Star Tribune from Minneapolis, Minnesota • Page 67
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- Star Tribunei
- Location:
- Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Issue Date:
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- 67
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Wk ZZZZZ 'Family of Man' Show avaa Kuwn Harriet Pops Orchestra to Open Summer Season to Open at Art Institute All I I MUblL Cr A K.I Wayne Miller from a collec. i y. Oscar Dahle, will take part. An intermission ballet based on the life of Hiawatha will be presented-by Adair Dance Studio. Other Thursday soloists will be Eileen BelUno.
and Rosemary Becker, pianist. The regular Saturday and Sunday concerts will Include besides the "Hiawatha's Wedding and ballet, excerpts from and Romberg selections. A Friday night teen-talent program will feature Arnold Turchlck, pianist, and Sylvia Brown, soprano; Winnie Flerke, clarinetist; John Hardisty, flutist, and a drum duet by Sandra Lofgren and Arnold Coppe. Keller Gopher band 'will open its season 7:30 p.m. today at Loring park.
Tuesday evening at Lake Harriet the band will feature Pat Pangelo, 13. a 'trumpeter who will play "Carnival of Venice." Also performing with the band will be a trumpet trio of Mickey Hines, 13; Charles Dunham, 13, and Miss Pangelo. BOREDOM AND ARDOR are contrasted in this photograph in "The Family of Man" exhibition which will open to the public Wednesday in the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. There are more than 500 photographs in the show and this one is in a group of 33 titled by a quotation from Montaigne: "Every man beareth the stamp of the whole human SUNDAY TRIBUNE II LeSueur's Country Classes to Begin A totem pole Is the newest addition to the yard and garden of the Eden Prairie residence of Mac LeSueur. The setting also includes examples of classical and modern sculpture and a Japanese arbor.
LeSueur, widely known artist, will open art classes at his Eden Prairie home Monday. There will be outdoor sketching and studio classes every Monday morning and afternoon through August. There will be individual instruction and students may select any medium for their work. Arrangements may be completed hy telephoning WE st 8-5321. Short Speech Class Selma Lenhart Toy of the speech faculty of MacPhail School of Music will offer a short, six-lesson course In speaking improvement as a feature of the MacPhail summer session.
The class will commence Monday. Magnavox llq. Console Hi-Fi 149so ONLY A WEEK! Here's a Mafnavox console Hi-Fi offeretf at the price of many table models. This fin instrument brings true hi-fi aound reproduction within the reach of every mtute lover. It incorporates a 13" and a 5 apeaaer.
with sound dlftuser, slanted upward for best ear-level sound. The chassis produces 10 vatta of audio power. Complete treble, bass and compensated volume con trols. Three-speed automatic record chanter. Acoustically designed wood cabinet comple ments the instrument to produce rich ton and balanced response.
Handsomely finished in mar-proof NUgnatex. choice of finishej. Easy Credit Trm ot any Gabbvm iter: LOOP: 800 NIc. Fl. 2T0I June 19, 1953' MINNEAPOLIS ARTHUR POLtSOX Canadian violinist Vancouver Violinist in 'IT Concert VIOLINIST Arthur Poison, 20-year-old Canadian virtuoso, will be guest artist at the first concert of the University of Minnesota Summer Session orchestra at, 8 p.m.
Tuesday in Northrop auditorium. Conducting the program, which will be open to the public without charge, will be Robert Andersen, member of the Minneapolis Symphony orchestra who also conducted the Summer Session symphony twice last year Poison, a native of Vancouver, B. will be making his first appearance with an orchestra in the United States. He is, however, a soloist regularly as a member of the Vancouver Symphony and on the Canadian Broadcasting company stations. The Suite for Violin and Orchestra by Christian Sind- ing which Poison will play seldom is heard with orchestra in either the United States or in Norway.
The concert will be provided by the co operation of Local 73 of the American Federation of Musicians, through a grant from the music performance trust fund of the recording industry. The program: "Caliph of Baidad" Romance. Op. 60 Beethoven Soloist. Arthur Poison Symphony No.
41 in major (Jupiter) Mozart INTERMISSION Suite In A minor Soloist: Arthur Poison Polk Op. from -The Golden Aee" Shostakovich. The Dream of Olwen William Malaguena Oklahoma Rodger IIJIimilUMH IUMI Mill I MIMJIMMII MIH I IHIM II III 1 I I i I It "sax tet' I i jmmrmm mCZZZZZZZ, ii i.i- 1 MaiiMiMMfilOTii ijiiiuiiiiiiihujuiii.iiiij i "THE FAMILY OF an exhibition of creative photography dedicated to the dignity and oneness of mankind, conceived and directed by Edward Steichen, and bringing together 503 photographs from 68 countries, will open its first showing outside of New York at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts Wednesday. Steichen, director of the department of photography of the Museum of Modern Art, will speak on the history of the exhibition at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the institute's' auditorium at a member' pre "view, Introduced by a prolog by the poet Carl Sandburg and with running commentary based upon quotations from "world literature selected by Elizabeth Norman, the 500 pictures of "The Family of Man" were hand-picked during a period of two years by Steichen and his assistant Schiotz; Danish Tenor, to Teach at Macalester Aksel Schiotz, famous Dan- ish tenor, will teach voice at Macalester college during the next oiouriun.
vcai. riui. Donald N. Ferguson, head of the Macalester music depart-ment, announces that Schiotz will arrive in late September. His status as visiting professor will allow him ample freedom for recitals and concerts.
Schiotz will be able to take a number of mature students whom he also will teach at Macalester. Mrs. Eugenie Anderson of Red Wing, for-mer United States ambassador to Copenhagen, is a friend of Schiotz and already has expressed interest in obtaining appearances by him at Carle-ton college and for other college groups. A graduate of the University of Copenhagen, Schiotz gave his first recital in 1936 and made his Copenhagen Royal Opera debut in 1939. He has sung at the Glynde-bourne and Edinburgh festivals and at the Perpignan Bach festival for Casals.
Schiotz made a brief New York city appearance in 1948 but his forthcoming St. Paul stay will constitute his major introduction to this countrv Music Teacher of State Will Convene Today Members of the Minnesota Music Teachers association will open their annual two-day convention with registration at 2:30 p.m. today in Scott hajl on the University of Minnesota campus. Mrs. Dora Gosso, St.
Paul," president, greet the members at 3:15 p.m., and at 3:30 p.m. pianist Thaddeus Kozuch of de Paul university music fac-, ulty will give a recital. Dinner for the delegates at 5:30 p.m. in Wesley Foundation will be followed by a student recital and lecture by Johannes Riedel of the university. One of the Monday events will be a panel on certification of Minnesota music teachers at which Dr.
Paul Oberg, chairman of the university music department, will preside at 11:15 a.m. A 10-piano ensemble concert will be conducted by Earl George at 8 p.rh. Monday in Northrop auditorium and winners of student contests will take part in the concert. Pointers lor Singers "and Accompanists A special two-day class for singers and their accompanists will be given by James Allen at MacPhail School of Music June 27-28. A class in the Bach inventions will be offered on the same days.
ST. JOHN'S ABBEY church, a photograph of the interior of the large scale model of the monastic church designed by Marcel Breuer for the Benedictine college at Collegeville, Minn. As shown here, the altar will stand in the open between the benches for the members of the order, shown in the background, and the lay congregation. The model is included in a Walker Art center exhibition of Breuer's 100-year 19-building project for St. John's at Collegeville.
John's Abbey 700-Year Building Pro'ecf Exhibited tion of more than 2.000,000. Describing exhibition, Steichen has called it "a mirror of the essential oneness of mankind throughout the world Photographers all over the world have photographed the everyday story of man wherever he happens to live, whatever language he happens to speak, whatever clothes he happens to wear." The exhibit Is organized according to the great cycle of life from its beginnings through childhood, maturity, old age and death. Upon this framework is documented in photographs of uncompromising candor and impact the emotions, ideals, tensions, aspirations, struggles and beauty of human life in terms that summon the ot server from his sense of personal humanness to consciousness of his identity with universal humanity. The exhibition was seen by over 273,000 people in its inaugural showing at the Museum of Modern Art last January through March. The exhibition will be circulated to European and perhaps Asian audiences in special editions ordered by the department of state, and three versions to be prepared by the Museum of Modern Art for circulation in the United States will be seen by an estimated 2,000 communities in this country.
The Minneapolis exhibition is the original exhibition which was shown at the Museum of Modern Art. It was transported in its entirety by overland van, arriving in Minneapolis May 23. In the four intervening weeks it has been in the process of installation in 10 galleries of the institute's second floor south wing, main stairway and north wing corridor according to plans developed by Robert Bliss, Minneapolis architect, to preserve as- fully as possible the character and form of the original Max Rudolph installation at the Modern Museum in New York. The exhibition will be open through July 31. Due to the cost of its organization and installation, there will be a 25-cent admission charge.
Children under 12 will be charged 10 cents. Institute members, their families and one guest will be admitted free upon presentation of their membership card. I 001100 QinCieF Of 'U' Thursday Earle Spicer, New York baritone whose ballad singing hobby turned into a full-time vocation, will make a return appearance at the University of Minnesota when he sings in the Museum of Natural History auditorium at 8 p.m. Thursday. The concert, sponsored by the university summer session entertainment program under the direction of the department of concerts and lectures, will be open free to the public.
Spicer's musical interests are broad. In college he studied voice, piano and organ, sang in the glee club and college quartet and played bass viol in the orchestra. A magnetic personality and sense of humor make his communication with his audiences easy and informal. Thursday night he will sing Shakespearean and Gilbert and Sullivan songs as well as English and American ballads. piano the music about which she speaks.
She will discuss the pre-classic period of baroque and Renaissance music illustrated with works of Rameau, Couperin and Scarlatti; the classic with Bach, Mozart and Handel; the romantic with Brahms, Beethoven, Chopin and Schumann; the impressionists with Ravel and Debussy, and the contemporaries including Bartok and Schoenberg. For each session Mrs. Pray will arrange an exhibit of fae similes of scores for the group to view. Registration for the course may be made bv telephoning GEneva 0301 or calling at the Walker Art Center book cor ner. The fee for members for the six sessions is $8, for non-members $10.
Shop 9 to 9 Monday SOUTH: 3035 Nfc Gl. 2531 NORTH: 1108 W. Bdwy. JU. 2757 Shop 9 to 9 Monday, Thursday, Friday THE MINNEAPOLIS Police hand, under the direction of Emil Pospiehel, will open the 1953 summer music schedule for the park board at 3 p.m.
today at Minnehaha park. The hand will then move to Lake Harriet for a concert at 8 p.m. today. i ne summer schedule at Lake Harriet band stand In. cludea 32 concerts by the Minneapolis Pops orchestra, seven performances by the Keller-Gopher band and seven Cutting: Monday night children's shows.
The weekly program at lake Harriet, which will continue every evening until Aug. 13, will be children's shows Mondays, Keller-Gopher band concerts Tuesdays and orchestra concerts Wed-n a through Sundays. All concerts will be at 8 p.m. An expanded program of orchestral music will present two additional conductors to Lake Harriet audiences. Raymond Cutting, who this past season became conductor of the St.
Paul Civic orchestra, will conduct the first and third weeks of the Lake Harriet series. Hermann Herz, conductor of the Duluth Symphony orchestra, will conduct two weeks of later concerts. Robert Andersen, Mischa Bregman and Albert Leroy Swanson will be the other conductors. Cutting is a native of St. Paul and made his start in professional music as an accompanist for the St.
Paul Civic Opera in 1939. He re-reived his musical education at Macalester college and the University of Minnesota. He was assistant conductor of Chicago's North Shore Music theater, the Kansas City Philharmonic orchestra and the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera association. In 1953 he was musical director of the University of Kansas opera workshop. Programs at Lake Harriet this week following today's opening concert will be the Childrens theater in a Hans Christian Andersen story Monday.
The Keller-Gopher band will play Tuesday. The Thursday night concert the Pops orchestra will include a dress rehearsal, open to the public, of "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," which will be formally presented at Lake Harriet at the Saturday and Sunday night concerts. Kay Lafans, soprano, and Carl Fox, tenor, will be soloists, and the Twin Cities Symphonic chorus, directed by RECORDED MUSIC THERE certainly will be an end to new Toscanini recordings but thus far they continue to be doled out ju- diciously by RCA-Victor. I Now we have the Toscanini recording of Schubert's SYMPHONY NO. 5 IN FLAT with the NBC Symphony or- a RCA-Victor LM-1869).
On the reverse is Mendelssohn's OCTET FOR STRINGS IN FLAT, Opus 20, orchestration of a cham- ber work which is sufficiently orchestral in original con- i cept to justify the inflation. The Mendelssohn, which has a polished sophistication as part of its beauty, lends itself more fully to the Toscanini manner than does the Schubert. The lighter passages of the Schubert Symphony No. 5 go with a crisp, delicate touch but there is too much nerve and muscle In the forte and fortissimo. Beautiful, all right, but not Viennese.
The Octet is taken from a 1947 broadcast but the quality is more than passable. Arthur Grumiaux, French violinist who has appeared with the Minneapolis Symphony, plavs Lalo's SYM-PHONIE ESPAGNOLE with the Orchestra des Concerts Lamoureux conducted by Jean Fournet (Epic LC-3082. There is considerable luxuriating in tone color and lus-ciousness of expression here and the tempo is more deliberate than most American conductors and soloists would choose. The same Is true of the Chausson POEME, though less so of the Ravel TZIGANE, on the reverse side. It all depends on how you want your music served and you may like it this way.
BEST SELLING RECORDS CLASSICAL Mr. Strauss Goes to Boston, Boston Pops. Fiedler; Tschai-kowsky's Pathetique' Symphony, Pittsburgh Symphony, Steinberg; Offenbach's Gaite Parisienne, Boston Pops, Fiedler. POPULAR Roik Around the Clock, Kill Haley: Honey Babe, Art Mooney; Man In Rain-. coat, Priscflla Wright.
Toscanini Rides Different interpretations always have an interest in their sheer difference and frequently have defensible merit Geza Anda, pianist due to be heard here in the forthcoming Minneapolis Symphony season, plays LISZT (Angel 35127). The selections are the Sonata in Minor, "Mephisto" Waltz, Concert Etude No. 3 in D-flat, and "La Campanella." Anda, with a fantastically fleet and accurate technique, presents some good arguments for the return to, current esteem of those musical Values in Liszt once obscured by the sheer flights of pian-ism that go with those values. Liszt's musical truths are often blurred by virtuosi who are not fully aware of them, but in this Anda is a saint and not a sinner. Here's playing that Is.
amazing but at the same time clean and A i t- w' si Emilie Pray to Give Informal Art Center Lecture Recitals the American continent, were shown in New York, Boston and Denver the past year. The exhibit was Installed especiaHy for the American Institute of Architects currently meeting in Minneapolis for their annual convention. The show will be open to the public today in the Gilbert and Susan Walker gallery on the main floor. Breuer's long-range plan for St. John's founded in 1857 and Minnesota's oldest Catholic institution of higher learning includes 19 new buildings with the monastic wing already under construction.
In the exhibit is a large-scale model of the abbey church, one of the most impressive units in the design. The unusual plan developed Irom the unique requirements of St. John's community primarily a monastic church but designed to accommodate also a lay congregation. The Benedictines at St. John's, famous as liturgical authorities, were confident enough to disregard some current church-planning practices and return to "the originally correct' church-planning practices.
Entry is through the baptistry, as a person enters the Catholic church itself through baptism. Once inside, the whole focus of the building is on the altar. Thus Breuer has translated the functionalist esthetic of the Bauhaus into the architectural language of the church. The exhibit will remain on view through July 17. STUDENT RECITALS In Sfhmitt Music rWr Militarism: m.
Tuesday, piuio puptU of Esther Peterson. At 7:30 m. Wednesday piano pupiia Mi, ft, Schnem At 8 pm. Thursday, piano pupila e-t Ijoulie At 7:4. pm.
JYiday, piano pupr.t tt Reuben Johnson. At :30 pm. Saturday, piano of Mn. Suzanne caiflli and Mra. Marten Tabuteau.
In Srittt kali aaditnriam, 1'ntTer-tty at Minnesota: A( 8:31) pm. Monday. roorjer. pianiat. in graduation rerttal.
open fret to public. In Neman kail atiilriwiK, Vnl. Tersite avenue At 7 30 pm. tnday piano pupiis of Mom. A.iiated try Pamela aoprano.
aeronioanled be Marian Peters. Refreshments after proaram. IVmation to ftrholarship fund adu.ta. $1. children, SO centa.
In MarPhall nehnnl af Mie aaditorlam: At 4.3 today. Dick Tychsen revua At is today. Syiva and James Manley preaent vrn minii. At em Tuesday, mnoerto and ana with orchestral accomnammew. Arl-lat pupiis of neo Hiner.
Adylme Johnson. Woif Vera Narregang ai.d J. Pudolnh Petersen At 7 4f Wednesday. Mra. Jama A Riias presents junior and senior piano purvta At m.
Thursday. Kolsnd JuHm presents At 7 15 m. Friday. re Kullbe-f presents beitinninf. Intermediate and advanced piano pupiis.
At 8 ra. Saturday. LoU Zlefler present piano pupiis. Aasiated by James ark and Reidua Hartmark, pupils of Karl Andrlst. At Sunday.
Jun Clew Hiner present Jerry TrenhoUn. pianist in Bach to Gershwin recital. Assisted by Marian Roai. vnim p-jfni nf Kan Andriat, accompanied by Lois ZieeW. EtoiCTir.
annum mm MARCEL BREUER'S design for St. John's abbey, a comprehensive 100-year building project for the Benedictine college at Collegeville, by the world-famous Bauhaus architect-designer, will on display at Walker Art center for the first time as a museum exhibition. Portions of the design, considered one of the most significant works of religious architecture on Again wholly musicianly. The orchestral excerpts from Berlioz THE DAMNATION OF FAUST are familiar and fragmentary but the London Symphony orchestra, conducted by Anatole Fistoulari (London LL-1154) offers a selection of vocal excerpts that give a more comprehensive view of this not-quite-opera but e-thing more than a cantata. The soloists are Raoul Jobin, tenor, 'and Irma Kolassi, mezzo-soprano.
The story of Berlioz' adaptation of the Goethe story differs considerably from the Gounod version, and certainly neither has any musical echoes of the other. The record couples with the Berlioz excerpts from Massenet's WERTHER, by the same group of artists. This disk should interest the shoppers for something different, and the performances should satisfy. N.C.H. Times." That is a slight misnomer in the case of this album.
"Hot Songs" is not a sound of our times, it is a very strong echo of the past. But good, but good. TWIN CITIES record store employes are getting accustomed to having members of the young set bounce in and ask: "Is Honey -Babe in yet?" The "Honey Babe" in demand is a recorded version of a swinging marching song used in a recent movie about the marines, called "Battle Cry." Dealers have a hard time keeping it in stock. Art Mooney (MGM records) has the most popular version of the song, which a lot of the young buyers may not realize is just an old tune called "Crawdad Hole" all done up in drass blues. IT WAS INEVITABLE: Guy Mitchell has a Columbia record called "Otto Drives Me Crazy." DIAMOND NEEDLE SALE! Pnitnts rectrt liti nil.r rYittc jrwet AVr if Eliminates littortlot OfllL 3 CAMPUS RECORD SHOP 1327 U.
4ek S. (hi DMiyTtara) SL T7TT Loud Sounds From Past of Blues Newest RCA Victor Red Seal releases by mail or phone! "50 Years of Great Operatic Singing," five glorious decades of opera by fifty-eight famous artists. Just released! Limited deluxe album, rich rose eilk moire cover. 5 records. Phone MAin 6123 or mail the coupon.
33V. rpm only 29-95 DAYTON RECORDS 7TH FLOOR ROCHESTER TH FLOOR Easy to order by mail Irom Dayton's Dayton's, Minneapolis 2, Minn. I would like to open a Dayton charge account. Please send me RCA Victir' "50 Years of Great Operatic Singing Name Address City Check Chaitre DBA 3-Py Charge C.O.D. No shipping charge en this itom A NEW summer course to further the enjoyment and understanding of music will take place beside the schedule of painting classes for adults, leen-agers and children in Walker Art center.
The course will consist of a series of six recital-discussions by pianist Emilie Pray at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays and Wednesdays, beginning June 28 and continuing until July 13. The formalities of con-cerl going will be dispensed with, and those taking part in the course are expected to gather in informal, comfortable summer attire in the Art center's air-conditioned Members' room for coffee and cokes at the starting hour. The sessions will continue until noon. Under the title "From Scarlatti to Schoenberg on a Pianoforte," Mis.
Pray has devised a course to appeal both to adults and students and she will illustrate on the The Univtrtity of Minnesota in cooperation with the Minneapolit Musicians Association preientt "SUMMER SESSION SYMPHONY" Robert Andersen, Conductor Arthur Poison, Violinist fertile insj Siee)in'i to A Miner" June 21, at 8 P.M. FREE Admission FREE Northrop Memorial Auditorium University Minnosotaj By ED GOOD PASTER The power and feeling of Lizzie Miles' voice began shaking New Orleans some 50 years ago. Since then it has caused a hefty tumult in jazz circles from Chicago to Paris. Lizzie is in her 60s now and a lot of the power has faded. But the feeling still is there.
Much of it is captured in a Cook record 12-inch LP album titled "Hot Songs My Mother Taught Me." which has 14 of the songs Lizzie has been singing all these years. By present-day standards of tone and phrasing, so often wrongly applied to any sinfer, Lizzie cannot sing a lick. But there is more communion with the bleak side of life in tunes like "Dyin' Rag" and with the happy side on such as "Mama Don' Allow If than you find in all but a very, very few singers these days. There is some fine musical backing on this record from Red Camp's piano and Tony Almerioo's Parisian room band. To top it off, the job of recording is the best ever heard on my phonograph.
The signature of Cook records, who have done some interesting experiments in sound, is "Sounds of our BUYING A PIANO? Ton can obtain deal your favor from Murotiy Music in St. ClooOl America's lest Irands Pianos u4 Organs Uwtst Frieas Cash tr law, lanf Tttmt Delivery nywhrt MIIUMIY MUSIC CO. ST. LOID, MI.V. CALL OX WRITE 9 i.
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