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Forest Park Review from Forest Park, Illinois • Page 1

Forest Park, Illinois
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fcvr- ML HOLIDAY ENIERT1MENT FOR NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB MEMBERS The annual Christmas party of the Neighborhood club of Forest Park, ut which children of club members ami other tittle are entertained, was given at the'Forest Park club Friday afternoon, December 20, wHh the club house taxed 'to Its capacity with i-hll- ilren. rlub members, and guests. Mrs. BonJaraln.Dvorak, president of the the.program with an address of welcome, followed In two youthful exponents of the Tcrpsl- chorlan art. "One Kulny Day," duet dance by Myrtle Hellemim and Mayine Ruet, proved to be, It IK safe to say, the most attractive duet number on the program.

Myrtle wearing a Huffy pink taffeta creation and grey bonnet, a-ct- ed. In pantomime, the petulant (himsel who would not deign to notice the gny I.ochlHviir who tried so- persistently MYRTLE HEILEMAN Whose Interpretative dancing numbers on the Neighborhood Club Christmas program won for her favorable comment Christmas carols by the club chorus, Mnder the direction of Kiitherlne Schuster. This was followed by three stories by Rudolph Mueller, iirperlntendegt of public' lustruetlon. achftobnr, young son of Mr. and Mrs.

JSrneat was the tirst CAlld tfi perform, glvlfig a piano solo, Dunce." This was 'followed bj a planologuo by Nina Lei- Cuiinlng- hato, featuring the iKipulur song, "I I were a janitor's child," and ac Cpmpanled by. her sister, Ruth, at the njttno. Mrs. Ulfredu chairman of ojitertulilnient for tl)e afternoon, then turned the program over to Miss Blfreda Uockeliuan, teacher of dramatic art, and dancing, Who presented her pupils In what IIUH ijnce- been nfoclaUuvd one of the best phrlstiuus programs ever given to the jjttle fplkf. Ruth Schriebtir, dresseil hi 11 Petrrlott costume, announced the bers as one succeeded the oilier, quite rfttructi.yo in J.n\t icljar.

Myrtle Uetteiuan, tlftevn-year- i) dnxighter of Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry 1 Rellonian, who has received train- for several aeusons for a pi'ofes- tureer, daticefl live niunherw In 'Ji 1 flume, giving us be'Mlrst number un tractive- hoydenlsh number, "The jd bay." Wllim.fl SLlttle Lois Under gave raiding, Claim and the Mouse," after jlch Myrtle llellenmn and Muynfo 1 ut danced a Spanish number, "Es- Myrtle In Spanish dress tuk- purt of the Henlbrlta, and In velvet trousers, gay sash, blouse Turn o' s'haiuor, the of the Spanish cavalier. The two donne well, togctiier a.iid received comments of approval their efforts. ier Oelsluger gave li reading, believe In This wus lowed by.

VuUetto by June Held' a piquant-faced, graceful IIJ- another equal dancer, who Inter gave limber, "La with "La Puplllion," proved, most attractive, the. little dune- era being dremcd as butterflies, the number including Betty Van Dyke, QertrUde pcnuli Marion Taylor, Margaret Hnnley and Evelyn Hiinseii. I'SyncojUatlon" by Myrtle Helleman the next number, the black velvet costume for this number being espee- Ittlly'attnH'tlve and the dunce one tliut amoved tha versatallty of the dancer. JTola number, like the other numbers by-this young artist, were most received. dance, "RusHlun Mazurka," Kwlng and' Lola Illuttef, name implies, a Russian to win fuvor.

and only after the 1 rain pattered down did she scamper for protection under the shelter of his umbrella. Mayme In a Peter Pan out lit, looked the charming young rascal the dance required, and proved an ex eellcnrfull for Myrtle. Hart Shirley. Trolke, who gave a series, of Mother (loose rhyme Interpretations, stepped straight out of one of Vollnnd's "Happy All Day Throirgh" lMioftn she could not have looked more like the "Curly Locks" of nursery rhyjne Came than she did. The child was positively charming and made picture not eusy to forget.

She Is a diminutive little miss of six summers, with big brown eyes and red gold curls. Her costume was thing of beiiuly, pink chiirmuesm, bedecked with guy nosegays and Hat silver hows. Her hat, a creation, was a perky little affair of brilliant blue, set jauntily on her 'head. Its very saiiclnesss accenting the deimirenesH of the little beneath It. She w-us accompanied by her brother who sang rhymes while.

Ids little sister tripped to I he hmes, Needless to say Ibis number was enthusiastically received. Margaret Ilanley did a quaint little number, "Ciriiiidniu's Dance," In most approved stylo. This 1 was followed by an attractive number, "Will the Wisp," by Dorothy Lantcrbacli. Little Kutherlne Herrlck danced "Simple Adieu," or, to be exact, danced a portion of the dunce. Some minor part of her costume came undone causing the little one to scamper to the shelter of the wings.

Knth' erlne Is graceful little child and was dobing exceedingly well when the mishap brought her number to an abrupt Because of the serious Illness of Kkclund, who, with Esther Ewlng wus to have danced "The Helleinan was prevailed upon to'take Oludys' place. In a beau ilfnl costume, provided by Mrs. Ekelund, and without previous rehearsal, Esther und Myrtle went through with the stutely In most approved style. "La Zluga," solo number by Muy- me Itaet, wus gyqsy number and was well executed. Becuuse of the Illness of Abbott, who was to have given "Jack In the Box," this number was substituted by un.

English folk dunce Eleanor Toner. And after tlmt Santa Claus came and distributed suitable gifts to, every child present. The general hub-hull that ensued told, plainly that the ypungsters, (there were over one hundred of them present) were.having wonderful time. Ice wtlw served to them In Christmas nulls, while the adults were served with und delicious home made cake. While much of'the success of the MKW VIMVII well Interpreted the 1 be tittributeq to the .1 i.

a Galley SonPurchase Local Garage Business The Forest I'urk Oarage, Desplalnes avenue and Madison street, one of th( most successful business enterprise! of Its kind, changed hrfnds the first 01 the year when Its owners, diaries and LouM Ilelkow, sold the business to A. Galley of Riverside. The new owner Is not a stranger here, he mivlng been member of the clothing manufacturing firm of Oulley- Keppen, which, during the wur occupied one of the upper floors of the Ascher Theater building. Mr. (ialley will be assisted In the garage business by his son, Emll, who Is a mochnn.le.

fieorge Brown, who operateil the repair department of the gitrage, like the Ik'lkmvs, turned over his of the business to the CJuIleys on January 1. The Ilelkow Bros, have spent Hie past week at the carnge helping the now owners to familiarize thiMiiPelvefi with the business. Mrs. Merle Inks Sent to New Jersey Prison Merle It. Inks, who, us Miss Irene McAullffe, was convicted of embezzling from the Franklin Purk'postolllce, must serve a year In prison.

A pleu of "expectant motherhood" won a respite of nearly year for her. Judge WHkcrson yentcrdn'y ordered the sentence carried out. She wept as Deputy United Htutes Marshal John Orris took her In custody. She was taken Wednesday night to the Wuukegan County jail and will later be taken to the Rhode Island prison for women. Merle Inks, -who Is the proprietor of the Sunset cafe, Foreirt Park, and who Is under five-year sentence, but at liberty pending, appeal, uccoipttanled his wife DM fur as the WuuRegan jail door.

Federal Judge Muck of New York, sitting In Chicago, sentenced Inks to one year's Imprisonment March 0, HI22. "She Is to become a mother," her husband said, Mack relented. "I would not be responsible for the birth of any' child In penal Institution," he salil. Mrs. Inks yesterday produced certificate from- her phytdclun to show her plea had not been made, an a ruse to deceive the court.

Hods Hal), her attorney, sought' a writ of huheiitis corpus, charging the sentence became effective at the (line It pronounced. This Judge Wll kerson denied. An attempt will be to secure a pardon from President Harding, Mrs. Inks' attorney said. OBITUARY WILLIAM SHANKLE William Shanklc, 21IU Latlfrop aw nue, 1803, In Memphis, Tenn.j died at his home Friday, December iO, 11122, after a period of In- valldlsm tlmt extended back years.

Mr. Shankle was union printer by I mile, having as such for over thirty-two years, Twenty years of that Hint; with the Dully und the last two years that he wa able to work, with the The decetiy. the greater part of the past three years ut Colorado Springs In tin effort to regain Ms health, but do not do us welt- as he expected. Funeral were held ut the Methodist church Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. A.

K. Saunders olilclatlng. The remains' were laid to rest at Forest Home cemetery. He leaves his wife, Pauline Ilerbendt Shankle, whom he married In 11HJ7, and sister, Mrs; 1). Christian of Wyoming.

iiimhinei! efforts of Mrs. Kwlng' and Mlsx Uockelman, It. was undoubtedly because of the hearty co-operation of both the gift committee and the host essts that the purty wus, us'It has been termed, "the best purty ever given by the club." The gift committee worked hard to pleiiHe the 'children, and the hostesses hud no small task on their hundx tu serve refreshments to so great crowd, handicapped. they were by the crumped quarters of the club house. The group of hostesses Included Mesdame.s Knuny KlueSMier, Kmlly Koenlg, Uunnuh Kolly, Kmnia Kozlck, Ida Luugless, Mury Llcht, Elltubetli McNuuBliton, Ixiulsa Mci'herson, An- tolnnetto McElroy Miss Oeorgtne Koxlck.

The gift committee Included Mrs. Ottilia Bleger, assisted by Mesdumes Martha Uanlef and Ejmntjr uwHoirco. SELLSIflBOWIMIGO After buying been, (n for over twenty-two yeursj and after having In that time built a handsome business home, the Uhlrtch Dairy company, River Forest, with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Uhlrlch, Forest Park, proprietors, sold the business and plant to the linwman Dairy Company, the transfer having taken place Jan mry 1.

Mr. L'hlrlch's 111 health lit the cause of thp transfer, Ids physician ordering him to take complete rest, free from nil business cures. Mr. and Mrs. Uhlrlch are residents of Forest I'urk, living at 115 Elgin uvenue.

The dairy Is at 2(17 l.uthrop avenue, River Forest. Twen-, ty-two years ugo they begun business in the basement of their home. Gradually It grew until ten years ago they built the handsome plant which they iw occupy. Although the mother of live children, Mrs. Uhlrlch played an Important part In building the business.

Active In body, and-unusually keen mentally, she. shouldered responsibilities with her- husband. They were both fond of work und ilnd It dlfllcuU to give up the business, us they are both, comparatively speaking, young people. The transfer means that the River Forest office will be closed, although the bottling business will continue there as before. Arthur Wledemiin continues us formal! of the bottling mil puHtenrlzatlon.

Emll Pries und Irving Bluslus, both'young men.of Forest Park, wUl continue us foremen of drivers ajjd have charge of twenty- seven wugOM, iMiss Christina 7427 Dlxon street, Forest Purk, will continue ns bookkeeper, but will have quarters In the Oak Park office of the Bowmun plant. The drivers will continue us before. In termlnutlng their business-career Mr. and Mrs. Uhlrlch extend thanks to the liiuny people of" Forest Park who patronized them during their years In business and add the hope that they will continue that patronage with their successors.

Local Contractor to Wed Tomorrow Miss Mae Clrrlntano, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. I'uul Clrrlntano, Chicago, and Mr. Slilvatore Hansonc, 821 Thora- avenue, Forest I'urk, will be married tomorrow afternoon, Sunday, Jan- uury 7th, at Cuardlan Angel church, Forquer and DeHplalues streets, Chicago. reception will he held'nt the Forest I'urf- hullroom lit four Many Forest Elk Bungal at Party New Year -wag in at the Tfllr Bungalow, Charley road lionse.

on the rood, with the spacious dining room crowded to the doom with over -WO guests from Forest Park, Oak Park, lUver Forest, May wood, Autftln and some from as far north as Logan Square. "One big family party," said Charley to a representative' of the Review. "At 10 o'clock we hud to clone the doors, there room for any more. We turned hundreds of machines away. Hut we all hud a due time, and dunclng and eating.

At 12 o'clock we sang "Holy Night" and "The Star Spangled Banner" and other songs, and It sounded fine because there were some very line Angers In. the crowd. No rough stuff and no great big happy family party." Among the guests were many Forest Parkers who consider thejnselves fortunate to have secured- reservations. PJ5IOR OF WM PM LUIHEflftN CH WILL PREACH DEDIMM SERMON OMT The pastor 'tuA lecturer on the pic- turn, shown herewith Is Dr. Simon PWer Long, one of the bent nationalljr kjiown Clirlstlaq orntors of the present dny.

He shown above 'while delivering hit latest remarkable MriiM of lectures at! the Central Y. M. 0. A. Thin fnmoiiH orator has tpokep (urge spellbound audlenceu In practically every prominent city of this country.

St. Peter's Evangelical Ixithcmn church considers It, therefore, great privilege to announce will be present at the Sunday evening, when the new addition und Improvement will be drd- 8t, Peter 1 Lutheran church the prevent pastor'i' coming to ForMt Park. In It will any orher evlebmt- ed In that orcaolMtlon heretofore. the netting capacity of the church and- Itorlum Is limited for an event Oberlin Glee Club Delights Students The (iberlin College Men's 1 (ilce club gave complimentary program before the pupils of Proviso In ussumbly OIL! Wednusduy mornlue of this week. The club wns on Its annual holiday and- made Chicago the center of Its activities for a short time.

I'ndcr the direction of J. K. Wlrk- ler, the gave the program: Reunion by Chlt-Cbutf Old Kiigllsh Folk Arranged'by Moffatt In (be Time of Hoses. Itelchardt Medley Original Alexander Strike the "Anvil Hundejcgerj Piano solo, Hungarian leslle Jolilff Sweet and Low liarnby The Spectre Qenee Macushln MacMurrougu Alma Mater lUnvIand The twenty-fdur men who compose the club responded as one to the leadership of Mr. Wlrkler, who has had charge' of Oherlln Ulee clubs for I number of years.

The excellence of! their training showed to especial advantage In the exquisitely rendered i Sweet and and In the nont'l effects produced In "The Spectre." The Medley. WUB source of much enjoyment, having been cleverly con- trjved to produce many oontratfts. Another nninhcr which received much appreciative comment was "Mucusldu." the melody of which was most appeal- Ing. The work of Mr. Jolilff, both as uc- coinpunlst and as soloist, was of unusually high, order.

The Rhapsody showed to advantage the excellence of Ids technique, and the breadth of Ills musU'iil iipprecluflon. After the program, the men were the guests of Proviso at'liincheon. Tim senior boys and girls acted us hosts und hostesses. MARRIED Clrrlntano will be attended by over six inndred people, many of them from Forest Park. Mr.

Sunsone Is a local contractor ind builder'und will be at home with bride after Februnry Jut, 821 Thomas avenue. THOMP8ON.ADLRICH Miss' Wlnonu -Aldrlch, 827 Thomas livcnne, anil Mr. T. Thompson of Jewell, Iowa, were 'married Thursday, December 28, 1022, at the Methodist parsonage, U20 Hannah avenue, the Rev. A.

E. Saunders The happy couple left the rttme even- Ing for Jewell, where they will make their home. 8INDLER-WHITE Mlsn Laura White, Circle avenue, (Jeorge B. Hlndler, will be united in marrliige thin afternoon (Saturday) at' ut the home of the bride's parents, the Itev. A.

K. SuunderH, D. offlclutlng. Only near I relatives of the contracting purtles wlil be present. Miss White until recently, employed cuxhler at the United Meat Market.

killed. The soloists and choir of the church, DR: SIMON PETER LONG a musical organization which steadily gaining In fame and popularity, Is diligently rehearsing special anthems to be rendered at this eagerly awaited service. The opening prelude will, lie pluyed at 8 o'clock nil the new howeVer, will be brilliantly lighted und opened to the of the public and the'congrcgntloii ut p. in. This service will he the greatest and most momentous service conducted In magnitude, the usual and tlnio-honnrvcl custom of churches to'Invite for dedications congregations from thf city anil suburbs, had to be dispensed with.

pastor and his comniltiwt; feel Unit thin occasion the Itj' Is entitled lo Urn uvullnble seats. Please remember'the following: Hiinduy. January 7. Hour of p. m.

Hour of p. m. LEAVES Henry Rhmle, 241 Elgin iivenne, for the piist three und half yearn resident lit Forest left Tuesduy evening for Angles Jn the hope that I he climate of Cullfornlu will benellt Ids falling health. NnmeroiiM friends culled at his home on the of his departure, to bid him good-bye, amone iliein luring Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Witt, who presented Hie traveler with box of cigars and a-fiaiidsoiae bill fold, John Hhisle, a son who In Oak Park Girl Weds Detroit Man TO ENTERTAIN ENTERTAINERS Mrs. Frieda Ewlng) 218 Elgin ave- iu'e, will entertain the children who mrtlclpatcd In the Christmas program of the Neighborhood Tbe'iiffalr will be In the form; of un afternoon mrfy Saturday, January 18, from 2 to at the Ewlng linine. The hostess wus -the chairman of the Christmas irogratu and In entertaining the twenty pupils of Miss Blfreda Bockelinun, vho participated In club affair. GOES TO FLORIDA Mrs. Louis Jacobs and son, Ollbert.

000 Ferdinand avenueyieft for St Patersborg, where her ENTERS MARION ACADEMY Charles Vnndcrblue, 10-year-old mm of Mr. und Mrs. William Jugomlst, 132 Rockford avenue, left New Year's day for Marion, where he will attend the Marlon Institute, preparatory- to entering. West t'olnt next July. He has I ust completed a four year course'at rovlso Township'high where he made a splendid record.

The appointment to West Point was made by Senator John J. Gorman, Who Is permitted to make four such appointments year to young men who have earned high Jti Pi TUESDAY EVENING CLUB The Tuesday Evening club enjoyed the Music Box Beyue at the Colonial last ev.enlog, preced- dlnner at the Black Uruud Beach, bade father good-bye over the long distance phone. Another son, Raymond, accompanied him to the railway station. If Mr. Rhode llnds the western climate nene- flclul to ids health Rhode find family wife-Join him In.

the Mr. Rhode hud many friends here who wish him well. POLICE MASQUERADE The annual musijuerade bull of the Forest Purk Police Benevolent association will be held at the Forest Park ballroom'on Hiiturday evening, February 10. TbU affair always well attended und It Is believed will be bigger this' year than ever before. are selling rapidly, according to "Officer Jack llennunHen, chalrmap affair, und many wonderful costumes wlH be in evidence, WAR SAVINGS STAMPS MATURE Paying of "war saving stamp certificates' that, have now reached maturity began this week at the Forest Park post office when persons who bad Invented money In the government daring the war appeared at the office to claim the matured certufeatea.

Upon presenting the sarinn persona are flreq "Interim re- HaUenuin is-entering a tontb One of tlu; riant events of tlii) holiday seuHon In Oak Park and of lu tercst. to many Forest -1'urkers, wus the marriage Tucsduy ptght. of Marcelllne llemlngway, daughter ut Dr. un Clurence K. Hemingway of WKJ North Kenllwortli avenue, to Rlerilng Hklllmun giinford of The wedding took place at the First Congregational church at 8 o'clock, the Itev.

Wllllain E. Barton ofllclatlug. A reception at the residence of the bride's iwrentH followed. The bride's gown of hnicufled while xalln crepe was the one ft-orn by her mother at me irhurch iw Unulu Hemingway HUM the maid of honor and Mrs. Wuldcn Edwards wus tin- matron uf honor, The bridesmaids; were Polly (lertn, Mlm -Marlon and Hie MIHWH Mudeluyne and Marcuret fleuilngwuy.

The bride's cousin, Mlxs Adelaide Hemingway, came from Tuu lln, (Jldnu, for wedding. Mr. und Mrs. Sunford will live In IMrolt. her own wedding In twenty-six years BOOSTED MEETING The unuufll meetjng of the Mudlmn Street Booster club will lie held at the De Luxe reMluurunt, Friday even- Ing, Januury IX ut 7:30 o'clock.

A fine program bus been arranged and the annual election of will held. Henry 0. Kleck, head of the organization, will preside, Dorothee, 10-yenr-old daughter of Or, John Helleman, ciewrwater, vUlted her Otto and Henry It. Heileman on New Year's day..

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