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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 22

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

2-B Oakland Tribune, Sunday, May 28. LETTERS AND THE ARTS Art and Artists Student of Art Reviews Music ancTMusicians Summer Concerts Woodminster Bowl I Books and Authors Side Glimpses Into Our Nation's Colorful Past By CLIFFORD GESSLEB Woodnrinsler Amphitheater in Joaquin Miller Park is a pleasant outdoor setting for music and other entertainment if one can get' to it The Oakland Board of Park Directors, fcnwvpr noints nut that it takes much less oasnlino in HrU'f' California School Annual By PASSES FRJSSELLE IB, Student at the California School of Fine Arts The annual student exhibition at the California School of Fine Arts surprised San Francisco last Sunday. The many who came to the opening tea were impressed With the earnestness of the work, which showed little trace of Old World influence or sensationalism. The school gallery, which houses the now famous mural by Dif go Rivera, and several of the classrooms and halls were completely filled with oils, drawings, sculpture, lithographs and ceramics. Artict In general, the exhibit shows c-u lLt 1 By NANCY BAM MAVITY.

to the park than to many other places Oakianders have been arcustomea to go on aunaays one gauan, njemoers say. MUSIC DATES Thursday. June Durtuo Koovihm- oa. l-ar-oid pueitt Coloeial Hoare Hotel St. rnnm, p.m.

Friday, tua Concert of original compositions by graduate student. Hall for Chanter Music. Mills College. 1 era Greek piay. Choephoroe.

outdoor Theater of Music BuUdina. MiUs Collect Tribune Literary Editor Living jn what the least reflective cannot help recognizing as a biginoment of history naturally increases our interest and awareness toward history in general, especially that of our own land. Putting the fundamental tent-book kind of history to one side for the moment, the following somewhat tangental journeys into our past are an interesting variant from the main course. Ordinary Human Living in Different Periods Pictured in Social History THE WAY OUp PEOPLE LIVED, by W. E.

Woodward; P. Dutton Co 95: Fgr want of less formal and therefore more appropriate term, we must tall ihis a social history of our first 250 years, even though Woodward gives us not a "trend" in a carload, and ignores all mention of those impersonal "forces" in which some historians would have US believe, operating without human agency as if shot out of a gun. In presenting ordinary human living in different periods and places of America, Woodward turns his back on the hall of fame figures, the battles and the crucial issues, and shows us representative folk going about their daily affairs. If he were writing of this instead of the other dfay, he would tejl of the Jones' trials with ration stamps and hunts for an apartment instead of a Churchill-Roosevelt conference. Woodward co-ordinates his material so that it is not a higgledy-piggledy grab-bag of miscellaneous information but, though woven together in a semi-fiction sketch form, this material is not generalized; it is full of fascinating, sometimes thought-provoking tidbits, with some of the juciest plums in the footnotes.

In one of these, it surprises the author, as "one who has great respect for human inventiveness," that envelopes for letters did not come into use until 1839. Surprisingly also, the patent for matches was not issued until 1836, although the Jjfc III CA iCl'k Vr if- 1 1 ft) 6unflair, June a OaVlahd Municipal Bard. Lakeside Kirk, SO m. Beaior arias rtcnai ny uoratnea 'Schmidt. Usser tun.

Mills Coiirie. 3 0. Mill utamy, June urpneu ciuo cert. Oakland Auditorium. S.15 m.

Orpheus Concert Mary Groom Jones, guest soloist with the Orpheus Club, male chorus in its closing concerUof the season, June 0, at Oakland Auditorium, is the wife of the conductor, Mynard Jones. Both were associated for years with the National Broadcast ing Company. Mrs. Jones received hei musical education at the Uni versity of Cardiff in Wales and came to this country with a concert group, settling in the Bay area after several tours. She will sing two groups of songs.

Mildred Randolph is accompanist and will be assisted by Hilda Brandt in the mour-hand piano accompaniment to Sullivan's "Chorus of Peers" from "Iolanthe." McARTHTJR AND MmARTHUR Edwin McArthur, conductor, Is back in New York after a six months' USO tour of southwest Pa cific Army camps in the company of Lansing Hatfield, Metropolitan Opera baritone. They went over seas to help servicemen entertain themselves by stimulating mass (singing, organizing quartets and choruses and training soloists and song leaders for group work. McArthur said, "It took a few days, the men to warm up to the idea of mass singing and entertainment, but after that there invention was sr matter of very simple chemistry and the inconvenience of lighting fires was enough, one would imagine, to stimulate ingenuity. The list of things we take for granted, which our forefathers did without, is a long one, with recurrent surprise that obvious inventions came so late. Cook stoves were installed in the White House by Fill This old drawing depictina; a icene in the first Pullman car used as on of the illustrationa for "Th Way Our People Lived," writterby W.

E. Woodward. Th volum it on xtramely readable social history covering two and one-half colorful centuries of American life. more in 1850 (this, by the way, is the in this history) arid caused the cooks to go on strike until an expert from the Patent Office spent three days in the kitchen explaining the mechanism. Even grates in the fireplaces were unknown to early New Yorkers.

They Didn't Have Ink in Bottles Gat Lover Skims BOOKS IN BRIEF fiction TOM BONE, by Charles B. Judah; William Morrow it $3. A eline Literature Pencils were novelties in 1810. place the messy arid unstaridardized also "is a simple contrivance; its to almost any one." But when first were ridiculed in the. newspapers slinging boys.

As the greatest fortuhfs made dime-store gadget, such forgotten John Ireland Howe, who in 1832 was all the response we could havenaa nitnerto sola lor seven cents ion started me iirsi local puunc transportation; Aionzo rnuiips, who invented the match, and John stove had as great an influence on a Whitney or a Fulton. land to Newfoundland to Virginia to Jamaica, and from fishing to politics to piracy to love. THE HOUSE WITH THE GREEN TREE, by Kelvin Lindemann; L. B. Fischer N.

$2.75. Unusual historical novel which will tell you a lot you probably never knew about eighteenth century Den mark and the spice islands. THE LAUGHTER OF MY FATHER, by Carlos Bulosan; Har-cotirtBsace N. $2. Inimitable chronicles of Village cavorting and gallivanting on the island of Luzon.

PURSER'S PROGRESS, by Tom O'Reillv: Doubledav. Doran Woodworth points out the common fallacy of supposing, In our backward look, that our ancestors us are necessary or even unnoticed know they did not miss. It seems surprising (since no special invention was required) that the Colonial dame carried no handbag but stored all her small possessions Hn voluminous dress pockets but men still N. 82. Bnbust humor of theMer4to understand do exactly that.

Some nf our common notions taken. For example, there were no houses were built of cut wood, and of from the center of Oakland to the park and With this in mind, the board has arranged a series of Sunday afternoon concerts, opening June 11 with the Oakland Symphony Orchestra, directed by Orley See, with Marsden Argall baritone, as guest artist On June 18, Oakland Orpheus Club will be heard. Marnard Jones directing. An all-artist concert is scheduled for June and In July the Victory Flayers. John falls directing, will present Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Gondoliers." A ballet tor night performance by the Raoul Pause Dancers Is scheduled for early Fall, with symphonic orchestra accompaniment and the full effect of Woodminster'g lighting system.

Due to expense or costumes, stage setting, etc, an admission fee will be charged for this event Edgar M. Sanbom, forester In charge ef field operations, and Hal Boyd, In charge of entertainments at Woodminster, that if the response to the first four concerts shows sufficient public Interest, additional entertainment will be provided later in the Summer and fall for those who can't get to Woodminster or who prefer band music, cries of concerts by the Oakland "Municipal Band, conducted by Herman Trutner will open next Sunday at 3:90 p.m. at Lakeside Park, Several guest will appear with the band io.the course the season. The program for the first concert will be announced later this week. President William W.

Hoffman of the board said: The Board of Park Directors is planning musical programs of out standing merit for the citizens of Oakland, and friends and visitors We feel that it is particularly necessary at this time to have public entertainment provided in our parks to provide wholesome relaxation from the stress, and strain of these war times." FROKOFIEFF OPERA Arthur Rodzinski, musical director of the New York Philharmonic Symphony, has received first to the orchestral of symphonic excerpts from rrokofieff's new opera, "War and according to a United Ffess dl'patch from New York. The opera is to be its premiere by the Metro-p illtan next season, probably after i i first performance in Moscow. Ihe work is based on Tolstoi's epic novel of the Napoleonic era. Rodzinski spoke for the concert performance rights after hearing Vladimir Horwilz play through the piano score. GREEK PLAY AT MILLS Aeschylus' "Choephoroe," or "The Libation Bearers," to be given in the outdoor theater of the Music Building at Mills College Friday evening, Is the second play in the only trilogy preserved from the Greek stage, occupying the middle place between "Agamemnon" and "Eumonides." Gilbert Murray's translation Is used.

The play Is directed by Mrs. Marian Long Steb-bins. Leading roles at-e played by Patricia Haynes, Joan Bromley, Clara Daniels and Barbara Bissell. Edith Wiener leads the chorus and planned the choreography. PIEDMONT MUSICAL CLUB The May program of the Piedmont Musical Club 'will be.

given In the home of Dr. and Mrs. Charles Greenwood this afternoon. Contributing artists are: Dr. Charles Greenwood in organ recital; Robert Frith, basso; Evelyn Loomis, soprano, and Helen Shutes in viola obligato; Owen Anderson, accompanist.

Luella Wagor Coplin is chairman of the program committee. STUDENT RECITAL Miss Margaret Douglas announces a piano recital by her pupils, at the Berkeley Women's City Club next Sunday. The recital is in four parts, 3:00, 3:30, 4:00 and 4:30 p.m. Fifty-five pupils will take part. PREVENT JUVENILE DELINQUENCY By poviding adequate reading material in the HOME See our ipacial counters of -Books and Sett for Boyi and Girls CAMPUS TEXT EOOK EXCHANGE 2470 Bancroft Way Berkeley's Big Book Siort Opta Wed.

Thurs. Till p.m. i canea colored nouses, we tmnn pi candies as a picturesque feature of early lighting, but in reality candles were scarce and expensive, since sheep for tallow were not extensively raised on the Atlantic seaboard. Rush lights and pine splinters were the common illuminants. Oddly enough, gas was used for lighting before the invention of the kerosene lamp.

Had Both Ceiling Prices and Rationing Let those who decry modern drinking habits glance with awe not approbation on the bibulous Puritans. There were both ceiling prices and rationing in those days; a quart of beer was priced at tuppence, with a limit of six quarts a day per person. Water as a beverage was in such ill repute that the rare teetotaler was considered a crackpot and a suspicious character. Cocktails, even as late as 1908, were not rp t-i .1 or 1U LiAlUUll ill "My New Country" is. the theme of a series of paintings besun by a Czech painter.

Ladislav Hlavaka. Soice of these you will see in his nrsi iajiiomia exniDinon wmcr win oe neia juiy iu-ji at raui Eider's gallery in San Francisco. The exhibition will be under the sponsorship of Mr. Bohus Benes. Czechoslovak consul in San Francisco.

For about a month now the artist has been vititing in San Francisco, the Bay area and other parts of Northern California, carrying out his program to paint outstanding and characteristic features of Amer ican landscape for the "My New Country" series Ladislav Hlavka is a graduate of the Prague Art Academy and studied at the Charles University. He was the pupil of two famous Czech artists, Nechleba and Svabinskv. the former a well-known portrait painter, and latter the best master of graphic arts the Czechs have had for many years. Hlavka taught In rTague prior to the war, and has lately specialized in the painting of pastorals. For some time Hlavka had a special assignment from Bishop Pod-laha of Prague, copying certain of Rubens' works for St.

Thomas Church. In Prague. Later on he had his own art institute in that city. Since 1930 Hlavka has had many exhibitions of his works in Prague, Nice, Cannes and Avignon. He par ticipated in the 1937 Exposition in Paris, decorating the Czechoslovak Commercial Pavilion.

In 1939 when he first visited New York, he assisted in the decoration of the Czechoslovak Pavilion at the World's Fair. His first exhibition was in New York in 1943. BERNARD REDER EXHIBIT Drawings and pastels by Bernard Reder, sculptor, are on exhibition at Gump's, Francisco. The works indicate, the influence of the sculptor's training, often showing much power in a few lines. Reder was born in J897 in Czernowitz, Bukowina.

He studied, worked and lived in-Frague for 19 years, thence to Paris where he remained untiL. 1941 when the Nazis banned his art. His friend, the sculptor, Aris- advised him to go to- America. He arrived in Cuba in 1941 and in New. York in 1943.

He had already exhibited wood cuts and drawings in New York, now is planning a large exhibition of sculpture in that city in 1945, LATIN-AMERICAN EXHIBIT On Wednesday, May 31, 5 to p.m.. Mr. W. Crocker, president of the San Francisco Museum of Art, and the Women's- Board of the Museumjwill be hosts at a re- uejjuoji in iijfr-jc, oi me opening, on-May 30. of an Inhibition of Latin-American paintings, drawings and prints from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Diplomatic representatives of Latin-American countries, members of clubs and organizations active in Pan-Ameriran affairs, and museum members have been invited to attend. The Museum of Modern Art's Latin-American collection was begun in 1935 with Mrs. John D. Rockefellers gift of Orozco's "Subway." It is now the most important collection of its kind in tlae world, consisting of 294 oils, water colors, drawings, prints, frescoes, posters, sculptures, and photographs, 54 of which are being shown here. "This group, recent acquisitions for the most part, includes examples from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia.

Cuba. Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, and an especially largo number of fine works by Mexican artists. Many nf them will be on exhibition in San Francisco. DR. MORLEY GOES EAST Dr.

Grace L. McCann Morley, director of the San Francisco Museum of Art, has left for Washington, C. to attend a meeting of the Department of State's art advisory committee on Inter-American affairs which is being held on June 26 and 27. Dr. Morley, who is recognized as an authority on Latin-American art.

is the only member nf the committee from the Far West. ESPECIALLY FOR CHILDREN "Color Prints for Children' designed by Chet La Mere and Mer-vin Jules, form an interesting exhibit for young and old at the Legion of Honor, June 6-22. Capturing the child's love for vig- umhis aeMuo ana coior, ine anisic succeedpd blending the sub- ject matter and whimsey of the child's world with the skill of the mature artist. Books Alwqj Try Sather Gate First for the latest and best in books for adults and children. SATHER GATE BOOK SHOP 2335 Telegraph Ave.

THornwatl 0580 lerktlay a nicely balanced trend toward intelligent modernism. Scat- tered about the galleries are a few abstractions, a number of grotesques aiftl many interprefive works, all of which are understandable, leaving one with the feeling that each rep resents a conscious effort on the part of the a rust to depict the sub ject in a serious creative manner. Under the capable direction of William A. Gaw, one of Califor nia's outstanding artists, and Spencer Mackyrsho has built fii enviable reputation thru his excellent work and many years of leadership in art, sensationalism has ben dis couraged and-Aonest imaginative work encouragedrla the belief that art and the modern artist have a real story to tell. This they are doing, not thru pictorial interpretation, which is best left to the camera, and not thru sensationalism, which is shallow and often false, but thru a balanced modernism which is understandable to many and comprehensible to all.

OUTSTANDING WORKS Among the outstanding pictures in the oil group are a half nude and a ballet dancer by one of the James D. Phelan scholarship winners, Janice Illig. Robert Skinner, arfAward of Merit winner in life painting, is showing a number of pleasing, realistic portraits, sketches and nudes. A striking still life by Constance Depler. and a vivid green landscape by Mary Rosemeyer are stimulating, are the soft planes and delicate coloring in the nudes by Bill Schwan and Edward Schem-bari.

Bertha Neilson is exhibiting a charming luminous half Jigure done in tempera which comrasu; markedly with an excellent semi-abstraction of two heads by Roberta Smits. Barbara Leve and Bart-ley Holden demonstrated two different approaches to portraiture, both very gobd. An unusual vase and flewftrs by Corinne Kessler has almost sculptural quality while Kathleen Greenlund's shadowy still life of a Grecian head indicates a pleasant etherial feeling. A richly colored still life is shown by Lawrence Lindroth. Virginia Rose's deqp earthy colors are very forceful in her strong" iiuae.

The design and pattern in the paintings by Emily Jupg- and Laurel. Hirsh-field are both, imaginative and original. SIMPLICITY IN SCULPTURE The sculpture group shows, with one or two exceptions, a marked trend away from the academic. The predominating characteristic of a majority of the work is a simplicity of design and the development of planes, altho a few pieces 'show an interest in actual form and con tour. Robert Furrer and Katherine Malott both showed to advantage in this group.

The ceramics in the reception hall demonstrate that- artistic skill "can create articles which are both use ful and beautifully decorative. New designs, colorful glazes and unusual techniques have been combined for modern effectiveness. Drawing is represented by a num ber of distinct media and types of approach. The class in drawing and composition appears to have been preoccupied with line and de sign, possibly to the end that form has been overlooked somewhat. altho the work shown is strong and well composed.

DRAWINGS AND SKETCHES Another drawing group has worked with lithograph to excellent advantage. Anne Elizabeth Mailliard is exhibiting a number of imaginative prints and Eleanore Thompson's workmanlike lithographs are very finished. A third group, the quick, sketch class, is composed of studetits' from almost every other group. The sketches of E. Cornelia Skinner and Doris Jane Rowlands are fresh, humorous and charming" The final drawing group was interested in architectural design and perspective.

This excellent work is to be found on the third floor of the school. One of the features of the exhibition is a room devoted to the Children's Saturday Class in drawing scultpture and painting. The Idrawings and paintings, by the children are fresh, colorful and un-rcpressed, showing a simple direct form nf expression, while the sculpture indicates an understanding of animals. Of unusual interest are a number of large clay pieces modeled by several teams of children working in groups. A suggestion or next years xh.bition uld be the inclusion of each child's name beside his work so that visitors could better evaluate the pieces in terms of the artist's years.

PRIZES ARE ANNOUNCED The following Awards of Merit'j were given: Lift Drawlnr Hilary Allen. Florence Bruhtien, Doris Jane Ki Rowlands, E. Cur- nella Skinner. Life ana Portrait Painting Betty AU-water. Florence Sarnes, John, Fitch.

Laurel Hlrshfteld, Bartlev Hnlden, Janice Illig, Bertha Neilson. Helen Rhodes. William Schwan, Edward Schembari, Robert Skinner, Jane Zobcl. glill Ufa Palnllni Parker Kathleen Greenlund. Virginia Herb-: olic, Barbara Leve.

Jerome Vloeherghs. Drawing ant Composition Gladys Fcr- 600x1, Kathleen Greenlund, Virginia erbollc. Emily Jung. Marilyn Roseadele Picchi, Juliette Steele. Sealplure Robert Furrtr.

Jan let Illig. i Katherine Malott Ceramics Lucille Ron, Caroline Wil-Hams i Llthtf repay Edward Freedman, Anne' Elizabeth Mailliard. 1 Cemmerrial Art Anthony Pempe Slrday'lsses Richard Bakci, Chandler, Judith Larsen, KoKl.n 8lot, I Nancy Thompn The show, which definitely merits the attention of those interested io the development of art in the Bayi area, will be open to the public daily with the exception of Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. untii July 1 served in private homes, but some "Zombie" sound like lemonade.

Flip was "almost as prevalent as soda water is today." It was made by mixing two-thirds strong beer, sweetened, with one-third rum, and stirred with a red hot mker. Gin, at a few cents a quart, was too cheap for aristocratic drinkers; its slung name oddly was "Strip and Go Naked." Rum fustian combined and nutmeg. Mixed gin and beer, modern "boiler-maker, was even more potent. Children were practically weaned on these potations, plus "Jersey lightning" tupple brandy) and "arrack," distilled from rice and mo lassesyet they somehow grew up hoped for, and more. I got the big gest thrill of my life the Sunday we landed when battalion after battalion filed off that ship singing the songs we had sung aboard." McArthur and Hatfield had an hour's conference with Gen.

Douglas MacArthur at his headquarters when thy arrived and? on his orders, wirte sent "everywhere In the Southwest Pacific area where there were American troops." They th, and entertained, 200 separate audiences ranging from 80 to 8000 men, not including the many hospital shows they did. MUSIC OVERSEAS V-DTsc records of classical, semi- classical and popular music are now supplied to soldiers in all com-, mands of the United States Army throughout he world at the rate of 100,000 a month, the War Depart ment announces. This is a new program of the Mu sic Sethion. Special Service Divi sion, authorized to fill a' need for furnishing servicemen with the types of music they had been used to at home. The 12-inch pliable rec ords, containing a wide variety of music from real jive to symphony orchestras, with vocal numbers from artists like Bing Crosby and Dinah Shore to leading opera stars, are shipped to all Army Installa tions overseas monthly in sets of 30 different discs, and to posts, camps and stations in' the United States in sets of six.

Under the supervision of Capt. Robert Vincent, well-known recording engineer, production of these records will be increased as soon as facilities are available. The-I War Department is now using facilities of most large recording companies for the purpose: KOOVSIHNOFF DEBUT Dimilri Koovshinoff, 14, who will make his recital debut neJU Thurs day at 8:30 p.m. in the Colonial Room at Hotel St. Francin under the management of Curran Swint.

if said to be far advanced in his musical studies and has won praise at appearances for the Pacific Musi cal Club Junior Auxiliary, of which he is a member. He is a pupil of Adolph Ryss. His program will in- kiude: Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue. Bach: Sonata in D. No l.

Mn.arl: Hark, llurk the Lark, 'Schubcrt-LtsKt; ha Cascade. IPauer; Fantasia in F-minor. Chopin; Jrux jd EflU, Bnvol; GarclPn Under Rain. 1-Imtsay; Pirlude E-flat minor No. 1 Shostflknvllch; Policliinc lie.

Bachmanln-olf; Legend1. Albenlr. MILLS CONCERT The concert of original compositions by graduate students of Mills College, to be held Friday afternoon the Hall for Chamber Music at Mills, includes the thesps of three 'applicapts for the decree of Master of Arts. Students on lie program lire pupils of Darius Milhmul Judges will award to oiie of the performers ithe Paul Merritt Henry prize for the best composition for strings. BROADCASTS CONTINUE General Motors has signed a con tract renewing its sponsorship of the Sunday afternoon broadcasts of the National Broadcasting Company Symphony Orchestra for a second full" year, until August 1, 1B45.

only presidential act which figures No one thought of bottling ink to re ink powder until 1820. The umbrella invention, one thinks, would occur introduced in Philadelphia umbrellas and were favorite targets for mud- by Inventors come from some handy promoters of common comfort as introduced machine-made pins (they apiece), ADranam uower, wnose tus Conant who patented the first cook American living as a Bell, an Edison, 4 were conscious of lacking what 4o! conveniences. What they did not earlier modes of living era mis- log cabins in early New England; the few that were painted were fearful Puritan mixtures make the beer, sherry, gin, egg yolks, sugar or rum and beer, antedating the and staggered along as pillars of random notes that the cream has People Lived," or that its flavor an open fire plus grate) with per- and promote sympathy and under in reverse) if we wanted to get the such as Burma, we should not learn findings than from a Beliefs sensa for whom Benet is writing might our essential disparateness. One place, at great trouble, and then trying to improve it society, they also survived Venice treacle, a panacea for every childhood ailment, composed of snakes pounded up with white wine and twenty herbs plus opium. Reflections from their origin in actual living give fresh vividness to comnion phrases.

A johnny cake was originally a "journey cake," taken along to eat by the way. To be at loggerheads rose from occasional quarrels when disputants belabored each other with the iron "loggerhead'' used to stir the flip. The stogie got its 'name from the Ciincstoga wagon, the "covered wagonj' of the westward migration. Outyr phrases, for no comprehensible'reason, have fallen into disuse. When the first telephone circuit whs established in New Haven in 1878, the salutation was "Ahoy! Ahoy!" instead of Hello" and much jollier it sounds, too.

I Rich Cream Off ICUlll UU A TREASURY OF CAT STORIES, edited by Era Greenberg, N. $2,50. Good cat stories are far fewer than dog stories. For one reason', they are more difficult to write. Unlike most all dog stories, the cat story must not rely on senti mental appeal.

If ft does, it is lost; for cats are not a sentimental people. Neither are they lmita-tively human. It is disarmingly easy to write about dogs in terms of human motives and emotions, but effort of imaginative intelligence. They live their own lives on their own terms, which are not our terms. Cats are a proud people, with an irrefragab1? personal integrity.

They are individualists who brook no sycophancy. They are also a critical folk. They will accept you on terms of mutual respect, if you deserve it, but they never grant a blind, mindless idolatry. If you fail them, expect no fawning forgiveness. You will be judged on your cat-merits.

Neither you nor any one can be the king who does no wrong. BECAUSE SHE WANTS 0 If your cut comes to you and purrs, it is because she wants to come, not, because you call her. Her purring is courteous recognition that you have pleased her. She is no mirror of your moods. If you live with a cat, it is she who must be pleased, not you.

If you trespass on her reticence, she will resist or withdraw but not submit. Never, if you know and love a cat, delude yourself that you own her, that you can insult her with impunity. To win her regard is an -accolade to your cat-worth, not lightly won. If we are honest, we miu-t admit that, pets minister to our ego -the dog directly, even crassly, the cat more subtly. Our vanity is puffed by dog idolatry.

Our self-esteem" is lifted by hard won cat-acceptance. This difference in the way Ole Debbie Ego looks for gratification is the essential difference between the dog lover and the cat lover. DIVERGENT OPINIONS No dog lover could read Era Zistel's preface to "A Treasury of Cat Stories" without thinking it superfine No cat lover lean read it without finding it both euisite and comprehensible. Miss Zistel recognizes the difficulty of finding cat stories which are, first, real stories, not. anecdotes or allegories, and secondly, really about cats, not about human beings who encounter cats.

Foe's "The Black Cat," she points out. does not fulfill the second requirement: "The Cat in the Cane Brake." an equally good horror story, does. But within these strictly defined limits there are fine examples ranging all the way from satire to tragedy. Being a sound critic as well as a cat-wise person. Miss Zistel has presented 25 of the best.

They will convert no one nt already cat-minded, but they will be a purring pleasure to all who are. Jungle Warfare INTO THE VALLEY, by John Dial Press, N.Y.; 79c. On October t. Correspondent Herscy went down into a Guadalcanal valley with a company of American Marines. It was only a skirmish and it didn't last long.

The Americans were forced to retreat. But in that short time that Hersey was down there alongside the sweating, dying leathernecks, he learned about jungle warfare and the men who are fighting it. Well-written and puueh-packing, "Into the Valley" does not attempt to bring news at a time when the Guadalcanal battles already are fading into memory. What it does do is describe in detail one fight that will be duplicated hundreds of times before the war is over. Let no one Imagine from these been skimmed from "The Way Our call be truly sampled from such jottings.

It is a book of sustained fasci nation, to be read, with purrs, by chant Marine. MR. ANGEL COMES ABOARD, by Charles G. Booth; Doubleday, Doran N. $2.

A simple voyage from Dakar runs a newspaper gal into tri-continental mur der with all the trimmings. THE SECRET OF THE SPA, by Charles L. Leonard; Doubleday, Doran N. $2. An international narcotics ring operating behind the camouflage of a luxurious sanitarium crashes against an Army Intelligence sleuth.

THE CASE OF MR. CASSIDY, by William Targ; World Publishing Company, Cleveland. Murder in Chicago's literary circle, with critics. collectors, and even authors taking a hand. Juvenile LOGGING CHANCE, by M.

H. Lasher; John C. Winston $2. Adventures of a boy learning to be a logger in the Northwest timber country. NOW WE FLY, by Frank E.

Sor-enson and George E. Rotter; John C. Winston Ground course in aviation for young air- minded people; amply illustrated. THE SECRET OF THE, CLOSED GATE, by Margaret Leighton; John C. Winston $2.

Further exploits of the Hill children on an old Virginia homestead, Nancy Hill being a little girl who has only to put on her shoes to straight into adventures. Verse SONNETS ON IDENTITY, by Carolyn Naught Saxton; Wagon Star, Los AngNiy; $1.25. Poetic expression of philosophic concepts. WHO CAN RETREAT, by Everett Gillis; Star Wagon. Los.

Angeles: Verse sketches and lyrics, some of them born of war experience. War BORN IN BATTLE, by Capt. Rowan T. Thomas; John C. Winston $3.

War as intensely liyed by a lawyer turned bomber pilot. General VIA DIPLOMATIC POUCH, by Douglas Miller; Didier Pub. $3. Preview of Hitler's Germany in confidential reports from a U. a.

Government attache. REVOLT FROM MOUNT SINAI, by William Rufus Scott, privately printed, Pasadena; $1.50. A former prohibition leader recounts the de cline andfall of tne noDle experiment. THE OLD PACIFIC CAPITAL, by Robert Louis Stevenson; Colt Press, S. Story of old Monterey beautifully printed as the first in a series of California classics, Sympathetic Biography VALLEJO.

SON OF CALIFORNIA, by Myrtle M. McKittrick; Bin- fords and Mprt. Portland, $3 Sonoma will ever after be more than a town and Montgomery more than a street to readers of this careful and sympathetic biography of one of the most controversial figures in early California history, Mrs. McKittrick is counsel for the defense in portraying Vallejo's part in a colorful and trmiblout time, which included the Bear Flag rebellion 'in which he was taken prisoner), "lhe gold rusTi of Sutter's day, the use nf Indians in political as well as tribal warfare, and the final collapse of the old Spanish empire, to Hnger only in place names and memory. naps a ciparel popular only since the first World War) and with an experimental vflip" if you dure.

Poet's-eye View of History Aims to Show Others "What Makes Us Tick' AMERICA, by Stephen Vincent Benet; Farrar and Rinehait, N.Y.; $1.50. Here is poet's-eye view of United States history, with a practical una topical purpose- to interpret us standing on the part of the "ordinary folk of other Nations, to show them "what makes us tick." It is an excellent and salutary Sign that we should admit the need of explaining, even, when required, apologizing, instead of making the American eagle scream remarkably like the crowing of a seli-gloriiying rooster. Like Woodward. Benet leaves nut much that the text books include in our national story, iiul whereas Woodward interprets by small facts, Benet is concerned with large ideas. For his declared purpose, one wonders a bit whether Uo put it lecl of an unfamiliar country, more from a Woodward's homely tive idealism.

Hut in strengthening) the bases of our faith without resort to claptrap, Beliefs reaffirmations do help to interpret us to ourselves, to brush' aside the confusion of the near and the petty and establish th something clear and staunch which as Americans, be lieve to be deeply true of us. The nationals of other countries be confused Dy Ms almost impressionistic simplicity. But we to whom the main outlines of the Founding Fathers, for example, have been familiar from childhood, can relish the description of George Washington as a man for whom there were no affectionate nicknames, "a mind with no particular inventive or philosophic turn to it." but "a great, stable fact a fact of of John Adams, unpopular but regarded with "respectful of Thomas Jefferson, who "designed a new and efficient plow, and wrote the DeclaraUon of Independence." Behet defines what may be called the American "temper" in terms that may seem too coherent for may doubt whether there is ever any such thing as a national character, di'ubt it doubly of a people as heterogeneous as ours. But his description docs fit -what Is probably the most outstanding fact of our temperament: "Americans are not particularly hsDnr sittlnsr still thev would bring to your attention an inttretting and vital volume AMERICA UNLIMITED by Eric Johnston President U. S.

(Ihsmher of 'Commrrre Cloth Price Paper Price $1.00 THE HOLMES BOOK GO. 274 1VUJRTEENTH STORE HOuRSt 9:09 AJW. TO P.M. build something in the wrong have to tear it down again, than not build it at all. That is what really depressed them about the last depression; for the first time in American history, nothing seemed to be going ahead.

And always urey look to the future, to repay them for any mistakes of the past. If they were suddenly given a complete and gold-plated Earthly Para dise they would at once set about.

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