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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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ettlKkD IfPPWfc SATURDAY, JULY It, 1142 8. BR0U6HER TO BE VACATION PREACHER MISS MARY AYERS SPEAKER AT ELIM Rev. E. Smith At Melrose Chimes Chapel to Feature Vespers Continuong with the Summer aeries of Sunday Vesrjers in the Oianal 0MORR0W AT TENTH AVENUE BAPTIST of the Chimes, 4499 Piedmont Ave In a apeclal service at the Melrose nue, the Laurel Methodist Church will be host tomorrow at "7-Sfl nnv Baptist Church tomorrow evening, VICTORY CRUSADE IN SIXTH WEEK Pastor Clyde JrVhlte will preach at all services as the "All-Out Summer Offensive and Victory Crusade" of the Elmhurst Baptist Church, Wth Avenue and Holly Street, goes into its sixth week. His message tomorrow at 11 a.m.

will be "Carnal or Spiritual, Which?" The choir will sing "He Leadeth Me" by Nolte. The pastor'a message at 7:45 p.m. willbe one In a series on the Book of Daniel entitled, "Weighed and Found WantinR." The youth choir and special music will be featured. Mist Mary Ayers of Australia, evangelist and missionary, will be guest speaker at both services of Elim Gospel Tabernacle, 1522 8th Avenue, tomorrow. As a lyoung girl, Miss Ayers prenchod to the Bushmen of Australia and later carried her message of salvation to India and England.

She speaks at 11 a.m. and 7:45 p.m. Forme? Oakland Minister to Occupy tilpit During Vacation of Pallor The choir will sing several anthems the Rev. Elliott Smith, well known evangelist from Illinois, will be the truest speaker. and will lead the congregation in tha singing of hymns.

Rev. Joyce W. Farr, pastor of the church, will giva a brief address. This service will be broadcast over KRE. I WkHvinli atreiitfhar nf Olenrlala will ho vacation Tomorrow morning the pastor, Dr.

Henry E. Burke, will speak on the theme, "How Jesus Christ Solves Social Problems." This will be the tmiher at tht Tenth Avenue Baptitt, Church beginning 11 1 U- HTL T71 ai ii a.m. ma sermon iodic wiu im riaKsmp CHURCH OF GOD third in a series of messages on 4m Christian Navy." Rev. Cecil Johnsqn is on hit annual "Christ and His Method of Healing 'Nuggets' to Be Discussed The Rev. Robert Inglis will take for his sermon theme, "Nuggets," tomorrow morning at 'Plymouth Congregational Church.

380S Piedmont Avenue. "Nuggets," he says, "are lumps of precious metal. The Bible is filled with such and frorrj these mankind has continually enriched its life through the ages." Mrs. Emory to Bo Speaker at Unity At 11 a.m. tomorrow at the Oakland Unity Truth Center.

City flub Theater. 1428 Alice Street, Rose Emery will deliver the sermon lesson "Putting First Things First." Sydney Charlaa, tenor, will ba soloist and Evelyn Taulbee, pianist. Tuesday at a p.m. tn tha Ebell Club Building, Mrs. Emery will conduct tha class In Practical Christianity.

During the SummeV months, the Healing Realization class will meet as usual every Thursday at 2 m. Souls." CHURCH OF GOD 40th Avenue and Mera At tht p.m. acrvict hit termor theme will be The Universalist Church The Rev. B. C.

Ruggles will discuss an essential element In morale in the present war effort, speaking at the Universalist Church. 491 Cheney Avenue in the Grand Lake district, tomorrow morning. Hie subject will be "Our Present Need of Steadfast Fortitude." Who Tried to Thumb Hit Way to Heaven." Dr. Brougher waa formerly Rev. Rohrer fo Be Guest Preacher AN dnvar 901! REV.

C. K. Sunday School Mornlna Worship Rirnliir Wnrahin Pastor .1:45 a ss. ...11 am. .7 45 p.aa.

MUtr of the Temple Baptitt Cfcurth Lot Angelea for 10 m. y.i i ouna; i'eopie REV. WENI6ER TO PREACH TWICE 7:46 p.m.. Prayer Meeting BAPTIST Man. He then becamespreai-tui tht Northern Baptitt The Rev.

Otto Rohrer, pastor of BAPTIST 'aanWeBeto and served ka that ta- At aha evanlnx tranKellstJc mtv Guest Ministers At First Methodist During the absence af the minister, Frank Morey Toothaker, guest ministers will occupy the pulpit tomorrow at the First Mehto-dlst Church. At the morning hour. Dr. Elmer A. Frldell, faculty member of the Berkeley Baptist Divinity School, will preach on the theme, "Measuring Your Power." Bishop George A.

Miller will speak on "What to Do With Handicaps" at the evening hour. ttattF tar twa years. From MM falm ha wm patter af the Tr. lea tomorrow at the 23rd Avenue Trinity Lutheran Church of Richmond, will be the guest speaker at tha Grand Lake Lutheran Church, Euclid Avenue and Van Buren Street, tomorrow at 11 a.m. He announces as his subject, "Convincing Evidence." Mrs.

Muriel Miesner will sing the anthem by Robert Be mb Temple Baptist Church In Baptlit Church, 1711 23rd Arenue, antral Ha to now associated witn JUt J. Whitcomb Brougher Jr. at tba Tint Baptist Church of the Rer. Guy Areher Wenlger will ipaik on the wbjeet, "The Indii-peniabl Thing." The choir will in( the anthem, "Thy Brother Call for Thee." In addition, i duet, "The Lord II My Shepherd," will be eung OMBdU. dell, "Out of the Deep.

23RD AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 2lrd Ava. near Foothill Blvd. "Friendly Church for Friendly Teopla'" OCT AROTER WENICJFR Pnntor 1 1 a m. "THE POVKRTV OF THE f-Hl'RCH" 7:45 in, Evanj.llMIc tervlca "THR INDISPENSARI.K THI.W Chorua Choir at Both Pervtrea HARRISON WARD. Directlng-'vValrom to Strangers and Servlea Men ed Concert at by Emma roltom and Harrison Ward.

Novel to Be Theme A second sermon based on the novel, "Keys of the Kingdom" will ba preached by the Rev. Randolph C. Miller at St. Alban's Episcopal Church, Albany, tomorrow morning. At aha morning hour, aha newly first Pentecostal eanadpattor will apeak on the rub aet, "The Poverty of the ASSEMBLIES OF COD CHURCH 184 IJnlvernlty.

Berkeley F.leannr Johnson, Panf" Rundav Behool a.m. Morning Worship. .11:00 a.m. Evanfallstlo rn. C.A.'a :5 Pr- Dr.

J. Whitcomb Brougher of who vrlH be ttttt preacher tomorrow tt Tetth Avenue Bapatt. Reuben A. Olnon, Paator EIVIN BJORNSTAD Internationally Famed Norwegian Tanor, former eparatle elnger of note, In a SACRED CONCERT Tuesday Evening, July 21,8:00 o'clock fee ytrtt PemtecaaUl ChMVCh, Set ASSEMBLIES OF ROD .11 Mraat itotmii a ewarad with tee Bated ante Chapman Collegt Hood to Bt Spooktr The Rev. George N.

Reeves, tew president of -Chspman College, Whlttler, will apeak tomorrow at 11 ajn. at the First Chrlstlaa Church, San Jose and Park Avenues, Alameda, taking for hit theme, "Christian Education and Tomorrow'e World." The Rev. Robert W. Sparks will supply the pulpit at 7:45 p.m.. taoor, llvia Bjeraataa.

day 7:46 ajn. Btevnatad Novelty Musicians taurad Surep ateataf hi He tola hi German, TrmA, Ford's Subjict, If Any Mon Thirst? Any Man Taint" wfll be lrr-Vnc rord'a aubjaet tomorrow at p.aa. at Cnurch of tie Oeepel Light. 4001 MaeArthur Boularard. The taorning aubjeet will ba "Thie What Did." Friday eyenlng, Her.

Leotard Croaa lor II yean a mlaalonary in the Hawaiian lalandi, win give an "Assemblies of God" Sunday Radio Program p.m. KRE Will Be Featured at, aVigUsh amd IcandlM kamiN. THE TEMPLE CHURCH "Downtown Church" 13th and Market Streets tomorrow tvetaag for wU ha tpeelal evaniellstle aervlcea are Oidaoti Team eaaapoeed af H. taaath WkaolJr aa4 Albert planned at Trrntry Bapthrt Chnreh, First Baptist Church lunday Evening m. MOV IF "Skyline Trails" SKP.MON rails and Dividends" Male Chorui ln(s JH.

Darlivahlre Praarhaa at Both Servlrea TWENTT-FIRST STREET AT TKI.EORAPH AVF.Nt'E UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Labeek of Sacramento, at fuets Sunklit Drlvt and 78rd Avenue, to 110 am i atreh. morrow, according to the Rev. Yln- eyewrtnaaa atory of the bombing fUNITED P.RESBYTERIAN tnnday lervtres Worship, 1 1 :00 a.m. Vespers, 7:30 p.m. af raarl Harbor.

THE BODY eant H. Colette minister. Mrs tfiolic Tradition Ml and Mrs. George- Pen Una, gospel atngera and novelty musicians, will OF MAN' Hedley's Theme REV. VERNON MORS AN.

be featured. CHURCH IMl Collate Avenue (Car I) t. lUrmoTid White. Minister 11:00 a m. THB LORD tUPPBK" 1:10 p.m.

THE MAN MATTHEW" 1 4S teaaorraw anornlruj's lorvtee "Judea Doxoiogy" will be me pastor's message at the morning Vat CoMntMOMl Cfttirch III IS HELL TABERNACLE OF GOD 1406 Seminary Avenue at East 14th Street KBllnaa- 1-124 OUVER I FOTH. Pastor 00-1 10 Evary BundST KLS: THE "ROCK OF AGES" HOUR "Playing With Fire" Oeerg a He ley of Mille CaOag dtuvct the aire taint mt 'God of lootiriful' Contoitrital Topic The Htv. Fratariek J. Moore, palter, will eraarh tat second ki ail Bttiatner aermoa aerial at CarWn-nlal rrarbytarlan Cborcn, 94th A venae amd raofhlU Boularard. to-taarrew aaoraing.

At taa TJO m. aarvtaa ba tar wau tot ma atary af the writ-uag of ma layma, "Staid amnd sat vice. Norman Black will start the evening evangelistic aervice with a tinjrptrarkm. This will be a youth service. The sermon thetpe will be The Next Stop on God's Time "Tradhkma af CarllaBdiaa PREIBYTERIAI mmtt le thane win be, Tv THE GRAVE?" (Free Oeplaa af This lermea Win Ba divan) BIT E.

WM. ANDERtOK OI, sneourt 1101 Table." MaaiatBBiAaM eaaaTtnBaTaW1alv ELMHURST BAPTIST CHURCH Tha Church With a Mission" 90th Avenue at Holly Street, Oakland, California CLTDE PAUL WHITE, Pastor JULT 1ITH, 1941 ot a. ai. at ho Ufa at PRESIYTERIAI Id. aTlte Me wUl ataf tea Lied" bfCafta, Wtm tp tar Jiewe, aatt wfB atre an an- FIRST Park Ronlttard Prtibyrariat Church II II Carnal or Spiritual, Which? Prttbyterian Church eta "Tha Lord riid Channlne.

Barhaiar raatls Rhunk Dnwm 7 taaaK 11 -in a.m. Tntth' Is Sttbjocr At Soriit John's ttrrrtRs with BETHEL TABERNACLE 25th Avenue at East 14th Street EVANGELIST ARNE VICK Iw tJlSrak" ata "Weighed and Found Wanting" Wednesday, July 12nd. 7 8 pm FORUM ON THE BOOK OF REVELATION AH Past 14th ttfeet Transportation to 90th Ave, One Aaaa By Vet. in. Br.

LUwallyn Andaraaa aeretary ef rrcabytarlan Bnart af Foreign Mlaaloni (Take Ho. I Tal graph Ava. Oar to Channtaia War. Walk 1 blork Wast wtt atemk' an Tea liiauaataBllj ef TMtaT at taa 11 ajn. aarrtaa Sunday, July 19th II iM a.m.

Barman by Don E. Hall Knott WHI Oueat tpeaker "CHRItTIAN REPENTANCE" 11 00 am I EN ROTA1.TT MUMBLED ITIEUT" pm. "WHI Qaoet Seeker fir mrmt Chaarah, Mt tSSrn Ave. ama, BaaMVar. Bav.

rVed K. Mm Ml atre ma apsal ey. elrea'a akn at The Bof who Other lervtcee: 45 tunday School: (.30 pm. Young Faopla Continuing nightly except Monday and Saturday SAINT JOHN'S (Preabrtarlan) M4 tellers ATtniia, Herkaley BV. Waaler Armslront -Banter Mlntatar Cutit Speaker tlata ailnlatar halalae Dr.

Special Tuesday Evenina Service Evperteacee In Germany Juat Before tha WarV tarvlea Maa and women Invited tXtSTowf aw One alfft 4F amMMaaV ePVJmrVa Mheae Siiivi In rha Pfaw Ocl- larrt rrr II a-a. The laTlealblllty af Tratk" laera City fhreh. Ban Fren- aw eetwond 4144 H. Mean, Faator -Bead tmae a4 BarnaT wtl tomfta far Bia Mrk mjmt tmrteUisT GOLDEN GATE BAPTIST llth and OasklU ttraats (Oaa Mock eaet of Fan Pablo Avenue) 11 en am "LINE UPON LINE, HERE AND THERE A LITTLE" "THERE IS NO OTHER HOME" The aid. but atlll new I Paetor John Win.

of Mule P. Ibaan. Al.tent tunday tchaol 9 II a William Held, tunday Rchool tupt. Coaia and enjoy tha fellownhlp ef our growing eongregatloa A welcome a afti yri here I paa. "taad Time a4 arrasl" atudaot Maallnc -Br.

William Pedan feMaien a the OrarnnTralP Iroeklyn Pretbyttrian lata Avenee and East llth ttreet 1 1 -AA mm 1-4 J5V. W. WILLIAMS BEA1JTT OF PWATaTt" bp Mr. Paul A Ota a taM Toan Fr.pla' Maetlas New Loeatlan TVANCILIST at ii a i itnc uttitoai faj Barrlaea aVaat iMriaaTnfaT mftatlkaaa CSTKIItT BE PREACHER rlnco.

Solobt Mrs. Marion Hammond "WHEN I BEHOLD" Fri wards Young Peoples' and High School Christian Endeavor Societies 7:00 p.m. Bandar tehnol. a.a. 4101 Park louletard Haaipal Take ear Ma.

II a) aVi tear Telepkoaa Kt 11 fire PaaiAIla Bt. Edward B. dalrd, Pastar L-r. aVarvlea Man Walaoma at af flaa TlNTENN I A Fjtkevnaafcad by JUv, I ITUI at the 11 e'etoak MELROSE BAPTIST CHURCH 47th Avanaa and Bond Btraat HEWRT BURKE. Dti, Paator SACRED CONCERT 'Wednesday Evening, July 22, at 7:45 p.m.

EIVIN BJORNSTAD Famnna Operatic Tanor. will alng "SONGS OF SALVATION" Sunday, July 19th 11am Rev. Harold Sterett Lehmann Speaks GIDEON TEAM, Guests tpeflal Inatramantal and choir Musla Eirelleot Hearing Aid Peculate. Service Men Welcome FIRST PENTECOSTAL CHURCH tiet aad trove Phone OL-tlll: OL-SIIJ Bav. BMrold Iterett Lehmann, Pastor Ava and Pnnlhlll Bird.

Bar. Fradarlnk Mnora. Paater i it Passf. Caravan. Bay Pteaa aad lie Avamee At Mi sarvtee laaaal 11 to a m.

ttlMr TtE to op'tiif BE ArTirtL" i 1M PS i "tiand a titnd fp tar Jajaa" (tterr Md Muntnp ef Thla PTynin)' tpaalal Invllailon tn tarvlea Man I wafl rent ChMtara atotefi TWINTIITH. STWIT METHODIST CHURCH Mlh mraat CtaraSi eeot Mita a. at. Marwiat Wessata 11 How Jesus Christ Solves Social Tiani Baak. Maa." AI tumny aarrtaa at mo am.

ii Problems' tbe reothlll Baa te Aa. The ltaaaajtc of tat Ha 9f fM Ptitor PtEIBYTtRIAI At kV thotr wfll laad la 1:41 pm. tMiUi a'oleak II I Find No Fault In Him By Elliot Smith Ta: AjB aWajtmBfJ frtB llaB CfBtt Hytiti'" Wstaistaa WswMt tarvtaa, Tiaaaaiaak CATHOLIC aawaaU TbI, aaatroft aa4 tkaUatk. BvrktUy Vaar47. I atuir OUm a Fn4amatal Th ttfiy C1 la ih Dhatavai.

tlta, Tharaaara, I a.av AM Watanata No rollaadaaa THE FIRST CHURCH OF OAKLAND Broadway and Nth Street 11 so "MICHT IN THE DARKNESS" 0 pi tuneot Hour at tha Orfaa NEWTON PASHLE Y. (anreh Orcanlat and Choir Maatar "DISCOVERINd THE GOOD" by riH j. HrneoN bai.i.ard. Profaaenr af Chrlatlan Eduoatlnn ef iha taa franriaro Thenloplral tamlaary.

tan Ana I no Kl litis kilo) If yoa CANNOT ba preaeat. flfn Marshall Tayls. MlBl.ter 10th AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH 10th Avenue and Eaet 14th Street CECIL JOHNPMN. Pael'-r DR. J.

WHITCOMB BROUCHER, GUEST SPEAKER 11:00 a.m. THE FLAGSHIP OF THE CHRISTIAN NAVY" 7:45 p.m. THE MAN WHO TRIED TO THUMB HIS WAY TO HEAVEN" Dr. Brougher waa (ormarly paator or Timiunl Temple la Bostaa and paet president of Northern Heptl.i Convention Tktotopkkal Socitty NOVENA TO SAINT ANNE SAINT ANDREW'S CHURCH 36th and Adeline Streets Beginning Saturday, July 18th Closing Sunday, July 26th Condueted by Rev. ames C.

Connolly, O.P. Week Day Masses: 6:30, 7:30, 8:30 Evening Devotions 7:45 PIONEER METHODIST POO)4jSltOJM gjfj 09t aVSOtFO a I a a )1 -Ilia TIE ORTHODOX PRESIYTERIAI CIIRCM n4ar. a HlO taiaTOjftaTJaj Aaoaat ml Maa' A tftaaaffa1eajjaM ajawMaAa4 aWkar: IMt Cktrm amp tot MMfa Pwtr intatt IAIBvB am fee ZMiitin BROOKSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 1600 Penniman Avenue WM a APPLtBERRT. Mlaleter 1024 Urrrvtrtfry Afettve, letieley NOVENA Met a-av to II III THf SHOUT OF FAITh'aMID THE STORM" -JESUS, THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD" PU Faat- r. will dallTar bath meaaaaes Unsearchable Riches FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Brtvadwar al lth Btraat 11:00 a YOUR POWER" rn Fi.MPit a rrn-rr-t.

7 JO -A-WKAT TO DO WITH HANDICAPS mew or taoftat a arrujni T.l pa. 'The Disappointments of Jesus ST. ANNE at Old St. Mars Church 7th and Jeff ersoiV Streets COLONIAL KtU iLiXftti ftar'lpweas'1 HEAR SEE Robert J.Smith tefcM "Bya taek Mo Baaa" tsaaa tahj t1r" (Sank) norerkp Wana Saturday, July 18 Monday, July 27 TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH Sunkist Drive and 73rd Avenue The sVvaarellstU ttarat" cntca tr cam BOLaTTTA Peat or REV. HENRY D.

SUTTON, Ss.R. REV. FRANCIS X. DARMADY, C.Ss.R. Preachers Week-day Masses 6:30, 7 and 9 a.m.

Sunday Masses 6:30, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12:15 Novena Devotions 9 am, 12:10 noon, and 8 p.m. BJessing and Dedication of Babies. Wednesday, July 22nd, 3:00 p.m. EVANCELIST AND COSPEL MAGICIAN from Chicago ka a aanaa of maaleaT aaeaatraMaM aad vaapalittir maatlnaa at HAVENSCOURT COLONIAL CHURCH Ma' Otkland Twa at 1 1 eo a and IS Mtir nlpht laxrrpt al uritay 7 IS July 19 to Auouif 2 11 a nv "JUDE'S DOXOLOCY" 10 THE NEXT STOP ON COD'S TIME TABLE" Special Evangelistic Music at All Services Tho Church of Christ teaay Meralag Blbla ttr ed a ib Werablp Mner: 11 60 tdKl tWD IIH Wklltla Avaaaa TB laldad Mil BBmtSBaTT ration al Frlaae tlraale Ttarawan 1111 SAJt SaBAJIBRO-t 0 Bending. TB ratted lift Qft anOSok WVefi fhe MWc Speemi, Hsot WVre Dae Kile Is GmT Mr.

aat Mra. teorge Paetaaa. talented ataeielane. will play aa "Jd-TS' afatlelan. ka anekae the etear bp aaeaaal aa4 etyrtlfrlnt maflral lamoaatralleaa Solemn close procession ef Blessed Sacrament, opt air ktediction at 3 o'clock Sttodiy Her- laewaaMaas aaah aa tka akaarlng saw.

aeaveXal aaaeiael rref Smith KLS TetMrrow Mefnlog it I JO Jefy 26th. BL LmJii. 3.

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