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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 3

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
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and A i a Mjnss- MceJinss. BKIFKATE3 AfiAINSt TUB BULE. i Vons llaykil. Herald's special says a a conference ol principal last who i incite) special says a a co rt-j of the thr Lacs lur nomination took place live hours. Those HOES, RS CoulJlinjf for i i a i i aud Fobter) for yfer.nuu, M.d nod fyr Hl.uuf was'to il uli paj not agree as the i a i a i i i lur associates, i i nani i cbuir- DVIII to (nc a i i i i him- ttAi (larmTuii i out jtlna a i i i Hi -joovl la.ih.

This also! ex- io i uiL- it nut a fur unc Honied by tbe com'mit- h. i i A The na'iWs (Jr'o, K. Hoa. iu.d fx-neprcsentative K-ttiiditlo- 1 ol Connf, I I be proposed to' to-niL'bt. A' ur p-ltdgcd hu assoc aii-' to the meldioir of tiio temporary to ink auci-Gratit jnen, tbe repre- ot the latter loote a of -iibiinncJ tol I.o^an and Cameron land H'-uuiaief, promply 1 JITC u.iRui i a by (he Sher.

illime iiu-n'j Lately, G. F. Hoar, 111. M.i?s und bcuator-Miivbell, of 'Oregon, I declared chat tbey Would only accept QIOK of J- Moi njson Harris, of Mary- kiitl. byj Conkllog.

Bet for by thei latter ai a Sherman i i unit rule. re-: Biiiin-e and "StWman men i co him for tbe reason that for years MI- luJ beeti a Democrat and when cao- i 1 for Governor declared that he owed tetlui Republican party.) Cafuerun baa declared in plain terms to lit- mends i)ul he would neither obejj ifl- ons from the nor recog- I irs powe: to depose bun. i. May 31. A letter has re JuUgVlIoan from Senator i) ab3oluU'ljr to ullowjtbe "-el i us a Candidate for the Pres- nif-nc).

triends of Grant believe ttira BUklNt'S FRIEH HIS Despatch to tb of people and the betels A I 18 iheOrant mceiiog a few thousands. it tho acB-Grant pet- LOCAL )6 flrat. rms. Wo Th fh ooont The sui Vlasti Secure Chimes. The ul thf farmers art happy: be calle I Conventloi i Day lot yesterday: all mer hole vour seat city schools wi ing there was an la mense fong of 'f to Infcppositiii the third-term.

Tl ere was ijense feel ir is full of ithuslascl Bla uu, Kie third-term Udicate 8 per it'e, Uop Oameron ecein i to bave ffjst his This evt-ping he efused to 'r luttonsprovidmgfora temporary nation offered in oc to put motions stands twentj-nihc and tbe uni't'i Ration vote. TJ to eigrn be still committee. Blalt hourlyi, andjiis nomination. morning i Carnl the Sishes e'! sirpngillis increas III. nk Brow "ell Hi eighteen a plough help while ihe Vermo'nt itkhough refusing'to state wbojilie uiul choice i be, say they will not for Cin 'William I EphraimC.

Cincinnati ions' to vote to Edwin Stone of Kei Iternntes. unit Or Saturday Fr Cape Blizabclb, while running across ed io a blind furro roke his neck, kill'u LKWISTOS, May observed lo-Uay urn. Caster Post and and A Overside eejnelery. rayer anrj poein eporatlng grounds, ing at City Hall, I y. G.

W. Haskell, anil lawyers m.ide "4 i a WISTHROP, May 31. Tbc Deacon Slepheln Sew well-It father of SewhN, th gjreat a agitator, died SJDnday-mqrntog, seveu. He was ohej of our wealthiest citiz Comml comtu cojfldent of his JVtAIIVE PORTLAND, V14JUV r8t riat Altcrion )'ivisof IprtlandJP od of Kiltfcjy, delegn lyeotion, Sith Insir retaionv the erccof FJrtland, a iicbuokflerc eletti 'fell he Dhu in. at Lewis 3: ears rJ field BtC diong antly.

on. arid A i- scorted Jobai nfantryj fiarchei .801 iddresses ddfressea oveV half a ceotury ins and restdei fORTY-SIXTH The amcnUu 000 to JUO 000 A survwfof the I a adODtVd OQ a beat Ib. -j I day' that Edmund's withdrawal JO votes to SbermarJ'a acure. "Ulierjb delegates' bave been the objfcts of solicitude and devoted attention i fur lirty-yisht 1 hours pasjt. It is claimed! by ilio a men tflap; they have gained ip that which the Jnende of other refuse to 1 The prJQcipiU caodiifates have been very and very contident, and their frieods so far as can be learned.

Tbtre is no vnjr wa JQ aQV quarter as A If Cation Pniljidt IphJa, with rfhite fnillidt arrived lo-day and were received i baud and other demonstrations of wel- Cincinnati furhi-lied Oi was received in a like iftfuuhw. The proved to be a fine fi." and at an crowds jp'i froai the traiDS and i cars-ia 'LI attt-iid the "meetings onjtbe i I 1 -nore. The of GrrutiL's sup- a btld on learborn Park, and a ncrosa jtbc ftci The prooQiuenc. 1" meeiiog were Conk 1 in I Carpenter, dtewurt-L. Woodford, fan LiDColn and Siephen A.

Dojug- At t-he anti-Grant meeting the i Bob Inircwolll, Governor Davis Hassadrek of Cititionuli -vv menis were agreed to passed--the ne CONGSES3--SecmdSessioi WASnrsoTON May 31. I eot ibcicasing rom S'275 the appropnat on for Gull coasts a and nay vote 88 to 81 appropriating 1 100,000 fo i was- stricken out. Mi ndm.eot to the appri bill in )awful silver wi I cot appropriatir SGOO.QC adopted on a The ot coi (Downey's ami pnationof this Hgrt-ed to. The amtnda for payment ol 'deputies, for services s.agrckd to. Ot by "If, Alkins lepo: jative was back live, Executive and Judicial, aj rfed.

bin the ijeJnate amendtiie LBoine oft incnts be was amendriuents Co tural ffppropninion, bijll were red in. ec of Hi bill, bu McVeigh, Barker. The Ohio 1 d- jration ejected ex-JGovernyr Dtnnison -truiiln. Thp California delegates organized ith i i Pisley, Chairman. 1'he dele; decided io solid, the and in favor of admitting '-M Idelegates from Illinois districts.

ilr Pisjley was waited on by the Blaiue 'ij timers, but declined to allow his name be ujed as one of live, from whpnl itiould be selected a tt) propose i name tit BI unc to tbe CohvcDtiorj. I nicAoo, May 31. At tne meetiogj of i i Natijoual Committee the resolution re- right of "delegates to i i a as they please was sat uponjb'y Cbairmfio, wbo to n'cruln it. An apptal was taken, Ut-'useJ to put the appeal. I A pap3r pledging ttjc tjot to yote Grilot on tbe ltt or ocber ballucs was by 22 of ihe New York to-dai in tbe.Fenjnsylvanw liclegltion is said by Grant men to be Ijeaa tcrious.

They say not over 4 will re'ftise vote as directed by the State Convention 'while the BUloe men claim 30 who will obey instructions by district" only. Tne commiueo appointed to name letuporary chairman tbe convenilon reported Judge Hoar of Massachusetts, tbe Report wan agreed to Hvithout A was, adopted that f'Kuid' through any be iin.iOle to present tbe name of Mr, Hoar to contention thi ollcc. Cjbai i CHICAGO, May 31. JHnine's friends have f-lecttd N'ew Yc HOD. James i F.

Joy of Michigan, it bis came tbe convention. rk delegation bave selected Boscoe chairman. 31. An Immense term meeting was held tbe House lo-nlght. WASHINGTON.

Jfelll The President to JHV approved tbe jbill for-the defioency in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending Jq'oe -Tbe 1 bill appropriated" for Pensions (or army i invalids, I widbws, minors aq aqd survivors and for 'r s.oaers lot ffrrearso i in whiclj pensions lowed prior to January 2, 1879 Dlnlller A telegram -was received 'by tl Internal Revenue to-dffy, ai ihe arrest ofi tbe nited Illicit his three sons and ten JMged In illicit, distillation In THE WEA pensions were 'al- 6500,000. -i' Bureau ooungl'ng distiller, thers, en- THEJSl cf Cany PFFICQ. (ifi. WGT Watbiagtoa, D. Janel Indication.

For New England; stationsrJ or followed by rising barometer; iwln'ds mostry rom southwest to Northwest; clear or partly clondy.weatber followed'by increasing qtoudinesa and occasionalIralos. Decoration Day obterved 1 "my throughout tbe cmtry. -J. Tlie House vffnt into Conlmi Whole on ihe pieneriili, deficient rpse without aquon adjourn At a Hre at Sprinjrffiud Botel, Montreal midnight'of yesterday, three 1 jured by One had: his hab, a 8 i Two sti 'ant Riris Agnes Cille and Marija Louis jhibadeau juojped from the fourth stpryi coe back yard, and one pg brouei by Jhe tall. She is not 1 to The veneMblie Dr.

Roiiis son. a native of North'Yari died m-BoslOD, Suodjiy; aged of Forelgu IS the Ame1-icanB)lird df for 34 rears, A convict named Jqbn from Essex County foV burilar from tbe State Cohcj yesterday, while engaged in; with four oiheR-prisone near river. Cook'ji Canon, of Indians, and! mnssai occur. There is ail roreast of Silver Cilyj; canon is suspended u. Maj I NO.

3pru g. Corn le repqrt 'bed r. Monc Ihe Taiion Jlergymi Aubu vencrab tobaci ged elgbl ldcst an here foj ul- KenthortBlsmoiiih. Tbj "GliH" drive aitl Bdora Saturday night Heliotrope Isltht button-hole bouqui MrJ Osg od, city ed Argus, arr; red In the The tickets for thb JJormandyi" met wiih day. W.

A. Waterh vedti( jn ns. srs. Robinson od potoakejthe iiniforjns for the, Unlrjni Hri (red. W.I Gosse, the well-known pajfer of Tertian is, io ten the conventions.

Ti-ederiek Fay, 85 cclal Sunday Xew Era ayj Messrs Wood, Bishc fc Co. have som thing to Cbdkii I Id. hi Bui say concerning Range In anqt ChasS A. Maxwe G. of the Goo alsoija member is in the cily.

'An excursion train ksporton Thnrsda thps thei meetii importance wishin )n evei ndance of Jood Tern Ibis ei'e Is to be Ira idlu The Ka'ta! markable week's Sa'tordjiy last of tw bushels of C( iaiigbton left York, Ualfcnd the anq Medical Association, of her ind tq which he ia Malhe MeSical Associat The EJstern Regimen DrJ? mpletejtbe lion. niaed as! soon aa all erfed inj. The Iltlist, Rocklan'd compjanies are ul! tbat remain 1 --f commun ished between the cent eir seven the lalti ver amenc the bil 1st raalnl; Lcgidla ropriatfo with th amenc agreed to Agrlcul uth, Sle. 81 years crelaryo Mission escapee Alai saod ie Assabe to be res alciqst hourlv i oliilo ol ter- md mail cormnuni justa and th'o one in Pq distancJG of sixty-three i Dnlon wi. hour.

A jspccial Satu ventionl T. iiscment ASLc shave. witbjih and sat i i a a slow notion during tbc ro, 1 vear Dey, towr tlUDt in. theliai oO.r. IOQF In dull.

OAIS lower-No'. 3, 75. i. BAHLET ai 76. i THE UE ICE WATEU.

says ie no nome doubt ing icejwater too freely ftrres'ta than there is rcfr gerator restlperspiration, ltd: ach Its gastric juice, and shoe) delicate organs tahh Ich itco'nlcs ia tact. An able writer, says habitual ice-water drinkers ain -that Ij very flabby abeut 1 stomach. They comp' lies heavily on that pa icnt. taste itbelr for rii ed. They cultivate aid digest! cxtbange latVlrink- dlgestibn wculd M.

ves from tbe ttom- pend's-kl flowjoi and wi akeas tht ch it con es incon- in' buma i diseajef are usulil- the -tegi in of uts aftei their it is be) seof stloiulantstto read ou and what tbc phpaiologst about it i how long n. If they! are iotelll ork aod be; has to say bageand other mei be proccs i of new 'bread, hot ea'kes ts an esc iginlng Uicee to have heir maladies. But Itbeyjce jir down all called whom a Ihe same, Jlnallj to take a fa lysteriona where, as 'far as is ic'wn, water Is not DEAL WITH IBOW1EE UERBII4 NO. 7 KENDTJ8KEAO BJ.OOI, 11; XOOK, YOU WISH TO -VEI BESl AND SAFEST I 'OB TK1 UfyiSTMENT or FD1ID8 xn SAVINGS THI iilOWBST PRICK dtf' -4-, Appropriate its aeuo or tpe vear: Qitaea Gate, Mori Set Bof BUM Bridge, SwlDjt, at Wi 9 Qmin. KlAnlp i ton't, 2 Smith Block.

and po atoes and Jeqts to through tlptt. Tb fried Id 'been lh iter lends i at ob callei in IJ Preble, of -ed States Distric jdtrx which the members K' alphabet of 1 everybody tcy ih the distrid The umbcrland and ihtj'cbni stetumci past tec asoeMai live tin Band. SERE: at Noro son GUI Band, tanjt JR. Rollins fcellcot i entirely been tl broughly i ofltte ut, elegant atw six! new stste is cotbni anded by Copt. tkfo und repntfeti railw tboro art bilu ly renovated, so ve commenced repaired aud it tni man ivement to ijry with steel which, i ow en route from each xiore ed, ai arrac (b Ac.

frond ocatli scrltxrs Music estel totvard subserip property renew ed the wlllln 93 on tho part a ettbe tbot bK rlbed yejiter- once mada to that building early dayl It remembered tbilt tbe coDslrao- flrtt a i i f( Chicago, good nineteen I' vision wag, wh( Sa'urday, placed stopper out, 1: down in a Lai i 3lius.Hoyer, tbe oborp, died near week at the trj He was the seco Ifl-st white id wiio lived to and six. ied thedelogatio id red. They we fa ADKJ A Dbejp Hall laet rds, accompaniei to the G. Rollins, M. nd tendered hln -and played' sev nvited them all ar efreshments.

rhe or RICHMOND. aondjwent down satisfactory. it is Understood ng Hill Station i SQEttS 'WILL Supei In cndent Tucker tral, I at instituted a ru whlcl 11 be appreciated When the train tbe bi ak iman. advances' ffllll soon be! In I it once i for i' I close on tho nil at tbel Arg ihionablfl flower K-- I tlr of tl last opera i good use, of Portland, 'Chjmes of sale 1 yester- thol Ma, attending the co Arey have contrai ondc und city editor in the city. (fhe ooplons ralog ut oull tho exenslve flre rajed on Hi county, cai ic up aod struck rat isurement and too her in tow and He d.

She carried waa loaded with dnce. At the pn ed ID by a coaste prejbably the since the cout pre ed, Ian Vcrj Ian ent form. and those most! number are to several orally ji the courts sit for (the Easter Weetecn Dislrictb. Ottha wbole num of civil cases up tbrrd have been 1 moie speciflc, thirty- drci the New Claric icr column. of PortUcd, I Templars of tlie order of Ibe wifl be run from everjiog to to atlcnd ing.

nembers of Flora! ars is dctired at eaclel closed a re 1 nth a product on ntynsnc tons, on il to the too. istcrday 'for Nei I meeting of th whiqb he Is a mem delegate frqm th iiENEiL. Last plcufjuit gather Gili lau Cram, mar -iago of his diiug itcr, Miss Nellie, Mr. pan. and H'flu otti held well Ang Sern lent qualities am Icllow witbull, it and happy full irried TSFIKLD ITEMS.

On Sunday II preached an ,1 V. M. the companic ation was al olllce i a rtland, Suod mean: loaned for ont live Portland nex over the Greenback Con or a return trip ut. lars. See adver wanted a quich a vial of ammonki his vest pockel ber'd chair.

The nsorial gentleman metnorial exert Post. Un ace the proceision rl'Jed, allei he alist church and 1 marc ute, where the follow lorder of exer- i was successfully carried o-rjt: 1 Band; Reading; of Scriptures and by Rev. A. Prince; vopal musicbyj quartette; calllhgof Hojl of Hou- Capt. A.

music by quar- addrcse, by RevL J. dirge 1 ieiion. excfrcises were well ar-i and well conducted. The address wa replete with patriotic thougjhl and re" about, three quaittera of an hour for very. The muiic, both (vocal and mental wasi pronounced good.

DE LTH OF A MAINE MAN. The Marys- villc, Times fays: Robert C. Pierce.a man about 23 jears of age, died al by 111 Dray. a or, tyte benc quire itsdc May .1 The deceai cily for some fou that time wai a dry goods me oldest Inhabitant Xorth Waldobo- of ninety-four id son of Conrad TSOO born In tbat the age of one cle'rb of Court, is prepar- pnovo of great the legal fraler- cal index giving bo went into of Maine under of 1867 and amc idments thereto. arkjdelegatioos to entiqn here to-dt Arrived on the Cityoi liichmo )rj'at about balf- o'clopk last nigh accompanied by nj a gunuer.

A neWas could be irabcred about received at the ion se jf tbe oration vening the JaW- by the Bangor ol AlljtP on Third a elccllonc Hr. served ex- 1 lar; ture, Pierc rnan sijtcr The im mpre the Pi Archil Mater steamer City Portland harbor a short trial I proved oriJttoi result) very ho 1 has 1 and 1 repainted ifrts put down added. She Dednison, whose in is second to nbne as a success- ourteous ateamb at DIOD. 1 i BRUKSWICK along its: entir lino is being to speak. Ballast leratlons, brjdges the intention of the track ai fast ills--fire miles of England, are to between Gibson i a few weeks.

IT. the ijaine on his by tbe traveling eaves tbe atitlon Iho centre of and distinctly name of station. name that act is also lassengers have bundant lime to For leaving the I rain when (hey ilr destination. mad Bus: 3F MUSIC. i yesterday tin Club, a An'entire 'can- mlltt'ee mong tbe he propose 1 Academy of erable opp the contemj md tBveral offere 1 to double their Ibe first on i lainstreet.

i -as retained 1 A Inter seems to there fall throng 1 BE id dollars was si day, i nd efforts will be at raise be Required amount, ma; I qomnjenced st an shoal tlono Debt arge mgtiie rammer of onr agor Academy i i if lace Is known by ptat- his lie sunpaf The est pie Tbe essay i Jesuit teresti consul lidt.el Ihe dicncc The The was manl- lated change of Bite, tbe be starting np decided un- oir citizens to of ild glTe and fall' lo a lielcl Gree'k, by 2r. by Professor Talcott. tory.ib church 7:30 I'll Seatelr obnrcl ehed. AFSIZED IS THl four or five tonis was capsized aod Liw CODIOJ iu scission laU week urned llnally Sillurday test term over li In tbi ever he in any dis was organized in i few casi we're argi from Somerset. argued lo writing R.

Goul uldj Theceren tbi 1 cd by Rev. S. bride and ngratulatlo ie presents iful and spc knoo higb esteem in by her many fri in the cil -On Monda.v cry ent to decorato soldiers. Tho iwport Band, fo I lp rtjrci have served Ich hasi been exttn- STOBM! Oil Friday a tremendous squall schopnir o( flay tons bjer. The Iris iarriea her In Owl'a crew of four men canned lobster and time a small scboon- ho bad i norning--th dletricl, an and Port the docket, abou disposcd'jof, or to ue bun oscdior, 01 out aod '-Kennebec Journal.

evenipg there! waa )g at tbd residence the occasion of tb o( the lirm of Dole ony wasjhapp'ily per L. B. afte groom received th. of tho entire com nurnerou ko in glowing term; which 'the brido ii nds.l MV. Gould ii as possessing many TC the new- beiiJg a'i thoroughly we inist'that a re is Our correspondent Rev; Miss Memorial fcernooo tcreatin on before Stephen Daria Foa'd.

A. roprintc aes wer: unt of not but a i tedltoM and inter: conducted he muddy ircli to the lelachmedt tho gra res of the in, led bv mod 01. U.niver- C. 'Insti- 16tbi at Western 1 as been a resident. of Mr.

street. i was tho rcsultiof buC i 10 Hon of Ilii durin His'd sickness from obscure brain trouble ac- corap cai let from youn' ill tn and fa Mr. niei oy typhoid- condi upon Mr. Dugall this mo iim we learn that Mr. IVrco was man of gooci morals, temperate at es and industrioui.

He was. well lo the customers ol gall's store as an accompUfhed in, a thorough gentleman and with whomjit a a pleasure lo h.ive 'di-alii er--tne caose of our jenios wlllltprlng' anew fi and deal! 6f winter, as oik conkrJrln to take the soon tol fide, so be It Ou Slves and: bur jteneration. to the our fallen comr 'orrens advanced frot I of mlccrs, and taking a bouq flowers, said: Ut of lilsi Inflnilte mercy the whose knofvKHge not even Wls to ground, has been from among us our coi ifadbs, maiolajB lh our hearts thiipure their memory due to such ism and heroic death, as tho. lymbol love and of the purity if out Jnutn- tins riioui ceremony, I Uepolsit Jwhite fldweijs upon these graves. 18C J' be example'Ol their actions tie diS Of I i i i nt.o^.-.n MEJSpRiAiTDAYl DecoraLg Graves of Heroes.

IHE MM LI HI BDK, BE A QTfiMaf Bit A flu JHHuB A 111 viMm niHli At Norombega Hall-Tfie OraliB ant) Roll (if Honor. The weather yesterday was rather unf4v- orablc for the observance of Memorial Day, as ihe rain which set in Sunday aaernoon, continued all the morning without intermission, falling in perfect a portion of Ihe Hne. This of pourse inlcrfeUd with the order of exercises somewhat, and prevented many Irom attending tlie services, but the, programme was carried put few changes. We give below a lull of in this city and vicinity, commencing with the exercises In North Brewer, Sunday: AT BREWER SUNDAY AND MONDAY I 1 ol The members of the'llrewer Memorial (he gr Association, commanded bv CBDI Tl lhc took tbo cars and i .1 ed'lo rho i otry. keep ot Sl Cl 8 A.

Mo Car etof infer, jpar- )(cascd Jo oaue le! of dut fjL tb as, to tie 16C1 be- intmuilly teach us tbat ncxl owe io tbc Giver of ever good prfect gift, unselfish patriotls aid I devotion to the country which and. protects us, are the highest lies and surest sign of that true no- M)icn raises men to be but little loW- isw, the anzcle. and binds upbn the So1 I mark of the hero. dora, Irom on high shine into ihe our rulers, and so direct all Station, i i Inf, died 'June I i Drew. r.

1st May an lrcw, i od0. MlstM, Inf. killed May Art, die I or wound! re IK ui, tti. an luvir that Ibe'voiee of the people mar as it honors the lowly the- country's defenders." I 'j'hfcPost was Iben divided in detach- nts aod decorited the graves ofrt KiqU 1365, Downs, visited tho cemetery at North Brewer. Sunday afternoon.

After decorating the of the honored dead, on account of ihc storm, they proceeded to the school and finished Ihe exercises, er which consisted of prajcr and fitting and 6t mprcfsive remarks by Rev. A. S. Town- lend, of Brewer, and singing by the Quar- on ctte, Mr. E.purrier, bass; Mr.

M. Maban, ne enor; Miss jNcllie Kcrr, soprano; Miss foi Annie Kerr.alto. The singing was pro- ho ed'to the city) AT NOROMBEGA HALL. Vccording to the change in the 01 Jrcises this year, Ihe o'raUon wi ista. at Norombega last'' oveninJ, i.

id of at tbc cemetary in the allcrnooln, heretofore. Tip's change is an excelhjnt and will probably be p'erma- TIy the future, as it Is much more com- Ne Wling or standing ont in tlia sun. The hall was somely dc'corat- ed and presented a (mojt attractufe ap- pearauce. Festoons oflevergreen were nounccd very line liy ull present. In tbe evening the Association, unde: command of the President, Col.

Hutchiogs, gleefully arranged on tbejfront of tl marched lo Congregational church, Idles, caught up on tbtj gas plTcre It. L. Howard, of this city, de- flags were crossed, while where I ivercd an able Memorial Sermon. waJIs above Ihe galleries we ine o'clock tire corps flags. Pictures WasbilgtJn ment from and I.meoin occupied prominent positions' At a few minutes before nine otclock "re morning, Joil Post Xo.

12, under command.of Major among the decorations, and on V. Z. Claston, Ilic Jameson Guards under we. omtuaud of Lieut. ColKna and tHe Jtangor era i the re placed the A Forbes, Mo Inf, lie.

UaT J9 Foster, unknown. Fowler, E. let Art, 1 dieoj June 'J. ltd, or Gcruert, nl A Uoodalc, Mc I May 10, 1-84. -IS.

U.ICili He 1 positions' two slacks of ball wns lit- Duffy, 10,1 ul Erncraofl. Iflt II jn UUinwry, A. Me A Farr.tam. K. 8lh Me UBC unknown.

killed Jury 30, died nT, died Dec 3, nf, died July A Ang no record ainoe incc ee Hall. 2nd, mo Hanson, Sd Me 1 nf. killed f. died May 10, s. Harrington, i), 30th i of disease.

A HatkuU, iBtll Art 1F65. Halton, 3181 Mc ID dilcaae. ligglut, I i died ee. A Hopkins, ls( II Art, i Horfon, in). lurley, 30ih, Me lof, un BI JackeoD, i tehcl Prleon, 1HC5.

a HJackaoo, Uth Mi war. Roewell Jfimce, i liangorcornet'Band--M. Andrews. Leadon d.Swne.- Aids, a. II llo.vncfl uod G.

W. aincoon Commanded by Litux. Cliarlc In Rebel died June 'J, April 13, 16T2, died emr died Sept 17 died Jul, died ID Jack 7tb Mc Inf. i i A i 11. a A.

nl by Mnjor W. 7.1 JQrewcri The proces; Memorial ion then einctery, passing unc rms reversed ie monumenll. Rev. C. A'.

Beckwith iJangor, Coramaoded He tet parched to the arch willi Ad 'Jfhc excncisca opened wi a dlrgr ijy the Nahd foDoivcd by eloquent prayflr by Suwrtl mi i i i j. i htcithcn A LelirblOD. l-i. 'H nfn. i which.

and formed around by Divine he graves of the leasing, aftei ouored dead lorial Associ irge while tl elng perforn oleiDDity to Hhe occasioo as it aiggetted he thought that even the hcaveoa Were eepiog in hdnor of tfce uotjle dead, who sr.crjticcd their liVfi that "the oion oiijthc be preserved. Tbe Koll ol were decorated by the Me- IM ition, the Band playing a aim impressive ceremony was ed. The fulling rain added envelope enc'osU 70.5 fouud lo the sealed and addres Pierce, Abbot pUce, no doubt, brother will uost(to Ihem) hea a cabinec plc- loth in ed to gr of Mr. Mr. 'Free- Maine, at mother, eive tj-day ono fathel wi-i'd across the continent.

Tl exercises of st Fn eld la Street bhurch, jind were I iQteref by the lurge audi live prayer by Re I8ic by the Centra 36idebt introduced Society the liamoiond card With great uce. 'After an Tapham church choir, William Elder aid as the first'speiker. Mr. Ar- gavc a graphic account olf Ancient iltsin as compared i with! Slodern, xnd the subject vcry'iilear to his au TAr. Hackett folio wed wlcb a- tbougbtfu oa Missionary En in all lands 'and py manner broug irpriae and its keeping ,10 followed Song," effir rjition Itaa for nowledge Ie "smar allow! intejre It, and the amount of inter peUvd ness" of the A perhaps that in itself, Mr.

sang' the ijhich was, an carn- ii opposed Ip 1 ihal-ac'teristic land deserve for the though lia listners to feel ration of Mr. Hane the dangers to bo ule, and-Was pcrba britlmot al 01lt naorjii ID itself. Owing olthejraprd de- omo parts were Io3 ir. Hawea mi on Ihb success of' islng- Impression lei ixerclses closed by Mr. Hayoes anl Mlba Cook.

veil Tbe'cli )ir was certainly sver voice tid the music thrc richjtr at. all-sbowec andlthi Society may well the sue of its COth anal xercises lor tbe of the as follows: TUESDAY. ilnationS'at (he cliap I. 9JU l. Junior Class In by Pjro esaor Talcott.

Junior Class In Mr. Denio. A.M. iSeniorClass essor Sewall. Janior Class In 2 M.

Senior Class Professor Paine. H. Annual Add less cat Society, at ckty T. J. by Rev.

J. T. Dur tk, I Eiailnallons at the el. Middle Class In i Itaiircl Iby eisor Paine i 10:31 A.

M. Middle Clai Pre 'etsor flamlhi. 1 Pli Dlnn and in a t. the wonder- ention of he att people, and ibject was less headed hy the to Birch IJill. orated by the The tcoobscot Mt lD then "Nearer Myj God to'DieeJ" 0h a' 8iHj'r 'v lB: Artt llcd JuBO le whicb the Roll of Honor was rei by 1 orRe Mel of, died amee MoDtgomery and, tbe responses unknown.

Serg't. Major Foster, a 3 follows: 11EALE POST 12, C. A. j-HOLL OK AND OFElCKBfl. a JarncBOD.

2d Me Inf. iiod i i i Hainlin, died ia New Orleai 'KnnielCbaphn, Aug, ISM. Ul( killed by. 1 Stephen I Carpenter, In RcKutnr he died. I William Pitcher, llh i Mc Inf.

kllle at tredencKslxurg. I i HJohn It, Me Inf, dloJ In iri, 186J. i rtScoltyylt linker, kille- at Morns Islanll, Sept, 1865, infaclio 1st nao C.i\, klj atltichpiond. Va. Marnon, H.

ICth Me Inf. ill. 2,1 Ale Inf. 1 6, MnriiD, II, 2J Inf. Michael Blcbart, D.

30Lh Mte i 1601. at home. Merriclc, 0, 4th Mo I ch'ec ofi uar. av, 1 A Miller, i i a Me Ji.l.died tec dieenscJ Andrew McFaWea, Me Ii 12, IfGjJof dmeane. by a Jara-el McUralb, a i Arl, Charlie Jet a formed marched gu 7 0 1 011 13111 Cautl Sndiur 1 1 ne was Ilicn ack lo I I 1I1I.L.

A iJi-lachnu' it irom Beal Post under imraand of C. V. C'roesmaii tni) t. John's Band also went iel Tlionopfon, Bih Me I billed inclicoler. Sept 19, IcUl, UiodlNov -26, IblW.

wi ry Wnt vt af Mtot .1 Waldo BWr Inr. died in tal, IV ilolllllgtOD, A 1MJI. IS i i Ii Allen. 2a dieil since Ibe Here the graves were dec- Ji Alde Mernf.Uica itoepEtai, comrades while the Band played fiu upprspriate selection. On theii return from th marched up i Wjl Il Kbci 1801.

a KUwai at 1 J.131C.1 of woun: in ItoepEtal, C. Mar 20, 1H15. I HcrtrieB. 81S ilellof, died ulncc A raising ID Uilhn, Mb lined Sept 30 ilicd ecctnttcrv Ihe detachment i front of the CJhildriu's liome, which ooplams SOILP soldicrs'lor- 8 ''f, phar.s, and a played st-lei'- lions Is the grqat "ralilicntion ofj Ihe little Honrno. 1th Mc Inf.

i.l I IIickiK-ll, Ht Vet Inf. Lil Jmirleg Durc-, Mais Inf, woutdcd IbH. of i i i a inmates. AIT HALL. ciniben When the mcjmbcrs of the I'osllrcturned lo Grand Arujy Hall they- found a Lt i decidedly comlortibie, as many of Ihem acre unprovided with ls rubber coals were tho-ougtily drenched.

II Ordway, 1st A ort Snmncr. H.2dllc Inf. I Bull Va. tt Urne, K. I Art, died Ii Inf, osgoad, 1st II Arl, -i Osbornc, nknow ttod lj Art, killed a Chftrlea 1'agc.

unknowD. i i II 1'uge, ytli Me In 1 lari, oruiecasc. Papf, Isl IT Art, died flip-c i a a 1'iulner, I'lirhburel, 1st II Vjl i a Fhllbrick, Jr.lj, 1st Jem llnnkwaler. llnl, killol Wav JC. n'.

Wu.liinnK.n. I) rj 1, altlm Wi.ilornces. D. Bst II -III Allen Mo Bat. died Isk of of duratc Pierce, Kle Inf.

UC I.l dibeii -e eonlmcted II Flowers, killed by a eliell ra ce Inf y21 ter Goodalel II. 4IL. Mk Inf, bil.ed.De. Ar i li.h BIUCC c'oao a Norna, 1, G.h i Ma A collation hadi been prepared for the Co- Ji i.Mtii MJlnf, killed hum as they not preient Knsign George It Bonaon. died of ye on account of the nun, the members ol J.

Dcane. A 2 I Me lof. the 1'obt took ihelr dinner at the llall. AKTLltKOON-j-ShRVlCtS AT MT. At one lime i was thought that it would be expedient to pojit the regular exercises at Bit.

Hope OQ account of the mereJ3' fend a ctatchment up to decorate the graves, but aftci some deliberation it was Dually dtci'ded lo carry out Ibe pro- 8, isti gramme as previously some changes. he ntteudnncejat the was not near large this year as J. DCH JbOI. Koieri CHrlwle, A. Me Inf.

i F.31et|Mo laT, Lillal in i June 17. ft 1. chnrlee tl. Cleaves. D.

1Uli Mo lof, lied '1 IHU, of wouoda I Mark T. Emeraoo, 1 (, 01 wounds. Cbarte? F. Hall, Li). 1601.

lemetej-y 1 last, the May people afraid that it was gCnnj; to rain in th? The line was on right retting qn Ibtato st'n-et, in the fol- order Bttrgojl Qrnet Bfind. MumlulJ A. B. iKadnlium. Aide, JJ E.

Small. UJ1'. S. A. Hnpworlli, M.

Fleictier, Jil ward Jordan, A. Utlie. i I 1 i Inf, died i Amo. Riclian William I- Mc Inf, dloj May Jiunea JtoblnBOn, Irlf.died 3, ofwouiida. Blchmoall, or 2.

i William H. Ilasey, cuuee unknown. Bciijrtinm JOOOH, F.GIH Mo Inf. Afldibon PercivaJ, i macuoj. I Sg -liirrea L.

Itowo. 3d June IH. 1SS4, a Ivus A Wau WOUDdS. 29,1 Jnmelaon Guards. B.

H. Beale Podl No. (j. A. It.

Rancor. Danil'lj Wentworlb, p'l 'l Ch Sci. 11- DVUIO IL. fhnl rt'bilo 1'osl Ni. in.

U. A. IL Keuduskeag. Tbe procession than moved ever the Tol- 19. li owing route: Up! Broadway toSooifrstt, 1 French, to State, to Kenduskeai; lo Union, lo Front street, where he cars for Mt.

Hope Cemetery were 'OUDdf. i 'lldeaec coil A Urov roes w. Uow Jllon. atlee II iTof ivouoda.l i ram cause I I i Djlsti upended upon that he com- A IS. I8U4, i i OHrp'l Uan After disembarking from the cars the odjuijso JllOA IS Olrp' line was into the cemcu upoi in belter igbot earnest work Iplej usar ised )ld istament, ew Testament i i imlletlci, istiment, Li I'M.

andnnnrJ xarcl es of Ibe duties, (nd met he whei Clasi, at the In moi street. patriot would lire to' meet him, 1 the au- wltb ifore! tbe mmoid street DJ, of History, marched a square Clrr) ueot, willch very Corji'i Ujlstil tersburgl el Fltzpatrlcv, al el Ilenoessey, I llJio ad', on. I I i Djlat Art, died lutttB. I lnmdsomcly trim ned with wreatlis and garlauds of flowers. The Baod then play- 16 4 wo etl a dirge, after wjhicb tbe moDumcnC was Nurpf.

iw'' decorated, new and very pretty feature, adopted frbm the Massa- corp'l A I A A i I I A cbuaetts ritual as follows: Mnjor ClajtJniadvaDoed from the cjutqj uj ii (be north Aroint, and taking a bduqact Bt Yotti from the reccpta aod) JnN dead, i repose. emory ol placed it upon a grave the honored and heroic Bios here find shelter and Icpoelt Ihese flowers. May the lesson of Writy which tber symbolize rest In our hearts and Incite In us Ihe emotions of patriotlsmv which they 'exemplified In life and in Col. CrossmaVadvanced fromj tbe centre of the east front, apd placed flowers upon a grave, and said: "In honor of dur comrades slain in freedom's battles, or dyinX from wounds re- Cttived in defenceof allyebold most dear, I place these flowers upon this grave. The green turf -aboie them will, fade! these beautiful flowers will wither and die, but tbe lesson will remain, andNour children and their children will be taught tbe duty of honoring those who died for their conn- try." I Col.

Farnbam advanced from tbk centre of tbe south froqt, and placing flowers upon grave, said: "Death comesl to us all; none cape bis relentless mandate. I The bight-, potentate and 1 tbe humblest toiler mast at last jutke their places In the, bosom of tbe earth, and it becomes us all to be ready for pe messenger whose summons we maw obey. Oai grates we seal memories we tl comrades, upon whose ter and whose as revive celebrate. died la tbe perfi irmanoe of the noblest duties, nd met pe destroyer where the folds of our starry banner, and laic A prisoner from IDK etrr.cci rcc William Alezi ISO), Pefersb Ebtn Andr ra, dleeaae Uobert 1. At tt 1 wjfliam Uart woQDde Wlkhtrn F.

Be ISM.IcauM unlui J8T3. of disc ase. Llewellyn IF. OT 1I.1MI. Jn Bay arren Boynti I mnrL.

Boy ler CaDuoD, lad Me Gi orge w. Cat! )e. B. a. cliedAivI i'lSffi.

irlckcirluii, i.Blbl at aaaforl, C. illlam A Cat. onndB. ward Cb i ibelaln ai, IHSI. froon ii bura.

iWHerci SnUley eeaftfi. Art. rest.fc, Uth Va-i I'BIVATBS. rowers. D.

let Arl, klay i CliarlCB rt PrCBCOlt, Clet lie lof, if yc low 5 J.i:n(6iQ i iiitby.B, Jiji He Inf. killci Mid i a IHb Mc Jnf 'lie of Michael i B. I Me Cav fti Spllli-bury Fnecin, 0. uaOVrly. llol Inf.

(H, nt Petersburg, V.i. i Harvey II 1st II Art, 20lh Me Inf. dlcil i i Kogers, U. 3JBt Inf, ki 1st Art, kilted 1SGJ. at in action Fredenc Rogers, (h Me ThomaB Eotc died June' 0, ThomaB Rote, let IT Art, died epi 7, i i Ttiomap Savage, 1st II Art, died, tjfl.

led of Scnbncr, IJ, itihj Me Iril Imall I 1, 0 O(rcil Jscrlbner, 0 io neliom Me ipt, i iJ: inc William A aiblcy.D, ITtb Me Ma? 11 a i I Art. diol! Mclof. died II Art, dlcdll lOlb Me In(, I Libby I'rl Me 1 nl, i 1st If Art. nod died i let Art, tiled. 3.

at of 18C1. ID actiooi i UuracaG Smill, Me lof.diei I of (hueaar. CburlcS Si. Umorc while i)a eemce 111 l(ei Llli. I i)a eervice 111 Itee BanJ i.

dtnitb, Nary, uoKDuwr Mlcbaet Sbaughnceay, I5lb me if, died Ocl arfPeDBacola, Fmrltla. Charli-a Sbpr-nger, itt Maoe El Art, died 2ih Mc Inf. Art. killed Art, 8Ut Me Inf. Art.

1st 'II Art, tb Inf. tiled No lib Me lof, III Art, died tb Me Inf, died Ju ima.ll, 9th Mc Inr. eicbat Got 30. I HI 1 JrL nnknovni, died DDKDOWD. 1 i

let 4rt, kOled Juo icr, A Arf, diJ Jltoni iX.fM.or (JCban ieflain, wound Djamin Cban ttf wounds. oqrd ltd. Anted pn Sprague, lione. l.anu'l'i rbomaB, 1, let Art, tal. Inf, died Ju i JET Art, Wounds.

crTibUecte, lal Arc, died of wounds. A red a'owtiEcnd, 1, 1665, of UellnT, id Tozier, 1st Mo Cavi died April II. laj, of Alarrelltii Wjallon.uDknownJ AlaltbeV Watere, lal II Art. LI! ed Jane 13 1801, at Fetcnburg- i Jonn 18C4. In HlcbarJ 11 I8C2, at Uall'D: 1111.

Va. Mejlr.f, kl Wcbeler, uakoowoL 3od Mo Inf, 861, at died 882, at b. 2nd fife luT, dl mworlh. 2nd Me idr, died Aoi aon'8 Landing, Va. ton, Ij2d Me Inl.

kill id, gun. jjr, lit Me Cat died tlnce Henry I Wh Cbaricajn ly 10,1864 or Lemuel IV ISil Franklti Pbiltier, 1WH. at roliurg. aWortrefik Mo I at Bsppa- died elnca cloee lied Feb. 1863, Palmer had bit badly iolared 'bv 'ruDDibg wilhahirrow.

forj a momeol--get Ai) remedy for a coajt-h. sam old fashioned Wiito A.NDCOVRIP man Thus epoko Ble wife to her huaband Ihe other ciay and if Jie knows if well off. be wm follow her advice.) ITS SICK KOLKSJCAN A MONJ i Wort 1 10 TM ciuc -ts Kldacji 0 i i 0 oT i dnc Package mak-s a i of mcjfcicewlucl, cSntaitts DOI 'i uor8 "S-prenarcd in pure water, bee Urge advertisement. SAVED A i Va's tt suflercr from Sick Headadie, anij Constipation, (for a IOBU- ii, ac irifld but foind notlnni a i i i relief i she ho People a he Tonic Bitters. Slie was restored to heilth by tbcir use.

I coqildcnt they her -DFA ud NoV 1SCJ, led Aug 30 28, 1SU1, 0 died Apri llcJ llayl) illod May llcil 51, cd a died IS, Art. died Oct ihc8 died May Seq AdvertiscmcMJ TM 2 7 'JJlic deleter ous e.lccts ol Uic of'to- aqco are much modified bv usirj; only the I'mi-i grudus. lhe brand of dig trs are old fashioned QatuJ-uiado and possess only th' 1 a aromnlic lluvor of pure IIuv rm kT.r lj2ti i JlKR A lady sai-i- 1 saw your udvordfement of ilio PCOLIC'S tavonte Tonic Birfnrs husband that I was goiiii; to try It icrrBjspen- s.a. He said it l.iS many otbprs bu-. I prfiuidod turn 13 get a boi tie.

for trial. Its was 1 tmlch Ilylhl th a hcl me 'so i-litisJasnnjr. My I husband "no'w cannot say enough in its bee tnent. may 27 Many i fjhj -icians are prescribing Ir. Benson's Celery ainl Cuamonille Pills.

These Tills art! i a scieu- t.lic of rjn emiLcut physician oi a) years sticceotiilji.racticc. In" U.c cure of sick lieailathi-, neuralgia, or the-V ly JC THE NEW SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY And People Abo it Its Great Success at all Points. It is a Boon to of Seden(ar) IlJblls And Oonstittitiions, And a Positive Cure tor Sick Headache, Nervous jllcadacho. Neuralgia, Nervousness, Paralysis, Sleeplessness, ajnU Imlig-estion. rcrcr.ol course, to UEV.lON'S CELFR1 I 1 A 1 HBLL-.

i i a i i ll.f\ i I I i tlic I rcu.incLC!.J.Ml lo uu.t i Lure a i a a diecapefc doullt--l perm Cl llvicllrC'l 04 i made avuiluble. i Ql the mOelennncuuand a piiymi liraorc, ninl I. reputation 13 ol i i i smli iri.i ol Ibe of In a in.mi.iucs I]. 1 Ever one IB now uikiiSc of Dr jW A -in-l i i ir CUM 'lied Apr Dec 1.1, 1-G2, line 27, We died since led July 21, ilicd 1, ItM, linci'i, Ib'Dl, killcil NOT own. 1864.

Sept s. 1S02, iorell im CrB II loll OnJ 6 I eli-. III II. llul. tioddce.

There Pi. Is ir ure hei.dal' eu Igia. i i 'CiHon, auu i case, mailer how ob.utuile it i be, i hi a or icldaeTK, or ni-iirulKia or Blcciilessucs. Ollice a pla, "Hoi-lob yucutB a nco, Iltti beor.lcreil i PARSONS, BANGS 117 4 119 Middle Slreel, General Agents. cTul; icu Jao 25, 14, ISC2, of r.k lied led July 1, July JJ.U6I 1 March 29; led Dec 10, kl id Juoi icd Oil 1, of le, QDkD xWo.

bkUer, 3MlMc tor. dicdlji I Art, hi 7lh ITc lof. Jiod leJ Ma; 19, men Jun Mar, I lot, mlslnL: in action uly Ma; 12, Iffil. I VTjer, 20th Mi Inf, at Qelrynborg. James Mat lie Art, died lor 27,1861 Fribon, vj 1 Iturliujl Young.

B. 4M 5Ie Inf, lwiiei tt lie jlnr. di id Deo Bcoiamm Patten and tpe benldlctlDD. 1SC3. of wiund Thlewiafo lowed another ejection by; the Band, ao( tbeo Rev.

Pr sbledeliv- ered a owerfuladdreeqwhl was listened to pkb marked utten'tion. full text see First quart sung a Memorial: composed by tfr. W. Closed TiioRt oil corh spondent wrltee: Fi rmera wjell og with spring workl Quite a large or tp'Of po- tatoee been pat i IpbtbeiW Cfiafl. Webb (led thedJsoweThursday, died Injthf aamo- rlth (be To Ib' ffon Probate the The imderXjgaed rcprcacnu sur.ili C.

comli, lito ofNbixmoDl ID an id I tlnxnT hrrliicUrocVo wit, nu.i.- a legal to i i i uon i.i Dixmont, ol jlhml in tvul i Lhofl Uckmn ng Hie I.cwio a i i I IliAt he bongta 01 C.irlHtn MorBB; llieucc OD (aatcholl'si K. i about to Jnnd owned by Sarafcju Wi i i i li.tuitJtJror'b a i t'4'iKo VV. J. B. 3.

Hue 100 rod-, ihci on J. 11 Gatlnoi 6 VV i ro.lw Lo Uic tou njj'1 i i i i on llic t-Jun lire r.J'lH llrbt, nntm-1 Uyiin.l--rncaomtc lo cell 40 a res i i ed, provided tlie aaid Lmti nu thould pay or her lieirs or adliiimalri.torri, bix nuLca 0 each, payable in I tlin-t, (lie and nx jcarH. aoit bearing i B.iid i i uDduilly, Uie Line- line fias ptTloroicd or is i jcriorni ihe conditions required by tbc of eiud conUn-i, wherefore Uio undereiga'ed i authorize ihecxecutor ot fiaul a deed or io carry laid ton Tact imo tbls 'lllh duy ot A i Kvo EilfcLINK HAMILTON faTATE OR A I PliXOUSCOT, 88. Court Proliaic, A i Tu "i Upon Lhciorcgolnr 1.1 .1 peiiUODpra public rotii to a persons cetcd byj causing a copy of Wic Petition and dor thereon to be Llircc tin ix'Bb.

i ly in The Bangor Weekly Courier 1 a ncwdp.ipci tn Bangor in 6ail County, the firot il ilcatioD toboihiriy a prior to the hearing, Ui.u Uiey may appear at a Court Probate for County, bo bclcl tit tbe ProUaio Office in said Baneer, on the lael Tuesday May next, at ion of llie clock uilho forenoon, and eriow cnuw, if ly they have, why me player of eaid peiiiionci-i loula not be 1 JOHN fe. GODFRET, Judge. F. EOBIHSON. Kcpiater.

true copy of tbc pctiuoaann order thereon ACICB: --JOHN V. ROBTNAON, RceiAter. i Htmte ot PEBOBSCOT ss. Court ofl Term, A. D.

ISfcO. A certain Instrument (injwhich Samuel mat', Albert T. B. Ames and Kbenczer Dale aro named Executors and TrobteeB), purportltg lo be Uio last wUJ and tCBtapcntof blieoczer Dale, bite Boston, in the County tU Suffolk, Stale of MJB- BacoueetCB, deceased, audj ot Uio pro bale liereot beealpreeenied to ihe Judjro of Probato of ur said Couoiy for the pojrpope ot being allowed, filed aod retorded in thft' Probate Court lor our t(d COQDtyy ORDERED, tbat public be girtn all ppraoofl interentcd. by causing a i order toibe pubUflhed ftiroe VocLa euccesfllvo the Bangor weekly Courier, a newBpuper pi ed in Bangor.

In aid county, Uic flroi pabln obejtblnydayafttleaBt ttcrjore tbo.tirae that ibep may'appear ac a Court of 'or to be helfl at the Probate ID aUdc Baojror, OD thelHrst Tuesday DCxVatten of tbe clock mjtbe foreoeon, caoae. If any tbay bare, the JOHN E. UODP JOHN PBWOBBCOT, SB. April by the Honorabl rrobatefor aaid GOUFRKY, Judge 01 obmrnisuoncrB to receive ofj the creditors of NTJ late ol Orono, estate has been enx givtf poblic notice Oruwof itheflild Judceof Pro. irom'and after the last Tuea- hart been allowed to said prove- their clalmj; and lo iboBcrrtce assigned, UB, at Baak.Iin Orouo, oo-iba third May, and feeood of September ooxu at 10 o'clock in orenoon of each of dfc ELVATON P.


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