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The Crowley Signal from Crowley, Louisiana • Page 8

Crowley, Louisiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CROWLEY SIGNAL TO THE RED CROSS WORKERS THROUGHOUT PARISH hi'f the families. Twenty-five fami TRY SHEEP RAISING CM CUT-OVER LANDS nes with babies have ceased altc-gether to buy milk. i Philadelphia social welfare work- I rrs report that many of the poor2r AUSTRIAN WAR EDICT OF THE PBElEflTIS BLAGK BRUTE HAKES ATTACK ON F.1ISS VEBRE The inclemency of the weather has prevented the Campaign Committee for the Christmas Drive for members in the Ameriican Red Cross from visiting the different schools throughout the parish during the persent week and organizing the different communities as contemplated. therefore call upon the loyal and -patriotic Americans of these communities to organize at once and undertake the solicitation of $1.00, memberships for the year 1918. Every person, man, woman and child, white or colored, may become a member by paying $1.00.

Let us make this Christmas a "RED CROSS CHRISTMAS." The work of the Red Cross is purely humantarian. Your dollar may be the means of saving the life of one of our own boys, sicfc in camp or injured in battle. The School Teachers of each small community have been requested mo'hers have practically riven up buying Th: CVIiren's Dureau estimates i'hat every chiid under six should hv.c at least a pint and a half of daily, To meet the situation disclosed by these reports constant efforts will he made by the Children's Bureau experiments i n.ade with a small number en the cut-over and rnu- linds of the Cr-at Southern i-jitif Company of Bocraiusa, along the line of the New Orleans and Great Northern railroad, will be made to the National Wool Growers' Association at its annual meeting in Salt Lake City next month by the party of wool growers visiting this section. Thomas John R. Edge-hid, II.

Winder and Albert to induce families to buy the requir-1 Lcnisat With Citizens of At Lafayette and is Captured I to take charge of the organization, and we urge upon our good men and Country in United States. aid Kastisd Aw3y. amount of milk. Except in cases, of milk is really pro-' f-r the very it is be- th families can be cdueat- i tl.e recessity i 1 I'll S.iii'h, all large western sheep rais- were influenced to viit the i women to call upon them at once. Please dont wait for them to call upon you.

P. J. Chappuis, Chairman Christmas Campaign Committee for Membership. i Lo ii-iana and iiuiK ior ini-ir cnuaren. pine; I' at i a nri'cure even ME FHEE TO 11 lIBiLEil V.hch is lcntial for 1 iha ir jlms in the edu-: campaign undertaken a few ago by the New York ilk DDZZU PASSENGER T.IAIN SAFE AS ONE'S OWN HOME An analysis of the accident THREATENED BY OUTRAGED CITIZENS YOUNG WOMAN IS STA3EED UY BRUTE.

o.iimittee to teach mothers the mi-roitance of clean milk. Once con- I report of the Interstate Commerce WITH NO FEAR OF MOLESTATION UNLESS THEY VIOLATE THE LAW. xirced that baby's life might be the inai- inv uiuti x. vnc a unil liuilltr tile f.rirp r.f rbcan milk pven thp verv poorest insisted on buying grade A a Person can is on a ia.uu.iu nam eeriiiieu iniifc in ej'iic ui nic iinicas- ei cost. That milk will have to be sup-pl ed at public expense for families Some interesting observations and conclusions, baed upon the 1916 accident report are made public by Julius Kruttschen, chairman special committee on accident statistics.

who cannot afford to buy it while the present emergency lasts, is the conclusion of the Children's Bureau. SPEED UP YOUR NEEDLES; SOL-DIERS NEED WARM GARMENTS American Railway association. In 1916, 302 companies, operating 139,000 miles of railroad equal to the combined mileage of Germany, France, Austria, Hungary and Russia, transported 60 per cent of he country's entire passenger business and 67 per cent of its entire freight Washington, D. Dec. 11.

Few restrictions are placed upon the million or more Austrians in the United States as a result of the declaration war by America against the land of their birth or adoption. Pres-idert Wilson has issued his war proclamation against Austria-Hungary. President Wilson specified that unnaturalized Austro-IIungarians, unlike the Germans in this country, should be free to live nd travel anywhere, except that they may not enter or leave the United States without permission, and those suspected of enemy activity may be inspected of enemy activity may be interned. They need not register, are not barred from the 100-yard zones business without a single passenger Those who are pilly-wiggin along with their knitting, thinking most anytime will do; and "it isn't very cold yet;" and "after Christmas I'll try," may get a little incentive to speed up a little from the portion of a being killed in a train accident. The The Kcsf Snap in Jefferson Davis Parish 320 acres of virgin prairie land; in good neighborhood; I 1 -drained; nogasmounds; will make from 15 to 20 bags rice per acre.

This is the Granger tract, near E. L. Bolles. See or write me at once, I'm going to sell it. E.

S. HART, Agent ELTON, LA. Southern Pacific system of over 11, 000 miles, employing 80,000 men and carrying 45,000,000 passengers family letter reproduced below. The boys referred to are the writer's brothers. The camp is at Rockford, about piers, docks and warehouses and are not required to leave the District of Columbia.

President Wilson's motive in drawing distinctions between Germans and were deiibed Lafayette, Dec. 13. Whipped to a frenzy by comment upon the attempted criminal assault here upon Miss Azelie Vebre, a young white girl by a negro brute, Lafayette was threatened by a session of Judge Lynch yesterday afternoon. The whole community was aroused by the incident and when officers lodged in jail Clay Harrison a negro, whom they charged with the offense, for a time it appeared as if public resentment could not be held in restraint. Reports of intended violence became so acute that it was deemed wise to spirit the negro away.

He was taken to Ope-lousas where he was placed in jail for safe keeping. The attempt upon the young girl was made at the home of David Guirdy. Miss Vebre was surprised by the negro. Realizing her danger the young woman attempted to barricade herself in a room. The negro, with all the brute force at his command, forced the door.

It was then that the young girl made a desperate fight for herself. When the negro was frightened from the scene by the cries of Miss Vebre and assistance reached her she was found in a semi-unconscious state from exhaustion and therough handling of ruffercd numerous cuts and the negro bruts. Harrison rushed upon her with all of the bruie force be could command. The girl struggled to release herself then the negro stabbed her three times, on the neck, shoulder and arm. When bis victim sank to the floor of the hall, the negro made his and the conditins are much better and more protected than at the front in France.

It is also colder in France and they have the mud of the trenches to suffer as well as the temperature. The million garments already ship in 1916 conducted its operations without the loss of one passenger and but five employes in accidents to trains. Its striking contrast to this record are the fatalities and accidents to those who ignore Safety First principles as practiced by the roads. Forty-nine per cent or almost half of the total fatalities for the year 1916 were due to trespassing on trains or on tracks, a thing that is forbidden by law in Europe under ped will be worn out by the time those you are making now are finished and the home contingent need equipment to go with. Think it over.

"It is bitter told here, way below zero and has been since Saturday the 8th. It is anything but heavy penalties. One and seven-tenths of the total number of fatalities were due to negligence of passengers, and 21.4 comfortable. I went to Rockford Saturday but per cent to nelience of employes First, it was realized that tke sympathy of Hungarian. Rumanians, Poles, Serbians, Czechs, Slovacs and other immigrants generally is not with Austria-Hungary, and they hae not been guilty of the multiform campaign of violence practiced unc'fr the German war sy-teri.

Secondly, such a fi-operiion of laborers are Austrian uhjrcts that it was found ijnposbible to administer cgiinst them the riid regulations imposed on the Germans. The Department of even abandoned its femur plans to Austrians with Germans because of the immensity of the task and the administration's to minimize embarrassment to Austrians. As an indication of the President's in t'-wn und the boys came in. in falling from or getting on or otl It va- too cold to to earn p. Those trains and in on track; only y- art- ut frozen up.

They had per cent were due to collision-I i ge the guard every 20 min-' and derailments of trains. Finally t-ti and even at that some per cent of the fatalities occur- th-. ni had their noses and feet ri in at stations and You see it is much colder! were in no wise due to the opera-cut at camp than here. Their ition of trains. thermometer said 10 degrees below.) derailments caused 'Ordinarily they stay on guard 2 but 3.9 per cent of the total inju-.

hours. I was anxious sto see Tom, ries. Negligence of passengers and i i i i NTED as fie was oanged up a nuie in me i employes, trespassers ana oiners i wreck last week. He was in one caused 30.1 per cent, while 66 per of the cars that turned over and cent of the total was in no wise con-! his knee was wrenched and he was r.ected with the operation of trains, 4. 'bruised up, but not too much to keep but covered accidents, mostly trivial, of the dual monarchv, it was pointed- TT.

Copies or Crowley Weekly Signal of December 8th Will Pay Good Prices Apply Signal Office linn iiuin urif.u. 11J3 juu is auiuu-i itu ivv owno, w. out that nowhere in the procloma Mrs. Vebre and her daughter Azelie were stopping with Mrs. Guidry, daughter of Mrs.

Vebre and sister of the victim of the negro's brutality. Mrs. Guidry has the measles and her mother was with her. Miss Vebre was sleeping in an adjoining room. Mr.

Guirdy was in Breaux Bridge. The police believe Harrison knew the women folks werealone and for that reason he broke into the hall. tion did he use the phrase "alien enemies," as was done in previous proclamations referring to Germans. lance corps, so of course he was right on the job. "Seven cars turned completely over and no one killed; wasn't that a miracle? "Esther went in to see Ned yesterday, as he can't get in very often HIGH GQST OF- MILK run rz3f) C3fT rrsn THREATENS HATIS urn ililCft II r- rT7' rT i OCU UCJ JGJ UCJ UCJ Infant Fear ori I now.

Believe me the boys suffer I with the cold out there. Ned has 'all kinds of knittd things, so much that he gave Tom a full set. We could not get them knitted fast I am finishing my second pair of socks for Clarence and I i de a muffler ftr Tom. Josephine some one knit him socks. Now i WI has given him a sweater vest, i-' k-ts, helmet, socks and another ij rfi.r.

lie d-KS guard duty and e.eeds ail he can get. "The kniUed things have such THE BATTLE CRY OF FEED 'EM Yes, we'll rally round the farm, boys. We'll rally once again. Shouting the battle cry of Feed 'Em. We've got the ships and money And the best of fighting men, Shouti lg the battle cry of Feed 'Em.

Chorus. SPORTING NOTES. Harry Ah Chung, a Chinaman, and Gene Gianni, an Ital'an, put up a rattling six-round bout at a recent boxing show in Salem, Mass. Now that th football season is ended it must be about time to receive a big story about Washington selling Walter Johnson. Jess Willard is still waiting for the public to demand that he fight but the public doesn't seem to care a hang whether Jess ghts or not.

Instead of the customary two-bits the bleacherite will have to part with 30 cents to enjoy the heat at the New York Polo Grounds next season. The war tr.x is the answer. While the Red Sox hahve held the edge for enlistments, the White Sox led by Eddie Collins, have now started to line up in the big game for Uncle Sam. -The Milwauke- climate evidently agrees with Joe Eagan, the Doston Population Experts Widespread Illness As Result. cii The onion forever, the beans and FdDK ALU AT A BARGAIN The Silvernail Farm northwest of Trilby, 250 acres of choice farming lands, will be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION AT THE the corn, Down with the tater 'it's up the next morn While we rally round the plow, boys, -d v.

earing them every day thy wear out, so I guess it is i of keep on knitting. I had dun Clarence's sweater in half a dazen places yesterday. We talked it over and decided not And take the hoe again. Shouting the battle cry of Feed 'Em. PARCEL POST SALE.

h. The voung ladies' class of the r.J d. ge gifts this year scrapper. Joe uidn't cause much all giving to the various damage around the Hub. but the fs and getting up boxes for minute he landed Wisconsin he I started a clean-up.

Christian Bible School will have at Disastrous results of the sudden rise in the cost of milk, which is causing the to drop it from the diet of babie and young children, are reported by the experts the National Children's Bureau, who wides-preud sickness and a rapid in infant ty. unless miik i continued th i-ings. That the situation is rate i-fhown in the reports of v. ers during the past few we. In New York C.ty the Committee on Milk, reports th.t ti; total supply has been reduced per cent and that the consuirption of milk in certain j)arts of the city has been reduced by half.

In the analys is tf the milk consumed bv 2200 families it is shown that among them there were children under six years of ae, and 2534 from In Crowley, or. Parcel Post sale Saturday afternoon at o'clock at the Aerniia Res- tj taurant building, just across the LZ street from the post office. 25 -J cents per package. They will also pjj ei JAN. 5, 1918 v.

1. the po'r kid in Chi-1 There's a tip for Barney Dreyfuss for underwear and in the fine showing of the Pittsburgh tead of the customary toys football team. He should arrange letttr to Santa Claus it is to have the Pirates play their games to mt do all you can. Shoes 1 on Forbes field during the winter serve a iruit salad luncn ana tea.cj a CJJ high that thev can't buv months. for 13 cents.

Come, thurs-fri are them. According to the printed dope, it's first the National and then the American League that wants to cut Also SO acres of woodland. For full particulars see CROWLEY BANK AND TRUST or Smith Carmouche, 2TJ STENOGRAPHERS WANTED Tatti ng Levinsky and 11 have met several times and on 6 to 13 vear old. Th milt ti ATTORNEYS mated to f.w i cai occasion they have put up down tfie number of games next season. But no need to get excited.

It's the open season for the moguls to spread hot fat. The Georgia Tech football team has closed its third consecutive sea is the cry everywhere. Uncle Sam says he must have 10,000 once. Business houses every ms" 'p" 'PT "PJ1 r3 fpfl fpl T3 'P'l t3! gn rm rm rpn rm rsji 3 genuine tussle. Which is different from the game played by some of the boxers who stage frequent come- where are writing and phoning U3 for ofTce help.

on bouts among themselves ilies was 8194 quarts, whereas the amount actually purchased was quarts. Of 120 families who dropped milk 73 canned condensed milk, and 1213 of the families visited were substituting tea and coffee. Children under If you can serve your country in any other way, get ready to accept a position as Stenographer or Bookkeeper. Good salary at the son without defeat. Whether or not Pittsburgh is a better team is a problem left to the hot stove league to solve.

The Yellow Jackets have made a record to be proud of, and that's nuff. Start. School opens for the new Whenever You Need General Toole Take drove's. The Old Standard Grcve's Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUIMN and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and WantedClean Rags at Signal Office six years old were found in 2148 cases to be drinking tea and coffee.

For babies under one year old tne amount of milk purchased was less than that of last year in more than year, January 2. rite us at once for illustrated Catalogue. LAKE CHARLES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Lake Charles. La.

To Cure a Cold In One Day. Tske LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stop th Couch sod Hradacbe sod works o9 the Cold. Druggist refund mourr il it fails to cure. K.

W. GROVE signature oa each box. 3uc Builds cp the Whole System. 60 cents..

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