaimaaler VYIon delaxed that tbe change was not made' i Monday morning.

A change was made la the building so that Henry C. Scott, his son, conliaupg business in a recess from the office Mr. holds the poMtlon of First Selectman and Clerk. Mrs. a sister of the late Mrs.

3. B. Gates atd of Mrr. 'rVilber 1 Love- Ijincoln, his, witb her girl, been vlaltlog In this vlcinltp for the past two mot ths. Her molber resides in Wlnn Village.

Mrs. Stewart' home Is tn Tacoiua. W.iih. Mrs. Uary M.

widow ot, cho late Joel Foss, of Danforth, died Friday, aged about TO fears. She a a iauer ter of the late Jonathan Palmer, of Patten. Mrs. H. N.

Darling, of Patten, and Clara Springer, of Mouth Carolina, sitters, still survive ner. The sleighing la fairly good now, vet there Is not enough snow In tbe woods for good sledding. Potatoes are belug brought in in quite large quantities now. Qeorge H. Hamlin, of Orooo, was ID town Friday and Saturday.

An Episcopal conference was held In St. Tbtunas' church the Ural of Hast week. HH i di b' i 4 3 I i tun CQdU 1 i i 1 n-- i otl i i 1 1 Liin.11 i i i i jf its 1 i i and i i ta r. arid i 'i I i i i I i hi i i i Mrs ruikhain HH a on a se i I a econd A a a i At the a a residence ot i jiuh i i UongrpgacionH.1 i here I of Maine, a a i i i a i i IEI a ihe W. fr.

a A The cituple was i a i ago i a miit.ike. is su i i were i i al i iitDP, a i 1 a i was due to tbe i i i I enee i I a vseiit a i a becdtne a i i Tbe i i i i he i i i I narrn i cl a i Tlie dttif before a i a i a Mr. i I i i i eo rou'ti lo i A'H9 i i a a i i he depot. He i to nee a yass IIT the ear i o( i g. njf and at i ber a i a i the 11 i of love i re tind.ed.

He saw the a a bcurrt a and i irVhen he ed the in i hii-. ormer i a seated he I jrineeiled a a o( tbe i rfi md HS uL once -d. l'he couple mUt a i 5 I'hf aeetiied to be tin. it i I i i i ft 1 ias'-eng rs. '1 tiey i i i A a of a is i i a i i Phi I brick i i i ipend a i the I of jeutmrd a and a i i oonpriny her the clerk'- hud but i i i i a i for i n'teivvd a a^h the second i a de i ttit? rt mited couple were i resi- of Dr.

i I'hey weretjiccompanied Mr i i i at Led i to i i econd wedtlit)j( i i is bout years old. i i is a ew i are a i i i Hera'd. a orite ans'leeed man was i tit the Kead ng K. 6 at PtiiUdelphin, with btinfi a lugi ive ce. IJe 18 said to be wanted in I jHrdlnor ucd other towns or haTing jumped his a all to about Slo CHJU.

henatnr Hoar i the Senate a bill to prevent the desecration the a i a Jl ig. the meaD3 of le bill uu person, corporapoo or com any may use I a i a II ig or the coat arms of the I'cited Mates an arU THE BEST WINTER SHAPES IN HATS. WE ARE FORTUNATE IN HAVIIVG SOME OF THE BEST STYLES. CLOSING 7HEM AT LOWEST CUT PRICES. C.

W. COFFIN, 45 M4IN BANGOR, ME. IRJNS ON FIRE a i crt i 1 (uticura I ABDOHiiVAL SIPPORTFRS. Wholesale Produce Market. tcil weekly In tlie jroeers' LlOD LHBS of shall Telyh tA 'ls, an 1 A bushel tt IftlanJ Ball fehat! TO pouuila.

Tlie BtantlHiTl weight of a Im'ihel of potauwp, I) CKht orOer anil til tor flbhiplog. In bu JKHID ia The utaudurJ weight or a bunltvl of beans In i order and tit for pounnls bevta, rulA turnips aad PKHH. OIlDds, of euro, Mj pounds, canrote, KnffUeh tui jlus, rye ami Jtnllan mcKl, poumlta, of barlev and 4" oats, unnnde or even nicaau as bv Hastic Jin 1 oil i i TruBBt ty bull ci INDIA RUBBER CUSHIONS AND PILLOWS, HOT WATER BAGS SYRINGES, Knunriiir Bulb I SL'PPORTERS ind BANDAGES Athletes aud IK Kubher Kequisites for i SHEETS, TUBING 1 BREAST PUMPS, ATOMIZERS, ICE BAGS. All s-orta of i a A 3 Oltl I i I I 4 i A ESTATL Country Produce Tl Yellow Eye, Utisfc aad plcketf. bust, Choice ocw rol Ib.

fair to Best Kartory. Ib (new) Beat Iairy II) (Dew). APPLK3-- Choice atruBK. Ib Choice alloed. Kresb lakU dox HAY-Beat loose, IT PEAS-- Ijnprovftlj bufth-.

Beat Canada, wbole POTATOES--* bu POULTttY-- ChlcfeeDa, I ON(OSS-- A H. I Grant lOla OD UtllO, fcf Llnco if Wanted. Lost, Found, To Let, ETC found, to let, Dot eioeedliie font Unra, 1 CCQU eacli when prvpld i i n- i BetAll Prloea Current. SALT-- Baneor, ground, In boxea, tox. bufHah butwr salt La 14 bags, oau In 5e Iu bajro Liverpool, buali Turka Isuuiti HBBRINU-- Kngllnh, soalol.

In tjoiek, boi A Muacueli. lt London lay Sultana CUKHANT8-- KxKllBh. Ib KKH.JSBNK lest, gallon i I I I IN MALE rJmrrti Uanufacluil HELP. tnl. TtiewUj night takntnq a tarn of i tr eatero I 'tin A a i tbf Mekl Hat FiHttoer A im Pure rldor.

action 1-nreW W' OATH fLOUK-- Waa Built In Browor. brtK-Jtancon, Capt. Crapo, from Beraanda, which struck on Tmroer'a lump, near Inlet, Sooijar, baa II ted, rolltd over total All wan und by the lac Md luaVtd uthcDila- Beat Spring burn) BentSt Louli Hi Good fandlT COBN- Full weight CUKK HBAL-- Itw. to bnahe) COTTON SEED HBAL-- In aaeki of IX BUOBTS-- 81 IxtatB brvi, tn M1 Rprlni wheat, DDCINUS-- OUUTSN MUL FKBD FLOUH WHKAT OAT BMI Bootcb. Mr Orunlaued, pn ib POHK- ctn to.Uk* or tbli 111 katt Bal ahaV aMaaaTlaM Mlaalat for iwo eTCBlaR fii lenawttift Block, uner the i with can Job a of 1 rweek InMrest and gooit nxurtti for mo Salary In.

reaaeil afler mar carrier No 3. Kocklaud, Me. A HBO ttttfrvn from patD uod KH tc Ihe atomarh, loJlKeatlHin to try laaleta, free. for pn Hobmvoo'fl Drug Store, No 1 L.raoltc Block STEAMBOATS. WINTER RATES.

UWCTIH HM8. Fare batveen WuHpnport and I tnm Saavvport mad rara toman rtnbuwMO fanirln awl tonredtned Cnai Fan batnasi Sacklaad aad fan redaead (RM 1 to 2 tti 3 to 1 SS 10 to IK 06to 1 Si 10 1 71 aadtCMaotl.MaMtl.KOTd. muni wiu iun Pin Saanpon, Koeklaad aad i i A.

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