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The Crowley Signal from Crowley, Louisiana • Page 7

Crowley, Louisiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TIIE OIOWLEY SIGNAL i Aliens In Ranks BLOOD-STAINED In i i "Oh, Boy, Let's All HUN SOLDIERS Profiteer Pleads nenry ravroi Adopt Children" GROUND SHOWS SAMMIES WIN ARE UNTRAINED Is Asphysiated of Draft Army Plot To Kill Their Officers Camp Lewis, Tacoma, Feb. Guilty, Imposes S1000 Fine on Self BAKER ASSERTS Washington, Feb. 23. Miss Jane With the American Armies in Greeorv. daughter of the attorney Washington, Feb.

23. Both the al- applied at the Food Admin- France, Feb. 23. A German airplane, 23. Four national army soldiers were and Germans now are "ready lor istration this week lor an av a i held in the guardhouse today awaiting ft Presidential warrant from Wash oattle" on the west front, Newton D.

I month job, giving as references Col- ternoon, new over in Am.u u-- I tr tt 4V. ttrtmv I homital. which had been bombed ington which will mean their intern Baker, secretary oi war, idhuuu onei x. i twice in the last few days. The today in hi weekly war review.

I general himself ment as enemy aliens who platted New Orleans, Feb. 22. Henry L. Favrotfi former state senator, prominent lawyer, father of the Coy Scout movement in Louisiana ani Spanish-American war veteran, was accidentally asphyxiated Thursday in the bathroom of hii residence, 17 richmond Place. Hii wife discovered the body at 7 a.

m. laying across the washstand, where his shaving utensils were spread out. A tube Boche aviator, however dropped no i i not only to shoot their officers the "The German, recenuy nave Me a perfanctory qQef. bombs. New Orleans, Feb.

22. The high cost cf living will fall heavily upon one of the largest wholesale food concerns in the city. It will pay out several thousand and count iticlf lucky at that, for it cams very ear losing license to do business during the war. The disaster was averted by the concern quickly pleading guilty, of drawn a number ox tne weawruu. employment clerk, Miss The Sammies believed today they imm the first-line trencnesi A.

first time they got into action ir Europe, ba also to all the American soldiers in their organiza Gregory said she had three depend had obtained at least partial revenge and are busily training them in mo ents. for the recent ambuscade of one of tion to the German army. bile warfare. advices received, "Three dependents?" gasped the their patrols, witn resuitani aeam oi The names of the men under ar to "According leading to a water heater had been five men. the German general staff hopes that cierk incredulously.

rest have been withheld by the judge disconnected and the room was full An American sentry sighted two by massing a large number of these of gas. Oh, yes," she replied, "Ive adopt Germans in the darkness of No Man's It is believed Mr. Favrot arose ed and am supporting three Belgian picked shock battalions, which have been intensely trained, it may de Land last night His challenge was answered by a shot. children." about an hour before his body was found and went to the bathroom to liver a crushing blow." Miss Gregory got the job. Rifle and machine gun fire began German Arm Untrained.

advecate pending advices from Washington. A general.ean-up of enemy alien at Camp Let is is in full swing officers said today. Thirty-four were discharged today and altogether about 200 men have been weeded out from the ranks of the Ninety-first Division. The internment or prosecution of those discharged today rests with to pour from the American trenches. shave and read his paper.

It fs thought that after turning on the However. Baker adds, a fCCT ATTt In response to a signal, the artillery fering to make refund, and to fine itself $1000, the money to be turned over to the Red Cross Society headquarters in this city. The office of John M. Parker, food administrator for Louisiana, recommended the acceptance of the offer, and the order inflicting the penalty came on Thursday from Washington. The violation was of the rale which prohibits more than normal profit on food commodities.

number of units "the bulk of the DlUUTOl I-- I laid down a barrage between the con- gas for the water heater that he accidentally kicked the connecting tube German forces now assembled tne palp1 Hprman natrol and its OF ALL.TIME IS west" are wholly untrained in the trenches. methods of western warfare EXPECTED SOON Furthermore, Baker says, the Ger- the federal civil authorities. Pfle Cured In 6 to 14 Days "rnlilM fulIV ItS 111 a LI uuiuiaiiu loose. He. was probably rendered unconscious without noticing that the gas was escaping.

Mr. Favrot was born in West Baton Rouge parish, July 21, 1864. At that time his father, Henry M. Favrot was serving as a captain in the army a -m nut nsit if FA TO m. lalla Sa aM-vA a aaiata Aff I tl" Fit II forces will be met with far more'dif With the British Armies in the Blind, Blecdiaf orProtradin Pile, to 6 to Hdiyt.

ficult tactical obstacles than any hith The Application wi ac uu mw Goosport Puts Ban attacking Field, Feb. 23. America, watch the erto encountered by an west front! FOR SALE army. On the Goat Family of the confederacy. His mother was Miss Celestine Dubroca.

was edu A break thru in Russia and Italy Civilization is on the threshold of 450 sacks "Early Prolif- wa. nossible. he added, "only after the most colossal combat of all time. cated in the primary schools of West the morale had been undermined. Uic muot vv-3 The German offensive is expected jc ggg ricC HaS a Small Baton Rouge and later was gradu Baker expressed a belief the Ger ated from the Arts and Science Col momentarily.

I tt Goosport, a suburb of Lake Charles wants the bans put on 5L, nd Mrs. William Goat. They are branded as a nuisance by the citizens of the mans "may find it expedient to ad nercentacre oi rea. tins lege of the State University at Bat His" TaKe Krx One Pain Pill. then ir ILasy.

witi, prv 1 of hunting Diooa vance on retrograd." on Rouge and from the law depart Germany has left; with every bolt 0ffer 0pen till IVlarCh 1, Turks Puth Forward. ment of Tulane University. ana nut oi iu -rtn C1 1 lf The retreat of Russian soldiers be- i il TWi a ha, resumed with every ounce of atrenMyiO 0Iliy. THCe OH.VIU I I 1 II nAl Dr. Miles' U.

S. IS PICKED the Ar- of every kind oenina per sack. menian centers south of the Black burg and Ludendorff may hurl all Anti-Pain Pills suburb in a petition to the council. Destruction of "war gardens" of the neighborhood is the chief complaint against the goat family. According to the following bill of complaint seeking the passage of a "goat law" Mr.

Billie and Mrs. Nannie Goat are responsible- for their own downfall: That they are one of the most AS LEADER IN into a finish fight. Sea. DAVID LOEWER Mowata, La. will help you.

as thy The Turks are occupying these For Hohenzollernism, thi3 may be WAR AFFAIRS have helped others. positions and Trebizond, "probably the critical houf Good for all kinds of paia. will fall into Tur'sh hands Hum To Tank. Used to relieve Neuralgia, Head destructive animals, the greatest nui Washington, Feb. 23.

America is Baker also told of American trench activities during the week. ache. Nervousness, Rheumatism The Germans will use tanks, like sance to control within the animal Sciatica, Kidney Pains, LumUg destined to take an ever-growing lead which already have been described in the British, for the first time. Locomotor Ataxia, Backacnt, line. It is almost impossible to fence ership in war affairs.

Some of these will De equipped PICKED UP Strmyd Into my pttur, 1-2 Stomachache, Carsickness, Irri news despatches. against them, as they go over or un This was the interpretation placed with mortars; others with machine der any fence, break and destroy and tability and for pain in any part of the body. 9 Mtks tiaek. tt dark bar guns. They will move almost four here today on the announcement of Lloyd George that the Versailles Su Km1 im.

tear Senate Passes 1 have uaed Dr. Mllea Xntl-Paln mr, do more damage than any other ani mal." miles an hour. pills when troubled with n-etfaene. oa right front lf, bttwn nori and joint, woifht about 1200 lb preme War Council plan had been ud find that one pill Infaiiiwr The enemy is counting largely on effects relief In a very hart tlm. Railroad Bill formulated mainly under the stimu i brand.

Uwntr can ur eas. it is noi nivci by provinc property and paying lus of a letter from America. ment will last long. I am considerably affected witn neuralgia In the bead at tlmna. and find the Anti-Pain PUle of much benefit.

The Dr. Miles' Remedies are beyond comparison and 1 recommend them to all my fr lends." Washington, Feb. 23. The admin charges. Th position of the United States RICE QUOTA, OF SOME MILLS The infantry will be driven for- ADAM M1LR3.

istration bill, providing for govern as a warenouse ana a uru, German fashion after a few hours wii the reservoir of meni control oi urau5 .6" GEORG TOUiATB. Ill Oakland St. 8an Antonio. Te. teen months after the war, includ- ward wit npr.c- IS INCREASED At all druaa1 25 ee 25c.

i reserve man power, give her a con-: stantly growing direction of the war. onr! onnrn. of intense sneumg. ATTENTION FARMERS See us for MILES MEDICAL Elkhart. In.

many suui i. All nieces of artillery, from mor- Fertilizer, Armours Brands for While the Versailles plan is for pnatmg a revoivms iu wa. tars to 42 centimeter guns, will corn and rice. We have it in stock A number of the smaller rice mills wttfimit smash against the British. have been unable to furnish their now.

Prices right. Farmers' Warehouse Co. passea uuay U1C probably will center in -on ami now awa ts action The attack prooaoiy wu unity of military action, the American stamp on affairs is likely to be more predominant in the future, especially after we have rlaced a large army in the field. a i via vf. i quota for the 1,000,000 pockets of rice which the government has pur thurs-sat i i tho Pnmbrai region, auno the House, where it is under de- the LamDrai rej, ized bbws are expected all along the chased and in order to make up this bate.

front. deficit the quota of some of tire larg 454. satimon Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grov e's. Thm nMifttamiiirrl Crove'e Tasteless Already President Wilson has as Way Will Bo Prepared. GERMANS CAPTURE HAPSAL 'er mills has been increased, among sumed diplomatic leadership.

His TOWERS FISH BRAND REEEX SLICKER Practical as a jfirf plow, and just ftfrtk as necessary. AL The Germans probably will play i Berlin, Feb. 231 -psal, in Esth- expression on war aims oi tnis coun chill Tonic is equally valuable as a their trench mortars on tne Daroeu i i At them being the Louisiana State Rice Milling company, which has been increased 50 per cent, making their to onia, ha? been captureu Dy xne uer- try have been closely followed and 1 t. ro pnt.mirlemeni3 ana mmi mans. ine insi.

i-amum General ionic Decanse contains mc well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Build np the Whole System. 60 cents. indorsed by practically all European leaders. nt thP service of port trencnes Make every Mtl tal allotment 150,000 pockets.

iJ Thpv will use their heavy guns the Germans, oerman navai vessels rainy day count. The Lake Charles Rice Milling company took as its allotment ij nn hattprv nositions. rear guari-s As one diplomat put it today, America has become the hub of the An4nvmrr I' oi-l ni.i Tnp I WM a i i. susnecteil concenirauun 000, or nearly one-fourth of the en forces. The Kussian navai vessels j-' I nanllff diplomatic universe and to her the MM Waterproofs tfc mrrrv of the Ger- and rear approacnes tire order.

Up to last night a tota fighting powers must look more and lUCi v. A heavy percentage of gas shells Absolute an Marked thus mans. The Russian navy is reported of 10O.8G4 pockets had been shipped more for guidance, as well as mate will be used everywhere. High ex wm from this mill and the whole al.ot as disorganized. FOUND laken up by ernara Col-ligan of Church Point, one dun mare about 10 ycir old, 13 hands high, indistinct brand on left hip.

Fiont feet shod. Owner may have same by proving property and paying costs. plosives will be used against works. ment will be filled within the re Then, in endless waves the Ger LABOR AGITATORS ARRESTED ouired time, according to J. Alton tin AJ TOUTS CO.

BOSTON Beaumont, Feb. 23. Five Foster, manager for the Lake Charles mans will be driven like cattle thru the holes they will hope to have torn. rial assistance. approved.

The treasurer then called for dues and fines. There being no further business the meeting adjourned to meet with Miss Gus Heffner on March 7th. men are under arrest here for al Rice Milling Company. Like sharpers doping out the a I. W.

W. activity in this work of race horses, German oin- l. 1 Vol im tt Pilf Washington, Feb. main iutj i i I ppr are telline their men the wim- Arthur by boat a week ago and workers are teaing delighted to add "WATERLOO BOY' camp at Chattanooga Park, is Camo For- iv I pet strnes OI tne lainunHj ilC Mrs. Z.

J. Francez and Mrs. Lee Sarver to its membership- LpmP. Nevertheless, the troops rct. in honor of Lieutenant Gener erai cgents swiiojieu uunn uuu trn.

fojid in are doubtful al Nathan B. Forre-t of the Con Hrooks served salad. fvJ Mu.t Do or Now federate army, in an order, issued to Amevcn: Impressions outlined in the Sw. homemade pickles, crackers and tea. Those present wi re Mesdames A.

F. by the War arjarr? day iro iiirnp out bv state A pt ana Tents made here by prisoners un- rf Turkev is Manuel Hcrr.a Jez an 1 Manuel L. Horn, Gus Heffner, J. T. Hinch-cliffe, H.

A. Parker, M. L. effpauir. W.

M. Hipp. Z. J. Frar.cez, W.

S. fiilo 1 Pan-German promises of peace has dea l. Turkey now pro Ilr.ncf. more widows than any other country the certainty of defeat as soon as America adds the full of ss herson, Sarver. W.

II. re. th wide wide world. ALLEN 3 TAKES JERICTiO R. F.

Smith, J. W. rontenoi. i mnat Ark its tOBTe, means uu) I nnim Feb! 23. The war uff ce Lawrence ar.

i Miss Ct Em! ry. die now. Mrs. Avlarr.s was a truest. The Germans undoubtedly will fight like timers.

Mrs. R. B. Faison of The whole future of the world r.nounces that General AHenby at the heid of troops has captured Jericho in Palestine, and wi.a his troops is forpin? northward. Asida its historcal importance, in with the British plan to free the Holy Land from the domination of the Turks, the capture of Jerichc probably will be decided.

The Brit was a of -Mr. ana mts. A. P. Holt yesterday.

Mrs. Faison left this morning for Rayne to visit ons and their allies know this. and will act accordingly. Th Gleaners Circle of the M. E.

Church, met Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of Mrs. G. B. Frook? on "rd Street. In spite of the inclemency of the weather the meeting was well attended.

After the circle waa called to order Mrs. W. H. Moore led in the devotional service. Since it was decided at the last meeting to answer roll call with bits of church news quite a few interesting items were civen in rervvnte.

ber sister, who is ill at the residence SIZES 1224 NOTED OIL MAN DEAD. Lima, Ohio, Feb. 23. Chauncey A REAL TRACTOR my att HOLLER BEARINGS GEAR IN DUST PROOF it of little importance. The ancient Jericho was west of the present town, which has about 300 inhabitants and of Mrs.

Chas. Holt Mrs, P. L. Lawrence and son, Percy Lee, also Miss Christine Clark left for New Orleans today for a short visit. F.

Lufkin, noted oil man, is dead here at the aire of 84. He was for years CASE RUN. IN OIL. ASK FOR DEMONSTRATIONS consiat merely of squalid hovels and a few shops. head of all the Standard Oil Com pany branches.

He has th distinc tion of discovering nd developing F. J. WEST, Agent twuTwr A 1 LA. In the absence of tit Secretary, Vn, B. F.

Lyon, Mrs. Brooks st- S. Mene, president cf the Menge Paap axd 2sachin Ccnapanj', of New Orleaxa, tu ia Crowley Mrs. W. Wall cf Baton Robxs is rnest hero of ber parents, Srr.

f. a BOX 7 tha Roumanian a fields. Paralysis JENNINGS. PMONI MI ed at secretary pro Urn, reading the the cause of daath. as Mrs.

J. 7. Wjb..

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